October 2001 Archive

New Power of the Jedi Wave Confirmation?
October 30, 2001 | 7:09 PM EST | Adam

UK News Site The Private Universe reports that Previews UK is soliciting for a new wave of Power of the Jedi wave including BoShek, Teebo, and a surprise: R4-M9. Previous rumors said we would be getting a new R5-D4 in one of the final batches of Power of the Jedi, so who knows what happens with that one?

Thanks to TPU for letting us know about that one!



Wal-Mart.com Pulls Exclusive?
October 30, 2001 | 7:06 PM EST | Adam

Reader Ron Cole wrote in to point out that Wal-Mart.com has pulled the 12″ Dagobah Luke with Yoda set from its online store. Why this is, we can only speculate, but you can be sure it has something to do with Daylight Savings Time. Unless, of course, it’s something else.

UPDATE: It would seem that it’s still there at this link, but the item doesn’t come up on a product search or in their product listings under “Star Wars.” So anyway, there’s the story as we see it.

CORRECTION TO UPDATE: …and now that link is dead. So he’s gone from the site now.



D&S Newsfeed
October 30, 2001 | 6:31 PM EST | Adam

“We have the new 12” Luke Endor on Speeder Bike in stock as well as all the new waves of Shmi and Vader Emperor’s Wrath. Come check us out atwww.dnstoys.com.”



E2 Trailer with Monsters Inc.? Yup.
October 30, 2001 | 6:29 PM EST | Adam

Several reports have come in describing the all-too-brief teaser which is apparently going to show with Monsters Inc., at theaters near you this Friday. Since all things Pixar are good, clear your calendars for this one folks.



12″ Luke Bike Rollout Continues, B-Wings
October 29, 2001 | 7:30 PM EST | Adam

We’ve been getting several reports of the 12″ Speederbike Luke showing up at Targets nationwide, and for that, we thank you. It would appear that the item is rolling out and fans aren’t taking to it like they did the first one– many stores just seem stuck with them. The price is $49.99, check your local stores for availability, or wait for clearance and be an irresponsible collector.

Also, some readers have chimed in that their Targets aren’t clearing out the B-Wings. Target clearances usually happen at the whim of the stores, not all stores in a city will have the same clearance prices or at the same times, so keep checking back for the latest and lowest prices if you’re feeling up to the risk. It’s still available online at full price, right here.



LEGO 2002 Images Online!
October 29, 2001 | 7:13 PM EST | Adam

Tim from From Bricks To Bothans has posted several images from the 2002 catalog, including the new techic Darth Vader, the Ewoks, and many more. Even the new 2002 Harry Potter stuff and new Bionicle goodies. This is gold, folks, so be sure to see the latest images at FBTB!



Q&A Update?!?
October 29, 2001 | 4:42 AM EST | Adam

It’s astounding! With Every Question For Justice has been updated! Can you survive the dangers of 10 new questions and answers? Will you survive the bombardment of excessive punctuation?!? Read! on! dear! reader!



More from McQuarrie coming to e-Bay
October 29, 2001 | 2:32 AM EST | John

This information comes directly from John Scoleri at RalphMcquarrie.com

“Based on the successful results of our first auction, we’re pleased to announce that on November 1st, RalphMcquarrie.com will be auctioning off several additional pieces of Ralph McQuarrie production artwork from theStar Wars trilogy on e-Bay. You can preview the pieces that will be available in the November auction here.
This time out, in addition to two pieces from each of the three films, we’ve got two extremely rare pieces featuring unused designs for Lucasfilm cast & crew material as well as three concepts (including one unused and never before seen!) from The Illustrated Star Wars Universe book.”

Hop on over and check these images out. Incredible stuff, Ralph! Thank you goes to Mr. Scoleri for informing us as well.



POTJ 2nd Bracket going on over at Hasbro.com
October 29, 2001 | 2:25 AM EST | John

That’s right, folks! If you haven’t been there to vote, head on over and do it. It seems like things are starting to filter out again, and the competition is starting to stiffen a little. I won’t ruin the small bit of anticipation as to whom is advancing, so if you’re interested, head over to the page and vote, vote, vote!



Excellent E1 DVD Easter Egg Page
October 29, 2001 | 2:20 AM EST | John

Eric from JediParadise.com has assembled a super Episode I DVD Easter Eggs section over at JediParadise.com! They have posted pics and instructions on how to access all the known easter eggs as of now in the Episode I DVD. The exact link for the Easter Egg section can be accessed by clicking here. Keep up the good work, fellas!



Good News, Lego Fans!
October 29, 2001 | 2:11 AM EST | John

“David” chimes in with this interesting info on the near-future of Lego toys in the Star Wars realm…

“I am a part of LEGO Mania club and recieve the Lego Mania Magazine and it has prices and pics of the two new vehicles, Rebel Blockade and the Darth Maul head. Here is some info for ordering them. It won’t be sold in any stores, so you’ll have to order direct.
#10019 Rebel Blockade Runner, $199.99
#10018 Darth Maul, $149.99
This will be shipping Mid-November.
Call to order: 1-800-453-4652
or online: www.Lego.com

Thanks for the information “David”! Kinda steep, but that Darth Maul sounds pretty nifty!



12″ SCOUT TROOPERS On Speederbikes At Target Now???
October 28, 2001 | 11:53 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Gary wrote in:

“In Illinois we are getting 12″ Scout Troopers on Speederbikes again at Target instead of the 12″ Luke(Endor or Combat) on the Speederbike. Sticker on the shelf says Luke. Anybody else running into this?”

If anyone else is finding this, or did this Target find some VERY old stock. If you are finding Biker Scouts on the speeders at your Target, let us know.



More TIE Interceptors On The Way
October 27, 2001 | 10:32 PM EST | Bill

As we reported earlier it appears that there are in fact MORE TIE Interceptors on the way, so it looks like there will be a chance for anyone still looking or one. Thanks to all of our loyal readers who have sent in the stock levels at their local stores, and we will stop the semi-daily stock updates now that the shortage appears to have an end in sight.

Thank again, and good hunting.



Kay-Bee Clearance Reminder
October 27, 2001 | 6:39 PM EST | Adam

In case you missed the news or haven’t hit the mall lately, Kay-Bee Toys has been blowing out Collection 1 POTJ figures ($2.99), Jabba Glob ($1.99), and its remaining stock of Cinemascenes ($5.99) as well as whatever else might be left in the store, so if you’ve got some spare change in the couch, get ye to the mall and snag a new toy.



TIE Interceptor Updates
October 26, 2001 | 11:34 PM EST | Bill

Here’s the latest sightings of the TRU TIE Interceptors:

Peoria, IL half a dozen
Port Richey, FL 6 on the shelf

Thanks to Yak Readers Jason and Greg.



Anthrax affects our hobby… 
October 26, 2001 | 1:54 PM EST | John

Well, it was kind of inevitable, but this morning WotC announced the following;

“Due to recent tragic events surrounding the transmission of anthrax via mailed letters, the Star Wars Fan Club, Lucasfilm Ltd., and George Lucas have temporarily suspended fan mail service. Based on corporate security considerations, none of the above will be handling or answering miscellaneous fan mail, and all such mail will be disposed of upon receipt. Once there is no longer a material threat, we hope to reinstate the service and will make an announcement at that time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your continued support.”

For a full report on this, click here. Just a reminder, you have to be logged in at Starwars.com to read this full article.



TIE Interceptor & Deluxe Figures
October 26, 2001 | 1:16 PM EST | John

According to a Yak TRU insider source who wishes to remain nameless, there are, in fact, more TIE Interceptors on the way. But, after this next crew hits the store shelves, (he said there will be plenty to go around), Hasbro will, or more accurately has stopped making them. What Hasbro has made is now in the warehouses, along with large shipments of Deluxe figures. So, as soon as you see the Deluxe figures starting to hit TRU’s, keep your eyes peeled for the last of the Interceptors if you’ve missed getting one. This should happen in time for Black Friday or close to that date, in time for holiday shopping. So folks, there you have it! Good luck!



LucasArts Press Release; Jedi Starfighter
October 26, 2001 | 1:07 PM EST | John

LucasArts has just made a press-release about the up-and-coming STAR WARS JEDI STARFIGHTER for the Playstation 2. Sounds great! The article starts out like this;

“The critically-hailed STAR WARS Starfighter™ flight-action game series returns with the power of the Force in STAR WARS Jedi Starfighter from LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. Inspired by the success of its predecessor, which debuted at the top of the PlayStation 2 sales charts upon release last March (according to NPD/TRST), Jedi Starfighter features the sleek and agile new Jedi starfighter from the upcoming motion picture Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. The game, expected to release spring 2002 on PlayStation 2, also marks the first-ever availability of Force powers in a Star Wars flight action title. Jedi Starfighter presents 15 exhilarating one and two-player cooperative story-based missions set amidst a variety of new and beautifully rendered worlds and environments, as featured in Attack of the Clones. In addition to the Jedi starfighter, players can battle in three other original heavily armed and highly maneuverable craft, the Havoc, Zoomer and Freefall. Missions take place over land and in space, with players skirmishing against more than 40 starships and capital-class vessels – including some notable enemy craft from the upcoming Star Wars film.”

For more information on this excellent game, check out the official page with the press-release.



Article on Hayden in Entertainment Weekly
October 26, 2001 | 1:00 PM EST | John

For all you paper collectors out there, (and I know it’s no slight exaggeration to say there are thousands), this weeks November 2, 2001 Entertainment Weekly has a nice little article on “The Man Who Would Be Darth Vader”, Hayden Christensen. It goes on about his early career with little information on AOTC, but still something for those who like to save all that stuff for their kids, and to look back on in the future.



More TIE Interceptor Sightings
October 26, 2001 | 8:51 AM EST | Bill

Yak Readers Spencer, Barry, and Jeff
wrote in with some more TIE finds:

Torrance Ca has some in stock
Poughkeepsie, NY had 5 on hand
West Side TRU in Knoxville, TN has about 20-25 of them on the top shelves

Keep the reports coming t help your fellow collectors find this piece.



Trailer On, Trailer Off? What Will It Be?
October 25, 2001 | 9:54 PM EST | Mark

Tony sent in this bit (thanks Tony). “I read in USA today newspaper today that the episode 2 trailer will be before Monsters Inc that opens Nov. 2nd. USA today is a national newspapers, so this is a very credible source!!! Please pass this along to your visitors!!”



Mystery Of The Holes In Bacta Luke’s Solved
October 25, 2001 | 9:42 PM EST | Bill

Because the Bacta tank is designed to be filled with water, the Luke figure has these holes to allow water to fill and drain from the figure easily, whereas without them, water might have gotten in through the joints and not have been able to drain easily if one wanted to display it without the ‘bacta’. This same design was on the Spiderman aqua figures, their holes were midway down their sides. Thanks to Yak Reader Harry for the scoop.



Deluxe Darth Maul Details
October 25, 2001 | 9:40 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Chris wrote in with this review of the Deluxe Darth Maul:

I just opened my new deluxe shirtless Darth Maul. As soon as I
tried to move his arm holding his lightsaber, the arm fell off! The
arm is articulated at the shoulder with a regular joint, but at the
bicept and forearm it is a simple “pop” joint (similar to Darth
Vader’s hand). These two joints aren’t very tight. This happens with
both arms. Also his legs aren’t articulated, and seem to be extra
soft, almost rubbery. Also the lightsaber does separate in the centre, it is connected with a small thin peice of the translucent red of the sabre. Picked this up with Bacta Luke at Toys “R” Us in London, Ontario, Canada for $16.99.



TIE Interceptor Sighting Update
October 25, 2001 | 9:37 PM EST | Bill

With the rumors of a 2nd wave of TIE Interceptors being held until the TIE Bombers are released, we are bringing you an update of where Yak Readers have seen Interceptors in stock.

Phoenix AZ Metro area most stores had 3 or 4 Interceptors
Orem, UT had about a dozen of them on the shelf
Brooklyn had about 2 dozen TIE Interceptors
Nashville has at least 5 Ties at each TRU
Various cities in Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri the TRUs had TIE Interceptors stacked to the ceilings
El Paso, Texas had half a dozen
TRU in Cerritos, CA
TRU carle place long island has 1 left, (box beat up though)
La Mesa, California has 2 in stock.

Thanks to Dan, Tom, Kenny, George, Tim, Steve, T16Skyhopper, Serino, and everyone else for the reports.

Also to clarify the question a number of you have been asking. The latest information is that the TIE Bomber is still going be an exclusive, but that it will be shared by BOTH Wal-Mart and Toys R Us.



Canadians get Deluxe Figures!
October 25, 2001 | 5:07 PM EST | John

“Barry” from Canada sends us this report to give our Canadian friends hope of finding the new Deluxe figures. He writes;

“I just thought I’d let everyone know that the Darth Maul and
Luke Skywalker Deluxe POTJ figures are out in Canada (I got mine at
Merivale Rd in Ottawa) at TRUs for $16.99. Maul’s Droid has a lever on it that ‘lauches’ the droid from the clean post, and Luke has the two mysterious holes on his back for some reason. They’re not that big though, so it’s not an eyesore.”

Great Barry, and thanks! Now, my fine Northern Friends, keep looking!



Deluxe Figures @ Entertainment Earth
October 25, 2001 | 12:41 PM EST | John

Screen Scene Deluxe Figures are in stock at Entertainment Earth!

The Screen Scene Deluxe Set 1 (Item# HS84475AA, $25.99) has arrived! The Star Wars Fan’s Favorite “Screen Scene” Deluxe Figure Assortment. Includes: 1x Luke Skywalker in Echo Base Bacta Tank and 1x Darth Maul with Sith Attack Droid. Individually blister carded.



ILM Items on e-Bay’s “Auction For America”
October 25, 2001 | 12:29 PM EST | John

These are once in a lifetime items that user “Lucasdigital” has on e-Bay right now. They are official items used/made for employees of ILM/Lucas digital, and man, are they going for a few bucks! All have about 5 days to go until the auctions end, and all proceeds go to the 9-11 relief fund, so it’s a worthy cause. If you are financially endowed and are interested, hop over and bid freely! You’ll be helping a great cause, and getting a really cool item in turn. The rest of us 9-to-5ers will sit and watch… 8^) The auctions are as follows;

ILM “Ray Harryhausen Signed Poster” *RARE*
ILM VFX Crew – “Small Soldiers” lunchbox RARE
ILM VFX 25th Anniversary SKAGEN men’s watch
ILM STAR WARS EP2 Attack of the Clones t-shirt



Star Wars Celebration II page goes online!
October 25, 2001 | 12:13 PM EST | John

The Star Wars Celebration II page has now officially gone online over atWizards.com, and it looks like it’s shaping up to be a bigee! Not only are we, as Star Wars fans celebrating the release of Episode 2 in May of 2002, but we are also inclined to remember that this next May marks the 25th anniversary of the flick that started it all; “Star Wars Episode IV; A New Hope”. The article starts out like this;

“Thousands of Star Wars fans from around the galaxy will gather in Indianapolis, Indiana May 3 to 5, 2002 for Star Wars Celebration II, the only official Star Wars event to celebrate the highly anticipated release of Star Wars: Episode II. Celebration II also commemorates the 25th anniversary of the first Star Wars film released in May 1977.
More than 340,000 square feet of the Indianapolis Convention Center will be filled with Star Wars-related exhibits, displays and events, which will make Star Wars Celebration II a special gathering for fans to express and share their enthusiasm for the Star Wars movies.

For more info and where to aquire tickets, click here.



There May Be Another Episode I DVD
October 25, 2001 | 8:55 AM EST | Bill

The Force.net is reporting that rumors have surfaced of Lucasfilm releasing another Episode I DVD. This DVD would be an “extras only” disc, with more behind the scenes footage, more cut scenes, commercials, etc. Click here for the full story.

Thanks to Yak Reader Jason for the heads-up.



Petitions Page
October 25, 2001 | 8:50 AM EST | Bill

If there’s some figure or vehicle that you are dying to see Hasbro produce, chances are that Jacobs Star Wars Petition Page has a petition going. Head on over to support the figures you want to see made.



POTF2 and EU Inserts On The Net
October 25, 2001 | 8:48 AM EST | Bill

Gadders.com has added to their already impressive collection of Star Wars inserts by including a batch of POTF2 and Expanded Universe inserts.
These include:
A-Wing Fighter
C-3PO Carry Case
Cruise Missile Trooper
Darth Vaders TIE Fighter
Expanded Universe Speeder Bike
Millennium Falcon
Speeder Bike With Princess Leia
Speeder Bike With Luke
Dash Rendars Outrider
Slave 1
X-Wing Fighter (Electronic Power FX)
Swoop With Swoop Trooper

Click here for more.



Target B-Wing On Sale
October 24, 2001 | 9:22 PM EST | Mark

The B-Wing is now starting to show up on clearance for $19.90, a special thanks to Tom for the news. Also, just a heads up on this, Target.com has not lowered their price and this is not the final markdown, remember that the final price will end in a 4.



KBKids.com Sale!
October 24, 2001 | 9:19 PM EST | Mark

Here are some great deals over at KBkids.com, stop over there for more…..
Han Stormtrooper 12″ $14.99
Death Star Droid 12″ $14.99
Death Star Trooper 12″ $14.99



Q&A Update
October 24, 2001 | 1:59 AM EST | Adam

With Every Question For Justice has been updated, blah blah blah you know the drill. On to your regularly scheduled news.



Bacta Luke Impressions
October 23, 2001 | 10:09 PM EST | Adam

Reader Doug was kind enough to share his impressions of the new Bacta Luke figure:

“I found the Maul and Luke deluxe figures today in Spokane, WA at a store called White Elephant (it’s a toys/hobbies/sporting goods store). They were $8.98, but the price was written on the bubble in black marker. I’m sorry I don’t have a receipt scan, but this place just uses adding machines to print receipts, so it wouldn’t tell you anything anyway.

On a similar note, I noticed Luke has two holes in his back, one between the shoulders and one on his underwear, and I have no clue what these are for.”

Weird! Thanks for the details, Doug!



2002 Hits A Local Website Near You!!!
October 23, 2001 | 5:37 PM EST | Mark

Check out http://starwars.hasbro.com for the most recent images of the Attack Of The Clones figure packaging. CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!



Phantom DVD Hits Record Sales Status
October 23, 2001 | 11:31 AM EST | John

Yahoo.com News is reporting that Variety is stating that the Phantom Menace DVD has hit incredible sales records. As if we thought it wouldn’t. It starts out like this;

“Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace has set a new first-week sales record, with an estimated 2.2 million DVD units purchased by consumers since the title was released on Oct. 16.

That sales figure, which equates to more than $45 million in consumer spending on the DVD, barely eclipses the old record set by “The Mummy Returns” just two weeks ago, when Universal reported first-week sales at 2 million units.”

Incredible! For more on this article, click here.



Another Bracket Tournament @ Hasbro.com
October 23, 2001 | 11:22 AM EST | John

It seems that Hasbro.com is also starting another Bracket Tournament to find out who is the ultimate POTJ figure. If you liked the last one, head on over and check this one out! Even the beginning votes look interesting…



Which package was your favorite?
October 23, 2001 | 11:16 AM EST | John

That’s the question Hasbro.com is asking fans over at their site about the Star Wars packaging through the decades. Here’s your chance to vote and tell them what you liked the best of what was at retail. The choices, although not too diverse, are between;

A. Original – A New Hope
B. Return of the Jedi
C. Power of the Force
D. Power of the Jedi
E. Episode I – The Phantom Menace



More on Deluxe Figures…
October 23, 2001 | 11:01 AM EST | John

D&S Sci-Fi Toy World currently has the new Deluxe Luke Bacta Tank and Darth Maul figures in stock. They still have a few TIE Interceptors & B-Wings available as well. If you want to jump retail and get those Deluxes quickly, here’s your chance!



Deluxe Figures Found In Retail Store
October 23, 2001 | 8:58 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Doug wrote in:

“I found the Maul and Luke deluxe figures today in Spokane, WA at a store called White Elephant (it’s a toys/hobbies/sporting goods store). They were $8.98, but the price was written on the bubble in black marker. I’m sorry I don’t have a receipt scan, but this place just uses adding machines to print receipts, so it wouldn’t tell you anything anyway.

On a similar note, I noticed Luke has two holes in his back, one between the shoulders and one on his underwear, and I have no clue what these are for.”



Deluxe Figures Online
October 22, 2001 | 6:05 PM EST | Mark

You can now order the Deluxe figures Luke w/ Bacta Tank and Darth Maul atToymanics.com. They are $11.99 each.



DVD Easter Eggs on PS2 Help
October 22, 2001 | 1:17 AM EST | Adam

Got a PlayStation 2 and can’t find the extras? Well, TheForce.net has the solution for you. If you’re having problems, go to their site for the best directions of how to access the extras.



TIE Interceptor Update
October 21, 2001 | 9:08 PM EST | Bill

Thanks to all the Yak Readers who wrote in with information on the statue of the TRU exclusive TIE Interceptors, including Wade, Ron, Drew, and Mewdude

First — where are there TIEs in stock right now? (at least as of the time we received these reports?)

Las Vegas as 11 on the shelf
Tulsa has some in stock
Freeport/Long island has 12 on the floor
UPDATE: Arlington, Texas also has 5 on hand — Thanks Shawn

Now, what does the future hold? Well if the reports we received are correct, there is good news. It appears that when the TIE Bombers appear in November (yes– we all get to fight for yet another TIE exclusive at TRU in addition to looking for the TIE bomber at Wal-Mart) that TRU will also get more TIE interceptors. NOTE, if the TIE Bombers do start appearing in November this would be a major change from Hasbro’s previous announcements that the TIE Bomber was delayed along with the Crashed Snowspeeder until Spring 2002.

If you have any more news send it in.



12″ Bantha???
October 21, 2001 | 8:11 PM EST | Bill

Owen Driscoll has created an awsome custom of a 12″ Bantha. Peg Warmer.com has posted over 30 photos of Owen’s great creation. Click here for more.



TIE Interceptors gone… already???
October 20, 2001 | 11:03 PM EST | Bill

That’s right, a number of Yak readers have been writing in to tell us thatAmazon.com is reporting that they are out of stock on TIE Interceptors, and they do not expect any more stock. If you have any information on whether the TIE interceptors have all been caught by collectors or whether there is another shipment coming (or maybe they are sitting out there in stealth mode) write in and let us know.



New AT-ST Images At Starwars.com
October 20, 2001 | 1:33 AM EST | John

StarWars.Com has posted some pretty sweet images of the new AT-ST, Speeder Bike, and Paploo set due out in early 2002. The quote from the site reads;

“As seen in Return of the Jedi, Paploo’s speeder bike joyride distracted the Imperial scout troopers allowing General Solo’s team to enter the bunker on Endor. The AT-ST features stomping legs, a rotating turret, pivoting weaponry, and the cockpit holds one pilot (sold separately), all in diorama packaging recreating the movie scene on the store shelf.”



Deluxe Leia & Amanaman Images!
October 19, 2001 | 11:58 AM EST | John

Right now, over at good ‘ol e-Bay, user “kw-min” has the newest deluxe figures up for auction. He has a couple different auctions up, which means he’s got more than one of each new figure, (if you decide to bid), but for simplicities sake I only included one link to each different auction on this post so all our readers can see these awesome new photo’s!

Carded Amanaman with Salacious Crumb

Leia with Sail Barge Cannon



Who’s Your Boba?
October 19, 2001 | 11:49 AM EST | John

The official site is reporting that Daniel Logan is playing the part of Boba Fett in the E2, something which fans had suspected since the filming was going on. Another newsworthy note that was sent in about our favorite bounty hunter from Yak reader “Wayne B.”, who’s trained eye noticed on the new E1 DVD link to the exclusive E2 content at the website, was this;

“Found something important at Star Wars DVD link; Watch the Choices Video and look at Jango Fett’s helmet……… IT’S GOT BOBA’S DENT! Can we now assume that Fett does indeed wear the same armor?”

Interesting… Thanks to everyone who wrote in about this. Can’t wait ’till 2/22/02!



Q&A Update
October 19, 2001 | 4:22 AM EST | Adam

With Every Question For Justice has been updated with questions, answers, my opinions on the DVD, and other junk. More Monday? I think so.



Plano Convention Reminder
October 18, 2001 | 6:53 PM EST | Adam

From promoter Ben Stevens:

Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show
October 20-21, 2001 Plano Convention Center: Plano, Tx (10 miles north of Dallas)
Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-4pm.

Join us October 20-21 for a weekend of fun as the Sci-Fi Expo presents BATCON. Celebrating the 35th anniversary of tv’s Batman, see original cast members Adam West (Batman), Yvonne Craig (Batgirl), Frank Gorshin (Riddler), Julie Newmar (Catwoman), Bat-vehicles, 30+comic artists and more! Over 200 tables loaded with old and new collectibles, videos, toys, comics, cards, etc.

For the Star Wars fan in all of us, we will have the following celebrity guests:
1) David Barclay (Jabba and Yoda puppeteer in his 1st ever convention appearance)
2) Don Bies (ILM senior model-maker, R2D2 remote operator, Boba Fett in ROTJ:SE, and Cantina band member in his first US appearance!)
3) Michonne Bourriague (Aurra Sing)
4) Phil Brown (Uncle Owen)
5) Shannon Baksa (Mara Jade model for Decipher)
6) Mercedes Ngoh (Rystall dancer in ROTJ:SE)
7) Christian Gossett (Prop designer)

For details check out: http://www.scifiexpo.com



E2 Trailer News
October 18, 2001 | 6:50 PM EST | Adam

TheForce.Net is reporting that this November, we will not get one, or two, but THREE trailers for Attack of the Clones, truly giving fans something to be thankful for. Check the site for the lowdown of where they will supposedly appear.



New POTJ Cardback at Rebelscum
October 18, 2001 | 6:47 PM EST | Adam

The fine folks of Rebelscum posted front and back shots of the Imperial Officer figure, carded. The interesting thing? No Force File, and only four figures on the back. Be sure to check it out.



Clean Scout Trooper Returns?
October 18, 2001 | 2:39 AM EST | Adam

Reader Brian had this to say:

“Just thought I’d let you know that I found a clean Biker Scout at my local Meijer tonight. I remembered alot of people having problems finding that version. I also seem to remember hearing that the dirty version was a running change. Either they changed back or they have more clean Scouts that haven’t been released.

Whoa. Well, one way to tell is that– as far as I’ve noticed– they changed the bubble when they changed the deco. The dirty Scout has a smaller bubble, it doesn’t extend as far out as the original clean one. But regardless, let’s hope that this is a sign of things to come. Because we want more Scout Troopers.



New Figure Petitions And Figure Wish List
October 17, 2001 | 9:59 PM EST | Bill

Detention Block AA23 has posted ten figures which have either never seen plastic or are in dire need of a resculpt. They also have a list of 47 figures which either need to be made in POTF2/POTJ plastic or have never been made at all.Click here for more.



Ultarama Hits Boston!
October 17, 2001 | 12:47 PM EST | John

Team Ultarama will be in Boston October 19-21 at the Great American Comic Book Expo 2001 with a show special price of $20. The Con takes place at the Hynes Convention Center and they look forward to seeing you there! That’s a great price for such an awesome display, so if you’re in the area, stop in and grab one, and tell them you read about it at Yak!



Free Figures At TRU’s All Over!
October 17, 2001 | 12:42 PM EST | John

Thank you from everyone for the overwhelming response! It seems that the deal is, in fact, totally true… or should I say TRU. I have had reports come in from all over the country that people are getting free figures when checking out at TRU; Anything from old Episode I figures all the way up to Saesee Tiin and Dagobah Vader, and in one case, a Shmi! Man, I gotta get out to my TRU and see what they’re offering! Good luck on the grabbings, folks!



Ewan McGregor Items “On The Block”
October 17, 2001 | 12:39 PM EST | John

Over at QXL.com Ewan has put up some autographed items for auction! I didn’t check out the whole listing of what’s up, but check into it if you’re an autograph collector or just want Obi-Wan’s ol’ John Hancock!



Poll Results, New Poll
October 17, 2001 | 4:46 AM EST | Adam

Well, first thing’s first: the DVD Poll.

After much deliberation, here’s what you had to say about which of these you would like to see on DVD first:
40%: The Star Wars Holiday Special
22%: The Ewoks & Droids Cartoons
20%: The Ewoks Movies
9%: “Making Of” Documentaries
6%: Old interviews/commercials/trailers from around the world

The most hubbub was over the holiday special– those who have seen it thought those who voted for it were nuts. Those who haven’t seen it are still curious, and rightfully so– it’s a piece of Star Wars lore. The piece most people don’t like and given the opinion of LucasFilm, the piece you will never, ever see on DVD, but still, it’s something every self-respecting fan owes it to him or herself to see at least once.

And now, our new poll, for one week or so only: How are you liking the DVD that they actually put out?

Tune in next week for a far better poll.



The Day Is Here
October 16, 2001 | 9:26 PM EST | Bill

The wait is over. DVD has been released. Write in if you find a good deal on the E1 DVD, and enjoy!!!



Free Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Master
October 15, 2001 | 10:11 PM EST | Bill

Looking for a Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Master to fill a hole in your collection, or maybe just to customize???? Well the scavengers over at The Jawa are giving one away. Click here for more.



E1 DVD Preview Cards at Wal-Mart
October 15, 2001 | 3:17 PM EST | John

Some Wal-Mart stores are giving away 4 different cards right now that have little bar-code’s on them that are able to be scanned in the electronics department for 30-second clips of the E1 DVD new scenes and the sort at the preview screens by the DVD/video gaming section. The reported scenes include the complete Podrace grid sequence, the extended second lap of the Podrace, the waterfall sequence, and the air-taxi sequence. So, I know it’s only one official day to go, but if you stop by Wal-Mart, check it out. Thanks goes to “jedivalkyrie” for the tip!



Free E1 figures at TRU?
October 15, 2001 | 3:11 PM EST | John

It is being reported right now that TRU is giving away free figures left over from Episode I. Loyal Yak-Reader “Kenny T.” writes;

“I am shocked that no one caught this but i was told yesterday by a friend at Freeport TOYS R US that there is a promotion that lets you get a “free gift” with any purchase. some of you may be noticing less and less figures in the stores now. they hav e them stock piled behind the counters. he said you can buy a 99 cents soda or a piece of gum and get a figure free. theres a catch, only the figures behind the counter!! (E1 FIGURES ONLY!) the offer is on page 2 of Sundays flyer in the corner.”

I must’ve missed this in the flyer, but it sounds like a good deal. You can’t get any cheaper than free! Has anyone been successful with this yet?



Episode I CommTech Deal
October 15, 2001 | 1:51 PM EST | John

“Pizza Hutt” sends us this valuable information. We here at Yak can’t vouge for the dealer as being reputable, (personally I’ve never dealt with them), but it sounds like a great deal! That’s not to say they’re not reputable, so if anyone knows anything about them, please let us know. “Pizza” writes;

“A dealer here in the UK is advertising the Swimming Jar Jar case assortment cheap, £25.00 which is around $33.00 I think, plus shipping. Thats like £1.56 per figure!!! The case also includes Qui-Gon Jedi Master and Battle Damaged Destroyer Droid, two other very rare figures, 3 of each.
The dealer is known as Midcotoys, and can be contacted via The Private Universe website.
Hope this information is good to you guys and helps some Americans get some of those hard to find Swimming Jar Jar’s, etc.”

Thanks “Pizza”! What a deal! That’s better than the TRU sale of a few months ago! (Minus shipping, of course.)



Episode II DVD Teaser: November 9?
October 15, 2001 | 5:01 AM EST | Adam

The Digital Bits posted particularly notable tidbit just a little while ago:

“It’s live, folks! In anticipation of tomorrow’s release of Star Wars: Episode I on DVD, Lucasfilm has officially launched the DVD website. If you have the disc and a DVD-ROM drive, you can access exclusive content on the website right now. The site currently has a video available for viewing that includes lots of new still images from Episode II. AND… the site has officially announced that on November 9th, you’ll be able to download the teaser trailer for Episode II! How’s that for a cool way to kick off the week?”

Wow. Aren’t we non-DVD-ROM drive owners thrilled with this one? Well, you luckier folks better tell us how it is. Still… wow. So all you folks totally wary of spoilers, it’s time for you to disconnect that Internet line…

UPDATE: Mac users, it gets better– Dave sent this in.

“Also add to your list, the DVD ROM portion of the disks is NOT Mac
compatible, as it requires a Windows-only plug-in to work. Nice. All those iMac owners out there with built-in DVD drives are going to be ecstatic.

Well, there’s one more reason why I’m not a fan of DVD-ROM content…



Q&A Update
October 15, 2001 | 2:51 AM EST | Adam

Crack the bell, homies. With Every Question For Justice has been updated at long last, bringing you something to direct your indifference toward. See the questions. Feel the answers. Be the ennui. Be it.

Anyway, more later.



E1 DVD: Tower Records Freebie
October 14, 2001 | 4:28 PM EST | Adam

Steve C. sent along this tidbit:

“I was @ Tower Records, in New Jersey and last night and they had an empty ‘SW:Ep.1 DVD’ cases and if you pre-order the dvd, you get 5 Ep.1 trading cards. FREE, so i thought i would pass that on.”



Episode II Figure Assortment Listed
October 14, 2001 | 1:38 PM EST | Bill

Collect Starwars.com has posted a breakdown of the case assortment for some of the upcoming Episode II figures.

Highlight below to see the figure list– SPOILER WARNING APPLIES!!!

Captain Typho
Boba Fett
Tusken Raider Female with Child
Shaak Ti

According to Collect Star Wars.com this list is from a reliable source, but it has not yet been confirmed.



Episode I DVD @ Circuit City!
October 14, 2001 | 1:31 PM EST | John

Yak reader “John H.” lends us this information;

“Circuit City has it for $17.99, and you can order it online right now (it’s available, not a pre-order). The only caveat is you can’t order it online and pick it up in the store, you have to have it shipped. Just FYI!”

Thanks John! Keep checking out there folks, it’s out there at a few places already. Either way, it’ll be all over on the 16th, but us Star Wars fans know what it’s like to find stuff before street-date. (I.E. Episode I figures)



Obi-Wan X-Box Footage At Lucasarts.com
October 14, 2001 | 12:24 PM EST | John

Lucasarts.com has posted a new 6-meg file with excellent shots of the new game coming for Microsoft’s new video gaming venture, the X-Box. The graphics are incredible, I can’t say enough about the actual game! So, if you want to get phsyched for this new title, hop over and download this quicktime flick. You WON’T be sorry… (you’ll just probably end up spending $500 when the system is released.)



Episode II Trailer With “Monsters, Inc.”?
October 14, 2001 | 12:17 PM EST | John

That’s what Cinecon is reporting. This isn’t official from Lucasfilm yet, but Cinecon is reporting it will be official soon. For those not who don’t know, the new film Monsters, Inc. is the newest flick to be released by Pixar in conjunction with Disney. It’s of the same flavor as Toy Story meets Nickelodeon’s old weekly show, “Arghh! Real Monsters!”, although it has no relation to either. It is due to be released on November 2, which is about the right time frame for the first trailer. Keep in mind it will only be the teaser trailer and not something groundbreaking, so if you want to see a neat new Pixar flick, you’ve got one heck of a bonus!



Best Buy Freebie
October 14, 2001 | 5:44 AM EST | Adam

UPDATE: If you go to a Best Buy store on Tuesday, the first 100 customers get a CD-ROM of LucasArts game demos. (Well, it’s something. For free.)

If you’re aware of any special and notable offers this week, don’t forget to let us know!



Starwoids Review Online
October 13, 2001 | 8:01 PM EST | Adam

The Digital Bits posted their review of the third DVD coming out next Tuesday to focus on Star Wars: Starwoids. The documentary features Kevin Smith and an army of fans, and advance press seems to be positive. So be sure to check out their review.



N64’s “Battle For Naboo” Hit’s Major Clearance Status
October 13, 2001 | 12:16 PM EST | John

I’ve heard a lot on this from various sources, so I checked into it, and yes, the Nintendo 64 “Battle For Naboo” is going for a small percentage of what it was originally released at retail for less than a year ago. At many Targets across the nation it’s selling at closeout price of $29.99, and I’ve heard, at certain Wal-Mart stores, that it’s actually $9.99! If you were waiting for this to go on discount, now’s the time before they all disappear! Considering that this previously long-awaited sequel/prequel to Rogue Squadron went for $50-$60 at first release, these discounts are nice. Grab it before it’s gone, it’s a super game!



Episode I DVD Commercial On US Television!
October 13, 2001 | 12:07 PM EST | John

The USA version of the DVD commercial is finally hitting the airwaves, and in a big way! Great commercial! It makes the fans drool, and looks to be shaping up to be a major release, (as if we thought it wouldn’t be). Also, the commercial is showing up on preview screens across the nation in Wal-Mart and Target stores in the electronic departments. Kudos to Lucas and Co. for this DVD effort, (which incidentally is already hitting shelves all over before the October 16 official release date), it’s been a long time coming. Now, for the original Trilogy…



Yak Poll Irony…
October 13, 2001 | 11:45 AM EST | John

It seems that this may be older news now, but I had to let all of our faithful Yakkers know;
It seems that the Ewok movies are scheduled to be released on DVD in the indefinite future! Now, most of us would rather have the horribly dated Star Wars Holiday Special, but this is a start! Rejoice furball-fans! If anyone hears anything like definite release dates or anything else, let me know.

UPDATE – Well, it was nice while it lasted, but I thank the few people that wrote in so quickly. Apparently, this was a hoax. Ashame that, it would have been a nice start to a Star Wars DVD collection besides Episode I and that unlicensedStars Of Star Wars DVD that came out in ’99. Sigh… more petitions?



TIEs Continue To Be Intercepted
October 13, 2001 | 3:36 AM EST | Adam

Many of you have been worried that we have seen the last of the Toys “R” Us exclusive TIE Interceptor. Well, a local TRU got several in today, and I was lucky enough to find one for the first time– so what does this mean for you? If you live in Tucson, get over to the Oracle store early tomorrow. If not, keep checking your local stores, or go to Toys “R” Us at Amazon.com to sign up for notification of when they return to their online store.

So no need for panicing, my friends. And enemies. None of you need panic. It’s a panic-free kind of thing. Oh, Q&A returns Monday, send in questions, blah blah blah. And vote in the poll if you didn’t already.



B-Wing Clearance
October 13, 2001 | 3:32 AM EST | Adam

While looking for Count Chocula tonight, I noticed that one of my local Targets– which earlier this week had no B-Wings– now has B-Wings at the price of $27.90, in other words, clearance. So those of you who still need one, check those local Targets again, and then call in some favors because they aren’t going to get any cheaper. Unless, of course, they do.

UPDATE: It should also be noted that this item is still available from Target.com, although at the time we checked it was still full price. So there’s no excuse for missing this one.



eBay Prototype Round Up
October 12, 2001 | 5:29 PM EST | Adam

eBay has always been a great source of rare and weird products, and this week, there’s quite a few nifty prototypes up for grabs.

Leia Boushh Vintage First Shot Prototype
Jabba the Hutt Vintage First Shot Prototype
FX-7 Unproduced Micro Collection Prototype
Han Hoth 12″ Doll Prototype
Floppy Hat/ Flashback Luke Test Shot Prototype
Luke on Tauntaun Micro Collection 4-Up Prototype
Ewoks Logray Engineering Pilot (preproduction packaging test)
Sandtrooper Test Shot from Cantina Diorama in Red
Painted Watto Hardcopy



Got News?
October 12, 2001 | 5:16 PM EST | Adam

Hey kids,

Ever wanted to be a reporter for Yakface.com? Well, now’s your chance. If you’ve got a nose for Star Wars merchandising news, some writing experience, and rudimentary knowledge of how an Internet page works, you might just be the person we’re looking for.

If you’d like to try your hand at writing news updates just like this one, pleasesend me a note and we’ll be in touch. As always, thanks for reading Yakface.com!



Sandtroopers.com DVD Giveaway
October 12, 2001 | 5:11 PM EST | Adam

Sandtroopers.com has a new Fall look and a contest to win Episode I on DVD! Click on over today to see if you can get your copy for free!



Prototype, New Toy Images at CollectStarWars.com
October 12, 2001 | 4:14 PM EST | Adam

CollectStarWars.com has posted several images of cancelled/delayed product today.

Items include several cancelled Episode I items like the two remaining “vs.” sets, the other two trophy figures, and several others. These have shown up online before, but they’re all there in one nice cluster for your viewing pleasure.

New, however, was the 12″ Luke and Yoda boxed– see the final packaged product, goofy face and all!



The Newest 12″ Star Wars Figures
October 11, 2001 | 10:08 PM EST | Bill

That’s right, the newest 12″ figues that we all WISH were coming from Hasbro. Ron has produced two more winners– this time it’s Eeth Koth and Dr. Evazan.Click here to see them. It looks like we are going to be seeing a lot more new custom 12″ figures from Ron– I hear he’s been caught into the scavenging clan over at The Jawa — now if we can only get Hasbro to see Ron and put some of his awsome creations into production. With Ron’s help we could be looking at doing some seriously detailed 12″ dioramas, imagine the possibilities…



Wal-Mart 12″ Luke and Yoda News
October 11, 2001 | 9:16 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Scott gave us a heads up on the exclusive Wal-Mart 12″ Luke and Yoda. Wal-Mart.com is now showing thier exclusive 12inch Luke and Yoda as “Coming Soon”. There is also a picture and price of $28.93. So it looks as though they might be selling these online. Click here for more.



Live-Size Lego Darth Vader
October 11, 2001 | 6:41 PM EST | Adam

Even though it’s out of stock, I just had to mention this.

Darth Vader Lego Build-Up

FAO Schwarz has the item up on their website for the price of $10,000.00. It’s a life-size, seven foot tall electronic sculpture of the character. As far as Star Wars collectibles go, it’s big, obscenely big, and priced accordingly. Even though it’s not in stock, it’s something you owe it to yourself to see.

(They’ve also still got the Hasbro Fambaa for $37.50.)



E1 DVD at Blockbuster?
October 10, 2001 | 9:07 PM EST | Adam

Reader Kurt has made another discovery:

“I expect you guys have probably recieved a ton of e-mails on this by now, But I found the SW EP1 DVD on sale at Blockbuster Video Tueday night (late. looks like they had just finished stocking the display, which BTW is very cool, with a large cutout of Darth Maul wielding his lightsaber) $22.99, I have heard other stores will have it cheaper, but sniting over $5.00? Nah. I’m sure you have also been told how incredible the extras are, they make the disc. I found this in Olathe, KS (Kansas City metro area)



Cheap European Exclusive 12″ Figures
October 10, 2001 | 8:41 PM EST | Bill

MidcoToys, a small dealer in the UK, but with a growing reputation for passing on bargains to his customers, have reported some great news that they have the rare Europe only released 12″ Han Quick Draw and Swing Action Luke dolls instock. The best part is the price, only £15 GBP! MidcoToys doesn’t have a site of his own yet so can be contacted via The Private Universe site.

Update: These are now sold out.



POTJ Pricing Bonanza
October 10, 2001 | 3:56 PM EST | Adam

Some are going up, some are going down… check out these reports, first from reader Bill:

” I was in a local Wal-Mart today(Auburndale,FL) and noticed something odd.The POTJ figures they had(Han Bespin Escape,Chewbacca Mechanic) were priced at $7.88.Last night I was in another Wal-Mart in Winter Haven,where the figure were priced at$6.77(except for marked down E1 figures).”

And here’s one from reader Eddie:

“I was browsing through the Vinton,VA Kroger supermarket last night and was floored to see the new Emperor’s Wrath Vader and Death Star Han on the toy section pegs. This is a bit of a shock to begin with as my local area Krogers usually have nothing on the toy pegs but old Episode I pegwarmers…if THAT much. But to my astonishment there were two of the five newest POTJ along with a Duros and Sabe(sadly,the new X-Wing Luke was nowhere to be found)hanging on a bottom-of-the-row peg marked “Mil Toys.” And HERE’S the kicker…

They were only $2.99 APIECE,ringing up as “MIL TOYS”! For a grand spankin’ total of $6.25 with sales tax I was able to score the new Vader and Han that has been so elusive at regular retailers in my area! I’m still in bewilderment about this find…I don’t know if this is a Kroger-wide markdown or a mistake but GET TO THOSE KROGERS MY FRIENDS!”



B-Wing Prices Falling
October 10, 2001 | 8:47 AM EST | Bill

That’s right, it looks like Target is already reducing the price of their exclusive B-Wing Fighter!!! Reports are appearing everywhere from Yak Readers and other fan sites, of B-Wing prices dropping to $27.90.



Alternate Episode One K-Mart DVD Cover
October 9, 2001 | 7:21 PM EST | Adam

TheForce.Net’s Episode I News Page posted a nice shot of an alternate cover being offered in Australia for the new DVD. Pretty nifty.



The Other Star Wars DVD Coming Next Week
October 9, 2001 | 7:09 PM EST | Adam

As most of you know, the release date for Episode One is next Tuesday in most parts of the world. However, we in the US also get treated to one of the many Star Wars parodies. Thumb Wars, a TV special from 1999, gets released next week with an MSRP of $9.99. See the full review at DVD File!



Big Apple Comic Con: Charity, Ultarama
October 9, 2001 | 6:38 PM EST | Adam

Mort from Ultarama had this news to share:

“Ultarama will be at the Big Apple Comic Book, Art & Toy Convention in New York on Friday and Saturday October 12th and 13th, located at St. Paul Church at Columbus Avenue and 60th Street. The show is being run as a charity event to assist victims of the terrible tragedy of September 11th, with free admission for everyone. In support of these efforts, Ultarama will donate all proceeds from its show special price of $20 per unit to the New York Red Cross. We look forward to seeing you there.



Bib Fortuna Resculpt Petition
October 9, 2001 | 6:37 PM EST | Adam

David Hicks of Jedisiths, whom you may remember having just sent a petition to Hasbro for General Madine, is now shooting for a resculpt of Bib Fortuna. To cast your vote on the first of what will undoubtedly be many resculpt petitions,send your name to DetentionBlockkAA23@yahoo.com!



Another DVD Report
October 9, 2001 | 6:34 PM EST | Adam

Reader Lotsofgex sent in this tidbit:

“Hey guys. Just figured i’d let you know that I just picked up the E1 DVD at TRU. It was priced at $22.99 but rang up at $19.99. Dont have time to scan the receipt right now but maybe I’ll send a scan in later. The receipt said:

10/16 SW Episode 415777 19.99

It was at the Bay Plaza TRU, Bronx, NY.

Well, if it’s a-leakin’, we hope to have some additional early impressions from you guys to share soon. (Hint, hint.)



New Religion Available in the UK
October 9, 2001 | 6:31 PM EST | Adam

Ever wanted to be recognized as a Jedi by the British goverment?

BBC News posted this story which focuses on the major details. According to the story, New Zealand has given Jedi the status previously.



Sci-Fi Expo 411
October 8, 2001 | 8:50 PM EST | Bill

The Sci-Fi Expo will be October 20-21, 2001 at the Plano Convention Center: Plano, Tx (10 miles north of Dallas) on Saturday 10am-6pm, and Sunday 10am-4pm.

Here’s the newsfeed from the Sci-Fi Expo:

Join us October 20-21 for a weekend of fun as the Sci-Fi Expo presents BATCON. Celebrating the 35th anniversary of tv’s Batman, see original cast members Adam West (Batman), Yvonne Craig (Batgirl), Frank Gorshin (Riddler), Julie Newmar (Catwoman), Bat-vehicles, 30+comic artists and more! Over 200 tables loaded with old and new collectibles, videos, toys, comics, cards, etc.

For the Star Wars fan in all of us, we will have the following celebrity guests:
1) David Barclay (Jabba and Yoda puppeteer in his 1st ever convention appearance)
2) Don Bies (ILM senior model-maker, R2D2 remote operator, Boba Fett in ROTJ:SE, and Cantina band member in his first US appearance!)
3) Michonne Bourriague (Aurra Sing)
4) Phil Brown (Uncle Owen)
5) Shannon Baksa (Mara Jade model for Decipher)
6) Mercedes Ngoh (Rystall dancer in ROTJ:SE)
7) Christian Gossett (Prop designer)

Click here for more details.



Cheap POTJ At Wal-Mart
October 8, 2001 | 8:47 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Kenny wrote in: “A friend emailed me last night and told me that they had gotten in the Collection 2 figures (Shmi was the one he notably spotted.) I already had a set but I always get 2 of each. I go there and it was a complete box. They had 2 Shmi’s and 2 Obi Wan (Jedi Training) and the rest were Sabes, Ketwol, Duros and Bespin Guard. I took a Shmi and Obi Wan. I bought them up to the register and the Obi Wan came up $6.44 and the Shmi came up $3.25! I didn’t complain! I ran back and checked the other figures but the only ones that came up $3.25 were the Shmi(s). Anyone know why this is the only figure coming up this price? I don’t have a scanner, so I can’t send you a scan of the receipt, but here is what it says:


Kenny thanks for the news. I have also found some Wal-Marts in my area marking down some POTJ and not others. As some of our Yak Readers who work at Wal-Mart have pointed out, the area managers have the discretion to mark down some products and not others. If you notice, all POTJ figures have a different bar code (UPC) on them which identifies the figure being purchased. It appears some manager decided that the Shmi figures weren’t selling, were old stock, etc., but decided that the other figures did not need to be reduced.



Bib Fortuna Resculpt Petition
October 8, 2001 | 8:40 PM EST | Bill

While I am not generally one to push for resculpts, Bib Fortuna certainly has to be one of the figures which could really use a new sculpt. If you want to see the lekkued one in POTJ plastic,
Click here to send in your name and Email!!!



The Private Universe Change Of Address Notice
October 8, 2001 | 8:37 PM EST | Bill

The Private Universe has moved! So if you want to keep up with the Star Wars news and information in the UK, click here for the new link.



AisleSniper.Com Opens
October 8, 2001 | 8:34 PM EST | Bill

There’s a new on-line source for Star Wars Action Figures: Aislesniper.com.They are currently celebrating the launch of their new online portal for the coolest collectible action figures and accessories. Aislesniper.com looks to set new standards in your online collectible shopping experience. In celebration of their launch, Aislesniper.com is offering FREE SHIPPING on orders of $25 or more until 10/31/01.

Be sure to tell them Yakface sent you!!!



Retrolicious Website
October 8, 2001 | 1:54 PM EST | Adam

First Star Wars Website, a page that takes a humorous look at the vintage line with modern toy reporting. Why are fans annoyed with the first shots of the Sears Cantina? Find out at the First Star Wars Website!



TRL Popularity Poll
October 7, 2001 | 10:17 PM EST | Adam

Heiko let us know about this new poll at MTV, a fine American that tells us what we’re supposed to like:

“There is a TRL poll up at the MTV website asking what movie you are most excited to see and LOTR is currently in the lead over AOTC. I think that it’s our duty ,as loyal Star Wars fans, to make sure that AOTC wins. I have included a link to the poll.

To your duty, gentlemen.



Want a Star Wars site?
October 7, 2001 | 10:15 PM EST | Adam

JediSiths, a fan site hosted by StarWars.com, wrote in today with this to say:

“I am giving my site: JediSiths or also called The Jedi Remnant, to someone who wants to take it over. If you want to take it over, I will be giving it to someone. I’ll send you the username and password. Who ever owns it can do whatever they want with it.

I also have a Yahoo e-mail which I’m not using and if someone wants that too, they can have it. Just send me a note at:




E1 DVD: Best Buy Pricing
October 6, 2001 | 9:03 PM EST | Adam

Reader Brock Landers sent us this scoop:

“Just caught your update on the Episode I DVD at Costco, so I thought I’d fill you in on the situation at Best Buy.

Look for it to be priced at $17.99 for that week, from Tuesday until Saturday. The following Sunday, it should be back up to it’s normal price of $22.99.

The DVD will be advertised in next Sunday’s (10/14) ad as a “Hot Price”, with no price listed, but it will be $17.99.”

Thanks for the scoop, Brock!



Madine Petition
October 6, 2001 | 9:01 PM EST | Adam

Remember the General Madine petition? Well, looks like a few thousand signatures were capped off and sent to Hasbro. Time will tell if this helps the figure to get made, so stay tuned!



Another Bacta Tank Luke on eBay
October 6, 2001 | 7:11 PM EST | Adam

Those wanting to drool over every new picture of the upcoming Bacta Luke have another one to gawk at right at this auction, which has an in-hand packaged Luke. Which hopefully means he’ll be around soon, but for those who can’t wait and have too much money, do check out this auction.



New Star Wars Site, CostCo DVD Price Info
October 6, 2001 | 12:14 AM EST | Adam

Because one is just not enough! The Bothan Spy is just getting started with their Star Wars Toy News site. Be sure to stop by and take a look around!

Rob from The Bothan Spy also had this to share:
“I have a little tidbit of info for all of you who may have a Costco Wholesale in your area.
Star Wars – Episode 1: The Phantom Menace DVD
ITEM # 409717
PRICE: $18.99”

Good news, as this is one of the lowest prices we’ve heard so far!



October 5, 2001 | 8:31 PM EST | Adam

Jared has this to share:

“Just read your post about the E1 DVD. I actually picked a copy up from a local game retailer in Glendale, CA on Wednesday. They had just received them from a video distributor, so I would assume that the discs are available for small retailers to order from distributors like Ingram-Micro and pass along to customers right now — assuming they are so kind. 🙂 The included documentaries are worth the price of the 2-disc set alone. They’re far more honest and involving than you would imagine and really do give some insight into the film’s development, flaws and all.”

For the record, the street date is Tuesday, October 16.

So happy hunting this weekend, folks!



Eopie Backorder
October 5, 2001 | 4:42 PM EST | Adam

With several retaillers allegedly getting more stock of the Eopies, a lot of retaillers have started to put up preorders. One we were notified of wasTheToyShop.com, a site known for carrying hard-to-find Beast Wars and Star Wars toys in England.

Right now, they’re offering backorders for a Beast Combo– all four Episode One beasts for UK£40 plus postage, which to the US is roughly £UK20. This brings your grand total to around $88.94.

If we get word of other Eopie offers, we’ll post them here. So stay tuned, true believers!



E1 DVD Arrives in Hong Kong
October 5, 2001 | 3:39 PM EST | Adam

Reader Droideka sends in the following:

“I got the just released EP1 DVD in Hong Kong, here are some of the scans of the box and insert. The deleted scenes are awesome, you will see what we have missed!

We opted not to include the scans, but he did include images of the E1 DVD internal inserts, so it looks like it did, in fact, leak out early. Keep your peepers peeled, people.



Autograph Hounds
October 5, 2001 | 3:37 PM EST | Adam

From the folks of Gadders.com

“Over at Gadders.com we have added a new forum to our forums section for Star Wars Autographs.

“You can discuss any aspect of collecting star wars autographs and use
the forum for exchanging contact addresses and details of any successes
you may have had.



E1 DVD Easter Eggs Continued
October 5, 2001 | 4:34 AM EST | Adam

DVD Angle posted this page with info on several more new easter eggs– some may be new, some may not be, but those who can’t wait to know everything there is to know about this DVD are advised to check this page out.



Episode II Software
October 5, 2001 | 4:22 AM EST | Adam

TheForce.Net Games pointed out a blurb on Nintendo’s Swedish site that lists a game entitled “Star Wars: Episode 2 Attack of the Clones.” Can’t wait to see what the story is behind that!



eBay Prototype Onslaught
October 4, 2001 | 7:08 PM EST | Adam

Looking for a few nifty preproduction pieces? There’s quite a few of these pricey pieces to be seen on eBay today.

Classic 4 Pack First Shot Prototype Set
Multicolored Action Collection Chewbacca Prototype
First Shot Remote Control R2-D2
Electronic 12″ Darth Vader VSP

Neat stuff.



New LEGO Sets at Online Store
October 4, 2001 | 4:48 AM EST | Adam

Shop.Lego.com posted new images and ordering info for the new Darth Maul Bust and the Blockade Runner.

Thanks to the fine folk of FBTB.net for the tip-off.



New Deluxe Images at CollectStarWars.com
October 4, 2001 | 4:44 AM EST | Adam

CollectStarWars.com posted shots of the front and back of Bacta Luke and the new Darth Maul in the package– be sure to check these out.



Target Luke Speederbike Update
October 4, 2001 | 4:43 AM EST | Adam

Numerous readers have chimed in to tell us that the Speederbike price reduction was a temporary fluke and has since been corrected– the price will most likely be $49.99 at your local stores now. If you score a better deal, or hear of a sale, don’t hesitate to let us know!



Q&A Update
October 4, 2001 | 4:35 AM EST | Adam

With Every Question For Justice has been updated yet again with more questions and answers and something else for your amusement. And it’s free! Free!!!



Entertainment Earth Interview
October 3, 2001 | 8:50 AM EST | Bill

The Jawa has posted an interview with Jason Labowitz of Entertainment Earth. It is very informative interview and answers a few questions concerning Entertainment Earth and what they do for the collecting community. Click here to read it.



Luke Speederbike Available, And For $12.44?!?
October 2, 2001 | 6:27 PM EST | Adam

Reader Joe sent us a scan of a receipt today. Apparently, he picked up a recently released Speederbike with Luke Target this afternoon, and since it uses the same number as the Imperial Scout edition, the last price for the previous version was still in the computer– $12.44.

Numerous stores had to blow out the previous Speederbike last summer due to their just not selling, and it would seem that if you see the new Luke version, it’s definitely worth your while to run that puppy under the price scanner. Thanks for sharing, Joe!



Mark Hamill Muppet Show Deal
October 2, 2001 | 5:24 PM EST | Adam

Reader Totallyrawe sent in the following news/plug:

“If anyone is interested in The Muppet Show episode with Mark Hamill and C-3PO on DVD, you can get it for only $9.99 plus $3.99 s/h (it goes for $24.99 on the TimeLife website).  Just call 1-800 422-3773.  There are no future committments–cancel at anytime. Here’s the description from their website:

In this classic volume, you get the hard-to-find episode where Mark Hamill appears as Luke Skywalker. Other episodes feature Raquel Welch and a Giant Spider singing Baby It’s Me, and Paul Simon singing his classic hits.
Time-Life Video, Jim Henson Home Entertainment
80 Minutes”



Wal-Mart Exclusive Release Dates — Revised
October 1, 2001 | 10:49 PM EST | Bill

Collect Star Wars has just posted the revised release schedule for Wal-Mart’s exclusive vehicles.

The new release dates are call for the TIE Bomber to be released in March 2002, and the “crashed” Snowspeeder one month later in April.

Luke and Yoda (12″) is still schedule for November/December of this year.



Really, Really, Cheap Cinema Scenes
October 1, 2001 | 10:44 PM EST | Bill

Sidster over at The Jawa found out KB is practically giving away the Rebel Pilots and Jabba’s Skiff Guards Cinema Scenes. These three packs that most of us would have killed for about 2 years ago, are not going for just $5.99 at KB!!!!



Episode II: Important Dates Revealed?
October 1, 2001 | 10:13 PM EST | Adam

The fine folk of ArtoosNews.com posted some scans of what appears to be the important shipping dates for Episode II related releases, like advertising, trailers, and the like. Some are pretty vague, but it’s definitely worth a look.



REAL Stands Newsfeed
October 1, 2001 | 9:05 AM EST | Bill

REAL Action Stands on sale at The Official Star Wars Fan Club. Get 12 stands for just $3.99, and if your a member of the Fan Club your price is only $3.49 – that’s just 29 cents each, more than 50% off the regular retail price. These are the best selling Type 1 Stands for the current line of 3-3/4″ Star Wars figures (`95 to present). Act fast, supplies are limited and as always, this offer may end at any time.

Order by phone at 1 – 8 0 0 – T R U E – F A N

Click here to order online.



Q&A Monday Update
October 1, 2001 | 1:59 AM EST | Adam

With Every Question For Justice has been updated once again with ten answers and ten questions, none of which have anything to do with the as-of-yet-undetermined owner of the toy license for Star Trek: Enterprise.

September 2001 Archive

More UK Convention Action
September 30, 2001 | 7:55 PM EST | Adam

Paul from Jedicon sent us a press release on their upcoming convention… here’s the short of it:

WHAT: Jedicon Episode IV
WHEN: Sunday, December 9 2001
WHERE: Basildon Sports Centre

Guests include Petwe Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Friday Wilson, Alan Ruscoe, Jerome Blake, Mike Carter, Jeremy Bullock, Chris Parsons, Caroline Blakiston, and Claire Davenport as well as many others.

Please visit the Scifishows.com Jedicon Page for the full scoop and future updates.



Pegs Marked For Deluxe Figures
September 30, 2001 | 3:07 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader TheFly2385 wrote in with an update on the Deluxe figures. At the Fred Meyer in Overlake, WA, not only did they have the Duros and X-Wing Luke wave, but they also had pegs for the upcoming Deluxe wave. The peg stickers indicated the deluxe figures were priced at 9.99.



Emperor’s Wrath Vader Feature
September 30, 2001 | 3:04 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Girlofgod wrote in to point out:

“just got the new Emperor’s Wrath Darth Vader, and…. HE GLOWS IN THE DARK!! I found out when I turned the light off by my computer and you can clearly see the skull and his spin. It’s awesome. The whole skull glows in the dark. I didn’t know it did that. I haven’t seen this feature published anywhere. Tell everybody. It’s a great bonus!”



R2-D2 Carryall Playset: $9.99 at KB Kids
September 30, 2001 | 12:30 AM EST | Adam

In case you missed out on this, and didn’t notice it there before, KB Kids has the R2-D2 Carry Case Playset with exclusive Destroyer Droid figure for $9.99. Of course, if you already have it, this information is worthless, but it’s easily Hasbro’s best POTF2-era carry case and with the exclusive figure, it’s a pretty good toy for a pretty good price.



Jar Jar Tatooine, Bespin Guard Wave, $4.99 Each
September 30, 2001 | 12:08 AM EST | Adam

M&M Collectibles has Jar Jar Tatooine, Ketwol, Sabe, Ellors Madak, and the Bespin Guard on non-mint packaging for $4.99 each– not a bad deal for an army builder or the tough-to-find Jar Jar.



Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Demo
September 28, 2001 | 8:48 PM EST | Adam

LucasArts’ Battlegrounds Page has a playable demo for the new Windows game. Star Wars meets StarCraft seems to be the order of the day, so it looks like a worthwhile download for users of Windows95 or later.

(Now where’s the Mac port?)



September 28, 2001 | 6:19 PM EST | Adam

After a few weeks, we’ve got a new poll for you: which non-film piece of Star Wars do you think should be on DVD first? The options we came up with are on the left, and we’d appreciate you to take the time to click your favorite option.

Also, our last poll has come to an end. The number one choice in “What do you think of our new layout?” was French Toast Please with 32% of over 2000 votes cast.



Are You Hardcore?
September 28, 2001 | 6:00 PM EST | Adam

Well, are you? Have you ever gone that extra mile– or 100 miles– to track down that one special Star Wars collectible? Have you ever gone through Hell and back to get that one action figure? We at Yakface.com would like to know about it, and we’d like to post your stories of heroism… or despair. If you’ve got a great story about your experiences collecting Star Wars, please send it in and watch for it here at Yakface.com!



Nifty Dagobah Vader Error
September 28, 2001 | 5:35 PM EST | Adam

While we don’t make it a case to report on errors found on figures, this one was too nifty to not share. Reader Dan sent us this image of a two carded Dagobah Vaders he scored at Kay-Bee Toys that’s missing the face plate.



Real Scan Used On Episode I Figures?
September 28, 2001 | 8:47 AM EST | Bill

Adam over at the Trade Federation ran across an intersting article in an issue of Cinefex from 1999 talking about Real Scan technology for action figures. Could it be that Hasbro tested this technology out on some Episode I figures? Click here for more.



More Super Detailed 12″ Customs
September 28, 2001 | 8:40 AM EST | Bill

Ron Rodriguez has just completed some new 12″ customs. This time around it’s Sio Bibble and Arleil Schous the Defel Wraith.
To see them click here.



Postponement Confirmed
September 27, 2001 | 11:18 PM EST | Bill

Rebelscum has confirmed some bad news for collectors, but it’s not as bad as it could be. The TIE Bomber and Crashed Snowspeeder have been postponed until this Spring, but as they pointed out at Rebelscum it could be worse, at least these vehicles are not canceled!

The good news is that the 12″ Luke and Yoda is still on track for this Fall.



Q&A Update
September 27, 2001 | 1:58 AM EST | Adam

With Every Question For Justice has been updated with the questions and answers and all that jazz. Enjoy, or don’t! Next update is scheduled for Monday, unless there’s a deluge of questions, then maybe it’ll be ready for Friday.



McQuarrie Artwork Auction
September 27, 2001 | 1:29 AM EST | Adam

John from Ralph McQuarrie’s website sent us the following news…

“In case you think your readers would be interested – here’s some never before seen Ralph McQuarrie production art from Star Wars, Empire and Jedi that will be auctioned on eBay starting October 1st. All proceeds from the sale of these pieces will go directly to Ralph McQuarrie.

You can preview the first pieces that will be available at:

As you’ll see, we have selected several recognizable images from each of the three films for this initial offering.

As every Star Wars collector knows, almost all production art resides in the Lucasfilm Archives. This is a rare opportunity for fans to own not only an original work by Ralph McQuarrie, but an original piece of Star Wars history.”



Vehicles Delayed
September 26, 2001 | 9:04 PM EST | Bill

Pete over at The Private Universe has posted a bit of news that will be a great disappointment to the collecting community. According to his sources, the vehicles due out this fall, including the Snowspeeder and TIE bomber, have been delayed until early 2002. Click here for all the details.



REAL Stands Half-Price Sale Is Over
September 26, 2001 | 8:57 PM EST | Bill

The REAL Stands half-price sale is over, but the good news is that their the stands for the current line of 3-3/4″ Star Wars figures (`95 to present) are now available at The Official Star Wars Fan Club Store at a huge savings– only $3.99 a set, and if your a member of The Official Star Wars Fan Club, your price is only $3.49 – that’s just 29 cents each which is more than 50% off REAL stands regular retail price. Order by phone at 1 – 8 0 0 – T R U E – F A N, or click here.



New Ultimate Lego Sets
September 26, 2001 | 8:13 PM EST | Adam

Earlier this week, From Bricks To Bothans has posted shots, pricing, and preorder info on two new Shop-At-Home exclusive sets: a Darth Maul bust and a fantastic Blockade Runner (Tantive IV) model.



EB World Specials
September 26, 2001 | 8:10 PM EST | Adam

Video Game Retailler Electronics Boutique has several items for clearance prices on their web site, including select POTJ figures for $1.87 each, Episode I “Simon,” and a $3 mousepad. Check out their site for the latest on what’s still available!

Thanks to jeditrainee for the scoop!



DNS Newsfeed
September 26, 2001 | 12:16 AM EST | Adam

D&S Sci-Fi Toy World has the Shmi Skywalker, Obi-wan Jedi Training, Darth Vader Emperor’s Wrath, Luke X-Wing & Han Death Star Escape figures in. Also still have a few TIE Interceptors & B-Wings available. Come check us out.”



Half Price REAL Stands
September 25, 2001 | 8:53 AM EST | Bill

Need some stands cheap??? You’re in luck. REAL Stands is having a half-price sale. The official figure stands of The STAR WARS Fan Club are now available at huge savings. Act fast, supplies are limited and this sale will end soon, and without notice.
You can order by phone or fax at 1-888-618-REAL (7325) or online by clicking here.

Be sure to tell them Yakface sent you.



Q&A Update
September 25, 2001 | 3:44 AM EST | Adam

Because we’re irregular, With Every Question For Justice has been updated. Late. But here it is, so have some coffee, or not, and enjoy.



Star Wars Checks Discontinued
September 25, 2001 | 2:36 AM EST | Adam

Those looking for the Star Wars checks are now out of luck, according to reader Derek:

“I tried to reorder mine two weeks ago and got sent some really lame “Cosmos” checks instead along with a package insert telling me that the Star Wars checks have been discontinued and that they thought the replacement checks would be a ‘nice replacement.'”

An unfortunate turn of events, but any news on new Star Wars checks will be posted here at Yakface as soon as we receive the word.



Cheap LEGOs
September 24, 2001 | 9:44 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Jeditrainee gave us a heads-up on a super deal at Amazon.com. They have the Lego Mindstorms Droid Developer Kit which retails at $99.99 on sale for $29.99!!!!! Click here to order.

Looking to build scenes with LEGO’s? Walmart.com has the AT-ST on clearance for $5.00



September 24, 2001 | 8:57 PM EST | Bill

Those scavengers over at The Jawa are at it again. This time they have 3 contests going. One of them is for a EP1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Electronic Lightsaber. Another on is for 2 Episode I Applause Statues of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul. The last one is for a Han Solo Bespin, Leia Bespin, Chewbacca Mechanic, Aurra Sing and Darth Maul-Sith Apprentice.



Attention Yak Readers In The UK
September 24, 2001 | 8:52 PM EST | Bill

We’re looking for some loyal Yak Fans to cover Empire Day 2001, the Falcon Society’s UK Star Wars Convention, on Sunday, October 7th, in Herts, England. We need YOU, your digital camera (or standard camera and scanner) to attend and take lots of photos for your fellow Star Wars fans everywhere.

All you have to do is email the photo files to us here at Yakface. and we’ll take care of putting together a page for them and posting them with your name and review of the convention.



Dutch Convention News
September 24, 2001 | 9:00 AM EST | Bill

On October 13th Ray Park and Anthony Daniels will be present at the first Echo Base Con, a convention organized by the Dutch Star Wars Fan Club ‘Echo Base’. It will be a day filled with activities. Among those activities are an official presentation of the Episode I DVD (in cooperation with 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Benelux), a PS2 games tournament, a presentation of the Jeff Cioletti documentary The Fandom Menace, and much more. For more information, click here.



Which Is Your Favorite R2-D2
September 22, 2001 | 2:39 PM EST | Bill

Hasbro’s Star Wars site has a new poll up asking which version of the 3 3/4 R2-D2 is your favorite. They have five versions to choose from: the first POTJ2 R2-D2, R2-D2 with launching light saber, R2-D2 with datalink and periscope, R2-D2 with booster rockets, and Naboo Escape R2. Notably absent is R2-D2 with holographic Leia (my personal favorite) and electronic FX R2-D2. Click here to go to Hasbro’s Star Wars site.

Now, if we can just get the R2-D2 bartender!!!!



Looking For New 3 3/4″ And 12″ POTJ Figures
September 22, 2001 | 12:20 AM EST | Bill

New Force Comics has in stock and ready to ship the new 12″ Legacy dolls (Death Star Trooper, Han Solo Trash Compactor, Death Star Droid)…sets of 3 for $64.99 + shipping and sealed cases of 6 for $119.99 + shipping. They will have their stock of the Shmi/Obi Wan Jedi Training cases in next week, and the Emperor’s Wrath Vader, Death Star Escape Han Solo and X-Wing Luke cases will ship to them next week from Hasbro. New Force charges $69.99+ shipping for a case of 12 POTJ figures — that’s only $5.83 a figure!!! Click here to order and be sure to tell them Yak Face sent you!



Quebec Star Wars Convention
September 22, 2001 | 12:05 AM EST | Bill

For our Canadian readers, the Holiday Inn Select in Downtown Quebec will be the site of a Star Wars Convention on October 27-28th. The address is 395 De la Couronne.

Guests scheduled to appear are:

David Prowse = Darth Vader
Jeremy Bulloch = Boba Fett
Femi Taylor = Oola
Kenny Baker = R2-D2

Tickets are $10 for a day or the VIP pass at $70, that includes access for both days as well as special priviliges and dinner with the stars. In the Montreal Area, tickets can be purchased at Legends Action Figures, 7104 St-Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2S 2M9, phone: 514-277-1867.



Empire Day 2001— UK Star Wars Convention
September 21, 2001 | 11:59 PM EST | Bill

Empire Day 2001, The Falcon Society’s UK Star Wars Convention, will be Sunday October 7th in Herts, England.

David Barclay – Voice of Jabba, Jabba lead puppeteer (Return of the Jedi), Assistant puppeteer to Frank Oz (Yoda) (Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi)
Alan Harris – General Dodonna’s aide (Star Wars: A New Hope), Bossk, Bespin Guard, C-3PO stand-in, Boba Fett (prototype suit development & testing) (The Empire Strikes Back), Chancellor Valorum’s stand-in (The Phantom Menace)
Gary Kurtz – Producer (American Graffiti, Star Wars: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back), vice president of Lucasfilm (1976 – 1980)
Stuart Freeborn – creature creator, incl. Yoda, Chewbacca, Jabba the Hutt(Star Wars: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi). Only Star Wars convention of the year
Jeremy Bulloch – Boba Fett, Imperial guard (The Empire Strikes Back)
Colin Skeaping – Mark Hamill’s stunt double. Making his first ever convention appearance

Questions and Answers session the guests; Autograph Sessions; Slide show & talk by Stuart Freeborn, with exclusive, never before seen pictures from the Kurtz/Joiner archive.

Display of exclusive behind the scenes stills and artwork.

Large display of original props and costumes (genuine screen used Star Wars pieces); Life size Snowspeeder on display; Dedicated Star Wars dealers Room; Auction of classic toys and other rare collectables; Modelling and Diorama Competition; Art Competition; Fancy Dress Competition; Leia slave Girl costume competition with £50 prize; Video Room, Video Games Room, Displays, Games, and much more!

The event is being held at: Wolsey Hall, Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Herts, England. Just off junction 25 of the M25 (A10). Follow the signs for Cheshunt. 3 minutes walk from the Cheshunt BR station (trains every 30 mins from Liverpool Street Station, Central London).

Information Line: 01908 671138 (area code if dialling from outside UK: +441908) or email Empireday@nimrod.demon.co.uk

Ticket cost: £8 adults, £4 children (under 10). Tickets will be available on the door, no need to pre-register or pay in advance.
Doors open 11am until 6pm. Main events start at midday.

Entries for the art and modeling competition: Just bring your entries along on the day and hand them in at the admissions desk in the morning.



12″ Customs With Unbelieveable Detail
September 21, 2001 | 8:57 AM EST | Bill

The Jawa has added another to their ranks. Ron Rodriguez is not your ordinary customizer. He does 12″ customs which are simply Hasbro’s equal or even better. Click here to see some of his awsome customs.



TIE Interceptor at Amazon.com– UPDATE
September 20, 2001 | 9:31 PM EST | Bill

Can’t find the TIE Interceptor at your local TRU??? Well, the TRU exclusive TIE Interceptor is now available at Amazon.com for $29.99. To order Click here.
Also available are the following:
Han Solo Stormtrooper 12″ Figure $19.99
Death Star Trooper 12″ Figure $19.99
Death Star Droid 12″ Figure $19.99

UPDATE — The TIE Interceptor is sold out.



Episode II Preview Figure News
September 20, 2001 | 7:39 PM EST | Bill

The Force.Net is reporting that the release of Attack of the Clones preview figures has been confirmed. According to the reports, we should see AT LEAST 6 carded preview figures, which are scheduled to ship in DECEMBER!!!! Click here for the full post.

Thanks to Yak Reader Greg for the tip!



TIE Interceptor At Amazon.Com
September 20, 2001 | 8:42 AM EST | Bill

Can’t find the TIE Interceptor at your local TRU??? Well, the TRU exclusive TIE Interceptor is now available at Amazon.com for $29.99. To order Click here.
Also available are the following:
Han Solo Stormtrooper 12″ Figure $19.99
Death Star Trooper 12″ Figure $19.99
Death Star Droid 12″ Figure $19.99



Phantom DVD Leaks?
September 20, 2001 | 2:08 AM EST | Adam

TheForce.net is reporting that they’ve received word of a store selling the Star Wars DVD, set for an October release, early.

A quick glance at eBay reveals several presells and tons of unlicensed, “region free” discs which, of course, won’t have the glut of cool extras that the official release will have. So keep those eyes peeled, and if you find it early, do tell.



Q&A Updated
September 20, 2001 | 2:00 AM EST | Adam

Due to server problems last night, With Every Question For Justice has been updated for the second time this week. On to real news.



The Land Up North Gets More New POTJ
September 19, 2001 | 10:06 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Michael wrote in about his find in the land up North. “Just wanted to let you know that I found a lot of Kewtol waves in the Montreal area Walmarts and TRUs, and I picked up Shmi and Obi Wan Jedi Training Gear at Legends Action Figures.
Good Hunting.”



ToyFare X-Wing/ Pin Pal Moe Offer
September 19, 2001 | 3:33 PM EST | Adam

WizardWorld.com’s store posted an offer for a bundle with an Action Fleet Dagobah X-Wing Fighter (the very same we use in our title graphic) and a Pin Pal Moe Simpsons figure. The price? A little pricey at $42.99, shipping included. Orignally, the X-Wing went for under $20.



2002 Lego Descriptions
September 19, 2001 | 3:27 PM EST | Adam

From Bricks To Bothans has posted details on the upcoming Star Wars Lego sets for 2002. Included are new vehicles, a Lobot minifigure, and some modular playsets. Check out the site for the latest Lego information!



Operation: Superman
September 18, 2001 | 8:34 PM EST | Adam

Operation Superman, a program started to give Superman (and Wonder Woman) figures to those who were involved with the aftermath of last week’s tragedy, is up online. If you’d like to help out, visit their page. Donations are being taken through the end of October.



Episode One DVD Easter Egg Key
September 18, 2001 | 7:25 PM EST | Adam

DVD supersite The Digial Bits updated their review of the upcoming DVD. Items include alternate menus, outtakes, and more… cool stuff all around. Don’t forget to bookmark the site for when your DVD shows up!



Lucky Austrians!
September 18, 2001 | 12:50 PM EST | John

Now that’s Austrians not Australians. Matthais from Austria sends us this good news for those on the “continent” over there. It reads;

“The comic book stores in Vienna have tons of the new B-Wing, Tie Interceptor and nearly every POTJ Figure and nobody wants to buy them. The are a BIT cheaper than those in the U.S. We even have Skiffs and Y-Wings ( I got a loose Y-Wing and a carded Bespin Chambre for about 45 or 48 dollars at a sort of Con ). If you don`t find POTJ figures in the U.S. come to Vienna.”

Thanks for the info, Matthais! I always like to hear of countries other than the US and Canada getting loads of stuff and everyone else has to suffer and scrounge. Good show!



25th Anniversary Obi-Wan & Vader?
September 18, 2001 | 11:40 AM EST | John

According to sources here at Yak, when the Anniversary cases first ship around mid-November, they will include only an even case assortment of the Luke/Leia, Han/Chewie 2-Packs. So where is Obi-Wan and Vader? Fear not, young Jedi! They will be placed in subsequent case assortments within a month or so so the ratio will probably be 1X Luke/Leia, 1X Han/Chewie, and 4X Obi-Wan/Vader. That is an estimated guess on my part as far as the case assortment goes. There are also rumors (I say RUMORS), hither to there being a fourth unannounced 2-Pack. Take that with a grain of salt for now until we get more on that. Honestly, I don’t think it’s true, but hey, you never know.



Entertainment Earth Offers 25th Anniversary Figures
September 18, 2001 | 11:34 AM EST | John

Entertainment Earth is currently offering the following preorder for their preferred customers;

SW 25th Anniversary Assortment #1
Price – $99.99
3x Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia
3x Han Solo and Chewbacca
Due December 2001

SW POTJ Wave 15 1/2
Price – $89.99
3x Queen Amidala Travel Gown
3x Rebel Trooper
3x Imperial Officer
3x FX-7 Medical Droid
Due November 2001

Keep watching their site for a full order release if you’re not one of the preferred customers! If you are, hop over to EE and go crazy!



Far More Than Just “Ten” Nunb
September 17, 2001 | 9:56 PM EST | Adam

Keith of Keith’s Star Wars Archive sent this image Keith’s Star Wars Page in response to a recent Q&A update. And I should point out, this is not a Photoshop-created image either. Impressive!



Carded Deluxe Figure Photos
September 17, 2001 | 9:39 PM EST | Bill

Rebelscum has posted photos of all four of the upcoming deluxe figures carded. These pics are from a current auction on Ebay. According to today’s news mail is back to pre-September 11 schedules, and we should see these in the US in a month or so if Hasbro puts the first wave out in October as previously announced. From the photos these look great, hopefully we’ll be seeing them at retail soon.



Q&A Update
September 17, 2001 | 12:36 AM EST | Adam

With Every Question For Justice has been updated. As always, columns like this thrive on questions so if you’ve got any, send ’em on in!



Variations… Variations… Which Is The First Skiff
September 16, 2001 | 9:20 PM EST | Bill

Sidster over at The Jawa and the Trade Federation have teamed-up to present a series on variations in Hasbro Star Wars products. As a teaser, a comparison of the two variations of the Tatooine Skiff has already been posted on The Jawa.



Marmit Fett Clearance
September 16, 2001 | 8:28 PM EST | Adam

Hobby Link Japan has reduced the prices on some of their Boba Fett Star Wars Marmit figure kits, down to 8400 yen (about $72.) The store also has the TIE Pilot for 8800 yen (about $75) as well as the new Sandtrooper Sergeant for 9800 yen (or $84.)



Marmit Stormtrooper Kit #2
September 16, 2001 | 8:25 PM EST | Adam

An anonymous tipster pointed us out to Marmit’s Page where there’s an image of a seemingly ordinary Stormtrooper. According to the source, Marmit will be producing a left handed version of their Stormtrooper kit. Supposedly it can be preordered from the site for delivery in Japan, but there’s a lot we don’t know due to the language barrier.



Marmit Sandtrooper (White Pauldron Variant) Comparison
September 16, 2001 | 6:29 PM EST | Bill

What’s different about the Marmit White Pauldron Sandtrooper?? Quite a bit actually.

While armor sculpt is basically the same as the original, there is one major difference. While the black artificial air supply nozzels were separate parts which had to be glued onto the helmet on the previous Sandtrooper (and Stormtrooper), they were already installed on the new version. Further, while the surface of the orange pauldron is smooth, with “bends” to the plastic where the pauldron goes across the top of the shoulder, the white version, had distinct grooves which give the feeling that the pauldron was designed to flex at those points.

Overall, the white pauldron Sandtrooper is the “dirty” variant. While there is some “sand” on the first version, there is a lot more on the new Marmit Sandtrooper. In addition, the paint job on the new version, if anything, is better than it was on the first one. As can be seen in the comparison photos, not only is the placemnt of the blaster clip, and other supply holders different, the sculpts are totally new. There is no set of supply/blaster pack carriers on the left shoulder oopsite the pauldron.

Also, the white version comes with a long blaster rifle (like the Commtech Stormtrooper), while the orange version has a standard imperial blaster. The backpacks for both versions also have very noticible differences. Click here to see comparison photos of the front and back of the Marmit Sandtroopers.



Luke X-Wing, Wrath Vader, Han at K-Mart
September 16, 2001 | 12:55 AM EST | Adam

People who usually cut K-Mart out of the regular toy runs might want to make a detour– the chain has started getting in this wave of figures, so say a few reports and a first-hand sighting late last night. Keep those eyes peeled, as it seems the new stuff is out there.

Also, the “Oddball Case Assortment” mentioned previously is for real– Sandtroopers are showing up with the new trio. While rumors of a black shoulder pauldron have surfaced, it seems that it’s simply an error where the factory didn’t paint the pad.



Still In Search of the B-Wing??
September 15, 2001 | 4:42 PM EST | Mark

Can’t find it in the store? NO PROBLEM, click Here to order it from Target.com. Price is $39.99.



Oddball Case Assortment?
September 15, 2001 | 11:25 AM EST | John

It appears that Hasbro is already trying to anticipate catching up with demand with secondary off-beat case assortments. Yak reader “Phil” writes us with this information…

“Just thought I would let you know that when I pulled a case of the new POTJ wave last night at work it didnt have the 4x for all the figures. Instead it was 4 X-wing Luke, 4 Emperors Wrath Vader, 3 Han Solo, and 1 Sandtrooper.”

It’s nice to see Hasbro trying to fill all the requests for army builders even in such a small way as deleting one “new” figure (Han) from the assortment to add another trooper. Any more news on this? Last I heard they were shipping uniform 4x4x4. Thanks for the info, Phil!



Got Marmit?
September 15, 2001 | 12:50 AM EST | John

“Felipe M.” from Brazil writes us to let us know where to pick up the latest Marmit with a bonus for a great price;

“For those who are fans of the Marmit Figures, they are at a great price atAction Figure Xpress. The brand new Marmit Sandtrooper (with white shoulder pauldron) is at $99.95 and the buyers receive a Free Star Wars Vehicle or playset! For those who aren`t fans of Marmit Figures, you better take a good look at them, because you certainly will be!”

Thanks Felipe for the freebie tip-off.



Attack Of The Variations — Again
September 14, 2001 | 9:57 PM EST | Bill

Variation collectors beware!!! The Sidster over at The Jawa has run across what appears to be yet another variation. This time on Jedi Training Obi Wan. The variation has to do with the helmet. On one the finish is glossy, on the other it is flat, possibly made with different plastics. Click here for more. If you have any information on this variation, send it in.



Collectors Alert– New Return Policy At Target
September 14, 2001 | 9:52 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Dave wrote in with Target’s new return policy. Most of it is what we saw last year, but there are some changes. According to a brochure he received at a Target recently, the poilcy is:

“A receipt dated within 90 days is required for all returns and exchanges. All returns and exchanges must be new, unused and contain all original packaging and accessories. Some items cannot be returned if opened, including music, movies, video games, software and collectibles. Some items are subject to a 15% restocking fee, including camcorders, digital cameras, portable DVD and portable electronics. Other restrictions may apply. Holiday and seasonal merchandise on clearance at time of return will be refunded at the current clearance price. Any purchase made by check may be refunded as a merchandise voucher. All other returns or exchanges – including those without a receipt – will be offered manufacturers’ warranty and repair assistance at 1-800-303-0308.” They also mention: “Target can now look up and find most of your purchases made by credit card, debit card, gift card and check within the last 90 days.”

UPDATE: One of our Bothan Spies who is a Team Leader at a Target wrote in to point out that this poicy goes into effect November 1!



TIEs Intercepted in Canada
September 14, 2001 | 3:51 PM EST | Adam

Mark L wrote in with this scoop…

“I was in my local Toys R us in Belleville, Ontario, Canada and found 6 TIE interceptors on the shelf. They are 39.99 CDN. They also had the Palm Talkers. The one I saw where Darth Vader, Chewie. They were 14.99 CDN.”



SW Insider 56 hitting mailboxes now!
September 14, 2001 | 1:22 PM EST | John

The Star Wars Insider, issue 56, is now hitting the mailboxes of enthusiastic subscribers across the US! This issue boasts Episode I DVD interviews with people involved in creating the “lost” scenes, one heck of an Episode II update with all kinds of neat images, a very small Jawa Trader, (huzzah!), and a whole segment devoted to “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”, which it seems is inextricably intertwined with Star Wars euphamisms. If you’re not a subscriber, you don’t know what you’re missing! You can subscribe by clicking here.



Still need Swimming Jar Jar?!?
September 14, 2001 | 12:58 PM EST | John

Steve from Above and Beyond Direct writes to us here at Yak to let everyone know that they still have cases of the Swimming Jar Jar assortment for sale at their website. The best part? It’s just 32 Pounds! In American money that equals out to about $47.00. The case, for refreshers, includes;
1x Jar Jar Naboo Swamp .0000 card
3x Battle Damaged Destroyer Droid .0000 card
3x Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Master ..0000 card
3x Darth Maul Sith Lord .0000 card
2x Anakin Skywalker Naboo Pilot ..0000 card
2x Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight .0000 card
2x Darth Maul Tatooine ..0100 card
Great price, but check the shipping before ordering, because it’s bound to be more than internal US shipping.
UPDATE – Steve writes back to let us know that the price of 32 is in AMERICAN DOLLARS. So, it’s 32 AMERICAN DOLLARS (not UK pounds), for that case of 16 figures. Even better!



Wrath-O-Con Is Here
September 14, 2001 | 8:47 AM EST | Bill

Yes, this is still a Star Wars site. No this is not a plug for the other Star series. Five sites of the Star Wars Action Figure Humor Web are holding the first ever online Action Figure Convention for Action Figures. The Con is now open and runs through the weekend. Visit the Wrath-O-Con for a few laughs and you might even win some figures or a new B-Wing. Click here for more.



Star Wars Celebration II News
September 13, 2001 | 7:30 PM EST | Bill

The Star Wars Fan Club is holding an online survey on housing for Star Wars Celebration II which will be held next year in Indianapolis. The dates for Celebration II are May 3 to May 5th 2002. If you are planning to go, be sure to vote on the survey!



Strange C-3PO– Abandoned E1 Sketch Or E2 Spoiler??
September 13, 2001 | 7:20 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Scott wrote in: “Hey! Take a look at KBkids .com’s Star Wars page. Up in the left hand corner there’s a totally different image of C-3P0. He’s gold and his mouth looks like some kind of vent. Take a look and let us know what you think! This could be what he’s gonna look like in EP II!!!”

UPDATE: The image is, in fact, a piece of Doug Chiang conceptual artwork from Episode I. Astute readers may recall the silver Episode II C-3PO as a cover boy for the Star Wars Insider earlier this year.



More New Photos
September 13, 2001 | 7:17 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Nick writes in: “I just got my copy of Lee’s toy and action figure guide, and inside there are nice pictures of boxed “Hoth Peril” crashed Snowspeeder, Tie Bomber, and 12″ Luke with Speeder. Unfortunatelly I am not capable of scanning the pictures.”

Check your Lees for these photos.



More Shirtless Deluxe Darth Maul Photos
September 12, 2001 | 9:12 PM EST | Bill

Rebelscum is reporting that this time it’s Toyfare with shirtless Maul photos. There is a clear shot of Maul AND the training droid!!! Click here for the photo.



Lucasfilm Job Openings
September 12, 2001 | 3:48 PM EST | Adam

Those wanting to work for Lucasfilm Ltd. should check out Lucasfilm.comtoday– they’re currently looking for a nonfiction book editor, a collectible database content administrator, a kitchen supervisor, a tax director, and several other positions.



Donate Blood!
September 11, 2001 | 8:41 PM EST | Adam

In the aftermath in this black day, there’s a great need for supplies, blood, and other necessities. As a group with a little extra disposable time and income, please consider taking some time out of your week to help the survivors and the families of those who weren’t so lucky.

If you can, give blood via the American Red Cross, and watch your communities for collections for goods. If you plan to give blood, some centers are reportedly having an overflow of donations, so it may be necessary to have an appointment.

Our hearts go out to the victims and their families in this situation, and we wish for the best in terms of an outcome for this tragedy and may whatever entity or entities behind these attacks be brought to justice.



DVD Bonanza
September 11, 2001 | 4:42 AM EST | Adam

Well, by now most of you are aware that everybody and his brother– not us, though, because we’re not that famous– went to Skywalker Ranch over the weekend to get their copy of the Episode One DVD and, of course, write reviews of it. You can find impressions, interviews, and more at…
DVD File
The Digital Bits*

DVD File has an amazingly well organized feature, which is well worth reading. The Digital Bits, as of this news posting, still did not have up their review of the disc but did have some other features. Most of the information on all the sites is identical, but the review opinions are quite different, but all very high.

In the interviews, it is hinted that Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi will not be seen on DVD until after Episode III. Reading a little into the comments, it seems we’ll be seeing DVDs for the two remaining movies in intervals like we’re seeing them now.



Q&A Update
September 11, 2001 | 4:35 AM EST | Adam

With Every Question For Justice, the column that just screams “obfuscation,” has been updated with ten questions and answers for your reading pleasure. The next update will be soon, so send in your questions!

URL Corrected



Starfigher: Xbox Edition
September 11, 2001 | 4:27 AM EST | Adam

Gamespot posted a blurb on the upcoming Xbox edition of Starfighter. New vehicles, multiplayer modes, and more are to be included, so if you’re interested, check out the link.



More Details on Episode 1 DVD
September 10, 2001 | 7:56 PM EST | Bill

Our Bothan Spy checked in with some more details about the Episode 1 DVD. According to his information, the Special Edition treatment will include:
The scenes reincorporated into the feature are mostly around the pod race. A few more racers are introduced and there is a scene where Anakin’s podracer’s power cable pops off and he uses a magnetic tool to draw it back in and re-attach it. There is also a scene added just after the arrival of the Queen on Coroscant where Jar Jar and Anakin follow the Queen into a taxi and cruise over the city. I think there were a few other lines added here & there but I can’t be sure.



Color Photos Of Shirtless Maul …. At Last
September 10, 2001 | 7:50 PM EST | Bill

Rebelscum is reporting that Star Wars Insider #56 is appearing in mailboxes. It includes Hasbro ads for the deluxe figure line, including a large photo of the Shirtless Maul (the first COLOR photo anywhere). Click here to see the photos.



Star Wars Jr.– The Phantom Facts
September 9, 2001 | 11:01 PM EST | Bill

The Jawa has posted the whole histry of the kids Episode 1 line that never was. It seems that his line was developed (fairly extensively by the sound of it) and the axed while still in early prototypes. Click here for the details.



Star Wars Jr. Toys
September 9, 2001 | 7:14 PM EST | Adam

By now, some of you may have seen the shots of the “junior”-ish Star Wars figures of Darth Maul, R2-D2, and the Battle Droid from eBay from the previously mentioned seller “proto-year.” (If you haven’t seen the images, surf on over to CollectStarWars.com.)

The Darth Maul figure sculpt has a pose that’s a dead ringer for Hasbro’s current Jurassic Park Jr. toys– the human figures have the same giant feet and big hands that this Maul does. The entire line has a very “cute” look, and would be something I’d very much like to see. So in case there was any doubt, these are almost definitely coming out of Hasbro’s idea factory.

Urban Toy Legend has it that Hasbro developed a Star Wars line to go with Episode One, but needless to say it never showed up. Could this be that line? Might they still be coming out? We don’t know, but we’re very hopeful that Hasbro releases these figures, and soon. Even if it means buying another Darth Maul figure.

If you’re interested in the “baby” style, check out the other aisles at Wal-Mart and Toys “R” Us next time you go there– the Jurassic Park “preschool” stuff is pretty neat and would be the best indicator of the kind of product the Star Wars figures may end up being.



They’re In the US…….. Confirmed
September 9, 2001 | 1:54 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Andy wrote in from Tucson, Arizona to let us know that a Target there had ALL the new figures in stock this morning. He found Shmi, Obi Jedi Training, Emperor’s Wrath Vader, X-Wing Luke, and Death Star Escape Han! He sent in a photo of the figures and his receipt confirming his score.



25th Anniversay 2 Pack Luke Prototype
September 9, 2001 | 11:34 AM EST | Bill

Rebelscum has just posted a photo of the Luke figure prototype from the upcoming Luke and Leia 25th Anniversary 2 pack. Luke’s stance is substantially different from the mock-up we saw several months ago. Click here to see the photo!!



Episode I DVD Update
September 9, 2001 | 11:31 AM EST | Bill

One of our Bothan Spies wrote in that the Episode I DVD has been given the ‘Special Edition’ treatment. He claims some parts of the film have been re-edited for the DVD. More on this as it comes in.



Deluxe and Palm Talker Pricing at Meijer
September 9, 2001 | 2:34 AM EST | Adam

Reader BOBB chimed in this morning to say that Meijer has Palm Talkers, but more notable was the addition of price tags up for the upcoming deluxe figures. The price for the new figures was listed at $9.99, the same price many other stores are expecting to charge.



Carded Shmi, Emperor’s Wrath Vader Pics
September 8, 2001 | 9:48 PM EST | Adam

If you haven’t already seen them elsewhere, we just added shots of Shmi Skywalker and Emperor’s Wrath Darth Vader to our New Images Page. Don’t miss the danger, excitement, and thrills that only Yakface.com JPG files, or perhaps a good coffee, can bring!



Wal-Mart POTJ Update
September 8, 2001 | 9:36 PM EST | Bill

Once again it’s time for an update on the plight of POTJ figures at Wal-Mart. This time we have a report confirming some GOOD news.

Yak Reader Brian writes “At our local Walmart Superstore (Orlando), POTJ figures have been relegated to the clearence toy section, including the newest waves. There are no tags for them in the aisles. Anyone got a confirmation from Walmart management about this?”

Now for the good news. Our Bothan spies who are work for Wal-Mart have written in with the 411 on what Wal-Mart is doing with POTJ.

One Bothan, WiseJediDawson, writes “I work at Walmart as a Inventory Control Specialist… At this time or {MODS} have changed… What that means is our new layouts for the departments, like toys have been set for Christmas, that doesn’t mean we wont be seeing Star Wars in Wal-Mart… If you ever see Boxes in Wal-Mart that haven’t been opened and you see the shipping label on it One will say WR. one says AD. and one say GO. WR and AD are the things managers can order and have all the time… GO stuff is stuff home office orders for us… Star Wars is no longer a WR or AD item… It will only be shipped to each walmart when a Home Office Rep thinks that we need them,… Sales have decreased in Star Wars and Wal-Mart doesn’t want to have to mark down any more… So they are only shipping out GO so that they can ship small quanities… and when it is a good time for the money… That doesn’t seem right to do but it is the system to making money… But Who knows maybe new {MODS} will come down and they will be back on the shelf for good…”



Awesome Ultarama Diorama
September 8, 2001 | 9:27 PM EST | Bill

The Sidster over at The Jawa has just posted some pics of the winning Ultarama diorama from TheJawa’s recent contest. To say the least, the winner did an EXCELLENT job. Click here to see it all .



Hasbro Site Updates
September 8, 2001 | 7:38 PM EST | Adam

Hasbro’s Star Wars Site has been updated again, with a couple of new features. First is an update to the Fan Choice Figure Watch which provides some background on the backstory of Ephant Mon, and provides a nice picture of the elephantine character. There’s also a new bracket tourney for Episode One figures… so if you like to excercise your democratic rights, visit Hasbro’s Star Wars Site today!



D&S has TIE Interceptor
September 7, 2001 | 3:33 PM EST | Adam

D&S Toys has the newly released TIE Interceptor in stock for $36.99. They also have other vehicles, so if you’re interested, check ’em out!



The Flanneled One states again, “Definitely NO third Trilogy!”
September 7, 2001 | 1:18 PM EST | John

This news comes from Entertainment Backwire where George states again, despite the wishes of fans, NO THIRD TRILOGY! It reads;

“George Lucas says there will be no more Star Wars films after Episode 3. Lucas had said that he originally planned to make nine Star Wars films. But he says now that once he finishes Episode 3 that will be the end. “I can guarantee to you that I will definitively give up after Episode 3, which will come out into 2005,” he told French magazine Tele 7 Days.”

It also goes on to say that there may be another Indiana Jones flick if his, Steven’s, and Harrison’s schedules permit. I don’t know, I was kind of hoping to see Luke in an “Obi-Wanish” position passing down a lightsaber to the next “new hope”, but alas, it will never be. Now to talk about that Star Wars TV show fans want…



More Wal-Mart POTJ Sale News
September 7, 2001 | 9:07 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Evan found a lot of the newer POTJ very cheap. “I just got back from a trip to Johnstown, PA and they had, literally, over 100 Ketwol/Sabe/Bespin Guard/Han Capture/Leai Bespin and Mechanic hewies for $3.00. I thought a) odd for the price to be rounded perfectly like that and b) why would they have SO many of each of those…I would say at least 20 of each. And that was it. No other figures to be found.”



Patience… Always In Motion The Future Of POTJ Figures At Wal-Mart Is
September 7, 2001 | 9:03 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Tony wrote in with his experience at Wal-Mart:

“I made a trip to the local Wal-Mart in Lynnwood, WA this morning, found the toy dept manager and asked her where she hid the SW figs. Her reply sent me reeling. She said they were not going to be receiving them anymore and therefore there are no spots for them on any of the schematics. I said, “but what about the exclusives? You’re supposed to be getting some exclusives!” She had no idea.”

Remember Hasbro and Wal-Mart Corporate have reassurred collectors that Wal-Mart will be carrying POTJ figures, including the Deluxe figures. Also, news about exclusive product, upcoming stock, etc., frequently does not make it from corporate all the way down to department managers at individual stores.



New Images
September 7, 2001 | 5:10 AM EST | Adam

Yakface is proud to present you with images of the latest five releases from Power of the Jedi. Staffer Bill compiled dozens of images for Shmi Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Training,) Han Solo (Death Star Escape,) Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot,) and Darth Vader (Emperor’s Wrath.) They’re all on our new images page.

Be sure not to miss the back of Darth Vader’s helmet– Hasbro’s got another winner with this one, or at least the scans look that way.



Q&A Update
September 7, 2001 | 4:10 AM EST | Adam

With Every Question for Justice has been updated with the typical series of updates. Don’t forget, you too can send in your questions, like “is this really the new layout?” and “what did you think of Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back”? (I loved it, by the by.)

Anyway, read or something.



D&S Has New Figures
September 7, 2001 | 3:12 AM EST | Adam

D&S Sci-Fi Toy World has Shmi and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Training) for your purchase/amusement/etc. Check the D&S site for pricing and availability.

UPDATE: The items no longer appear on the D&S page.



Welcome Again
September 6, 2001 | 10:52 PM EST | Adam

After many delays, and even though it’s not entirely done yet, this is what you can expect from the new Yakface.com. Yup. This is it. And it took months to look like this, too.

This main page is still not fully finished, but you probably guessed that– some graphics will be added through the wee hours of the morning, and some links, well, aren’t active yet. And some of you should have banners on this page… they’re coming. (Trust me.)

Since the page redesign is a real work-in-progress, I encourage you to contact us and let us know the problems you find– how else will we learn?

Anyway, there’s going to be some more goodies added throughout the evening, so stay tuned. Or we’ll… update anyway. We now return you to legit news. Or something that looks close to legit news.



2002 Figures Due Soon
September 6, 2001 | 8:58 AM EST | Bill

Collect Star Wars is reporting that the wave with 3 each of FX-7, Travel Amidala, Rebel Trooper, and Imperial Officer is due to be released in Asia THIS MONTH. They are predicting that we may see these figures released in the US as soon as NEXT MONTH.

Good hunting!



25th Anniversary Prototype Images
September 6, 2001 | 8:53 AM EST | Bill

Collect Star Wars has posted prototype images of the 25th Anniversary Han Solo and Chewbaca. Click here to see the images.



No More Masterpiece Editions
September 6, 2001 | 8:50 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Todd forwarded us a response he received from Chronicle Books (the Publishers of the Star Wars Masterpiece Editions). Put simply the folks who brought us 12″ Anakin, Removable Limbs C-3PO, and Aurra Sing with their books no plans for future releases.



A Maul That Never Was?
September 5, 2001 | 9:28 PM EST | Robert

As I continue to write up descriptions for the submissions that I have received to get caught up I thought I would post a mock up presentation piece for a Darth Maul action figure. The write up and pictures can be found in the Sample – Mock Ups section. If you happen to work at Hasbro and are reading this and know something about this piece please email me. 8>)



More 411 on Wal-Mart POTJ Figures
September 5, 2001 | 8:03 PM EST | Bill

We’ve got more infomation on the Wal-Mart POTJ figure sale.

Yak Reader Phil wrote in:

“Just thought I would write to let you know that none of the Richmond, Virginia area Wal-Mart stores I have been to have reduced the price of their POTJ figures. In fact today was the first shipment of figures my area store has recieved in nearly two months. It was the Sandtrooper wave from the end of the Spring and the Ketwol wave…not with Shmi or Obi wan. So the prices are holding strong at $6.44, unfortunately!

Another Yak Reader whom we will call a Bothan Spy wrote in with some inside information:

“Hi, my name is (deleted) and I work for a walmart in upstate new york. Specifically in the toy department. One of the things that makes Wal-Mart different than say Toy R Us, is that the computer pricing system is in store. Which means, every department head has total control of their product pricing. TRU is controled by a central headquarters, which takes all control out of their hands, save for red tag markdowns.
Recently, my Department Head found a bunch of Star Wars figures that were stashed by a nightshift employee, so he imediatly thought they were old becuase of the card damage. He took out his little alson and marked them down to $2.00 to get rid of them. However, they weren’t old at all. The UPC code than now rang up 2 bucks covered all of the newst ones as well. (Mind you, I didn’t tell him of his mistake until I purchased several figures including the Bespin security guard), but that is why three different stores within the same city can have different prices. These people who run the show most of the time are not collectors and really don’t know whats what.
They think somethings old, boom, they mark it down because Wal-Mart’s policy is to push product out and bring more in as fast as possible. Just thought you’d like to know.”



Wal-Mart POTJ Sale Getting Stranger And Stranger
September 5, 2001 | 8:47 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Darthzilla wrote in that the Wal-Mart in Midvale, UT had several Collection 1 POTJ figures for $1.00, but that the POTJ Collection 2 figures still rang up at regular price. Very interesting.



More Lego Bundles
September 5, 2001 | 2:50 AM EST | Adam

More Lego bundle fun– Toys “R” Us has a new set with the Flash Speeder, Gungan Patrol, and Naboo Fighter for $19.99 (or $19.97, depending on if you look at the shelf price tag or the one on the box.) Also available in the land of Geoffrey the Giraffe is a bundle with the Gungan Sub and the Naboo Swamp, also for dirt cheap. Can’t get a better deal for gifts this upcoming holiday season.

If you spot a new Lego Star Wars bundle on your travels, kindly keep us posted!



Wal-Mart POTJ Sale Hit And Miss… In The Same City
September 4, 2001 | 9:31 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Krayzie113 wrote in with an intersting update on the Wal-Mart POTJ sale. “I live in Dallas and I went to one Wal-Mart and found them (POTJ) for 1.50. Another one had them for 5.00, two others I went to had them for 6.44. Most of them were Chewbaca Mechanic, Leia Bespin, Aurra Sing, Qui Gon Jedi Armor,
and the Ketwol wave “



Prototype Section Update
September 3, 2001 | 5:18 PM EST | Robert

The prototypes section of the website has had a small update. Included in the update is a look at the unproduced Qui – Gon Jinn vs. Battledroid two pack, which can be found in the first shots section. In addition, I added an entry to the hardcopies section for a pair of Darth Maul head hardcopies.



Ultarama Free Shipping Ends Tomorrow!
September 3, 2001 | 12:50 PM EST | Bill

Tomorrow, September 4 is the last day for free shipping from Ultarama. When you order, be sure to tell them Yakface sent you.



Cheap Figures Update
September 3, 2001 | 12:19 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Peter wrote in that KB Toys $2.99 POTJ sale is still growing strong in New England, with an even wider selection. His store has Dagobah Darth Vader and K-3PO.

Yak Reader Lee reports that Wal-Mart’s $1.00 POTJ is not a nationwide sale. In Northern Virginia 4 of the Wal-marts in the area have not lowered prices on figures yet. They have moved them to weird sections of the store(pet supplies, etc.), but they all are selling them for $6.44 each. The good thing is that they are finally receiving enough of the Sandtrooper and Ketwol waves to satisfy demand.



Edits, Edits, & More Edits…
September 3, 2001 | 3:18 AM EST | John

Well, here we go again. TheForce.net is reporting that now there is another “version” of The Phantom Menace making its’ rounds in the underground fan society; The Spanish Edit. This can now join, in infamy, the LA Edit, the NY Edit, and the UK Edit. The UK Edit I posted information on a while back, and no one could offer me any information on the flick. So, until I get dead proof I’ll call it a rumor. As far as the Spanish Edit goes, is there anyone out there who can thumb me a copy here at Yakface? I’d like to see if it could beat out the NY Edit, which to me was the best done so far. Aside from Lucas’ original editing, of course. Is there anyone else out there who also thinks this has gotten veryold? Just a rhetorical question…



Newest POTJ Hits Canada
September 3, 2001 | 1:12 AM EST | John

It would seem that Canada is finally not too far behind the states as far as getting the newest POTJ figures and stuff. I’ve had several reports that the Shmi wave is now hitting Canada, along with the TIE Interceptor. So Cannucks, keep on the lookout for the newest stuff, it’s a’coming! The figures are going for the normal $11.99 Canadian,(save one person who scored a Shmi for $2.00 Canadian, probably a fluke) but no price was given on the Interceptor. Thanks to everyone who wrote in from the Great White North.



More TIE Interceptor Sightings
September 2, 2001 | 10:38 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Mark wrote in from South County, Missouri about his TIE find: “Just wanted to say that I went to my local TRU store today, and it just so happened an employee had stocked a case of 6 Tie Interceptors on the shelf, I picked one up, and as of this evening there were 5 left.



POTJ Figures VERY Cheap At Wal-Mart
September 2, 2001 | 10:14 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Tom wrote in: “Just thought I’d drop some news that I was just at a local Wal-Mart and I found a bunch of POTJ figures for $1.00!! They were in a different area of the store near pet supplies actually, with a bunch of other clearence toys. I picked up Bespin Leia, Chewie (mech.), Jek Porkins, EU Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, and Aurra Sing.”

We do not know if this is nationwide or not, but increasing reports of POTJ cheap at Wal-Mart seem to support that conclusion. If you have any news on these sales, send it in.



The Eighties Redux
September 2, 2001 | 1:56 PM EST | John

With the apparent lack of good Star Wars news, (which I’m sure will pick up as Episode II gets closer), I thought I’d post this reporter’s opinion of the state of toy collecting since the turn of the century.
Since 2000 has hit, it seems that history is starting to repeat itself all over again! What a spectacular time for us mid-to-late twenty-somethings seeing all of our favorite charachters in a triumphant rebirth! Ok, we saw Star Wars come back in a big way in 1996, (it was really late 1995 to be precise). But now with the onset of the new century, we are seeing a lot of the early 80’s figures come back with a new look.
2000 saw attention turned to GI Joe coming back like the old days. Now, they come in 2-packs, which is nice for team-ups! We saw Cobra Commander, Duke, Mutt, and Baroness just to name a few! Same old bodies, nice new file cards, and, as always, loads of weapons. These are coming now in full force with another wave due in mid-September that includes a Joe favorite, Zartan. To keep up to speed, the best page in my eyes is YoJoe.com. You can see all the newest stuff over there. EXCELLENT page.
Transformer? Who can say anything bad about the rebirth of them? Since the relaunch this year, we’ve seen Optimus Prime, (now as a fire truck, but trust me, the figure is EXCELLENT!), Ultra Magnus, (still a car-carrier), and Megatron, (who is now a Predacon instead of a Decepticon). It seems they took the best part of all the 80’s and 90’s stuff and put it together to make one kick-butt collection. More can be found on these at American Dream Comics. Check them out if you haven’t!
Another 80’s icon was, of course, our favorite master of the universe, He-Man. Apparently, since the classic packs sold so well, Mattel is relaunching the line in a big way! In spring 2002 there will be a total relaunch of the Masters Of The Universe line that really does the figures justice. Imagine McFarlane meets Eternia. If you haven’t, you have to see these. Check out He-Man.org for these delicious images of what is to come!
So, you see, history is, in some warped way, repeating itself. The 90’s was (until Star Wars and with a few other exceptions), a very dead time for companies using the hit-and-miss theory with action figures. Now it appears that they are going back to what made figures great in the first place. It’s like they say; “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!



FREE TIE Interceptor!!!
September 2, 2001 | 1:12 PM EST | Bill

Pete over at The Private Universe is celebrating 2 years of reporting UK Star Wars news
‘During September, and to thank all the visitors for their loyalty over this time, he have 3 prizes to give away!

If you want to win a Tie Interceptor donated by Toy Palace, a Swimming Jar Jar from Ultimart or a 12″ Han in Carbonite supplied by MidcoToys, then check the Competition details here.



Loads of troops at Disneyland!
September 2, 2001 | 12:55 PM EST | John

Boba Ganoush writes us with this about Disneyland merchandise;

“Just thought you’d be interested…Disneyland in the star tours gift shop has hundreds and I mean hundreds of collection one and two figures…Sandtroopers and scout troopers line the walls in abundance…all priced at $10.00. Also all the bigheads (palm talkers) are in stock too (didn’t get a price, sorry).”

Thanks for the tip! If you’re a local to Mickey out there and still need these, go grab them!



Aurra Sing changes clothing?
September 2, 2001 | 12:51 PM EST | John

Yea, it would seem that way! Another major figure variation exists on the newest cult favorite Bounty Hunter, Aurra Sing. On some of the newer issues of her that are hitting the stores right now, instead of having a low-cut neck on the figure itself, the “shirt” seems to have been painted right up to her neck-line almost giving her the appearance of a turtleneck. Odd, huh? Thanks to all who wrote in to tell us about this variant, and keep the eyes open out there for this figure!



Promotional DVD Poster For TPM
September 2, 2001 | 12:41 PM EST | John

TheForce.net has a poster image up that is supposed to be a promotional give away from Coconuts stores in New York. Chances are that other stores may offer this as well. Click here to check it out!



There Is Something Different On TIE Interceptor
September 2, 2001 | 12:02 AM EST | Bill

That’s right– other than a new paint job, there is another difference and it’s pretty major. Yak Reader Dave pointed out that “the TIE Interceptor wings not the original mold from 1983. I compared my Vintage Version to the New POTJ Version and the wings are very different. The shape of the wings are the same but if you look at them Hasbro Added a lot more details. Most noticeable is the little clear things on the back of the wings and the detail solar panels. So they used the old mold and detailed it to fit with today’s standards.



TIE Interceptor Observations
September 1, 2001 | 12:09 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader ArtooMeToo wrote in with the following:

“I just wanted to write and let you know something interesting I noticed when I just opened my brand new Tie Interceptor. (A lucky stroke that I was able to pick one up at all, and an exteremely nice TRU employee at Southcenter in Seattle, WA).

Here’s what I noticed: The main body of the TIE is, not suprisingly, very, very similar to the TIE fighter we’ve seen in the past. More than that, it’s the SAME. On the underside of the body reads: (c) 1995 LUCASFILM LTD. This means this is exactly the same mold as the POTF2 TIE we saw back in ’95!

It gets better. The wings, which I unpacked after the body (they’re in the back of the package), are also stamped with a copyright date. (Literally speaking, only the LEFT wing has a date on it.) It reads: (c) 1983. 1983?!?! Hasbro is using a mold from the very year ROTJ came out?!

I should also mention that I’m not surprised that the “unique Imperial
pilot” is only unique from the waist down. His head, torso, and arms are entirely identical to the1985 POTF2 TIE pilot we’ve already seen.”

August 2001 Archive

More Shimi Sightings
August 31, 2001 | 8:48 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Speedy6 wrote in that he found the new Shimi and Obi Wan figures Wednesday at a Target in Niles Illinois. There were
several of each. Both are on .04 cards.



POTJ Price Dropping At KB
August 31, 2001 | 8:46 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader at CJ writes:

“Today i found all of the series 1 potj figures at K@B toystore today for only 1.99 each . I dont know if this is for the whole country but in florida @ alabama they are realy cheap.”



Shmi Wave Hits The States!
August 30, 2001 | 9:45 PM EST | John

The first e-mail for the Shmi wave hit Yak-mailboxes tonight. It’s from “Obi-Wan BRENTobi”, and it reads;

“I just picked up a SHMI SKYWALKER and an OBI-WAN Jedi Gear this evening. I scanned them and thought that, maybe, you’d like to post the pic to share with your readers.”

Unfortunately, the image didn’t make it through, but it’s ok, we all know what they look like, now the trick is finding them. Maybe now we can ask the question, “Will I ever see you again?”. Thanks again, BRENTobi! Keep your monoculars switched on, they’ll be out there soon.



Ultimate Star Wars Home Video List
August 30, 2001 | 8:59 PM EST | Bill

Davis DVD has put together a STAR WARS HOME VIDEO TIMELINE. The timeline covers all four films from their very first VHS/Betamax incarnations to the latest Laserdisc/DVD releases (and every obscure little variant in between).

Click here to see the timeline.



eBay Star Wars Prototype Onslaught
August 30, 2001 | 1:36 PM EST | Adam

Literally dozens of auctions of what seem to be preproduction samples out of Hong Kong appeared this week on eBay through seller “proto_year.” Some highlights include a boxed mock-up using multicolored Jabba’s Dancers figure– which all look very cool– in a box made from one of BanDai’s many kung fu lines; a multicolored 1995 Han Solo test shot; and what looks like the very first Darth Vader Removable Helmet prototype we saw leaked back in 1997. Very interesting stuff.

Also up are several TransFormers, Lord of the Rings, GI Joe, Jurassic Park, and other other figures. Heck, there’s even a shot of what appears to be an as-of-yet unproduced Batman Beyond villain in an auction designated “mummy!”



Power of the Jedi at the Fan Club
August 30, 2001 | 12:40 AM EST | Adam

The Star Wars Fan Club Website is offering quite a few recent Hasbro offerings. Highlights include the Sandtrooper, Ellors Madak, Ketwol, Aurra Sing, and many others. The prices are around $8.99 each, so take a gander and see what’s new.

(Unfortunately, no Scout Troopers are currently available.)



Lego Bundles Continue
August 30, 2001 | 12:37 AM EST | Adam

Toys “R” Us stores are offering the Gungan Sub and Naboo Swamp sets in a shrinkwrapped bundle for $29.99. If you haven’t already snapped these up, it’s a prety good deal.



Detailed TIE Interceptor Photos
August 29, 2001 | 11:21 PM EST | Bill

Just what you’ve been waiting for. TIE Interceptors are appearing at TRUs all over the country. Click here for detailed photos of the TRU exclusive TIE Interceptor. Just one thing about the TIE Interceptor– the pilot DOES have articulated knees, but the cockpit seat in the Tie Interceptor is identical to the vintage model. There is no way to put the TIE pilot in the cockpit with his knees bent!!!!



More Vintage Instructions and Sticker Sheets On-line
August 29, 2001 | 9:02 PM EST | Bill

Gadders has updated again, adding a bunch more vintage inserts to the site
Droid Factory Blueprints
Millennium Falcon Stickers
Droids Side Gunner Instructions and Stickers
Multiple playset backgrounds

To see the new additions or submit scans of vintage instructions and stickers, click here.



Star Wars Muppet Show now on DVD!
August 28, 2001 | 11:44 PM EST | John

Yak-Reader “Red 6” writes to us with this muppet-licious news;

“The Muppet Show is now on DVD, and the episode with Mark Hamill is on Disk 2. The bonus features of this disk include screen tests for The Empire Strikes Back showing other muppets (including Fozzie and Animal) that didn’t get the role of “Yoda.”

It’s only avaialble at http://www.timelife.com and here’s a direct
. You can also get 20% off using the TLSAF36 coupon.

Major thanks goes to “Red 6” for this tip. You know, ironically enough, the wife and I were just discussing this the other night, and lo and behold, they finally put them on DVD. Weird.



Ultarama Sale Time — Free Shipping
August 28, 2001 | 11:07 PM EST | Bill

This just in from Mort at Ultarama.com:

Ultarama.com celebrates Labor Day By Savings Collectors Cash! Offers Free Shipping On All Orders From August 29th Through September 4th!

EDISON, NJ–Aug. 29, 2001—To celebrate Labor Day, we at Ultarama want to help all of our hard working collectors enjoy displaying their figures while keeping some extra cash in their pocket. So, we are doing our part by offering free shipping in the Continental U.S. on all orders placed from August 29th through September 4th!

The Ultarama is a complete action figure display system that is both flexible and customizable. With the use of the Ultarama’s molded plastic platforms that contain 80 pre-molded peg holes and its proprietary pegging system, collectors can display their collections in three totally unique ways: stacked two levels high in the shape of a semicircle, clipped back-to-back in the shape of a circle, or configured as two separate and complete one level displays. With the purchase of additional Ultaramas, collectors can build their display many stories high! The Ultarama also includes four unique 8 X 10 background scenes, 48 pegs for 3 3/4″ figures, and 24 pegs for 6″ figures. The 6″ pegs also fit most 4 3/4″ figures and most vintage 3 3/4″ figures.

The Ultarama is available for immediate shipping and can be ordered from the Ultarama web site at Ultarama.com or by calling toll free at 1-888-269-4386. Be sure to tell them Yakface sent you!!!!



A-Wing Honda Civic
August 28, 2001 | 7:21 PM EST | Adam

“Obi-Shawn” wrote in to tell us about his pet project: fashioning his 1995 blue/green Honda Civic del sol into something more similar to an A-Wing fighter– complete with decorative cannons. Right now, he’s looking for a name for the car… visit his site for a good look at one of the more unique custom jobs out there.



Jedicon: UK Star Wars Gathering
August 28, 2001 | 7:14 PM EST | Adam

On Sunday, December 9, the Basildon Sports Center in England will be taken over by Jeremy Bulloch, Chris Parsons (4-LOM), Alan Harris (Bossk), and many other players of the Star Wars galaxy. For more information, visit their website at www.scifishows.com.



LucasArts Chat Tonight
August 28, 2001 | 6:55 PM EST | Adam

At 5:00 PM pacific/ 8:00 PM eastern, LucasArts will be hosting a chat with some of the minds behind the upcoming GameCube title, Rogue Leader (Rogue Squadron II). Surf on over to LucasArts for details.



Micromachines Give Away
August 28, 2001 | 8:49 AM EST | Bill

The Jawa is giving away a Micromachines Action Fleet Yavin Rebel Base this week. Click here for more information.



Cheap Stands Are Back In Stock
August 27, 2001 | 10:36 PM EST | Bill

UPDATE: they are once again out of stock.

The Official Fan Club Website has Real Stands back in stock at unbeliveably cheap prices. If you are not a Fan Club Member, the stands are $1.99 for 12. If you are a Fan Club Member (be sure to login) they are only $0.99 for 12— that’s less than 10 cents a stand!



Wal-Mart POTJ Update
August 27, 2001 | 9:02 AM EST | Bill

Sir Steves Guide is reporting that new POTJ figures are now appearing in Wal-Mart’s computers. They are now showing Boshek, Teebo, and R5-D4!!! Click here for the details.



Fanboy Observations: Bacta Color
August 27, 2001 | 3:23 AM EST | Adam

In a discussion with an online associate, the question of the correct color of Bacta came up. As most of you know, a deluxe Luke in Bacta Tank is due out shortly and was shown at the various toy shows in prototype form. The initial prototype had a clear tank, which looked fine. Hasbro later said it would be redone to be the correct red color.

Now the question remains, is red the correct color?

Starwars.com has a brief feature on it that has a picture that looks more or less blue, but it could be that it’s a very faint red that’s being drowned out by the blue or white of the room. The entry specifically states that the “…translucent red fluid nurtures the growth of a bacterial medium…” which tells us that despite how we remember it looking, someone says it’s red.

Decipher’s Bacta Tank card from the Hoth expansion is pretty much the same, except the tank looks unquestionably blue in the picture. The description says “gelatinous red bacta is suspended in a synthetic solution…” which may explain why it looks blue.

Still, much like the purple Hoth Han Jacket of 1996 debate, the red color (seen in this shot from Rebelscum) leaves at least a few fans scratching their heads. Hey, I like the new toy, don’t get me wrong… but it’s not how I remember it.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled news.



Deadline: Action Figure Fanfic
August 27, 2001 | 2:49 AM EST | Adam

Ever thought about making your own story using action figures? Customizer Extraordinare Dan Curto has done just that…

“What started as an idea for a comic book almost 10 years ago, has now gotten new life online! DEADLINE is a fan-fiction series of photonovels set in the STAR WARS Universe starring customized action figures!
It’s at: http://deadline.collectstarwars.com

There will also be a contest to determine the major bad guy in the first storyline, which will tie in to the September Casting Call at FFURG. Complete details can be found at http://www.ffurg.com/casting_call/deadline.htm



Deadline: Action Figure Fanfic
August 27, 2001 | 2:48 AM EST | Adam

Ever thought about making your own story using action figures? Customizer Extraordinarre Dan Curto has done just that…

“What started as an idea for a comic book almost 10 years ago, has now gotten new life online! DEADLINE is a fan-fiction series of photonovels set in the STAR WARS Universe starring customized action figures!
It’s at: http://deadline.collectstarwars.com

There will also be a contest to determine the major bad guy in the first storyline, which will tie in to the September Casting Call at FFURG. Complete details can be found at http://www.ffurg.com/casting_call/deadline.htm



Q&A to Return Next Week
August 26, 2001 | 11:13 PM EST | Adam

With Every Question for Justice will be starting up again next week. For the new installment of the Q&A column, we could use some questions– so if you have one, send it in to me and… uh… we’ll have some questions to answer.



“From Bricks” to New URL
August 26, 2001 | 11:05 PM EST | Adam

From Bricks To Bothans has moved to and settled in at its new home atwww.FBTB.net, so update those bookmarks. We wish Tim and company the best at their new home and hope them continued success as one of the finest Lego fan sites.



More Attakus Statues Revealed
August 26, 2001 | 5:10 PM EST | Adam

Attakus, manufacturers of the fine (and pricey) Star Wars statues we’ve come to love, has posted shots of still more product– in addition to the trio shown atTheJawa.com last night, there are shots of the Emperor’s Royal Guard, Luke in his X-Wing Pilot outfit, and the Emperor in his throne, the latter two are unpainted and the former looks like it was somewhat inspired by the last Hasbro/Kenner figure.

But be sure not to miss these!



Decipher Interview Posted
August 26, 2001 | 12:54 PM EST | Bill

Pete over at The Private Universe has posted an exclusive interview with Marcus Sheppard of Decipher UK. Click here to read it.



New Lego, Hasbro Star Wars, EII, And More In Target Computers
August 26, 2001 | 12:31 PM EST | Bill

Rebelscum is reporting that the next batch of Star Wars toys are appearing in Target’s computers. Lego highlights include a Jedi Star Fighter and Republic Gunship. Hasbro highlights include PREVIEW FIGURES. Deluxe Figures will be $9.99, the 25th Anniversary 2 packs will be $14.99, also EII vehicles, beasts, and more. Also the DPCI for the new Speeder Bike with Lukeis 087-06-0112.

Click here for all the details including DPCI#’s!



New Attakus Statue Photos Posted
August 25, 2001 | 10:01 PM EST | Bill

Sidster over at The Jawa has just posted photos of the new Attakus C-3PO, Stormtrooper, and Darth Vader statues. These are nothing short of incredible.Click here to see the photos!!!



Another Star Wars E Book On The Horizon
August 25, 2001 | 9:55 PM EST | Bill

The Force.net is reporting that the Official Random House site is now listing an upcoming Star Wars E Book centered on Han and Leia by Troy Denning— the Author of Star by Star– the next New Jedi Order hardcover. Click here for the story.



Netherlands Star Wars Fanzine
August 25, 2001 | 7:43 PM EST | Adam

Patrick of the Dutch Star Wars Fan Club ‘Echo Base’ sends along this news…

“Next month issue 3 of Echo Base Magazine will be released. Matt Busch created a fantastic Episode II Obi-Wan cover especially for the magazine! We have decided to make this issue available to non-fan club members to get a chance to obtain this fantastic collector’s item. The magazine can be purchased [for $6.95 and shipping] on this order page: http://www.echobase.nl/magazine.

Echo Base Magazine is published quarterly by unofficial Dutch Star Wars Fan Club Echo Base (http://www.echobase.nl).”

The cover’s actually quite nice– pretty cool stuff for an era when any and all fanzines are usually Internet-only.



Awesome Kay-Bee Deal!
August 25, 2001 | 12:39 AM EST | John

This letter was received tonight from “Blaze”, a Kay-Bee manager;

“Just a little note for all those looking for cheap figures. I’m a manager at KB Toys in Huntsville, AL and today on our truck, we received 96 Power of the Jedi figures priced at only $2.99 each. That’s right only $2.99. The figures included only Collection 1 figures such as Dagobah Darth Vader, Darth Maul Final Jedi Duel, (old)Ben Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi, Anakin with droid, Qui-Gon in Mos Espa Disguise, Leia Bespin Escape and Chewbacca Mechanic. This is a company wide permanent markdown, so all stores should get these and at these prices. Too bad it’s only for Collection 1 waves. I would definitely hurry out to get these as KB usually does their markups/markdowns on Sunday and the way these were flying out of the store today, I’m sure we are going to see a markup.”

If you’re still missing any of these, grab ’em now. Custom fodder, army builders, (an army of little annoying Anakins… Clones, maybe?), etc. Good luck on the hunt!



Harrison Ford And Wife Separated (Again)
August 24, 2001 | 9:23 PM EST | Bill

E! Online is reporting that Harrison Ford and his wife, Melissa Mathison, have separated for the second time in less than a year. His wife recently filed for legal separation in Los Angeles, Ca. Click here to read the whole story.



Happy Birthday Kenny Baker!
August 24, 2001 | 3:10 PM EST | Adam

Kenny Baker, best known for his roles in Time Bandits and as R2-D2 in Star Wars, turns 67 today. (Thanks go to Jason for pointing this out!)



From Bricks to Bothans
August 24, 2001 | 5:58 AM EST | Tim

I’d like to thank the Yaks guys for hosting my little LEGO website, but I’m exploring new directions with it and have decided to head back out on my own.

I wish everyone here nothing but the best – especially Mark and Adam.

Respect the Brick
Tim Saupé



Ray Park: Happy Birthday!
August 24, 2001 | 5:08 AM EST | Adam

TheForce.net reports the actor that played everybody’s favorite villain– Toad from X-Men– turned 27 on Thursday. Happy birthday, Ray!



Wanna See Vintage SW Trailers?
August 23, 2001 | 10:29 PM EST | Bill

Artoo’s News is now debuting in their Vintage Televesion section, 4 movie trailers from the Original Trilogy, including the trailer for Revenge of the Jedi. To see the trailers click here!!!!



Pittsburg, PA now has a Star Wars Collecting Club!
August 23, 2001 | 1:12 PM EST | John

For all you fine folks that collect Star Wars merchandise in Western PA, now there’s a place for you to all congregate and match notes. It’s the PITSWCC, (otherwise known as the Pittsburg Star Wars Collector Club… what else?). If you’re in that particular area of the USA, and would be interested in teaming up with these fine folks, click here to go to their hidden Rebel Base… uh… web site!



A Custom That’s Very… Creative?
August 23, 2001 | 1:06 PM EST | John

This one was WAY too funny to pass up. It shows what you can do with a lighter, some rubbing alcohol, and access to vintage card templates. I won’t even elaborate as to what it is, I will just link it here. I want you, our Yak-readers, to get the exact same chuckle I got when I first saw this. I will say this; It’s a custom figure 2-pack on a vintage backer, and it’s listed on eBay.



Entertainment Earth: Shmi Wave to Hit Next Week
August 23, 2001 | 1:16 AM EST | Adam

This just in from Entertainment Earth…

“Star Wars Wave 14 arrives next week!

(Item# 84455H, $89.99) http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=84455H will begin shipping late next week. This assortment features two new figures that will only available in this case – Shmi Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Armor. The full case of 12 figures includes 3x Shmi Skywalker, 3x Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Armor, 1x Sabe – Queen’s Decoy, 2x Ketwol, 1x Bespin Guard – Cloud City Security, 2x Ellorrs Madak – Duro – Fan’s Choice Figure #1. Order today!”



TIEs Intercepted at Toys R Us
August 23, 2001 | 1:14 AM EST | Adam

A few reports of the new exclusive rolled in tonight, so be sure to poke around the colorful aisles of TRU for the latest addition to the POTJ Imperial armada. The price is just pennies under $30.



Yakface Forums to Shut Down
August 23, 2001 | 1:08 AM EST | Adam

Due to a fairly steady stream of complaints, we will be abandoning our current Yakface Forums in the near future. While we are on the lookout for a new backbone to relaunch them at some point, we aren’t finding much in our price range and since pop-up ads are a big issue, it looks like we might be without the boards for a while in the near future.

While we can’t speak for everyone, the once-great usenet forum rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.misc is– in theory– a great place to facillitate a discussion. While part of the great unmoderated Internet wilderness, it’s somewhere I frequently visit, and I could safely say could benefit from some new blood.

(If anyone has a reccomendation as to a new board service to which we could use for our site, we’d go for that as well.)



Shmi wave now available from Nobletoy.com
August 22, 2001 | 11:54 AM EST | John

For those of you who just can’t wait, Nobletoy.com has the Shmi wave available for order. It’s coming from Hong Kong, so expect shipping to be a bit higher, as well as the price for the set, ($75.00 for all 5). The set includes all from the upcoming wave being Shmi, Obi-Wan Training Gear, Han Solo D.S. Escape, Luke X-Wing, and Darth Vader Emperor’s Wrath. Myself, I’d wait. But again,here’s the link if you just have to have them! Thanks to “blunber142” for the tip!



The Phantom Editor Won’t Die!
August 22, 2001 | 11:31 AM EST | John

The Phantom Editor on the original LA (Jar Jar) Edit finally speaks! This webpage link was sent to me from a private source for all to visit. It is the story of the Phantom Editor and his life since the infamous edit. It seems that ol’ Georgie ain’t happy with the Editor. Check out the page to read all about it! It really is intriguing, but I still say that the NY Edit with the subtitles was better…



Tantive IV Full Scale Model
August 21, 2001 | 9:40 PM EST | Bill

That’s right. Artoos News is carrying exclusive coverage of the creation of a Tantive IV (Princess Leia’s ship frm ANH) in 1/1 scale for standard 3 3/4″ Hasbro Action Figures. That means that the finished product will be OVER 35 FEET LONG!!!!!!!! Click here for their coverage and photos!!!!!



EE Newsfeed: Deluxe Boba Fett Helmet Available
August 21, 2001 | 6:57 PM EST | Adam

Entertainment Earth Newsfeed:

“Boba Fett Deluxe Helmet In Stock!

The Boba Fett Deluxe Helmet (Item# DP82101, $749.99) has been missing in action for a long time, but now it has survived a corporate takeover and is IN STOCK NOW! This Deluxe Collector’s Helmet is cast in fiberglass with comfortable padding inside and is extraordinarily detailed, showing the tremendous battle damage Fett has endured.”



Star Wars; The Definitive DVD Collection?
August 21, 2001 | 11:29 AM EST | John

TheForce.net is reporting from an “insider” who is aparently very dependable, that in 2006 there will be a finalization of all 6 movies of both trilogies to make them congeal even more fluidly than what the Special Editions of 4-6 could. What does this mean? Well, for starters it could mean scenes of Coruscant in Episode 4, or Bail Organa stealing the plans to the original Death Star… The possibilities are endless. Hop on over to voice your opinion of what you’d like to see!



“Episode II” Crew, Promo Item Images
August 21, 2001 | 5:15 AM EST | Adam

The Star Wars Collectors Archive posted a pair of items for Episode II. There’s a cast and crew black baseball cap with white “Episode II” text, and a gift bag for Mexican licensees for the new flick– which includes the hat and other cool stuff. Visit the archive and be sure not to miss these great new entries.

The items were posted to their site earlier this month, but we neglected to point them out. As the sitcom commercials once said, “if you haven’t seen it, it’s new to you!”



Simpsons Calendar has new Star Wars Art
August 21, 2001 | 4:49 AM EST | Adam

The 2002 Simpsons calendar features a movie theme this year, and the classic trilogy is not ignored. New artwork featuring Homer as Jabba, Lisa as Bib Fortuna, and numerous other members of everybody’s favorite animated post-modern family parody a scene from Return of the Jedi. Check your better local bookstores for a look at this, it’s actually quite cool.



GameCube Rogue Squadron II Movies
August 21, 2001 | 4:34 AM EST | Adam

GameSpot posted a series of brand new movies for the upcoming Rogue Leader (aka Rogue Squadron II) for GameCube. Game junkies and tech heads, this is the article for you.

For those who haven’t followed the game’s development, the gaming press is shaping this as being the second coming of decent console-based Star Wars gaming. Don’t miss this feature!



EII Title Spoofed (Again)
August 20, 2001 | 10:41 PM EST | Bill

And now for our readers who are less than happy with the announced title of Episode II— Attack of the Clones. Yak Reader Jim pointed out a great spoof on Attack of the Clones. Click here for the comic strip on Heart of the City



Ever wondered what is considered “canon” in Star Wars EU?
August 20, 2001 | 10:21 PM EST | John

Steve Sansweet answers this question as to what can be taken as an official part of the Star Wars universe, and what is a load of dingo’s kidneys. Click hereto read the enlightening answers over at StarWars.com!



Great new POTJ images at Tomy of Japan!
August 20, 2001 | 10:09 PM EST | John

Tomy of Japan, who handles the Star Wars Action Figures in the great East, now has posted very detailed images of up-and-coming figures. The images include;

Shmi Skywalker
Obi-Wan in Jedi Training Gear
Darth Vader – Emperor’s Wrath
Han Solo – Death Star Escape
Luke Skywalker – X-Wing Pilot

Can anyone see whether that’s a Probe Droid or a blast shield helmet that comes with that Obi-Wan? Even with these clearer images I still can’t make it out…

UPDATE – Reader “Jim” clarifies about the Obi-Wan – Training Gear accessory;

“I just wanted to let you know that the Jedi Training Obi-Wan comes with a “blast shield” helmet, not a probe droid. I can’t remember where I got the info from. If you take a look at the corner of the helmet, you’ll see that it even has a little braid protector!”

Thanks “Jim”!



New “Outer Rim Show” Now Showing At Artoo’s News
August 20, 2001 | 9:36 PM EST | John

Artoo’s News has just posted the newest edition of “The Outer Rim Show”, and Scott Karde has written to tell us to tell all our Yakkers out there to check it out! If you haven’t seen it, you don’t know what you’re missing! Here’s a direct link to the show.



Pre-order POTJ Wave 13 , 14, & 15 from Entertainment Earth
August 20, 2001 | 9:29 PM EST | John

Pre-order the last wave of Hasbro’s Star Wars Power of the Jedi action figures scheduled for 2001 – Collection 2 – Wave 15
Item# 84455J, $89.99.
This all-new assortment includes 1x Queen Amidala Travel / Black Gown, 1x Rebel Trooper – Tantive IV Defender, 1x Imperial Officer, 1x FX-7 Medical Droid, 4x Zutton (Snaggletooth), 4x Eeth Koth (Subject to change).
You can also pre-order these other coming waves;
SW POTJ Collection 1 – Wave 13
Item# 84445H, $89.99
SW POTJ Collection 2 – Wave 14
Item# 84455H, $89.99



TIE Interceptor Shelf Stickers Appearing???
August 20, 2001 | 8:47 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Kris wrote in to let us know that last week in the Star Wars section at the TRU in Elizabeth,NJ there were two shelf stickers (white with red borders); one labeled “Toys R US Exclusive” and the other “Only Available at Toys R Us.” BUT, they were placed under the 12″ Vader/Maul 2pk. There was, however, sufficient space for the TIE Interceptor.

Sounds interesting. If you have any more news on this send it in.



New POTJ Wave Hits Hong Kong!
August 20, 2001 | 2:58 AM EST | John

“JHLewis2” writes to inform us that the new POTJ wave due out in the USA around September has already started to hit in Hong Kong. These figures include Darth Vader-Emperor’s Wrath, Luke-X-Wing Pilot, Han Solo-Death Star Escape, Obi-Wan-Jedi Training Gear, and of course our favorite misunderstood villians’ Mama, Shmi Skywalker. Keep watch, because with the onset of the B-Wing, the Palm Talkers, and now the new 12″ assortment, these babies are only weeks away from USA pegs.



New Figure Images from Wizard Con…
August 18, 2001 | 8:26 PM EST | Mark

Check out those great images from our friends over athttp://www.collectstarwars.com as they have all the new figures pictured there. They include Eeth Koth, FX-7, Imperial Officer, Queen Travel, Zutton and the Sandtrooper. Bar none the best images on the net….



Queen’s Gambit Game??
August 18, 2001 | 7:10 PM EST | Mark

Is this a new game?? I have never seen it before, although the game pieces (which are many) make the game look kinda neat? Anyone seen it or played it??? The Queens Gambit
Amazon also has some great deals like this….
Deluxe Micro Machines Pod Racing Track Set $4.99 normally $39.99

UPDATE – For those of us, (Mark and myself, John), who haven’t heard of this game, “MRCPFIII” sends us a description, and quite a dazzling review;
“The Queens Gambit game has been out for about a year. It’s made by Avalon Hill who are currently making the Axis and Allies expansion games. It’s a roleplaying game that has you playing four games at once, the battle on Naboo,the battle above Naboo, the retaking of the queens palace, and the duel of the fates. I have this game and paid about $55 at a local table top game store for it and believe it to be well worth the price. Just thought I’d give you a heads up.”
Thanks for the info, “MRCPFIII”! It seems like a steal at the price Mark reported above. So what are ya waiting for?!? 8^)



New 12″ Spotted!
August 18, 2001 | 2:03 PM EST | John

The new 12″ Action Collection series seems to be finally making its’ way to retail. “Edward L.” sends us this report;

“Hey you Yakkers! I just found a case of the new 12″ figures; Han Solo in Stormtrooper disguise, Death Star Droid, and Death Star Trooper! I got them at my local TRU in the city of Bell Gardens! (state not named) They are evenly packed, no shortage, 2x2x2. And they are at their regular price of $19.99. Happy hunting, and May the Force be with you!”

Thanks Ed! Anyone else see these? Keep the peepers popped, because once the warehouse ships they start to show up sparsely for about a week before they hit full-force.



Max Rebo Band Members and Ceremonial Han Petitions
August 17, 2001 | 10:56 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Jake just gave us a heads-up on some new petitions.

The first is working to get the rest of the Max Rebo Band in POTJ plastic. Rappertunie (the lizard like creature on the electornic harmonica), and drummers Ak-Rev and Umpass Stay. Click here to sign this petition!!!!!!

The second is trying to complete our New Hope Awards Ceremony scene with a Ceremonial Han Solo with his spiffy new medal from the end of A New Hope.Click here to sign the Ceremonial Han petition.



End of the Select Images at StarWars.Com?
August 17, 2001 | 12:12 AM EST | John

It may just be that. Faithfully for months, (only missing 5 or 6 Thursdays, I believe), StarWars.com has updated every Thursday with a new “select image”. But after the name of last week’s image, selectfin.jpg, it may mean that the age of the select image is now over. Reasoning; The page has been updated today sans the new select. Before, if they didn’t update the page on a Thursday at all, the select was overlooked as well, (only a couple of times as I’d mentioned above). Maybe Lucas has something even better in store for us with Episode II closing in? Maybe they skipped a week? We shall have to wait and see, folks!



The Empire Strikes Back Spoilers, Beware!
August 17, 2001 | 12:05 AM EST | John

Ever wonder what it would have been like for us twenty-somethings if we had had the ‘net back in 1978, a couple years before TESB was released in ’80? Well, wonder no more! This letter was sent to me by Darin, who describes his website;

“Love to tell you all about this new (re-launch) Star Wars site. It takes place in 1978 and has all the news and rumors about the Kenner Star Wars figures (of 1978) and all the rumors about the next Star Wars movie (Empire!) Click here to visit us! Thanks!”

Nice work! Stop on over and check it out!



Did George name Episode II with this?
August 16, 2001 | 11:53 PM EST | John

It may be a good bet. 8^) Seriously folks, this is a nice little Random Title Generator, and claims, (jokingly, of course), that Episode III will be entitled using this device. Hop on over to Brunching.com and try it! It’s actually fun, and a good way to waste an hour or two… Credit goes to TheForce.net for this one.



Lucas’ Tucker for sale?!?
August 16, 2001 | 11:48 PM EST | John

I have received information from an undisclosed source that this auction may in fact be for George Lucas’ very own Tucker automobile. Lucas having made the movie of Mr.Tucker, the man whose cars were so good that other car companies stifled him and his production, it’s a good bet that ol’ Georgie is selling it for some reason. Why? I’ve no clue. It’s claimed to be the 3rd off the production line, and in mint shape! Check it out!



General Crix Madine Petition
August 16, 2001 | 10:52 PM EST | Bill

The Madine petition is going strong with over 1450 signatures. If we are going to see this Imperial defector in plastic it will take a lot more signatures– closer to 10,000 or more. To sign the petition, just send an email to DETENTIONBLOCKAA23@YAHOO.COM



TIE Interceptors– Details
August 16, 2001 | 10:49 PM EST | Bill

One of our Bothan Spies just checked in with a lot of detail on the TIE interceptors:

Okay, here is the complete run down on the TRU TIE Interceptor-
SKN 239316
cost $17.78 (NOTE this IS TRU’s cost)
retail $29.99
it is packed six per case
it has been on open order (which means there is an unfilled order for it) for about two months according to shipping records, the TIE should be in the stores between 8/29 and 9/3 the warehouse that serves my TRU in (city in the midwest changed to protect our spy) is expected to receive them tomorrow they should be in all regional warehouses no later than 9/13 they have already hit one warehouse on 8/14, so they should be in store somewhere in the next two weeks, at least accordingly to estimated time arrivals there are around 11,000 units ordered for this first wave. Now remember this is all according to computer records. As soon as they arrive in my warehouse.

Back to the price on figs, it is normal to mark up all figs at least $2.00. The Simpsons figs mentioned in one post do cost $4.00 a fig, but they sell for $5.99. Almost a two dollar mark up, just like POTJ. Lets compare figs though. Each Simpsons fig is bigger than a POTJ fig plus they contain a small micro chip that contains recordings of sayings that are much better quality that a comtech chip recording. You get all this for $4.00. Look at the POTJ; smaller fig, some are repaints of old molds, limited articulation, and no electronics. Price $5.00.



End of Wal Mart Debate
August 16, 2001 | 8:50 PM EST | Kurt

i recieved this message today. in reply to the question I posed to Hasbro on the Wal Mart issue.

Dear Kurt —

Your recent e-mail has been forwarded to my attention. The simple answer to the question is, no, Wal*Mart will NOT be taking Star Wars toys out of the toy department. Wal*Mart has chosen to display within a different area within the department. This will have no impact on fans’ ability to find their favorite Star Wars figures. Similarly, this will have no effect on the new Deluxe figures or the Wal*Mart exclusives.

Should you have additional questions, please contact my colleague, Paula Sacchi, at 401-XXX-XXXX. Once again, thank you for your interest.


Audrey DeSimone
Director, Corporate Communications
Hasbro, Inc.
(I have removed the didgets of the above phone number as per request)



eBay: Spaceballs Vehicle Prop
August 16, 2001 | 2:23 AM EST | Adam

We got a few emails on this auction for Princess Vespa’s spacecraft from the Mel Brooks flick Spaceballs. Not a model, but a real working 16-foot-long vehicle, this is really a neat item up for grabs– and the auction ends in under a day.

Sure, it’s not directly related to Star Wars, but fans of props, Mel Brooks, and general fun things to own would be well advised to take a gander at the brand new white Mercedes 2001 SEL Limited Edition today!



What happened to “What does your collection look like?”
August 16, 2001 | 1:49 AM EST | John

Well, in a word, it flopped. In the beginning a lot of people were gung-ho on the whole thing, but then after about a month, no one sent me any more pics. It may come back in the future, but for now, it’s kaputz.
But, for those of you still wanting to show off your collections, I got this e-mail from The Rebel Base. It reads;
“Attention all Star Wars fans!! Do you consider yourself a hard-core collector? Do you have an impressive collection complete with unique and rare items? Have you ever wanted to show off this collection to the world but never had the opportunity? Well, here it is! THE REBEL BASE is providing collectors a chance to boast their large collections by featuring them on the site. We want your pictures, so send them in and we’ll put up your collection for fans around the world to see. For more information,visit us at The Rebel Base!”

So folks, head on over and check out this budding new page. Seems promising, and when I get some pics of my collection around after everything is set up, I’m going to submit as well. Good job, Rebel Base!



Happy Birthday PSWCS!
August 16, 2001 | 1:32 AM EST | John

The Pennsylvania Star Wars Collecting Society is celebrating it’s 1-year anniversary this week. The groups has grown from the nine people who attended the first meeting to their current membership of 109. The success of the group has lead them to take the next big step in their development. The members of PSWCS are proud to announce the launch of their new web site PSWCS.com! Please check out the site and see what they have to offer to Pennsylvania collectors! Please update your links to reflect the new URL. Thank you!



Exploding Battle Droids at Entertainment Earth!
August 16, 2001 | 1:08 AM EST | John

Entertainment Earth is currently selling the Exploding Battle Droid that came along with the Motorized Theed Hangar Playset, minus the playset. It comes packaged in a small, clear plastic tray, and will be a nice way to get some different looking battle droids in your diorama. Click on the link below to check this killing machine out…

The Exploding Battle Droid (Item# 84055A, $9.99)



More New Hasbro Figure Previews
August 15, 2001 | 10:24 PM EST | Adam

Rounding out one heck of a day, StarWars.com has posted some more new figures and information.

New stuff: FX-7, Rebel medic droid; Zutton, better known as Snaggletooth… complete with blaster and glass. Both figures look incredible, showing that Hasbro has come a very, very long way in the past few years.

Interesting to note: Eeth Koth is listed as being “the first figure to feature the new-style sculpted lightsaber.” What this is, we don’t know, because we weren’t paying attention when the new jargon was being decided upon. (Sorry.)

Apparently FX-7, Zutton (Snaggletooth), Rebel Trooper, Imperial Officer, Queen Amidala (Royal Decoy), and Eeth Koth will all be shown at Wizard World in Chicago.

See the preview pics, some more images, and yet another wonderful jab at the Florida Election Committee (man, same recount joke twice in one day) at the official site, right at this link.



TIE Interceptor Identification Information
August 15, 2001 | 9:41 PM EST | Bill

Yak Face’s Bothan Spies have come up with the SKU number for TRU’s TIE Interceptor. HTH wrote in that the Sku is 239316.

Thanks to Toymanin who pointed out a typo the Sku which has been corrected above. Again, the correct Sku is 239316. Also, he writes that the deluxe figs are also now in the TRU computer for $10.99. No orders yet.



New Queen’s Decoy Figure Image
August 15, 2001 | 6:15 PM EST | Adam

The Fine Folk From Hasbro sent along a preview image of the upcoming Queen in Black Travel Gown/Decoy/etc. outfit. Click the thumbnail below to see the fairly large image Hasbro sent us. This will be the first of a few figures being shown in the near future, so sit back and enjoy!



Hasbro News, Poll #3 Results, Site Updates
August 15, 2001 | 2:11 PM EST | Adam

Lo and beholes, Hasbro has updated with shots of two upcoming army builders for your bemusement, as well as the results for the third Fan Choice poll. Ephant Mon barely edged out the Twi-Lek Masseuse, with his 28% over her 25%. The full results can be found here, complete with the oh-so-timely Florida Election reference. Overall, the votes were pretty close, so we remain optimistic that the other figures from this list will eventually see plastic.

The new Rebel Trooper is shown with the ability to kneel, and seems to have articulation similar to 21st Century Toys’ X-Treme Detail 1/18 scale figures. Due to the pose of the figure, it’s hard to visualize how this figure will look when posed normally.

The Imperial Officer has additional articulation and a nice wrinkly outfit. Pretty slick.

Neither has any mention of the “variant” stuff we’ve heard about in the past– different heads or recolored outfits have been tossed around as a way to make for a better “army.”



Pre-E2 Comic Cover Artwork
August 15, 2001 | 3:04 AM EST | Adam

A piece of cover artwork for an upcoming comic that takes place around Attack of the Clones has been put on the Dark Horse Comics Website. According toJediNet’s Literature Page, it’s the cover of the “trade paperback”– JediNet goes on to mention that the edition will be a scant 64 pages. So you can go find the cover.

Or you could just click here to see it.



More on Titan A.E. E2 Teaser…
August 15, 2001 | 2:31 AM EST | John

Thank you for all the e-mails folks, and I’m sorry to some of the lesser happy people that wrote to me enraged because they couldn’t find it. As I’d mentioned, I spotted this information over at Sirstevesguide, and reported it giving him due credit. Let me make this clear here and now; I am NOT making a crack at SirSteve! The guy is a good reporter who runs a really cool page I’ve been visiting for years. We all make mistakes. “…from time to time. Dear oh dear…” Apparently he caught on as well, and removed the information sooner than we at Yakface.com did, realizing it was a hoax. Or is it?

Strangely enough, this information on how to access this so-called “Easter Egg”, is also available at this link at Gamewinners.com. Personally, I still think it’s a hoax. Until someone can prove to me otherwise, it will be treated as such. Again I ask, can anyone get screencaps or a rip to prove that this is real? Rest assured people, there will be none. This is a rumor out of hand. If it’s not, then I’ll eat my work sneakers…



POTJ: The Sky Is Falling, Again
August 15, 2001 | 2:10 AM EST | Adam

Recently, we’ve gotten a lot of reports of discounted Power of the Jedi figures, and of course there were many concerns raised. “Will the stores get the new figures?” “What will happen to Wal-Mart’s two exclusive vehicles?” “Is this the end of Star Wars?”

Well, in all honesty this is really nothing new– history has a habit of repeating itself, especially here. In 1998, Hasbro/Kenner saw more than a few markdowns for their Star Wars figures, including the then-recently released Expanded Universe. But, of course, the line continued despite Hasbro offering $2 off coupons at Wal-Mart and Toys “R” Us on top of discounted prices as low as $2.97.

Heck, just last year there were a few stores– notably Target– with absolutely no Hasbro Star Wars product being sold in most of their stores. Of course, this has changed, and rather dramatically.

While figures are being marked down, it’s the norm for the toy industry especially during “reset” season. Temporary markdowns are a shot in the arm that flushes out old stock in an era where any figure older than six months may as well be a decade old– there are still Wal-Marts with pegs of POTJ Obi-Wan and Darth Maul from nearly a year ago, and nothing else is left.

So in short, enjoy the sales before the stores get their new goods in. Get the most you can out of it, and if you end up finding some extra Biker Scouts and Mon Calamari on the cheap, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Plus with a new movie and a big anniversary next year, you can be assured that stores want to be on the LucasFilm/Hasbro gravy train.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled news.



Wal-mart POTJ Figure Update
August 14, 2001 | 9:09 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader StarWarsTrilogy wrote in with this update:

“Most (if not all) WalMarts are clearing their computers of Star Wars mecrchandise to prepare for the upcoming holiday season (I know a WalMart toy manager personally) and this is the reason why items (especialy POTJ figures) are shown as deleted. Fear not, Wal-Mart plans to get a lot more figures in late August/Early September as they change over the aisles for the holidays…. “



Vintage Cardback Scans Available
August 14, 2001 | 8:57 AM EST | Bill

In addition to the usual inserts, Gadders.com
have now added vintage cardbacks to the site. Highlights currently include: Star Wars 12, 20 and 21 backs, Power Of The Force and Droids Boba Fett.



More Information on TIE Interceptors
August 14, 2001 | 8:55 AM EST | Bill

Our Bothan Spies have been working overtime. One wrote in with more information on the upcoming TRU TIE Interceptor:

“Just an update to your post about the Tie Interceptors. I’m a TRU employee and these will indeed hit very, very soon. The Interceptor has not hit any warehouses that ship to stores yet, so the employee that wrote to you was only checking local warehouses. But there are distribution centers where the figures are then sent to individual warehouses for different regions where they are then sent to the store. The Tie Interceptor should be at the distribution centers anytime and at the local warehouses probably soon after that. I would say that we should definitely see the Interceptor by the end of August/beginning of September in stores!

“Secondly, Hasbro has indeed lowered prices on Star Wars figures. The POTJ figs cost TRU $4.99 each, but most stores have only a dollar mark up on small figures like that. Another example is that Simpsons figures cost $4.00 for stores, and most stores sell them for $5. The commtech figures cost stores $5.99 to buy, therefore the dollar mark up to $6.99(and some stores $7.99). Anyway, stores should have lowered their prices and Hasbro has indeed lowered figures by a dollar. Anyway, as a side note the clearance commtech figures cost TRU $1.20 to buy(and think they were $6 back when they came out).”

X-Wing Pilot Tycho Celchu wrote in: “You’ve recently posted info from a “bothan spy” about the Tie Interceptor possibly being off the radar. It sounds like you received information from a new associate or one that just learned how to read one of our (I’m a Manager
at a TRU) many computer inventory screens. Thousands of Interceptors are on Open Order which means they are less than a month out. Also his info about Hasbro not lowering the prices on the POTJ figures is incorrect. Our cost for the Commtech figures were $5.99/ea…Hasbro lowered their price a dollar to $4.99/ea for the POTJ…& yet we still charge $6.99. Just wanted to back Hasbro this time & pass along the info.

Yak Reader Eric wrote to say that he found an auction on Ebay by someone in Clovis, CA for Tie Interceptors– what wedon’t know is whether that seller got the Interceptors through an overseas source or TRU.

Thanks to everyone who wrote in and keep the reports coming.



More on Wal-Mart POTJ Clearance…
August 14, 2001 | 2:09 AM EST | John

Well, it seems that this thing is nationwide. Here’s what 2 other readers from different regions of the USA had to say.
“Thanos21125” writes;
“Wal-Mart in northwest Houston has also discontinued POTJ.”

…and reader “Mark D.” writes;
“I work at the Pittston, PA Wal-Mart, and about three
weeks ago a co-worker scanned in a POTJ Chewbacca which showed up as
deleted. We thought it was very odd but figured it was a mistake, (there are lots of ordering mistakes), or maybe just that particular Collection was overstocked and was not being ordered anymore. Unfortunately that’s all I know about the situation. Thanks and keep up the good work!”

Fear not, folks. This doesn’t mean Wal-Mart isn’t going to carry Star Wars again, ever. They’d be REALLY stupid to not carry such a seller. Moreover, I think it means that either Hasbro is planning on changing the cards ever-so-slightly to make different UPC’s, which would mean that the old UPC’s are being “cancelled” from the system, or they’re just not reordering until Christmas is closer. Any more insight on this would be appreciated from folks “in the know”.



Episode II Teaser on Titan A.E. DVD
August 14, 2001 | 2:01 AM EST | John

Sirstevesguide is reporting that on the Titan A.E. DVD there is an Easter Egg that allows you to access an Episode II teaser! Head on over for all the details on how to access this. Nothing huge, but anything is good in the Star Wars news-void we’ve been in lately. It’ll break, but sometimes waiting is the hardest part!
UPDATE – Either it’s only on certain copies, or this report was a hoax. Not having a TITAN A.E. DVD myself, I just went with the news. Now, over at Sirstevesguide, the post was taken down. If anyone DID access this, write me. Or alternatively, if you can do a screencap or rip of this, let me know as well.



Star Wars “Attakus” in stock at Entertainment Earth 
August 14, 2001 | 1:53 AM EST | John

Entertainment Earth currently has the very nice Star Wars Attakus Statues in stock. Check the links below to see the respective statues!

****Attakus Statues In Stock****
Five different officially licensed Star Wars statues from Attakus are in stock now. Choose from;
R2-D2 Cold Cast Statue (Item# AC112, $229.99)
Han Solo in Carbonite Cold Cast (Item# AC111, $229.99)
Darth Maul Cold Cast Statue (Item# AC114, $269.99)
Slave Leia Cold Cast Statue (Item# AC115, $269.99)
Boba Fett Cold Cast Statue (Item# AC113, $269.99)
Hop on over and check out the great sculpting that is “Attakus”!



POTJ Figure at Wal-Mart on clearance?!?
August 14, 2001 | 1:05 AM EST | John

“Bryan G.” writes today to give us this disturbing news;
“According a Wal-Mart employee in Terrell,TX the Star Wars figures have been deleted out of their system and are on clearance. She did not know if that meant that they would not be carrying them any longer or that the UPC code was going to change. No space has been alloted for their fall reset.”
Thanks Bryan! I don’t know, I find this a hard one to believe. Do any other Wal-Mart employees out there know about this, or is this an isolated incident? More on this as we find out…



Free is GOOD– Contest Update
August 13, 2001 | 10:29 PM EST | Bill

The Sidster over at Jawa’s Ultarama contest is going strong. Remember the deadline is August 26, so be sure to get photos of your Ultarama in for your chance to win an Ultarama display to add to your collection. He’s got some great things happening… Click here for more.



TIE Interceptors At TRU On and Off The Radar and POTJ Figure Prices
August 13, 2001 | 10:04 PM EST | Bill

One of our Yak Readers who will remain anonymous sent in a Bothan Spy repot on the Tie Interceptors:

The Interceptor will not be hitting that soon. I work at Toys R Us in (city omitted) and the Tie has not even hit the warehouses yet. Originally, it was due in July and now the date has been pushed back to who knows whenever. I keep checking everyday to see if it has arrived in the US (at least the midwest) yet. I will let you guys know when it hits. I can give you the SKN number if you need it. By the way, the cost on the Tie is $17.71(that’s Toys R Us’s cost, not the customer’s). Also on the same note, it is not stores that have not lowered the price on the POTJ figures, since the comtech went the way of the dodo. It is Hasbro who has not lowered the price, but raised it. Each POTJ fig cost Toys R Us $4.99! I worked at Target for a while as a night stocker and they are in the same boat, so blame Hasbro for not lowering the prices on the new figs, not the stores!



“Clones” Stuff Listed at Amazon.com 
August 13, 2001 | 12:13 PM EST | John

Amazon.com is starting to list items from Episode II already, namely books. No spoilers over there, just the listing of 3 books with a release date of January 2002, (which probably is a mistake considering how Lucas keeps things tightly covered as far as surprises in the movies go). The list includes;
Episode II Paper Doll Book
Episode II Ships Schematics Punch-Out Book
Episode II Coloring Book
No pictures, no description, just plain ol’ Episode II merchandise listing.



Ketwol Wave hits Austria!
August 13, 2001 | 12:04 PM EST | John

For all the Star Wars fans over in the continent, the Ketwol wave has finally hit Austria. “Real Scooby” reports finding 3 of the 4, (minus Sabe) in the TRU in Vienna. Thanks for writing in! So, if you’re in Europe, keep watching! These puppies are sure to rear their heads soon.



TIE Interceptors Will Start Appearing SOON!!!!
August 13, 2001 | 9:08 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Hak Beng from Singapore wrote to say that his local Star Wars Store— the Falcon Hanger, will have the TIE Interceptor TOMORROW afternoon, for $80.00 (Singapore dollars— this is about $45.00 US).



Mark Hamill, Rogue Scoundrel?
August 12, 2001 | 11:50 PM EST | Adam

While Kevin Smith fans eagerly await the release of what will most likely be the greatest film since Mallrats, there’s been a lot of press surrounding the stars including Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, both of whom have cameos in the new flick.

News Askew, a news site dedicated to all things Kevin Smith, posted an amusing blurb from Stuff– they say his involvement in the film is weird. “Guess he’ll always be Han Solo to us,” the site reports Stuff as saying. Han? (Good thing they didn’t mix up Biggs and Wedge. Then the fan gloves would come off.)

(Yeah, yeah. Slow news day.)



LEGO Deals
August 12, 2001 | 5:15 AM EST | Adam

A few deals for some 1999 and 2000 sets have started in local stores…

Target has a set with a Slave I and a Landspeeder shrinkwrapped together for only $14.99.

Some Kay-Bee stores have the Lightsaber Duel, Droid Fighter, and Landspeeder on sale– pick any combination of the three for $10.

These are some great deals for some great toys, and of course cheap potential gifts– assuming you don’t decide to keep them. Happy hunting!



eBay: Get the Queen’s Couch
August 12, 2001 | 5:03 AM EST | Adam

Readers of TheForce.Net‘s Episode One area may have seen this, but those who haven’t might be interested in seeing this eBay auction for Queen Amidala’s sofa from Coruscant.

The UK based auction ends shortly, and is at around US$900– and shipping to the USA is estimated at $700. Prop fans, this is worth a gander if nothing else.

Just follow this link for a look at the red leather couch!



UK Indiana Jones Theatrical Screenings
August 10, 2001 | 5:11 PM EST | Adam

Jonny Tull sent in the following notice:

“Just a quick note for all of your UK readers: Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne’s favourite independent moviehouse will be screening the entire Indiana Jones Trilogy back to back from 10.30am on Saturday 18th August.

For those of you who can’t handle all of the Indy action all in one go (or can’t stand the middle one!), then we’re running the films for the whole week prior. The dates for these are as follows:

Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th August

Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th August

Friday 17th August

with the triple bill on Saturday 18th!

Tickets for the triple are £8 full price and £5 discounts.

Individual screenings are £3 for adults and £2.50 for kids.

Screenings throughout the week are at 10.30am and 1.30pm.

Remember, that’s Tyneside Cinema, 10 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6QG, UK


Thanks for sharing, Jonny!



Supersized Cantina Band Update
August 10, 2001 | 8:45 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Brian from Hunnington Beach, California, wrote in that he found the Fan Club was not able to return his Supersized Cantina Band to Micronian size:
“I just got mine (12″ instead of the 4″ I ordered), and was told I am
basicaly SOL – I can return it or keep it if I want, but they are OUT of the 4″ (as well as the free Celebration hat & T-shirt I was supposed to get, even though the on-hold message still claims those freebies are available). The customer service guy said the figures have been reordered (doubtful, considering this was supposed to be a closeout item), and I can keep checking the website myself to see if they show up again. Would have been nice if he could have put in a preorder on the spot, but I guess some things about the Fan Club are just as bad as ever. 🙁 ”



Hasbro Star Tours Toys: Are They Coming?
August 10, 2001 | 2:26 AM EST | Adam

A fan wishing to be identified only as “Fox” sent off an email to us as well as two other sites late last night on the topic of possible Star Tours products being produced by Hasbro for sale at Disney parks and on Starwars.com. While he most likely means the fan club, he does go into some detail about the releases which include some remakes of existing figures along with the Starspeeder 3000 and its droid pilot.

The full news posting was added to a message board at The Ring Of Collectors. The full posting is right here.

While on rumor mills and wish lists for years, this is news to us. With Hasbro being mum on most exclusives until they’re ready to show them off, it’s possible that this could very well be happening. But we’re checking around to see if we can get you the rest of the story as quickly as possible.

One thing we’re sure of– we hope this is true!



Palm Talkers Hitting TRU
August 10, 2001 | 2:14 AM EST | Adam

So far, we’ve gotten one report of the Super Deformed, Japanese-esque Palm Talkers hitting the USA– reader Darth Ortsac says he found ’em in a Long Beach, CA Toys “R” Us. So get ye to the stores, keep your peepers peeled, and be sure to leave a Boba Fett behind for your homies.

The initial batch consists of C-3PO, Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, a Stormtrooper, and of course R2-D2.

UPDATE: We’re also receiving reports of them showing up in New York.



Howard the Duck
August 9, 2001 | 6:36 PM EST | Adam

In quite possibly the first mention in several years, the official site posted this blurb on the 15th Anniversary of a LucasFilm project with the smallest fan following– apparently, his homeworld is Naboo. (Amusin’ stuff.)

The shout-out goes to darthdav to pointing this feature out.



Obi-Ewan on New Title
August 9, 2001 | 6:32 PM EST | Adam

Fanboy page extraordinarre, Ain’t It Cool News, posted this feature the other day with Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman chipping their two cents in on “Attack of the Clones.” ‘Tis good for a chuckle.



POTF2 Skiff Prototype on eBay
August 9, 2001 | 5:31 PM EST | Adam

Looking for a gift with the Star Wars collector that has everything? This auctionhas a POTF2 Tatooine Skiff… for only $2,000. If nothing else, you can be assured that the person you’re shopping for doesn’t have this one.



Star Wars “Read” Posters Available
August 9, 2001 | 5:29 PM EST | Adam

Fans of the infamous “READ” posters at the public libraries around the country, be giddy. The American Library Association is still selling their Star Wars posters– and you can click here for a look at the page out of the catalog.

The posters include Yoda (#5020-1100), Darth Vader (#5024-1397), Artoo & C-3PO (#5024-1697), Chewbacca (#5024-1497), and C-3PO (#5024-1597). Posters are $10 each or $40 for all five. Each poster measures 22″ by 34″.

They are also offering a set of Darth Vader bookmarts– essentially the poster image. 100 for $7, item #5025-1598.

To order, visit www.alastore.ala.org or call 1-800-545-2433 (press 7.)

Other posters offered by the ALA include The Simpsons, a pair based on the new Lord of the Rings flick, and of course there are many others. Be sure to call and request a catalog.



More POTJ Figures Announced For This Year
August 9, 2001 | 8:46 AM EST | Bill

That’s right. According to Rebelscum.com Entertainment Earth has announced a new case assortment for delivery in December. This means that what many of us have suspected— that the Shimi and Vader waves would not be the last POTJ figures released this year— is true.

The new wave which was announced in Entertainment Earth’s preferred customer news will contain:

Basic Figure Asst. Collection 2 – 84455J
4x Eeth Koth
4x Snaggletooth
1x Queen Amidala Travel / Black Gown
1x Rebel Trooper
1x Imperial Officer
1x F-X7



Ultarama Contest Update
August 8, 2001 | 10:18 PM EST | Bill

The prizes have been announced for the Ultarama diorama contest over at the Jawa. Prizes include an Ultarama, an Emperor 3-D bust, and an R2-B1.



New LEGO Trade Federation Set?
August 8, 2001 | 9:23 PM EST | Mark

Check out this link over at walmart.com, order it now….



12″ Bounty Hunters Update
August 8, 2001 | 8:07 PM EST | Bill

Collect Star Wars is reporting that Hasbro has announced that the upcoming 12″ bounty hunter set (Dengar, Zuckuss, and Leia Boussh) HAVE NOT been canceled. They have been delayed, but they will be released at some date in the future.



Factory 2U Finds
August 8, 2001 | 5:44 PM EST | Adam

JBFETT writes in today to inform us of his finds at Factory 2U recently. In addition to some cheap Hasbro overstock, he’s found the two-player customizable card game based on Hoth for $2– not a bad deal for 75 cards.

Other stores like Macfrugals and Big Lots have been getting some notable items lately, so now’s a great time to take the change from your sofa and see what you can scare up from the bargain bins.



Episode II Poster Concepts
August 8, 2001 | 5:41 PM EST | Adam

With the release of the name, the Internet is buzzing with all sorts of takes on poster concepts– sometimes they look like they could be the real thing, and other times, well, not so much.

Bill from Creature Cantina let us know they posted theirs today, so go check it out and enjoy the madness before the real deal is unveiled… whenever.



12″ Tally Coming Up Short
August 8, 2001 | 3:08 AM EST | Adam

Fans might be interested in knowing that our friends at Rebelscum are reporting that PlanetActionFigure.com is reporting that the third Legacy assortment– which was to have finished off the set of Bounty Hunters from the Empire Strikes Back– has been given the axe.

To editorialize and speculate, it is unlikely we’ve heard the last of 4-LOM and Zuckuss– Hasbro knows full well how interested fans are in getting these figures, and it’s quite possible they will show up in the future.



Supersized Cantina Band
August 7, 2001 | 8:30 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Cha.chi just wrote in with an unusual experience with the a Fan Club order:
i just got my cantina band members that i ordered last week. but to my surprise i opened the massive box to find five 12″ band members instead of the 4″ ones i ordered.
i called the fan club and the guy knew immediately what i was talking about. i guess a few orders got screwed up and some people were sent the 12″ers on accident. they have replacements for the bad orders so give them a call and they’ll fix it. it’s just kind of a hassle.



Delay on Marmit Stormtroopers & Sandtroopers
August 7, 2001 | 1:59 PM EST | John

Brian Levine has just informed us this;
“Just heard from my distributor in Japan that the new Marmit Stormtroopers and Sandtroopers have been delayed until September.”
So if you preordered these from Entertainment Earth, or anywhere else, I’d expect a bit of a longer wait.



More on Cloning…
August 7, 2001 | 1:55 PM EST | John

Italian scientists have made the statement that they are most definitely going to start an experiment that will allow cloning of 200 people within the next year. I know this has nothing to do with collecting, but after the title release of “Attack Of The Clones” yesterday, it seems that this contraversy will be reaching its’ pinnacle just about the time Episode II is released. Once again, Lucas is on the cutting edge of technology… Click here for the full story.



Sandtroopers.com Mass Update, & a Free B-Wing
August 6, 2001 | 11:14 PM EST | John

My personal fave fan page, (aside from Yak, of course!), has done a mass update again! Man, these guys are expanding like mad! Here’s what to look for;

Weekly Contest: Vintage ROTJ Darth Vader and ROTJ Jedi Luke. Ends 8/11
Ultarama Contest. Ends 8/15
Free B-Wing. Ends 8/12
New Areas Added To The Sith Channel
Channel 2 – Brian’s Dioramas
Channel 20 – Erik’s Customs
Channel 21 – Brian’s Custom Card Backs
Brian and Erik have been an outstanding addition to Sandtroopers. Their work really is fantastic so stop by and check them out.
Great news, awesome trading, cool pics, and some killer new features in the works.
We are looking for a few individuals who would love to share their love for the Star Wars Universe. If you are interested in joining the Sandtroopers staff please check out the site and drop us a line.

Wow, this page keeps getting better and better. Hey, drop over and check them out, and if you still need a B-Wing, make sure you register. Great work guys!



August 6, 2001 | 6:38 PM EST | Mark

It’s Official….. Attack of the Clones… Visit starwars.com for all the details…..



Fan Favorite #3 Poll Update
August 6, 2001 | 8:54 AM EST | Bill

The results page on Hasbro’s Voting Chamberis now repoting that “Bothan Election Officials” are reviewing the final numbers. Click here for the full post and hopefully results will be posted soon.



New RealScan up at CollectStarWars.com
August 6, 2001 | 3:44 AM EST | Adam

CollectStarWars.com posted a RealScan image, complete with a name, of an Episode II character’s head.



Ultarama Display Contest
August 6, 2001 | 12:38 AM EST | Bill

Sidster over at The Jawa has just announced a new contest– centered on Ultarama Dioramas. Send in photos of your best Ultarama Diorama to them to compete for a mystery prize. The last mystery prize was a carded Admiral Motti, so you never know what will appear. For more information click here.



Fan’s Choice #3 Polls Close Monday
August 5, 2001 | 2:31 AM EST | Adam

As of now, Hasbro’s poll to select the next Fan’s Choice figure is really heating up– only two percentage points separate the top two characters. And it ends early Monday morning, so if you haven’t voted yet, vote.

And this is the link to the site where you vote.

Those choices again: Ephant Mon, Even Piell, General Rieekan, R1-G4, and the Twi’Lek Masseuse. Remember, the vote ends at 8:00 AM eastern time.



GenCon Report
August 5, 2001 | 1:25 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader John wrote in with the news from Gen Con:

I just got back from GenCon today and the Star Wars presence was HUGE. I was able to talk with Paul from Hasbro, meet and get Autographs from Billy Dee Williams and Michonne B (Aurra Sing). The Steven Sansweet Presentation of Episode II: Connections was excellent. We were all given the Promo card set of 2 when attending the presentation. The display that I think you are talking about with the Star Wars figures was a set up to invite participants to play the WOTC Star Wars Role playing game. They were giving the game with the free Roworr Action figure when you either answered a survey or played the game! By the way, Paul did not bring the Deluxe figures with him to Milwaukee, only the Lando wave, Duros wave and new Darth Vader wave that comes out next month. Overall, it was a great day!



Looking For Vintage Ads???
August 5, 2001 | 1:04 AM EST | Bill

If you are looking for the Kenner Star Wars toy ads that you grew up with, or that your parents grew up with, go to Artoos News they have posted a number of them on their site. Just click on the vintage ads button on the main page.Click here to go there.



Star Wars to Launch With X-Box?
August 4, 2001 | 7:08 AM EST | Adam

Gamespot.com posted this feature today on what may very well be the launch titles of Microsoft’s upcoming X-Box gaming console.

Of particular note to many of you will be Star Wars Starfighter: Special Edition which will supposedly be available alongside the new system on November 8. The article goes on to say that Star Wars: Obi-Wan, a PC game redesigned for the X-Box, should hit later in November. For more news on other games, check out Gamespot.com.



Official Site goes to GenCon
August 4, 2001 | 7:03 AM EST | Adam

StarWars.com has posted this feature on some happenings at the annual gaming convention. While it’s mostly card-based and role-playing games, there is a product shown that incorporates Hasbro’s action figures in a sort of playset setting. We’re not exactly sure if this was just something for the show or an upcoming product, because we (and by we, I mean me) are ignorant on this one.

Anyway, check out the feature and enjoy!



Marmit AT-AT Driver To Be Released, Pics
August 4, 2001 | 6:50 AM EST | Adam

CollectStarWars.com continues their crack coverage of all things plastic and Star Wars with info and images on an AT-AT Driver figure kit coming to Japan from Marmit. Also on tap according to the site: an Emperor’s Royal Guard and Darth Vader.

Marmit has previously released figure kits of a Stormtrooper, Boba Fett, a Sandtrooper, and a TIE Fighter Pilot. For those unfamilliar with them, they’re roughly a foot tall and require a modest amount of assembly. The finished kit provides detail and articulation unseen on American-developed figures of a similar scale.

Marmit figures are designed for the Japanese market, although there are a variety of importers more than willing to set you up with one of the many kits. They’re a little expensive, coming in (usually) just under $100 to customers outside Japan.



25th Anniversary 2 Pack Update
August 3, 2001 | 11:54 PM EST | Bill

Several Yak Readers have written asking for clarification on what size the Anniversary 2 pack figures are. The 2 packs are supposed to be in the 3 3/4″ scale (standard POTF/POTJ figure size).

Also Yak Reader C-3PO writes in that in Indianapolis the 25th Anniversary two packs already have pegs at Meijers stores for $9.99. The stocker said that the computer is showing a November release.



Invasion Force Hits TRU
August 3, 2001 | 11:48 PM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Mordrid wrote in that the Phoenix Paradise Valley TRU Got the Invasion Force Case # 84205 000 6 in this week. It contained a pack out of 4 Darth Maul with Sith Attack Vehicle, 1 Obi-Wan with Gungan Sub and 1 tank with trooper. Each was a $1.97 as stickered on the case. They also got the AT-AT Trooper, D.Star Droid and more Leia Hoth. The AT-AT’s are gone but the other figs are still plentiful as of 10:30 Fri. Morning.

Yak Reader Darth Midion found the invasion force case of Darth Maul with attack speeder, Obi Wan with gungan sub, etc. also priced at$1.97!!



Ray Park Going to Belgium
August 3, 2001 | 3:45 PM EST | John

“Somepeetalay” sends us this information;

“On Sunday 14th of October Ray Park (Darth Maul) will be visiting FACTS in Belgium. FACTS (in Ghent) is the biggest Fantasy / SF convention in Belgium and will now take place on 13 and 14 October in 2001.”

For more information on this event, click here. Thanks to “Somepeetalay” for the information!



Phantom Edit…. UK Version?!?
August 3, 2001 | 3:15 PM EST | John

Yes, I’ve been hearing a lot about this through the grape vine, and I’m curious if anyone knows anything about this, or can enlighten me as to what this “version” encompasses. This is getting silly, really. It’ll undoubtedly go down in Star Wars history as a “big deal”, but there’s the LA Edit, the NY Edit, and now supposedly the UK Edit. If anyone knows anything about this, e-mail me and let me know what it’s all about.



B-Wing Weekend Reminder
August 3, 2001 | 6:32 AM EST | Adam

The Target exclusive B-Wing Fighter, according to some sources, is scheduled to be put out this weekend– August 5. Some stores put them out early, so keep your peepers peeled for the popular Rebel ship.



Star Wars Anniversary 2 Packs Scheduled To Ship In December!!
August 2, 2001 | 7:45 PM EST | Bill

The August 2001 Diamond Previews which was just released is listing the Star Wars Anniversary 2 packs for December 2001 delivery. That’s right, it looks like we are going to have the Anniversary 2 packs in our hands before the end of the year!!! The assortment is still scheduled to inlcude Luke & Leia, Han & Chewie, and Obi-Wan & Vader.



E1 Sales Begin… Again
August 2, 2001 | 8:51 AM EST | Bill

Yak Reader Dona5 wrote in from Monroe, WA., to give us a heads-up on Fred Meyer’s latest round of Star Wars sales. The sale includes $4.99 on non-sneak peek STAP vehicles, and $2.50 for The Phantom Menace action figures. But the only ones they have are Ric Olie,
Senator Palpatine, and Chancellor Valorum. There was also a couple of 4-LOM 12″ figures.



Looking For Vintage Instruction Sheets?
August 2, 2001 | 8:48 AM EST | Bill

Gadders.com has stepped up to fill the void left by the demise of www.starwarsinserts.com. They have posted full size scans of paperwork that came with the vintage
toy lines, and currently include instruction sheets for:

Tatooine Skiff
Imperial Shuttle
both Cantina playsets
Imperial Attack Base
Y-Wing Fighter (also sticker sheet)
Slave 1
Death Star Space Station
Star Destroyer
and many more.

Click here to go there.



New 12″ Luke with Speederbike Images Online
August 2, 2001 | 7:56 AM EST | Adam

CollectStarWars.com has posted a series of images of the upcoming Target exclusive in the package.



Star Wars Fan Club eBay Bonanza
August 2, 2001 | 6:02 AM EST | Adam

The Star Wars Fan Club is clearing out a series of items on eBay. If you’re looking for goods from the pre-Episode One era, this is a real bumper crop of goodness. Check out their auctions under the username swfanclub.



Wal-Mart Price Increase is Nationwide
August 2, 2001 | 12:30 AM EST | John

Yea, bad news folks. This is what “Ryan”, a Wal-Mart toy department manager had to say about the increse;

“I’m a toy department manager in North Carolina and I wanted to let you know that this price increase on the POTJ figures is nationwide. The figures were on the Rollback price program and have been taken off this week. All Wal-Mart’s should have these price changes done within 3 days of them being downloaded in our systems so by the weekend every Wal Mart should be $6.44.”

But wait a minute… Wasn’t this a Hasbro price-point decrease, and not a Wal-Mart rollback? A big thanks to “Ryan” for the information!



Hasbro Q & A Posted
August 1, 2001 | 8:50 PM EST | Bill

Hasbro has posted a partial Q & A transcript from the recent San Diego Comicon in their Republic News. Among other pieces of news it confirms that Action Fleet Vehicles will be included in the Episode II line. Click here for the Hasbro Star Wars site.

Thanks to Yak Readers Cha.chi and Timbo for the tip.



Scavanger Hunt Strikes Back
August 1, 2001 | 8:45 AM EST | Bill

Artoos News second Scavanger Hunt contest starts today. Prizes for the top 10 winners include a Cloud City Motif Grand Prize that will include a Carbon Freezing Chamber, an Ultarama Display Unit and over 20 figures. Click here to sign up.



Evolution Promo Card Available Now
August 1, 2001 | 3:38 AM EST | Adam

Topps Fans Rejoice! Dark Horse Comics and Topps have had a great relationship doling out promo cards since issue #8 of Classic Star Wars, and they slipped a little surprise into issue #32 of the ongoing Star Wars comic, “Star Wars: Darkness #1.” The shiny foil card comes in a plastic bag stapled to the middle of the comic– be sure the make sure it hasn’t been pilfered before buying the comic.

As to the comic itself, well, odds are the card will help boost sales. Star Wars #32 is on sale now and costs $2.99 in the USA and $4.50 north of the border.



Thumb Wars Parody Coming to DVD
August 1, 2001 | 3:33 AM EST | Adam

Fans of the May 1999 UPN special “Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle” have something to look forward to– a DVD special edition is being released in October courtesy of Image Entertainment. DVD File has the full scoop.

Extras include a commentary, trailers, storyboards, and more.



Here we go again…
August 1, 2001 | 3:00 AM EST | John

“Russ M.” writes to us to give us this disturbing news;
“The WalMart here in Casselberry, FL has just raised its’ prices on Star Wars figures. Just last week they were $5.73, but I checked today and they were all $6.44. Hope this isn’t a national trend. They just lowered them to the $5.73 price-point a few months ago.”
Is this happening all over, or is this just an isolated incident? I guess time will tell. More on this as we get it.



Polls fixed over at Hasbro
August 1, 2001 | 2:56 AM EST | John

Finally, Hasbro seems to have gotten the polls debugged over at the Fan Choice #3, and now Ephant Mon is winning again! Coming up in 2nd place is the Twi’lek Masseuse, and third is ol’ General Rieekan himself. Running up in fourth and fifth place within a point of each other are R1-G4 and Even Piell respectively. If you haven’t voted yet, get you heiney over there and do it! It’s more than 1/2 over, so vote for someone, even if it’s the largest loser on the poll. At least let Hasbro officially hear your voice!

July 2001 Archive

POTJ and Vintage B-Wing Comparison
July 20, 2001 | 9:11 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

OOM-9 at The Jawa has just put up
an image comparing an image on the new B-Wing box with an image from the old B-Wing Instruction sheet…same image.

Click here to see it.



What would you like to see as the next fan figure choices?
July 20, 2001 | 12:31 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

With only a few days until the next fan-figure poll, I’d like to hear from the fans as to what figure you’d like to see next? It probably won’t sway Hasbro at this stage of the game, but hey, it’s neat speculation. I’ll collect tallies for a couple days, then post the top five most popular here at Yak. Send your most wanted figure request by clicking here. Let’s see how close our final list matches up to Hasbro’s!



Pegwarmer.com expands!
July 20, 2001 | 12:22 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

James from Pegwarmer.com writes to us here at Yak to tell us to let our readers know that they’ve introduced Forums to their page. Also up is the first installment of Affe Jungen’s Dewback Dew Comic Strip A few other features. Check it out!



Q&A Friday: Out For Justice
July 20, 2001 | 4:28 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been updated with more question, answers, and a nice lengthy pseudo-editorial.Check it out.



What does your collection look like? #3
July 20, 2001 | 3:07 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


This weeks collection comes from spiderman@webzone.net. I didn’t choose to highlight this particular collection for amount or content, but for style.

This guy’s smooth with his display properties for his collection including that fish tank. Man, we can all take some hints from him for setting up our loose items.

Good job! If anyone would like to write to Spidey click here and tell him what you think about his collection! And, as always, if you’d like your collection highlighted here on Yak, send the links or picture to me by clicking here. Remember, no single pics over 80k or thereabouts! Thanks!



Episode II Comics to be released!
July 20, 2001 | 2:39 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Not the actual movie adaptation, mind you, but cool titles nonetheless! It involves 2 specific bounty hunters that will be making their debut in Episode II, (and no, it’s not Aurra Sing and Boba Fett). For more spoiler-filled information, head on over to Darkhorse.com. Alternatively, Star Wars.com has a featurette on these titles. The two titles are scheduled for release around Christmas 2001, and the second to follow on January 2002. Sorry for the vague report, but there still are a few purists out there that actually want to be surprised (I envy them!) when the movie is released… unlike me.



B-Wing Feature Discovered
July 19, 2001 | 8:09 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Attention Openers!!! There is finally a reason/use for the air hose which hangs off of Ten Numb (the “generic” POTJ B-Wing Pilot). When you open your B-Wing, look in the cockpit on the right side of the pilot’s seat (as you face the B-Wing). At the front corner of the “arm rest” on the right of the pilot’s seat, there is a small hole which is the perfect size for Ten Numb’s Oxygen hose.



Topps Evolution Promo Card in Issue 55
July 19, 2001 | 7:58 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader Clinton wrote in regarding the condition of the Topps Evolution teaser card which was included in his Star Wars Insider issue #55. You can read his entire letter in the “Collecting Promos” section of our forums section under the post “Issue 55 Topps Evolution Card.” Be sure to enter how you feel in our forums.



Holographic Nute Gunray????
July 19, 2001 | 7:29 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

That’s right, although his release has yet to be confirmed Yak Reader DashandLeebo gave us a tip that you can see a prototype of the holographic Nute Gunray at Jedisiths who received the photo from 4inches.com. Click here to see the photo!

[Editor’s Note: This was one of many figures, like Lott Dodd and Shmi Skywalker, that were revealed and postponed in 1999/2000. Right now, it’s postponed indefinitely, but Shmi was as well and she’s due out relatively soon.]



Fan Choice #3 Voting Begins Next Week
July 19, 2001 | 7:26 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Word around the Web (and on a flyer in San Diego) is that Hasbro will start its next Fan Choice poll next week… the candidates are still unknown, but with two excellent figures selected so far they can’t go wrong at this rate.



Comic Con Images Online
July 19, 2001 | 7:24 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Our pals at CollectStarWars.com have updated with some great new info as well as some new images of every deluxe figure except for Maul, some images from the booth, and a shot of the new 12″ Luke Skywalker with Yoda set.

Not Star Wars, but notable other news has been posted around the web… the fine folk at YoJoe.com posted prototype shots of the all-new 4″ G.I. Joe line, and Playmates Toys has posted info on the Simpsons through wave 8. We now return you to your regularly scheduled galaxy of toy news…



Target 12″ Kaadu and Tarpals Going Fast
July 19, 2001 | 4:31 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

A local run through of several Target stores revealed that the large dust-covered boxes with the Kaadu and Captain Tarpals are pretty much all gone– one store had one left, and another had three as of closing. So if this is a toy you’re after, don’t wait– check Target on your lunch hour today to get a real bargain of a toy for $12.44.



San Diego Con Preview
July 18, 2001 | 9:30 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum is reporting that Hasbro will be showing 3 of the 4 deluxe figures in San Diego. They will have Amanaman, Leia with the Sail Barge Cannon, and Luke in bacta tank. In addition, Hasbro will be showing Wal-Mart’s exclusive 12″ Luke with Yoda!!!



Hallmark Ornament Open House This Weekend
July 18, 2001 | 9:20 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Christmas in July arrives this weekend at Hallmark stores. Saturday morning all Hallmark stores nationwide will put out their 2001 Christmas ornaments.

Yak Reader Sam writes in that he just picked up this year’s Star Wars Oranaments at Hallmark, and that the R2-D2 is very cool, the others are ok but nothing special. (It appears he got very lucky getting these early– most Hallmark stores will not even show, much less sell the “new” Christmas ornaments even one day early.



Episode II Images au francais
July 18, 2001 | 1:39 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Sithclan.com, a french Star Wars page, has posted some pretty keen Episode II pics! Be wary to all spoiler-sensative individuals. Click on over and check them out!



Emperor’s Wrath Vader Image
July 18, 2001 | 1:34 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Star Wars.com has posted a better and clearer image of the forthcoming Emperor’s Wrath Vader. Click above to take a peek. I, for one, am looking forward to this puppy! Thanks to C. Gorman for the tip!



More Luke Bacta Tank Photos
July 18, 2001 | 8:48 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Rebel Scum has posted some large photos of the Luke bacta tank that they were able to grab a Toy Fair last Spring— that’s right— Hasbro had this nearly complete a Five months ago at toy fair.

In addition to showing a lot of details, these photos also show the control panel for the bacta tank which was not shown on Star Wars.com’s photos.

Click here to see the one of the big photos.



Q&A Wednesday
July 18, 2001 | 5:01 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, our worthless Q&A feature, has once again been updated with more questions and answers for your pondering needs. Please feel free to send in more inquiries for Friday’s update.



Phantom Menace To Air on Fox This November
July 18, 2001 | 4:59 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Fans in the United States who have yet to see Episode One– both of you– should be glad to know that the official Star Wars site has posted a news article announcing that the Fox network has a new airdate for the film that tops E! Online‘s recent “Top Ten Worst Sequels” list.

Sunday, November 25, 2001 from 7-10 p.m. ET/PT.

If you need the full story (which is shorter than this one) kindly follow this link.



Entertainment Earth Updates, at Comic Con
July 18, 2001 | 3:22 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Sponsor Entertainment Earth sent along some news today…

“The newest wave of Star Wars Power of the Jedi action figures are in stock now. Choose a full case or a 4-pack:

SW POTJ Wave 12 4-Pack (Item# 84455GG, $39.99) http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=84455GG
Includes 1x Sabe – Queen’s Decoy, 1x Ketwol, 1x Bespin Guard – Cloud City Security, 1x Ellorrs Madak – Duro – Fan’s Choice Figure #1 (Subject to change).

SW POTJ Collection 2 (Wave 12) (Item# 84455G, $89.99) http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=84455G
Includes 3x Sabe – Queen’s Decoy, 3x Ketwol, 3x Bespin Guard – Cloud City Security, 3x Ellorrs Madak – Duro – Fan’s Choice Figure #1 (Subject to change).

Also, Entertainment Earth will once again have a spectacular booth at International Comic-Con in San Diego, filled with all kinds of activities, prizes, and surprises.

Win action figures and toys from our giveaway sponsors McFarlane Toys, Sideshow, Mezco Toyz, InToyz, Vital Toys and N2 Toys. We will also have a pinball machine for visitors to play and will have awesome deals, including rock bottom priced action figures.

Please come by our booth and ask us why Entertainment Earth Rules the Planet to receive a free gift! Valid for Entertainment Earth customers as of 7/12/01. Limit one gift per customer.

Come join us for the largest event of its kind in the United States. Hope to see you there!”



Bacta Tank Luke Deluxe Figure Photos
July 17, 2001 | 9:54 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Official Site has just posted a photo of this year’s Luke figure. As we saw in the black and white fax photo a few weeks ago it includes luke, the bacta tank, a control panel and more. Click here to see it.

Thanks to Yak Readers Rob, DrthSidios, Scouttrooper007, DashandLeebo and Chris for the heads-up.



12″ Tarpals Now On Final Clearance
July 17, 2001 | 9:50 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader Brian S. wrote in with what may the first report on the final clearance of the 12″ Tarpals and Kaadu set. He writes “I just got back from my local SuperTarget. While I was in the toy department looking for the B-Wing, a Target employee came by and marked all the 12″ Tarpals & Kaduu 2-packs down to $12.44… Not Bad, Ehh?”

UPDATE: Yak Readers Wdemler and Leoj wrote in reporting the same price at their stores.



Ketwol Wave Available On-Line… Cheap
July 17, 2001 | 9:44 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

New Force Comics has the new Sabe, Ketwol Ellorrs Madak-Duros, Bespin guard wave(84455 000 T) available for order. Ther stock will arrive the first of next week and be available for immediate shipment. You can get a case of this wave (which has 3 of each of these new figures) for $69.99 or a set of 4 (Sabe, Ellorrs Madak-Duros, Ketwol, and Bespin Guard) for $27.96 . To order go to New Force Comics.



Official Deluxe Amanaman Photos
July 17, 2001 | 2:51 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Hasbro has justed updated their Star Wars site with a photo and detailed description of Amanaman. Highlights include: Increased shoulder articulation, a new staff, and the skeleton is definately included. Click here to go there.



Insider 55 Hitting Mailboxes
July 16, 2001 | 9:39 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The latest edition of the Star Wars Insider (#55) is hitting mailboxes. Mine arrived today, and we have had a number of reports from across the country of them hitting.

Agent 1177 points out that this edition has some great spoiler material about EII including the origins of some of the fan community’s favorite chracters/figures from the original trilogy.



General Madine Petition Growing By Leaps and Bounds
July 16, 2001 | 9:35 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

THE JEDI REMNANT is reporting that their petition to get General Crix Madine (Imperial defector to the Rebellion) into Power of the Jedi Plastic has almost doubled again. It’s now at 867 names, and STILL growing. If you haven’t signed up yet, and you want to see General Madine off the list of vintage figures waiting to be remade, click here.



SW Insider Pics Posted! 
July 16, 2001 | 12:06 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

For the upcoming issue #55, TheForce.net has posted pics for those of us who just can’t wait!!! I’ve seen ’em, they’re juicy. Check them out!



Amazon Offers Star Wars Grab-bags
July 16, 2001 | 11:59 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Right now over at Amazon.com, they are offering Star Wars grab-bags of apparently things that they’ve been overstocked on for a long time. The ad reads like this;

“When one Star Wars toy isn’t enough, try an assortment of goodies instead. This nine-piece grab bag bundle holds a wide variety of playthings based on the popular movies. Playsets and action figures from the original trilogy as well as Phantom Menace selections are included. It’s a great choice for those who like surprises, for those who prefer more than just one toy, and for collectors looking to expand their displays. NOTE: Contents may vary with each purchase.”

Interesting if you like surprises. The cost? $14.99. Click here for a direct link right to the page.



Q&A Monday
July 16, 2001 | 7:23 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been given it’s update, with chilli for breakfast every morning. There’s also some questions answered and postulates postulated, so read and enjoy.



More Clearance Books
July 16, 2001 | 7:21 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

As many of you have discovered, the Episode One Visual Dictionary and Cross Sections books have also shown up on clearance at bookstores in malls around the United States at a price around $5… a great deal, for sure. There’s never been a better time to start a reference library!



More B-Wing Sightings
July 15, 2001 | 2:00 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader Todd W. wrote in to say that he was able to snag his B-wing at Target in San Antonio using the DPCI number.

UPDATE: Yak Reader Matt snagged his B-Wing while traveling in NC at the Hanes Mall Target in Winston-Salem thanks to a nice stocker who checked the DPCI and pulled the B-Wing from the back.
It sounds like B-Wings are “here” nationwide, granted finding them will still be “fun” for a while.

Good hunting to all.



B-Wing Shelf Stickers Appearing
July 15, 2001 | 12:25 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader JasonK from Spokane, WA wrote in to let us know that his local target has actually put shelf stickers with price and product ID information out for the B-Wing, and that although the shelf was empty when he got there, his store had put them out on the shelf. He pointed out that this does not appear to have been a reset of the entire toys area, just a new shelf tag for the B-Wing where the 12″ Captain Tarpals and Kaadu had previously been placed.



Madine Petition More Than Doubles In Size
July 15, 2001 | 12:19 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

JediSith’s petition to get General Madine into POTJ plastic is growing fast. It is now over 440 names, with more being added all the time. If you haven’t signed up yet, go over to JediSiths now and sign the guestbook.

Remember, like a lot of people have been pointing out if we really want to see a POTJ Madine, we need to get the number of names to 10,000 or more. Click here to sign up.



B-Wings Appearing Everywhere!!!
July 14, 2001 | 10:04 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Thanks to everyone who has written in with updates of their hunt for the elusive Target exclusive B-Wing. Before I share a few of the tales of the hunt I have received, as you will see from the parts of the country reporting in, the bottom line is this, if you haven’t found one yet (myself included) keep looking!!!!! They are out there.

Yak Reader Kevin from Greensboro, NC writes: “Took the UPC number to my local Target and they pulled an unopened case out of the back and I got to pick a MINTY-FRESH one. Tell the readers to ask. The folks at Target were more than willing to sell me one.”

Yak Reader IG-88 writes: “I was able to pick up a B-Wing by asking a clerk to check the DCP. The clerk entered it in and immediately went to the back and pulled one out. I asked her is it only one per person and she said yes. There was no hesitation in her going straight to the back to pull one out. I think it is a store by store case whether they give you receive the cold shoulder or strike it rich.”

Yak Reader Ron writes: “Went to my local target here in Tulsa, OK, and asked them to check the dpc code on the scanner and they did and it showed that they were in stock, so the nice lady went to the back room and brought out a case of 4 items I took one and she put the rest on the shelf. I was very nice and courteous to the lady and it paid off!!!”

Yak Reader Brandon in Illinois writes: “I live in Central Illinois (Peoria) and wanted to pass along that I was able to score a B Wing today at our Target. I had an employee in the electronics dept. look up the DPCI number and sure enough they had cases in the back. He was very helpful and retrieved a case from the back storage area. They were packed 4 to a case and I purchased two (one for a friend)
at the cost of $39.99 each.”

Yak Reader Jennifer found that she was able to score her B-Wing in Southern California with the skew number, 2) a nice employee, 3) common courtesy and sharing some anti-scalper talk.

Remember courtesy will get you a long way. They employees get sick of being asked for exclusives which people have been asking them about for over a month, if you are nice to them you will probably get a lot farther.



B-Wing Search 
July 14, 2001 | 1:21 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Looks like the B-Wings may be on stealth mode in some areas.

Yak Reader Rosemaster from St. Louis writes: “I have also gone to Target and asked about the DPC when they weren’t on the shelf. The clerk entered the code, thought a while, and then said they wouldn’t be on the shelf until they reset everything. They were not about to bring one out to me, and I got a feeling they saw something on their screen that convinced them not to. Others here in the St. Louis area are reporting the same result. A long pause, followed by “not until
we reset the shelves” is the standard response here.


Yak Reader Red 5 writes “I can assure you that the LRT does not tell Target employees anything about whether a product needs to stay in the backroom until a reset. The employee he asked must have been familiar with the toy. I suggest asking an employee away from the toy section who may not be familiar with the toy. They may just see it as any other item and pull it for you. I am a toy dept manager
at Target and people ask me about other items all the time. I don’t think anything of it. If we have it, I go back and pull it.



Sith Attack Speeder Prototype
July 14, 2001 | 7:38 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Just because it looks weird and is just as pricey, it seems fair to point out a preproduction Sith Attack Speeder on ebay. Auction #1615414953 features a mostly purple and light blue speeder along with an off-white Maul with a black robe. If for no reason other than it’s quite striking, check it out.



The Last Episode One Shirt?
July 14, 2001 | 5:14 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Reeleffects.com is filling the popular void of Episode One themed shirts with the latest piece of unlicensed Star Wars memorabilia with their very own garment exclaiming “I Am The Phantom Editor.” “Get the before they are banned!!!” the site boasts… more than once.



Fantastic Deals At Waldenbooks
July 14, 2001 | 3:46 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

At least a few US Waldenbooks stores have received dirt cheap clearance books from Episode One, both good, and priced to move.

The Art Of Star Wars: Episode One
A Hardcover version of the $39.99 book is being sold for $5.99.

Star Wars: The Making of Episode I (aka The Making Of The Phantom Menace)
A softcover version of the $19.95 book is being sold for $3.99.

While the books appear to be indentical to the US releases, these are all surplus UK books. Getting the pair for under $10 is a great deal, both are stuffed with art and information that are well worth reading, even if you weren’t the biggest fan of the most recent Star Wars flick. Get thee to a mall!



Action Fleet & Micro Machines land for Episode II
July 14, 2001 | 1:48 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Let’s give a big ol’ Episode I Anakin “Yipee!” for this excellent news! SirStevesGuide.com had a running petition for the bringing back of the Micro Machine line for the classic prototypes we had seen a while back, and new Episode II ships, and it seems that Hasbro is still listening. While still unknown exactly what will be produced, the line will definitely be making a comback in the near future, (not in 2001, but definitely before the release of Episode II). Apparently Hasbro will be doing a 60% Episode II/40% “Classic” and Episode I ratio for the case assortments. So, if you’re one of the collectors that hated to see the Micro Machine line die, take heart, they are coming back! And I think we oweSirStevesGuide.com a big congratulations for this achievement!



B-Wings Are Out There
July 13, 2001 | 7:29 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader Taun-Ton writes that he was able to score a b-wing by asking a clerk at Target to check the DPCI# (087-06-1954) when there were none on the shelf. It looks like more and more stores are getting them. Good hunting.



Ketwol Wave, B-Wing And More In Stock
July 13, 2001 | 7:27 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

D & S Sci-fi Toy World has POTJ Figures – Sabe, Ketwol, Bespin Guard, Ellorrs Madak, the B-Wing,
Jedi Braid with Micro Machine Starship, as well as the hard to find Hasbro Federation Tank & Skiff back in stock.

Check them out here…



Free Shimi Wave
July 13, 2001 | 7:24 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Pegwarmer.com is giving away a case of the Shmi Skywalker wave. For more information click here.



Ultarama Press Release – July 12, 2001
July 13, 2001 | 1:13 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

EDISON, NJ–July 12, 2001-Ultarama™ is coming to Comic-Con with an exciting lineup of new background scenes and special guests to meet! Come visit us at Booth #3110 (next to Hasbro Star Wars) to have some fun! When you stop by, make sure that you enjoy everything we have going on at the booth:
· Meet Michonne Bourriague, actress and model who portrayed Aurra Sing in Episode 1! Also be sure to see Shannon Baksa (Mara Jade) and Richard LeParmentier (Admiral Motti)!
· Saturday meet Philip Wise and Mark Hurray, two of the dynamic forces that bring Star Wars fans everywhere the Rebelscum.com Star Wars Toy News And Reference web site!
· Pick up an Ultarama™ at a show special price of $25 and Michonne, Shannon, or Richard will autograph one of your background scenes for free!
· See and purchase the new, never before seen, Star Trek Ultarama™ Communicator exclusive!
· Check out our new prototype Sci Fi scenes and see the center section insert!



Q&A: For The Weekend
July 13, 2001 | 7:44 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, the onmipresent Yakface feature, has been updated on schedule for your reading delight. Enjoy, and be sure to send in your questions for next week’s updates!



Interesting DVD Tidbit
July 13, 2001 | 3:04 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

As always, take this with a grain of salt until October, but it’s an interesting prospect if it turns out to be true. “Agent 1177” writes with this information;

“I’m not at full liberty to say, since this is second hand information, but there may be another expanded Podrace scene on the Phantom Menace DVD. It has to do with Anakin’s pod going haywire (more than in the original version), and Anakin using the force to alleviate the problem.”

I guess we’ll find out in October. If anyone can confirm this with proof, let us know. Not too big a deal, but neat nonetheless.



Lego Toys at brick & mortar Kay-Bee as well
July 13, 2001 | 2:59 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

“Bizarro Fett” writes to inform us that Kay-Bee, in fact, bought a whole slew of the early Star Wars Lego’s, and aside from offering them on KBKids.com, they are or will also be offering them in the regular brick & mortar stores at close-out prices. Bizarro also states “It’s a great opportunity to build your armies or get extra parts for making customs.” Right you are, Bizarro! Another thing noted is that the Sith Infiltrator and Pod Race Arena, (newer sets), are on close-out as well.



Amanaman Details, The Facts on Dak and More
July 12, 2001 | 7:07 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum has just posted a brief Q & A from Hasbro following up on the Shreveport Convention.

Among the highlights are:

Amanaman is 4.18 inches tall (in scale with 3 3/4 figures)
Dak IS removable and articulated, but doesn’t have a removable helment
The Wal-mart Tie Bomber and crashed Snowspeeder have a suggested retail price of $29.99

Click here to read the entire Q & A.



Star Wars Deals Up North
July 12, 2001 | 6:58 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader Devan S. reports:

At my local Wal Mart in Newmarket, Onatrio, they are liquidating their POTF and Episode 1 figures for $1CND! Have seen Sandtrooper, Emperor, Qui-Gon, Amidala, etc. Also assorted POTJ for $8.91 CND.

It looks like yet another round of clearance figures may be hitting. Keep your eyes out.



Deals Online
July 12, 2001 | 6:35 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some excellent deals at KBkids.com!
LEGO System Star Wars Sith Infiltrator $16.99
Star Wars Episode I Gungan Sub LEGO Playset $29.99
Star Wars Episode I Droid Fighter LEGO Playset $3.99
Star Wars Electronic Darth Maul Double-Bladed Lightsaber $9.99
Star Wars LEGO Landspeeder $3.99
Star Wars LEGO Speeder Bikes $5.99
LEGO System Star Wars Naboo Fighter $12.99
Star Wars: 12″ Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Vader Electronic Figures $24.99
Star Wars: 12″ Luke Skywalker Action Figure in Ceremonial Gear $12.99
Sith Speeder and Darth Maul $2.99
Plus if you are a first-time buyer use the coupon code [KBKIDLINK],
it’s worth $5.00 off a first-time purchase of $30.00 or more.



General Madine Petition Update
July 12, 2001 | 12:21 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

DashandLeebo writes to me today to let me know how their General Madine petition is going;

“I’d like to give everyone an update on the petition I’m running.
I now have around 250 names, but I’m still looking for people who hasn’t signed up yet. Visit THE JEDI REMNANT FIGURES at Jedisiths, and sign your name in the guest book.
Here’s info on the petition:
3 3/4 inch POWER OF THE JEDI General Crix Madine.
Accesory ideas: silver pointer. green Moon of Endor holo.”



What does your collection look like? #2
July 12, 2001 | 12:05 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post


This week the collection I chose to highlight is from “JD Marlow”. He sends me images of his quite impressive collection. You’re a collecting fiend, JD! Everyone, enjoy the images! Don’t forget, once a week I’ll be highlighting a collection, so mail the images to me. Just remember, keep them at a minimum, about 80k or less each. Thanks!



Second Chance At $20 12″ Dewback — Maybe
July 12, 2001 | 8:52 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum and Collect Star Wars are reporting that SOME TRU stores are matching the Amazon.com price of $20.00 on the 12″ Dewback and Sandtrooper. They also point out that some other TRU stores have refused to match the price. Those stores who have been willing to match the price have required a printout of the page from Amazon.com showing the price on the 12″ Dewback and Sandtrooper. So don’t count on your local store agreeing to sell dewies for $20, but if you need a Dewie it might be worth asking.



12″ Dewback: Discounted And Gone!
July 12, 2001 | 5:47 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Amazon/Toys “R” Us offered the 12″ Dewback/Sandtrooper set on its online site for a paltry $20, shipping included, yesterday. Sadly, this sold out before the news got posted. While it isn’t likely that it will show up in Amazon‘s discount section again soon, they do have some other nifty cheap items from a sub-$10 shipped Naboo Fighter to a Beast Machines Supreme Cheetor for only $10.

Keep checking your local Toys “R” Us stores for discounts on the Dewback– it could happen at any time!



Cheaper POTJ In Canada
July 12, 2001 | 5:42 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Chris writes in with this…

“I found the Sandtrooper wave (Sandtrooper, Qui-Gon in Jedi Training Gear and
Obi-wan in Cold Weather Gear) at my local Walmart in Bathurst, New
Brunswick, about two weeks ago. In fact, there are still some there right now! They’re just $8.79; paying $11.99 at Toys ‘R Us is a real rip-off.”

There ya go. Make capitalism work for you and check all your local stores!



Episode I DVD Commercial Online
July 11, 2001 | 9:21 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Force.net has posted a copy of the Episode I DVD Commericial on their site. It is a rather large file, but if you have a fast connection, or have the time it is definitely worth the download. Click here to go there and download a copy.



Vintage prices are dropping!
July 11, 2001 | 1:51 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Man, I can’t believe it. I was over looking around on e-Bay, and I just can’t believe how much prices are dropping over the past couple years. I saw loose EV-9D9’s going for $30-$40, Loose Amanaman’s for around $50, and Lando General loose/complete going for a record $10.50!!! Amazingly, a few years ago before the reissue, the A-Wing (the actual ship now, NOT the pilot), loose and complete would fetch $400-$600. Now, it’s lucky to bring $100. My whole point to this article? If you are interested in vintage and have holes that need filling in your collection, check over on e-Bay. You may be pleasantly surprised!



12″ Luke Dagobah & Yoda Information
July 11, 2001 | 1:17 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

One of my reliable sources is telling me that this awesome piece, the 12″ Luke Dagobah with Yoda in the backpack, will be a Walmart exclusive and retail for $28.96. We probably won’t see this thing until Christmas 2001, or perhaps early 2002, however.



New POTJ Hits Canada
July 11, 2001 | 6:30 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Reader Mark L. chimes in with the following news…

“I found three of the new POTJ in my local Toys “R” Us in Belleville Ontario Canada. I found Sandtrooper (Grey shoulderboard), Obi Wan Kenobi in snow gear, Qui Jon Jinn in Jedi Armour. They were $11.99 CDN each.”

Thanks, Mark!



eBay: Anakin Statue
July 11, 2001 | 4:28 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Fans of large collectibles might be interested in checking out Auction #1445449441 for a life-size Anakin statue, the same type that was on display at JC Penny. We now return you to your regularly scheduled news.



Q&A Update
July 11, 2001 | 4:26 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, our Q&A column, tackles the tough questions– like “Will Hasbro ever do anything with the Jedi Points?” and info of where to send your Interactive Yoda for repairs. What more could you ask for? Quite a bit, but for free With Every Question For Justice isn’t that bad.



Star Wars: The 1985 Line
July 11, 2001 | 4:23 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Frequently alluded to but rarely seen, the unreleased Star Wars for 1985 have been unearthed by The Star Wars Collectors Archive via a rare binder of sketches and photos. Fans of big toys would be worth checking out the feature, entitled Star Wars Is Forever as it includes a gigantic (and mind-bogglingly cool) Imperial Outpost playset along with several vehicles that were never released.



Plano Convention This Weekend (July 14-15) 
July 10, 2001 | 10:09 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Science Fact meets Science Fiction at the…

Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show
July 14-15 Plano Center: Plano, Tx
2000 E Spring Creek Parkway

Over 200 tables of old and new collectibles, movies, toys, comics, cards and

Star Wars highlights include:
Kenny Baker – R2-D2

For details check out: http://www.scifiexpo.com



Star Wars Galaxies Site Opens
July 10, 2001 | 1:51 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The new site, SWOnline.org has finally opened giving you the best in all information pertinent to the Star Wars universe as a whole! I’ve been looking around this site, and it is AWESOME! It’s been in the works for a long time, but it was most definitely worth the wait. Stop over and check it out!



New Image Shots!!!
July 10, 2001 | 11:07 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some great images of stuff for auction.

BOBA FETT Palm Talker
R2D2 Palm Talker



Sabe, Ketwol, Bespin Guard and Duro!
July 10, 2001 | 11:00 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth is now filling backorders for Star Wars Power of the Jedi Wave 12 4-Pack (Item# 84455GG, $39.99)
http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=84455GG. This set includes 1x Sabe – Queen’s Decoy, 1x Ketwol, 1x Bespin Guard – Cloud City Security, 1x Ellorrs Madak – Duro – Fan’s Choice Figure #1.



FFURG Site Redesign
July 10, 2001 | 8:53 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

FFURG (Forgotten Force Ultimate Resource Guide)has a brand-new
design and layout for the site, the Custom Recipes section has an all-new look, and now comes complete with a ratings guide!

It’s still a little “under construction,” you should still stop by and check it out!



Episode One DVD: Cut Scenes
July 10, 2001 | 8:38 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

In case you have yet to hear about them, TheForce.Net has posted the titles of the seven deleted scenes that will appear on the DVD this Fall.

Of note to the toy fans of the world is “The Air Taxi Sequence.” According to Toy Junkie Lore, Hasbro had an Air Taxi toy in development and it was axed when they found out the scene was cut. Interesting, no? (Or “Interesting? No.” Choose one.)



Store Reports Contest IV
July 9, 2001 | 11:46 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

WOW! It’s the only word I can really say right at this moment! I can’t believe how successfull you guys are really making these contests! Our past contest was bigger then ever! You guys are really outdoing yourselves and I am finding myself with less and less free time lol! Anyways our contest is sponsored once again by the very nice and friendly KEBCoToys.com! This time we are going to give away once again prizes to two winners! One lucky Store Reporter will win a POTJ Biker Scout & POTJ Han Solo Bespin, while another will win a POTJ Battle Droid W/ Boomer Damage & POTJ Darth Maul Sith Apprentice W/ Armor! Talk about amazing huh! Once again Kebco is really outdoing themselves! So please, as a favor to Yakface.com and myself, please visit KEBCoToys.com! They have been so friendly and generous to us so we all need to make sure to thank them by supporting them! Every purchase you make helps keep our contests going on strong, free, and better each time! If we can get some great sales I can only promise you some way cool prizes in the future! So visit their site they have 300th Fetts still in stock for only $10.49 and some really cool POTJ Figs for as low as $2.99! They also have pre-orders available now for the upcoming Fall POTJ Figures and Deluxe Figures as well (Note: Please make sure to tell them Yakface.com sent ya!)! The Contest will begin starting with entries recieved as of Saturday, July 7th and end with the last qualified entries being recieved on Saturday, July 21st! Any person who submits a store report is automatically entered to win one of the cool sets! So get those Store Reports sent in today and May The Force Be With You!

P.S. Please make sure when sending in entries that you try to send them in the standard format:
City, State
What You Found
Where Found
Submitted By First Name then Last Name initial (or nickname)
Thanks! This just helps me to post the reports faster and ensures entries are legitimate.



KB Sale Update
July 9, 2001 | 10:48 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader John wrote in with this update on the KB buy one get one sale:

I just wanted to let people know some details about
the KB Toys BOGO sale. As far as I can tell, they ARE
honoring it on all items (including the POTJ figures).
In fact, the sign just says “Buy one, get one free,
All Star Wars Merchandise”. However, one little tricky
part is if you buy more than 2 items at a time they
are not going But One Get One tit for tat. In other
words, if you get two items that are $4.99 and two
that are $7.99, it would seem that they would do the
sale on the same items. But they will charge you for
both $7.99 items and you will get the $4.99 ones free.
Maybe this is perfectly logical to everyone else, I
guess I was just expecting them to go item-for-item.
Just thought I’d let everyone know. Thanks!



B-Wing Sighting
July 9, 2001 | 9:01 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader Don wrote in to say that he found 4 B-wings at his local Target in Cerritos, California. The price was $39.99.



Robert Martin in ToyFare
July 9, 2001 | 8:50 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

I am very pleased that our own Robert Martin has had his custom LEGO work published in the September issue of “ToyFare” magazine – in an article entitled “Appetite for Construction” Robert builds several sets that “ToyFare” believes should be made – The Matrix, GI Joe and Superheroes, Star Trek, Anime and even some Star Wars sets they should consider! (Note to the writer of the article, Tom Root – where did you come up with that *original* header for the Star Wars feature, Tom?) To see scans from the article, as well as more of Robert’s Star Wars work exclusively at FBTB, click here



12″ Max Rebo Sets Confirmed
July 9, 2001 | 8:38 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Eureka! CollectStarWars.com is reporting that they had a conversation with Hasbro Direct today, and lo and behold… the 12″ Max Rebo Band sets are in development! They are reporting that these will hit Wal-mart in 2002 sometime, (being an exclusive to that store), and will consist of Max Rebo/Keyboard, (that’s one “pair”), and the other one probablybeing Sy Snootles/Joh Yowza. To read the entire article and some other tidbits about the “Dagobah” X-Wing with Yoda and the “12” Tusken Raider/Bantha 2-pack”, click on over to CollectStarWars.com. I think these band pairs are going to be on every 12″ collectors’ list. I know they’re on mine!



TRU Sale Clarification – Yak Reader Feedback
July 9, 2001 | 8:53 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

A number of Yak Readers have written in to clarify what IS and what IS NOT included in the TRU 25% off clearance sale. They key is looking at the price itself, since some items which are “clearance” may not have a “red” tag.

A TRU Employee writes:

The TRU 25% off clearance merchandise is on all merchandise that is on clearance. Basically the easy way to tell if it’s on clearance is if the price ends in a 97, 98, or 90. All clearance merchandise will only end in those three numbers. Also, some stuff might have a big red sticker with a UPC on it, which is called a director markdown…that merchandise is on sale, too. Today, we noticed that some merchandise has not been put in the computer as clearance(very few items are like this…mostly stuff like clearance Playstation 2 games) so it won’t give the 25% off. This is supposed to be corrected soon, but in the meantime if an item ends in 97, 98, or 90 and you don’t get 25% off tell them and they should price guarantee it down to that value.

patisyck writes: The discount is taken off at the register. So scanning an item on a price checker will not tell you anything, except to show you if it is a clearance item or not. $1.97 figures will be $1.50 after discount.

PETENLIZ9 writes in to point out that at TRU a price which ends in “9” as in 2.99 is not a clearance price.



Q&A: Get Your Justice
July 9, 2001 | 3:57 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, the Yak Q&A Page, has been updated yet again with answers to questions like “What’s the name of the other alien made with Ketwol’s mask?” Curious? Then click here.



Kay-Bee Closeouts Redux
July 9, 2001 | 3:01 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

In a bit of a surprise, brick and mortar Kay-Bee stores are starting to received overstock from the KBKids website at greatly reduced prices. These items have the Kay-Bee price tag with the logo in green and the store I visited (Arizona Mills) had signs up touting the discounts.

Items included in the sale were a Lite Brite kit ($2), the CommTech reader ($3), Battle Bags ($1), and the Lego Naboo Swamp ($5). If you haven’t been at your Kay-Bees lately, it might be time for a quick poke around.



TRU Clearance Sale Clarification
July 8, 2001 | 9:21 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Several Yak Readers have written in with questions regarding what is supposed to be on sale at TRU. It is our understanding that the TRU clearance sale involves 25% off of “red tagged” merchandise only. This means that any items which are on the sale will have a red price tag. The sale DOES NOT include “current” items like POTJ figures, the 12″ Sith Lords set, and the 12″ Sandtrooper and Dewback (which in most cases will have a regular orange price tag at TRU).

If anyone has anymore information, please send it in.



TRU to get Star Wars Fan Club overstock exclusive figures
July 8, 2001 | 1:16 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yes, it’s true, or should I say TRU. “NovaHolly” writes us here at Yak to inform us that Toys R’ Us will be receiving the fan club exclusive figures that were overproduced, and putting them out for sale. The price will run about $3.00 per figure, and will include Pote Snitkin, Hoth Princess Leia, AT-AT Driver, Wuher, & the Death Star Droid. SKN numbers are being reported as 368787, 368771, 368728, 368744, and 368767. Not sure which would be which figure, but it appears that these are supposed to ship in solid cases like Wuher did earlier. If anybody sees these, let us know.
Exclusives. What’s next at retail that was originally exclusive, the Bespin Gantry Playset? Exclusives are coming down to one thing. It’s not where you buy it, but how soon you can get it and through who.



What does your collection look like?
July 8, 2001 | 2:28 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


This past week I, (John), was on vacation, so my wife and I went to Maryland to stay with my virtual brother and his wife. He and I had met several years ago through a page I previously created and ran, The Star Wars Collector Circle, and have been the greatest of friends ever since. While there we raided collectible shops of all kinds, every retail outlet between lower PA and mid-state MD, and had a regular great time. Then, before we left, I took some Polaroids of his collection. That got me to thinking…

Everybody loves to drool over someone elses collection, seeing what they have, and wanting what they see. And others are proud to show off their collections for all to gander at. Unique displays to give others ideas on how to display their collection… basically it’s fun for everyone. So, every week or so, if our loyal readers would like to send me relatively small, (nothing over 80k per picture please!!!), images of their collection, I’ll post it here on Yak for the world to see! This week I will highlight these images I took of Jim B.’s collection. Nice setup, huh?

Send your images to me for the next weeks highlight by clicking here. Click on the above pics to see larger scans. If you’d like to talk to him about his collection, click here to e-mail Jim B. Enjoy!



New Topps Star Wars Cards Get Bold New Look!
July 8, 2001 | 1:59 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


Topps has this up at their site. Sounds like a winner to me, and a nice looking new design to boot!

“Star Wars Evolution is an all-new, all-foil 90-card set featuring the most important characters from the Original Trilogy and The Phantom Menace.
This exciting series sports a totally fresh, new look… different from any other Star Wars cards Topps has ever published. The double-image designs, enhanced by silver foil stock, are bold and cutting-edge cool.
There’s yet another reason why Star Wars Evolution is a breakthrough card set: for the first time ever, cards featuring authentic autographs of Star Wars actors will be randomly inserted into packs. At the rate of one autograph card per display box, Star Wars aficionados will have the chance to get genuine signatures of some of their favorite performers.”

Click here to read the whole article and see some more of these buggers. Thanks to “Chuck” for the heads-up.



LEGO Mindstorms Kits closing out! 
July 8, 2001 | 1:39 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’ve been having reports from around the country that the LEGO Mindstorms Darkside Developer Kit are on clearance atBest Buy for a mere fraction of the original price, now going for $49.50, and at Target, who now has it on clearance for $69.90. Thanks to “Ray”, and the others who gave us the tip on this!



Sandtroopers.com adds diorama section
July 8, 2001 | 1:25 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Darth Sinister writes me today to inform me that Sandtroopers.com has just added a new diorama section to their page! Here’s what he has to say;

“Sandtrooper Brian is our new diorama guy. Brian does some incredible work and you can check out his very own section in the Sith Channel at Sandtroopers, Channel #2. His first piece is up and it is the Mos Eisley Cantina. The amount of detail in this dio is downright amazing. This has to be seen to be believed so stop by and check it out. Here is just one of the many pics that you can view of the wretched hive of scum and villainy, the Mos Eisley Cantina. Stop by Sandtroopers.com Sith Channel 2 and check it out!”

Thanks D.S. Everyone make sure to take a trip over to see the good stuff! And while you’re at it, check out our own Diorama page here at Yak if you already haven’t. Bill, our own in-house “dioramist” (is that truly a word?) is one of the best out there!



Lucas sues costume maker
July 8, 2001 | 1:16 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

That’s correct. It seems that Ol’ Georgie is trying to make an example out of this person to try to stop further copywright infringments. A certain Mr. Fallano was in fact making and selling prop replicas through his dealership against Lucas’ wishes, and did not stop when asked so to do. The result in laymens terms? He’s being sued for a lot of cash. I’m not taking sides here, so I leave you, the reader, to draw your own conclusions and opinions.

The reason I’m reporting this is because today I got a letter from Jango Fett, who is rallying to get Lucas to drop this “harsh” lawsuit that will undoubtedly ruin this mans life. On one hand, the guy did wrong by making money on someone else’s intellectual property after Lucas’ warnings. On the other hand, Lucas is one of the top 100 richest men in the world, and a multi-million dollar suit is really uncalled for. I’m just giving you the facts, and both sides here.

If you are in support of this guy being let off the hook, go to The Rally Page and sign the petition in support of Mr. Fallano.



Deluxe Droid Mystery Solved!
July 8, 2001 | 1:02 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


With the onset of the new Deluxe Figure photos appearing, the question of “Who or what is the droid included with Darth Maul?”. Well, Yak reader “JediJef” writes in with the answer;

“The strange looking Droid that comes with the Deluxe Shirtless Darth Maul is featured in the 1st issue of the “Darth Maul” Comic Book published by Dark Horse Comics. It is shown in the comic book as being Darth Maul’s final trial before the Emperor takes him as his apprentice. Darth Maul destroys it as well as three other Droids. He destroys the Droid in the comic book with one blow from his lightsaber.
Darth Maul is in fact shirtless while fighting these four Droid’s in the the begining of the four part comic book. So, this Deluxe Figure is based off of this comic book!”

Thanks “JediJef”! That solves that. Now, what is it’s name?



Deluxe Figure Photos… FINALLY!
July 7, 2001 | 8:16 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Pete over at the Private Universe has just posted the first photos seen anywhere of three of the four deluxe figures. It shows Amanaman with Salacious Crumb (and yes, Amanaman appears to come with the skeleton!!), Shirtless Darth Maul which comes with a strange looking droid of some type, and bacta tank Luke, which comes with a bacta tank, hoses, and a control panel.

Click here to see them.



TRU Sales Start This Weekend
July 7, 2001 | 1:29 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The latest round of TRU clearance sales starts this weekend. This is yet another chance to fill some holes in your collection or get some custom and diorama fodder.



A Luke X-Wing error already?
July 6, 2001 | 11:54 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


“PackoM” from Spain writes me with this news;

“I don’t know if somebody has seen it, but I have found the first error in the next X-Wing Luke. As you can see in the Hasbro photo, the Rebel Alliance insignia is yellow but the actual color of it on Luke’s helmet is red.”

Considering that these are finished prototypes, it wouldn’t surprise me that these make it to retail with this small error. If it does, chalk it up for one more quality-control detail shortcoming from the big “H”.



Ultarama Invades England and the Continent
July 6, 2001 | 11:29 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Ultarama Arrives In The UK And EU; Now Available At www.redpumpkin.com!

EDISON, NJ–July 6, 2001—The power of displaying your collection with an Ultarama is now possible in the UK and EU! Ultarama is proud to announce that it has formed an alliance with The Paugus Toy Company to make the Ultarama available to all collectors throughout the UK and EU. Paugus, one of the EU’s largest Hasbro distributors, has the Ultarama in stock for immediate delivery. Just go to www.redpumpkin.com or call them at 44 19 0289 5214!

The Ultarama is a complete action figure display system that is both flexible and customizable. With the use of the Ultarama’s molded plastic platforms that contain 80 pre-molded peg holes and its proprietary pegging system, collectors can display their collections in three totally unique ways: stacked two levels high in the shape of a semicircle, clipped back-to-back in the shape of a circle, or configured as two separate and complete one level displays. With the purchase of additional Ultaramas, collectors can build their display many stories high! The Ultarama also includes four unique 8 X 10 background scenes, 48 pegs for 3 3/4″ figures, and 24 pegs for 6″ figures. The 6″ pegs also fit most 4 3/4″ figures and most vintage 3 3/4″ figures.

Collectible Display Systems, Inc. is a manufacturer and marketer of proprietary display systems that provide visually enhancing environments for displaying collectible action figures. Both internationally and in the U.S., its fully patented and modularly designed Ultarama action figure display system provides the highest quality display experience in the world. For additional information, please visit the Ultarama web site at www.ultarama.com.



Star Wars Insider #55 On Its’ Way
July 6, 2001 | 11:16 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


Shipping on July 20th to members of the Star Wars fan club is the Insider #55, and it looks like another good one! This issue boasts an interview with Samuel L. Jackson, A.K.A. Mace Windu. Also in this ish is an interview with Silas Carson who we all know played numerous parts in Episode I such as Ki-Adi Mundi and baddie Nute Gunray. A DVD update is promised, an article on Frank Oz and the Muppets, and all the regular columns we love to read! Also, to top it all off, this issue will also come complete with a Topps exclusive Obi-Wan Kenobi Evolution card! Sounds like a winner. It is slated to hit newsstands on August 7th. Click the above pic to see the full-size image.



Q&A Friday
July 6, 2001 | 7:50 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

After a brief break for the 4th, With Every Question For Justice is back on track with its Friday update. Check it out, and be sure to send in your questions for next week!



“Not so many promotions for Episode II” says Lucasfilm
July 6, 2001 | 12:05 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars.com is reporting that Lucasfilm has stated that there won’t be as many promotions and less licensees for the Episode II craze. This may mean less garbage, (I.E. Anakin in his Podracer on plastic cups ala K-Mart, or Jar Jar jigsaw puzzles), and more focus on Hasbro’s line of toys. It also states that there will be no soft-drink tie-ins this time around. I think licensees and retailers are still getting over the Episode I merchandise flop of certain brands. It goes to show you, just because it says “Star Wars” doesn’t mean it’ll sell. Jar Jar Koosh, anyone? 8^)



Star Wars Custom Page At Yakface.com Verdict
July 5, 2001 | 10:16 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Well, it seems that a LOAD of people are interested in seeing a custom page here at Yak, so I’m on it. While our dear leader Adam P. is busily cracking away at reformating the site, I’ll be typing away at a custom gallery. Maybe we’ll run some contests and the sort. I have to sort all of this out yet, and have a conference with the other Yak-staff members. Keep watching!



More Customs Coming Up!
July 5, 2001 | 10:13 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

“JP4494” informs me that he is now in the process of listing some of his custom work on e-Bay! Amongst them will be a Spirit of Ben carded on a POTF blue/purple card. (Sounds neat!) Along with all this, he informs me that a lot of his collection is going up, including a huge lot of vintage figures and a huge lot of ships and parts, so go check ’em out. I don’t make it a habit to list auctions, but ol’ “JP4494” informs me that he’s got a little “Jedi” on the way and hates to part with some of these items, but wants to see them go to a good Star Wars collecting home, so it’s a good cause. See what he’s got, and check the customs out while you’re there too! To see these items, click here.



12″ Dagobah Luke and Yoda Appearing In Wal-Mart Computers
July 5, 2001 | 7:04 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum is reporting that the Wal-mart exclusive 12″ Dagobah Luke with Yoda is appearing in Wal-mart’s computer system. The UPC code is 76930-32486. The best news is this looks to be an exclusive 12″ figure with a reasonable price point– $28.93. If Wal-mart sticks to that price point, it would actually be in line with, or below the cost of most Star Wars 12″ figures considering that this includes one 12″ figure, AND Yoda (remember the last 12″ scale Yoda was over $10 by himself.



Let The Latest Round Of TRU Sales Begin
July 4, 2001 | 9:58 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Marc from El Paso, Texas wrote in to say that TRU’s clearance sales are in full swing. He found and electronic Yoda for $9.73 and a Naboo Royal Starship (originally $100.00) for $37.43.

Let us know what deals you find in your area.

UPDATE: Yak Reader Jozabad wrote in to point out that TRU frequently picks a handfull of stores to start sales one week early to find any problems with promotions. The sale will not start in all stores for a few more days.



Sandtroopers.com Birthday Bash Give-Away!
July 4, 2001 | 1:27 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Happy Birthday goes to Sandtroopers.com for congratulations on reaching their one-year mark! Usually you receivepresents on your birthday, right? Well, they’re giving stuff away, and good stuff at that! Here is a list of what is to be given away this month;
1 POTJ B-Wing Fighter
1 Sith Apprentice Darth Maul
1 Cold Weather Gear Obi-Wan
1 Jedi Armor Qui-Gon
1 Sandtrooper
1 Dirty Scout Trooper
All figures are MOMC in Hard shell Star Cases.
Weekly Giveaway: 12″ Wedge and Biggs 2-Pack. Ends 7/7
Ultarama Giveaway: Ends 7/15

So, get over there and register!



Happy Fourth of July
July 4, 2001 | 12:44 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

All of us at Yakface wish each of our readers a happy and safe Fourth of July and for some of you long Fourth of July weekend.



Vintage Figure Blueprints
July 4, 2001 | 12:31 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader Adam at gadders.com has just posted some scans of Vintage Star Wars figure blueprints that were found in an old magazine in a charity shop in the UK.

Click here to check them out.



Tarpals Clearance Continues
July 4, 2001 | 12:28 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Thanks to ORBLES3 from Spokane, SoCal Humanoid and everyone else who wrote in. It appears that the reduction to 24.90 is nationwide. So if you still need the 12″ Gungan and his trusty Kaadu, check your local Target.



New Episode II Fan-Made Trailer
July 4, 2001 | 12:12 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Over at TheForce.net they have posted a new fan-made Episode II teaser trailer. Now, guys and gals, this means it’s not official, it is homemade, (the reason I mention this so bluntly is because you would not believe the amount of mail I received on the first fan-made trailer being claimed that someone “discovered” the official trailer, and actually sent me 18 meg files through e-mail I had to drag in with my dumpy 56k). With that out of the way, here is a direct link to the trailer download page. It was created by “Maul316” using the bluescreen footage from Starwars.com, and I must say it’s a nice vision rendering of what probably will be. Spoiler sensative need not download for obvious reasons.



Kir Kanos “Crimson Empire” Custom!
July 4, 2001 | 4:06 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Well, that crazy customizer Spanky has done it again! He writes again tonight to tell me he has another custom figure on e-Bay. This guy, in my opinion, does great work. I wish I was as good, but I still love looking at them! I’m not telling you to go and bid on his stuff if you don’t want to, but just go take a gander at his work.

This particular figure is the famed “Kir Kanos” from the Crimson Empire series of comics by Dark Horse, and it’s dead-on. He even has the little blade-staff included in the package. Nice! Click here to see Kir Kanos. Also, if you missed it, the Episode II “Count Dooku” is also still up for anyone who wants to see it. Click here to see that one, but a remember for the spoiler-sensative to stay away from the pic!



Upcoming Toys R Us Clearance Sale
July 3, 2001 | 10:01 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader and Toys R Us employee Jozabad wrote in to let us know that next week (July 8-14) TRU will have a clearance sale on their clearance items. According to him all all red-tagged clearance items an additional 25% off of the lowest marked price. Commtech and POTF2 figures will only be $1.48! Looks like a great chance to fill some holes in your collection or pick up some diorama builders and custom fodder. It appears that this sale is supposed to be nationwide.



12″ Tarpals and Kaadu Price Drops Again!!
July 3, 2001 | 9:56 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Dexter from San Diego wrote in to let us know that the Target exclusive 12″ Captain Tarpals and Kaadu price is falling again. Two different Targets in San Diego have reduced the price to $24.90— about half of the original retail. If you find any other price reductions on Tarpals, let us know.



Philly’s Star Wars Collector Club doing great!
July 3, 2001 | 12:25 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Chuck writes me to let me know that just after 1 month that the Philadelphia, PA Star Wars Collector Club is doing superb! They have 25 members, and would like me to extend a welcome to anyone in the surrounding areas that would like to join. Click here for their webpage, or e-mail Chuck here. Great work, fellas!



Nintendo’s “Rogue Squadron II” Preview!
July 3, 2001 | 12:06 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post


Cube.IGN.com has an EXCELLENT new preview of Rogue Leader; Rogue Squadron II up on their page. If you ever wondered what it was like to take a joy-flight over Bespin, hop over and check it out! This game, for those who don’t know, is in the up-and-coming for the Nintendo Game Cube which is due for release this fall. Looks pretty snazzy!



A.I. slides past Phantom Menace
July 3, 2001 | 11:57 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Steven Speilberg’s A.I. took a record in Japan last weekend for ticket sales, beating out the previous record-holder, The Phantom Menace. Yahoo News has the entire article up, but you can read an partial excerpt here;

Score A1 for “A.I. Artificial Intelligence,” which smashed various box office records in Japan last weekend. Steven Spielberg’s sci-fi fantasy amassed $11.6 million on 524 screens, including previews – the widest release ever in the territory.
The Haley Joel Osment-Jude Law starrer sold 1,037,879 tickets – an all-time record, beating the 916,540 ducats clocked by “Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace” in 1999. It fell just 7% short of the ultimate prize – the biggest debut ever, including sneaks – held by “”Phantom Menace.”



Star Wars Official Site Coverage of Shereveport Convention
July 3, 2001 | 8:45 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Official Star Wars site has posted an article covering the Shereveport convention, including some very nice close-up photos of the new figures and vehicles.

Click here to read it.



DVD Price Search
July 3, 2001 | 3:56 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

While not entirely Star Wars, DVD Price Search is a page that allows users to search several stores for the lowest priced DVDs. With Star Wars Episode One coming out, it’ll be worth watching to find the lowest prices leading up to the set’s release this Fall. Right now, the lowest listed price is roughly $19.



WOW! More on 12″ Maul & Speeder
July 3, 2001 | 12:53 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

It’s not so much the price of the Maul/Speeder 12″, but the latter. I almost fell over when I read this. “Duke”, to whom I thank for this informative e-mail, writes;

“This is probably just a fluke but regarding your price drop on the 12″ Darth Maul & Speeder. My friend and I were at a Wal-Mart in Anaheim, California about two weeks ago and got the 12″ Darth Maul for $10 as well as the 300th Boba Fett for $1.50. We were pretty jacked and it didn’t actually cross my mind until seeing your post here. I have a receipt I can get scanned for you if you want proof.”

Wow is all I can say. I wish THAT were a trend, but it was more than likely a major screw-up on that Wal-Mart’s part. Geesh!



Star Wars Celebration II Announced
July 3, 2001 | 12:46 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Over the weekend at the Shreveport convention, it was announced that there will be a second Star Wars Celebration coming! A flyer that was handed out at the convention, and it reads the following;

“Starwars Celebration II, the biggest SW fan event ever.
Join us in Indianapolis to celebrate 25 years of the Force and the highly anticipated Episode II. Star Wars fans from around the world will converge on the Indianapolis convention center, May 3rd through 5th, 2002, and meet SW Celebrities, view never before seen footage, purchase rare collectibles, exclusive Celebration II merchandise, play games, share memories, attend special presentations and so much more. Everyone present will be part of the ultimate SW fan experience.
SW Fan club members will enjoy special benefits. To become a member register at SWFan.Wizards.com.”

So if you want to go, it may be a good idea to start planning now! It sounds a far way off, but these dates seem to sneak up on you, (I should know…). It sounds like it’s gonna be a biggee, without the mistakes made the last time, (save the rain, THAT couldn’t have been helped). So get over there and register!



WotC holds auctions through e-Bay
July 2, 2001 | 10:16 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Wizards of the Coast will be holding the first ever Star Wars online auction sponsored by the official Star Wars Fan Club. The auction will begin on July 2 and run for four weeks. New auctions will appear July 12th and again July 22nd ending finally on July 31st, making 900 auctions in all. I’ve checked this out, and they are up, all of them starting at a measily $1.00. Click here to check them out on e-Bay.



Autographed Collectible Giveaway
July 2, 2001 | 9:54 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yak Reader Nathan gave us a heads-up on a Star Wars giveaway from Bella Online. The prizes include: a Star Wars mini promo poster autographed by Anthony Daniels, Dave Prowse, Kenny Baker, and Mr. Fett himself Jeremy Bulloch; a Boba Fett trading card signed by Jeremy Bulloch;and a Darth Vader trading card signed by Dave Prowse.

Click here for more info.



Hasbro Star Wars Site Updated with Shreveport Coverage
July 2, 2001 | 8:48 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Hasbro has updated their official Star Wars site with more photos of the new members of the Power of the Jedi line which were unveiled at the Shereveport Con. Among the photos are some pictures we haven’t seen before of the tie bomber showing the cockpit hatch. Click here to check them out then go to the Republic News section.

UPDATE: Rebelscumis pointing out Republic News section is also announcing that a third fan’s choice poll will start later this month!!!!



Phanton Menace DVD Price Wars Continue
July 2, 2001 | 8:44 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

QPROD writes in that Best Buy has entered the Phanton Meanace presell price wars. Best Buy is taking preorders for $22.99 at Best Buy.com.



Awesome Episode II Carded Figure!
July 2, 2001 | 7:46 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Well, we knew it’d start eventually, but I really don’t mind! I was browsing ol’ e-Bay today, and found a custom Count Dooku figure, (the charachter played by Christopher Lee; and no, I don’t consider this a spoiler considering TheForce.net lists his name openly, as does the official site StarWars.com). If you’re spoiler sensitive, I’d stay away from the actual pic, but those who have been following the whole Episode II thing, you HAVE to see this thing. It’s on a vintage style card, excellent artwork, and the figure looks great! Man, I just hope Hasbro does as well when the toys are released! To take a look at this figure, click here! If this link doesn’t work with your browser, the auction number is “1613391115”. I’m really getting excited for next May!



B-Wing Give Away
July 2, 2001 | 8:47 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Jawa has yet another contest going — this time giving away a POTJ B-wing. Those little scavangers already have it in hand and ready to ship



Additional Shreveport Coverage at CollectStarWars, Rebelscum
July 2, 2001 | 6:56 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

If you haven’t yet, visit Rebelscum and CollectStarWars.com for shots of the new Snowspeeder and more images than you could possibly want to go through– TIE Bomber box from all angles, prototypes, the works.

CollectStarWars.com also posted the Hasbro Q&A session, cryptic and in some cases a little unusual…



Q&A Monday
July 2, 2001 | 6:53 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, the bad Q&A column with a far worse name, has been updated again to start of a week’s worth of wonderful whimsy. Or 10 more questions with 10 more answers. Take a look, send in your questions, and have a nice day.



12″ Maul & Sith Speeder price drop?
July 2, 2001 | 3:07 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

A few people have written myself and our news e-mail to inform us that, at some Walmart’s, the 12″ Darth Maul with the Sith Speeder has dropped to a closeout price. Some are reporting $20, some are saying $15. Is this happening anywhere else? E-mail me to let me know!



Shreveport Yakface.com Coverage!
July 1, 2001 | 9:56 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post


Yes, folks! Due to the fact that “RM Rodrigue” was gracious enough to take some pics for us, we have some images for your Star Wars Viewing pleasure directly from the Shreveport, LA Convention Hasbro Star Wars booth this past weekend. They are as follows;

Carded 2001 figures
More Carded 2001 figures/Palm Talkers
More 2001 Loose figures/More Palm Talkers
Amanaman Prototype/2001 12″ Figures
TIE Bomber Boxed
TIE Interceptor Boxed and Loose!
B-Wing Boxed
12″ Luke with Speederbike – Target Exclusive

A big “May The Force Be With You!!!!!” goes to RM again for capturing these awesome photo’s for all of our loyal Yakkers. Thanks again, and enjoy!



Jawa Mystery Giveaway
July 1, 2001 | 6:10 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Jawa has a mystery prize giveaway. For more information click here.



Store Reports Contest III Winner
July 1, 2001 | 2:03 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Well unfortunetly our third Store Reports Contest as came to an end! This time around entries were even stronger! You guys are just amazing! You must really want to keep me busy! LOL! Anyways it’s time to announce our two winners! The winner of the POTJ Bespin Leia & POTJ Chewie Mechanic is JediBeagle of Gainesville, FL! The winner of the POTJ Aurra Sing & POTJ Darth Maul Sith Apprentice W/ Armor is Sithlord Kerns of Parma/Brooklyn, OH! Congrats you two! If you guys could e-mail me asap KebCoToys will make sure to get those out to you asap! Have a great week Yak-ers and I’ll see ya again next Saturday for the start of our forth Store Reports Contest! This one will hopefully be BIG!
P.S. Don’t forget to visit our sponsor, KEBCoToys.com for some great deals going on right now. They are already taking pre-orders for the upcoming figs and they have tons of 300th Boba Fetts in stock for just $9.99! So head over now and tell them Yakface.com sent ya!



Shreveport Expo — Vader, X-wing Luke, Death Star Han, Shimi, Snowspeeder, B-wing, Tie Interceptor, and Tie Bomber Shown. Only Few Development Photos Of Deluxe figures
July 1, 2001 | 1:28 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Collect Star Wars has posted their coverage of the Shereveport Expo this morning. They have more photos of the standard figures, including some nice close ups of each figure’s head and face. Also included are photos of the exlcusive vehicles for this year, including the Target exclusive 12″ Luke on Speeder Bike, Toys R Us Exclusive Tie Interceptor, and Walmart Exclusive Tie Bomber and “crashed” Snowspeeder.

There were no figures from the deluxe line shown. The only information about the deluxe line were a small group of photos showing the development of the Amanman deluxe figure. Also Deluxe figures are now supposed to be packaged on an 8 inch card instead of the previously reported window box.

June 2001 Archive

General Madine Petition Going Strong
June 30, 2001 | 12:14 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The petition to get Crix Madine into POTJ plastic has almost doubled — it’s up to 160 names and growing. If you want to see one of the Rebel’s imperial defectors made into a figure, go to General Crix Madine Petition go to JediSiths and sign in their guestbook. They are periodically archiving the names in their guestbook, so remember there a lot more people on the petition than you will see in the guestbook



B-Wings Invade London!
June 29, 2001 | 10:56 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

B-Wings are available NOW in a shop in London for £49 (That’s POUNDS”.
There are at least 50 of them available in mint condition.
The number is 020-83405566.



Need Real Stands
June 29, 2001 | 10:56 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Real Stands has extended their 25% off sale:

We’re back from vacation and the shipping department is well rested. So just for fun, we’ve decided to continue our 25% off sale for a little while longer. Act fast, supplies are limited and the sale will end soon and without notice. If you’ve already taken advantage of this great offer, thank you for your patience. Normal shipping has resumed and your order should arrive within the next 2 to 7 business days.

The REAL Action Stand ™ is a high quality clear polycarbonate display stand designed specifically for Hasbro’s (formerly Kenner) current line (Type I) and vintage (Type II) 3-3/4 inch Star Wars action figures. For more information go to www.realstands.com/Info.htm.

Order online right now at http://www.realstands.com/order.htm, or call or fax us anytime toll free at 1 -8 8 8 – 6 1 8 – R E A L (7325). Most major credit cards are accepted and International orders are welcomed.

Be sure to tell them Yakface sent you.



Deluxe Figure Case Assortment Change
June 29, 2001 | 9:33 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

It appears that Hasbro has decided to make a major departure from their earlier plans for the deluxe figure assortment due late this August and September. Collect Star Wars is reporting that Hasbro has decided that the second wave with Amanaman (and Salacious Crumb) and Princess Leia and the Cannon from Jabba’s sail barge will not include any of the preivously released deluxe figures. In other words, it looks like the bacta tank Luke and Crusade Maul will ship only in the one wave and will not be included in the cases with Amanaman and Leia.



Pegwarmer.com Giveaway!
June 29, 2001 | 5:11 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Pegwarmer.com is giving away a Mara Jade and 300th Boba Fett, but it ends on Friday the 13th, so get over there and register! Also, while you’re there, e-mail them a “Most Wanted” list of your favorite figures you’d like to see made!



Phantom Edit Apology?
June 29, 2001 | 6:32 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Those of you following The Phantom Edit controversy might be interested in this article at Zap2it.com which has what they claim to be an apology from the anonymous editor. While not eye-opening, it might be worth checking out.



Q&A Weekend Update
June 29, 2001 | 4:54 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been updated for the weekend, and this time the link works. If you missed Wednesday’s update, just click here and you’ll be all caught up. For Monday and Wednesday. You still need to go herefor today.



More New POTJ Figure Pictures
June 28, 2001 | 11:44 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Official site has just updated bringing us even more photos of this summer’s new Power of the Jedi Figures. This time the photos are of Obi Wan in Jedi Armor and Luke in his X-Wing pilot flightsuit. Click here to check it out.



Yak Reader Dioramas Updated
June 28, 2001 | 11:24 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post


Yak Reader Christopher Rogers sent in a number of his dioramas, we’ll be posting new ones every day or two, so keep checking back to see the latest.

Today’s diorama is a 3 3/4 scale Echo Station based with Ion Cannon, and all the extras. Click here to check out the diorama section. Christopher’s are in the Yak Reader section, then click on Christopher Rogers.



Hasbro Updates Website, New Images
June 28, 2001 | 10:04 PM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Astounding fans worldwide, Hasbro updated their official Star Wars site today, and included some news and some new information on convention appearances, as well as a shot of an exclusive pin available only at an upcoming, in-person Q&A session!

Click the image to go directly to Hasbro’s latest update!



Custom figures anyone?
June 28, 2001 | 2:15 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post


I just completed another custom carded figure, a hobby which I, (John), love. If you click on the photo above, (which I obscured because I consider it to be SPOILER MATERIAL for Episode II), you will be able to see this “bounty hunter” figure in all its’ glory. It is one of my best so far, in my humble opinion, and it’s going to the best friend another Star Wars fan could ask for who really deserves it, since he’s a big fan of this particular part of the new trilogy.

That brings me to the real reason for this post! (No, it wasn’t to just show off my work!) We have our awesome Diorama section headed by our own “Bill” here at Yak. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a custom carded figure section? E-mail me if you would like to see this section up here at Yak!



Kay-Bee bummer on sale with POTJ
June 28, 2001 | 2:02 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

This time ol’ Kay-Bee is getting smart. ALL Star Wars items will be buy-one-get-one-free once again, except for two case lot numbers, and they happen to be collection 1 & 2 of the POTJ assortment. Oh well, at least we can get a second crack at some really good deals… on what’s left.



TRU Price Increase – Part II
June 28, 2001 | 1:54 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yes, it seems that the news I posted last night was, in fact, older news. Already across the nation TRU’s are implementing the 10% price increase all around the store. I received many e-mails on this subject, from consumers all the way up to general managers, and unfortunately, it’s true. Geez, and I thought TRU was one of the biggest bulk toy buyers in America, and they need to up the price of everything? Wal-Mart, here we come…



Episode I DVD Images!
June 28, 2001 | 1:48 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post


Credit goes to TheForce.net for this one. It seems that www.annees-laser.com has images from some sort of promotional commercial posted on his/her website. Check it out!



Latest 12″ News
June 28, 2001 | 8:44 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Collect Star Wars has just posted new photos of the new 12″ wave (Legacy II) which is due out soon. There is a major change in the Death Star Trooper. Instead of the modified pith helment which he has been wearing in previous photos (like the 3 3/4″ Death Star Trooper), the photo shows the 12″ Death Star Trooper to be wearing a cap like the vintage Imperial Commander. Click here to see the photos.

UPDATE: Yak Reader Tony wrote in to point out that some Toy Fair photos showed both the military cap and the helment. Hopefully Hasbro will include both with the final figure.

They are also reporting that the price point for the 12″ Luke on Speeder Bike at Target will be $49.99.



Hasbro Jedi Braid with Starship Available Again
June 28, 2001 | 2:33 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

D & S Sci-Fi Toy World wrote in to say that the Hasbro Australia Jedi Braid with Holographic Royal Starship set is back in stock.



Kay-Bee “Buy-One-Get-One-Free” Part II
June 28, 2001 | 1:36 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Hmmm, I was wondering when this was going to happen again! Thanks goes to Nick Z. for alerting us to the fact that on July 9th, Kay-Bee will be starting the buy-one-get-one-free sale on Star Wars merchandise again. Thing is, if you buy anything now, (I.E. POTJ figures!), and save your receipt, they will do a price adjustment when the sale starts! More deals coming! Of course most Kay-Bee’s only have pegwarmers and garbage left in the Star Wars section after the last sale, but on the off chance you find the new wave of POTJ’s…



TRU, are you insane?!?
June 28, 2001 | 1:25 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I got this black-shadow of an e-mail today from “morvos”. It’s still unconfirmed, but from what he says, if it turns out to be more than just a test, it means more out of our pockets. It reads;

“Just thought that it might be of interest to you guys that the TRU I
work at in Redwood City, California has raised the prices on almost
every item in the store 10% or more! Depending on how well this works,more and more stores could also end up raising their prices.”

I know 10% doesn’t seem too bad, but for those of us that find most of our figures at TRU, over a year’s time, it can be a costly little sum. Stay tuned for more on this.



Are You a Marmit Fan?
June 27, 2001 | 10:00 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Collect Star Wars is reporting that Marmit is in the process of developing a new Stormtrooper kit, with slightly different sculpting and painting as well as a third Sandtrooper kit, this time with a black shoulder pauldron. (Remember the second Sandtrooper kit is supposed to be released next month with the white shoulder pauldron.

It would appear that these are in addition to the Darth Vader kit which is slated for October of this year, and the Emperor’s Royal Guard and AT-AT driver which have been reported as part of Marmit’s 2002 line



Q&A Wednesday
June 27, 2001 | 6:20 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Today’s installment of With Every Question For Justice was particularly fun to write, hopefully it’ll be as fun to read as well. Feel free to check it out and send in your questions!

Link fixed.



Awesome Diorama at NiubNiub’s
June 27, 2001 | 1:00 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


Frank of NiubNiubsUniverse.com writes to me tonight to let me know that he’s just finished another diorama, and I think he’s outdone himself! It’s properly entitled “Princess Leia’s Plans from the Tantive IV”, and it looks like the scene from Episode IV! Above is a taste, but check out his page to see it in a larger form and in comparison to the film. Also while you’re there, check out his other areas. It’s a great page that I, (John), utilize when doing my own dioramas for the neat download textures section he offers.



Another B-Wing Pic
June 27, 2001 | 12:16 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Kurt, also of our page, sent me this scan from one of our faithful readers. It seems it has been sold in small quantities in certain areas. Keep patience, young Jedi, they will show up… EXCEPT IN MY AREA!!!! 8^) Click here to see the B-Wing in all its’ classic-reissue glory!



Starwars.com online survey
June 27, 2001 | 12:08 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Starwars.com has just put up a survey asking about all general things on their website. I think the most disturbing question, to me, was one of the “priority” questions, where you choose 1 for lowest priority of importance to you, and 5 being the highest Well, one of those questions was “Star Wars product price comparison”. Does this mean what I think it does? Any ideas, loyal Yak readers?



More B-Wing News
June 26, 2001 | 10:14 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Jawa has posted more information on the B-Wings. It appears that some may have already escaped from their hangers at Target, if this exclusive follows the same pattern as previous Target exclusives. If you have any information, B-wing sightings, or insights please send it in.



B-Wing Info
June 26, 2001 | 8:33 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

DPCI# 087-06-1954
here’s the dcpi. Thanks to Julian Sandtroopers.com
<ahref=”http: www.sandtroopers.com”=””>



Meet Other Collectors And Get Their Views On The Hobby, Expanded Universe, And See Their Collections
June 26, 2001 | 8:31 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Artoosnews.com has just posted their first “Featured Fan” collumn. This one showcases the winners of their Scavanger Hunt Contest and includes photos of the collectors, their collections, AND a brief question and answer with each discussing the contest, their collecting philosophy, and more. Click here to see the featured fans.



June 26, 2001 | 2:16 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

I couldn’t believe it. It is here. Target should have the new B-wing now, while they “can’t” put them out on the floor yet, they are in the store. A stock-boy looking to make some cash let me see the case of them. He wanted money for his trouble and I of course refused. But be on the lookout for these to be on the shelves very, very soon or already there as are the reports from some other areas.



Fan Club 4-Pack
June 26, 2001 | 2:50 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


Here’s a nifty little item. Available over at Ultimart.com, this was supposed to be an exclusive through the Star Wars Fan Club. When the buyout with WotC took place, this set kind of fell through the cracks. But now Ultimart.com has them directly from the Fan Club, and is offering them to the general public. This set includes Break Apart Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Naboo, Anakin Mechanic, and R2 Naboo Escape, all in a nice little mailer box with “Star Wars Figure 4-Pack” stamped on the side. Not a load of hot figures, but nice for variation hunters who like something different.



NICE Cantina display!!!
June 25, 2001 | 11:18 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post


You have to see this thing to appreciate it! This gentleman who does work for a neon-sign company put together this great little display box that fits your entire Cantina pop-up display from the POTF2 collection. It’s made of high-quality plastic and lighting below utilizing a 12mm neon light. Click below for a bigger look at this excellent piece;
Image 1
Image 2
If interested in one of these cool pieces, e-mail Gemma421@aol.com, and he’ll give you more information. These are very reasonably priced for the quality you’re getting, so check ’em out, and let him know Yakface.com sent you!



Sandtroopers.com givaway!
June 25, 2001 | 10:45 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yea, those crazy kids donning white armor over at Sandtroopers.com are having another give-away, this time for a carded Return Of The Jedi-Princess Leia-Endor Poncho-C-8.5, and 2 Utarama display systems! They also have some excellent interviews on their Sith Channel under “subculture” with Make-up artist, customizer and director Tony Colucci, the other with 3D artist Jon Anderson. And while you’re there, check out their new “Make A Trooper Happy” section in the PM News section. You have to see it to understand. These guys are fabulous, so head over and check them out!



Duros wave and “army builders” hitting east coast!
June 25, 2001 | 9:19 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’ve had a lot of e-mail in the past couple days that the new mutated “army builder” cases are hitting the east coast of the U.S.A., as well as the Duros wave. Keep your eyes towards Target for the Duros, and your local Wal-Mart for the “army builders”, as that seems to be the going trend at the moment. Good luck!



Tarpals Price Reduction Updated Yet Again
June 25, 2001 | 8:11 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Last week I posted the advice of my local Target Manager, that you can purchase the Tarpals and Kaadu now, and if the price drops, that they will refund the difference for 14 days. Several Yakreaders have written in to say that Target’s corporate policy does not include “clearance prices” in the 14 day price guarantee. If you are planning on trying to get the refund, check with your local Target before you purchase so you get caught by this policy.



Interesting Experiment…
June 25, 2001 | 2:21 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Well, most of the tallies are in, and I was actually going to post a few of the more interesting letters. I’ve had from the inspirational to the downright nasty, (calling us “fan-boys”…sing along, you know the words…), but I will actually list the more popular opinions below because alot of the letters of the same opinion were almost carbon copies of each other. So, on we go…
1. George will hand over the reigns for Episode 7 through 9 to Rick McCallum, but just stay on as a consultant and story “framework”, although detached from the actual production.
2. George will never do another Star Wars movie EVER.
3. It will only continue in comics, novels, and action figures.
4. Lucas will take to TV hiring on writers he sees fit to do “short story” excerpts about minor charachters during the entire 2 trilogies. (I.E. Tales of Mos Eisley, Tales from Jabba’s Palace, etc.)
I’ve had alot of people write saying “George said this, George said that…”, but that was just my point. George said “No DVD’s until after the whole 2nd trilogy is finished, and George also “said” that he’d never work on another set of Star Wars movies after 4-6. Just an experiment to be taken with a grain of salt, nothing more. But, we will actually have to wait and see until 2006 or so.



Q&A Monday
June 25, 2001 | 3:41 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, our Q&A page, has been updated for Monday. See if you can discover the secret that lies within before the Wednesday update!



Jabba’s Sail Barge At the Sarlac Pit Diorama
June 24, 2001 | 9:12 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yes, that’s right, Jabba’s Sail Barge at the Sarlac Pit.

The Tatooine dioramas have been updated with the updated Sarlac Pit Scene including a 3 3/4″ Sail Barge.

Click here to go to the dioramas page. It is in Bill Cox’ collection.



Excerpt from Rebirth, The Next Novel In The New Jedi Order
June 24, 2001 | 8:24 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Force.net has found an excerpt from Rebirth, the next novel in the New Jedi Order series at the Random House website. This is the second and final novel in the Edge of Victory Duology.

Click here to read the excerpt.



Something wicked this way comes…
June 24, 2001 | 6:57 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

Several sources have indicated that LARGE shipments will be sent out from Hasbro within the next few weeks. This was backed up by several stores (Target, K-Mart) making room and putting up pegs for many many rows of SW figs. If any one has any information as to what in fact is going on, please send it our way.



Episode 7,8, and 9 or other options?
June 24, 2001 | 1:41 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

With the onset of the forthcoming Phantom Menace DVD, it gives me pause for thought on how close can we hold the “Flanneled-One” to his word. After my previous post this morning, I got to thinking about what Lucas has told us as not to get our, (the fans), hopes too high. He said there would be no DVD’s until after all 6 movies were released in theaters, and now we have a DVD on the way?!?
Now, before I continue, I do not have any insider knowlege, this is just an editorial type general question. What do you, our beloved faithful Yak-readers think? E-mail me, John, and let me know your thoughts. A few of the best considered options I’ll post on the page at a later date. Do you think he’s giving us a line, and is considering Episode’s 7-9, or will provide an outline and pass it over to Rick? Do you think there’ll be TV support after Episode III, not unlike Star Trek that actually started on TV? Do you think Star Wars will drop into obscurity forever as a pop-culture icon? Let’s hear what you have to say!



Petitions, petitions, petitions….
June 24, 2001 | 11:52 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Here’s another one. This particular one is for the “only-saw-the-light-of-day-as-a-prototype-in-1985” Yarna d’al’Gargan. Steven writes me with this info;

“I am putting together a petiton for a POTJ Yarna d’al’Gargan. A prototype was made of her in the 80’s for the original line but it never saw the light of stores. If you want to see a Yarna d’al’Gargan produced, E-Mail Steven with your full name.”

So, once again, if you’d like to support this figure being made, drop Steven an e-mail. Keep in mind that a petition itself does not mean that the figure will definitely be made, but sometimes it does get Hasbro listening.

UPDATE – Just to clarify as to who Yarna d’al’Gargan is, she is in Return Of The Jedi, most noticably during the Max Rebo Band scene. While Oola is dancing in Jabba’s court, Yarna is also there dancing. She is, in fact, the heavy-set dancer that has, I believe, 4 breasts. Maybe that’s why Hasbro never produced this figure. It was also at a time right before the great Star Wars famine that lasted between 1986 and 1991 when interest was low.



Lucas starting to Script Episode III
June 24, 2001 | 1:34 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yes folks, come July, which is only a few days away, Lucas will still be working on Episode II tweaks and the sort in the afternoons, but he will start researching in the mornings and start writing what will be one of the most depressing things to hit us and our Star Wars fandom… the end of all Star Wars films forever, the starting of the finish, Episode III. Then again, he also said that there would be no DVD’s until all 6 films were completed, and isn’t The Phantom Menace being released in October? Hmmm…. A bit of food for thought. Anyway, you can catch this entire article over atStarWars.com.



Army builder’s cases becoming plentiful!
June 24, 2001 | 12:58 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Finally, Hasbro’s doing something that is impressing the HECK out of me. I keep getting e-mail, especially this weekend, from all over the USA about how everyone is starting to be able to track down the new mutated “army builder” cases of POTJ figures. I’ve had e-mail from California to Pennsylvania (surprising), of people finding these all over. I’ve also had reports that the Ketwol wave is becoming more prominent across the nation. So, army builders, keep those eyes open!
UPDATE – “munewastr193” sends me a description of exactly what’s in these new “army builder” cases. Aside from the case I listed last week with the 6 dirty Bikers/6 apprentice Maul, there is also the following;

3 – Boomer Damage Battle Droid
4 – Clean Biker Scout
3 – Bespin Capture Han
2 – Darth Maul Sith Apprentice

3 – Coruscant Guard
3 – Gungan Warrior
2 – Mon Calamari Officer
2 – K-3PO
1 – Queen Amidala Theed Invasion
1 – Saesee Tiin



Incurable Collector’s Son
June 24, 2001 | 12:54 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The son of the instant appraiser on the show I reported on below writes to me today to tell me of his shop, and how they are celebrating the show! He writes;

“My father Niles Grace is the Instant Appraiser on the Incurable Collector. I believe Steve Sansweet’s Collection will be featured as well which may be of interest to you. I am really looking forward to this as I am a Star Wars reseller in San Bernardino, CA. On July 1, the day of the broadcast, I will be in-store at our California location having a 25 % off all Star Wars merchandise in lieu of the show and will be doing verbal spot appraisals myself for Star Wars collectors. If you want to sell or have a value for your stuff – I will be here to assist you. We are located at 1520 South “E” Street in San Bernardino, CA 909-888-3377. Ask for Richard Grace”

Thanks Richard, and if you’re in the area, stop in and tell you heard about it on Yakface.com!



12″ Captain Tarpals Closeout at $7.94 updated
June 23, 2001 | 7:57 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

A number of you have written saying that your stores were reducing Tarpals and his Kaadu to about 30 bux, and asked if the report the Jawa posted that it was clearanced at $7.94 could have been an error or yet another closeout myth. The Jawa has just posted a scan of the receipt backing up their news!!!

Click here to see proof of a 12″ Kaadu and Tarpals for almost the price of a regular 3 3/4″ figure!!!!



Star Wars for your Christmas Tree
June 23, 2001 | 7:52 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Yes, I know it’s not even July yet, but Christmas in July will be here soon, July 21 to be exact. Hallmark has unveiled their 2001 ornaments. You can see them here at Hallmark.com. This year’s line includes:

Regular size ornaments of Anakin (podracing) for $14.95; R2-D2 for $14.95; and the Naboo Royal Starship for $18.95. There is also a set of 3 miniature ornaments– naboo fighter, droid starfighter, and the trade federation droid control ship for $14.95.

If you want to add these to your collection, check with your local Hallmark, most will take a pre-order and reserve them for you for free so you can be out looking for figures, or sleeping in when they open at 9:00 AM



B-Wings Warp Into the Land Down Under
June 22, 2001 | 10:07 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Artoosnews.com is reporting that B-wings have started arriving at Australian On-line Stores warehouses from Hong Kong. With this in mind and the August time frame announced for US release, it looks like we should start seeing B-wings in the US before long.



12″ Tarpals and Kaadu Final Clearance Price — UPDATED
June 22, 2001 | 9:49 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

A number of Yak Readers have written in to say that they are finding the 12″ Tarpals and Kaadu on clearance, but at $34.90 and $30.90, which is the first markdown (from the $49.99 “full” price Target has had for the last month or so). Also, if you pick up a Tarpals and Kaadu, remember to keep your receipts– Target will adjust the price and refund the difference if they reduce an item again (and you request it) within 14 days of the original purchase.

Thanks to Chris from Atlanta, Phillip from St. Louis, and Brian. Keep the reports coming.



The Incurable Collector Star Wars Special
June 22, 2001 | 1:32 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

On July 1, 2001 at 12PM Eastern the show “The Incurable Collector” will be having an hour-long special on our favourite topic, collecting Star Wars toys, of course! This is on the A&E station, and times may differ from state to state, so check your local airtimes if you want to catch this show. Thanks to Will M. of Syracuse, NY for the tip!



Barnes & Noble Book Deals 
June 22, 2001 | 1:09 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Obi-Wan BRENTobi sends me an e-mail alert to let us all know that his brick-and-mortar Barnes & Noble has some excellent deals running on Star Wars books! This is what he picked up, and the prices;
STAR WARS: THE NEW REBELLION by Kristine Kathryn Rusch – $5.98
STAR WARS: VISIONS OF THE FUTURE by Timothy Zahn – $5.98
Great prices, considering that Cross-Sections book alone originally was more that what all 3 of these cost together now. Thanks for the tip, Obi-Wan BRENTobi!



Dave Prowse Getting Better
June 22, 2001 | 12:56 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Cinescape.com has this official press release posted about the condition and illness that struck Dave Prowse earlier this year. He seems to be doing better! It starts like this;

“Four months after debilitating, flu-like symptoms sent Dave Prowse to the hospital, he is finally well on the road to recovery. But the actor admits things were touch-and-go for awhile. “I was at death’s door,” Dave says of his initial hospitalization in February. But he also emphasized that at no time were his legs paralyzed, despite persistent rumors to the contrary.”

Click here to read the rest of this article.



Trek Expo 2001, Tulsa OK
June 22, 2001 | 12:51 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I know, I know, we’re not a Star Trek site! The only reason I mention this Expo is because Mr. Boba Fett himself is slated to be there! Yes, in Tulsa, OK from June 22-24, Jeremy Bulloch is going to be at this Trek convention. June 22 means it starts today, so check out Starbase21ok.com for more details and information on tickets if you’re interested in going. Thanks goes to Ron C. for the heads-up!



Ketwol Finds Target
June 22, 2001 | 12:44 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

A few reports have been making their way to me that the newest wave in the POTJ saga is now reaching Target stores here & there across the USA, in decent quantities. So, to coin a phrase, “…stay on Target!” Thanks to everyone who wrote to me about this!



Palm Talkers Detailed Pictures
June 22, 2001 | 12:40 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars.com now has detailed scans of all five of the up and coming Hasbro Palm Talkers. These are due in July sometime, and will be followed by a sixth Palm Talker later this summer which is slated to be R2-D2.



New Army Builder Case Assortment Hitting Stores Now
June 22, 2001 | 8:59 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Artoosnews is reporting that a new case assortment is starting to hit across the country. The new assortment contains:

3 Gungan Warriors
3 Courscant Guards
2 K-3PO
2 Colonel Calamari
1 SeaSee Tinn
1 Amidala Courscant

With cases like this, the new half dirty Biker Scout and half Maul Apprentice, and the upcoming Rebel Trooper/Imperial Officer case it looks like Hasbro is listening to Collectors and releasing army builders in greater numbers.



Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show in Shreveport, LA 
June 22, 2001 | 2:14 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Here’s the information for the last time! It’s just over a week away now! If any of our loyal Yakface readers are going, drop me a line by clicking here.

Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show
June 30-July 01 Shreveport Expo Hall: Shreveport, LA
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 11am-4pm
Special Star Wars guests attending all weekend:
1) Michonne Bourriague – Aurra Sing.
2) Jeremy Bulloch – Boba Fett, and Imerial officer.
3) Peter Mayhew – Chewbacca.
4) Mike Quinn – Nien Numb, Sy Snootles, and lead puppeteer,
and introducing…
5) Alan Ruscoe* in his first US appearance.
*Alan Ruscoe played several characters in Episode I, including Jedi council member Plo Koon, Jabaa’s right hand man – Bib Fortuna, and the Nimodian Daultay Dofine. Alan has also finished work as Plo Koon in Episode II.. Help us welcome Alan to the good ol USA!

At the show be sure you check out the HASBRO booth. Hasbro is bringing a free limited edition exclusive Star Wars Commemorative pin only available at the Sci-Fi Expo in Shreveport! They will also be at hand to display their upcoming Star Wars toy line!

While you’re there, be sure to check out Ultrarama, N2Toys, Yestertoys, and over hundred other exhibit tables loaded with old and new collectibles. You can also play Decipher’s CCG games, hear our celebrity guests talk about their careers, grab soem free movie posters (while supplies last), and much more. For details check out:www.scifiexpo.com



General Madine Petition Goin’ Strong
June 22, 2001 | 1:58 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

If you missed my previous post, JediSith’s is holding a petition for a Hasbro remake of General Crix Madine. It’s an obvious figure that probably should be redone, and could hold some nice potential. I mean, what Rebel Conference Room is complete without him? They have over 80 on the petition, and it looks like they’re really going to try to push this one over the top. So, hop on over and check the petition out. It’s running until Dec.31st, 2001, so they just may get enough to grab Hasbro’s attention. Hey, it never hurts to try!



12″ Tarples and Kaadu Final Clearance Price
June 22, 2001 | 12:18 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Jawa is reporting that Atlanta Targets have reduced the 12″ Captain Tarples and Kaadu to $7.94– almost the price of a 3 3/4″ figure. Remember when a Target price ends in “4” that means that it has been lowered as far as it is going to go!!

If you find other Targets going to final clearance, or other levels of clearance on Captian Tarples, let us know.



New Force Taking Pre-Orders for Rebel Trooper, Snaggletooth, and X-Wing Luke Cases
June 22, 2001 | 12:05 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

New Force Comics is now taking preorders for the following cases:

84455 001 0:(1) Queen Amidala Travel, (1)Rebel Trooper, (1)Imperial Officer,(1) FX-7, (4)Snaggletooth, (4)Eeth Koth

84455 000 Z:(3) Queen Amidala Travel, (3)Rebel Trooper, (3)Imperial Officer, (3) FX-7

84445 000 U(4) Luke Skywalker X-Wing Gear, (3) Han Solo-Death Star Escape, (4) Darth Vader “Emperors Wrath”, (1)Sandtrooper

Click here to go to New Force Comics site. and be sure to tell them Yakface sent you.



POTJ at Rite Aid?!?
June 21, 2001 | 11:27 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yes, that is what one person I got an e-mail from today is saying. Joseph C. writes;

“I went into a Rite Aid in Portland, Oregon about 3 weeks ago and found a Sandtrooper and an Aurra Sing and I thought it was a fluke. The next week they had Chewbacca Mechanic and Bespin Leia. This week was 3 Darth Maul Sith Apprentice. They are not getting whole cases…just 2 or 3 figures that trickle in. I have checked 3 other Rite Aids and they have had nothing but pegs full of 8D8’s. The bad news is that they cost $7.99, but it is better than the price of gas for finding nothing. The receipt rings up saying “HAS STAR WARS FIG ASST I” instead of the old “KEN STARWARS MILLENIUM
FI” that the 8D8’s ring up with.”

Great, and thanks for the info, Joe! Anything that helps us complete our ever-growing collections is good news.



Time to Go
June 21, 2001 | 7:53 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Well I knew this was coming. I’m afraid I have too much going on in my life anymore to continue updating here at Yakface.com. I’ve lost my desire to update and I have to push other things back just to make room. So I am now retiring from Yakface.com and from the world of SW news. It’s been a long ride but now it’s over and time to move on.
UPDATE: I do not run or own Yakface.com and it will be staying even though I am leaving.
UPDATE II: Brian, let me be the first to say, and I’m sure I speak for everyone, that you will be missed here at Yakface.com, and especially by me, John. I’ve been reading and enjoying your reports and posts, which were always done with utmost professionalism, since long before I, myself, was a reporter here. C’mon everyone, a large round of applause for Brian! “May the Force be with You!”



Clone Wars?
June 21, 2001 | 3:44 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

No, this isn’t a spoiler, and it’s not about Hasbro, but The Force.net had this topic listed, and I had to check it out for all our readers.
Ben Kenobi spoke of the “Clone Wars” in Episode IV, but did any of us ever think that life would imitate art in this fashion? The article starts like this;

Leading British scientists called for an international ban on human cloning yesterday but said the moratorium should not stop scientific research into cloning for therapeutic reasons.
The Royal Society, an academy of top scientists, warned that the dangers of human cloning included the risk of creating severely handicapped individuals.
“We think that a ban on reproductive cloning would have public support and is currently justified on scientific grounds. It would also help to improve the public’s confidence in science”, Prof Richard Gardner of the Royal Society said in a statement.
Britain became the first country to propose laws banning human reproductive cloning in April, aiming to ease public concern about the new technology and fears scientists could create Frankenstein-type monsters or a genetic underclass.

Incredible! I know this is really out of context here at Yak, but an interesting story nonetheless, and it does have bearing to our Star Wars interests, it’s just mind-boggling. To check out the entire article, click here



Pre-Order Dengar, Zuckuss & Boushh!
June 21, 2001 | 12:32 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth is offering Pre-order for the all-new Star Wars 12inch Bounty Hunter Assortment 2 (Item# 26482A, $139.99) featuring Dengar, Zuckuss and Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise! These new 12 inch Star Wars action figures are scheduled for release late this year. Order today!



Q&A Thursday
June 21, 2001 | 5:13 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

In the second and final update this week, With Every Question For Justice gets its typical ten question increase. If you have a question for the column, please don’t hesitate to send it on in!



Detailed scans of Ketwol wave
June 21, 2001 | 4:21 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Darth “Rob” Sinister from Sandtroopers.com has informed me that they have uploaded some very detailed scans of the Ketwol wave over at their site. Hop over and take a look if you haven’t found them yet… like me.



POTJ case confirmation
June 21, 2001 | 4:18 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yea, it’s official. Hasbro has definitely heard the cries of the collectors and started shipping cases of 1/2 Darth Maul Sith Apprentice, and 1/2 Dirty Biker Scouts! Since I originally posted, I’ve been getting loads of mail from people around the country that this is indeed the truth. Again, that case assortment is;

6 Dirty Biker Scouts
6 Darth Maul Sith Apprentice

HOORAY! Score for our side!



News we can use
June 20, 2001 | 11:57 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

A lot of rumors have been floating around lately, as to the future of the Hasbro line. Any information or pictures you have would be greatly appreciated, so send them along with the sources that you received them from (so I can give credit where credit is due)
Thank you – kurt



Star Wars Galaxies 2
June 20, 2001 | 11:39 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

I have recieved a lot of mail concerning the beta test for SW Galaxies. To sign up for the beta you need to go tohttp://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/ and then near the bottom of the page, there will be info about registering (for free) a game account. Follow the links/instructions there.



Yak Reader Diorama Section Added
June 20, 2001 | 9:56 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

We’ve added a Yak Reader diorama section to the Dioramas page. Click here to check it out!. If you would like to see your dioramas posted on Yak, send them to us at Bill@Yakface.com and we’ll post them!!

Check in tomorrow for an update to the dioramas page, including a 3 3/4″ scale Jabba’s Sail Barge at the Sarlac Pit.



Star Wars Galaxies On-Line?
June 20, 2001 | 9:15 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

The new Star Wars RPG is now in Beta Testing, so if you haven’t already, go to the link below to sign up for play testing. Star Wars Galaxies On-Line



Mr. Lando goes to Cleveland
June 20, 2001 | 9:11 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

At long last the Lando wave has hit Cleveland. It has been sited at K-mart, Target and K-B Toys across North-East Ohio



Odd POTJ case assortment…
June 20, 2001 | 1:56 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Harry P. writes to tell us this;
“Yesterday, June 19th, my local store had just opened a case of SW figrues and had dumped them in a cart. But to my surprise, these assortment was six Darth Maul Sith Apprentice and six dirty scoutroopers, no other new figures. Maybe Hasbro is listening to us about the shortpacked figured.”
I wonder which store it was, in fact? Well, maybe you’re right, Harry. Is anyone else seeing this? If they are listening to us, that kind of assortment would make sense. Sith Apprentice was hard to find, and Biker Scouts are army builders. More on this as we get it…



Episode I DVD sleeve picture 
June 20, 2001 | 1:52 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

For all of us who have preordered this thing now, I’ll bet you’ll want to know what it looks like, right? Click here to view the actual sleeve of The Phantom Menace DVD. Nice artwork! Thanks go to Jeremy C. for sending it to us!



Amazon offers Episode I DVD preorder!
June 20, 2001 | 2:48 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

If you’d like to preorder The Phantom Menace in all it’s upcoming DVD glory, click here. Not only will you be able to preorder this cool item, but also get it at a savings of 23%!
UPDATE – DVD Empire also has this for preorder, and for only $20.99! Thanks to everyone who wrote in about it.
UPDATE II – It seems that Deep Discount DVD has them all beat so far! They’re charging, for preorder, $21.96, but thatincludes shipping! Thanks again to all those who wrote in about it!



What is the deal with the 12″ Tarpals?!?
June 20, 2001 | 2:34 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’m getting e-mail recently from all over the USA about this crazy item. Some are saying it’s been marked back up to its’ original price, some are saying it’s been marked back down to the $35 price range, and I even had one person write to say it’s been marked down to around $15. Go figure! I guess it’s up to the discresion of the general manager of the department. So keep your eyes open, and my advice is, if you want it and see it at the $35 price range, grab it. That sounds about as good as it’s going to get, being realistic.



Maulrats.com has great figure giveaway!
June 19, 2001 | 11:52 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Maulrats.com has gotten a new look, and they’re so proud of it that they’re holding a giveaway for a free Ellorrs Madak and Ketwol! Stop on over to check out their great work on the site, and to check out the details for the free figures!



Star Wars OKC Collector’s Club
June 19, 2001 | 11:44 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

“xwing25” writes to me today to have me let you know that the Star Wars collecting club in Oklahoma city has a name now, they are known as the “Jedi OKC Collectors Club”. Even more, they now have a website you can go to and check out by clicking here! They are currently looking to increase their ranks of collectors, so if you’re in their area, check out the page and contact them, or write to xwing25@aol.com for more information.



Star Wars Metallic Sculptures 
June 19, 2001 | 7:09 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The set of Star Wars Metallic Sculptures (Item# CGSW004A, $3,499.99) at
Entertainment Earth features four museum quality sculptures of Classic Star Wars characters. Includes Darth Vader, Boba Fett, R2-D2, and C-3PO — each sculpture stands between 2 and 3 feet tall and weighs between 25 and 40 lbs!



June 19, 2001 | 11:48 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Okay folks, she’s on her way now! This morning, StarWars.com officially announced the release of The Phantom Menace on DVD on October 16, 2001! The DVD will boast the following;
– The Phantom Menace, mastered by THX for superior sound and picture quality, presented in Anamorphic Widescreen and Dolby 5.1 Surround EX (English), Dolby 2.0 Surround (English and Spanish), and Dolby 2.0 Surround (French, for Canadian release).
– Audio commentary by Writer-Director George Lucas; Producer Rick McCallum; Co-Editor and Sound Designer Ben Burtt; Visual Effects Supervisors Scott Squires, John Knoll and Dennis Muren; and Animation Supervisor Rob Coleman, offering personal insights into the making of the film.
– Seven never-before-seen deleted scenes with full visual effects completed just for the DVD release.
– “The Beginning” — an all-new hour-long documentary culled from over 600 hours of footage offering unprecedented access inside Lucasfilm and ILM during the making of Episode I.
– Multi-angle storyboard to animatic to finished film feature, that lets you flip through the various phases of development of key action sequences.
– Five behind-the-scenes featurettes exploring The Phantom Menace’s storyline, designs, costumes, visual effects and fight scenes
The popular “Duel of the Fates” music video that debuted in 1999
– All 12 parts of the Lynne’s Diaries, the web documentaries that first appeared at starwars.com.
– Galleries of theatrical posters, print campaign, and never before scene production photos.
– Downloaded by millions from starwars.com, the original theatrical teaser and launch trailers, plus seven TV spots including the “tone poems”.



Q&A Returns
June 19, 2001 | 4:41 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, our Q&A column, is scheduled for two updates this week– this one and another to be posted on Thursday. Next week will see the normal thrice-weekly updates.



Re-Edited Empire Strikes Back?!?
June 19, 2001 | 3:14 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

really hope these guys are kidding. For a good laugh, head over to this article at Cinescape.com. Someone has written into the fine people at Cinescape with this laughable story about how one of their friends “edited” The Empire Strikes Back, not unlike all the hype over the Phantom Edit’s. It’s kind of a humor-relief… I HOPE



Interview with Rouge Squadron II director
June 19, 2001 | 12:44 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Waiting with bated breath for the new Gamecube game “Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II”? Well, to whet your appetite a bit more, Nintendoweb.com has an interview with Mr.Brett Tosti, the man responsible for directing the whole game, and all the action! The interview also delves into some of the juicy specifics of the game itself. Great stuff! Click here to check out this informative talk.



New POTJ Figure Review!
June 18, 2001 | 11:51 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Now that we can see the figures over at TheJawa.com here are some comments on these very tasty images of the last five figures that will be released in 2001, and the 12″ scale Target Luke & Speeder Bike exclusive! They, again, will include;
Darth Vader – Emperor’s Wrath
This figure appears to have a tranclucent head that you can see his skull image through. Maybe I’m just seeing things, but it looks great. Nice sculpt as well!
Luke – X-Wing Pilot
Nice overall looking figure! Seems more proportioned and a better pose than the original. Will probably be a peg-warmer from overdistribution of a core charachter, unfortunately.
Han – Death Star Escape
Another nice job. Nice pose, great sculpt, but probably another peg-warmer.
Shmi Skywalker
Looks great! Seems to be modeled after the scene that she tells Anakin, “Don’t look back…” This is one I’m really looking forward to, and has been a long time coming. What is that little accessory she has next to her?
Obi-Wan – Jedi Training Gear
This sucker deserves merit. I wish, if they’re going to do Expanded Universe stuff, they’d do a charachter that’s never been done, but hey, anything is something. I like the sculpt, and the suit compliments the respective Qui-Gon counterpart. This will make a nice display piece. People are saying that he comes with a helmet, but isn’t that a remote sitting there?
12″ Luke Endor with Speeder Bike
Okay. It’s Luke. He’s wearing a Poncho. He comes with a Speeder Bike. Period. Taking for granted that, with their horrible track record, that you’ll actually find this thing at Target with nasty ol’ Mr. Scalpy Scalperton sleeping in his car waiting for the door to the store to open so he can fly in to nab all of these things for his daily e-Bay listing and porn hunt…. Sorry, I get a little worked up about scalpers, and scalper bait such as this. The only benefit to this exclusive is, it’ll look nice next to the Han/Trench 12″. To me, it looks nice, but not worth shelling out $50 for the same bike we got last year with a redressed Luke.



New POTJ Pics– 12″ Luke Speeder, Han Death Star Escape, Vader Emperor’s Wrath…
June 18, 2001 | 11:38 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

You read that right. Team Jawa has come up with some photos of the upcoming Power of the Jedi released including Target’s exclusive 12″ Luke Speeder Bike, and 3 3/4″ Shimi, Vader Emperor’s Wrath, Shimi, Another EU Obi Wan (Jedi Training), and more. Click here to see them!!!



Fan Club 4 to TRU?
June 18, 2001 | 5:28 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Collectstarwars is reporting that the Fan Club 4 figures will be showing up in solid cases on sale for $1.97 a figure at TRU.



Episode II Toy Trademarks
June 18, 2001 | 12:54 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

“J.Mike H.” sends me this interesting information this afternoon;
“Hey guys. Prompted by the post earlier today where someone dug up an abandoned trademark application for some new Episode II products, I checked the Saegis online trademark database operated by Thomson & Thomson (to which my firm has a subscription) and turned up a bunch of stuff. Lucas always files TM applications for his character names. The trick is to search under “Lucasfilm” as the owner name, not “Hasbro,” because Lucas licenses the names to the toy companies to use after registering them. Anyway, here are the pending trademarks I turned up (none of which are registered because all the names must be used in commerce first in order to merit registration – plus, just because the applications have been filed, doesn’t mean any of these are actual names – he may just be stockpiling possible names). Anyway, cheers and enjoy!

**Spoilers** CLICK HERE TO VIEW LIST **Spoilers**

(Note: EPISODE III is has already been filed and is pending, so its possible that some of these names are Episode III characters, although not likely, since an applicant is only given three years after the issuance of a Notice of Allowance to show use in order to prevent the trademark application from being abandonded. Schedule-wise, that would mean all these names are likely Episode II names because the Statement of Use filings couldn’t take place in time before Episode III opens in 2005).”
Thanks “J.Mike H.” for the detective work!



Dirty Troopers Showing Up All Over
June 18, 2001 | 12:03 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’ve had several reports that the Scout Trooper with the new dirt-detailing are showing up all around the country in limited numbers, but they are finally showing up. I think this ploy from Hasbro to only make 5 more figures by year end is to actually put them on the shelves to make them more readily available to the general market instead of tossing out 17 more, and having them be so scarcely distributed that all the kids and collectors complain that they can’t find them all. So keep looking for the new Ketwol wave and whatever else you need from the past year. With the cycling of the case assortments, eventually you’ll find what you’re after.



Santroopers.com Giveaway!
June 17, 2001 | 6:15 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Sandtroopers.com is pleased to announce the following giveaways.
1 EPISODE 1 12″ Boss Nass. Winner will be announced on June 23.
Also, we are giving away 2 Ultaramas per month courtesy of Ultarama.
Registering is easy. Just visit Sandtroopers.com and click on the respective links. Good Luck!!



Ultarama Midnight Deadline
June 17, 2001 | 11:57 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

If you have not ordered one of these yet, trust ol’ John here, do it! These are just the absolute best displays on the market, and are very reminicent of the old Death Star playset, amongst other vintage Star Wars playsets.
My point? Well, Ultarama.com, the makers of these fine displays, have been offering a deal where you will get FREE SHIPPING on all CU orders from June 11 through June 17! The practical upshot? Well, from my posting time right now, you basically only have 12 hours to take advantage of this great deal!
When I first purchased mine, I thought I was taking a chance, but when the thing arrived, I honestly don’t think I was ever so impressed with quality for the price I paid as I was with this thing, and I even paid my own shipping! So click here to hop over there now and grab one of these!



More detailed B-Wing MIB pics
June 17, 2001 | 11:04 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Over at e-Bay someone has a boxed B-Wing up for sale. This is the same one that will be available as a Target exclusive in the third-quarter of this year, and retail for about $35. For images of this fine toy, along with the pilot, click here



Episode II toy descriptions
June 17, 2001 | 10:58 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Jedinet.com has a listing of possible descriptions from that list of Episode II toys posted earlier this week. WARNING – This list is FILLED with SPOILERS!!! Click here for a direct link to the list, and don’t say we didn’t warn you!



Realscan Technology/Episode II Figure
June 17, 2001 | 10:51 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Fimforce.IGN has posted an image of a certain charachter from Episode II! Yes folks, this is our first glimpse of a “charachter” from the toy-line that’ll be sitting on our shelves in a little under a year. Myself, I am flabberghasted by how incredibly lifelike this thing looks, it has to be seen to be believed. I will not post who this is for spoiler reasons, but I will mention that it’s a “bounty hunter”. Credit goes to TheForce.net for being the first to dig this story up.



Store Reports Contest III
June 17, 2001 | 12:49 AM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Hey there fellow Yakface.com viewers. It’s that time once again to have yet another fun and easy to win Store Reports Contest! Sponsored by non other than KEBCoToys.com! As you may not know these contest have been doing very well with over 100’s of reports/entries being sent in! You guys are really keeping me busy! This time around we are gonna do something a little different! LOL! This time we are going to give away prizes to two winners! One lucky Store Reporter will win a POTJ Bespin Leia & POTJ Chewie Mechanic, while another will win a POTJ Aura Sing & POTJ Darth Maul Sith Apprentice W/ Armor! Talk about cool huh! KEBCoToys.com has been so friendly and generous to us so we all need to make sure to thank them! So visit their site! I will post later this week with some cool specials they will have and some new stuff coming in that Yak-ers will have a hopefull first crack at getting! The Contest will begin starting with entries recieved as of Saturday, June 16th and end with the last qualified entries being recieved on Saturday, June 30th! Any person who submits a store report is automatically entered to win one of the cool sets! So get those Store Reports sent in today. And please don’t forget to visit our sponsor, the very friendly and gernerousKebCoToys.com!

UPDATE Please make sure when sending in entries that you try to send them in the standard format:
City, State
What You Found
Where Found
Submitted By First Name then Last Name initial (or nickname)
Thanks! This just helps me to post the reports faster and ensures entries are legitimate.



Ketwol showing up at Wal-Mart
June 16, 2001 | 9:54 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Bob writes in with a picture as well, to say he has found the Ketwol wave at a Wal-Mart near him in Ohio. So if you still need the wave you might want to start looking at Wal-Mart as well.



Free Giveaway
June 16, 2001 | 11:35 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Pegwarmer is giving away a Commtech Stormtrooper and a POTJ Han Bespin again this week.



New 12″ Wave Pics
June 16, 2001 | 11:19 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

KBkids.com has boxed images of the new 12″ DS Trooper wave. Also, they are taking preorders for the figures as well but they are expensive. See the images by clicking the following links:
DS Droid
DS Trooper
Han (Stormtrooper).



One more to go for 2001???
June 15, 2001 | 9:13 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Starwars.com has posted an article that the next wave of 3 3/4″ figures, is the FINAL WAVE for 2001, is slated for around September and will include:
Shmi Skywalker
Luke Skywalker (X-wing) – anticipated version of the young hero
Han Solo (Death Star Escape) – brand new head sculpt with greater movie-accurate likeness
Darth Vader (Emperor’s Wrath) – recreating the effects of the Emperor’s force-lightning
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Armor) – the Padawan in training based on Episode I concept art

Does this mean the Imperial Officer, FX-7 and Rebel Fleet Trooper won’t make it out this year or is Hasbro just pulling our leg? Having no new product for Christmas seems really odd.



Update on EE Sale
June 15, 2001 | 7:20 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

EE has selected over thirty pallets of merchandise from a wide variety of manufacturers for this exciting day. New, mint and not-mint items will be available. Cash and credit cards accepted (no personal checks). Various quantity limits on each item do apply (see details tomorrow). Please no lineups prior to 8am. The event will be held in our warehouse and parking lot near our loading door.
Saturday, June 16, 2001
10:00 AM ­ 5:00 PM
Entertainment Earth
12730 Raymer Street, Suite #1
North Hollywood, California 91605



Bubbles for sale
June 15, 2001 | 1:10 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I don’t know about all of our readers, but alot of us are really into the figure cusomizing game. The problem? I know when I customize a card, especially putting a post 1995 figure on a custom vintage card, I hate that I always had to use a post 1995 blister-bubble, and not an original style bubble. Not any more! TJ’s Toys has custom molds of original styled bubbles for all your Star Wars customizing needs! Man, what will they think of next? Custom POTF84/85 coins? Hey, we can dream….



Vintage Kenner Commercials For Download!
June 15, 2001 | 1:03 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars.com has a link posted to a certain page, Konas2002, who just happens to have some really nifty old vintage Star Wars commercials encoded in .avi format! What a memory jog to those of us, (ahem), who actually remember these. I’m feeling older and older… click here to hop over to Konas2002 to download these awesome pieces of toy-history!



Hasbro’s late 2001/early 2002 product list!
June 15, 2001 | 12:44 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Adam, from over at TradeFederation.net writes to me this morning with this incredible information. It seems thatNewForceComics.com has confirmed this official Hasbro price list for late 2001/early 2002, and this includes alot of the new Episode II toys! Below is a list of what is to come. Sincere thanks goes to Adam for alerting and providing us with this information, and thanks to NewForceComics.com for scouting this out! And, while you’re at it, head over and check out TradeFederation.net! Some good news there! On to the list;

Episode II Preview Figure Assortment
5 figures are listed as TBD (to be determined).
No release date or specifics at this time.
Figures will retail for $5.99 -$7.99.

25th Anniversary Celebration Multi-Pack Assortment
Lists 3 sets:
Luke and Leia
Han and Chewie
Obi Wan and Darth Vader
Retail price will be $12.99-14.99 each.

12″ Bounty Hunter II Assortment
Leia Boush
Retail price will be $19.99-$24.99

Episode II Basic Figures Assortment
Collection 1 lists 13 TBD UPCs
Collection 2 lists 13 TBD UPCs
$5.99-$7.99 retail.

Deluxe Figure Assortment
$9.99 to $11.99 retail.

Attack Beast Assortment
$14.99-$17.99 retail.

Gen-Y figure Assortment
$14.99 retail.

Electronic Super Figure Assortment
$29.99-$34.99 retail.

2 Episode II 12″ Figure Assortments
Each with 3 TBD UPCs
$19.99-$24.99 retail.

12″ Ultimate Villian Figure Assortment
$39.99-$49.99 retail.

Episode II Vehicles
Speeder Vehicle figure Assortment
$14.99 retail
Star Fighter $19.99-$24.99 retail.
Villian Vehicle $24.99-$29.99 retail.
Republic Ship $39.99 retail.

Episode II Role Play
Basic Lightsaber assortment…$7.99-$9.99
Green Lightsaber
Blue Lightsaber
Red Lightsaber
Purple Lightsaber

Electronic Lightsaber Assortment
$19.99-$24.99 retail.

Jedi RolePlay Set Assortment

3.75″ Arena Playset
$14.99-$34.99 retail.

Episode II Interactive
My own Robot
$59.99-$89.99 retail.

As always, don’t take this as “etched in stone”. All items are subject to change. But this is a pretty good idea of what we can expect. There are no spoilers present above, I was careful of that. Also, please don’t e-mail me asking what this is, and what that is, because I honestly don’t know either. You guys are seeing this the same as I am. All I know is what’s listed above. So, enjoy!



Phantom Editing gets Lucas’ attention
June 15, 2001 | 12:02 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Another article, this time being one of contradiction from the last that stated Lucas didn’t mind most activities involving Star Wars, as long as no one was making money on it, has now seemed to change;
“Fans who think Lucasfilm has an easy-going attitude about copyright infringement are about to get a rude awakening. Since the existence of two new, unauthorized re-edited versions of George Lucas’ Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace were made widely public last week, fans from around the world have been clamoring to get their hands on a copy.”
For more on this story, visit Zap2it.com.



Problems with NGToys? Part 2
June 15, 2001 | 11:52 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Well, in the past 3 days or so I’ve received about 70 e-mails about NGToys.com, not one in the positive, all saying basically the same thing. One person even claims that upon pre-ordering a certain item, that they were billed immediately for the $600+, and never, to date, received anything in the mail. I sent this company an e-mail describing our vexations, and in response a bulk letter was sent to all NGToys customers. The e-mail stated that you could get a refund if you so request, or if you’re patient, (something I think alot of us are wearing thin upon), you can wait for the replacement windups to arrive and then you will be refunded for whatever shipping you paid initially & get a free extra windup of your choice.
I hate to be negative about this, but I will believe this when I see it. Everyone that has written to me, please keep in contact. I am giving this about 2 to 3 weeks to straighten out, then, if nothing else occurs to “right” this situation, I will take further action.



12″ Dewback finally dropping?
June 14, 2001 | 10:03 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Mike from Dallas writes in to say he just picked up the Toys R Us 12 inch Dewback/Stormtrooper set and it was marked down to 29.99. This could just be a local event. Has anyone else found the 12″ Dewback at this price?



Ketwol’s Transformation into Melas
June 14, 2001 | 9:54 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Most fans are aware that Lucas turned Ketwol’s mask around to make another character… Melas.
Here is the plastic Ketwol’s appearance as Melas (softgoods).

Click here to see Melas in more detail!!!



Episode One DVD to be Announced Soon?
June 14, 2001 | 8:37 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

Checking out my fave dvd site, The Digital Bits, and their Rumor Mill makes note that FOX might be announcing the long awaited dvd next week at a retailers conference. While I typically stay away from rumor, their page has an uncanny track record of being on the mark – so stay tuned . . .



Vader Palm Talker
June 14, 2001 | 5:55 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

SWkids.com feature this week is a nice close up picture of the Vader Palm Talker.



New Marmit Trooper Pics
June 14, 2001 | 5:48 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Marmit has released two new pictures of the white pauldron Sandtrooper.



12″ Max Rebo Band in 2002?
June 14, 2001 | 5:39 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars and 4-inches are reporting that a 12″ Max Rebo Band is planned for 2002. The assortment will include 3 figures: Max Rebo and two others.

Also, several release dates for products upcoming this year.
“Crashed” Snowspeeder and TIE-Bomber – December
AT-ST – end of January
12″ Luke Endor and Speederbike – August



“Wizard World Convention 2001” in Chicago, Illinois
June 14, 2001 | 12:33 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

AUGUST 17-19, 2001
At the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
Advance Tickets Available April 15, 2001
Friday – 8/17 – 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday – 8/18 – 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday 8/19 – 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Guests include; David Prowse – Darth Vader (a possible cancel),
Kenny Baker – R2D2, Peter Mayhew – Chewbacca, Phil Brown – Uncle Owen
Advance Ticket holders get in on Saturday/Sunday at 9:30 am
For more information, click here.



Just a quickie…
June 14, 2001 | 12:27 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Ok, no big news here, just for a chuckle, click here. Thanks for the link, Jim R.!



12″ Tarpals/Kaadu on the rise?
June 14, 2001 | 12:24 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I got this slightly disturbing letter from “maul_sb”;
“I stopped by Target today to see if they had finally marked down the Captain Tarpals and Kaadu 12″ set. I left the store dissappointed, because the sets were actually marked up from $41.90 to $49.99. That’s right, a price increase!”
Hmmmm, you’d think they’d want to actually clear the shelves for the impending exclusives. Is this an isolated incident, or going on across the country?
UPDATE – This seems to be a nationwide trend! I’ve had several e-mails from all the corners of the country, all telling me that this 12″ exclusive has, in fact, been jacked up in price to the $49.99 price point.



Dirty Biker Scout in Stock
June 13, 2001 | 7:20 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth just received a new shipment of Star Wars Power of

SW POTJ Collection 1 (Wave 9) (Item# 84445D, $89.99)

Includes 1x Dirty Scout Trooper – Imperial Patrol (Biker Scout), 2x Darth Maul Sith Apprentice, 3x Chewbacca Mechanic, 2x Aurra Sing, 2x Leia Bespin, 1x Han Solo Bespin , 1x Battle Droid Boomer Damage (Subject to change.)



Win the Sandtrooper Wave
June 13, 2001 | 5:25 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thejawa.com is holding a giveaway for the entire sandtrooper wave. Hurry and go sign up.



Problems with NGToys?
June 13, 2001 | 1:32 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Just wondering if anyone else out there has been having the problems I’ve been having with NGToys.com? I had ordered those wind-ups from them a couple months back, it took them forever to send the order although they had instant payment from me, then it was incomplete and damaged. I wrote to them, got a promise of replacement and completion of the order in cryptic responses, and now they won’t answer my e-mail. Has anyone else had this sort of experience with these folks? I’d rather, at the moment, think it was something else wrong other than me getting stiffed by these guys. If anyone else has had a similar experience, e-mail me. I hate to post anything negatory, but I don’t want any of our Yak-readers getting taken if that is, in fact what’s happening.



ANH 25th Anniversary Sets!
June 13, 2001 | 12:49 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The Private Universe was actually the first to have this up this morning, but “Qui-Gon Paul” sends me this image of the new 25th Anniversary Star Wars Action Figure 2-Pack Cinema Scene. As you’ll be able to see, it is the scene when Luke takes a swing across the Death Star chasm with Leia. Nice classic look to the packaging as well, but it’ll probably change as this is just a prototype for publicity. Click here to see this nice little item! Also scheduled are a Han/Chewie and Vader/Kenobi set. Thanks goes to “Qui-Gon Paul” for sending the pic!



Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show, Grapevine, TX
June 13, 2001 | 12:45 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Ben S. writes with this information;
Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show June 15-16, Grapevine Convention Center:Grapevine, TX
Friday Sneak Peek 2pm-7pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Special Star Wars guests:
Shannon Baksa – Mara Jade
Jeremy Bulloch – Boba Fett
Peter Mayhew – Chewbacca
Mike Quinn – Nien Numb (Saturday only)
At the show be sure you register for our post convention party at GAMEWORKS. Gameworks, our newest sponsor, promises lots of fun for Expo attendees. Planned activities include chances to race Boba-Fett actor Jeremy Bulloch, and Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew on Gameworks $20,000 all new Star Wars Episode I Pod Racer arcade game! Other fun stuff includes a special photo opportunity with the celebrities, discounted game cards, prizes and much more! For all the details check out http://www.scifiexpo.com and make sure you attend the Grapevine Sci-Fi Expo just 3 minutes from the Dallas / Fort
Worth airport!



Madine Petition
June 13, 2001 | 12:41 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

“David” writes this morning to let me know that there’s a petition started on his page for a remake of a General Crix Madine figure.
Click here to go check it out. Once you get to this page, “David” instructs you to “click on flashing words link”. Thanks for the information, “David”!



Store Reports Contest II Winner
June 12, 2001 | 11:37 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Congratulations go out to Ryan Spires of Dubuque, Iowa. Our second winner of our Store Reports Contest II. If Ryan could please e-mail me with his address so our Contest Sponsor, KebCoToys can get that nice 12inch Darth Maul / Darth Vader Set out to you A.S.A.P.! Please look for information this weekend on our next 2-Week Store Reports Contest! It will be our third and definetly not our last! Have A Great Star-Wars Filled Week and check back this weekend for more Store Reports news!



Looking For A Close Up Of A Duros?
June 12, 2001 | 8:33 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is the latest image added to the toyguide. Duros – Ellorrs Madak



New TIE Interceptor Pics
June 12, 2001 | 5:25 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Collectstarwars has posted several new pictures of the TIE Interceptor boxed. The TIE now looks more like the pictures from the Official Site and is much darker than in earlier pictures.



Episode II FAN-MADE teaser trailer
June 12, 2001 | 12:28 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Over at TheForce.net they now have a new “fan-made” trailer available for download. Just to squelch rumors before they start, this is not an official release! This is fan-made, which means that one of us crazy Star Wars fans created this. I know I sound like I’m speaking like a kindergarten teacher, but a few people had a hard time grasping this fact last time around with the Episode II fan-made trailer some months back. It is in Quicktime format, and goes about 2.4 megs.Click here to download and enjoy this neat little item!



Conflicting Episode II Preview Figure News
June 12, 2001 | 12:19 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum.com is reporting this morning that, after a talk with Hasbro, there will be no Episode II preview figures in the fourth-quarter of 2001. This conflicts with the report that CollectStarWars.com had posted yesterday, (news that was originally posted by American Dream Comics). Anybody want to chime in here? Any news that can be backed up with proof would be appreciated. We, as Star Wars fans, should really get to the bottom of this.



Bespin Gaurd missing?
June 12, 2001 | 12:03 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Todd R. writes today to give me this distressing news;

“At Kmart today (Chantilly, VA) – I saw a stock person opening a case of the Ketwol wave. Odd thing about this case is, there were no Bespin Guards. Otherwise, 4 of each of Ketwol, Duro, and Sabe.”

This may just be a fluke error. If it’s not there’s going to be alot of flipped-off fans out there, but I wouldn’t start getting too upset just yet. Maybe this is Hasbro’s way of saying “See, you should’ve ordered a Carbon Freeze Chamber when you had the chance!” 8^)



Don’t pay a scalper for Maul!
June 12, 2001 | 11:56 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Just got a note from Bruce M. of Orlando, FL. He tells me that the newest case breakdown for the collection 1 figures is now starting to include 4 Darth Maul-Sith Apprentices. Here is another case of “patience pays”. Thanks Bruce!



Episode II Preview Figures!
June 12, 2001 | 2:58 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars.com has confirmed that there will, in fact, be 4 Episode II preview figures as exclusives through TRU. Also showing up in the computers are a preview vehicle and a preview 12″ figure. For the entire scoop, hop on over to their page. Sounds good to this collector! Count Dooku, anyone?



New POTJ Ketwol wave detailed scan
June 11, 2001 | 11:57 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

“Obi-Wan BRENTobi” sends this incredibly up close scan of the newest wave of POTJ figures; The Ketwol wave. Click here to see this detailed image of these great figures! I can’t WAIT to find these guys, (and gal), in my local K-Mart. Thanks to “Obi-Wan BRENTobi” for the scan.



POTF2 Tatooine Skiff Give-away!
June 11, 2001 | 10:01 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The Tatoone Trader is sponsoring another GREAT giveaway. This time, We are giving away a C9 MISB TATOOINE SKIFF! Head on over to The Tatoone Trader for details on how to enter!



CBS will air “100 Most Thrilling Movies”
June 11, 2001 | 1:11 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

CBS is holding a poll over at their site as to which are the 100 most thrilling movies of all time. Star Wars – A New Hope is on the list, as is TESB, and ROTJ. The Phantom Menace is missing from the list. I would have at least thought it’d be in the running for the EXCELLENT lightsaber battle, but I digress…
So click here, head over, and vote! Let’s see if we can shoot one of the films to number one! CBS will air their tally in a 3-hour special called “AFI’s 100 YEARS…100 THRILLS” on Tuesday June 12 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. where the countdown of the 100 most thrilling movies will be revealed.



Different “details” are surfacing
June 11, 2001 | 1:00 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Okay, folks. I think I know what Hasbro’s up to. It’s very odd that we, here at Yakface, keep getting reports that there are differences in the current figures, mainly between the .0300 and .0400 series. So far, I’ve had reports on the Biker Scout, (this was announced and expected), the Cold Weather Obi-Wan, and now Aurra Sing, being repainted slightly to give an overall “dirty” appearance. Is this to continue? Are there any more figures out there that are appearing in stores that are of the .0400 series that are detailed differently? Can anyone send side-by-side scans? I’m starting to see Hasbro’s way of thinking of “sell more copies of the same tooled figure”. Brilliant from a marketing point of view, but expensive for variation hunters.



Sandtroopers.com Giveaway!
June 10, 2001 | 11:56 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Darth “Rob” Sinister from over at Sandtroopers.com writes to me today to tell me that they’re holding a give-away for aJabba The Hutt with the 2-headed announcer on June 16th. All you have to do is head over there and click on the link to register for this cool elusive item. So, what are you waiting for? Get over there and start a’pointin’ & clickin’!



Free Shipping On Ultaramas… Just In Time To Display Your New Figures 
June 10, 2001 | 9:55 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Now is your chance to get the Ultarama with backgrounds and get free shipping. Perfect timing with the Ketwol wave hitting.

Mort from Ultarama writes:

Ultarama Celebrates Xizor’s View 100 on TheForce.Net, Saves Collectors Cash On Totally New Scenes With Free Shipping On All CU Orders From June 11th Through June 17th!

EDISON, NJ–June 11, 2001—We are proud and excited to help TheForce.Net celebrate Xizor’s View 100. As they have helped all of us get our daily dose of Star Wars and enriched our collecting experience, we want to show our appreciation by offering free shipping in the Continental U.S. on all CU Ultaramas purchased from June 11th through June 17th! Just tell us Xizor sent ya!

The Ultarama is a complete action figure display system that is both flexible and customizable. With the use of the Ultarama’s molded plastic platforms that contain 80 pre-molded peg holes and its proprietary pegging system, collectors can display their collections in three totally unique ways: stacked two levels high in the shape of a semicircle, clipped back-to-back in the shape of a circle, or configured as two separate and complete one level displays. With the purchase of additional Ultaramas, collectors can build their display many stories high! The Ultarama also includes four unique 8 X 10 background scenes, 48 pegs for 3 3/4″ figures, and 24 pegs for 6″ figures. The 6″ pegs also fit most 4 3/4″ figures and most vintage 3 3/4″ figures.

The Ultarama is available for immediate shipping and can be ordered from the Ultarama web site at www.ultarama.comor by calling toll free at 1-888-269-4386.

Collectible Display Systems, Inc. is a manufacturer and marketer of proprietary display systems that provide visually enhancing environments for displaying collectible action figures. Both internationally and in the U.S., its fully patented and modularly designed Ultarama action figure display system provides the highest quality display experience in the world. For additional information, please visit the Ultarama web site at www.ultarama.com .



More variation Information
June 10, 2001 | 9:53 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

It seems there is another difference between the .0300 Cold Weather Obi- Wan and the .0400 version. The backpack and helmet are ‘clean’ on the .0300 version and ‘dirty’ on the .0400 version.
Also, on the new Kewtol figure the force file reads “KEWTOL” and the sku sticker reads “KEWTAL”.
Thanks Starwolves and Marc for the news.



Still need a Fambaa?
June 10, 2001 | 10:32 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

FAOSchwartz now has the Fambaa for $37.50, if you still need one now would be a good time to pick one up. Thanks to JDV for the news.



Ultarama Space Station Diorama Photos Updated
June 9, 2001 | 9:47 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Mort from Ultarama has produced some awsome dioramas using the new Ultarama spacestation backdrops. Click hereto see the newest photos. Notice that these are designed so that you can create open doors from one hallway to the other. To order Ultaramas and/or backdrops Click here and be sure to tell them Yakface sent you.

UPDATE: We have added even more photos Click here to see them.



2 Days Left
June 9, 2001 | 5:06 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

You guys have just 2 days left to get in those store reports! Remember only one lucky reporter will get the very cool 12inch Darth Maul / Darth Vader 2 Pack! So get them in now! Thanks to KEBCoToys.com for being our proud Store Reports Contest sponsor. The contest will end next Monday, June 11th at 11:59 pm Mountain Standard time! Every store report submitted and posted gives you a chance to win! Please don’t forget to visit our sponsor, KebCoToys.com!



Ep II at TRU in Dec
June 9, 2001 | 10:25 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

American Dream Comics is reporting that in December 2001 at TRU there will be four exclusive Ep II preview figures with a SKN of 127623.



Obi-Wan Cold Weather Gear .0300/.0400 difference 
June 9, 2001 | 12:22 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yea, it’s that old Force File error thing again. “Jedimastereric” writes with this information;

“During my last toy run, (this morning), I noticed a variation on the Obi-Wan cold weather gear figure. It seems that the Force File has a slight change to it. On the new .0400 cardback, Hasbro has increased the size of his head and less of the background can be seen than on the .0300 version. It is a small variation but very noticable.”

Thanks for the information, “Jedimastereric”.



Loose Dirty Scout Trooper Pics!
June 8, 2001 | 11:59 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Darth-Sinister-(A.K.A. Rob)-writes to me today to let me know that they’ve got some good pics of the “Dirty” Scout Trooper, that’s now showing up in the newest case assortment, loose for closer inspection. The pics are located in their PM section (in other words “Evening Edition”) of their newspage. Click here to hyperspace on over to their great page and take a gander! Thanks Rob, for the info!



New Ultarama Backdrop Photos
June 8, 2001 | 10:31 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Mort from Ultarama has produced some awsome dioramas using the new Ultarama spacestation backdrops. Click hereto see the newest photos. Notice that these are designed so that you can create open doors from one hallway to the other. To order Ultaramas and/or backdrops Click here and be sure to tell them Yakface sent you.



NEW TIE Interceptor Pics and More
June 8, 2001 | 10:02 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

StarWars.com has posted some new loose pictures of the TIE Interceptor and Pilot loose. I hope the actual product that we can buy in stores looks as good. Also, the Official Site confirmed several 12″ figures for later this for example the next wave of bounty hunters and 12″ Luke w Speeder Bike (Target exclusive).



Q&A: Friday (And Hiatus)
June 8, 2001 | 2:44 PM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, the Yakface Q&A Column, will be going on break for a week after today’s freshly posted update. Tune in a week from Monday for a much better column.



Star Wars Collecting on HGTV
June 8, 2001 | 2:01 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Next week on June 12, 2001 on Home & Garden TV, they will be spending a half-hour with a Star Wars Collector, Steve Campbell, highlighting points of collecting through the last decades, and his collection. It should be at 1:30PM on June 12th, but to make sure, check your local airtimes for broadcast.



Comic-Con 2001 to debut “Star Wars: Connections”
June 8, 2001 | 11:58 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Star Wars: Connections, a film that will show overall how the entire 5 of 6 Star Wars films will fit together, will debut at the ComicCon this year, and this film will include information on Episode II, and how it fits in! This is scheduled to happen at the ComicCon in San Diego during July 19-22 at the San Diego Convention Center. For more information click here.



Setting the record straight on “TPE”
June 8, 2001 | 11:33 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Okay, I’ve been getting alot of e-mail on this “Phantom Edit” thing, and I want to set the record straight now. This is the story, and it is verified.
The “Edit” that is going around the comic shops and toy shows right now is, in fact, called “The Phantom Edit”. It changes the crawl text in the beginning, and basically just cuts Jar Jar out of the movie, and a few other items that the “Phantom Editor” deemed not necessary. This “Phantom Edit” was created around February 2001, and circulated Hollywood. This confused people because about a year before there was “The Phantom Edit”, there was “The Phantom Re-Edit: Episode 1.1”.
“The Phantom Re-Edit: Episode 1.1” was manipulated by 3 people, one of which I am in contact with. This version was completed around, (I’m estimating here), April 2000. Copies were sent out and around, and when a different edit started gaining notariety, they assumed it was their copy. No! Apparently more than one person made an edit! So, George Lucas has BOTH copies now, and we here at Yak will be reviewing the original edit, (I am leary to say original, because Lucas’ version is the original. Shall we say re-manipulated…), not the one that recently sprung up all over. Actually, very few copies of this “The Phantom Re-Edit: Episode 1.1” exist, and you can see these guys took their time. I shall say no more except that this version is really great! And being that it was the first edit out there, these fine folks deserve a little bit of the spotlight as well. I know that it’s just a manipulation of things that already exist, but I don’t care who does it, it takes time. So, I finally got all this straight. Everyone confused? I know I am… 8^)



Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show June 30-July 1, 2001
June 8, 2001 | 11:12 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Just a reminder for everyone that The Shrevport, LA show is coming up soon, and offers a huge Hasbro boast! Atomic Entertainment’s page reports this;

…Hasbro Toys will be attendig our June 30-01 Shreveport convention! Hasbro will be at hand to display their hottest upcoming toys, but the biggest news is the suprise they have for attendees… “a convention exclusive giveaway…cooler than last year’s autographed king-sized Naboo fighter”.

So, if anyone’s going, make sure you drop me a line if you plan, (or are allowed to), take pics of this Hasbro stuff!



Darth Maul Vs. Darth Vader?
June 8, 2001 | 11:01 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Usually I don’t make it a habit to report on comics from the Star Wars continuum, or the expanded universe, as it were, but this one is way too good not to mention.
The official Star Wars site is reporting that this September 12th Dark Horse Comics will be releasing “Star Wars Tales #9”, and it will definitely pit our 2 favorite Sith lords against one another to see, ultimately, who is the best. For more on this, hop on over to the official Star Wars site! I don’t usually pick up the comics, but this is one I’m getting in line for NOW! Now, if they’d only do a “Wicket Vs. The Rancor”….



12″ Dagobah Luke w Yoda Confirmed
June 7, 2001 | 5:41 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum is reporting the rumored 12″ Dagobah Luke w Yoda is confirmed and will be out in time for Christmas.



Crashed AT-ST Mockup
June 7, 2001 | 5:24 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Merchandise-Szepan has posted a early mockup picture of the crashed AT-ST which is due for release in Spring 2002.
Also, CollectStarWars has talked to Hasbro and confirmed that it is indeed a early mockup and so is the TIE Bomber picture from earlier in the week. Also, the Crashed AT-ST will have a speederbike and a figure however it will not be an Ewok or Chewie.



Newest figure wave images!
June 7, 2001 | 9:03 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Here is another group shot of the Duros wave. Thanks to LooseToon for the pic.

We at Yakface are proud to bring you images of the newest figures in the ongoing POTJ collection. Click below to view, and enjoy!
Entire wave/All 4
Ellorrs Madak – Front
Ellorrs Madak – Back
Bespin Guard – Front
Bespin Guard – Back
Ketwol – Front
Ketwol – Back
Sabe – Front
Sabe – Back



Entertainment Earth – June 2001
June 6, 2001 | 11:52 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth has some great stuff in stock over at there site. Check out the list of items below at really decent prices!
3 3/4 inch Power of the Jedi Collection 1 (Wave 11)
Item# 84445G – $89.99

Case Breakdown
2x Sandtrooper Tatooine Patrol, 2x Expanded Universe Obi-Wan Kenobi – Cold Weather Gear, 2x Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Training Gear, 2x Leia Bespin Escape, 2x Aurra Sing Bounty Hunter, 2x Chewbacca Millennium Falcon Mechanic
Action Collection 12″ Wedge & Biggs 2-Pack
Item# 57106, $19.99

100th 12″ Figure – Luke Skywalker
Item# 32437A, $34.99

SW Sith Lords 2-Pack
Item# 32438, $34.99

Check ’em on out, and let them know Yakface.com sent you!



More B-Wing Boxed Pics
June 6, 2001 | 5:58 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

If you want to see even more close up pictures of the B-Wing boxed you should go to this auction (Item #1604684385) on ebay



More on Kewtol & Dirty Biker Scout Findings
June 6, 2001 | 5:46 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Kewtol has shown up mostly in K-mart’s on the west coast in states like CA and CO. However, it is also showing up in the midwest as well. Also, the Dirty Biker Scout has shown up in the case assortment below. If you want to see a picture of the dirty Biker Scout please check out this link
2 x Dirty Scout Trooper
4 x Darth Maul (Sith Apprentice)
1 x Aurra Sing
1 x Chewbacca (Mechanic)
1 x Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Armor)
1 x Leia Organa (Bespin)
1 x Obi-Wan Kenobi (Cold Weather)
1 x Sandtrooper



Remember “The Phantom Edit”?
June 6, 2001 | 1:42 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Remember that “Phantom Edit” rumor that had surfaced some weeks back about someone taking “Episode I” and reworking it, rearranging scenes, and generally making the movie work better with a better pace than ol’ Mister Lucas, all of it being professionally done? That was a rumor, right? Wrong…
We at Yakface have secured a copy of this from, who will remain, an unnamed source for right now I will call “BD”. I have seen this film as of last night, and may I say, it does work better than the original. A few of the things that are visually apparent are the subtitles in place of the Neimoidians and Gungans language, their voices being completely altered to sound more “alien”, the complete deleting of all scenes involving midi-chlorians, Jar Jar’s personality has been changed, and there have been more establishing scenes added, (I.E. Coruscant, Droid control ship, Tatooine, and Naboo). Scenes have been moved, some of the silliness and comic releif has been removed and replaced with better descriptive dialogue… It’s nice, let me put it that way.
Now, what do we plan on doing with this? We’re still trying to figure out how to give our faithful readers a glimpse at this film, but between Adam, Mark, myself, and another gentleman I am in association with named Jim, we are going to put a page up highlighting all the different things within the film, and how it changes the feel of it all. So, all of our faithful Yak-readers, keep your eyes on this page for the next couple of weeks while we get all this stuff together! And, please, no requests for copies of this tape! I have received this under the strictest of confidence, so copies to the general public are out of the question! Unless you have something really good to bribe me with… (kidding, NO requests!)
UPDATE – A few fans have written in talking about being sued by the flanneled one for whatever reason for having a copy of this tape. Well, it seems that ol’ Georgie is a real sport about the whole situation! Check out this article over atTheForce.net for any worries about this. George is not quite the monster people think he can be. Jeanne Cole states “Lucasfilm aggressively pursues anyone involved with the unauthorized sale of our copyrighted materials,” she said. But she added that the company doesn’t pursue fans “as long as nobody crosses that line, either in bad taste or in profiting from the use of our characters.” George himself is actually interested in seeing another “editors” interpertation of the film. It’s just all in good fun. And let me be the first to say that Yakface.com will not profit from this one iota! We’re just, as always, interested in bringing the fans the absolute best in Star Wars news around the globe!



Looking To Get Dirty??
June 6, 2001 | 11:10 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well thanks to the report from Matthew Opal, he has found the Dirty Scout Trooper. He will be sending in a scan soon, so look for it later. He found them when he found the sandtrooper wave. So you might want to keep your eyes open when looking for new figures now.
Yakface.com is pleased to bring you the first look at the dirty Biker Scout. Again thanks to Matt for the images.

Carded Image
Close Up bubble shot



FAO Biggs 12″
June 6, 2001 | 10:06 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Still looking for the Biggs and Wedge 12″ 2-Pack, well FAO has it in stock still for $17.49, which is a great price.



June 6, 2001 | 5:24 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, our Q&A column, has been updated with a brand new installment. Enjoy!



Ketwol Wave Release Update
June 5, 2001 | 11:40 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

It appears that the Ketwol wave has been released. There are auctions on Ebay listing the Ketwol wave which report that they have it IN HAND. Patience everyone, from the news we’ve been reading for weeks these should be appearing everywhere. If you are able to find them, please write in so we can let your fellow collectors know where these new figures have surfaced.



Another Store to Find Sandtrooper
June 5, 2001 | 6:53 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

If you still need to find the Sandtrooper wave you might want to check out your local K-Mart. The Count wrote in to say the wave has shown up at a K-mart near him.
UPDATE:I’ve gotten other reports of the Sandtrooper being found in K-Marts all across the country. So keep your eyes open.



Sith Lord 2-Pack and 100th Luke Return!
June 5, 2001 | 6:47 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The awesome Star Wars Sith Lords 2-Pack (Item# 32438, $34.99)
and Star Wars 100th 12inch Figure – Luke Skywalker (Item# 32437A, $34.99) are now back in stock at a great new price at Entertainment Earth.



Another Palm Pic
June 5, 2001 | 5:50 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

SWkids.com has posted yet another Palm Talker picture this one is C-3PO, which will even have a silver leg.



TIE Bomber Prototype??
June 5, 2001 | 5:42 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

A German website called 4-inches has posted a picture of what they say is an early prototype of the TIE Bomber. The picture was given to them from the german “superstore” Merchandise Szepan. Wether this is real or not I don’t know.



New Wave On Its Way?!?!?
June 5, 2001 | 1:26 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Hey Yak-ers! I am getting a few isolated reports that the new Ketwo, Sabe, Duro, & Bespin Security Guard Wave is beginning to show up. Dave from Phoenix, Arizona says he found some at his local K-Mart. So please e-mail me if you see these waves showing up. I am going to go check out the shelves today and will let you know as well! Thanks!



Freeze Frame Weequay Part 2
June 5, 2001 | 5:29 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

We at Yakface.com do not want anyone to go ripping through the shelves looking for this figure. We believe this to be a false rumor. Weequay was one of the first freeze frame figures, the odds of them being around anywhere other than collectors or scalpers hands are not good at all. I would challenge anyone that has said they have found one to send me a scan of the receipt and figure. We do not want to give anyone false hope, this is one thing this hobby does NOT need.



FFURG’s June Casting Call
June 5, 2001 | 1:42 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


The latest Casting Call at the FFURG — (Forgotten Force Ultimate Resource Guide) — has gone up and features customs of Guri!

The current Casting Call for July is for customs of the Noghri, and any customizer can submit their creations by June 30, 2001.



Episode II, The ‘Net, & Lucas tidbits…
June 5, 2001 | 1:37 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

TheForce.net has an interesting tidbit on the Episode II trailer “A” I was discussing last week right here at Yak. It seems that Lucas has stated, in no uncertain terms, that the Episode II Trailer “A”, (being the first trailer for the movie), will be released around Thanksgiving. He is quoted by saying, “They always come out at Thanksgiving.”. So, there it is. No trailer will be attached to “Planet Of The Apes”.
Also, those who were interested in knowing what ol’Georgie thinks about the internet and all the Star Wars rumors that fly around, real and fake, click here to hop on over to Popcorn.com. Also, the tale of the missing “hijacked” Episode II filming footage that appeared on TheForce.net last week, then disappeared with no explaination can be read over at Popcorn.com in the same article.



The “Amidala without panties” misconception
June 5, 2001 | 12:16 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Folks, I’ve been getting a few more e-mails on this than I can believe, because I thought this rumor was filed in the can months ago. But, just as a recap, the official word from Hasbro on the “Queen Amidala – Theed Invasion” figure not wearing panties, and being able to look right up her dress, (won’t ask, don’t want to know….), and basically when will this “error” be corrected, was this; It is in fact not an error. She is supposed to appear to be wearing full female stockings under her dress. So, since there is no error, there is nothing to be corrected. I hope that clears the air for some over this common misconception. All the production runs of this figure are the same. No errors on the panties/no panties thing, nothing. All the same. There was also a rumor going that Hasbro was going to “correct” this with purple leggins. As of yet, myself, (John), has yet to see this. So, it stands as it is until someone sends me a scan of this “correction”.



Freeze Frame Weequay’s showing up?
June 5, 2001 | 12:03 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’ve heard from a couple sources that the coveted “Freeze Frame Weequay” figure is showing up in LIMITED QUANITIES, (as of now), across the U.S., mostly in California and New York state. A few people wrote directly to me about this, and a few others inquired, mentioning that they spent so much money on this when it was a super-hot item. That’s exactly why it was so much, it was “super-hot” I guess with all the sales and 2-for-1 offers the warehouses are down to bare bones, and the rest of the rest is coming out to make room for the impending Episode II toys in less than a year. So folks, keep your eyes open for this baby, and remember patience pays!



Store Reports Contest II Reminder
June 4, 2001 | 8:57 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Just a quick and friendly reminder Yak-ers to keep sending in your very awesome and informative store reports! Thanks to KEBCoToys.com we are giving away the very unique and elusive 12inch Darth Maul / Darth Vader 2 Pack! The contest ends next Monday, June 11th at 11:59 pm Mountain Standard time so get those entries in! Every store report submitted and posted gives you a chance to win! So get those Store Reports sent in today. And please don’t forget to visit our sponsor, KebCoToys.com! They have been very friendly to us and promise to keep sponsoring this cool new contest with great new prizes!



EE Customer Appreication Day
June 4, 2001 | 7:33 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

On Saturday June 16th Entertainment Earth will be holding Cusomter Appreciation Day at their warehouse.
Entertainment Earth, Inc. would like to thank their customers for their loyalty. Theya have temporarily converted a portion of their warehouse in order to offer a hands-on experience.
WHEN:Saturday, June 16, 2001
TIME:10:00 AM ­ 5:00 PM
Entertainment Earth
12730 Raymer Street, Suite #1
North Hollywood, California 91605



New Carded Figures
June 4, 2001 | 12:40 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

If you’d like to see some images of the new Ellors Madak the Duro and the carded Bespin Security Guard, hop on over to SirStevesGuide.com. He’s got images, albeit small images, of these hot new little guys carded. Look for these guys in July along with Ketwol and Sabe.



Q&A Monday
June 4, 2001 | 6:06 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, our (my) Q&A column, has been updated with the usual blah blah blah. What’s the deal with the green smock Ugnaught? What makes an exclusive an exclusive if it’s sold elsewhere? Where are my pants?

The answers to all these and more are in today’s edition of With Every Question For Justice.



Star Wars Statues for Cheap
June 3, 2001 | 1:52 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Currently M and M Collectibles has a new shipment of Star Wars busts by Greg Aronowitz. The prices are as follows:
Emperor Palpatine, Greedo – $59.95
Boba Fett – $89.95
Cantina Band Member, Tusken Raider – $69.95



This Week’s Ultarama Winner
June 3, 2001 | 10:41 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Congrats to Joe Wiles as he is this weeks winner of the Ultarama Stand from Mort Simpson. Thanks to Mort for giving these are here at Yakface.com, and remember if you have not entered just send in your name by clicking on the button on the right side of the page. One entry per person.



Rebelscum Back in Business!
June 2, 2001 | 3:54 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum.com is now back online and running smooth.



Amazon Deals
June 2, 2001 | 12:03 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are a couple of deals at Amazon.com
Lego MTT $29.99 (40% Off)
Episode I Monopoly $14.99 (63% Off)
Sith Probe Droid Game $9.99 (75% Off)
Use the code DEALMAYGREEN to get $5 OFF ($40 min. purchase, expires 06/03/01)



Entertainment Earth News
June 1, 2001 | 11:55 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

SW Sith Lords 2-Pack (Item# 32438, $34.99) http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=32438
SW 100th 12in Figure – Luke (Item# 32437A, $34.99) http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=32437A

Also, we are taking orders for Star Wars Compulsion Gallery items….



June 1, 2001 | 9:48 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

We regret to inform you that Rebelscum.com will be down for a couple of days. Seems some water covered some lines and knocked out a lot of companies. They are working to get back up and running. We will let you know if we hear more.

UPDATE: Rebelscum is back up and working.



Palm Talker Phrases 
June 1, 2001 | 9:37 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Listed below are the phrases that the upcoming POTJ Palm Talkers will say. Thanks to Troy for the news.
at least 5 different Artoo beeps/phrases
“Let the Wookiee win.” “I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations.” “We’re doomed.”
at least 5 different Wookiee grunts/phrases
Darth Vader
breathing, 2 different lightsaber sounds
blaster sound, “Move along.” “It’s them, blast ’em!” “Follow me.”
Boba Fett
“As you wish.” “And what if he doesn’t survive?” “He’s no good to me dead.”



Free Giveaway
June 1, 2001 | 9:35 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Geez you people want more free stuff? Well then go to
PegWarmer because they are currently holding a free giveaway for a Han Bespin and Comm Tech Stormtrooper. Two rare figures that I think everyone would like to get for free.



25% Off Real Stands
June 1, 2001 | 9:30 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Real Stands has exhausted their supply of free bonus stands but is now having a 25% off sale until June 25th when normal next-day shipping will resume.



Compulsion Statues PreOrder
June 1, 2001 | 9:26 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth is now taking preorders for the Compulsion Pewter SW statues.



Q&A: Friday
June 1, 2001 | 7:30 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been updated for Friday, so have a read and enjoy!



Electronics Boutique Info and 100th Luke 12″
June 1, 2001 | 2:17 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

That sounds a bit more realistic than $12.99. But, again, these are chain stores. If someone owns 30 stores in a chain, figures are going to be a bit less expensive than if someone only owns 1 store in a backwater mall. I digress….
Two; Electronics Boutique Online has the 100th Edition 12″ Luke action figure for sale for $34.99. Not too bad! You have to figure shipping into this equasion, but if you can’t find it, here’s your chance. Just go to EB from the link above and search for Star Wars. Thanks goes to “grayhank” for the tip-off!
UPDATE – Dustin from Rebelscum.com writes to me with this information;
“EB does price match. Me and a buddy found out on accident when we found the Lando wave there a few weeks ago! We were talking at the register and saying man I hate having to pay $7.99 a figure for these things here and the clerk asked how much we usually pay and from there we got the $5.88 Wal-mart price!”
Good tip-off, thanks Dustin! Hey, it never hurts to ask.

May 2001 Archive

Upcoming POTJ in Canada
May 31, 2001 | 9:55 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Torrynn for the following news.
“TRU Canada will be getting the exclusive TIE Interceptor for $39.99! Expect to see this item in August in Canada.
Also, the Palm Talkers will be $14.99 and are due in July.”



Found! Unproduced 12 Inch Ody Mandrell Head
May 31, 2001 | 8:38 PM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

I just added a glimpse of the unproduced 12 inch Ody Mandrell into the prototypes section under the 12″ Figures section. Even though it’s only the head, it gives collectors of the 12 inch figures a chance to see what might have been, had the figure actually gotten the green light to be put into production.
Help is on the way so updates should start to happen regularly soon. A lot has to be added so hopefully the site will get caught up very quickly.



TRU Discounts Not Nationwide?
May 31, 2001 | 1:44 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Not according to Robert W. who did a little research on his own about this. He writes;

“I talked to 2 store directors in 2 states, Louisiana and Texas, and
here’s the lowdown. Only count on 1% or less of TRU ahving these kinds of super sales. They aren’t a nationwide sale and are instead a sale that is initiated by a particular store director who is willing to take a loss on inventory in order to make room from new stuff. Very few directors are willing to do this, particularly on Star Wars items, which, while they warm the pegs, do have daily sales at almost every store. As a result, both directors said to expect maybe 1 in 100 stores to do this kind of sale.”

So, I guess that myself and the few others that wrote me were the lucky ones. Thanks again to “Robert W.” for this information!



Freeze Chambers Almost Gone At Fan Club
May 31, 2001 | 1:30 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Today, the Star Wars Fan Club, run by WotC writes;

“Carbon-Freezing Chamber Action Playset: Get at Least One Before It’s Gone!
The Carbon-Freezing Chamber Action Playset is available NOW . . . and it is selling out fast! Exclusively available at the Official Star Wars Fan Club, the Carbon-Freezing Chamber is the most sought-after collectible of the year. And, contrary to unofficial reports, we actually do have all remaining units of this never to be produced again product (only a couple thousand units were originally sold in Europe/Asia.)
The Carbon-Freezing Chamber features realistic movie styling, including anexclusive Bespin security guard, a block of carbonite that actually opens, a detention chamber, and more.
Hurry, they won’t last much longer! Get Yours NOW!

Sounds pretty finite. If you have been putting off ordering this thing, it’s either WotC now, or scalpers later. Jump on over and grab this thing. It’s a nicely constructed playset, and the figure I’ll give a 6 out of 10.



B-Wing in the Summer?
May 30, 2001 | 5:50 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

AmericanDreamComics is reporting that the B-Wing won’t be due out until at least July and will have a price of $39.99.



Q&A: Wednesday
May 30, 2001 | 8:13 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice was out for Memorial Day, but it’s back now with the usual batch of inquiries and responses. Check ‘er out!



Episode II Trailer Already? Part 2
May 30, 2001 | 1:25 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’m not going to make a huge deal out of this, but Yakface reader “AZincJr” writes to remind me of what I will call, for now, a rumor that was circulating a couple months back when the movie “Planet Of The Apes” was in post-production. I had heard, in more than one place, that the Episode II trailer “A” may be attached to this film. Now, it would be about the correct time frame, taking into consideration that Episode I’s trailer “A” fell around this period in 1998, they are both 20th Century Fox films, and they are both in basically the same film genre. This is not definite in any way, but it seems like a good bet. The “Planet Of The Apes” release date is July 27th, 2001, so I guess we’ll all have to wait, (and hope) until then.
UPDATE – I stand corrected. For some reason I was thinking that the Episode I trailer “A” came out in August 1998, but, it was in fact late October/early November. So, like I said, no big deal on this. We’re just going to have to wait and see. Thanks to “LkEriMnstr” for the correction.



TRU Blowout on Older Star Wars Toys
May 30, 2001 | 1:12 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

It seems that TRU is following the recent ways of Kay-Bee, but instead of 2 for 1, the prices are just dropping rediculously low. I’ve had several reports of certain figures (especially the soft-goods wave) being a mere 50 cents, the FX figures going for 90 cents, the 2 Pod Racers being $3.90, and the Royal Starship dropping to a mere $29.90. Doing my typical research, I stopped at the TRU in Phillipsburg, NJ, and low and behold some of the above-mentioned figures were in fact marked with that huge red-tag mark-down sticker. So folks, check around. These are some good prices surfacing, and once they’re gone, they’re gone. Then, if you missed them, it’s e-Bay time. Thanks to “Capt Dude” and the others for the tip-off!



Overpriced at Electronics Boutique
May 30, 2001 | 1:05 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Phillip N. writes to let me know that he has found the Sandtrooper wave at an Electronics Boutique in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and at a Walmart in Philadelphia. That’s not the reason for this post, however. He informed me that the EB was selling the figures for $12.99 each! Geez, isn’t that on the fringe of scalper prices? I know when you order less cases the price is going to be a little higher, but I’d just as soon see them not carry POTJ’s than sell them for that! Just my editorialized opinion.



Episode II Wallpaper!
May 30, 2001 | 12:03 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Finally, something official for Episode II from StarWars.com that’s actually downloadable and fun, (besides cryptic pictures and behind the scenes stuff). They have six really nicely done wallpapers, in a variety of screen sizes, that associate Episode II with the original trilogy. Here’s the direct link to the wallpaper page. Have fun!



Store Reports Contest II
May 29, 2001 | 11:25 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Well fellow hunters and reporters! It’s time again to have yet another fun and easy to win Store Reports Contest! Sponsored yet again by the very loyal to Yakface.com, KEBCoToys.com! This time we are giving away the very unique and elusive 12inch Darth Maul / Darth Vader 2 Pack! The Contest will begin starting with entries recieved as of Monday, May 28th and end with the last qualified entries being recieved on Monday, June 11th! Any person who submits a store report is automatically entered to win the cool 12inch 2 Pack! So get those Store Reports sent in today. And please don’t forget to visit our sponsor, KebCoToys.com! They have been very friendly to us and promise to keep sponsoring this cool new contest!

P.S. TheFly from Redmond/Bellvue, WA please e-mail me to claim your prize. If I don’t recieve your address via e-mail by Friday I will be awarding the prize to another Store Reporter. Thanks!



Another Palm Talker Pic
May 29, 2001 | 10:42 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

SWkids.com has posted yet another new Palm Talker picture this one is the Stormtrooper.



New Sandtrooper Case Assortment?
May 29, 2001 | 4:44 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Sithkiss writes in with this odd find at Wal-Mart over the weekend.
A case of the Sandtrooer wave but the assortment was as following: ususal- 2 Aurra Sing, 2 Chewie- mech, 2 Leia (B E), 2 Qui-Gon -training, 4 Sandtroopers and no Obi-Wan Cold Weather Gear.

This is the first I have heard of a case with no Obi-Wan. It could just be a packaging mistake or a new assortment. Has anyone else found a case with this lineup?
UPDATE: I’ve gotten several other reports of people finding this case as well. It looks like it is out there but not in large numbers.



Palm Talkers in Tokyo
May 29, 2001 | 4:35 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Stacy for the following news.

The new POTJ Palm Talkers have been found at TRU in Tokyo. The following parts of the Palm Talkers light up: Boba Fett – blaster, Chewie – bowcaster, Stormtrooper – blaster, Darth Vader – lightsaber and C-3PO – eyes.
Also, the Darth Vader doesn’t have any speaking lines – it’s just his breathing and what sounds like grunting noises during a lightsaber duel.



Episode II trailer already?
May 29, 2001 | 1:29 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Absolutely NOT! I’ve been getting a few e-mails saying that the official trailer has been released, which would be a “Trailer A”, before the movie Pearl Harbor. Just to snuff this rumor now, this is just not true. When an official trailer is released, it will be reported on StarWars.com and loads of other internet Star Wars sites, like ours. I dug into this rumor because I want to see this as bad as anyone else, even if it was just a teaser trailer. One reader who claimed they had actually seen this alleged trailer pointed me towards a program called Morpheus, which is run by Music City, and what I came up with was the old fan-made trailer available in the fan-films section of TheForce.net, being listed as “the real thing”. This is how misinformation starts! So, no, there is no official Episode II trailer yet. Maybe towards the last 1/4 of the year, but it’s still too early. So, if you write to me to tell me I’m wrong, please send proof. (I.E. Video).



Another Sandtrooper Error!
May 28, 2001 | 7:07 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yes, folks. Quality control? Makes you wonder. This scan was sent in by our Yakface reader “Hamlet M.”, and, yes, it’s another Sandtrooper error. This figure has his backpack, but it appears to be unpainted, or moreover, missing all detailing. Anyone else find this one out in the stores? Click here to view this error. Thanks again to “Hamlet M.” for the scan!

UPDATE – Odd, but I keep getting strange e-mails from all over the country about all kinds of paint errors on this whole wave of figures. Most of them don’t have included scans, which in the case of our page constitutes proof. So, if you have an error concerning this wave, send a scan with your e-mail. Now, my point being here’s another missing paint job. In this case, however, it’s Qui-Gon Jedi Training. It appears that they never painted the details on his left boot. Click here to see the pic. Thanks to “Shayster420” for the scan! I just can’t believe how Hasbro is paying so little attention to such a big license! Or are us fans screaming so loud for more figures that Hasbro is just push-producing these things to the point of errors of this sort?



Sith Lord 12″ 2-pack $20?
May 28, 2001 | 11:04 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

“gigacrumb” sends me the information that, at their local TRU, the Sith Lords 12″ 2-pack, which includes the 12″ scale break apart Darth Maul, and the Darth Vader with Removable Helmet, are scanning for $19.96. I’ve checked at my local TRU, and this has yet to happen there. Also, along with that news, Sidster, from TheJawa.com also reports an e-mail to him stating the same, as well as the 12″ scale Dewback and Sandtrooper being marked down to $50. Is this going to be imminent at all TRU’s, or just a few? I wonder. If you’ve seen these discounts as well, send me an e-mail and let me know how much, and what state/area you hail from. Thanks!



Happy Memorial Day!
May 28, 2001 | 10:47 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yakface.com would like to wish everyone out there a safe and happy Memorial Day! It’s a day when we must remember all of our family members and true-life heroes that died to keep America free so we can have all the freedom to enjoy what we want to enjoy, Star Wars included. So, drive carefully and sober, eat loads of burgers and weenies, and watch that arm hair over the charcoal brickettes…



FAO still has deep discounts…
May 28, 2001 | 10:30 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Fao Schwarz.com still has the online discounts happening for all of us who needs the stuff! The Biggs/Wedge 12″ 2-pack is at a standstill at $17.49, the Fambaa is back in stock at 1/2 price, being $37.50, and if you really want them, the set of 6 Episode I Beanie Buddies are on closeout for $15 for the entire set. If you need the Fambaa or 12″ Biggs/Wedge, head on over. They’ve been holding out, but not forever! Thanks to Aaron B. for the reminder.



Star Wars RPG interview
May 27, 2001 | 2:20 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Gamespot.com has an interview with Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, two of the game producers/designers over at Bioware for the Star Wars RPG game slated for 2002. Quite an informative interview with lots of information about the game itself. Check it out here.



Sandtrooper error?
May 27, 2001 | 1:07 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Hasbro seems to have done it again! I received 2 e-mails, one from from “dewback41”, and one from “ChuckMc”, (who kindly sent us this scan, thanks!), of an alleged error. If it was just from one area, I would have thought no more about it, but with 2 reports, I’m curious if anyone else has seen it or picked one up. It’s the new POTJ Sandtrooper missing his backpack! Click here to see this crazy trooper.



Heads up! Episode II Preview 
May 26, 2001 | 11:58 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Monday night on Access Hollywood there will be a preview of Episode II. Not toy news, but I’m sure everyone would want to know about this, and I figured since I’ve been tossing in various non-spoiler news, why not? According to “Jon” who wrote me about this, the commercial showed a shot of Obi-Wan piloting a ship against a bluescreen, and they promise an interview with Ewan McGregor about the upcoming prequel sequel. Check your local listings for air-times! Thanks to “Jon” for the tip!



Gungan/Destroyer Droid 2 Packs and Original Carbon Freeze Slab
May 26, 2001 | 9:52 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Sidster over at The Jawa has posted some pics of yet another of the two packs which were supposed to follow the Sith Masters 2 pack. Many of you have seen the photos of the Qui Gon and Battle Droid 2 pack with special effects (which Sidster has also posted) on the net before, but he has added pics of a Jar Jar versus Destroyer 2 pack which is nothing short of incredible.

There are also photos of the original carbon freeze block which was supposed to come with the carbon freeze playet. Instead of the silver spandex we all got from the Fan Club, this one is black latex.

Check it out here



Qui-Gon Force File error 
May 26, 2001 | 1:07 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Thanks goes to “Bobbotheclown” who writes to me this morning informing me that the new training Qui-Gon has an error on the Force File insert. The card, instead of reading “sparring”, reads “sparing” in the sentance, “Qui-Gon often wears his training gear for protection when sparing with his trainee.” Quality and editorial control anyone?
UPDATE – More than one person caught this! Yes, I spelled sentence wrong on purpose. A little dry humor. I figured, hey, if Hasbro can do it, so can I, right? I won’t do it again, I promiss.



Wanna Trade?
May 26, 2001 | 8:57 AM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

Hello –

I’m looking for Star Wars LEGO promotional materials – anything really, and I have a whole slew of Hasbro products that I’d be willing to discuss trading for it. So if you have a ‘Guess the Bricks’ R2, the ’99 LEGO Toy Fair invite, posters, shelf tags, the UCS X-Wing promo or anything else, let me know.



EToys Bought By KBKids.com
May 26, 2001 | 8:47 AM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

This email was received by ‘Dex1138′:

Dear KBkids.com Customer,

Because you’re a loyal KBkids.com customer, we wanted to let you know about some exciting news right away. KB Toys and KBkids.com recently purchased most of eToys’ inventory, its proprietary software, its name and trademarks, and its Web site address. We will continue to do business as KBkids.com.

We’re excited about acquiring the proprietary software that created the award-winning eToys shopping experience. Expect to find the best of eToys and KBkids.com right here. Over the next few months, look for more specialty and educational toys as well as special features like Birthday Reminders, a gift registry feature called Wish List, and Gift Wrap.

You’ll continue to find Surprise of the Day, Deal of the Week, plus the great toys, hard-to-find collectibles, outlet items and newly released video games you love at KBkids.com.

We’re excited about this new venture – we hope you are, too!

What does this mean? The overpriced KBKids.com now has a bigger inventory! Yippee!



More Palm Talker News
May 25, 2001 | 9:48 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

SWKids.com has a new image of the Chewie Palm Talker and confirms its bowcaster will light up as well. I guess this means they all will all light up in some manner.



POTJ at Wal-Mart.com
May 25, 2001 | 9:24 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Wal-mart.com currently has the 12″ Bounty Hunters, 300th Fett and several other 12″ POTJ figures in stock.



Sandtrooper Wave In Stock
May 25, 2001 | 9:22 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth has the Sandtrooper Wave and 12″ Wedge/Biggs 2 pack in stock.



Damaged Snowspeeder
May 25, 2001 | 2:42 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Daniel wrote in to ask if the snowspeerder was going to have Dack built into the cockpit or be a standalone figure. I emailed Andy as he has confirmed that the figure will be a stand alone figure. Thanks for the question and thanks to Andy for the fast turn around.



New trio getting easier to find
May 25, 2001 | 12:53 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’ve been getting intermitent reports for the last week that the Sandtrooper wave is showing up in more abundance across the nation. Though I haven’t found them yet, I’ve been hearing that they’ve been showing up in more remote area that usually complain that they’re last to see anything, and sadly, they’re usually right. It all depends on distribution, and per chance as to where the new cases ship first. So, young Jedi, keep your sensorscopes on, keep checking, and don’t pay scalper prices! Patience pays.



300th Fett in stock at M&M Collectibles
May 25, 2001 | 12:45 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yup, it’s in stock again for $11.99. If you need it, click on over to M&M Collectibles and tell them Yakface.com sent you!



“A New Hope” turns 24
May 25, 2001 | 12:42 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

It’s hard to beleive that it’s been that long since I first sat in a theater as a child, and was mezmerized by this incredible film. Since then the world has changed a lot, but one thing remains; Our love of the original trilogy. We’ve been through 6 US presidents, 4 decades, and loads of merchandising, and we still hold dear to us that “Galaxy Far Away”. Thanks to Shaun S. for the reminder. So, happy birthday Star Wars, and thanks to George for building the “playground”.



Q&A: Weekend Helping
May 25, 2001 | 5:14 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been updated for the weekend, so read and enjoy!



B-Wing Pilot Changes
May 25, 2001 | 5:02 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Reader Eric sent us a note today explaining that the B-Wing Fighter Pilot coming with the new vehicle and the Ten Nunb figure available for $10 at toy clearance centers everywhere. Unfortunately, it’s a minor change– the gloves are going from a matte off-white to a glossy black. Other than that, both versions look similar if not identical.



12″ Darth Maul with Speeder around again
May 25, 2001 | 1:35 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I was written by a couple people telling me that the 12″ Darth Maul with his trusty Sith Speeder has been rearing his black and red head at Wal-Mart again. If you still need this guy, keep an eye out, as I have seen them as well, (about 20 of them), at my local Wal-Mart. Being an exclusive, however, I wouldn’t wait if you see him and want him. This may be the last shot of these for good.



Sci-Fi Expos coming up!
May 25, 2001 | 1:27 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Here are a couple of Sci-Fi/Toy shows coming up. If they’re in your area, check ’em out;
Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show
June 15-16, Grapevine Convention Center: Grapevine Tx
Special Star Wars guests:
Shannon Baksa – Mara Jade
Jeremy Bulloch – Boba Fett
Peter Mayhew – Chewbacca
Mike Quinn – Nien Numb

Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show
June 30-01, Shreveport Expo Hall Shreveport, La
Special Star Wars guests:
Michonne Bourriague – Aurra Sing
Jeremy Bulloch – Boba Fett
Peter Mayhew – Chewbacca
Alan Ruscoe (1st US appearance) Episode 1 & 2 Plo Koon, Bib Fortuna plus even more characters!
Mike Quinn – Nien Numb, and also appearing
The official Back to the Future website presenting in his first convention appearance, Back To The Future Trilogy villian… Tom Wilson (Bif, Griff, and Mad Dog Tannen).

For more information, check out SciFiExpo.com. Thanks to Ben S. for the information.

UPDATE-The Louisiana show is being reported by TheForce.net as being sponsored by Hasbro, and supposedly there will be new toys showcased there that have never been seen before. Anyone going that can grab some pics if this is, in fact, the case?



Tie Bomber and “Crashed” Snow Speeder Officially Announced
May 24, 2001 | 9:31 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Official Site has just posted that we can look forward to both a TIE BOMBER and a crashed snowspeeder. The Tie Bomber will have a new pilot with articulated knees and it appears that the snow speeder will come with both a new luke pilot and DACK. Read the full article here.

Thanks to Brian for the headsup.



Yoda in Carbonite
May 24, 2001 | 9:02 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Ask Models a British online store currently has a Resin statue of Yoda frozen in a carbonite block for £ 26. A very interesting piece to add to your collection. Thanks to Jonathan Pagaduan for the news.



So You Want a Death Star?
May 24, 2001 | 8:51 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

Why don’t you build it yourself? FBTB is very proud to bring you the latest LEGO creation from Robert Martin – a five level Death Star playset, complete with working trash compactor and working turbolift!



Hasbro to show new toys??
May 24, 2001 | 5:17 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show June 30-01, Shreveport Expo Hall Shreveport, LA Hasbro will be displaying upcoming never shown Star Wars toys, and they promise that their convention give-away will be even cooler than last years 6′ autographed Naboo Fighter. Thanks to Ben for the news. If anyone is going and would like to snap a few pictures of what Hasbro has for me it would be greatly appreciated.



More B-wing Pics
May 24, 2001 | 5:07 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

On Ebay there is an auction of B-Wing Sample which features a lot of new images of the B-Wing loose. (Item 1600598734)



Shuttle Information
May 24, 2001 | 10:18 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

I have been reading up on the posts about the shuttle from various sites and would like to comment about this, as I have been in talks with Hasbro about this very vehicle. As many of you remember Yakface.com originated the petitions for vintage vehilces. At that time Yakface.com petitioned for the Skiff and thanks to many thousands of readers (well over 18,000 names) we were ALL able to convince Hasbro to make the skiff and have since seen many new ones. However, I spoke to Hasbro two weeks ago and asked about running another petition for the shuttle. I was told then that the design teams are looking into making one, although nothing has been confirmed. Then I saw these posts, so I once again asked Hasbro about the validity of these posts.

Here is the reply from Hasbro.

Hasbro has NOT confirmed any such vehicle, and in no way is this vehicle a done deal. Our exclusives group has discussed this along with a thousand other ideas, and that’s it. If it ever did come out, it would almost have to be an exclsuive at that price point.
It’s disappointing to see information like this get out there since it may only get fans’ hopes up for something that may not be feasible or possible at this point. To be clear, in no way is this vehicle

I am very thankful for Hasbro to step up to the plate and squash this rumor before it has gotten out of hand. I also agree with the statement that it is unfair to the fans to hear these rumors and get our hopes up (although I know that while each site tries to scoop the other these things happen). Yakface.com will continue with Hasbro until we can get this ship confirmed. Yakface.com is sure that with the help of all the fans and the other websites we can get it made. As soon as we have a confirmed answer on this as to whether they are going to make it or not. We will post it ASAP.



E3’s “Jedi Knight II” clips 
May 24, 2001 | 2:17 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Jediknight.net has posted five different clips from the new “Jedi Knight II” game from E3. Drop on over and check them out, they look pretty sweet! Thanks to Franktrooper for the heads-up.



R2-B1 and TC-14 showing up again
May 24, 2001 | 1:53 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Charles N. writes in to tell us that these are showing up again in Southern California, and for a small price of $1.97 each. How many cases of this type of short-production-figures can show up from these warehouses? Or maybe it was just a case anomoly. Either way, keep your eyes peeled ladies and gents.



Sandtroopers invade Utah
May 24, 2001 | 1:47 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Well, not really invade, but Robert G. found them in his local Target in Bountiful, Utah today. It seems these are finally starting to make their way around. Now, someone tell these little guys to catch a bus to Pennsylvania…



Good Fan Club Support
May 23, 2001 | 10:36 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Robert for the following news.
“I received a email from the Fan Club regarding the damaged Freeze-Chambers I received. Also, they allowed me to reorder the items with no additional shipping charges and return the others for full credit when I receive the new ones.”
I know a lot of people have been receiving damaged playsets so I would imagine anyone can do the same.



New X-Wing Model
May 23, 2001 | 5:24 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

HLJ has an interesting article with pictures on a new X-Wing model that will be coming out of Japan. It is made by Fine Molds and is very detailed. Also, a new TIE Fighter model will be coming out as well. Thanks to Edward for the news.
UPDATE:The cost in Japan will be 3000 yen which converts to $25 US. Thanks to Cliff for the news.



Hayden interview on “Extra”
May 23, 2001 | 1:15 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Many of you may know that Hayden Christensen was on the half-hour entertainment news show “Extra” Monday night talking a little about Episode II. Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that TheForce.net now has the interview available for download. It’s about 10 megs and in quicktime format. If you missed it on TV, here’s your chance to see it.



Palitoy questions? They’ve got answers!
May 23, 2001 | 12:28 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Ok, most of us know about the vintage series variations in the U.S.A., but did you ever wonder about other parts of the world? I recently ran across this excellent, very comprehensive site called Palitoy.com that highlights the vintage figures in a light that most of us westerners have never had the opportunity to see. Like I said, it’s got a very comprehensive listing of the European/UK Star Wars toys created in the vintage era, variations, card backs, catalogs, and so much more. Check them out!



Episode II exactly one year away!
May 23, 2001 | 12:01 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

If old Georgie sticks to his previous itinerary, Episode II should be hitting theaters on May 22, 2002. (Ironic with it being Episode 2, that it’s May 222002, huh?) That would make the next Toy Blitz probably fall around May 5th, 2002. If there are any Toy Store managers out there that are “in the know”, or even for a good speculation, e-mail me just for fun. We’re down to months, folks, not years!



POTJ at KayBee in the sale!
May 23, 2001 | 11:52 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’ve been getting alot of reports that people that tried to purchase the POTJ figures under KayBee’s buy-one-get-one-free sale were successful. So, go get those collection fillers!



New Bespin Luke Figure Image
May 23, 2001 | 7:25 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Stan sent us the following note:

“This is the mock up from the CD ROM series that was planned (shown a while back standing on top of Blue a CD) . Gives you an idea of what Hasbro had/has in store.”

Thanks much, Stan!
UPDATE: This figure is most likely a custom. Sorry for the confusion.



Q&A Wednesday Update
May 23, 2001 | 7:21 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been updated with questions and answers, as per usual. It tastes great with a donut.



Store Reports Contest Winner!!!
May 22, 2001 | 11:43 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Congratulations go out to TheFly of Redmond/Bellvue, Washington. Our first ever winner of our first ever Store Reports Contest. If TheFly could please e-mail me with your address so our Contest Sponsor, KebCoToys can get that nice 300th Boba Fett (First Version) out to you A.S.A.P.! Please look for information this weekend on our next 2-Week Store Reports Contest! Have A Great Star-Wars Filled Weekend. And keep sending in those reports as it seems the hunts are on again for those new figures!



POTJ Prototypes
May 22, 2001 | 6:21 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Two prototypes of new POTJ figures have shown up on Ebay. Item #1600132903- Cold Weather Obi Wan and Item #1600136923- Tessek



Sandtrooper Wave Soon
May 22, 2001 | 5:39 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth is expecting the Sandtrooper Wave Case (Item# 84445G, $89.99) to arrive and begin shipping on Wednesday, May 23, 2001. All backorders placed as of May 21, 2001 will be filled.



TIE Interceptor Pics
May 22, 2001 | 5:27 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars has posted boxed images of the upcoming TRU exclusive TIE Interceptor.



May 22, 2001 | 5:20 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well, many of you may have noticed that this URL has not been working lately. I did not renew the URL subscription price. I originally opened that URL because of the troubles we were having with yakface.com when we moved servers. The yakfacesrealm.com has been taken over by a NOT SO FRIENDLY site and I would not suggest that you use it anymore if you are under the age of 18. It was brought to my attention today, so I thought I would let you know that it has nothing to do with our site anymore.



Ultarama Winner
May 21, 2001 | 6:28 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Congrats to this weeks winner Kris Maxx who is the lucky winner of this weeks Ultarama Display. And a special thanks once again to Mort for giving away these displays to readers of yakface.com. If you have entered, your name is already in the list (no need to enter again, once is all that it takes), if you have not, then send in your name.



Free Real Stands
May 21, 2001 | 5:41 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Real-Stands is still holding a free stand bonus. If you place an order for 1 to 4 sets (each set contains 5 action figure stands) and receive 1 additional set as a free bonus; order from 5 to 9 sets, and get 2 sets free; order 10 to 19 sets, get 3 sets free; order 20 or more sets, get 4 sets free.



Carbon Freeze Chamber now available to all
May 21, 2001 | 12:44 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Just a reminder that the Carbon Freeze Chamber is now available to everyone, not just Fan Club members, as of this morning. To order call 1-800-TRUE-FAN, or visit their website, swfan.wizards.com. Thanks to Robert L. for the reminder!



Q&A: It’s That Time Again
May 21, 2001 | 8:15 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

It’s Monday, so 10 more questions have been posted to With Every Question for Justice. Be sure to send in your questions for the next update!



Episode II footage online!
May 21, 2001 | 1:32 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I know we usually report Star Wars collecting news, heavy on the Hasbro, but this was too good to pass up. Yes, it’s true! A full-on 1 minute and 20 second helping of Episode II over at TheForce.net. It is a scene during the actual filming of the movie with our favorite Master and Padawan against a blue screen, and it is AWESOME. So, if you’re not allergic to “spoilers”, go there now! The download is just over 3 megs, and is a Quicktime file. This will really whet your appetite for what is to come!
UPDATE – Like I figured, not unlike the storyboards, the footage has been removed. If you got it, consider yourself amongst one of the lucky ones.
UPDATE II – Seems this little trick even made the news. Check out the article here.



Don’t forget, Kay-Bee starts sale today…
May 21, 2001 | 12:57 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Just a little reminder of what was reported here earlier last week. For all of us out there that have been putting off getting that certain older Star Wars item waiting for it to come down in price, this week is the week to fill those collection holes. Kay-Bee and Toy Works starts that “buy-one-get-one-free” deal today, May 21st, on all their older Star Wars merchandise. I would imagine they’ll be excluding POTJ figures, but you never know. So get out there and buy some army builders, some common-as-mud cinema scenes, custom figure fodder, line them up under your coffee table and make your house pet nervous… I don’t care what it is! Just empty those shelves off, boys and girls! Then maybe we’ll see a wave at Kay-Bee and Toy Works newer than the 8D8 Freeze Frame case assortment!



Looking For Books?
May 20, 2001 | 8:19 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

A1Books.com – Making Knowledge Affordable since 1995 … A1Books carries over 700,000 titles. 24 hour shipping. Best Prices! Check them out.
UPDATE:Yes, they have a SW section and good prices as well.



Tidbit on Palm Talkers
May 20, 2001 | 5:27 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The upcoming Palm Talker Boba Fett will also have a light-up blaster along with being able to talk. If Fett can light up it is possible the others will have similar features. Also, if you want to see another loose picture of the Fett Palm Talker head over to SW Kids.



Sandtrooper wave at Wal-mart
May 20, 2001 | 12:01 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Reports are starting to come in about the Sandtrooper wave being found at Wal-mart. Reports are from various states and not limited to one section of the country. Thanks to everyone that wrote in.



Tatooine Patrol Sandrooper error?
May 20, 2001 | 1:50 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’ve had a couple people write to me in the past couple days (knowing that I’m an open-figure variation freak) about the new Sandtrooper – Tatooine Patrol, and a potential error. The first one I dismissed as an paint screw up, but now 3 people have written, and this could be an honest to goodness variation/error to hunt for. It seem that, right above the Sandtrooper’s eyes in the helmet, there should be a black band around the whole head. On some of these figures, it’s being found that this black band is missing. Interesting. If you have the actual error figure, toss a scan my way via e-mail and I’ll post it. Anyone else find this?



Pennsylvania Star Wars Collecting Society
May 20, 2001 | 1:34 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

With the mention of the new Philadelphia Collectors’ Club, Bill of the Pennsylvania Star Wars Collecting Society wanted me to remind you they are still around, and going strong with a member count of over 100 now! PSWCS is dedicated to enhancing the collecting experiences of Pennsylvania Star Wars collectors and have created this network to facilitate collecting needs, share information, and socialize. They’re open to all collectors who currently live in Pennsylvania or have significant ties to Pennsylvania. So if you’re in PA, or just curious, check out their website!



Fett #300 at Figuresandtoys.com
May 20, 2001 | 1:29 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Figuresandtoys.com Have received over 100 cases of the Boba Fett 300th’s. Most of them are version ..0200 and they are just $14.99
Mention Yakface.com when you order and receive free shipping on orders over $50.00 (US AND CANADA ONLY). International Customers will get 10% off your entire order!



Canadian Site Back Up
May 19, 2001 | 4:37 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Dark Side Collector a Canadian SW collecting site is back up and running. If you live in Canada and need more collecting news you may want to check it out.



Calling all Philadelphia Star Wars Collectors!!!
May 19, 2001 | 10:00 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Chuck from Philadelphia, PA writes today asking that I send an alert out to all Philadelphia area Star Wars collectors that he and a friend are starting a Philadelphia area Star Wars Collector’s Club. It’s just in it’s preliminary stages right now, but if you’re in that area, and interested, (which one of us wouldn’t be, right?), make sure to contact him atvadersclub@aol.com. Good luck fellas!



Bootlegtoys.com gets even better!
May 19, 2001 | 2:21 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Man, I just got a letter from Chris Doyle over at Bootlegtoys.com to let me know that the site has been updated and revamped. If you haven’t visited this site yet, DO IT! This guy has a complete comprehensive, exhaustive review of all toys that are Star Wars, (including loads of pictures), but not licensed. I can’t say enough about his work, it’s terrific. There are also loads of other toys highlighted, so head on over by clicking here. If you visit one site today, make it this one! Good job, Chris!



“The Phantom Edit” NOT the work of Kevin Smith
May 19, 2001 | 2:20 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’ve gotten a load of feedback on the post we did here earlier today on The Phantom Edit, that crazy tape that’s been making its’ way around Hollywood, that allegedly fleshes out the movie better. I’ve gotten a lot of e-mail, but the ones that put it the best was Brad and Chris. They write;
“Just a quick word about that news that’s appearing on TheForce.Net today (and has resulted in no less than 50 e-mails at least in the inbox today) regarding the Star Wars Episode 1.1: The Phantom Edit . Apparently, a mysterious video cassette containing a re-edited version of George Lucas’ “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace” has started circulating around Hollywood. Why is this relevant here, do you ask? Well, folks are theorizing that the tape itself may have been a project of Kevin Smith’s.
We contacted Kevin about this immediately, who assures us that while he’s had nothing to do with the project, he HAS seen a copy and can confirm that is does exist. Interesting.”
So, there you have it. If Kevin’s not involved, maybe it was an inside job. Who knows? Again, if anyone has anymore information, or a copy of this that they’d want to pass on to us at Yakface.com, let me know by clicking here. This is getting better by the moment….



No kidding, Jar Jar’s showing up everywhere!
May 19, 2001 | 2:13 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

It seems that the earlier post I made is coming true already. I have been getting loads of reports that the Swimming Jar Jar has been showing up all over the country in full force, along with the Soft Goods wave included in the same case assortment! Most of the reports are coming from California, and the Arizona region, but I’ve also had reports from the east coast as well. Most of them are showing up at TRU in the (GULP) bargain bins, (where they toss all the figures in a big mesh bin), and a few Wal-Marts. So weekend warriors, keep your eyes peeled for those figures, because they are out there.

UPDATE – This just in from TRU warehouse worker Ed;
“The local warehouse for the southern California area has 41,000 plus 20,000 units on order. They just shipped out about 20,000 units. Just came back from the local store and they put out about 12 cases within the past 30 minutes…all Swimming Jar Jar cases. They got 40 cases in stock.”



Store Reports Contest Reminder
May 19, 2001 | 12:11 AM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Hey Yak-ers! Don’t Forget that our store reports contest ends on Monday, May 21st. So get those reports in now for your chance to win a 300th Boba Fett (First Version) absolutely free thanks to KEBCoToys.com! We’ve had a lot of entries sent in but increase your chances to win! Please make sure though that your reports are valid and usually about new items or harder to find items! Thanks!



LucasArts Cannot be Stopped
May 18, 2001 | 9:20 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

LucasArts announced another 2 games at the E3 game show. The first is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republicwhich is a RPG set thousands of years before the SW movies. It is due for a late 2002 release on the PC.
Also, they announced that SW:Starfighter will be coming to the PC. This is the 9th game LucasArts has announced this month and there aren’t even any Ep II games that have been announced. This is incredible. Thanks to George for the news.



Looking For PS2 Star Wars Games…..
May 18, 2001 | 5:24 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Amazon.com has them in stock..
Star Wars Bombad Racing $49.99
Star Wars Starfighter $49.99
And here is a coupon for you to get $5 off a $40 order, just use DEALMAYPAPER as it is good until 5/20/01



KB Toys buys the eToys name
May 18, 2001 | 5:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

KB Toys has now acquired the rights to the name eToys. Earlier KB had bought the remaining eToys inventory. Does this mean KB plans on reviving eToys in some way or do they have something else in mind? Go to MSNBC to read the rest of the article.



The Phantom Menace Version 1.1
May 18, 2001 | 2:00 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

VFXPro is reporting that a copy of The Phantom Menace is circulating in Hollywood right now, a version that most have not seen. Allegedly, it has different editing, additions, and all kinds of weird stuff that makes the movie work better, from an artistic point of view, and fleshes things out a lot better than what ol’ Georgie did in the editing room. It is rumored that Kevin Smith, (of “Clerks” and “Dogma”), is the culprit behind this cut of the film that is being dubbed The Phantom Edit. Anyone know or have any information about/get a copy of this tape? If so, let us know by clicking here. This could be another underground 5th and 6th generation tape like the Star Wars Holiday Special, eventually. Any info would be appreciated. As soon as we know what’s up, we’ll post it!



More Swimming Jar Jar’s and Soft Goods?
May 18, 2001 | 12:14 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yea, that’s what CollectStarWars.com is reporting. Allegedly, at only ONE distribution center, there are 55,000 units of the Swimming Jar Jar assortment cases ready for shipping to TRU’s around the country, under SKN# 171786. For more on this, check out the page.



MIB Carbon Freeze Chambers?
May 18, 2001 | 11:55 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I’m getting a load of feedback on the Fan Club Carbon Freeze Chambers making it to their destinations practically using Hyperspacial teqniques, but I’ve also been hearing some bad things about the packaging. An example of one such letter follows;
“Just saw your report on the Carbon Freezing Chambers arriving, and mine, too arrived yesterday. I ordered two (the obligatory one to open, one to keep in the box) on Monday and I was quite surprised that they came so quickly. But then I was quite disappointed when I opened them – they were packed in such a way that damaged the Freezing Chamber boxes. Each Freezing Chamber box was placed in it’s own brown cardboard box, and each of those were placed in a larger shipping box. But the small cardboard boxes had those inflated plastic bags in lieu of packing peanuts. The unfortunate thing is that the air-bags don’t “give” at all when the box was closed, so each Freezing Chamber box was crushed. 🙁 ”
Anyone else having this problem? Thanks to Zeke T. Rice, and all the others that wrote to me about this.



Q&A: Friday Update
May 18, 2001 | 5:05 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question for Justice has been updated with today’s batch of good questions with answers. Check it out, and come back Monday for more. (And hey, send in some questions while you’re at it.)



New Star Wars Galaxies Screenshots
May 18, 2001 | 5:00 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Reader Laurence has chimed in that Voodoo Extreme has posted shots of the brand new Star Wars Galaxies game atthis lovely page. Thanks, Laurence!



Rogue Squadron II News
May 18, 2001 | 4:47 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Attention all fans of GameCube, Rogue Squadron, and licensed Star Wars games that look like they’ll be fun.

The latest issue of Next Gen (Volume 3, #6) has dedicated the cover and 10 pages to Rogue Leader, the sequel to 1998’s Rogue Squadron.

Interested parties might also be interested to know that the bulk of videogaming sites are now rolling out their coverage of E3, so the latest gaming news is happening now– don’t miss out!



Jedi Outcast: JK II
May 17, 2001 | 5:43 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

LucasArts announced today Jedi Outcast: Jedi Knight II for the PC. It is due in the Spring of 2002.



New 12″ Wave for 2001
May 17, 2001 | 5:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

New Force Comics has announced the wave after the 12″ DS Droid wave will be Zuckuss, Dengar and Leia Boushh.



Marmit TIE Pilots at Action Figure Express
May 17, 2001 | 1:12 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Action Figure Express has, right now, the Marmit TIE Fighter Pilot in stock for $89.95. Plus, if you order now, you get a free Commtech Chip Reader, and 3 action figures, (you get to choose from 3 sets of 3). Nice! So check it out! And, if you order, make sure you tell them Yakface.com sent you!



Carbon Freeze Chambers Showing Up!
May 17, 2001 | 1:04 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Man, the fan club had this one wrapped up tight! Already I’m getting reports of the Carbon Freeze Chambers showing up all over, (some are online friends, and some from writing me through Yakface directly)! Some actually received them yesterday, the day after they ordered them. Incredible… So keep checking those mailboxes, kids, it should be there soon!



Star Wars.Com Announces B-Wing Price
May 16, 2001 | 10:41 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Star Wars.com is announcing that the suggested retail price on the B-wing will be $34.99!!!! While this is still over $10.00 more than the Y-wing and Skiff, it is a big improvement over $50.00 for a single ship. Thanks to Tim in Memphis for the headsup.
Check out the full story here.



Jedi Braid in Stock
May 16, 2001 | 5:14 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

D&S Sci-fi Toy Worldhas the Australian Jedi Braid with Micro Royal Starship in stock as well as other hard to find exclusives.



Star Wars Insider #54 Now Shipping!
May 16, 2001 | 12:35 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The SWI is now officially shipping, I received mine in the mail today. Looks good, it’s LOADED with Episode II pics, (most we’ve seen online, but hey…), and it comes with a nifty little CD-ROM disc advertising The Star Wars Gamer magazine, Lucasarts game titles, and more. Another thing I noticed was the Jawa Trader section is smaller, but offering more action figures, (mostly older ones), and Legos. So, my Bounty Hunters, watch that mailbox for the next few days. It seems WotC is finally taking a step in the right direction!



Q&A: Wednesday Update
May 16, 2001 | 5:27 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been updated yet again with word of all things Q&A. Or at least all 10 things Q that have been Aed by the column. Check it out, won’t you?



Oklahoma City Star Wars Collectors Club
May 16, 2001 | 1:28 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Xwing25 is asking me to spread the word that a Star Wars Collectors Club of Oklahoma City has been created and is looking for some new members in the area. They are having a meeting once a month around the second week of the month, and is at a prearranged local spot. If you want to hook up with them, you can e-mail xwing25, (the president of the club), by clicking here Sounds like a nice crew, so if you’re local, give it a shot!



Fan Club Subscriptions at WotC
May 16, 2001 | 1:17 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Some people may recall the issue of the subscriptions being listed at $19.95 per year in the Star Wars Insider Magazine, and $29.95 per year on the new website for the bi-monthly magazine. Well, Warren Jacobsen, a fan, writes today to clear all this up for us.
It seems the $19.95 is for the magazine subscription to the Star Wars Insider ONLY. The $29.95 is for subscription to the Insider, PLUS fan club membership. It seems you still have a choice, but with the magazine-only deal, you miss out on being able to preorder on the website for certain items, (I.E. The Bespin Freeze Chamber). Also, for the extra $10, you get a $10 gift certificate for usage on the website only. Another privelage of “Fan Club” membership is 10% offmost items listed on the wesite. Another thing that WotC seems to want to reinitiate is the fan-mail forwarding. So, I hope this clears some things up for us fans. Any feedback? E-mail me here.
Thanks goes to the “semi-coherent” Warren Jacobsen. 8^)



Hasbro News
May 15, 2001 | 5:34 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars is reporting that a update on Duros will be posted by Hasbro soon. Also, the upcoming Snaggletooth figure will be the short red version.



Second Wave of European Pit Droid 2 Packs Available
May 15, 2001 | 9:49 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

If you have been looking for the second version of the European Pit Droid 2 Packs which were only available with the Naboo Guard and Holographic Darth Sidious, you may want to check this out. Scotsmann Models in Parnie Street, Glasglow, Scotland, (phone number 0141-572-0481) has a set of three carded pit droids (one of each of the 3 colors of pit droids) for 50 pounds plus shipping—- considering a single carded pit droid and figure from this wave goes for several times this amount on Ebay it looks like a good deal. If anyone has any experience with Scotsmann please let us know.



Carbon Freeze Chamber Info
May 14, 2001 | 7:52 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

OK, with everything that is going on, I thought I would share this with you. Thanks, by the way, to everyone that wrote in with this info. The Chamber is still available, please use a little patience and persistence. There are two ways to order it, on-line and via the phone (1800-True-Fan). Several people have been emailing saying they have been able to get it ordered. There is a limit of three per customer. I hopes this helps. Patience young jedi’s, you will get one.



Carbon Freeze Chamber now available to fan club members
May 14, 2001 | 11:53 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Just received this in my e-mail…
“Carbon-Freezing Chamber: Available NOW to Members Only!
Star Wars Fan Club Members, the long wait is over. The Carbon-freezing Chamber Action Playset is available NOW! Exclusively available to members of the Official Star Wars Fan Club until May 21, the Carbon-Freezing Chamber is the most sought-after collectible of the year.
The Carbon-Freezing Chamber features realistic movie styling, including an exclusive Bespin security guard, a block of carbonite that actually opens, a detention chamber, and more.
Hurry, quantities are limited and we expect to sell out fast!
Get Yours NOW!
…so, if you’re a member, scoot on over and grab this thing, because I don’t think they’re gonna hang around too long! Granted, there’ll be many more of these made, but knowing Hasbro, the wait could be intense.
UPDATE-It seems the WotC site is locking up with some sort of error as of 12:50 Eastern Time. I would imagine they’re being inundated with orders for this much sought after playset. I did manage to make it in after I had already ordered, however slow the site was, and I looked for the playset again, just because I had flown over so fast and ordered, I really never got a good look at the thing. And as much as I’d search, and as slow as the site was, I couldn’t find it on their site again. And, remember, it was only 7 minutes after I’d ordered. So, can that mean it’s sold out already?!?

UPDATE II-Yea, I think this thing is a goner. Thanks to all the responses from everyone, but, either WotC just happens to be having server problems, or they took the thing down because it’s sold out. Keeping in mind, it happened in under 10 minutes. I wonder how many units they actually received? With as much as they’ve been hyping this thing for months, you’d think that Hasbro would’ve prepared better for the sales they should’ve anticipated. It makes one wonder. But, cheer up fans, because they may be getting daily shipments, so KEEP WATCH on the site daily. And, if they come back in stock, let me know! Like I said, it could just be a glitch, but I’m 90% sure these puppies are temporarily sold out.

UPDATE III-Thank the Maker! I was wrong! It seems they are still available, but the site was so bogged down by orders, it was screwing up the ordering process. Please note that the only way you will see it on the page for preorder is if you are logged on as a member. Also, it seems if the website is giving you problems, the better way to order is over the telephone. I’ve had several reports saying that they are having about a 20 minute delay while you are on hold, but there are no problems with availability at all. You may order up to 3 at a time. Hope this helps everyone! Finally, Hasbro prepared for demand! I’m truly impressed! Keep up the good work! Maybe a little expansion of bandwidth on the old order site might not be a bad idea though….



More 12″ News
May 14, 2001 | 11:30 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Collectstarwars.com is reporting that the 12″ figures slated for the end of the year are being reported as Dengar, Zuckuss, and Anakin Skywalker. It is still unclear if this is, in fact, an ROTJ Anakin, an Episode I Anakin with exclusives pack-ins, or an actual “Sneak Peek” Episode II figure. Time will tell…
Also, they are reporting that a 12″ Ultimate Edition Electronic Boba Fett is tentatively slated for October 2001. If you want to read more on this, hop over and check out Collectstarwars.com.



Happy Birthday to the head Jedi!
May 14, 2001 | 11:18 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Today, on May 14th way back in 1944, a little baby was born. His body emerged from his mother’s womb, his practicioner, a Doctor Tu Onebee, smacked his tiny butt, and they proceeded to wrap him in flannel and hand him to his mother. As she held him to her, he looked up at her and muttered the word “l-l-l-lightsaber….”
Okay, maybe it didn’t happen that way, but today is George Lucas’ 57th birthday. A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the greatest man who ever lived, you are our God, you are the Jedi!!!! (Is that enough sucking up to get you to make Episodes 7, 8, and 9 Mr. Lucas???)



Another Petition?!? Valance who?!?
May 14, 2001 | 11:00 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yup. Another petition is happening right now over at Poodoo Plateau run by Dave Cox. This one is for Valance the Bounty Hunter. For those of us not in the know, Valance debuted in Marvel Comics Star Wars series issue 16, and sort of looks like a combination between The Punisher, Nick Fury, and a Smurf, (he’s garbed in all blue). Actually pretty cool. I think this one may be a long shot, but hey, you never know. Personally, I think we’d have a better chance of seeing an Itchy, Lumpy, and Mala Cinema Scene from the Star Wars Holiday Special, but if you believe in something enough, you go for it, and you certainly have to admire this guy for trying. To hop over to this page and sign the Valance Petition, click here. What the heck, I did!
Thanks for the tip, Dave!



Q&A: Updated
May 14, 2001 | 6:48 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, our marvelous Q&A section, has been updated yet again with 10 instances of wholesome question goodness, lightly garnished with answers.



Got Blue Maul? 8>)
May 14, 2001 | 6:07 AM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

Dave Ross from Startoys and Collectibles is currently auctioning off the infamous unpainted first shot Blue Maul prototype. Dave always seems to get his hands on ultra cool first shots, and has a solid reputation in the hobby. I personally own one myself, which can be seen in the prototypes section of the website. Search for auction number 589300184 to view the auction or place a bid.



Free Real Stands
May 13, 2001 | 7:09 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Order Real Action Stands now and get bonus stands free. Here’s how it works, place your order now for 1 to 4 sets (each set contains 5 stands) and receive 1 additional set free; order from 5 to 9 sets, and get 2 sets free; order 10 to 19 sets, get 3 sets free; order 20 or more sets, get 4 sets free. Only at Real Stands.



Tennessee Star Wars Collectors’ Club is back!
May 13, 2001 | 1:28 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Chris Chapman writes today to have us let everyone know that the Tennessee Star Wars Collectors’ Club is back up and running.
Chris writes;
Just wanted to let everyone know that the Tennessee collectors’ site is back up and running by myself and Michael Lester. We will be doing our part to inform the Star Wars fans web wide on whats going on, and we will only report news that can be verified by a reliable source. We also have a store reports section, a trading forum, and a custom section, among other things of interest. Hope you stop by and check us out!



Jeremy Bulloch at “The Dragon’s Lair”
May 13, 2001 | 12:23 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The Dragon’s Lair, a comic shop in Lakeland, FL, writes to us today to let us know that none other than Mr. Jeremy “Boba Fett” Bulloch will be at their store on Wednesday May 16th from 4PM to 7PM for an autograph signing session.
For more information, contact;
The Dragon’s Lair
5175 US Hwy 98 N
Lakeland FL 33809
Thanks for letting us know, Mike!



Compulsion SW Pewter Statues
May 12, 2001 | 4:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Official Site has posted an article on the massive SW pewter statues by a company called Compulsion.
If you go to Compulsion’s website you can view more pictures of these statues and order one if you have about $700 to spare.
Thanks to Thrawn Spawn for the news.



More on FAO Sale
May 12, 2001 | 12:22 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Seems FAO Schwartz’s all around the country are having a sale on SW items. However, the sale seems to vary from 50-75% off and items that are on sale vary as well. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with the news.



Case & single preorders at figuresandtoys.com
May 12, 2001 | 2:52 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Figuresandtoys.com reports that they have the following for sale/preorder;
The Following NEW SW2000 Figures are available for ordering:
Teebo, Bo-Shek, R5-D4, Snaggle Tooth and Eeth Koth
Each figures is available for Pre-Order for $8.99 Each.
The Following NEW SW2000 Cases are available for orders: $88.99/Case
Collection II
Wave 10 Includes: 1x Shimi Skywalker, 1x Rebel Trooper, 1x Imperial Officer, 1x FX-7, 4x Snaggle Tooth and 4x Eeth Koth
Wave 11 Includes: 4x Teebo, 4x Bo-Shek, 4x R5-D4
Wave 14 Includes: 3x Coruscant Guard, 3x Gungan Warrior, 2x Col Calamari, 2x K-3P0, Sae Sae Tin and 1x Queen Amidala Red Throne
Check ’em out, and make sure if you order, as always, tell them Yakface.com sent you!



Kay-Bee Toys Upcoming SALE
May 12, 2001 | 2:39 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Dan the K*B man writes;
“I’m the Manager of a K*B toy store. Today I got news about a sale coming up at K*B Toys and felt like I needed to let you folks know:
MAY 21 – June 2 all K*B stores are going to have a big sale on Star Wars, BUY 1 GET 1 FREE.(ALL STAR WARS)There are a lot of other items buy 1 get 1 free too, like:
All JLA, Transformers, Voltron, Pokemon, and a lot more…..Books, Puzzles, on and on. See your nearest store for the list!”
Time to snag up all the stuff we missed so they can make room for all the new POTJ figures. Also, there could be more warehouse purging, so keep your eyes peeled, folks. (And if anyone finds an extra Motti they can snag for me for cost,let me know!)
Thanks for the tip, Dan!



Sandtroopers at KB
May 11, 2001 | 5:33 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Jonathan writes in with the following news.
“I work at KB Toys here in Huntsville, AL and we received our truck today and low and behold there were some of the Obi-Wan Cold Weather, Jedi Training Qui-Gon and Sandtrooper figure cases”
This is the first I have heard of the Sandtrooper wave showing up at KB.



Fett back at Wal-Mart.com
May 11, 2001 | 5:32 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Wal-Mart.com has the 300th Fett back in stock for only $9.99.



1 SW figure for $0.01??
May 11, 2001 | 5:31 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

M and M Collectibles is having a great sale. If you buy 1 Star Wars Action Figure, you get another of equal or lesser value for 1 Cent!!
UPDATE:You must put the code BOGO in after your name on the order form to get the special! Price will be adjusted when order is processed.”



75% off all SW at FAO?
May 11, 2001 | 5:29 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rich writes in to say that at his local FAO Schwartz ALL SW items were on sale for 75% off.
I do not know if this is a country-wide sale or not. If anyone does please e-mail me.



Another round of 12″ figures?
May 11, 2001 | 1:12 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I got a report from “shadowhunter” this morning that there may be another wave of 12″ figures towards the end of this year, and he speculates that it may be the unconfirmed figures floating around the rumor mill last year. They were, to refresh memories, Oola, the Gammorean Guard, and Lando in his Skiff Disguise. Now, to state again, THIS HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED. It is only heresay until Hasbro says it’s not. But, on the other hand, it’s been coming from very reliable “unofficial” sources that this is to be. So, more on this as we get it.
UPDATECollectStarWars is reporting the wave will be bounty hunters. No confirmation on which ones though.



Star Wars Insider #54 is a WHOPPER!
May 11, 2001 | 12:01 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

As Brian had mentioned in one of our previous posts here at Yakface.com, Issue #54 of the Star Wars Insider is going to be the “largest ever”, and it’s shaping up to be just that. This ish will be 96 pages, have a squared-off spine like a book, and will include the following;
Episode II news with Rick McCallum including exclusive pictures
Episode II interviews with;
Peter Walpole – Set Decorator
Ben Burtt – Editor
Pernilla August – Shmi Skywalker
…and that’s just the features! This issue is slated to ship for fan club members on May 18th, and will hit newsstands on June 14th.



Sandtrooper wave in stock at Toybliss
May 11, 2001 | 11:39 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Right now Toybliss.com has the Sandtrooper-Tatooine Patrol, Qui-Gon Jinn-Jedi Training Gear and Obi-Wan Kenobi-Cold Weather Gear figures in stock at $8.99 each. Also available at their site, if you missed them, are Leia-Bespin Escape,
Chewbacca-Millennium Falcon Mechanic, and Aurra
Sing. There is also a very limited amount of the 300th Boba Fett @ $14.99. So, if you still need them, hop over and check it out, and as always, tell them Yakface.com sent you!




Galactic Combat Tourney
May 11, 2001 | 11:32 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Dan from The Docking Bay writes;
We’re having a “Galactic Combat Tourney” for a POTJ Tessek and Lando over at thedockingbay.homestead.com.It’s a star wars video game
tournament. Visit the site to get details.



Official Update Roundup
May 10, 2001 | 10:32 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

LucasArts updated with their official preview of Rogue Squadron 2.
StarWars.com updated with a preview of the new issue of the SW Insider which will be the largest issue ever. (I guess this makes up for the last issue being the smallest ever.)



Hasbro Increasing Production?
May 10, 2001 | 7:09 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum has posted an article saying Hasbro will be increasing production on POTJ figures due to increased demand by large retailers, which is also cutting into smaller retailers receiving product.
They say it will take about 6-8 weeks though for the new product to reach here from Asia, however the increased production will also feature harder to find old POTJ figures such as the Gungan Warrior and Maul (Sith Apprentice).
Hurrah!! Maybe now I can finally find figures in the stores.



Lando Wave in Canada
May 10, 2001 | 5:07 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

AFT is reporting the Lando wave has begun showing up at TRU in Canada. Also, reports are coming in about the wave showing up at Canadian Wal-mart’s. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with the news.



New Case Assortments
May 10, 2001 | 4:52 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

KEBco Toys is reporting these are upcoming case assortment from Hasbro for late this year and next.

Wave 0010 – Hasbro estimated delivery date late June to July
2 Biker Scout
4 Darth Maul Sith Apprentice
1 each, Chewbacca Mechanic, Aurra Sing, Leia Bespin Escape, Qui-Gon Jedi Armor, Obi-Wan Cold Weather and Sandtrooper.

Wave 0011 – Hasbro estimated delivery date late June to July
3 Han Solo Bespin
3 Battle Droid Boomer Damage
4 Biker Scout
2 Darth Maul Sith Apprentice

POTJ Assortment 2
Wave 0010 – no delivery date set
1 Queen Amidala w/Gown
1 Rebel Trooper
1 Imperial Officer
1 FX-7
4 Snaggletooth
4 Eeth Koth

Wave 0011 – no delivery date set
4 Teebo
4 Bo-Shek
4 R5-D4



Episode I DVD release date – UPDATED
May 10, 2001 | 12:35 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Talking about the release date of Episode I on DVD sure has caused quite a stir in my e-mail bin. One of the more reliable letters I received was from James B. who writes;
“I just wanted to clarify something. I worked for Hollywood Video for about 4 years. While the standard release date is usually a Tuesday, there were some occasions when a movie was released on a different day of the week. It was rare but it did happen. Unfortunately I cannot remember what titles were released this way, I have an idea but I don’t want to say and look like I am an idiot if I am wrong. Releasing it on a different day of the week would put more focus on the movie, since it most likely would be the only title released that day. So it you wanted to create hype, that is one way to do it.”
This is more-or-less what this Yak-reporter was thinking, but I wanted clarification from someone who’d know better. So, George Lucas has broken tradition many times, this just seems like one more to chalk up. Thanks James B. for the information!



Hard-to-find figures showing up again?
May 10, 2001 | 12:17 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Luis “DarthZilla” Argueta writes in with this information;
“I went to TRU in Murray UTAH today and found about 10 swimming Jar Jars and about 30 each of R2-B1 and TC-14’s. It was unbelievable. Oh yeah, and they had loads of Battle Damage destroyer droids too.”
Anyone else find this today anywhere, or is this just an action figure anomoly?



Rogue Squadron 2 & Racer Revenge
May 9, 2001 | 10:29 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

IGN has posted an announcement about Rogue Squadron 2 for the Nintendo Gamecube. Also, they posted as far as I know some of the first ever pictures of the game.
LucasArts has posted an announcement about SW: Racer Revenge. This is the sequel to SW:Racer and features a more grown up Anakin versus Sebubla in a new badass pod.



Still Need the Lando Wave?
May 9, 2001 | 10:08 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Are you one of the many people who still need the Lando wave? Jay from AmericanDreamComics wrote in to say, they are giving away a full set of the Lando wave over in their forums. Sounds like a good opportunity to me.



New Marmit for 2001 and 2002
May 9, 2001 | 4:55 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars is reporting a Marmit AT-AT Driver will be released in 2001, Vader and the Imperial Royal Guard will follow in 2002. Sounds like some great choices for figures.



Obi-Wan for X-Box
May 9, 2001 | 4:53 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

LucasArts has updated their E3 section with a preview of Obi-Wan for the X-Box. Sigh….I wish this game was still coming out on the PC.



Episode I DVD release date?
May 9, 2001 | 1:48 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

I received a report from “FETT Brady” that the Episode I DVD is listed as being on its’ way, and the alleged release date will be October 26th, 2001. This comes from an official source, and is the real release date that is being given in VHS/DVD release magazines/flyers for retail outlets such as Suncoast Video and the sort. As always, this information is subject to change. More on this as it develops. As soon as we know, you’ll know. Any other video retail managers/owners out there that can verify this further or offer any more information? Click here to e-mail me.
UPDATE – Thanks to all who have written. A few have pointed out that this date of alleged release is, in fact, a Friday. All DVD’s and VHS’s are released on Tuesdays. So, the date of October 16th was also floating around. But, the official date set in the release books the video retailers get their information from is the 26th. Unless it’s a typo, and they mean the 16th instead of 26th? Who knows? More on this as we get it…



Episode I Japanese wind-ups
May 9, 2001 | 1:19 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars.com is reporting that Ngtoys.com currently has the Episode I wind-ups for sale at their site for a measily $2.95 each. They include the entire set of 8, plus the special silver Battle Droid, and the gold Darth Maul, making 10 altogether. Cute little suckers! I ordered a set of 10, and shipped it was only $36.50. Not too shabby! Check them out, and if you order, tell them Yakface.com sent you.
UPDATE – It seems that they are not offering the complete set. Qui-Gon is missing from the order page, along with Darth Maul with his hood off. But, hey, it’s still a good price, right?



Awesome customs on e-Bay!
May 9, 2001 | 12:47 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

galleriemoreau@aol.com writes to let me know that he has two really nice customs for auction up on e-Bay right now. They are the Empire Gunner Station as seen on the first Death Star in “A New Hope”, and the Droid Torture Rack as seen in “Return Of The Jedi” tearing the protocol droid apart in Jabba’s Dungeon. Check them out, even if not to bid, for a gander at some really nice customs!



300th Fett for $12.99
May 8, 2001 | 11:51 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Gamestop.com, (formerly funcoland.com), has the 300th Fett in stock for $12.99 plus shipping. If you still need it, head on over. This is about the best price I’ve seen online yet. Thanks to Tim for the tip!



Tri-logo packaging for ALL Episode II toys?
May 8, 2001 | 11:46 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

oom9 over at TheJawa.com wrote to me today asking me to spread the word with this information also posted at their site;
“My Wal-Mart recently messed up as they usually do on release dates and put out the Jurassic Park III toys (some) a bit early…I left them because I planned to pick them up later that day…when I returned they had been pulled from shelves and the tags taken down. However while I was looking at them that morning I noticed something VERY insightful on them…all of them were Tri-Logo. Each had it’s own individual packing for the specific figure/toy…yet English, French, and Spanish was written on all the packages. I contacted a source of mine and he said that all of thepacking he had seen had indeed been Tri-Logo. So with that I propose this possible insight, since Hasbro changed to generic cards for the POTJ line in order to save money, in doing so abandoning the individual unique packaging. Will it return with the EPII line? No can say for sure now…however since this Jurrasic Park III line is a movie line and they have individual unique packaging, could the Tri-Logo cards be used on the EPII to preserve the unique packaging and save money here in the States? It is food for thought and makes sense…if Hasbro’s next movie line for “Planet of the Apes” is Tri-Logo released then this just might be the way of things for the Episode II line.”
If anyone has any REAL information on this, 
drop me an e-mail by clicking here. If this is true, I wonder if prices will go down….



Custom Tatooine Skiff on Ebay
May 8, 2001 | 10:35 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

If you are still looking for a Tatooine Skiff, you may want to check out this one on Ebay. It has the whole crew from the Sarlac pit… Chewie, Han, Luke, Skiff Guards, Lando…



Attakus at EE
May 8, 2001 | 10:22 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment EarthEntertainment Earth has limited quantities of the new Attakus SW statues in stock. Hurry now before they sell out.



New Case Assortments and 12″ Pics
May 8, 2001 | 4:53 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth is reporting two new case assortments for later this year.
Collection 1 (Wave 13) – Late Summer
4x Luke Skywalker (X-Wing)
3x Han Solo DS Escape
4x Darth Vader Emperor’s Wraith
1x Sandtrooper

Collection 2 (Wave 14) – September
3x Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Armor
3x Shmi Skywalker
2x Ketwal
2x Duro
1x Bespin Guard
1x Sabe

Also, they have a series of pictures I have never seen of the next 12″ Legacy Wave. Click to go and see the pics.



Dave Prowse hospitalized again
May 8, 2001 | 1:28 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

BBC News reports;
“Star Wars actor David Prowse has been taken to hospital after losing the use of his legs. The actor, who played Darth Vader in the first three Star Wars films, had been suffering from partial paralysis in his arms after being struck down by a mystery illness. But doctors have now diagnosed an abscess at the base of the former body-builder’s spine and are carrying out tests before operating.
The actor lost the use of his arm in February and was taken to hospital but had been recovering and regaining weight in recent weeks.
His spokesman Phil Day said today: “He’s looking very gaunt and very thin. Things aren’t looking too good.””
For the full story, click here. In the rush and excitement of the impending Episode II film, and the running around to find all the new toys of our immortal heroes and villians, we tend to lose sight that the actors in the Star Wars movies are real people that have real problems. If you have a moment, drop Dave a get-well card by writing to him here.
Dave Prowse C/O
Mayday University Hospital
London Road
Surrey CR7 7YE 0208 401 3000
Please, no autograph requests! Remember, the guy is paralyzed in 3 of his 4 limbs. Dave could just use some nice words right about now, and to know he has fan support.



Aurra & Tessek waves at K&C Collectibles
May 8, 2001 | 2:55 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

K&C Collectibles has, for those of us who’ve missed them so far, the Aurra Sing and Tessek waves in stock. If you still need them, get there quick, because they’re bound to sell out fast. Make sure to tell them Yakface.com sent you!



Bootlegtoys.com’s Star Wars section
May 8, 2001 | 2:45 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Ever wonder what kind of bootleg toys were produced for the Star Wars market? Wonder no more! Check outbootlegtoys.com to see all the flask-ridden, horrible, (and some NOT so horrible), copies and genre type toys that the four Star Wars movies have spawned, totally unlicensed. They also have a load of other bootleg toys from many different action figure genres featured as well.



Nintendo.com’s Pit Droid game online
May 8, 2001 | 1:55 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Nintendo.com has just recently updated their site, and it now includes a “Episode I:Racer – Droid Engine Builder” game utilizing the Shockwave browser plugin. Nice little game, in my opinion. Click above and check it out! Just go to thedownloads section at Nintendo.com, and the use the drop-down menu to choose the game. Thanks to Wayne Byers for the tip!



Next Amidala figure to be wearing black, not purple
May 8, 2001 | 1:29 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Collectstarwars.com is reporting that the Queen Amidala that is slated for release later on in the year is actually the black gown version, (which will include the tall headpiece and has been dubbed “Amidala in Travel Gown” officially), andnot the purple “Return to Naboo” dress (as seen on the portrait edition doll) that was circulating on release lists last week.



Deluxe Figure preorders from Entertainment Earth
May 8, 2001 | 1:20 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth is currently offering the Deluxe Figure Assortments over at their site for preorder with an estimated delivery date of September 2001. They include the following;
Fan’s Favorite Figure Assortment-1 $69.99
3x Luke with Bacta Tank, harness, & breath mask
3x Darth Maul Crusade with exposed chest
Fan’s Favorite Figure Assortment-2 $69.99
3x Leia as Jabba’s Slave & Sail Barge Cannon
3x Amanaman with Salacious Crumb
As always, these are subject to change. Hop on over and check out the deals, and tell them Yakface.com sent you!



Vader beats Fett over at Hasbro
May 8, 2001 | 12:05 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The “POTF2 Collection 2 Hasbro Bracket Tournament” has come to a close over at Hasbro’s Star Wars Site, and the winner is Darth Vader with his trusty ol’ removable helmet, beating out the original Boba Fett. To check out more on this story, click here.



300th Fett in stock at figuresandtoys.com
May 7, 2001 | 11:45 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

So if you still haven’t found this bad boy, stop over and pick one up. Click here for their page and ordering instructions. The price on the Fett is $14.99, and they are reporting that they are the “latest version”, meaning the corrected box version.



Store Reports Contest
May 7, 2001 | 11:05 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Hello Fellow Yak-ers. In case you missed the post earlier KEBCoToys.com has teamed up with us to sponsor our new Store Reports Contest! Beginning Today, Monday, May 7th until Monday, May 21st any person who submits a store report is automatically entered to win a 300th Boba Fett (First Version.) So get those Store Reports sent in today. Please don’t forget to visit our sponsor, KebCoToys.com!

UPDATE: KEBCoToys.com is also sponsoring a contest over at KSIM RADIO where you guys can enter for a chance to win A Luke In Bacta Tank Deluxe Figure or A Darth Maul Barechested Deluxe Figure. So head on over to KSIM now!



Free Decipher CCG Cards
May 7, 2001 | 9:29 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

M&M Collectibles is having a special for Yakface.com readers only!
If you put “FREE CCG” next to ship to name on the order form.
The first 10 people to place ANY order will receive a FREE Starter Pack of Decipher CCG Cards (valued at $10), the next 30 people to place ANY order will receive a FREE Booster Pack (Valued at $2.95).



Crashed Vehicles to Wal-Mart?
May 7, 2001 | 6:25 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars is reporting the crashed X-wing and Snowspeeder will be Wal-Mart exclusive items.
Also, look for an update from Hasbro in a few weeks on upcoming exclusive items for this year.



Q&A: Mondaily Update
May 7, 2001 | 4:19 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Q&A has been updated yet again with all the good stuff that makes the column what it is– questions, and answers. Check it out!



New Star Wars inspired song!
May 7, 2001 | 1:12 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

For a bit of a switch from the heavy stress, (these days!), of collecting, check out the Heebie-Jeebies over atMP3.com. They have a really nicely put-together song called “Use The Force” which I’m sure all Star Wars fans will love. Great horn section! And, yes, these are totally LEGAL mp3’s. Check ’em out by clicking here!



Big Ticket Items Vs Gas Prices…..
May 7, 2001 | 12:38 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Thanks to a little birdy for passing this on…
We in MI are paying $1.89 for a gallon of gas for Reg Unleaded. In an interview on the news with a station manager they are only making .03 cents per gallon, not much of a profit. Now Target on the other hand is going to make a big profit from our wallets. Seems Hasbro is charging them $23.24 per unit (B-Wing) while they will be charging us $49.99, not a bad profit!! But on the other hand if you wait for the second wave to hit, we will probably see them on clearence for $13.94…. time will tell…..
UPDATE: That is a gross profit of about 53%, which is huge for a store like Target. Thanks to MoneyMan for the news.



Another Boba Difference
May 7, 2001 | 12:25 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Thanks to an email we recieved (no name attached) we went back and rescanned the back of the box and found this difference. A small change but this makes change number five on the box.
1) .0200
2) Front of the Box
3) Hook
4) Instructions (inside)
5) Caption on Back



New Poll
May 6, 2001 | 11:07 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Yakface Poll has been updated. Scroll down and vote.



CD-ROM Vader
May 6, 2001 | 4:09 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Over at e-Bay there’s an auction listed for an “Unproduced Darth Vader Prototype”. Click here for a direct link to the actual auction. Allegedly, according to the auction listing, this figure was supposed to have a “lightning attachment” like the Emperor in the end of ROTJ. If anyone can offer any more information on this figure, please drop me a line by clicking here. To view the figure, click here. Thanks to darkjedi for the heads up!
UPDATE According to the auction the figure was due in Spring 2001 therefore this is probably the Vader from the cancelled CD-ROM Assortment.
Since it was supposed to be Bespin Vader, if I remember correctly
then I would guess the attachment on his hand is a blocked laser bolt
from the scene with Han. – Brian



TRU Computer Listing
May 6, 2001 | 11:35 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Fuzzball writes;
Here is a list of a few upcoming toys that were found in the Toys ‘R’ Us computer:
TIE Interceptor & Pilot SKN 239316 – $29.99
12″ Classic Star Wars SKN 239383 – $19.99
Classic Palm Talkers SKN 239554 – $9.99
If these are showing up in the system, it can’t be long before they’re on the shelves.
UPDATE – I’ve gotten a lot of e-mail inquiring about the 12″ Classic Star Wars listed above. I would assume it means the case assortment of the Han-Death Star Escape/Death Star Droid/Death Star Trooper coming soon. Also, I was informed by a certain TRU manager I’m in contact with that these have actually been in the TRU computer since December, but haven’t been active. Assumably these SHOULD be shipping the next 1/2 of the year, but, as we’ve seen with Hasbro, anything can happen with cancellations, delays, etc.



Fett In Stock Again
May 6, 2001 | 10:16 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Walmart.com has the 300th Fett in stock again for $9.99, thanks to Brian for the news.



Motti Mistake!
May 6, 2001 | 12:26 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Klonewarrior writes;
“Just wondering if this has been mentioned yet. The CommTech for Admiral Motti the back reads:
Name: Admiral Motti
Status:Commander of Opperations Aboard the Origional Death Star
Last time I check Operations or Original wasn’t spelled that way. Maybe more creative Hasbo spellings. Go buy a spellchecker Hasbro!!!”
Since not too many people open their collections, this error, being on the obscure packaged back of the chip, probably went largely unnoticed. Click here to view the error on the chip. Anyone else have this version, or another that doesn’t have this error?
UPDATE – Thanks to all the nice people that wrote to me about this error. It seems that all of them are like this from what I’ve been hearing. So, it seems they all snuck by Hasbro quality control on the short-run of this figure. So, if you in fact have a correct version, drop me a line. Thanks again all!



New Ultarama Dioramas
May 5, 2001 | 11:30 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Click here to see more dioramas the new Ultarama backgrounds. If you order from Ultarama be sure to tell them Yakface sent you.



More Marmit Fett Variations
May 5, 2001 | 10:20 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Jason writes in with the following news and picture.
“The first helmet which is the right box, never had any of the red painted on it, the new helmet has been corrected as well as the orange shoulder pads and knee pads.”
Here is the picture that shows the differences.



300th Package 2 Variations
May 5, 2001 | 7:23 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

OK, now that I have one of these myself, here are two images that show the variations. We know the outside of the boxis different.. however the instruction panel is different as well. The new US box has the bi-language panel inside as well. On ths outside there is also a nice peg hook added to the new package.



Another Petition?
May 5, 2001 | 10:26 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yup, another one. But I think this is a figure that could use a good update, and it’s being petitioned by Jedisiths. It’s for a good ol’ resculpt of Luke in his black Jedi garb from ROTJ. Hop on over and sign this if you would like to see this figure updated. Every signature counts, and, as we know, Hasbro sometimes listens.



No Ozzel…yet.
May 5, 2001 | 10:22 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Although it’s possible that someday Ozzel will be immortalized in plastic, it just ain’t gonna happen anytime soon. Mark from Rebelscum informed me that Collect Star Wars reported a couple of weeks ago that the forthcoming Imperials are to be “generic”, and have no real identity. So, there’s another rumor laid to rest. It’s not to say it’ll never happen, however, and Hasbro still will not comment on the figure officially. So, there’s still future hope for Ozzel fans, just not official hope yet.



R2-Q5 Corrected Sort Of????
May 5, 2001 | 9:05 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Chris Toth for the image of this R2-Q5 with correct spelling, only there is still something wrong and I can’t seem to put my finger on it……
**Update – I think we may have a variation, I have had three other reports with images all saying they have the same error. Please write me and let me know if you have found this as well.



Japanese Palm Talkers!
May 5, 2001 | 1:35 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Yakface is proud to bring you images of the Power Of The Jedi Palm Talkers, (or whatever they’re being called these days…), that are soon to be released in the USA. It seems they are hitting full-force in Japan, so it’s only a matter of time until the USA and other markets start to see these show up. Click below to view the images;
Boba Fett
Darth Vader



Details of a Destroyer
May 5, 2001 | 12:35 AM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

FBTB is very happy to bring you two dozen pics and additional insight into Peter Nagy’s Destroyer Droid prize from the LEGO 2000 Galactic Challenge Contest. Standing nearly 4/5 scale, and weighing nearly 100 lbs., it is quite something to behold!



Big Price, Little Ship???
May 4, 2001 | 11:10 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

So this is what we know. According to reports from around the net, the B-Wing (Target Exclusive) is going to retail for a whopping $59.99, and today SSG the Tie Interceptor w / Pilot (TRU Exclusive) is going to retail for $29.99. So what gives??? From what I hear the B-Wing does not have any electronics??? So is Target going to stick it to the buyers?? I have already emailed Hasbro about the major price difference to get their side. We should have an answer soon. When we know, you will know.



Sandtrooper Wave Loose Pics
May 4, 2001 | 5:07 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Sandtroopers.com has some nice pics of the new wave loose from all different angles.



Ozzel or no?
May 4, 2001 | 1:01 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

With all the buzz of a new Imperial Officer figure to be offered by Hasbro in late 2001 sporting 2 different heads as to facilitate “army builders” , the name “Admiral Ozzel” still won’t die. Is there anyone out there that can set the record straight once and for all as to what the deal is with this figure? Any Hasbro employees in-the-know? Click here to drop me a line if you think you can help clarify this enigma.



Do you lack Dewback? 
May 4, 2001 | 12:14 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Can’t find the 12″ scale Dewback and Sandtrooper in the brick and mortar TRU’s? You’re in luck. Amazon.com has them in stock right now, and at 38% off for the going price of $49.95. Thanks to Chris Cantz for the tip!



Boba Fett Custom Rocket Firing
May 4, 2001 | 11:07 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Markus from Starconstrux.de who does part of our dioramas sections has made a great custom Boba Fett Rocket Firing. Check it out here.



Look at the size of that thing!
May 4, 2001 | 3:38 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The collection, that is. Over on e-Bay, long-time reader Deeceman has his entire vintage collection up for grabs. This collection spans the entire vintage era, and includes over 100 loose figures. Check out auction “586102998” for all the details!



Jedinet.com, you will be missed
May 3, 2001 | 1:59 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

One of the top visited Star Wars sites on the net, Jedinet.com, reports that they are more than likely going to close their doors after over 5 years of service to the Star Wars community on the world wide web. For a full report, click here. You will be missed, guys.



Dan’s DCU Through May!
May 3, 2001 | 11:31 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Dan Curto reports;
It is once again time for the annual DCU at Curto’s Custom Alliance!
What’s a DCU? A Daily Custom Update. Each and every day throughout the month of May, I’ll be debuting a new custom on my site. This is the third year I’ve done this, and for those who’ve been around for awhile, you know how much fun it is!
So, what can you expect this time around? Customs from the movies, from the Expanded Universe, and even some from my imagination. I’ve even got a few new photonovels on the way, some new packaging designs, and I’ll end the month with a brand-new contest!
For everyone’s convenience, the new customs will be listed on the front page as the week progresses. I hope you enjoy your visit, and please feel free to send me some feedback! Check out Curto’s Custom Alliance!



“Starfighter; Special Edition” on Xbox
May 3, 2001 | 2:56 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

The Lucasarts site updates today with this cool news for all of us looking forward to the Xbox from Microsoft;
“LucasArts’ enormously popular Star Wars Starfighter on PlayStation® 2 computer entertainment system now takes flight as Star Wars Starfighter: Special Edition on Xbox this fall. With a host of striking extras, and inspired by LucasArts’ rich Star Wars flight game heritage, Star Wars Starfighter: Special Edition combines intense air combat in a fast-paced action/adventure.”
There are also some pretty nice screen-shots of the upcoming game, along with a release time of Fall-2001. Click hereto check it all out!



Redpumpkin…the LAST word
May 3, 2001 | 2:45 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Okay, it seems there’s been some negative reports recently on our favorite Pit Droid 2-pack supplier. It seems that Redpumpkin is, in fact, in affiliation with a DIRECT supplier of Hasbro, UK. The practical upshot of this is, these things never hit retail in the UK. Instead, they allegedly went directly from a Hasbro, UK warehouse, and directly to inflated internet sales. (These prices may seem good to Americans, but in retail in the UK, they would have been much cheaper), and made it hard for UK consumers to put their hands on them for their own collections. I am still trying to verify this, but have received no return e-mails from Redpumpkin.
Either way, if you are getting what you want, and happy with the purchase, I say its totally up to the person shelling out the cash. This will be the last post on Redpumpkin.



AlphaCon 2001, May 4-6
May 3, 2001 | 2:36 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

This weekend, May 4-6, 2001, in Omaha, Nebraska, AlphaCon 2001 is taking place! This is what they say about what is to be there this weekend;
First of its kind, AlphaCon is an interactive, “edu-tainment” type science fiction convention.
Not only will there be celebrities signing autographs, but exhibits, a trade show, art show, card gaming tournaments, comic book artists, sci-fi kids area, arcade gaming area, horror area, industry seminars, question and answer seminars, movie screenings and more!
This is not the typical Sci-fi convention; it is an interactive, futuristic, technological show for people of all ages.
This is a bigee, folks. If anyone is going and could supply us with photographs, please let me know! To check out the guest list, and all the events, click here.



He’s all yours, Bounty Hunter.
May 3, 2001 | 1:06 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Wizard Of The Coast reports today;

Carbon-Freezing Chamber: Coming Soon!
The Carbon-Freezing Chamber is almost here! Scheduled for arrival in
mid-May, the Carbon-Freezing Chamber is the most sought after Star Wars collectible this year!
Exclusive to the Star Wars Fan Club, the Carbon-Freezing Chamber Action Playset is a must for every Star Wars fan! And don’t forget, fan club members will be able to order 1 week before it is made available to the general public.
Quantities will be very limited, so sign up to be notified when it becomes available.

If you haven’t signed up for notification and want one of these puppies, do it here.



New Ultarama Backgrounds– In Dioramas
May 2, 2001 | 10:11 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Click here to see dioramas with some of the new Ultarama backgrounds. Check back tomorrow for more new pictures with more of the new backdrops.



I Am Looking For Help
May 2, 2001 | 5:36 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

If anyone has an R2-D2 from the droids line in 1985, and you are looking to sell it please email me. I am looking for one either MOC or loose complete. Sorry for the interuption, now on with the daily news. Thank you.



New List Of Figures
May 2, 2001 | 5:29 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

This list was given to me from three different sources, so it looks like this is the latest new figures.
Darth Vader with Battle Damage
Bo Shek
Han Solo Death Star Escape
Eeth Koth
Imperial Officer (No name given)
R5-D4 (Rehash, rumor has it he will not have a hidden weapon)
Rebel Trooper
Obi-Wan Jedi Armor (Another expanded)
Queen Amidala – Travel Outfit (Purple Outfit)

Looks like we may have a good X-Mas and New Years…..



Lets Keep The Hunt On…
May 2, 2001 | 5:23 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Collection 1 (Sandtrooper Wave) has been picked up in TX at a Target store. Looks like it is starting to hit in more places. Thanks to Aries for the update.



Episode II Comic Adaptation
May 2, 2001 | 1:01 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Starwars.com has a nice little article up about the Episode II comics team and story adaptation. Check it out here!



Mara Jade gets the boot? Part II
May 2, 2001 | 12:44 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

After further investigation, I came across a post at the official decipher.com page. It seems that the information about Shannon Baska being “let go” were a rumor started by some misinformed individual, because it seems that the people at Decipher are very happy with her work, and hope to keep her as Mara Jade for a long time to come. Click here to read the entire article.



300th Boba
May 2, 2001 | 6:58 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Back in stock at Walmart.com for the price of $9.96



Starfighter Exhibit in DC
May 2, 2001 | 6:00 AM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

FBTB‘s De has been out to see the display, and has returned with several pics – check them out!



…got R2?
May 2, 2001 | 1:43 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

There’s a new trading site that’s been started called the “Tatooine Trader”. It seems like a nice little trade site where they keep track of how many of a certain figure is being offered for trade through their site, and who needs what, or you can buy as well. You have to register, but to make the deal sweeter, they are having a drawing for the following;
On the 14th of May, Tatooine Trader will give away One(1) POTJ R2-Q5 MOMC C9+ to one lucky member who signs up on the “Free Giveaway” page at the site. The winner will be posted on the 15th of may…But will be announced “live” in the Chatroom at 9:15pm CDT.
For every Trade or Sale that is completed in the month of May between any member and The Tatooine Trader…you will be entered into the “Ultimate R2 Giveaway”. Multi-Trades will be entered each time. One entry for each figure we receive…and three entries for every Vehicle we recieve. The larger the trade…the more entries. The giveaway includes:1 R2-Q5 MOMC, 1 R2/holo CT, Loose Red R2 Unit, 1 FF R2 Datalink MOMC, and 1 R2-B1



Mara Jade gets the boot?
May 2, 2001 | 1:23 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

…at least that’s what it seems like. This report comes from someone that attended the Pittsburg, PA Comicon.

“I talked to Shannon at the very dead Pittsburgh Comicon. She has been
officially stripped of her Mara costume and saber. Decipher is getting the ax from Lucasfilm to possibly make room for Hasbro to do something big.
Shannon said that she doesn’t know what to do right now. They will no longer supply her with pictures as Mara or allow her to wear any costume or carry a saber that represents Mara. There was a sad rumor that Shannon has a “bun in the oven.” She asked me to
tell everyone that that is so far from the truth. She said as a matter of fact, she does not even have time for a boyfriend.
A new Jedi book does allude to Mara and Luke conceiving a child, that is possibly where the confusion started. Shannon is getting a bad deal from Lucas. I feel really sorry for her. She is looking for other forms of employment at this time. With this information, fans of Mara Jade have started an online petition in hopes that LFL will realize that her portrayal should continue in new and different ventures. We know it may not do any good but we feel we have to try. At the very least, it will show Ms. Baksa that she has support from her fans. The petition can be found here

Could this mean that Hasbro/Lucas is planning on taking this character further as in another figure, or other multimedia ventures, but not want to pay royalties for her image? Who knows? More on this as it develops…



News on redpumpkin.com
May 2, 2001 | 1:11 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

A large thanks to all the people that wrote to me about redpumpkin.com, and their experiences with the company! It seems that these guys are the real-deal and deliver what they promise, because I’ve had nothing but absolutely sparkling reports on them and their customer relations.

It seems that the best time to catch them is about 9:30 AM eastern daylight-savings time, considering the time difference between here and England. As far as the e-mail coorespondance goes, it seems that it’s best to call them for inquiries seeing that they are inundated with e-mail requests for these Pit Droid 2-packs. So, if you’re interested, hurry your order in, because at these prices, they probably won’t last long. And tell them Yakface.com sent you!



SW Galactic BattleGround
May 1, 2001 | 5:22 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

LucasArts announced today in their E3 section the new SW Galactic BattleGround. Some very cool screens shots and information is at their site.



12″ Speeder Bike w Luke at Target
May 1, 2001 | 5:19 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars has announced that the 12″ Speeder Bike w Luke will be coming to Target as an exclusive. This is one of the items that was on a list of possible items that was reported a few months back.



Boba Fett….Where?!?
May 1, 2001 | 1:20 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post


I spotted this on Rebelscum, so I took a look and wrote to the guy. Vincent Viard is a customizer of figures, and in my opinion as a customizer myself, this guy is GOOD! He doesn’t do the sculpey/exacto thing, he actually molds these things. His work is superb, and he’s a heck of a nice guy. He offers repros of the “kit-bashed” Fett from 1979 promotion flyers, rocket firing Fett, telescoping lightsabers, and a few more choice eye-candy. The prices are decent for the quality you’re getting. Check out his site here!



Pit Droid problems?
May 1, 2001 | 11:46 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Any one looking for the bonus Pit Droid 2-packs may be in luck. Redpumpkin , a sales site in England, claim they just purchased a quantity of these elusive little suckers.
They have the following;
Episode 1 Asian Darth Maul Sith Lord with Bonus Pit Droid £9.99
Episode 1 Asian Anakin Pilot with Bonus Pit Droid £9.99
Episode 1 Asian Obi-Wan Jedi Knight with Bonus Pit Droid £9.99
Not too shabby. If anyone deals with/has dealt with these folks, let me know how the experience was.



May’s Rebel Pilots Casting at FFURG
May 1, 2001 | 10:57 AM EST | John | Talk About This Post


The latest Casting Call at the FFURG
— (Forgotten Force Ultimate Resource Guide) — has gone up and features
customs of Rebel Pilots!

The current Casting Call for June is for customs of Guri,
and any customizer can submit their creations by May 31, 2001.

There is also a poll for July’s Casting Call character, and
you can place your votes
You can also check all the casting calls here.



.02 Package 300th Fett.
May 1, 2001 | 6:32 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is a look at the US version of the 02 Packaged Boba Fett.



Palm Talkers Soon….
May 1, 2001 | 6:23 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well over seas they are usually a month or so ahead of us. The Palm Talkers have hit there, here is a nice image of theBoba Fett from Japan.

April 2001 Archive

Sandtrooper wave hits PA!
April 30, 2001 | 11:47 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

It has just been drawn to my attention that Sandtrooper “Collection One” wave, (which also houses Qui-Gon Jedi Armor and Obi-Wan Cold Weather Gear in the same nifty case), has allegedly landed in the Scranton, PA area Wal-Mart. If there are any more sightings, drop me a line. It’s nice to know these are actually showing up on the east coast too.



Vader Vs. Fett at Hasbro.com 
April 30, 2001 | 11:42 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Well, it seems that the choice is down to the final 2 over at Hasbro for the fave POTF2 Star Wars figure. The last figures standing are the Removable Helmet Vader, and none other than the original Mr.Fett himself. If you haven’t, hop on over and vote. Deadline for casting your vote is May 6th.



Return Of The Jedi
April 30, 2001 | 11:28 PM EST | John | Talk About This Post

Hello guys and gals! My name is John Kenobi, and I seem to the new “Jedi” on the block around Yakface.com. Although, I’m not new to the Star Wars net scene. A few years back I started and ran a little page called the “Star Wars Collector Circle” one or two people may actually remember this little endeavor. I will do my best to keep the high standard of news our visitors have come to expect, (especially the late news since I’m up all night and have nothing better to do…). If anyone would like to drop me a line to inform me of breaking news, or just to say hello, e-mail me atjohn@yakface.com. Thanks guys!



Clear the Pegs
April 30, 2001 | 11:05 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Artoosnews is reminding all collectors that this Friday, May 4, 2001, is “Clear the Pegs Day”. Go to your favorite figure store and do your part to help the peg warmers get good homes and free up space for the new waves.



Star Wars on the GameBoy Advance
April 30, 2001 | 9:07 PM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

While the gaming world is eagerly awaiting the domestic release of this new hardware, Nintendo has posted a quick preview and three screenshots of the upcoming Jedi Power Battles port from THQ. Check it out!



Leebo Petition
April 30, 2001 | 8:41 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Docking Bay has a petition for Leebo. If you want to see him in plastic, be sure to sign up.



100th Luke In Canada Too
April 30, 2001 | 8:22 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to John for the following news.
“I was at Toys ‘R’ Us in Kitchener, Ontario on Saturday April 18 and found the 12″ Legacy assortment along with the 100th Luke.”
This is the first report I have read that mentions the 12″ 100th Luke has been found in Canada.



Q&A Monday Update
April 30, 2001 | 4:25 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been updated yet again with new questions and answers for all your Jawa-induced hallucination needs. Check it out , or don’t.



Lightsaber Remote Control Instructions
April 30, 2001 | 4:23 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Lost your Lightsaber TV Remote Control instructions, or just want a spare copy around just in case? Reader Doug was kind enough to point out that they’re available in PDF format if you just click here. Thanks, Doug!



And The Winner Is???
April 29, 2001 | 10:08 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Congrats to Kelly Robbins. Kelly is this weeks winner for the Ultarama Stand. If you have not entered yet, just click on the Ultarama Stand on the right side of the page and then submit your name. Thanks to Mort S for the awesome giveaway.



The Latest Bricks ‘n Bits Q&A
April 29, 2001 | 8:58 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

The latest batch wonders where Droidekas and Wedge are in the LEGO scheme of things . . . click here to check it out.



More on Ep I Applause at TRU
April 29, 2001 | 4:27 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Here is a price breakdown on the Ep I Applause items that have begun showing up at TRU lately.
3″ Sets and 6″ for $2.97
8″ for $3.97
12″ for $7.97
Thanks to Dan the Stone Cold Man for the news.



12″ Bounty Hunters Hit Canada
April 29, 2001 | 4:22 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Mark for the following news.
“I was in my local Toys R us in Belleville, ON and the have put out the 12″ Bounty Hunters for $34.99 CDN. They have lots of IG-88 and 4-LOM but only one of Bossk.”

This is the first I have heard of the 12″ hunters showing up in Canada.



Sandtrooper Wave Hitting West Coast So Far
April 29, 2001 | 12:57 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

The Sandtrooper Wave is beginning to make its way towards Target stores near you! Be on the look-out. Looks like the West Coast is getting these before the East Coast. So jump in the car and hurry out! Thanks to Greedo for the heads up.



Coming Soon To A Keyboard Near You!!
April 28, 2001 | 8:10 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

How about some excellent deals online? Looking to get a few good deals?? Well it may be happening sooner rather than later. It seems KB Toys has purchased the remaining stock from the ETOYS.com firesale. They will pay about 5.4 million for the inventory valued at near 40 million. They will be selling the inventory at the retail outlets as well as KBKids.com. Click here to read the entire story. Thanks to Jim for the heads up.



Lando wave at K-mart
April 28, 2001 | 6:12 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Lando wave is now showing up at K-marts across the U.S. Thanks to Mark and Brian for the following news.



More on Wal-mart Figure Cases
April 28, 2001 | 11:31 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Here is more information on the figure cases Adam reported on yesterday.
Thansk to Ryan for the following news:

“I’m a toy department manager at a Wal Mart. These display cases are made by Adkins collectibles who also make shells for hot wheels cars. We get paperwork every couple of months for items we would like to carry but are not obligated to have on the shelf ( due to space, customer preferences, etc). This is why you may see these display cases in some Wal Marts and not in others. We’ve been able to carry these for at least a year and a half that I can remember.”



Another Free Giveaway
April 27, 2001 | 5:21 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Pegwarmer.com is giving away a 12″ Sith Speeder w Maul this week.



Sandtrooper wave OUT!
April 27, 2001 | 12:39 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Collectstarwars is reporting the new Sandtrooper wave has been found at a Target in Las Vegas.



Q&A Friday Update
April 27, 2001 | 3:06 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice, the oddly named Yakface Q&A Column, has been updated today with more sweet juicy goodness. Check it out, and feel free to send in your questions!



Figure Protectors At Wal-Mart
April 27, 2001 | 3:04 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

In an odd find this week, a few of the local Wal-Marts here in Arizona are beginning to stock packs of an off-brand “Star Case.” These are plastic clamshell cases that snap around carded Star Wars figures, or other figures with similarly sized cardbacks.

The packaging shows Battlestar Galactica figures being “protected”, but if you need something for your Power of the Jedi collection’s safety, try checking Wal-Mart.



Interview with Ultarama Creator
April 26, 2001 | 11:30 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Click Here to read my interview with Mort Simpson creator of the Ultarama. The Ultarama is possibly the best product available to display your loose figures. It has a buillt in peg system which incorporates figure stands into the display, and offers a number of backgrounds, including forest scenes, ice fields, space, and now space station interiors!!!



Looking For The Classic Trilogy Commtechs?
April 26, 2001 | 11:00 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Jawa.com is giving away a set fo the classic Trilogy Commtechs (All 9 of them).



SW Bootleg Site
April 26, 2001 | 7:54 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

BootlegToys.com is a neat site which features tons of reviews and archives of bootleg toys. They have a huge SW area which is under the movie section.



Schedule for Disney Weekends
April 26, 2001 | 8:08 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

There is now official word on the stars that will appear in the “Star Wars Legend Unmasked” event at the upcoming Star Wars Weekends at Disney MGM Studios. They are as follows:

May 4 – 6 Kenny Baker “R2-D2”
Doug Chiang “Lucasfilm Ltd. Design Director”

May 11 – 13 Carrie Fisher “Princess Leia”
Peter Mayhew “Chewbacca”

May 18 – 20 Jeremy Bullock “Boba Fett”
Warwick Davis “Wicket W. Warrick”

May 25 – 27 David Prowse “Darth Vader”
Phil Brown “Owen Lars”

Like last year there could be some appearance changes, but overall this is a great event to meet both the stars and fans from all over the world.



Corrected Marmit Fett
April 25, 2001 | 10:01 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Anime Collectibles has the corrected color Marmit Fett in stock.

Use the coupon code YAKFACE to receive a 10% discount



Lando Wave for UK Collectors
April 25, 2001 | 6:55 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Watto’s Junkyard Online currently has the new Lando wave in stock for £6.49 plus shipping. This is about equal to $9.35 in US dollars in case anyone is interested.



Sandtrooper Wave Showing up in Asia
April 25, 2001 | 5:24 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The new Sandtrooper wave has begun showing up in Hong Kong it should be making its way to the US in the near future.



Q&A Wednesday
April 25, 2001 | 4:57 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

With Every Question For Justice has been updated with more of the low fat content you come here for. So check it outand send in some questions if you have the time.



New Ultarama Backdrops
April 25, 2001 | 12:25 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Ultarama (ultarama.com)will be revealing two new steps of backgrounds this Friday. Here are all of the new backgrounds.

Set 2.1


Set 2.2


Be sure to go by ultarama.com to order. Check back tomorrow for an interview with one of Ultarama’s creators!



April 24, 2001 | 10:34 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Here are the first pic of Sabe and Kewtol carded from the Official SW Site. Below the pics is information on upcoming POTJ figures. You can read the rest of the article and see some smaller pics of Qui Gon, Obi Wan and Sandtrooper carded at the Official SW site

Sabe Front Carded
Ketwol Front Carded

Ellors Madak (Duros) – Should arrive later this summer
Ketwol – the cantina alien added in the Special Edition will come packed with his legs off, revealing his stilts
Han Solo (Death Star Escape) – a different take than has been done before
Darth Vader (Emperor’s Wrath) – special materials used for this figure will hauntingly recreate the eerie juxtaposition of Vader’s skull and helmet as the Emperor’s Force-Lightning sealed his physical demise



Y-Wing, Skiff, Wedge and Han Carbonite in Stock
April 24, 2001 | 6:40 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth now has in stock the
Y-Wing Fighter (Item# 26459,$49.99)
Tatooine Skiff Vehicle (Item# 26458,$49.99)
12in. Han Solo in Carbonite (Item# NM57105,$29.99)
12in. Wedge & Biggs 2-Pack (Item# 57106,$19.99).
All are former exclusives! Very limited quantity available.



The Hasbro Final Four
April 24, 2001 | 6:27 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well the Final Four has been determined by the ballots (no recounts please). The finalists are…..
Boba Fett Vs Zuckuss
Dad (Vader Removable Helmet) Vs Daughter (Slave Leia)
Head on over to the Official Hasbro Site to cast your vote.



Looking For Aurra??
April 24, 2001 | 6:23 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Amazon.com has the Aurra Sing : Dawn of the Bounty Hunters (Star Wars Masterpiece Edition) for $60.00 (20% off) and if you use the code MDMCAMZNALLL you will get $10 OFF ($50 min. purchase, expires 05/13). That will give you a total of $50 plus shipping. Not bad. Hope this helps.



Star Wars/Disney Weekends 2.0
April 24, 2001 | 7:53 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Check out the Star Wars goodies to be had in the Disney-MGM Studios this year… Check it out at the Official Site.



New Figs in Stock
April 23, 2001 | 7:57 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Toymaniacs currently has the Lando wave and Maul Sith Apprentice in stock.



Q&A: Monday
April 23, 2001 | 2:21 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Greetings, all!

I’ve gotten hundreds of submissions for the contest to name Q&A, and it turned out to be quite difficult to pick just one. So I picked two.

The new full title of the column is “With Every Question For Justice: Adam’s Salacious Crumbs of Knowledge.”

Zac Bertschy sent in the first part, Brent McCracken sent the second. Both will be getting some sort of fabulous figure prizes, and you’ll be contacted soon!

Also, Q&A has been updated with more questions and answers, but we’re lagging on the questions. So if you’ve got a minute, please

M&M Newsfeed
April 23, 2001 | 2:17 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

M and M Collectibles has written in to say they’ve just received more of the IG-88 wave of Power of the Jedi figures in stock– this includes the bounty hunter droid as well as Plo Koon, K-3PO, and the Mon Calamari Colonel.



KBKids Has Luke
April 22, 2001 | 10:13 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

KBKids.com has the 12″ 100th Luke in stock now for $49.99 if you are still looking for him.



Starcontrux Has New Dioramas
April 22, 2001 | 7:44 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Head on over to http://www.starconstrux.de and check out the new dioramas he has posted up. We will be adding them here to the dioramas section very soon.



This Weeks Winner
April 22, 2001 | 7:42 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Congrats to Ivan Machado. Ivan is this weeks winner for the Ultarama Stand. If you have not entered yet, just click on the Ultarama Stand on the right side of the page and then submit your name. Thanks to Mort S for the awesome giveaway.



Free Lando Wave
April 22, 2001 | 9:00 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

What you want more free figures to win? Then stop over at the Power of the North Side a register to win a free set of the new Lando wave.



Win a Free R2-Q5
April 21, 2001 | 3:13 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Docking Bay is holding a drawing for a free R2-Q5 that ends on April 30th. Better hurry if you want a chance at winning.



New Figure Pre-Sell
April 21, 2001 | 2:33 PM EST | Brandon | Talk About This Post

Fellow Yak-er Jarrod chimes in to let you know that Kebcotoys.com is starting a pre-sell on this year’s upcoming star wars assortments. He does say that they are reliable and guarantee mint shipping. The pre-sell does require a 50% deposit. So if you feel interested take a look. Also please let us know if you have used them before so we can let all our readers know about them.

UPDATE: JJ passes on information that Kebco’s shipping is pretty slow and that he has yet to recieve figures from the Bespian Han Wave.

UPDATE: Ken, a Kebco Sales Rep, informs us that they have recieved about 200 or so open orders for the Bespian Han Wave and that they are waiting patiently for more cases to arrive, as they have ordered around 75 cases to fulfill all pre-sale orders. The problem, Ken says, is based on how many cases Hasbro plans to send Kebco each time (Kebco is only recieving around 4 cases at any given time). Kebco is in works to try and get more cases shipped so that pre-sales are fulfilled much quicker then in the past. So with that said it looks like it’s based on a first come, first serve basis.

UPDATE: Wow! You guys sure are keeping me busy with this post. Ha ha! Anyways looks like it is now a hit or miss with Kebco. Darrin has reported getting Aurra Sing Wave Figures from them well over a month in advance of hitting stores. Also Robert points out that they have wonderful customer service and he has recieved all his merchandise, purhaps a little delayed but, they do arrive in perfect condition. Mac also points out they are very reliable for international customers as he finds them the easiest and cheapest way to get figures. Also Kebco points out they will replace any item that is damaged and does not arrive mint even if it was during the shipping process that it was damaged. With that said looks like it varries from customer to customer. I have been talking with Kebco and they have been very friendly so I will definetly keep you updated!



Want a Prototype?
April 21, 2001 | 11:30 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Currently on ebay there are several prototypes on sale. Such as the new POTJ Lando (#581796596), Sae See Tinn (#581797136), and Maul Sith Apprentice (#581796136).



No Love for Jar Jar
April 21, 2001 | 10:47 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Reports of people finding the Lando wave keep pouring in however there is one thing that is also being reported and that is the instant peg warming status of the new Jar Jar figure. Poor Jar Jar, even being a new figure doesn’t make people want to buy him.



Need Pote
April 20, 2001 | 9:01 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

If you still need Pote Snitkin you may be in luck, TheJawa.com is giving one away.



Pictures of New Figures
April 19, 2001 | 5:06 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Check out the new carded images of the following new figures in our toyguide:

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Cold Weather Gear)
Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Training Gear)
Sandtrooper (Tatooine Patrol)

Thanks to Maybang for the pictures!



300th Fett in stock
April 19, 2001 | 4:43 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth has the new version of the 300th Boba Fett in stock. This variation now has the left panel in full color, rather than black and white. Order today! 300th SW Figure – Boba Fett (Item# 84566, $14.99)



Are YOU Looking For A Deal???
April 19, 2001 | 7:37 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well here are some very good prices on toys at Target.com
Lego Technics Destroyer Droid $12.99 Reg $49.99
Naboo Electronic Fighter $5.00 Reg $19.99



Free Han Bespin
April 18, 2001 | 10:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Galaxy-Toys is currently running a free giveaway for a POTJ Han Bespin.



Star Wars Helmets In Stock
April 18, 2001 | 6:49 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

At Entertainment Earth
the Boba Fett Helmet (Item# DP82019, $34.99) and other helmets from DON POST are back in stock. Recent arrivals include Tusken Raider Mask (Item# DP82016, $34.99) Tie Fighter Pilot Helmet (Item# DP82025, $34.99)
and Stormtrooper Helmet (Item# DP82002, $39.99)



Q&A: Delay
April 18, 2001 | 5:35 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

I regret to inform you that due to circumstances beyond my control, Q&A will be delayed until later today or perhaps tomorrow along with the winner of the Q&A Naming Contest.



Real Scan Pics
April 17, 2001 | 7:44 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars has posted a few pics of Real Scanned Ep II weapons. The pics are not of the toys but the items themselves. Cool stuff and worth checking out.



Looking For The Bounty??
April 17, 2001 | 7:34 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

KBKids.com has the 12″ Bounty Hunters in stock now. Here are the links to them. They are $24.99 each.
12″ Bossk
12″ 4-LOM
12″ IG-88
12″ Sith Lords 2-Pack $49.99



New Select Image
April 17, 2001 | 7:25 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

The Official Site has put up a new Episode II Select Image, so stop in and check it out.



Free Shipping on Ultaramas ends soon
April 16, 2001 | 10:18 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Ultarama’s free shipping will end at midnight tomorrow. Even if you are at the post office ’till midnight tonight, you have another 24 hours.



Jedi-Con 2001
April 16, 2001 | 3:20 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

For complete coverage with tons of images, check out Journal of the Whills!, Excellent images.



Q&A: Good Morning!
April 16, 2001 | 3:34 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Nice of you to stop by.

The Still Untitled Q&A has been updated again, but in a piece of good news, a title will be decided on for Wednesday’s update.

Until then, feel free to send in your questions for the column, and if you’ve got a scoop, send in some news, too!

And now, the rest of the news.



Still Trying To Find Target’s Skiff And/Or Y-wing???
April 15, 2001 | 5:16 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Kevin writes that D & S Toys appear to have the Skiff and Y-Wing in stock for $38.00.



What are they?
April 15, 2001 | 3:39 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

At EbWorld.com in the Action Figures/Star Wars section there are two listings for new POTJ figures. One is for Collection 1 and the other is Collection 2. However, there is nothing that says what figure you receive when you order. Could it be something new like Lando or Aurra Sing or older figures like Obi-Wan? If you feel lucky you might want to place an order and if anyone has ordered and knows what you get please e-mail me.
UPDATE It appears that is completely random what figure you get however, they are newer figures like Aurra Sing and Maul Sith Apprentice. It is also possible to get some of older figures that are in these cases like Mas Amedda on a .04 card.



And The Winner Is?????
April 15, 2001 | 1:29 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Congrats to Warren Harold. Warren is this weeks winner for the Ultarama Stand. If you have not entered yet, just click on the Ultarama Stand on the right side of the page and then submit your name.



Happy Easter!!!
April 15, 2001 | 1:23 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

From the crew here at Yakface.com, we wish you all a Happy Easter. If you have any decorated eggs, please send them in. We will have a vote on them. The winner will get a free Ultarama Stand from the friendly makers of theUltarama Stands.



Attakus Pre-Order
April 14, 2001 | 11:34 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth is now taking preordes for the Attakus SW statues. Click the link above to see the statues.



SW Survivor
April 14, 2001 | 9:26 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Here is an interesting site it is called SW Survivor. It combines the TV show Survivor with your favorite SW figures.



B-Wing Images
April 14, 2001 | 1:22 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

SSG has posted some images of the new B-Wing boxed and loose. The loose shots are of the B-Wing painted. These pictures are also at
CollectStarWars both are from the new issue of Lee’s.



Wuher Numbers Confirmed
April 13, 2001 | 7:38 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

LILTU writes that the Boston TRU had 40 to 50 Wuhers in today. It looks like each TRU may in fact be getting 4 cases.



Fambaa Back In Stock
April 13, 2001 | 8:03 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is the link to order it.



Q&A Friday Update
April 13, 2001 | 12:19 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Hello ladies and gents,

It’s time for Q&A yet again, so here’s 10 more questions, 10 more answers, and a whole bunch of stupid pop culture references. If you’ve got a minute, send in some more questions and we’ll update again on Monday.



More Lando wave reports
April 12, 2001 | 10:13 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Lucas writes that he just found the Lando wave at at the Wal-Mart in Excelsior Springs Missouri. With the Target sightings reported as well, it looks like these may be starting to hit in greater numbers



Wuher at TRU
April 12, 2001 | 7:49 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Jawa is reporting that Hasbro is sending Toys R Us a total of 18,000 Wuher figures which works out to about 4 cases per store assuming all stores get an equal number.



Still looking for Saesee Tiin
April 12, 2001 | 7:25 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

If you are having trouble finding this member of the Jedi Council,The Jawa is having a drawing for a free Saesee Tiin.



Lando at Target 
April 12, 2001 | 5:02 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Target is now receiving the Lando wave as well. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with the news.



Free Shipping on Ultraramas
April 12, 2001 | 9:44 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

This just in from Ultarama:

As April 15th approaches, we at Ultarama want to help collectors enjoy displaying their figures while keeping some extra cash in their pocket. “Action figure collecting is all about having fun, making new friends, and enjoying your hobby. So, we are doing our part by offering free shipping in the Continental U.S. on all orders placed from April 12th through April 17th!”

You can order on their website www.ultarama.com or by calling toll free at 1-888-269-4386.



How Rare is Rare?
April 11, 2001 | 9:26 PM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

I just added an interesting item to the prototypes section. While not an action figure prototype it’s certainly worth a look. While licensed prototypes found in their early stages are difficult to obtain, finding an unlicensed prototype mock up item is truly amazing. Check out the mock up segment of the prototypes section to check out this unlicensed, unproduced mock up watch.



Bracket Update!
April 11, 2001 | 6:08 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

OK, on to round number two…..
On the Top Half of the bracket we have the following figures moving on.
On the Bottom Half of the bracket we have the following figures moving on.
Head on over to The Official Hasbro Site and vote for your favorites in round 2.



12″ Han Endor is Back
April 11, 2001 | 5:09 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

TRU is getting more than just Wuher in this latest shipment of older figures. They are also receiving cases of the 12″ Han Endor wave. Also, the Wuhers seem to be arriving in massive quantities with most stores getting between 30-40 figures per store.



Jedi Braid In Stock
April 11, 2001 | 5:08 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

We have a limited amount of the Australian exclusive Jedi Braid with Micro Machine Holographic Royal Starship and holo projector in stock for $15.99. Only at D&S Sci-fi Toy World.



Official Site Redone
April 11, 2001 | 4:58 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Starwars.com has launched a completely brand new look. Very nice design but very slow to load.



300th Fett In Stock
April 11, 2001 | 7:57 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

You can now get your long sought after 300th Fett as it is in stock RIGHT HERE at walmart.com for $9.96, happy hunting.



Have That Urge To Play Starfighter??
April 11, 2001 | 7:48 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

But still can’t find the Playstation 2?? Well It is now in stock at KBKids.com, and the price is $299.99, but if you use this code “DISCOVERKB” you will get $10.00 off. Cheaper than any store. While you are there, Enter to win a FREE DVD player, so that when Ol’ George decides that we are worthy enough to get the movies on DVD you will be ready for them.



Q&A Updates Wednesday
April 11, 2001 | 2:06 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Friends, Romans, and of course, Olympic Champions,

The Q&A column here has been updated again. But it has no name! We’ve gotten dozens of entries, but we’re still looking for a few more. If you have one that isn’t “Yakkin’ With Adam” or “Yakkity Yak”, kindly send it on in to me atadam@yakface.com and I’ll be happy.

(Oh, we’re also offering a set of the Aurra Sing wave of action figures as a bounty. [Because we love you.])



Bonus Battle Droids Return To Fan Club
April 11, 2001 | 1:54 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

While previously available elsewhere, the Fan Club now has Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo) with the bonus Battle Droids in place of a CommTech Chip for $8.99. They’ve also got a few of the regular Battle Droids from the USA for only $3.99 each… not too shabby if your army’s in need of new recruits.



Comics Make Me Laugh
April 10, 2001 | 10:19 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Padawanamy pointed out this comic about our favorite passion…..
Click here to see the comic.



Errors Abound!!
April 10, 2001 | 7:56 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well the new wave of figures is just hitting the street and there is an error for you hunters out there. The R2-Q5 has a spelling error on the force file. The front should read Imperial and reads Imperal, so now the question is… Will it get noticed and fixed??? Thanks to halfbittenjedi for the news and the image.



New Case Assortment
April 10, 2001 | 6:13 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

New Force Comics is reporting a new case due at the end of June:
2x Biker Scout
4x Darth Maul Sith Apprentice
1x Chewie Mechanic
1x Aurra Sing
1x Leia Bespin
1x Jedi Armor Qui Gon Jinn
1x Obi-Wan Cold Weather
1x Sandtrooper

Thanks to the Ab Master for the news.



Tessek Wave Expands
April 10, 2001 | 5:32 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The new Tessek wave has now been found at Wal-Mart and TRU. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with the news.



Less Versions
April 9, 2001 | 8:09 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars is reporting there will only be two variations on the Rebel Fleet Trooper and Imperial Office and the variation will be different headsculpts. Also, there will be no different versions of the Bespin Guard. 🙁



Can’t Get Enough B-Wing?
April 9, 2001 | 8:06 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

If you can’t get enough of seeing the new POTJ B-Wing you should go out and get yourself a new copy of Lee’s. In the new issue are many new pics of the B-Wing. Thanks to “Da Dude” for the news.



To Match A Price Or Not?!?!?
April 9, 2001 | 11:49 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Tom from the MSWCC sent this to me today.

Thought I’d test the Star Wars Fan Club’s new Online Price-Matching
Guarantee (see http://swfan.wizards.com/help/pricing.asp):

Official Star Wars Fan Club Store Website:
Star Wars Episode I Die-Cast Watch Collection by Hope Industries: Price: $59.99 (!)

Star Wars Episode I: Die-Cast Watch Collection by Hope Industries: Price: $14.99

This is the response that he received. IMHO I would say that once again, it seems like a good thing on the outside, but once the package is opened, The Slam Club is right there with the high prices of stuff that noone wants right now……

Thanks for spotting this, I’ve passed the information onto our pricing specialist. I’m not sure that anything will be change in this case. If you check the ‘beat or meet’ pricing information we do specify that only Non-Collector grade items are affected by this policy. The Die cast watches you refer to are Collector grade on our site.

The distinction here is that collector products/packaging are checked for even the smallest of defects and are sent to the customer with special packaging guaranteeing Mint condition delivery. Items on other sites and in ‘bricks and mortar’ stores are what we consider non-collector quality. A true collector demands perfect condition goods and our prices often reflect this.

Please bear in mind that KBtoys/kids deal in resale goods as well as new. This means they often get these goods from other suppliers ( including us)to sell in imperfect state at severely reduced prices.

Thank you for your mail, though. We do try to stay aware of the prices of our competitors on similar items.

May the Force be with you.

Name Left Out
Online Support
Star Wars Fan Club



In Case You Missed It This Weekend.
April 9, 2001 | 8:13 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

KbKids.com has the TC-14 12″ Electronic Figure on sale for only $4.99, the regular price is $29.99. Thanks to Robert for the news.



Q&A: Hey, Guess What?
April 9, 2001 | 4:03 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Well gang, it’s that time again. Q&A has been started once again, but the page layout, graphics, and title aren’t finalized. If you’ve got a suggestion for a title, then kindly send it on in.

For those unfamilliar with the concepts behind the column… you’re probably best off reading it.

**Update – The winner of the Name the Q&A Column with Adam will get the Aurra Sing wave FREE!



Lookin For A LEGO Deal?
April 8, 2001 | 9:21 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

K-Mart this week is running a sale where if you buy a set you get a second set of equal or lesser value for 50% off. Not bad.



Have You Ever Heard Of SLA?
April 8, 2001 | 7:46 PM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

The prototypes section of the website has been updated. Included in the update is a rare look into a segment of the toy making process that many collectors have never heard of before. Updates have begun to the twelve inch figures section as well as the hardcopies section where the SLA prototype is located. More to be added to the site this week including Galoob prototypes, and more first shots. Check it out. As always if you have any modern era Star Wars prototypes and would like them featured on the website please send them to me at SemsFir@aol.com. Full credit of ownership will be given, unless you want to remain anonymous! 8>)



B-Wing Boxed Pic
April 8, 2001 | 6:50 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

TheJawa.com has posted a pic of the POTJ B-wing boxed. Sure doesn’t look to be worth $50 of my money.



Let The Giveaways Commence!
April 8, 2001 | 9:20 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Once again Yakface.com is proud to start its weekly giveaways from Mort Simpson and the awesome Ultarama Stands.
This weeks winner is Mark Holbrook, Congrats Mark, and if you havent entered already please click on the link on the right side of the page for a chance to win one for yourself.



B-Wing Retail Price To Be $50!!!
April 7, 2001 | 9:54 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Junior for the following news

“The B-Wing Fighter w/ pilot is now listed in the Target computer system. It is listed under DPCI# 087-06-1954 for the price of $49.99. Ouch!!!” Here are the other DCPI #’s that were sent in. Palm Talkers Price: $11.99 #087-06-0482. 12″ Legacy Assort Price: $26.99 #087-06-0317



More Power of the Jedi Comes to Canada
April 7, 2001 | 8:44 PM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Reader PunkBoy200 has news to share of more POTJ showing up in the great white north:

“Wal-Mart in Edmonton Canada has Chewbacca (Mechanic), Bespin Leia and Aurra Sing! Only about 5 Aurra’s compared to the massive amounts of the other two!”

Well, there you have it!



More on Wuher
April 7, 2001 | 1:44 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Wuher is showing up on both coasts of the US and in large numbers. According to one reader TRU is receiving solid cases of Wuher that have “SW Fan Club” printed on the outside. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with the news.



Free Giveaway
April 7, 2001 | 10:57 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Pegwarmer.com is giving away a free “12 Sith Speeder w Darth Maul.



Jar Jar Swamp and more at TRU
April 6, 2001 | 11:09 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

More EP I figures have begun to show up at TRU’s across the country. Figures such as the Jar Jar Swamp and TC-14 waves have been spotted. I have even gotten a report of multiple Wuhers being found at TRU. IF anyone else has found Wuher at TRU please let me know this is the first I’ve heard of it. Thanks to Scott for the news.



The end has come…
April 6, 2001 | 7:05 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well guys I have come to the end of the road here at Yak…
I have only been here for a brief eight months. The time here was great and you (the readers) are awesome. I have had more good things said to me than any bad. I do thank you all for all the support, and for any friendships I made thru Yak.
I wish the crew here at Yak all the best and thank them for letting me in on this great site. I know I will still remain friends with the crew here and definetly tune in daily to check out the news.
I am moving to Jawa.com, and hope you will check me there as well.
My reason for leaving is just some (for better choice of words) artistic expression. I hope that all the Yak-er’s out there continue to hit this site everday, and all the other great sites out there.
We all play on the same game, well I think we do anyway, so no reason to favor anyone more than the other.
Thanks to all here and all you out there. Check me out in my new brown cloak… Til next time… UUUUTTTTIINNNIIII….



Tessek at Meijer’s
April 6, 2001 | 5:52 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Tessek wave has been found at Meijer’s in Ohio. Thanks to Ben for the news.



The All Knowing Pager
April 6, 2001 | 10:26 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

My pager news tells me that of the famous people that share today as their birthday, ESB’s own Billy Dee Williams turns 64. Happy Birthday Billy Dee.



B-Wing Images
April 6, 2001 | 6:10 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is the latest Test Shot of the New B-Wing with Pilot. These are prototype shots. You can bid on this item onEbay.com, the item number is 577220276, special thanks to Maybang for the images.



John’s Toys
April 5, 2001 | 6:19 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

John from John’s Toys gave me a call today and mentioned some new stuff they had just got in. I know most have seen, (and probably still need) the ultra cool UK Pit Droid two packs. Why these weren’t made for the US market I’ll never figure out…
But John saves the day and comes thru…
Head over to their site now. They have the Ani, Obi, Maul “soft goods” waves available w/ the Pit Droid. John also has the elusive Obi/Maul two pack and the older Battle Droid overseas sets. Head over or call them at 1-800-505-TOYS.

UPDATE: Tom over at YesterToy’s also got some the Pit Droid packs in as well as another elusive piece, the once Exclusive Target Skiff. Definetly worth a look. These pieces were obtained thru an overseas source by both John and Tom. I don’t see suplly lasting long… Well what are ya waiting for???



Complete your Star Wars Mask Collection?
April 5, 2001 | 5:21 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Is this a new item or an old one? Although this item has been listed in the Don Post catalog for a few years, very few of these units have been spotted. This rare piece is now in stock at Entertainment Earth. Jawa Mask (Item# DP677513, $39.99)



America’s Finest Figure News Source
April 5, 2001 | 3:58 AM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

The Onion, America’s Finest News Source, has posted a feature of vital importance to all people considering placing action figures in their cubicles. Check it out!



Wishbook Deals
April 4, 2001 | 11:20 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Are you still trying to complete your collection? The Sears wishbook is still having a great sale on some older stuff. You can visit them at http://www.wishbook.com
The sale includes ROTJ 12″ 4-pack (Luke Jedi, Palpatine, Band Member, and Chewy in Chains) for $24.88.
Galaxy 2-pack (Ewok w/Endor, Luke w/Tatooine) for $9.99.
And a few other things.



Still Looking For Your Lunchbox?
April 4, 2001 | 11:09 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


Hallmark.com still has it in stock for $14.95 plus shipping.



SW Fan Club Price Match
April 4, 2001 | 10:05 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The SW Fan Club has started a new price matching policy which is described in their newsletter that just went out

“Whenever you see a lower price for one of our Non-Collector grade items at another major online retailer (such as KBkids, Amazon, Disney, Kmart,Target, etc), let us know by sending an e-mail with the exact name of the product, the URL of the item, and the listed price to swfan@wizards.com. Once we have confirmed the price, we will update our online store to reflect a matching or better price for Fan Club members.”

Thanks to Dan the Stone Cold Man for the news.



Cheap Fambaa’s
April 4, 2001 | 3:14 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

You can now stop over at http://www.fao.com and pick up this monsterous beast for $37.50 plus shipping as he is now back in stock. They also have the six beanies from Episode 1 on sale as a set for $15.00, which is not that bad of a price.



Still Searching for Figures?
April 3, 2001 | 10:43 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Most seem to be hunting the “newer” waves of POTJ figs still…
On that way to TRU, Walmart, Target, KMart and any other in between place, pop into your local Electronics Boutique. I just saw the Sith Maul wave at an EB store today. The distribution scheme hasn’t seem to get all that better, so any other “possible” option is a good one. They also might have some of the 1st waves of POTJ figs at a cheap, cheap price of $1.87. Speaking of hard hunting times… Head over to Collect Star Wars and let them know if you been one of the lucky people finding things.

UPDATE: The guys over at Collect have a poll going about the availability of figures and if you guys are finding them easy or not… Head over and add to that poll, hopefully the Big H will learn what they need to know from those results.



Best SW Figure Ever
April 3, 2001 | 9:36 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Hasbro has posted on their site a poll/bracket that will determine the best SW figure ever produced. Think of it as the NCAA Tournament for SW figures.



Maul Apprentice in Canada
April 3, 2001 | 5:15 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Darth Maul Sith Apprentice figure has begun to show up in Canada. If you live in Canada you should try to find it at Wal-mart since it is the only store, Maul has been found so far. Thanks to Jim for the news.



Mega Figures Concept Art
April 3, 2001 | 5:07 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars has posted some cool looking concept art of the Mega Action figures.



April 3, 2001 | 4:25 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Much as I hate to follow up Mark’s post abou him going backstage on Yakface with more negativity, I will no longer be working on the site.

I’ve spent more than a year contributing, but at the moment my interest in Star Wars collecting is pretty much dead and the site needs more time than I have to give.

You can contact me through the current address greg@yakface.com, it forwards mail to me and will continue to for a little while.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me during my time here – I appreciate it! All the best to Adam and the other newer members of the team. Bye!



Latest Select Image
April 3, 2001 | 7:53 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Is it me or does the new select image at http://www.starwars.com look like ol’ George is mixing Star Wars with Star Trek? Why is there a Transporter in a Star Wars movie?



From The Land Of Variations…
April 3, 2001 | 7:48 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is the latest in the ever growing list of variations. This shot shows the difference between the new and old bubbles on the Imperial Biker Scout.



It’s About Time
April 2, 2001 | 10:20 PM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

The firstshots prototype page has had a small update. Things are finally slowing down from my hectic personal schedule to begin updating the prototypes page regularly again. This week I’m looking to begin adding 12 inch prototypes, Galoob prototypes, as well as other interesting prototype material. Some interesting items should start appearing on the page within the next couple of weeks so check back often.
Since there’s a new head of state behind the desk now I wonder if it would be a good time to ask for a raise? 8>)



“Don’t try to frighten us with your sorcerer’s w- cka cka”
April 2, 2001 | 9:35 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well if you don’t head over to Jawa.com and rescue him from Lord Vader’s grip…
Man did that sound like a commercial or what? Is that Hasbro I hear calling… Anyway head over and try to nab yourself a free Motti fig, thanks to the little Jawa clan… Good luck guys.



EP I Cases Still in Stock
April 2, 2001 | 7:22 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

E1 Coll. 3 (Wave 10) Half Case (Item# 84105E, $75.99)
2x TC-14, 2x R2-B1 Astromech Droid, 1x Adi Gallia, 1x Ody Mandrell, 1x OOM-9, 1x Captain Tarpals.

E1 Coll. 3 (Wave 10) Case (Item# 84105D, $144.99)
4x TC-14, 4x R2-B1 Astromech Droid, 2x Adi Gallia, 2x Ody Mandrell, 2x OOM-9, 2x Captain Tarpals. Only atEntertainment Earth.



Q&A Begins… Soon
April 2, 2001 | 5:48 PM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

One of the things I’m bringing to Yakface is a Questions and Answers column, but since it’s starting over fresh, the column currently has no questions. While I’m building the page behind the scenes, any questions you’d care to email me would be great in getting this thing started.



New Management
April 1, 2001 | 11:29 PM EST | Adam | Talk About This Post

Greetings, Toy Fans!

I’m Adam Pawlus. You might remember me from my old Star Wars newsletter, the Q&A column I wrote for Rebelscum, or my brief stint as the young “Chico” on the final season of “Chico And The Man.”

As you most likely saw in the post below, Mark’s bowing out of the page management game and he said he was looking for someone else to run things. And apparently, I was the best he could come up with on such short notice.

So in the coming weeks, expect most things here to stay pretty much like you’ve always loved them. The latest Star Wars news will always have a home here, along with whatever other neat nuggets we can dig up for you.

So allow me to say that I look forward to working for you and with our top notch staff toward all your Star Wars news needs, and with any luck we’ll have some other great new features to offer you in the coming weeks.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled news.



Alas, The Time Has Come!
April 1, 2001 | 10:39 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well I have been down this path before, only to be drawn right back into the thick of things. However, with the priorities I have in my life right now, it is time for me to move on. I was going to shut down the site for good, however it has been saved by someone I think it perfect for the site. He will be posting something soon. I will be moving on and letting go of Yakface.com. I will still be here from time to time to post news as I get it, however I will be concentrating on my son who is more important to me. I will also be working on the toyguide with Ben, look for it to be complete soon with the most complete set of images found on the net.
I want to thank everyone I have met throughout the years as I have made some very good friends. I will be keeping in touch and my email will remain on the site. So keep in touch with me. Take care all and may you all have the best of luck in hunting down your figures.
Mark Minicuci (hfsolo)



New figs hitting
April 1, 2001 | 6:10 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

As I had mentioned a couple of weeks back the new Lando wave is finally starting to show up here in the states. Collect Star Wars reports some finds in Fla, I also got an email from a good friend that saw these at a flea market he visted today in Ca. Guess it’s on with the hunt guys.



Have you been “Fan Clubbed”?
April 1, 2001 | 6:04 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

The great “moffbunkaroo” sent over a very interesting story to us members of the Trade Federation on a recent dealing with the “new” Fan Club. Some must read info…

“Hey everyone,
I just though I’d throw this info out in case it helps anyone. I placed an order with the new fan club online last Wednesday when it opened. I ordered an Oola/Crumb set, a carded Poite Snitkin and a
non-collector grade E1 R2 (wanted one loose). I got my order today, and man, it’s a good thing I didn’t want my stuff MOC. The R2 and Pote Snitkin were jammed so hard into the box the cards were bent backwards. Now, I don’t know if they did this because of the free shipping or because one of my items was deemed “non-collector” quality-you be the judge.
Also, I got absolutely no Ship Confirmation e-mail, so after I got the
original e-mail telling me that my order was accepted, I heard zilch. I had to e-mail their Customer Service to get a tracking #. Plus, they don’t seem to have a link on their site to check your order status like the old fan club.
All in all, this new club definitely has Buyer Beware labeled all over it in my opinion. Hope this helps…”
Hopefully this was just an isolated incident, but if you have gone through anything like this with the new Fan Club, gimmie a holler.



Palm Talkers and new 12″ Prices
April 1, 2001 | 2:12 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

On Raving Toy Maniac’s page the prices for the new Palm Talkers (Price: $11.99 # 087-06-0482) and the
12? Legacy Asst. (Price: $26.99 # 087-06-0317) are listed from the Target computers.



Lucas to do Episode 7,8 and 9!
April 1, 2001 | 12:04 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CNN.com is reporting George Lucas has announced he will be doing Episode 7, 8 and 9.



Official Site Update
April 1, 2001 | 11:08 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Official Site has updated with some great news on the upcoming SW film. Go check it out.



12″ Sith Speeder Returning
April 1, 2001 | 11:05 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

If you never were able to find a 12″ Sith Speeder last year they have begun showing up again at Wal-Marts all around the country. Thanks to everyone who has written in about it.



Three Cool Auctions!!
April 1, 2001 | 10:01 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some excellent auctions on Ebay.com by Gus Lopez.
Unproduced Sith Infiltrator POTJ Prototype Item #575628727
Unproduced Build Your Own Pod Racer POTJ Prototype Item #575627425
Unproduced Royal Starship POTJ Prototype Item #575624477



Master Marketeer or DVD Nazi, “No DVD for YOU!”
April 1, 2001 | 9:01 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

The Force.net reports that the DVD of the Phantom Menace has been bug checked and is ready to be pressed and shipped as soon as LFL gives the word. Given this it’s interesting to note that they also report in a separate story that the April 29th airing of Episode I on FOX seems to have been cancelled and will be aired in the 4th quarter instead. Why would they do that, I wonder?

Now even though I’ve spoken to folks at Hasbro who deny that Lucas himself is involved with many of their ‘variations’ and other issues that aggravate the collector — the occasional 1-per case and the lack of a collector’s retail outlet (I’d like to order one of everything please)—it almost is hard to believe that Lucas doesn’t play at least some part in these brilliant machinations that keep the fans from being satisfied. It almost seems that he knows the meaning of “The Phantom Menace” all too well. Maybe I’m watching too many X-Files reruns waiting for Star Wars on DVD because I’m beginning to wonder if George Lucas or Rick McCallum has taken up smoking Morley cigarettes.

The point that everyone seems to overlook is that the DVDs that everyone actually wants (the real Star Wars Trilogy) won’t be coming out for years. In my opinion, that is no coincidence and the reason is not George’s busy schedule because if the fans remain hungry they will jump on any scrap you throw them.

March 2001 Archive

Thats BomBAD!!!
March 30, 2001 | 7:38 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Do you have your Playstation2? If so and you want to be one of the first to get Bombad Racing you can now pre-order it at the Lucas Arts Online Store.
Available in stores April 27th, Super Bombad Racing is a fun-filled, action-packed racer featuring 8 of your favorite Star Wars: Episode I characters racing on 9 tracks or four arenas. 25 different power-ups and gadgets, plus some secret unlockable characters keep the action fast and fun.



Mini Me.. err… Mini Vader
March 30, 2001 | 7:34 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


Is this the coolest thing ever or what?!?! David Hannebon made this awesome custom. Here is the link to see how he made it.



Darth Cynical
March 29, 2001 | 11:47 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Check out this very funny article in which “Everything is Collectible” at The Onion.



March 28, 2001 | 8:19 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From ACPin:
“Just as Kenner/Hasbro has a habit of recycling playsets into another, I wasn’t able to resist doing it with the Jabba’s Droid Dungeon and turning it into this version of the Jawas Droid Factory. Another multi-scene diorama that even though I used most of the elements from the other one, it still has its own unique touches. You never know what the Jawas will do when they take over the dungeon!”
Check it out here.



ADC Poll
March 28, 2001 | 8:18 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

American Dream Comics have posted a poll asking you who you’d prefer to get the TIE Bomber as a store exclusive, since it will surely be one. Head over and cast your vote!



March 27, 2001 | 10:42 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

FBTB has tonight launched a Q&A section – have a LEGO question? Send it in!



EU Maul at K-mart
March 27, 2001 | 6:06 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The new Darth Maul Sith Apprentice has been showing up at K-marts in the US. So if you still need it you might want to check your local K-Mart.



New Guy says Hello
March 27, 2001 | 6:02 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Hey there fellow Yak-ers! It’s been a great honor to be chosen to be the new store reporter. My name is Brandon and I have been collecting Star Wars figures since well, the day I was born. I have my very own website which has been down for awhile for remodeling but will be back up shortly. Take a look at http://corps2k.cjb.net.
As of today I am caught up and have been adding the reports almost as I recieve them! If you have any reports don’t forget to send them in! Thanks for your continued support.



Back In stock
March 27, 2001 | 4:29 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

Plo-Koon wave is back in stock at http://www.bowman-enterprises.com. The break down is as follows: 1x Tusken Raider, 1x Mas Ammeda, 1x Cor. Guard 1x Jek Porkins, 2x Plo
Koon, 2x IG-88 Bounty Hunter, 2x Queen Amidala Red Thrown, 2x Sae See Tin (Subject to change). This case is in stock (Limited Numbers) and is shipping. They also have limited numbers of classic SW cases in stock.



12″ scale sand skiff on eBay
March 26, 2001 | 8:13 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

There is a 12″ scale sand skiff on ebay that might be worth a look. The auction number is 572959278. Fan creativity never ceases to amaze me!



EU Figure Poll
March 26, 2001 | 5:32 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

There is a massive new EU figure poll starting up at Rogue’s Gallery. The poll is trying to determine what EU figures collectors would like to see most. Go vote today.



Store Reports Section Back Online
March 25, 2001 | 11:35 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Store Reports section is back up and working. If you have any store reports go ahead and send them in. We would also like to welcome Brandon to the team, he will be working on the section full time. To welcome Brandon and lets make the store section one that everyone can use.



RC Luke and Taun Taun
March 25, 2001 | 11:28 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

This picture of the remote control Luke and Taun Taun seems to be from the Tokyo toy fair. This item was on show by Hasbro to potential buyers. The idea was that someone would pick this up to be a store exclusive. No word to date on whether or not that happened though, which means that if nobody went for it, this item may not see production. So at the moment, this is still a potential product. But hey, take a look.



Faamba In Stock Online
March 24, 2001 | 6:41 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

You can head over to http://www.fao.com and order it now. It is in stock for $37.50.




Still Searching?
March 24, 2001 | 3:12 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

Are you still searching for a figure you missed out on? Or how about a vintage figure or ship? If you are, check out Hidden Rebel Base. They have a great selection and top quality merchandise. Check them out today.



March 24, 2001 | 7:20 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Lots more reports of that new card, and for those who’ve not seen it, Rebelscum have had a scan of it up on their site for a few days which a lot of people seem to have missed (me included). It’s the .0400 card back and is shipping all over the place right now. Still no new figures though…



Pod Race and Building Anakin’s pod dioramas added
March 23, 2001 | 10:40 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

To see the new dioramas click here



New Cardbacks
March 23, 2001 | 8:41 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Geoff in West Sacramento sent in this interesting report:
“I saw something interesting at a Wal-Mart in Vacaville, CA. They had a Mas Amedda w/ new figs on the back: Lando, Tessek, R2-Q5, new Obi-Wan, new Qui-Gon, new Jar Jar, AND the new Sandtrooper w/ binoculars (looks amazing!!!) It was the ONLY figure that had this new back, which was kind of odd. There was no sign of any of these new figs being out yet.”
Seems the new cardbacks are out there now and I wouldn’t be surprised if the new figures weren’t far behind. Watch out for all the new wave (Jar Jar, Tessek, Lando and R2-Q5) very soon. For photos of the figures, see the post from earlier on today.

Update: Ryan in Utah reports a similar finding, so these are obviously hitting widespread. But we could really use some new figures and not just new cards!! In case anyone is getting confused, the new Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon figures are the expanded universe concept art figures shown at Toy Fair.



Online Deals
March 23, 2001 | 8:04 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Action-Figures.net have some pretty good deals on Star Wars stuff right now, including these:

Aurra Sing, Chewbacca Mechanic and Leia Bespin for only $29.00. All three are case fresh packed in Protector cases. To purchase these figures click the link below.

They have extended their Winter Super Sale. Just a few highlights of this sale are the R2-D2 with holographic Leia, the formerly exclusive fan club four freeze frame action figures for only $8.00 each and many more. To view the sale click the link below.

There’s plenty more stuff too so head over and take a look!



Release Date for B-Wing and TIE Int
March 23, 2001 | 5:14 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

TheForce.net is reporting the B-Wing will be released in June and the TIE Int in August. Also, they are reporting that the SW Celebration II will be in Indianapolis.



MORE new stuff in the UK
March 23, 2001 | 12:08 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Philip Ayres reports again with news of more new items at TheToyShop.com. They now have Aurra Sing, Princess Leia (Bespin Escape), Chewbacca (Mechanic), Saesee Tiin and Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion) for £7. They also have the Target exclusive Y-Wing Fighter with pilot figure for £32. Wow, it’s amazing to see a UK retailer like this with right up to date figures. Head over if you’re interested.



New Ships and such, MAYBE!
March 23, 2001 | 10:20 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Official word from Hasbro is that the list of ships that have been posted on many sites is UNCONFIRMED. Yes they were shown at the show in Japan, however they are test shots to present to retailers as exclusives. Until any retailers sign off on them, then they are just test shots. Hasbro has also said “There is a good chance that a few of these will become account exclusives in the next year or so in some form or another, and there is also a good chance that a few of these will be traded out for something else.” So that is it in a nutshell.



In Case you missed it
March 22, 2001 | 10:40 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

In case you missed it Greg posted this list of rumored upcoming POTJ items on Wednesday:
TIE bomber with imperial officer
AT-ST with Chewey & Ewok
Snowspeeder with Luke & Dack
12″ Speederbike & Luke Endor
12″ Luke Dagobah & Yoda



Jar Jar Tatooine and Lando wave LARGE pics
March 22, 2001 | 8:15 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Here are some large scans of the Jar Jar POTJ figs and other figs in the Lando wave carded.
Jar Jar Front
Jar Jar Back
Lando Front
Lando Back
R2-Q5 Front
R2-Q5 Back
Tessek Front
Tessek Back
Thanks to 
 for the pics.



OK who’s moving to OZ with me?
March 22, 2001 | 8:02 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Darthmaulclone from the OZ land, sent us some more info of things on shelves there. No not the one that the yellow brick road leads to, I mean the kangaroo land, Australia.
Maul gave us word on all this…

“Just thought I would let you know that the Carbon Freezing chambers are starting to hit the TRU stores in Australia in quanitity. They are coming in at about $60 AUS each. Also the Y Wings have started to appear at about the same price. I also saw the 300th Boba Fett figure.”

I am ready for a trip down below guys, anyone else getting in the van?



Need the FC 4?
March 22, 2001 | 7:39 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Is your Death Star missing it’s resident droid or Hoth just not the same without Leia? Well then head over to Figuresandtoys.com and get yourself the set of four former FC exclusive figs. Here’s what they had to say….

“FedEx just left the warehouse and delivered the FAN CLUB 4.
Hasbro has sold out of these cases and they will not long be produced. You can get the set of 4 for only $33.00. You get the following Freeze Frame figures with this set. They Include: Pote Snitkin, At-At Driver, Leia Hoth and Death Star Droid.”

UPDATE: The link I put above won’t work, not sure why. Just visit them at www.figuresandtoys.com. Sorry guys…



More Jedi at TRU…Power Of The…Of course
March 22, 2001 | 7:26 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yup seems that TRU is getting more POTJ stock in. I made my daily TRU stop on my way home from work and saw at least 5 sets of 12″ Bounty Hunters there. A few of the other sites have also reported on this. Good news for those that missed out when Target had them. This is a great set and definetly worth getting. Of course I recommend two sets, one boxed, one open… No I don’t own Hasbro stock… Head into TRU and spend some of that tax refund.
Oh but just a quick mention more on these… Target is now clearancing out any remaining stock on these also. George over at Sandtroopers has a story on this. Check it out…



More updates and new dioramas
March 22, 2001 | 7:23 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

I have updated many of the Tatooine dioramas, including the search for the droids, purchase of the droids, Judland Wastes, and vintage Jabba’s palace. There is also a new R2’s capture diorama. Click here to check them out.

Check back tomorrow for photos of Episode 1 Tatooine dioramas.



POTJ Jar-Jar Carded Pic
March 22, 2001 | 5:30 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

On ebay there is a pic of the upcoming POTJ Jar-Jar. It is item number 572473688. The pic is not very clear but it gives you a good idea of what it looks like.



POTJ Upcoming Figure News
March 22, 2001 | 5:27 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Collectstarwars.com has posted some news on the upcoming 25th Anniversary 2 packs and POTJ Sandtrooper which will have different colored shoulder pads.



March 22, 2001 | 11:39 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin writes:
“I’ve just updated my site with the first diorama created by my three sons using LEGOs. It depicts the march of the battle droids during the invasion of Theed. I’ve also added a custom comic cover using one of the pics from my special display of the Boba Fett 300th special edition figure.”



Will Tarpals go lower?
March 21, 2001 | 10:46 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

That seems to be haunting a lot of people out there. Well the answer is (drumroll please)…. YES…
Considering this has only been the first we have heard these being clearanced since they came out. Target’s final markdowns always end in a “4”. So for instance a final price might look like “20.94” (this is just an example folks). So if you are still hesitant then wait a little more, BUT remember he could disappear before then. Good luck guys. Mesa so tired, mesa tinkin’ it a loooong day eh… Mesa tinks it’sa bed time… Whew now you know I am tired….



POTJ hitting TRU
March 21, 2001 | 10:41 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I, myself have yet to see many POTJ figs at TRU in my area, but more reports of them showing up there are coming in. I did see some Chewie Mechanic and Leia Bespin Escape figs at a local store here in south east Ma yesterday. Well a friend said he saw more there today including Mr Maul. So maybe that stop into TRU can land ya those figs ya just can’t seem to nab anywhere else. Also still looking for anyone that has found any of the new Lando wave on pegs anywhere in the US. If you are a lucky one gimmie a shout.



Do you come from the land down under?
March 21, 2001 | 10:37 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

No I am not from Men without Hats… Nor am I 6′ 4″ and full of muscles… But I do have some news from our friends in the land of OZ. Figaalfa wrote in with some cool info on somethings in TRU in Melbourne. Now guys these are some cool deals for our Aussie friends, considering they don’t get 1/2 of what us lucky US folk do…

12″ Bounty Hunters $60.63 ($31US) (Frankston Store)
12″ Maul Speeder $103 OR $129 ($53 or $67US) (All Stores)
12″ Sith Lords $129 ($67US) (Frankston Store)
12″ Tarpals & Kaadu $248 ($129US) (City Store)
12″ 100th Luke $129 ($67U) (City Store)
POTJ Vader Dagobah wave $14.99 ($8US) (Knox Store)
Skiff & Jedi Luke $76.99 ($40US) (All Stores)

Figaalfa also found himself some cool POTJ errors, some I hadn’t heard of yet. Congrats to our friends below, hopefully the good luck will continue to fall a little further downward.

UPDATE: Of course most can imagine how many corrected me on the Men without Hats reference. I do know that it was the great Men at Work that did “DOWN UNDER”. I guess my Big 80’s mind was off…
TOOO many Men groups back then I guess… Ahhh yes the days when MTV actually played videos… You can dance if ya want to… S-A-F-E-T-Y Safety Dance… Ok enough of my babbling…



More Diorama Updates
March 21, 2001 | 9:04 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

I have just updated the tatooine diorama pages. Check out the new photos of the streets of Mos Eisley and the Cantina.

Click here to see the new photos. Check back tomorrow for more new scenes for the place that “if there is a bright spot in the universe [its] the planet that’s farthest from.”



Shut that tv off
March 21, 2001 | 7:49 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Is it gonna be just another boring Sun in front of the boob tube watching reruns of Dukes of Hazard on TV Land? Well get up and get over to Harry’s Collectable Show. This is the largest continuous show of it’s kind in New England. Check out 50 or so tables of non sport cards, comics and toys. You can also hook up with the Sidster and chat just a little. The show is this Sun, Mar 25th at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 304 Highland Ave, South Attleboro, Ma. You can check out details at MyMummy.com. If anyone would like to hook up and talk toys gimmie a holler here.



No more Hasbrocollectors.com?
March 21, 2001 | 7:41 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

The awesome Trade Federation collecting group has some possible news or rumors concerning our favorite toy company’s site. Definetly worth a look so… What are ya waiting for??? GO… GO I said…

UPDATE:For our young readers the site linked off the Trade Federation is for a much more mature crowd so please head over only if you are in that crowd.



Could it be???
March 21, 2001 | 7:37 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well we all read Greg’s post earlier on some “possible” POTJ products… Oh and if ya didn’t read scroll down…
Now I also just heard about a few of these today as well as a
12″ Endor Leia on Speederbike, this one as well as Luke have been talked about before. It kinda makes sense considering the bikes and dolls are already made (just some new shiny clothes). Also “rumored” down the pike is a 12″ scale Landspeeder. This would be a huge piece, but definetly not impossible considering the 12″ scale tanks we have seen for the military lines out. I have inquired more about the Cloud Car that we all heard about and my answer was “we’ll see”… Could that be a good “we’ll see” or a bad one? Who knows… Regardless we have some cool pieces that are coming and with all the rest talked about lately, those can be the icing on the cake.



To be a Fan and Buy online??
March 21, 2001 | 6:52 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well the OFFICIAL Star Wars Fan Club Site is NOW OPEN!!! Stop in and check it out.



12″ George Lucas
March 21, 2001 | 4:40 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Hot Toys are selling this item for $55, pretty cheap, and offer free shipping with a special Rebelscum.com offer which you can read about on the item page (or, of course, on Rebelscum!). Thanks to Edward for the news!



Need POTJ?
March 21, 2001 | 4:38 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

I expect this will be of use mainly to UK readers, but it’s worth a read if you’re in America too:

Over at www.ultimart.com the latest range Power Of The Jedi figures are available at incredible prices. The following dealers on the site are offering some of the lowest prices available for Power Of The Jedi figures anywhere on the web.

Red Pumpkin are offering all the latest Power Of The Jedi figures for £6.00 / $8.75 each currently EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH www.ultimart.com.

Starshow Collectibles are offering POTJ figures for £6.42 / $8.99 each.

The Entertainer offering POTJ figures between £6 – 7.00 / $8.75 – $10.22.

Prices may vary lightly due to exchange rates.



Sandtrooper Pre-Orders
March 21, 2001 | 4:34 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

DarkJediFett is taking pre-orders on the upcoming Marmit 12″ Sandtroopers with black or white shoulder paldron (there are two new versions of the figure coming out). $105 plus shipping each is the pre-order price. E-mail if you’re interested.



Some Clarification
March 21, 2001 | 10:26 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

A couple of points…

Firstly, the newsfeeds section is well worth checking out fairly often because we don’t usually post the content from there on the main page. Just today I posted some info from D & S Toys – they have the Skiff, Y-Wing and Carbon Freeze Chamber in stock (and more stuff too). Worth watching for stuff like that.

Other point – our main page only displays the most recent posts. Once it’s gone from the main page it’s not away forever. If you click the “More News HERE” link at the bottom of the page you can see the archives which span from Jan 2000 to yesterday. I get a number of e-mails asking about old posts so there you go, they’re still there.



Plush Ewok Custom
March 21, 2001 | 9:12 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

A friend of mine made this plush Lumat from scratch, and I though I’d post it here because it really is excellent! You might remember a few months ago I posted a picture of one of his custom Ewoks along with a note asking if anyone knew what it was – he sent me the image and I thought it looked so professional that I didn’t even consider it might be custom. Anyway, check it out!!



Upcoming POTJ Items
March 21, 2001 | 9:08 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Here’s an interesting list of rumored upcoming POTJ items:

TIE bomber with imperial officer
AT-ST with Chwey & Ewok
Snowspeeder with Luke & Dack
12″ Speederbike & Luke Endor
12″ Luke Dagobah & Yoda

I can’t confirm that this is 100% true but it came from a very reliable source which has been correct before, and one item on there (the 12″ Speeder with Luke) has been rumored for a while now.

It is possible that the TIE Bomber is really the TIE Interceptor and things got mixed up. But perhaps not? Guess we’ll have to wait ‘n see!



Palm Talkers
March 21, 2001 | 8:50 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Oops, my bad – seems the E1 palm talkers WERE available as English-speaking toys too. Thanks to everyone who wrote in with that info, I didn’t know that. Still I’m pretty stoked with my Japanese Battle Droid 🙂
For anyone who wants to know how to tell if your sealed toy speaks English….the small speech bubbles, located at the base of the box at the figure’s feet – will have English words in them if the toy is English-speaking. Thanks go to Stacy S for that info!



New Endor Diorama Pics
March 20, 2001 | 9:56 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Endor diorama has been totally revised with many more photos and scenes. Ewok village, Leia and Wicket, speeder bikes, imperial bunker, AT-STs.

Click here to check it out. Check back tomorrow night to see the all new Mos Eisley Cantina.



New figs are here!
March 20, 2001 | 9:50 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

The Aurra Sing wave is here. I have recieved many mails on it and tonight I picked up the huntress at a local Target. I was able to locate Aura, new maul, theed amidala and battle droid w/ boomer damage. Happy Hunting!



Something Different
March 20, 2001 | 7:51 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

Looking for something new and interesting? Check out FBTB‘s Customs section – we now have more than 60 galleries on display showcasing some very cool Star Wars LEGO items built by fans just like yourself.



Neva Kee’s Unproduced Ep I Action Fleet
March 20, 2001 | 7:50 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Neva Kee’s podracer is up for auction on E-bay. This is one of the axed vehicles that never hit the shelves. It is a completely painted vehicle with Mini-fig in a plain white Action fleet box. Look for auction #570737615. Thanks to Marshall for the news.



Star Wars Sub-Culture
March 20, 2001 | 7:35 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Oh you didn’t know? Ya better ask somebody…
Darth Sinister over at Sandtroopers.com has got a cool new section up there. It’s called Sub-Culture. Darth wrote in letting us all know what exactly is Sub-Culture…

“Sub-Culture takes a look into the lives of other Star Wars fans who are influenced in their arts by Star Wars.The first installment featured Erik Barclay.He is the creator of the Fate of the Jedi online comic which can be found at the Force.net
The latest edition features ACPin,diorama maker.I also have a few more in the works which should be ready in the near future.”

Definetly worth a look, so head over and check it out. They got some cool things going on over there, so stay a while.
Also just take a minute to send Darth a get well wish on a recent accident he was involved in. Get better Darth man….



New figs on pegs?
March 20, 2001 | 7:28 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Could it be true??? Well as most read a few days ago, I have got a few reports of people saying that the new Lando wave has hit shelves in our great western part of the country. I haven’t got any solid proof just yet, BUT with the news I posted on these just a few days back and the info that was given to me, I can believe it. If you get lucky soon please gimme a holler here.



Palm Talkers
March 20, 2001 | 6:08 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

The new classic trilogy Palm Talkers are due to be released in Japan in April. If you’re the kind of person who occasionally buys stuff early via Japan on eBay or through specialist dealers, be wary with these because they WILL speak Japanese. I got a couple of the E1 Japanese ones and I did open one and while it’d very cool to have a Japanese speaking Battle Droid, I have no idea what he’s saying. These are going to be released in America, and they’ll speak your language, so be patient if you want to understand what Fett has to say.

Although in the cases of Chewbacca and the droids, the language is fairly irrelevant….



12″ Lucas in the UK
March 20, 2001 | 6:03 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Startoys & Collectables have just had their delivery of the custom 1/6 (12″) GEORGE LUCAS dolls by HOT TOYS (Japan)! Very limited stocks so get them while you can!
email Dave: STARTOY1@aol.com
tel: 07887-776198
and tell ’em Yak sent ya!



Star Wars Survivor
March 20, 2001 | 6:02 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From Scott O’Hair:
“Star Wars Survivor week 8 is heating up. The 2 tribes combined last week to form the new Sarlacc Tribe. Who will be voted off next?



Star Wars Muppets
March 20, 2001 | 6:00 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Darth Dav writes:
“The Muppet Show is now available on TimeLIFE video and the one of the tapes includes the episode with Mark Hamill as the guest star! It also has R2-D2, 3PO and Chewbacca. Interesting note; I believe this aired RIGHT before ESB came out and in much of the episode, Hamill is wearing his “Bespin Fatigues”. It is also fun knowing that Frank Oz is there with Hamill through much of the episode as Fozzie, Ms Piggy and Animal.
Go to timelife.com to join the one-tape-a month-club, or – as i did – get all 7 tapes at once!”



Star Wars Monopoly
March 20, 2001 | 5:58 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Pete S writes:
“If anybody is still looking for them, the original Star Wars Monopoly games have started showing up again at Value City and a discount store called Odd-Job. These are the original versions that were numbered and date stamped, not the trilogy versions. Value City is selling them for $19.99 and Odd-Job has them for $17.99.”



Darth Maul (Sith Apprentice)
March 20, 2001 | 5:58 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Decadent Dave reports finding this figure in Suncoast/Media Play stores in AL – this is the first I’ve heard of these figures turning up there, so if you’re looking for it and haven’t had any luck elsewhere, you might want to give a local store a try.



Canadian Cards
March 20, 2001 | 5:56 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Zorac wrote in to let us know that in Hamilton, Ontaria, he found Porkins wave figures on American cards, but with French Warning stickers on them. Interesting for variation hunters, but I do believe it’s no big change because I’m sure I’ve heard about later figures being released on the standard tri-logo figures.



Mystery EBWorld Item
March 20, 2001 | 5:53 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

A couple of people have pointed out this unnamed Star Wars deluxe figure at ebworld.com. Brian Roberts suggested that it could be the upcoming Bacta Luke figure. This is certainly possible. It gives a shipping date of 8th April though – given that we’ve not even seen a prototype of the figure yet – this date seems very unlikely. But, if anyone has/does order the item, or get any more info from ebworld.com, let us know what you get/find out.



March 20, 2001 | 5:49 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Some more possible information on the Episode One DVD. Bear in mind that until you see an official (i.e. posted on Starwars.com, mentioned in the Insider – something like that) annoucement, everything you read is rumored information. Very interesting though – you can read it here. Hope it’s true because it sounds excellent! Thanks to Decadent Dave for the news.



Anthony Daniels on TV
March 20, 2001 | 5:47 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Matt from The Private Universe has uploaded some pictures and videos of Anthony Daniels’ recent appearance on UK TV show The Big Breakfast. Worth checking out if you’re interested in hearing what Daniels had to say about E2, and also the Sky premiere of E1. Check it out @ http://karnorjax1138.tripod.com/AnthonyDaniels/.



New SW Models
March 20, 2001 | 5:44 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

HobbyLink Japan have posted some info about some upcoming 1/72 scale Star Wars models – head over there if you’re interested in kit building. Thanks to Matt for the news.



New Issue Hits 
March 20, 2001 | 5:16 PM EST | Kurt | Talk About This Post

The new issue of “Star Wars Gamer” is on store shelves now. It comes pacted with new rulings and updates to the Star Wars RPG. Also in this months issue
* Quick play adventure w/ maps
* Map layout for Lambda shuttle
* Inside information on the new on-line game “Star Wars Galaxys”
check it out today at



Tarpals Being Cleaned out??
March 20, 2001 | 11:31 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

It appears that the clearout has begun. Local Target stores here in MI have begun clearencing the Tarpals 12″ w/ Kaadu for a mere $41.90, so let the markdowns begin. Thanks to Rick for the news.
*Update* Thanks to Gene for the news, it would seem the deals are spreading. He has confirmed this price in FL. as well.



Store Reports
March 19, 2001 | 11:17 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Just an FYI, the Store Reports section will be updated within the week with the 300 emails we have here. I apologize for letting this sit so long. We have plenty of submissions and I am working on getting someone that can do this daily to make sure that we help out all the collectors out there. Again I apologize, so if you have any news about new finds, please head over to your state and send in the news.



Dioramas Updated
March 19, 2001 | 10:16 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

I have just updated the dioramas for Jabba’s Palace, including adding the Rancor Pit. Check back for more updates this week, including a totally redone and expanded Endor display, new Mos Eisley Cantina, and much more.



New Poll On Line
March 19, 2001 | 4:56 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Yakface has posted a new poll please take a moment to vote and let us know your thoughts.



Bespin Freeze Chamber
March 19, 2001 | 3:17 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well, I just spoke with someone at the Fan Club and the projected date for the Bespin Freeze Chamber is at the end of April. The new website will be open soon and you will be able to go to the site and sign up so that they will email you when they are ready for taking pre-orders. We will post more as we get it.



Still Looking??
March 19, 2001 | 3:14 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Sith Lords 12″ 2-Pack $39.99
12″ Electronic Jar Jar $4.97
Both available at Amazon.com



Hasbro UK
March 19, 2001 | 11:44 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

I received a mailshot today from Hasbro UK; a catalogue containing some info on upcoming figures in the UK. It has stuff we’ve already seen and got – the first wve of POTJ, and the Mega Action figures. It also shows the POTJ Sebulba, K-3PO, Saesee Tiin, R2-Q5, Lando Bespin, Tessek, IG-88, Amidala (Theed), and the 300th Fett. It says that some of the items are not available yet, but call at the end of March and you should be able to order. Personally I think that by then they still won’t have it all, Tessek I don’t expect to be seeing on a tri-logo card for a little while….but it’s not impossible. In any case, the number to call is 00800 22427276 (UK number in case anyone else has read this far). No prices are given.



New Yakface Reporter
March 19, 2001 | 11:40 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Yakface would like to welcome Kurt on board as a new reporter, look for his posts to start soon with news. As for everyone else that sent in an email, I am not done making selections, so please be patient and I will get back to you. Thanks to all that have written in.



New figs hitting any day now
March 18, 2001 | 8:12 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well as we have all seen, the new Lando wave is already hit eBay, it’s just a matter of time we’ll see these hanging on the pegs of Walmart, Kmart, TRU and Target. A good friend in Seattle that is-we’ll say “on the inside”, let me know that they are ready to hit us here. I have heard a story or two of them floating around the Seattle area but no definite confirmation where they came from. So for those drooling at the pics we have all seen in the past few days, get your alarm clocks set…. Ummm is that the manager opening those Walmart doors now…



The Sidster’s back in town
March 18, 2001 | 8:06 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yup, yup Yak-ers my life finally seems to be settling back to normal (minus a few things). I never have caught my friendly crook, but I’m ready for ya now… I do have a new Sidi on the way, and then my half of the Brady Bunch is done. I hope to be able to get back to doing the Store Report section updates, but right now that will be on the back burner for just a little longer. So here we go once again guys…



Possible Amidala Name Change?
March 18, 2001 | 7:19 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

TheJawa.com have posted some interesting info about the new Amidala figure that could point towards some kind of packaging change. Stop by for more info!



IG-88 Eye Variation/Error
March 18, 2001 | 3:55 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Might be a variation might be an error, but in any case, Laser sent in a scan of two different IG-88 figures. One has solid “eyes” with black paint, the other has hollow, tube-like eyes. Take a look at the scan in our ToyGuide.



M & M Sale
March 18, 2001 | 3:54 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

M & M are offering 25% off any order today and tomorrow – ANY item, nothing is withheld. For more info check out their latest newsfeed in our newsfeeds section (press the newsfeeds button on the left).



Competition Time
March 18, 2001 | 3:53 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Collazoimaging.com and Real Stands.com teamed up to giveaway at Sandtroopers.com a New Saesee Tiin and Queen Amidala mint in star cases and 25 Real Stands. If you want a chance to win, head over to Sandtroopers.com now!



Han Solo in Carbonite Prop
March 18, 2001 | 12:35 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

There is a Han Solo in Carbonite Prop – Artist’s Proof on ebay and there are only three in the world. It is item number 1417215085.



UK Competition News
March 18, 2001 | 10:53 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From Pete @ The Private Universe:
“If you live in the UK and want to get hold of the 300th Boba Fett or an Alpha Series Naboo Fighter, then look no further. Hasbro UK have kindly provided us at The Private Universe one of each to give away in our latest competition. Closing date is the 20th of March, so check out the site for entry details.”



New Addition
March 18, 2001 | 12:39 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well, for sometime we have posted about a very special diorama maker, one of the best on the net. Markus from Germany runs the site http://www.starconstrux.de and has some of the most incredible dioramas for your action figures that you have ever seen. Well we here at Yakface.com are VERY pleased to inform you that Markus is now a part of Yakface.com. You can see his mind blowing work right here on our very own pages. Follow the picture link below to his section. You will also be able to get there from the dioramas link on the main menu to the right. We hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback on his work.



We are looking for YOU!!!
March 17, 2001 | 8:59 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Have you been thinking that you want to run a website, but do not know how? Have you been looking for a chance to work on a great site? DO you think you have the ability to track down news and post it for everyone? If so, email me, as we are looking for some top news guys to help run Yakface.com, so let me know if you are interested.



The R Case Assortment
March 17, 2001 | 5:27 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

There is a new case assorment of Collection 2 that is now hittng stores. The assortment is being reported byCollectStarWars as
2 x Theed Gown Amidala
2 x Saesee Tiin
2 x IG-88
2 x Plo Koon
1 x Tusken Raider
1 x Coruscant Guard
1 x Mas Amedda
1 x Jek Porkins
Also, the figures in this case come on a new cardback which is pictured at Rebelscum



Loose Figures
March 17, 2001 | 9:11 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

George Collazo has set up a new website where you can view new figures loose from many angles. Should prove very interesting, especially for collectors who keep their figures carded. You can see it @collazoimaging.com/sandtroopersimages.htm. Currently featured are the new Darth Maul (Sith Apprentice), Saesee Tiin, and Amidala Theed Invasion figures.



New Carded Images
March 16, 2001 | 10:45 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some nice images of Tessek, R2 Q5 and Lando carded. These are available from a Hong Kong person onEbay.com Item # 570508489, so Head over if you are interested in getting them before they hit the streets.



Select Image
March 16, 2001 | 1:24 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

There is a new select image up at http://www.starwars.com so step in and take a look. They have also posted up info on the new #3 Star Wars Gamer.



R2 Holo Wave
March 15, 2001 | 5:42 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

SW Fig. Asst. (Wave 28) (Item# 84185B, $114.99)
is back in stock again. Assortment includes 3x Darth Vader with Interrogation Droid, 3x Stormtrooper with battle damage and blaster rifle rack, 1x R2 with Holo Leia, 2x Han Solo from Cantina, 1x Luke Skywalker with T-16, 1x Jawa with Gonk Droid, 1x
Greedo. Limited availability at Entertainment Earth.



New Diorama
March 15, 2001 | 5:01 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From ACPin: “I’ve just completed a diorama of Jabba’s Droid Dungeon. This is another multi-scene diorama of my version of the vintage playset mixing up elements from the vintage with the current SW figures.”
See it @ ACPin’s website.



Gentle Giant’s Real Scan Technology
March 15, 2001 | 11:34 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Visit http://www.starwars.com for the latest article about the process involved and what it will mean for the future of toy designers. You can also check out a full body scan for Anakin Skywalker to give you a good idea of what the figures may look like.



Follow-Up To Slabbing
March 15, 2001 | 7:37 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is the first AFA Carded figure up for auction on Ebay.com, so you can judge for yourself as to how a slabbed figure looks and is it really worth it?



Army Builders for POTJ
March 14, 2001 | 5:42 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

CollectStarWars has been able to confirm that the Rebel Fleet Trooper and Imperial officer will be released this year. Also, these figures will have variations like the Battle Droid did. Also, a dirty version of the Biker Scout will be released this year.



New POTJ for the UK
March 14, 2001 | 4:43 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

TheToyShop in the UK have put up a bunch of new tri-logo POTJ figures which is great news for UK readers. As far as I can tell, it look like they have pretty much everything up to and including the Plo Koon wave there now, so if you’re missing figures this is a good place to look. Thanks go to both Philip Ayres and Pete of The Private Universe who both wrote in with the news. Pete also mentions that TheToyShop will be getting the other figures up to and including the Aurra Sing wave shortly so keep your eyes open. These are also available in TheToyShop.com’s real stores which go are called “The Entertainer” and to my knowledge, they are only located in England.



New @ KEBco
March 14, 2001 | 4:38 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

KEBco Toys is offering several Star Wars promotions for the remainder of March and April 2001:

1. All existing Pre-Order customers on file as of April 30th, 2001 will be entered into a drawing for a $250 shopping spree to be used in the KEBco Online Store at www.kebcotoys.com

2. The lucky customer that places the 5,000th Star Wars Pre-Order will receive free, a complete set of Collection 1 and Collection 2 figures from the 2001 line and a complete set of Episode 2 figures as they are released.

3. We are still offering our newest promotion, the “One of Everything” club. You never have to remember to order new figures. Your order will be automatically entered for you, and as a member of the club you will receive News Letter Updates, access to extra special deals starting in April of 2001 and best of all receive one free figure for every twenty five purchased. That means you pay only $7.00 per figure.

4. Enter a drawing to win a complete factory case of the Deluxe Figures (6 in a case). This prize will be awarded once all orders for this figure are filled. One entry per email allowed.

Other New features on our website for 2001 include checking your Pre-Order Status online, Star Wars Specials as low as $4.29 per figure, the New Items page and many additional items added to our Online Store and our Pre-Order prices are still $7.29 per figure and $79.80 per factory case. All waves available on the cases.

Also as a reminder – we ship all over the world. We welcome all international orders and guarantee that your purchase will be packaged to insure that all merchandise will arrive in mint condition.



Ever heard of slabbing?
March 14, 2001 | 11:29 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Slabbing is a term from the coin collecting world where a coin is graded and sealed in acrylic to prevent alteration of that condition. A company very close to my home seems to be in the business of doing this for Star Wars action figures. Their site is http://www.toygrader.com

This is an amazing concept (amazing one way or the other) and we want to know your opinion! Do you think it’s the greatest thing to happen to the hobby or proof that things have gone too far. Check out an article on the subject hereand the follow up article here.



12″ Exclusive News
March 13, 2001 | 7:06 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum has posted some news on what the 12″ exclusives could turn out to be. Sounds like some good stuff.



Tessek and Maul Sith Apprentice Prototypes
March 13, 2001 | 7:04 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

On Ebay there is a Tessek and Darth Maul Sith Apprentice prototype for sale. The auction numbers are
569128076 for Tessek and 569124232 for Maul.



New Preorders From Entertainment Earth
March 12, 2001 | 10:25 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

SW POTJ Wave 10 4-Pack (Item# 84455FF, $39.99)
Includes 1x Tessek (Squid Face), 1x Lando Calrissian Bespin, 1x Jar Jar Tatooine, 1x R2-Q5 Imperial Astromech Droid (Subject to change).

SW POTJ Collection 2 (Wave 10) (Item# 84455F, $89.99)
Includes 3x Tessek (Squid Face), 3x Lando Calrissian Bespin, 3x Jar Jar Tatooine, 3x R2-Q5 Imperial Astromech Droid (Subject to change).

SW POTJ Collection 1 (Wave 11) (Item# 84445G, $89.99)
Includes 2x Sandtrooper, 2x Expanded Universe Obi-Wan Kenobi – Cold Weather Adventure, 2x Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Training, 2x Leia Bespin Escape, 2x Aurra Sing Bounty Hunter, 2x Chewbacca Millennium Falcon Mechanic (Subject to change).

SW POTJ Wave 12 4-Pack (Item# 84455GG, $39.99)
Includes 1x Sabe – Queen Decoy, 1x Ketwal, 1x Bespin Guard, 1x Duro – Fan’s Choice Figure #1 (Subject to change).

SW POTJ Collection 2 (Wave 12) (Item# 84455G, $89.99)
Includes 3x Sabe – Queen Decoy, 3x Ketwal, 3x Bespin Guard, 3x Duro – Fan’s Choice Figure #1 (Subject to change).

We ship on a first-come, first served bases. Order early!



12″ Bounty Hunters at Meijers
March 12, 2001 | 8:17 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Jay for the following news.

“You mentioned on the webpage that the 12″ bounty hunters had been found at TRU recently as well as Target. The 12″ figs are also available at most Meijer store I have been to here in central OH. These same Meijer stores have also had the 12″ Vade/Maul and the 100 Luke.”

Meijers are located in the midwest around Ohio and Michigan if you are wondering where these stores are.



Some goodies at…
March 12, 2001 | 8:17 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

John’s Toys
John recently got his hands on some of the tougher items as of late and hopefully can help those in need. John got his hands on some Y Wings, Motti, and some Chancellor and Senate Guard 12″ 2 packs. These are a little higher than some might agree with, but they came from an over seas source I believe. That accounts for the higher price. Still an option for some out there. Check them out at link above or call them at 1-800-505-TOYS.



Fambaa for 50% Off
March 12, 2001 | 8:14 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Russ Roenick for the following news:

“The FAO Schwartz Fambaa w/ Gungan Warrior has been marked down 50% from its original price. It can now be purchased in FAO stores for $37.50. I think they are still charging full price at FAOSchwartz.com.”



SW: Insider #53 OUT
March 12, 2001 | 8:10 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Reports are coming in from all over that the new SW:Insider is showing up in people’s mailboxes. Thanks to everyone who wrote in. If you are interested in what is happening with the Carbon Freezing Playset scroll down some and check out the news posted by Bill on the subject.



Collection For Sale
March 12, 2001 | 12:18 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Yakface reader Jason Gaitanis is in a rather unfortunate situation. he recently became a father, to two girls who were born 3 months premature. After a long time in hospital and a lot of surgery, the girls are ready to go home, but Jason needs to raise some money to pay for medical bills etc. As such, he’s been forced to sell his collection of MIMP and MOMC vintage Star Wars figures. Some facts about the collection:

1. All figures include Lynn Terry acrylic cases which cost $12 each to produce.
2. With only 2 exceptions (4-Lom and Paploo), none of the cards feature any offers or promos on the front of the card which detract from the artwork/image of the character. This was an extraordinarily difficult task for many of these figures.
3. All characters except Boba Fett appear on their “debut” cards. That is, the card with the film logo from which the character first appeared in the Kenner collection. No Empire figures on Jedi cards.

You can read a list of all the items on offer right here (.doc format).

The items are for sale through New Force Comics, a sponsor of Yakface.com. If you have any questions about the items, or need photos, you can contact Jason or Rick @ New Force.



New Dioramas
March 12, 2001 | 12:17 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Markus has updated his great dioramas website, StarconstruX, with Jabba’s Dungeon, Land of the Jawas and some new custom figures. Stop by and take a look, these are, as usual, superb customs!



Calling Customizers!
March 12, 2001 | 12:15 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Casting Calls at the FFURG

Our friends over at the FFURG —
(Forgotten Force Ultimate Resource Guide) — have presented their latest
Casting Call featuring customs of the NEW JEDI ORDER baddies–the Yuuzhan

The current Casting Call is for customized Droids, and any customizer can
submit their creations by March 31, 2001.

There is also a poll to determine the next “Armies of STAR WARS” characters,
and you can place your votes here.
You can also check all the casting calls here.



Fan Club Carbon Freeze Update
March 12, 2001 | 8:53 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

According to the message on the Fan Club phone number, there has been yet another change. I spoke with several operators who confirmed that the current plan is for NO preorders. Instead in late March or early April, when the new Fan Club webpage is launched, you will be able to sign up for a notice when the Carbon Freezing Chamber is available. After it becomes available (is in stock) you can place your order.



Naboo Royal Guard
March 11, 2001 | 11:57 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Paul sent in a nice photo of the Naboo Royal Guard, carded, with bonus Pit Droid. I’ve not seen one of these before. You can check it out in our Toyguide.



New Marmit Pictures
March 11, 2001 | 10:01 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

You can check out some new photos of the Marmit Sandtrooper – the new ones with black or white shoulder pads – athttp://www.marmit.co.jp/marmit_news.htm. Thanks to Jeff for the news!



More @ TheToyShop
March 11, 2001 | 9:57 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

TheToyShop.com now have a few new items which may be of interest, mainly for UK readers:
300th Fett
MM Jar Jar Binks head playset
MM Gungan Sub transforming playset
MM Darth Maul head playset
Thanks to Philip Ayres for the news!



Saesee Tin wave
March 11, 2001 | 9:54 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

If you’re in the UK and are looking for these figures, you might want to try Watto’s Junkyard Online who have ’em for £10 each.



300th Fett Diorama
March 11, 2001 | 9:52 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin has completed a display with the 300th Boba Fett figure – check it out at acpin.homestead.com.



Trivia Contest
March 11, 2001 | 9:51 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Get ready to test your collector knowledge for a chance to win either a Star Wars POTF2 Tatooine Skiff, Vintage carded MOTU Clamp Champ, Vintage carded G.I.Joe Zarana, Vintage carded G1 Transformers Powerglide, Vintage carded Secret Wars Captain America, or a 12″ DC Comics Batman & Robin 2-Pack in the ADC Collector Trivia Contest. Stop by www.AmericanDreamComics.com for details on who you can register to play.



2001 Exclusive List
March 10, 2001 | 10:02 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum has posted a list of exclusive SW items for 2001. A few examples are listed below the rest can be seen at Rebelscum.
B-Wing with Pilot, Target Exclusive, 6/01/01, 26481090
Tie Interceptor, Toys “R” Us Exclusive, 7/27/01, 32457090
12″ Figure??, Wal-mart Exclusive, no date, 32466090
12″ Hoth IMP, KayBee Exclusive, 10/26/01, 32468090
12″ Luke w/ Backpack, Wal-mart Exclusive, 10/19/01, 32486090



Free Giveaway
March 10, 2001 | 5:42 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

At TheJawa.com they have two free giveaways going on:
#1 Ultarama Display System (ends 3-21-01)
#2 POTJ Darth Vader Dagobah (ends 3-12-01)



Think POTJ prices are high?
March 10, 2001 | 5:41 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

If you live in the US and think the prices for POTJ are too high be glad you don’t live in Canada. Mark writes in with this news:
“I found POTJ in Toys R Us in Belleville Ontario Canada. They
were $11.99 CDN. They had they same as Wal Mart in Canada and they are 3 dollars cheaper there.



12″ Bounty Hunters at TRU
March 9, 2001 | 6:13 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

If you weren’t able to find the 12″ bounty hunters when they were at Target, they have begun showing up at TRU. Reports of them showing up on both coasts have been coming in. Thanks to everyone who wrote in for the news.



Still need a Y Wing?
March 8, 2001 | 9:59 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Guys just a quick post from the Sidster to help some of our loyal readers. Yestertoys has some Y Wings in stock now. This Target exc. was a really tough piece to obtain but the guys at Yester got their hands on some. Some may think the price is steep but I figure that it will only go higher soon and some out there may think otherwise on the price. They have some mint boxed for $50 and some dinged boxes for $45. These I believe were obtained thru an overseas source and that also reflects the higher price. Head over now and check it out if you need it. Now back to my crazy life……



Star Wars Trivia
March 8, 2001 | 9:53 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Still looking for Star Wars Trivial Pursuit? Well Amazon.com has it for the low low price of $9.97. Stop in and pick it up.



Here Today Gone Tomorrow
March 8, 2001 | 9:47 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well as with many things in life, another decent place has gone by the way side. Yesterday was the final day at Etoys.com as they have now closed their doors. It is a shame as I have have excellent luck with some new items there. We are down to two remaining online retailers in KBkids and Amazon. There are plenty of other places, however none of them can compare pricewise with the retailers. Alas, we say goodbye.



Time for a break…
March 7, 2001 | 10:29 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Guys I just want all my great Yak-er friends out there to know that I will be on a short break from the site. I have had a ton of personal issues lately that are taking some of my time up. I have had many write in wondering where are my posts? Well for all that is going on now, posting time is slim… I started a new job and so much more, just today someone tried to break into my house… Yes I said break in… So I will still be a part of Yak without a doubt but need to handle some things, til I can be full swing again. Just look out for a come back post which will be in a week or two at the most. Oh I will get my friendly little crook and boy OH BOY…..



Hasbro says NO to Ep II figure list
March 7, 2001 | 7:11 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Andy from Hasbro has this to say on the EP II figure list circulating around the net.
The bottom line is this: There is no approved line list for Episode II yet. The movie is still over a year away, and the film is still being worked on. Nothing in the line is confirmed at this point, and Hasbro simply does not know yet what the final line will be. An approved line of toys is several months away at best, and even then will continue to evolve and change right up to release dates as the situation develops.



March 7, 2001 | 4:33 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


Richard the Vintageman has updated once again with playsets. He has some of the more rare vintage playsets from Sears as well. Check it out.



TF.N E2 Figure Update
March 7, 2001 | 11:09 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

TheForce.net have a scan of a sheet which lists a lot of the E2 figures, in addition to the list they posted this week. Once again, if you are avoiding spoilers, I don’t advise you look.
Thanks to John for the info.



Amidala Theed variation?
March 7, 2001 | 11:06 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Rodney sent this in:
“I bought a Theed Queen From Brian’s Toys & I found one at Target today 3/06/01. The one from Target is on a .0100 card the one from Brain’s Toys is .0400 & they have two diffrent leg lengths. The .0400 is not as long as the dress. The .0100 stick out past the dress.”
Possible variation there, let me know if you can confirm this, preferably with a scan.

As for the card backs, it seems that as usual, some figures are shipping on the old cardback, some on the new one. Check out the card back pics of the Sith Apprentice Maul (see the post about that below this post) to see the new cardback.



Sith Apprentice on the Move
March 6, 2001 | 3:43 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The new Darth Maul Sith Apprentice figure has now been spotted at both Wal-mart and Target. Thanks to Rob and everyone else who wrote in with the news.

Update! Check out carded scans of the figure both front and back in our Toyguide!



Sae See and Aurra at K-mart
March 6, 2001 | 10:18 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Sae See Tinn and Aurra Sing waves are starting to show up at K-marts around the US. If you still need them you might want to start checking K-mart as well.



Ep II Wave 1 figure List
March 6, 2001 | 8:45 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

TheForce.net has posted a huge list of the Ep II figures that will be first released in 2002. MASSIVE SPOILERS if you read it but if you want to go over there now.



Star Wars LEGO No Longer In Production
March 5, 2001 | 10:28 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

I’ve posted the list of 12 sets that LEGO is no longer producing for the Star Wars line. You can find the list at FBTB – so if you’ve been waiting, you might want to reconsider . . .



Pit Droid Update
March 5, 2001 | 5:33 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Click here to see a scan that compares a Holo Sidious w/ Pit Droid to a Darth Maul w/ Pit Droid – you can see the pose differences and toolbox differences between the two waves.



Red Pumpkin
March 5, 2001 | 5:31 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Had some more feedback from people about this co. – Andy, who lives very close to the company’s HQ, has visited them several times and bought from them and has nothing but praise for them. Dave Young ordered a Wuher figure from them a while ago and got it in great condition. They seem fine to deal with.



Green Box 300th Fett in US
March 5, 2001 | 11:32 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The variation on the 300th Fett, the completely green box, has now been found in the US at Wal-Mart. So if you are a variation hunter you might want to keep an eye out for it. Thanks to Aaron for the news.



Pit Droids
March 4, 2001 | 12:46 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

I’ve had a little feedback on Red Pumpkin from a few people and from what I’ve heard, they sound reputable. In the meantime though, Rebelscum have some useful information about these two-packs and ordering them from this store which you should definitely check out – stop by asap!

In addition to the 3 figures showing up just now in these two-packs (Maul, Anakin and Obi-Wan) I know of two more that were made. Darth Sidious (Holograph) and Naboo Royal Guard also showed up. What’s more interesting to note though is that these two figures came with a Pit Droid which had a different figure sculpt, as well as a different toolbox sculpt. I only know of those 5 different figures to come with a Pit Droid, and while I have heard rumors of more existing I’ve never seen anything or even heard any names.



U.S. First for a Change
March 4, 2001 | 11:21 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Strange but the new Darth Maul Sith Apprentice has first shown up here in the U.S. before showing up anywhere in Asia, which usually gets the new figures first. Nice to be first for a change.



Pit Droids
March 3, 2001 | 9:53 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

I’m afraid it has taken me a day or so to post this because I’ve been busy but a UK-based website called Red Pumpkinhas some Maul/Obi-Wan/Anakin with bonus Pit Droid packs in stock for £9.99 each – that’s approx $15 each. Not a bad price. Thanks go to Bret and Jeff for that info. I have never ordered from this site before, nor do I know anyone who has – in fact I had never heard of it – so I’m afraid I can’t vouch for them on packaging, shipping time or even if they’re good traders or not, so it’s pretty much up to your judgement. I’d appreciate it if someone would let us know what their trading experience with the company was like once they receive their item(s) so we know in future, thanks.

I just want to add in my personal opinion on these Pit Droid packs that have been showing up. As was demonstrated with the Eopie, Hasbro don’t make a couple of hundred of these modern items, if there’s one around, there’s a reasonable number of them somewhere. I’d guess that these Pit Droid packs are just right now being dumped like stuff has been in the past. Don’t buy these as investments, I’ve a funny feeling any recent value they’ve had on eBay will dwindle. Don’t worry if you miss out right away on your chances to buy ’em either, I expect more will show up. Of course, as with the Eopie again, supply does run out since everyone wants these (they’re damn cool really) and there aren’t that many of them, but there are plenty out there and it shouldn’t be too difficult or costly to locate at least one of ’em. Don’t pay too much.



Darth Maul Sith Apprentic OUT NOW!
March 3, 2001 | 8:29 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum is reporting the new Darth Maul Sith Apprentice figure is now out and was found at a TRU in Philly. They also have a carded pic of the figure. Please remain calm and try not to hurt yourself running right out to buy this highly anticipated Darth Maul figure.



300th Fett at Amazon
March 3, 2001 | 8:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The 300th Boba Fett figure is now in stock at Amazon.com for only $9.99. Thanks to everyone who wrote in about it.




No posts, no reports, NADA…
March 2, 2001 | 11:38 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Guys it’s been some time now that most have heard from the Sidster. I have been swamped at the new job and last night lost my puter…. I had to reformat my entie hard drive and lost A LOT of stuff from it. So I have to start totally fresh…. Ah the joy. Hopefully I’ll be back and set very soon. For now though I have to put the Store Report section on hold. Sid’s will be back in it again soon….



NEW Hasbro Pic
March 2, 2001 | 10:39 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Here is the new Hasbro pic of the upcoming Imperial Astromech Droid.



Still need Plo Koon?
March 2, 2001 | 8:51 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Big Bad Toy Store has the Plo Koon wave in stock for $8 a figure. Not bad if you still can’t find them in stores.



Win Rare Bonus Pit Droid packs
March 2, 2001 | 12:46 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

The crew over at www.ultimart.com are offering collectors a chance to win a set of Asian Exclusive Figures with Bonus Pit Droids.

These figures are extremely rare and unlike the bonus Battle Droid packs these actually contain unique figures. Each figure is available with the option of one of three different Pit Droids complete with toolbox. The Pit Droids were intended to be released as a cinema scene complete with the toolbox, however, this was subsequently scrapped and a few of the Droids seem to have ended up on cards. The Pit Droid is a unique sculpt and is not available in any other format, it comes in orange, red and grey.

The figures up for grabs in the competiton are:

Anakin Skywalker Pilot with Bonus Pit Droid, Obi Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight with Bonus Pit Droid, Darth Maul Sith Lord with Bonus Pit Droid.

Images of these figures can be found on the home page of www.ultimart.com

All you have to do to get your grubby mitts on these rare figures is vote for your favorite dealer that currently appears on www.ultimart.com. You can base your decision on range of stock and prices for example.

Simple. Closing date for all entries is 12 noon Wednesday 15th March 2001.

Send your contact details and the name of the chosen dealer (or code, such as RED for Red Pumpkin) tocompetition@ultimart.com and you will be entered into this fabulous draw!

For the full rules and regulations of the competition, please refer to www.ultimart.com/competition-frames.html.



ADC Giveaway
March 2, 2001 | 12:43 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From ADC:
“To help celebrate the opening of the new and improved ADC forums we are having a make your own posticon contest. The winner of the contest will have their choice of the following prizes. A Star Wars Eopie w/Qui-Gon Jinn, Transformers 2000 Brave Maximus, G.I.Joe 2001 A.W.E Striker, DC Super Hero’s Figures Superman and Shazam, a set of Classic Spider-Man wave 1 figures, Star Trek Amok Time Cinema Scene, or a set of MOTU Re-Release figures that includes HE-MAN & Skeletor. For all the details on how you can enter to win check us out atwww.AmericanDreamComics.com.”



Kaadu Borrowed?
March 2, 2001 | 12:41 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Ben sent in this interesting scan of a creature from the line of Highlander toys. The magazine scan is from Tomart’s AFD #29, p58 – from 1996. As Ben points out, this creature bears a stunning resemblance to the Kaadu which Lucasfilm used in Episode One in 1999. Coincidence? Is this where Lucas’ inspiration came from? Or maybe it’s something else. In any case, it’s an interesting comparison.



SW Fan Club Hit by Earthquake
March 1, 2001 | 5:09 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

TheForce.net is reporting the SW Fan Club at WOTC was damaged in the earthquake yesterday and the phone lines are currently down. No word on when things will be back to normal.



Sith Lords + Free Gift
March 1, 2001 | 4:58 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From ActionFigureXPress.com:
“We have a few of the 12” Sith Lords discounted at $39.95 plus FREE toy with every purchase.http://www.actionfigurexpress.com/actionfigurexpress/starwar12ind.htm.”



Opee Diorama
March 1, 2001 | 4:42 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin has posted a new diorama, featuring an Opee hunting for its prey – check it out!



David Prowse Update
March 1, 2001 | 9:22 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

From The Force.net

This is an update on Dave Prowse’s condition after being hospitalized.

His spokesman, Phil Day, said: “The paralysis he had has now spread to his back so it Is not looking good at the moment.”

“They don’t think it is a stroke, and it might be something to do with the blood. He said to me ‘I’ve no idea what is wrong with me – people haven’t been able to tell me’.”

Prowse, whose family runs a gym, had been walking with a stick after an operation two years ago left him with one leg shorter than the other.

“He can still move his legs but he has not been able to walk because he can’t apply any pressure on the walking stick,” said Mr Day. “He is still a very sick man.”

February 2001 Archive

New Case Assortments
February 28, 2001 | 9:59 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

A online store called Figures and Toys is listed several new case assorments. However, none of these are confirmed and one appears to be already out of date since the Obi Wan Jedi Armor figure has been cancelled.

Collection 1
1 x Sandtrooper, 4 x Luke X-Wing, 3 x Han Solo Death Star Escape, 4 x Darth Vader Emperor’s Wrath

Collection 2
3 x Sabe, 3 x Ketwol, 3 x Bespin Guard, 3 x Duro (July 2001)

1 x Sabe, 2 x Ketwol, 1 x Bespin Guard, 2 x Duro, 3 x Shmi Skywalker, 3 x Obi-Wan Jedi Armor (Sept 2001)

3 x FX-7, 3 x Queen Amidala Theed, 3 x Rebel Trooper, 3 x Imperial Officer (Nov 2001)



Palmtalker Loose Images
February 28, 2001 | 9:07 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some great loose shots of the upcoming palmtalkers.
Darth Vader
Boba Fett



KBkids.com Toys
February 28, 2001 | 8:49 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some good deals at KBKids.com
Episode 1 Hasbro Flash Speeder $2.99
Playstation 2 bundled with Starfighter, Tekken Tag Tournament and Memory Card $459 (If you are having a hard time finding the PS2)



Carded List Now Online
February 27, 2001 | 11:37 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


In case you have not stopped in or did not know about Vintageman, stop in and take a look at his list of Loose MINT Vintage Figures that are complete with weapons. Richard has updated his section with a carded list of figures for sale. Stop in and check it out.



SW: BattleGround
February 27, 2001 | 10:08 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

This isn’t figure related but interesting for any PC game fans. Today, LucasArts announced a new SW PC game called SW: Battleground, which will be a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game. It is being created by the same company that created Age of Empires for Microsoft. Read all about it over at LucasArts.



Do you need TC-14 and R2-B1
February 27, 2001 | 9:13 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

This just in from Rick at New Force Comics:

We just secured some older cases of the 84105 000 A Episode 1 (the one with TC 14 and R2B1) from Hasbro….They will leave Hasbro’s Washington warehouse this Thursday, and arrive at our warehouse about a week later (3/8) to start shipping to customers.
We will offer the following ways (note, this item is not on our website yet, as we anticipate a quick sell out)

Sealed Case of 16: (4) TC14, (4) R2B1, (2) Ody Mandrell, (2) Captain Tarpals, (2) Adi-Gallia, (2) OOM-9 for $104.99 a case (that works out to $6.56 each!) + shipping
1/2 case of 8 (we will break cases) :(2) TC14, (2) R2B1, (1) Ody Mandrell, (1) Tarpals, (1) Adi-Gallia, (1) Oom-9 for $59.99 + shipping
1/4 case of 4 (we will break cases): (1) TC14, (1) R2B1, and 1 each of 2 of the following (our choice) : Ody Mandrell, Tarpals, Adi-Gallia, Oom-9 for $31.96 + shipping



EToys Runs out of Time
February 27, 2001 | 4:41 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Meanwhile, back in the real world. Etoys announced on Monday they are not able to find a buyer and cannot climb out of debt. They will be shutting down their Website and will file for bankruptcy protection. If you are interested in reading more Raving Toy Maniac has a good article on it.



Commando Amidala
February 27, 2001 | 3:21 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is the latest form the guys over at http://www.collectstarwars.com on the subject of Amidala and her missing undergarments… “The Queen is wearing “flesh” colored tights or hose and is not lacking in propriety. If you match the skin tone of her hand to that of her legs, you’ll notice that her legs are darker in color because she is wearing undergarments. This is the FINAL VERSION and is NOT planned on being corrected according to Hasbro”. Thanks for digging up the news guys.

Good save Hasbro



Sad fan boys that we are…
February 27, 2001 | 9:27 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

At the 2001 toyfair we were allowed to paw over each figure extensively and that is how we discovered Ketwol’s secret feature. In that examination of each figure, we also noticed that Hasbro tastefully provided Queen Amidala (Theed) with appropriate undergarments as befits her royal status. However this picture sent in by a reader shows that the factories where the figures are produced are not as concerned about her majesty’s modesty. Variation hunters… look out! I just wonder how they’ll list this variation in the price guides.

Check out the picture here.



Day 3 of the Poll
February 27, 2001 | 8:53 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are the totals to date of our poll.
Luke w/ Bacta Tank (466) 43%
Amanaman (403) 37%
Slave Leia with Cannon (155) 14%
Darth Maul (48) 4%

I will say the biggest surprise of this so far is that Darth Maul has received any votes. I figured that figure would come in at maybe 2 or 3 votes. Still have a few days left, take a second and vote if you haven’t already.



A Few Etoys Deals
February 27, 2001 | 8:43 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some deals at Etoys… The deals should be getting better as they will not be alive much longer…
Star Wars Action Collection 12″ Figure: Barquin D’an $14.99
Monopoly: Episode I $7.99
Episode I: Electronic Naboo Fighter $5.99



Concept Maul?
February 26, 2001 | 10:21 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I have had a few emails asking if this fig has hit shelves yet. It hasn’t as of yet, BUT we should see him showing up soon. I have a good source that says we’ll see this fig on pegs sooner than we think. Just when you thought you were caught up… You’re asking “Honey is the car warm yet????”…



From soup to nuts
February 26, 2001 | 10:18 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well that’s what John over at John’s Toys has for sale now. They just recently bought out a huge collection and have some stuff left over to sell. I am talking some weird oddball things from vintage and new line. Head over and check them just click the link on the main page. You know you need them Yoda salt n’ pepper shakers…



Carbon Freeze Chamber Update
February 26, 2001 | 10:15 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

The guys over at Collect Star Wars are reporting that you can ONLY Pre-Order this Playset in mid March through thehttp://store.wizards.com/jawa web site. NO phone Pre-orders will be accepted during this time. Expect this playset to ship in mid to late Spring 2001. At that time you will be able to place phone orders. Thanks for the news guys.



Reports for Store Report section
February 25, 2001 | 5:48 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I have been getting tons of emails for this new section and have got 98% up so far. The few not up either had no city or store in the email or was a double report. If I post something about a certain city and store once I won’t post it again, just to save space and some time of my own. Please don’t take it personal, but I am running this pretty much myself and will cut corners if I think they need to be cut. I hope this new section is helping all that weren’t getting the goods in their area. Enjoy guys and definetly give us some feedback on what you think so far.



New Yak Poll
February 25, 2001 | 12:21 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well we have posted a new poll to get your input. Please take a second and vote to let us know which deluxe figure you are looking forward to the most. Thanks



Otoh Gunga Diorama
February 25, 2001 | 9:40 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Acpin has completed a new diorama titled ‘Otoh Gunga Found’ where Jar Jar leads the two Jedi knights to the secret city. Check it out as always at acpin.homestead.com/home.html.



Q & A With The Man George
February 25, 2001 | 9:03 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

USAToday.com has a pretty good Q&A with George Lucas. Click on the link to read it. Thanks to J Wilkins for the news.



Do You Write Checks???
February 25, 2001 | 8:58 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


Well if you were using the Deluxe Star Wars Checks and were planning on Reordering, you better hurry. These are being cancelled. Or if you just want to get a set to keep as collectors items. Get your order in now.



Aurra Sing Error
February 25, 2001 | 5:52 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Laser sent in a scan of what looks like an error on the new Aurra Sing – part of the figure’s belt is unpainted. To check out the scan, go to this page and click the appropriate link.



New Zealand News
February 25, 2001 | 5:43 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Steve sent this in for collectors in NZ:
“If you missed out on the New POTJ figures in wellington Toyworld (Han Bespin, Boomer Battle Droid, Biker Scout, Old Obi- Wan, Dagobah Vader, Plo Koon, K-3PO, Mon Calamari, IG-88 and 300th Boba Fett) Lower Hutt toyworld has them in stock now. Last time I checked most these figures were still there (apart from Fett). SO if your quick you can still get them, Also when there all gone I have been told they will be ordering another case.”



300th Fett Variation?
February 25, 2001 | 5:42 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

There appears to be a variation on the 300th Boba Fett – one version has a yellow stripe under the viewfinder while the other does not. My best guess would be that it’s the newer version that does have the paint. For pictures and more information, head over to www.islack.com/fett. Thanks to iSlack for the news!



New Amazon Item
February 24, 2001 | 9:39 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Amazon.com has in the LEGO Imperial Shuttle for $34.99



Canadian Vader Variation
February 23, 2001 | 2:37 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Check out this picture send in by one of our yak readers of the transition Darth Vader (Dagobah) packaging. It’s shown sporting a sticker revealing that it’s not just another Darth Vader in the package. The newest releases are reported to have the face plate set aside in the bubble. Variation hunters look out!

Check it out here.



New 300th Fett Package
February 23, 2001 | 1:47 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum has posted a Canadian box of the new packaging that we will be seeing. While the box here in the US has the white side (left side) it will be replaced with the more colorful green side. This has been confirmed with Hasbro, so be on the lookout for the new design soon.



New Lucas Select Image
February 23, 2001 | 8:31 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Now up at http://www.starwars.com is the lastest Ep2 select image I think it is a great shot!
If you have been following the story lines you will know who is in the image. This may be a spoiler…..



Insider falling to the light side?
February 22, 2001 | 5:35 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Did anyone notice that the latest issue of the Star Wars Insider (#52) is 10 pages lighter than the last issue? That not being bad enough, it’s also physically smaller (no longer the standard 8.5″ x 11″.) At first I thought the number of pages might be due to a missing Jawa Trader, but NO… it had 20 pages of ads when issue #51 had only 18 and issue #51(at the risk of repeating myself) was 10 pages longer! Wizards of the Coast promised each of us a free issue for the long over due #51. Too many more issues like this and they’d better make it two.

It could be a transitory condition, however, so I’d like to hear your opinions.

Send your thoughts to ben@yakface.com

Update: I didn’t even notice the price jump to $5.99 either!!!



…With Bonus Pit Droid
February 22, 2001 | 1:20 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Philip Ayres wrote in with one of the best deals I’ve seen in months. TheToyShop.com, a UK based site who have offered POTJ recently to the UK as well as things like the Eopie and Ammo Wagon in the past, are selling Darth Maul and Anakin, each in the “bonus Pit Droid” two-packs. These things are very hard to find, personally I’ve seen very few of them. Better yet, they’re priced at just £6, which is about $9. You’ll be lucky to ever find them cheaper again. They do ship overseas. Head over now and search for Pit Droid to find them. Anakin and Maul are still in stock, Obi-Wan is up there but out of stock. You can request to be e-mailed when an item comes back into stock by clicking the backorder button.



Going for the Gold
February 22, 2001 | 8:22 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

From LucasArts…


Check out their site at http://www.lucasarts.com



Rebelscum Readers!!!!!
February 21, 2001 | 7:16 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Just spoke with Dustin over at Rebelscum, seems as though there were some lines cut and the page is down for a little while. Please bear with them as they get themselves back up. As soon as we know when they will be up we will let you know. They apologize for the problems and are working to get the page up and running.

** UPDATE Rebelscum is back online!



Starfighter for PS2
February 21, 2001 | 6:57 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

The cool looking SW Starfighter for PS2 has hit the streets today. I think most of the major chains should have it in stock. The price range is from $49.99-$59.99 so shop around or maybe get yourself a price match. Remember clean up your room before any video game playing….



A New Yakface.com Section
February 21, 2001 | 5:44 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Yakface.com is glad to bring you the collectors something that you have been requesting. Everyday we here at the Realm average up to 20 store report findings a day. So we have made a section on the page dedicated to it. It is very simple to follow. There is now a section link under features that will bring you to the main page. There you will find the 48 continental states. Go to your state and find the latest. We will add out of the country areas as well as we get info on them. I have not received any from Alaska and Hawaii so I did not make a page for them, however if you are out there let us know.

When submitting a find to us, be clear on what you found (include price if you can, what city and state you are in and what store you found it at. There are already some findings listed. Also please keep it to new stuff and great deals. Thanks and we hope that you enjoy it.

UPDATE: Hey guys Sidi chiming here for a quick sec… I am gonna try to run this section as much as I can so you can also send any store reports to me direct. Enjoy guys we hope this helps many out there that turn up fruitless searches on many occasions.



Aurra Sing Wave at Target
February 21, 2001 | 4:49 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Aurra Sing wave is now showing up at Targets across the country. Thanks to everyone who wrote in about it.



Aurra Wave
February 21, 2001 | 4:16 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Sandtroopers.com have posted some cool Aurra Sing photos, plus one which shows just how tiny the new Bespin Princess Leia figure really is. Stop by for a look!



Forums and Giveaways
February 21, 2001 | 4:01 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From ADC:
“We have made a lot of changes over at www.americandreamcomics.com, including updating to a new forum system. We invite everyone to
drop by and check them out and also remember we still have our “February Forum Giveaways” going for a set of POTJ figures which includes a Biker Scout, a Gungan Warrior, and a Battle Droid w/Boomer damage. We also have a second give-away for a Transformers 2000



New figs in stock
February 21, 2001 | 11:40 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Toymaniacs currently has the Amidala (Theed), Aurra Sing and Plo Koon waves in stock.



Questions, questions, questions
February 20, 2001 | 9:40 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I just spoke with Andy from Hasbro today and I hope to set up a Q+A with him soon, if all goes right… Well now I need some questions that many of you have that just have to be answered. I will jot down a bunch and approach Andy with them in the coming weeks. So here’s your chance guys to hopefully get that answer you have been dying to get. Send those questions to me here, I can’t guarantee your question being chosen or even answered for that matter so please don’t get offended if you don’t see it up. Get to work guys…



Don’t pass this up…
February 20, 2001 | 9:33 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

John’s Toys has an insane steal going on right now, but it won’t last long…
John has just about 50 of the awesome and limited Gammorean Guard statues from Legends in 3D. See the clincher is he is blowing them out at an unheard of $59.99…. Yes you read right. These originally sold for $200, but John was able to get the remaining stock on these and offer them for a steal. I would hop over quick and grab one while you can or give them a call at 1-800-505-TOYS. They also have some cool replica props you can check out too.



Freebies galore
February 20, 2001 | 9:24 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Here’s some cool free loot just waiting to be won by any of you crazy fans out there……

Sandtroopers.com are giving away the yet to be released Carbon Freeze Chamber. This set is slated to be a FC exc, but we have been hearing that for a loooong time now. So get over to Sandtroopers and get it free, or try to anyway. This is well worth it guys. Good luck and thanks to Pat and crew for a chance at this awesome set.

Of course A freebie post wouldn’t be the same if those little desert hoaders over at Jawa.com weren’t giving something away too. Get over there and get yourself in for a free Dash Rendar fig. Hey just might help fill that little annoying hole on the wall finally…



News From EE!
February 20, 2001 | 9:04 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

All backorders placed as of yesterday will be filled starting Monday for the following items:

300th SW Figure – Boba Fett (Item# 84566, $14.99)

SW POTJ Chewie-Aurra-Leia 3-Pk (Item# 84445E, $29.99)

SW POTJ Chewie-Aurra-Leia Case (Item# 84445F, $89.99)



The LEGO Toy Fair Showroom
February 20, 2001 | 8:44 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

I’ve posted ten shots from the showroom this evening – if you’re interested, check out FBTB.



Insider Issue 52 Now Shipping
February 20, 2001 | 5:44 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Bob writes in to let us know that issue 52 has shown up in his mailbox today. So if you are still a member, then look for your soon.



New Figures in the UK
February 20, 2001 | 4:37 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Dave from Startoys & Collectables sent this in:
“SaeSee Tinn & Queen Amidala (Theed) are in stock this week shortly followed by an early batch of the Tessek, R2Q5, Lando & Jar Jar (Tatooine) wave. Taking orders (within the UK).”
If you want to order or have any questions, e-mail him here!



300th Star Wars Figure Boba Fett In Stock
February 19, 2001 | 10:53 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

A limited supply of 300th SW Figure – Boba Fett (Item# 84566, $14.99)
is now in stock. All backorders will be filled immediately. We reserve the right to limit quantities ordered. Only atEntertainment Earth.



Android Hunter!
February 19, 2001 | 7:04 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

WompRat sent in this scan of the Android Hunter figure he got from Toy Syndicate. This figure, as you’ll be able to tell, is based on Harrison Ford’s character from Blade Runner and features a great sculpt – well worth checking out for fans of the movie or even just Ford. If you’re interested in ordering one of these figures (and can afford it!), go direct to the item page by clicking here.



Holo Amidala
February 19, 2001 | 6:37 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

There’s a painted sample of the unproduced holographic Queen Amidala figure up for sale now on eBay – search for item number 562208358.



Saesee and Amidala (Theed) OUT NOW!
February 18, 2001 | 6:26 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Sae Sae Tinn and Amidala (Theed) have been found in several Wal-marts in NV. This has been confirmed as well. They are showing up on .01 and .03 card backs. Thanks to XFL Man for the news.



Need a Marmit Fett still?
February 18, 2001 | 6:07 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

John’s Toys still has some of the 1st round Marmit Fett’s that were recalled by Marmit. They don’t have tons left so act quick. They are priced to move at $130 so don’t wait long guys. Hit the link above or call John at



Win R2 with Holo Leia & More
February 18, 2001 | 4:33 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Sandtroopers.com are giving away a set of R2-D2 with holo Leia, Darth Vader and Stormtrooper commtech figures, complete with Star Cases, sponsored by George Collazo. If you’ve not had any luck finding these cool figures, head over and enter!



Pre-Orders for 2001
February 18, 2001 | 4:31 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From ActionFigureXPress.com:
“We’re taking preorders for some of the newest Star Wars items scheduled for the year. Take a look in our Toy Fair 2001 Star Wars section here:



Hallmark ESB Lunch Box
February 18, 2001 | 4:29 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Bobby Lovelace writes:
“I picked up the Hallmark Empire Strikes Back lunchbox ornament here in Jackson, TN tonight! This item is an awesome collectible and also comes with a thermos ornament inside! It’s priced at $14.95.”
Check out these pictures: [front] | [back]



Links and Collecting Clubs Updated
February 18, 2001 | 8:22 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Links and Collecting Club sections have been updated. If anyone has a new link or club they would like me to add please e-mail me.



When the lights go down in the city
February 17, 2001 | 10:04 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well as reported by the Rebelscum crew, Yak-er Joe from Portland, Oregon wrote in with this…

“I live in Portland, Oregon and we are being locally affected by California’s electrical problems. The Toys R Us by my house posted a sign saying that effective 2/18 they will be opening at 10:00 instead of 9:30 and will be closing at 8:00pm (I think the normal is 9:30pm ??) on Monday through Saturday until further notice.”

It looks like the enegy scare still lingers out west. Good luck guys hope everything gets back to normal soon.



New Hallmark ornament out
February 17, 2001 | 9:58 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er FFuzz gave us a holler that he found the new spring SW Hallmark ornament today. It’s the second of the mini lunchbox series, but this time out it comes with a thermos too. This one depicts that great Empire lunchbox we all carried proudly to school way back when. These are great little pieces and bring back those childhood memories. Thanks to FFuzz for the heads up.



POTJ for the UK
February 17, 2001 | 6:15 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Now Canada have POTJ on the shelves, the UK seems to be next. Online retailer TheToyShop.com has a selection of Collection 1 figures – tri-logo cards, £6 each:
Obi-Wan (Jedi Knight), Obi-Wan (Jedi), Darth Maul (Final Duel), Qui-Gon (Moisture Farmer), Anakin (Mechanic), R2-D2 (Naboo Escape) and Dagobah Darth Vader.
They also have, for £10, the Sith Speeder TIGER game with the exclusive Darth Maul.

A lot of the POTJ figures are backordered just now, but will come back in soon I expect. Thanks go to Philip Ayres for the info!

Nice to see some POTJ stuff getting over to the UK, especially something like Dagobah Vader which many people are still looking for.



SIth Lord Arrival
February 17, 2001 | 6:11 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin has posted his complete Sith Lord Arrival diorama on his website – check it out!



Part Two of the LEGO Interview
February 16, 2001 | 10:46 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

The second half of my Q&A with LEGO talks about chrome, EpII and the Death Star . . . check it out at FBTB



Canada News
February 16, 2001 | 7:12 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Seems like Wal Marts in Canada are throwing it all out in one go. Mark L wrote in again:
“Just got back from local Wal Mart and POTJ are here. I picked up Battle Driod Boomer Damage, Bespin Capture Han Solo, IG-88 (2nd version with claw closed), K3-PO, Plo Koon, Biker Scout, Anaking Skywalker Mechanic, Mon Calmari Officer. Wal Mart only had these there. One the back it says that Dagobah Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight are in wave one. Will get back to you if I see them. The Figures are going for $8.81 CDN.”



Entertainment Earth News
February 16, 2001 | 1:54 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Direct from Hasbro at this years toyfair…
300th Boba Fett: No more delays. We are now filling orders placed from April through August of 2000 for the 300th Star Wars Figure – Boba Fett (Item# 84566, $14.99). This item was originally scheduled for a November 2000 release, but was pushed back until spring 2001. To our surprise, in late December 2000, these items appeared at select mass retailers in the United States without our knowledge. After working with the kind folks at Hasbro and explaining that collectors couldn˜t wait any longer for these items, we were able to secure a relatively large quantity (thousands). Unfortunately, it is not enough to fill our huge backorder at this time. Hasbro is promoting this item at Toy Fair as being a key item for this spring. It remains on the price list and will ship in greater quantities soon. Check your account to see if yours is on the way!



Select Image
February 16, 2001 | 1:51 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

In case you did not see it…. Star Wars.com has posted the new George Lucas Select image. Check it out. If you want to see it without the filter that has been applied to it, stop by Collect Star Wars and check out the corrected image.



Trade Ship on the Sale Block
February 16, 2001 | 1:49 PM EST | Rich | Talk About This Post


Chris, who was kind enough to e-mail me photos of his custom playsets, for the soon to be revamped customs section, is selling his Neimodian Trade Ship on eBay.

Chris’ work has an uncanny resemblance to the playsets of the vintage line, which so many of us have asked Hasbro to incorporate in their current creations. For those of you who would like to submit your custom work for the customs section, it’s not too late. Just drop me an e-mail with your images attached in a .zip file.



LEGO’s in the Great White North
February 15, 2001 | 1:51 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Colgate who sent this in…..

“This week, the Imperial Shuttle, AT-ST, Droid Carrier, and Escape Pod were spotted in Nova Scotia, Canada.”



Canadian POTJ
February 15, 2001 | 12:41 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

It seems POTJ figures may be ready to hit Canada. Mark L wrote in to let us know that his local Wal Mart had done some rearranging and there was a section covered with a sheet labelled “SW Collection”. Possibly – not definitely! – POTJ figures. Mark said he’d write again after his weekend visit so we’ll update you then if not sooner.

Update: Sooner than I thought…POTJ is out in Canada. NomadScout wrote in to say that NiubNiub’s Universe has some info, and POTNS has some too.



Plo Koon
February 15, 2001 | 12:37 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

D & S Toys have a few sets of the Plo Koon wave left, along with a few 12″ 100th Lukes and Bounty Hunters. If you need any of these items, head over to their site!



Star Wars: Darth Maul: Saboteur
February 15, 2001 | 11:04 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

A dazzling new short story featuring Darth Maul, merciless apprentice of evil…

This new E-Book is avaiable now Right Here from Peanut Press.com. The cost is a low low $1.99. If you are into E-Books, head on over and get it.



FANtastic Media’s New Horizons
February 15, 2001 | 8:08 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

We all know that The Official Fan Club was sold to Wizards, now you can read all about the sale of the company Fantastic Media. Decipher Acquires FANtastic Media!, (Norfolk, VA, February 9, 2001) – Decipher Inc. announced today it has hired the entire staff and acquired the assets of FANtastic Media.

Click on the link to read the entire story….



LEGO’s in Stock
February 15, 2001 | 8:03 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

If you are by chance still looking for the new 2001 LEGO assortment, Walmart.com has them in stock now…
Imperial Shuttle $34.88
Droid Carrier $9.99
Tie Fighter $19.99
AT-ST $9.99
Technic Stormtrooper $34.99



StarWars.com Updates
February 15, 2001 | 7:49 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are the latest updates from the Official Site, head on over if you wish to read the articles….
**The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has honored the talented artists at Lucas Digital with two Oscar nominations.

**The Star Wars Fan Film Network has recently updated its marquee of fan-made films.

**LucasArts has teamed up with PlayStation @ Metreon in San Francisco to premiere Star Wars Starfighter.

**Classic Moments take you back in time for a fresh look at Episodes IV – VI. Today’s moment is Vader Breath.

**Episode 1 Snapshot: In today’s snapshot, Ian McDiarmid emerges out of the blue.



Where are they????
February 14, 2001 | 10:02 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Many are asking this question lately about the Han Bespin and Plo Koon waves. Not many have been found at the retail level. I, myself have only seen the Han wave twice in my area and have yet to see the Plo wave anywhere. I have some friends that found Plo wave at Target and KMart but those stores usually get a case or two in, at the most. I had spotted the Han wave at two area Walmarts but that was a while ago now, and since haven’t seen them again. I have heard through two sources now that these cases have been sold out by Hasbro. So any retailers that have orders in will get them but none can reorder these cases. I also hear that some of these figs might be tucked into future cases but that is kinda of leary to believe. Hasbro seems to be knocking figs out of assts much earlier these days. If anyone can help confirm about these cases being sold out, gimmie a holler here. Though I can say that one source that told me this is pretty reliable with his info. Now get out there and hunt’em down guys….



IG-88 Variant
February 14, 2001 | 9:47 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Check out the picture of the closed-handed POTJ IG-88 variant on our IG-88 page in the toyguide.



A Toy Fair Interview with LEGO
February 13, 2001 | 9:16 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

Part one of my interview with LEGO at this year’s Toy Fair is online now at FBTB



More on Tarpals…
February 13, 2001 | 8:23 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well since posting pics of the dk purple Tarpals set last night, I have been swamped with emails. Many people have asked questions, claimed to have this set, and are saying “Big deal”…
Well I am gonna help clear some air on the set.
First off… I’ll help answer the questions.
There are so many major differences in the sets. The first (dk purple) set is extremely purple in color. The whiskers, nose, ears and arms are very, very purple. There is a design on the arms, much like the 12” Jar Jar, that can hardly be seen on the dk set at all. The revised set has a much more yellow-ish (Gungan flesh) color look. This was one of the big factors in the change, besides him looking so ridiculous. If you can’t tell take a good look at the boxed version we have up then click the dk version link. You can clearly see the difference upon further inspection.
OK… Second… I talked with my source that I bougt the set from way back in Sept and he was pretty sure that not many if any might have been shipped this way. Hasbro rejected the piece and he was sure they ordered for them to be destroyed. This also brings up why the set was postponed so long… This same scenario happened a while back on the FAO Leia/R2 set. Originally the Leia had a different head sculpt then the released version, that Hasbro thought was too Disney looking and they had those destroyed. I also own this piece and can say it is a huge difference, and actually better looking than the released set. So in essence if you do have this set consider yourself lucky. I do ask you to look carefully though at the above descriptions and pics.
OK…. Whew… Finally many have wrote in saying “Big deal”. We’ll to some, things like these are. This was a piece that Hasbro disapproved, so having one is kinda cool to some people. I have yet to see any on eBay or any site at all in the dk purple color. Some people that wrote say they saw the dk set on other sites, I checked all that people mentioned and nope they all have the revised version. If you think you have one send me a pic and I will confirm for you. I can say this if you do own a dk set congrats, I don’t think many exsist this way, but maybe I’m wrong…
I hope I helped many wondering about this set, anytime you need some help just gimmie a holler. I know that sometimes pics are tough to make out, but I’m here for ya…



100th Luke
February 13, 2001 | 12:26 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Just received this cool report from Joseph:
“here in San Diego, Ca I went to Walmart this morning and they had everything!!!!!!!!!! The new Chewbacca mechanic, Leia, and Aurra Sing. They had several of the New 12″ Luke and they even had a few of the 12″ Darth Maul with the Sith Speeder. The price of the 12″ Luke is $39.84…”



Diorama Preview
February 13, 2001 | 4:48 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin writes:
Here’s a sneak preview of my new diorama on Darth Maul’s arrival in Tatooine. I have not yet completed the selection and uploading of the pics. But I’ve just picked a few pics to show what the diorama is all about. I’ve also added more battle droid pics because of numerous request for more.”



Cheap Bounty Hunters
February 13, 2001 | 4:45 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

You might be able to get lucky on these:
“I work at Target on the east coast and we just finished marking all the 12 in. Bounty Hunters down to $4.97.I believe this is a mistake, however a lot of the east coast stores did the same thing. Also we have been notified that the “Masters Of The Darkside” 3 3/4 two pack has been discontinued. It was out of our system before we even got them in stock”
Thanks to blockhead for that report. We already know about the MOTDS set, but if you can find Bounty Hunters for $5 then that’s pretty cool!



100th Luke Out There
February 13, 2001 | 4:43 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Matt sent this in:
“I ran across 4 of the 100th Luke at Wal-Mart in Phoenix today. I did not check the price as I have no interest in the item. The box is really nice and features an opening flap at the bottom to illustrate all the outfits. My Wal-Marts have also had 2-6 Speeder Mauls on the shelf for the past week.”



New Figs Out Already
February 12, 2001 | 10:38 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

We have received many reports that the Theed Amidala and Sae Sae Tin are out. After checking out EBAY for these, there are plenty avaiable. So be on the lookout, as these appear to be shipping now. Do not give into the darkside, stay away from EBAY for these, they will be in stores soon.

On another note, while in NYC for Toyfair, Ben and I did some shopping. We stopped at FAO, nothing there but overpriced Star Wars toys. They did have some VERY cool displays, look for those tomorrow. And we stopped into the Manhattan TRU on Broadway. If you are wondering where the Sith Lords 12″ 2-packs are. They are all on their shelves. Must have been about 50 of them (that is not an exaggeration). There were 2 shelves full.



Jar-Jar Tatooine feature
February 12, 2001 | 10:29 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

SWkids.com has updated with a new featured figure this week. This time it is Jar-Jar Tatooine.



Better late than never….
February 12, 2001 | 8:18 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well as promised ages ago….
I have some pics up of the first and unreleased 12″ Captain Tarpals and Kaadu set. I got my hands on this set in Sept of last year and knew it wouldn’t hit shelves looking this way. As you can see Mr Tarpals fell into a purple paint bath. This was of course rejected by Hasbro and most as I understand were destroyed. I am curious though if any slipped by and got shipped accidentally. For those finding these sets on Target shelves now, if you nab one this color please gimmie a holler here. I hope you enjoy a the pics and please forgive me for being soooo late on these. And now herethey are….



February 12, 2001 | 6:17 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

If you never bought a Commtech Reader, now would be a good time. Indalecio found plenty priced at 50 cents at a Wal Mart store in Laredo, TX.



300th Boba Fett at Toy Fair
February 12, 2001 | 10:35 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Hasbro reps indicated that more 300th Boba Fetts are on the way to retailers. So if you haven’t found one yet, take heart. As with any current figure, don’t give in to eBay!!! As illustrated with the R2-D2 with Holo Leia (which Mark here at Yakface predicted) all figures eventually become available at retail. Buying from scalpers only makes future releases more difficult to find. Don’t support the scalping industry.

I’d like to thank Andy and Paul from Hasbro once again for their incredible hospitality at this years toy fair!



TRU Computer Info
February 11, 2001 | 2:44 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Rei sent in this information…

Here’s what I could find in the computer:
SKN# = 239316
Manufacturer’s # = 32457
Retail Price = $29.99

Thanks Rei



Toyfair 2001
February 11, 2001 | 12:04 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Yakface.com is happy to bring you the latest news from Toyfair 2001. Click on the link above and check out all the latest images.

Yakface.com is bringing you on a virtual tour of the show. Remember to check out all the links in the interior pages. Especially the comparison shots on the Chewbacca page and the secret about Ketwol.

If you have any comments, send them to me.

I hope you enjoy the images…..



UK Sci-Fi Show Tomorrow
February 10, 2001 | 8:58 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

The ‘Collector’s world fairs’ SCI-FI fair on @ Basildon sports centre, Essex (Just up the A13 from Lakeside shopping centre) is tomorrow, Sunday 11th Feb. For full details, check out http://www.scifishows.com/basildon.htm.
Alan Ruscoe (Daultay Dofine, Plo Koon & EP-1 Bib Fortuna) will be there as will Garrick Hagon (Biggs Darklighter) plus Barry Morse (Victor Bergman/Space 1999) plus the usual toys, autographs, cards and general Sci-fi/Film/TV related collectibles
aswell as plenty of Star Wars from Startoys & Collectables among other dealers.



Bounty Hunters
February 9, 2001 | 3:30 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

If you’re after the 12″ Bounty Hunters, D&S toys and M & M collectibles both have them in stock, check out our newsfeeds section (button on the left) for more info. M & M also have the 2 exclusive Death Star board game figures in stock for $5.99, and D&S are expecting the Aurra Sing wave next week.



The LEGO Toy Fair Invitation
February 9, 2001 | 10:07 AM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

If you’d like to get a look at LEGO’s Toy Fair invitation, then simply check out FBTB



Sae Sae Tinn at Bothan Collectables
February 8, 2001 | 9:28 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Mark over at UK based Bothan Collectables wrote in with some great news for our UK readers. Mark said they expect very limited quantities of the Sae Sae Tinn & Amidala figures to come in very soon. He also noted…

“Collectors who buy from us will get the chance to be among the first people in the UK to get these!”

So if you are in the UK I would definetly check Bothan out. I have never dealt with them but I have heard they are great to deal with.
Good luck guys.



Attakus statues shipping
February 8, 2001 | 9:23 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Some may remember a few months back I posted about some incredible and very limited statues that were being produced by a French company called Attakus. Well these statues are now shipping and I hear they are worth every dollar.
Yak-er and huge Yoda fan Arn wrote in mentioning he received his a few days ago. Arn posted some pics and cool review at his all Yoda site, Yodafans.net. Head over and check it out, definetly worth it if you are interested in these statues at all.



New Images
February 8, 2001 | 6:05 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Click on the links below to see some very nice clean images.
Loose Sae Sae Tin and a NEW carded image as well. The carded image was provided thanks to New Force Comicsand Amanamatt.
Chewbacca Mechanic Loose
Leia Bespin Escape Loose
Aurra Sing Loose
Darth Maul Battle Armor Loose
Amidala Theed Invasion Loose

UPDATE:The Trade Federation also has some great loose images of both Sae Sae and the Queen. Check those out at the link above.



Unofficial Case Break Downs
February 8, 2001 | 3:31 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is the latest info for the case break down for the new Screen scene deluxe figures…
First Case:
3x Luke with Bacta Tank, harness and breather mask
3x Darth Maul Crusade – Fully exposed with no shirt.

Second Case:
2x Leia with Sail Barge Cannon
2x Fan’s Choice Action Figure #2 – Amanaman with Salacious Crumb
1x Luke with Bacta Tank
1x Darth Maul Crusade – Fully Exposed.
**As Always, These Are Subject To Change**



Ultarama Display Backgrounds
February 8, 2001 | 1:44 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

You get to help pick the next Ultarama Background, Rebelscum will be running a poll the same time Toy Fair runs in New York. Rebelscum.com and you get to pick the next Ultarama background. You can get a preview of the six photos to choose from on rebelscums Ultarama page, but the poll doesn’t start until this Sunday. head over there this week and vote. Also make sure you check back here daily as Yakface.com will be bringing you updates from Toyfair 2001 this weekend.



Deluxe Figures
February 8, 2001 | 3:29 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

As the post below says, the deluxe figures are scheduled for a late fall release. As such, the shipping information KEBco received which we posted yesterday must have been incorrect. This is no fault of the company, they were given an incorrect shipping date for their order. Sorry about any confusion.



Deluxe figure Assortments
February 7, 2001 | 10:24 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Fan`s Favorite Fig. Ast. 1 (Item# 84475A, $69.99) and Fan`s Favorite Fig. Ast. 2 (Item# 84475B, $69.99)are the most anticipated new Star Wars products of the year, scheduled for a Fall release. These new deluxe action figures feature Leia with Sail Barge Cannon, Fan’s Choice Action Figure #2 – Amanaman with Salacious Crumb, Luke with Bacta Tank, harness and breather mask, Darth Maul Crusade – Fully exposed with no shirt. (Subject to Change.) Reserve your case today at Entertainment Earth.



Has that beat up old wagon broke down for good?
February 7, 2001 | 8:34 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well then the little desert nomads over at Jawa.com can help. My little brown cloaked friends can hook ya up with a free Ammo Wagon and Falumpaset. You read right-free, no deposit, no trade in, nada, zilch, zero… Just head over and enter and who knows you could be the owner of a shiny new Ammo Wagon. Good luck, oh and please get rid of that old junk wagon… Please…



New Spring Ultarama line at Toy Fair
February 7, 2001 | 8:28 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

If you happen to be one of the “chosen” attendees at Toy Fair next week in NYC, stop by and check out the new SpringUltarama line. Mort Simpson of Ultarama wrote in with this…

“The Ultarama and its new Spring Line will be at Toy Fair February 11th & 15th. Please stop by our booth #6176 at the Javits Center to see it live!”

For those that haven’t seen this awesome display system in person yet, here’s your chance. I highly recommend these displays, great all around piece. You can also check them out by hitting the link above. Tell’em Sidster send ya.



Deluxe Figures coming soon?
February 7, 2001 | 2:15 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From KebCo:
“We just got word from Hasbro that we will be receiving eight cases (48 pieces) of the new Star Wars Deluxe figures. They are scheduled to be shipped from Hasbro on February 7th, which means we should have them by the 14th. This is the Luke Skywalker in Bacta Tank and Princess Leia with Cannon.

At this time, we do not know how the assortment will be. All 48 pieces may be the Luke, it may be a mixture of Luke and Leia??? Just do not know. But we do know we are getting only 48 pieces at this time. So, if you want to be sure to get one, act NOW. We do have these listed on our pre-order page. The price is $9.99 each.

You can go to www.kebcotoys.com and order one from our pre-order page.



Bunches Of New Fig Images
February 6, 2001 | 8:05 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Check out THIS LINK!!!, as Starwars.com has updated with all new images that include….
Cold Weather Obiwan
New Bespin Guard
Imperial R2 Droid
Sandtrooper (Gray Shoulder Pad)
Luke X-Wing
Check it out now!!!



More Indiana Jones figure pics
February 6, 2001 | 6:37 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Here are a few comparison shots of the new Indiana Jones figure loose with a few SW figures. Thanks to Mark for the images.



SW Electronic Tomy Figure Case
February 6, 2001 | 6:31 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Electronic Tomy Figure Case (Item# 26189A, $89.99)
is an item that was introduced last year, but never shipped. It now has a new name and a new ship date. This item was previously called the Palm Talkers Assortment. This assortment was reduced from 12 figures to 8. The price has also been reduced from $124.99 to $89.99. We will update all backorders with the new price. Only at Entertainment Earth.



Aurra Wave Hitting
February 6, 2001 | 5:46 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

MrCydonia sent in this report:
“I found [all] of the figures in the Aurra Sing wave (Aurra herself, Bespin Escape Leia and Mechanic Chewbacca) at the Target in Olympia, WA.”

So, Target got ’em first? If you find them at stores other than Target, let us know.

We try to encourage collectors to share their finds by reporting finds along with specific store locations in our forums. We tend to only post a couple of sightings on the main news page just after an item is released to let you all know they’re out there. After that, we suggest you make good use of the store reports section of the forum to post and ask where you can find these. There’s a link to the forums at the right as well as in every post header. Thanks!



New Images
February 6, 2001 | 9:43 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

The yakface toyguide has recently been updated to include several new images of the following:

Aurra Sing (Bounty Hunter)
Chewbacca (Millennium Falcon Mechanic)
Leia Organa (Bespin Escape)
and the new POTJ cardback

Be sure to take a look.

Thanks to Thomas for the images.



Tessek Image
February 5, 2001 | 11:32 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


Check out the new image of Tessek, Click on the image to see the full shot. Once again Star Wars Kids has come through with a great image.



February 5, 2001 | 10:40 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Official SW site has updated with incredible pictures of busts of characters from Ep II that were scanned using the Real Scan technology. These will be on display at the Toy Fair in NYC next week.



Send In Those Customs
February 5, 2001 | 9:36 PM EST | Rich | Talk About This Post

Hi, I’m actor Troy McClure. You might remember me from such science fiction websites as… I mean hey guys – Rich here. You guys may remember me from back in the day when Yakface’s Realm was a fledgling site. Well, I’m baaaack.

So here’s the deal I’m going to get the Figures In Action section running once again with some new scenes on the way (SOTE and ROTJ sections coming online shortly). My other baby is going to be refurbishing the customs section. I need you guys to submit your custom images. I’m talking figures, playsets, weapons, decals, 12-inch, 1-inch, whatever. You name it I want it. With your help, I’m going to create the most comprehensive customs gallery on the net. So be sure to e-mail me your images.



SW Fan Club Online Catalog
February 5, 2001 | 3:46 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Joe for the following news.
“I got a call from the Star Wars Fan Club last night about having a credit with them. During the conversation they mentioned they would have some 400 items online in the next couple weeks.”

Sounds like the new Fan Club is starting to move forward.



SW Legacy Assortment 2 Update
February 5, 2001 | 3:42 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Star Wars 12inch Legacy Asst.2 (Item# 32406A, $139.99), The only 12inch Star Wars figures scheduled for 2001, has been updated with a new case breakdown. This item will now include 2x Han Solo in Stormtrooper Disguise, 2x Death Star Trooper, 2x Death Star Droid (subject to change.) Available for preorder at Entertainment Earth.



Plo Koon wave @ Target
February 5, 2001 | 2:07 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

They showed up at Wal Mart earlier this week, and now Target have the Plo Koon wave. Carl Harley reports finding them for $4.05 at a Las Vegas Target store.



M & M Collectibles News
February 5, 2001 | 1:32 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

“We just went through and did an inventory today and found several items that we only have 1 or 2 of left in stock.

So, to move these items out, we have reduced the prices appox. 50% on them and put them into our Sale Items Section.

Check them out!

Mark and Megan
M and M Collectibles

Please note: when the items sell out, we will remove them as soon as
possible from the website. If you place an order and the item is sold
out, we will send you an email to let you know. Thanks”



12″ Kaadu Found
February 5, 2001 | 10:11 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Here we go…Atlanta. LooseToon found the 12″ Kaadu in Snellville, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta. Click here for a scan of the receipt. And before anyone starts 🙂 the other two are for friends.



Opening Scrawl?
February 5, 2001 | 9:45 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well if you are interested in readin the opening scrawl for Episode II, then simply click on the link HERE, it will bring you to the very nicely made Flash version of it from The Force.net.



Gungans Galore
February 5, 2001 | 8:21 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin has updated his Gungan diorama again with loads more Gungans – check it out @http://acpin.homestead.com/Home.html



12″ Tarpals and Kaadu
February 5, 2001 | 12:04 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here is a nice picture of the New 12″ Captain Tarpals w/ Kaadu. Thanks to T man for the image.



Problems with Email
February 4, 2001 | 10:55 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

I lost all mail from today. If you have sent me an email today, please resend it. Sorry for the inconvenience.



With much work and effort….
February 4, 2001 | 7:31 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

We hope that you enjoy the new look here at Yakface.com, please take a moment and vote on the new poll while you are here, and if you have any comments, please email Mark….



Plo Koon at Wal-mart
February 4, 2001 | 3:26 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Bill Woods for the following news.
“Just wanted to let you and other readers know that I found all 4 (IG-88, Plo Koon, Mon Cal and K-3P0) of these figures at the Super Wal-Mart in Conyers, GA. They had 15 of each figure. The price was 5.86 a piece.”

This is the first I’ve heard of the Plo Koon wave showing up at Wal-mart.



More on that 12″ Kaadu
February 4, 2001 | 11:20 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Scott, a Target employee, sent in this info which seems to settle all the talk about this toy:

“Hi, just to let you know that the 12” Tarpals with Kaadu Target exclusive is shipping out. Our store is receiving 12 tomorrow.

The info is: DPCI #087-06-0543 STAR WARS CAP TARPALS W/ K STARW $59.99 each. (2 Per Case)

The grey sticker with the 2/15 date a person reported is call a “z-date”. This means the store has none of the figure on hand (in the store) and that 2/15 is when the computer tells them they can expect a shipment to come in from the distribution center. This is just an estimated date and doesn’t mean a lot. It could show up earlier, later, etc. It has nothing to do with when they can put the figure out. It just verifies they don’t have it yet, and they don’t have them in sock yet. They can point to the sticker and say “Grey dot, nope we have zero of those.” and not call the backoom and save everyone some trouble. When the toy gets stocked out, the stocker peels off the dot.”



A Little Down Time
February 3, 2001 | 11:57 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

We at Yakface.com are doing all that we can to make you visit here at Yakface.com the best it can be. You will notice during the day tomorrow that most of the sections will not be available as we are making MINOR modifications to the site to speed it up for your viewing pleasure. You will still be able to get to the main page and interior pages like FBTB and Tusken Trader. Thank you for your support and patience.





Aurra Sing at FX 2001 Show 
February 3, 2001 | 9:53 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Aurra Sing wave was out in full FORCE at FX 2001 Show in FL. Aurra was going for $15-20, Leia Bespin and Chewie Mechanic were $10-15. Most dealers at the show had 3-4 cases. Some had close to 10 cases of them. Thanks to Bobby D for the news.
This is the first report of the Aurra Sing wave showing up in the US, still no reports of them in actual stores though.



12″ Kaadu Street Date?
February 3, 2001 | 8:56 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

XXX writes:
“I was at target in Sawgrass, FL. they had a tag up for this figure with a gray sticker dated 02/15/01. I was told by an employee thats the date they can put them out.”

Sounds very possible to me – Feb 15th sounds like a good time to start the Kaadu hunt (unless you’re lucky enough to have already found one).



February 3, 2001 | 8:39 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

OK, another update. I’ve been hearing some nasty stuff. Some people who’d ordered things from the company in the past had discovered fresh charges on their credit cards for no reason at all. Add that to the usual pile of people who had preordered a lot of POTJ merchandise and paid a 25% deposit only to receive just a few items or even nothing at all, and we have a large database of complaints.

Right now, I’d advise anyone who has been charged money either for no reason, or for items they never got, to file complaints with their credit card company.



K-Mart 2 for 1
February 3, 2001 | 5:44 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Seems not all stores are doing the POTJ 2 for 1 offer I mentioned yesterday. If you have bought stuff recently from a K-Mart, at full price, and the store is now offering 2 for 1, take your receipt and see if you can claim the difference back. But, not all stores are doing the deal, at least not yet.



12″ Kaadu In Warehouse
February 3, 2001 | 5:42 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Donald from Wisconsin Milwaukee wrote in to say that the 12″ Kaadu and Tarpals are in the Target warehouse and they don’t know why they’re not hitting everywhere yet (presumably he was told this by a Target employee). If that is the case, Target may be waiting for a certain street date. If anyone knows if this is the case, and knows the date, please send it in.



Starfighter for PS2 Available 21st Feb
February 3, 2001 | 5:39 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

It’s all in the title – Lucasarts’ new game for PlayStation 2, Starfighter, will be available on 21st February. Some official info:

“Attention Starfighter pilots! LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC is
pleased to announce that STAR WARS STARFIGHTER has been approved for
manufacturing. Developed for the Sony PlayStation 2, the flight
action/adventure STARFIGHTER is expected to be on store shelves in the
U.S. and Canada February 21, 2001.

STARFIGHTER lets you prove your battle skills in intense air and space
combat in amazing 3D environments. In the 14-plus missions, take on a
variety of enemy craft, including some never seen before in the Star
Wars universe. Thrill to one of the most anticipated titles for the
PS2; Next Generation magazine said “seeing this game in action took
our breath away.”

Also a special offer – if you order the game through Lucasarts’ Company Store you get free shipping plus a special hint guide for mission 1.



Interview w Andy
February 2, 2001 | 7:00 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Collectstarwars.com has a short interview w Andy from Hasbro on their site. There is some info on the upcoming Luke X-Wing and several other details.



New Lando Bespin Image
February 2, 2001 | 6:19 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

WOW is all I can say on this one. Man does it look nice. Here is the new Lando Bespin Image. The image was found onThe Star Wars Kids site. Thanks to Chris B for the news.



Star Wars Survivor
February 2, 2001 | 2:12 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Scott writes:
“The Tribe has spoken and we have lost our first SW Survivor. You can watch Tribal Council votes in a new Flash movie that is at the site.”

TO check out the movie, go to www.ohair.net/hyperspace/survivor.



February 2, 2001 | 2:08 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Oh dear. Since my post earlier today, I’ve received even more complaints, plus a number of people who live in or have passed by the Atlanta GA area have mentioned that the company’s retail store there appears to have closed. Some have heard the company were declared bankrupt. Hamlet recommends that those who have been ripped off do as he has done and contact the Better Business Bureau to report it. Thanks to everyone who wrote in about this.



POTJ 2 for 1 @ K-Mart
February 2, 2001 | 2:02 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

D-Man writes:
“I was at a Kmart in Raleigh today and found the POTJ(including the K-3P0 wave) selling for two for the price of one. The only way I discovered this though was when I went up to the cashier and she told me it was 2 for 1. She said it hadn’t been added into the computer yet for it to scan right, but that she would be doing it presently.”



Cheap Interactive Yoda
February 2, 2001 | 9:20 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

SWFan1977 sent this information in:
“Just wanted to let you know I just got back from a store called Odd-Job (a chain of closeout stores) here in central Long Island. They had about a dozen Interactive Yodas for only $9.90 each! At that price he is definately worth picking up.”



Homer as Stormtrooper
February 2, 2001 | 9:17 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

If you’re a Simpsons fan, there’s a great custom figure for you on sale on eBay – check out item number 551674274 for a custom Homer Simpson as a Stormtrooper figure!

Update: Check out item #550007708 for a SWEET Chewbacca Homer!



A Quick Warning
February 2, 2001 | 9:14 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Just to inform you all….over the last month or so I’ve slowly been getting more and more complaints about DollsKollekt– lots of people are claiming to have ordered items, been charged for them, and not receiving them. Be wary if you order from them in future. I can’t say for sure that the reports I’ve had aren’t just mistakes the company has made – no company is faultless – but there have been quite a number of them. You have been warned…



12″ Kaadu
February 2, 2001 | 9:11 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Expect the 12″ Kaadu to become more widespread in the near future. It’s due out in Japan on the 9th Feb. They usually get things earlier than the States do but for some reason, the Target stores nearest their distribution center got a crack at them early. Watch out for them to hit all Targets soon.



Marmit TIE Pilot
February 2, 2001 | 9:10 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Need this great looking 12″ figure? This is from ActionFigureXpress:
“Just wanted to let your readers know that we are now offering the Marmit Tie-Fighter Pilot at low price of just $79.95. For $5.00 more, customers can choose from tons of Star Wars toys as a bonus.”

To order, go to http://www.actionfigurexpress.com/actionfigurexpress/starwarmarti.html



New Lando Bespin Image
February 2, 2001 | 6:14 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

WOW is all I can say on this one. Man does it look nice. Here is the new Lando Bespin Image. The image was found onThe Star Wars Kids site. Thanks to Chris B for the news.



Wanna chat?
February 1, 2001 | 10:46 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well to anyone looking to talk anything Star Wars at all, join me over at Sandtroopers.com Chat room on Sat the 3rd at 8 pm (est). The troops invited me over to join in and talk with all of our readers. They have done a great job over atSandtroopers in the short while they’ve been around. Thanks to Pat and his awesome crew for the invite, meet me there guys this Sat.



The Jawa’s strike back
February 1, 2001 | 10:35 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yup it’s true, them little desert wanderer’s have another bunch of free goodies to give away. Head over to Jawa.com and enter to win a TC-14 fig for absolutely NADA… Oh wait… They are also having a “promotional” give away to celebrate the Grand Opening of their new trading forum, “The Jawa Swap Meet”. They’re giving away four brand new POTJ figs, IG-88, Plo Koon, K-3PO, and Mon Calamari Officer. This contest is to promote our their section, and gain members. Hey if four free figs isn’t reason enough, what is?



Where’s Sid????
February 1, 2001 | 10:23 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Howdy to all out there wondering just that question….
I just started a new job which I need lots of training on, I’m in a new field and I’m starting from scratch. Time is not something I seem to have enough of lately at all….
A few of the great and faithful Yak-ers sent me emails asking if I left Yak… Guys I am here and not going anywhere, anytime soon…
I’ll be here, but just not as much during the weekdays. I have to study hard and hopefully pass the test I need to in three weeks.
I’ll be more available on weekends for emails and any questions sent my way, so please feel free to holler at me then. I just want to thank all the great crew here with me at Yak, and all of the faithful readers (Yak-ers) out there. Watch for some goodies this weekend guys…



Cheap Mega Destroyer Droid?
February 1, 2001 | 6:51 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Don Morgan in Colorado Springs, CO, sent this in:
“I was at one of the Target stores in Colorado Springs this evening, and made an excellent find. They had a few POTJ peg warmers, along with three Mon Calamari Officers. I bought one. But the REAL find was a lone Mega Destroyer Droid sitting on the shelf. When I took it to the scanner, it rang up $2.44!! What a deal!”



Plo Koon wave
February 1, 2001 | 6:50 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From M & M Collectibles:
“We have a limited number of new Star Wars Figures in stock on our website right now….

You can find them under either Star Wars Figures or What’s New

As of Jan 31 at 9:30PM MST in stock:
Ploo Koon
Calamari Colonel

Act fast…these will sell out quick!”

Update: All gone!

January 2001 Archive

Aurra Sing Wave Case Assortment
January 31, 2001 | 10:21 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The case assortment for the next wave of POTJ will be:
4x Chewbacca Millennium Falcon Mechanic
4x Aurra Sing Bounty Hunter
4x Leia Bespin Escape

This has been confirmed and if you are interested you can order it at Entertainment Earth next week. Thanks to Jason for the news.



More Confirmed Info on the New Figure List
January 31, 2001 | 6:58 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

The cold weather Obi Wan is true, he is in some sort of arctic gear with big boots that have spiked toes for climbing ice or rock. This is the Obi-Wan from the Expanded Line (ie: Darth Maul)

The Lando Bespin is a nice resculpt with a cloth cape that is much longer than the previous issue.

The Sandtrooper is a re-tooling of the CT Stormtrooper with a better sand/desert paint job.

Han (DS Escape) is a re-tooling of the CT Han with a Stormtroper belt added.

The Luke X-Wing is very nice and authentic to Episode IV with the black boots and gloves.

Another “deluxe” set in development but not yet mentioned is a Luke and Leia 2 Pack swinging across the Death Star bridge.

Thanks to Figurenews for the info.



Marmit Fett
January 31, 2001 | 5:05 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

According to Brian from Anime Collectibles, “The corrected color Marmit Boba Fett is officially being called ‘Return of the Jedi Boba Fett’, at Lucasfilm’s insistance”.



2001 Releases
January 30, 2001 | 6:55 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

I have verified this list of figures from three different sources. Take care that Hasbro has the final say and until they post it, it may change, however here is the newest list through the end of the third quarter.
Feb 2001 – Chewbacca Millenium Falcon Mechanic, Leia Bespin Escape, Aurra Sing, Sae Sae Tin, Queen Amidala Thead Invasion

March / April 2001 – Darth Maul Sith Apprentice, R2-Q5 Imperial Astromech Droid, Jar-Jar Tatooine, Lando Bespin, Tessek

May 2001 – Sandtrooper, Cold Weather Obi-Wan, Jedi Training Qui-Gon

July 2001 – Ketwal, Bespin Guard, Duros, Sabe

August 2001 – Darth Vader Emperor’s Wrath, Luke X-Wing (Rem Helmet), Han Solo Death Star Escape (Stormtroopers Belt??)

September 2001 – Obi-Wan Jedi training, Shmi

Deluxe Assortment 2001 – Luke w/ Bacta, Leia w/ Sail BargeCannon, Darth Maul Fully Exposed Chest, and a forth that will most likely be Amanaman, although Andy has said he is not sure about that at this time. This assortment is scheduled for Fall 2001.



Mon Calamari Officer
January 30, 2001 | 6:45 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Matthew Opal sent in a scan of the Mon Calamari Officer, loose, which illustrates a feature that I personally didn’t know the toy had – the helmet is removable! A nice touch. Click here to see the scan!



Aurra Sing Wave Carded
January 30, 2001 | 5:37 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum has carded pics of the upcoming Aurra Sing wave. The figures pictured are Leia Bespin, Chewie Mechanic and Aurra Sing.



Star Wars Survivor
January 30, 2001 | 12:41 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Scott O’Hair from Hyperspace has set up a Star Wars based version of ‘Survivor’ – over the next 13 weeks, fans can vote one of 16 Star Wars castaways off “Survivor: The Tatooine Outback”! To check it out, visit ohair.net/hyperspace.



Keep Looking…
January 30, 2001 | 12:38 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

bigcountry056 sent in these finds for collectors in the Raleigh-Durham, NC area:
Watto’s Box – $7.99 – KB in Cary Town Center
R2 with Holo Leia – $1.99 – TRU in Durham, Southsquare.

If you’ve not had any luck finding this stuff, keep looking because it keeps showing up again and again!



1800 True Fan, just not for Canadians?
January 30, 2001 | 10:10 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

This is from Ryan…
“This news will certainly affect the Canadian fans out there so listen up. Last week I recieved a letter from Wizards of the cost. The letter spoke of the recent purchase of the fan club. They also sent me a cheque for any funds that I had in their account. Why did they do this?? Because I am Canadian, and the letter goes on to say that WOTC and The Fan club can no longer fill orders being shipped to Canada. ”
I do not understand the lack of commitment from Lucasfilm to provide everyone with the same service as everyone else. It truely baffles me. Lucasfilm wont make the DVD’s yet the make VCD’s overseas. This just makes the hobby even more upsetting. More and more people leave this hobby everyday. You have to start wondering… Is Lucasfilm killing themselves???



Trouble In Toyland? Dated 2-5-01
January 30, 2001 | 7:46 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

I know this is foretelling the future with that date. However, that is the date on the article. This is from Forbes.com, in which they explain the bad times that have come to the forefront for Hasbro. This is an excerpt from the article.
“Star Wars: Episode I, The Phantom Menace was a merchandising flop for Hasbro in 1999. The toy company—which agreed to pay a $450 million advance for the three Star Wars sequels—in the early stages sold more than $500 million worth of toys and games linked to the epic. But interest in the Star Wars action figures quickly faded; the result was that there was a ton of stuff left on the market. All told, $150 million worth of merchandise remains unsold.”
Click the link above to read the entire story.



POTJ Combines The Lines, Or Do They????
January 30, 2001 | 7:38 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Thanks to Tim for sending this in…
“Over at Jedi Quest, they have a section that answers questions that are sent in. This is the latest update…
Dear Jedi Quest,
Will the Episode II action figures be released as part of the Power of the Jedi set? By the way, great magazine!
Jedi Master Nick
Fontana, CA

Dear Nick:
Figures for the next movie will be introduced separately and with their own Epsiode II packaging.”



New Old Items at KBKids
January 30, 2001 | 7:22 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some old things that are new at KBKids.com.
Darth Maul with Micro Sith Infiltrator Trophy Set $4.99
Action Fleet A-Wing $3.99
Action Fleet Gold Y-Wing $2.99
Action Fleet Red 6 X-Wing $9.99



Order Your Own George!
January 30, 2001 | 7:09 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


George from Hot Toys! is available for preorder. The price is $69.00, with shipment expected in March.



A little more Kaadu info…
January 30, 2001 | 4:56 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Kevin sent in a little more info as to why the 12″ exclusive Kaadu has only been showing up in a certain area:
“Target / Dayton Hudson is based out of Minnesota. The Minneapolis area to be exact. Their distribution system starts there, which is probably why this piece is showing up there first. To be honest, the fact that only Minnesota residents have seen this piece at retail suggests there is some truth to it being out now.”



Calling Utah Collectors!
January 30, 2001 | 4:55 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Ty from the Utah Collector’s Club wrote in to say that the club are “having our first anniversary meeting on the 30th of January [today]. If
you’d post a little blurb about it, I’d really appreciate it. We’re inviting all collectors in Utah to come to the meeting. We’re having some contests with pretty cool prizes, and we’re even giving away a
free R2-D2 with holographic Leia to one lucky attendee. It will be held at 7:00 PM at the SLC Marriott Courtyard hotel. The address is: 130 W. 400 So. SLC, Utah. Here is a link to our website:



12″ Sith Lords
January 30, 2001 | 4:45 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Seems the 12″ Sith Lords won’t be too tough to find….Dave sent this in:
“I was able to pick up the latest 12″ Vader/Maul two-pack at a TRU in Gurnee (Northern Illinois). They had three on the shelf were they could be reached, and another eight CASES stacked on the top of the shelf…with four per case. I also found a few of the two-packs at a TRU in Milwaukee Saturday.”



Red card specualtion
January 29, 2001 | 8:33 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well since mentioning this, many emails have come my way with people’s thoughts on this. Rebelscum and Jawa.comhave also got many emails on this whole topic, with what seems the same story….
Many people believe it’s a matter of people taking the upc stickers off new POTJ figs and returning them. Yes that could happen and yes the stickers easily come off with heat, but here’s a thought…
This seems to be happening in different parts of the country and just on red cards. So unless some anti red card clan is now in order, it’s kind of tough to come to that conclusion. Though yes it could be…
For now I am still in the air on this just because…
My man Innis at Jawa.com brought up some good points in his post about this. I am still loking for people finding these and where they are. If you happen across any give me a shout here.



New 12″ Line pics
January 29, 2001 | 7:21 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum has posted pics of the new 12″ line and the classic trilogy Palm Talkers.



Naboo Fighter game discontinued
January 29, 2001 | 1:02 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

If you’re waiting for the Tiger electronic Naboo Fighter with Naboo Pilot figure, you are going to be waiting a long time. Head over to SSG for the full story.



Real Discounts
January 29, 2001 | 12:56 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

REALStands are offering a 15% discount on all stands, including their new vintage figure stands which are now available online. For more information, check out their latest newsfeed in the newsfeeds box on the left side of the page.



Kaadu receipt
January 29, 2001 | 5:43 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Dan sent in a scan of his Kaadu receipt from Target greatland in Fridley Minnesota: click here to see it. I guess you can add that to the proof pile that this toy is out there. Many people have expressed concern that all the reports come from one area…I guess this is just where they’ve hit first and they’ll spread soon.



Gungan Diorama
January 29, 2001 | 5:40 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Check out ACPin’s cool new Gungan Army unit diorama – taken right from the movie, even with the mist!http://acpin.homestead.com/Home.html



Red cards at KMart???
January 28, 2001 | 10:29 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

My buddies over at both Jawa.com and Sandtroopers.com have some interesting news on red carded figs hitTing the Big K. There is a stranger twist to this though, people are finding these with POTJ upc stickers on them… HMMM… That is very strange indeed. If you have spotted any out there give me a shout here.



Soft goods waves in stores
January 28, 2001 | 10:25 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

We have been getting many reports of one of the last Ep1 waves hitting a few different stores. Many are finding the Soft Good wave at TRU, Walmart, KB, and KMart. This was a farly diificult wave to find at retail, so if you need any I would start looking around. We should all know by now that anything is game these days to pop up on a shelf… Check my next post for more on that…



300th Fett no skull???
January 28, 2001 | 10:21 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed but there have been a few no skull 300th Fett varaiations lurking on eBay lately. I, myself noticed as did Yak-er Qui-Gon Jimm. The big question is how legit are these? I have seen them hit $75+ dollars, and wondered how? Jimm wrote in with his take and I have to say I agree… Read below what Jimm wrote…

“Hi! I just wanted to point out to your readers something that has been popping up on eBay. It is a no shoulder Emblem scam on the 300th Boba Fett figure. In the Package, you cannot see the shoulder Emblem, but if you open it up and move the cape to the side, it is there! I am not accusing anyone in particular, or of purposely trying to con somebody, but DO NOT buy a 300th Fett that claims it does not have a shoulder Emblem – you can only see it if you open the figure!”

Jimm is right most, Fett’s are tough to tell considering the cape is covering much of the shoulder. I, myself wouldn’t buy into this until we have more proof these are real.



If it’s free…. It’s for me
January 28, 2001 | 10:13 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well that’s what I believe anyway…
The guys over at Sandtroopers.com are giving away a a double dose of some hard to find figs. They have one Swimming Jar Jar, as well as one R2 Holo Leia to give away to one lucky person. If that’s not enough to get you over there, what is guys? Good luck… Tell Pat, George and the crew that good ol’ Sidi sent ya.



Need Plo Koon…?
January 28, 2001 | 5:33 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Planetactionfigure.com has IN STOCK Mon Calamari Officer, K-3PO, Plo Koon and IG-88 for $8.99 each and R2D2 with Holographic Leia for $20.00, not too bad if you’ve not managed to find one at TRU lately. They also have lots more great stuff including clearance items. Head over and take a look!



New 12″ line confirmed
January 28, 2001 | 1:53 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum is reporting at the Dallas Import Toy Fair the new 12″ line consisting of Han Solo in Stormtrooper attire, w silver rod, the one used in the Death Star trash compactor, Death Star Trooper and Death Star Droid were shown. These figure are scheduled to be released in July.



Bonus Battle Droids
January 28, 2001 | 1:06 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Lee writes:
actionace.com has the mini Naboo Fighter(the Japanese exclusive) for only $4.99. They also have a bunch of the foreign Battle Droid 2-packs for $4.99 each which is better than eBay’s outrageous prices and the Fan Club’s price ($20 for 2).”



12″ Sightings
January 28, 2001 | 1:05 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Dean Plantamura from our very own Tusken Trader section sent this report in:
“Collector Series Dewbacks and 12″ Sith Lords are all over TRU stores in the Tampa Bay area. It seems like no one’s willing to pay the steep $79 price for the Dewback…or maybe they spent all their money on SuperBowl tickets! Also, Wal-mart does indeed have $5.84 figures, but Target beats them with $5.06!”

I’ve had a lot more reports of 12″ Sith Lords packs appearing all over the country, but so far only @ TRU.

I’d like to hear from any reader who has found the 12″ Kaadu and Tarpals @ Target this week. If possible, include a legible scan of your receipt and the store location. Thanks!



Don’t Have Your Lego Boba Yet?
January 28, 2001 | 12:38 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Target.com has the LEGO Slave 1 on sale right now for the LOW LOW price of $7.94, now that is a deal!



Hasbro to buy Etoys??
January 27, 2001 | 11:06 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

In case you haven’t heard Etoys has stopped payment to their creditors, which Hasbro is one of the biggest. The creditors are now waiting on payment until Jan 31st. It is expected that one of the creditors will then buyout Etoys on the 31st. Will Hasbro buy Etoys? It’s possible. If they do, expect something to happen in the next few days. Thanks to the money wizard for the news.



Marmit Fett Re-Release Date
January 27, 2001 | 11:45 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Anime Collectibles sent this in:
“Marmit will be releasing the corrected color Boba Fett figure in April. We will be honoring the original price of all previously placed orders, even though Marmit has raised the wholesale price (supposedly to offset the falling yen, but they’ve raised it a lot more than that). Anyone that has not ordered one yet, and wants to do so, may go our site (www.animecollectibles.com) and place an order, but it must be in by Jan 31st, as we have to have our final order in by Feb 1st.

Anyone that had previously place an order please note: because of the confusion, we have not charged anyone’s credit card or cashed anyone’s checks yet. We will do so until we get a FIRM shipping date. Also, anyone who might want to cancel their order, please email us at sales@animecollectibles.com (even if you already have, so we don’t miss it).

Finally, in the rumor department: according to our distributor in Japan, it was Lucasfilm that was behind the recall of the first Fett figure.”



Cheap POTJ – More Info
January 27, 2001 | 11:43 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Rob from the MSWCC writes: “I live in Plainwell, MI and did get some of those $3 figs last week. The weird thing was that only Coll 1 was $3. The Coll 2 was at the regular price. When I got mine, the Coll 1 had the Qui Gon – Dag. Vader wave on the pegs and Coll 2 was the Porkins – Boss Nass wave.”

Rob sent this in: “Here in Melbourne, FL at the local wal-mart they have the potj figures (Qui-Gon, Vader dagobah and Old Ben) for $5.84. Also at Toys R Us in Vero Beach Florida, they had around 12+ 12″ Sith Lords.”

Also, while we’re mentioning the Sith Lords, Matt Cartabuke found the set at a TRU in Columbus. Keep your eyes open for this one too!

Seems the prices may vary a little, but most stores are selling things slightly cheaper at least…



Think you have all the variations…???
January 26, 2001 | 4:19 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well Yak-er Chris wrote in with a variation on the discounted Royal Elegance Queen Majesty 12″ doll. Chris noticed some pretty cool differences on the doll (hey any reason is good for us variation collectors). Here’s what he wrote…

“The variation with this particular figure concerns her outfit. If you look carefully at the comparison shot, the fabric used for her tunic (or the hoop around her neck) is either glittery (has glitter in it) OR is flat red (no glitter), and the fur-like black border on her dress is either shiny OR flat black respectively. The glittery/shiny version I think came out first, but if you dig through these at your local toy store, then you’ll probably find both versions still.”

Well guys another to look for… Looks this means I have to dig thru the pile at KB now, OH NO………
Here’s a link to some pics of both. Thanks Chris for the info and pics.



Jawa Swap Meet
January 26, 2001 | 4:09 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

My little Jawa friends at Jawa.com have opened up their own little swap meet for anyone to get in on. This will replace their affiliate trade forum, the new system is run by the site’s staff. Head over check it out and make some friends and contacts, you can never have enough….



New Figures Online
January 26, 2001 | 10:51 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

StarShow Collectibles have Plo Koon, IG-88, Mon Calamari and K-3PO on sale on their website for $8.99 each.



Target Online
January 26, 2001 | 8:02 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Target Online has the Naboo Electronic Fighter on clearence for $5.00, so if you want some for building scenes go get it.



More news on Chewy Mechanic wave
January 26, 2001 | 12:07 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Tom from Yestertoys wrote in also confirming that this wave should be hitting soon. I have had three different sources say the same, now it’s the waiting game. Tom noted that the street date for Hasbro to receive them is 1/22/01. Yes most think Hasbro can change like the wind, but I have a source in Seattle that has seen some of these cases. How many not sure but hey they are around. Let’s get ready guys…



Kmart is the place…
January 26, 2001 | 12:01 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well just got an email from Yak-er Broc Walker aka Jorus C’boath, moderator at the Star Wars Trade Zones. Broc found the 6 300th Fett’s in Jackson, TN today, but the kicker is they were priced at $5.00 each (yes I said $5.00). Broc didn’t send us a receipt cause he has one and left them there for others to nab. He also saw the Biker Scout wave in that same store. If you are in that area of TN run don’t walk to that store, quickly…
Many people have wrote in that they are finding both the Fett and Biker waves, and even some Plo waves, at Kmart lately. So make them a toy run stop for the time being guys.



Deluxe Figure news
January 25, 2001 | 11:53 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yes folks here’s some more info on the Deluxe line that we are all anxiously awaiting. This comes straight from the good folks at Hasbro… The Deluxe figures coming out will have movie backgrounds with them, and we may see the Bacta Tank Luke as soon as Toy Fair, in a couple of weeks. So guys keep your eyes peeled for some pics. Let’s hope it’s ready in time. Sounds like Hasbro may have a good thing going on with the Deluxe line, I myself can’t wait to see them.



Attention Diorama Builders!
January 25, 2001 | 2:24 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Our latest featured eBay auction at the top left of the page is a hand sculpted replica of the statue from the Gungan Sacred Place, made by NiubNiub. This looks very cool, and I suspect some of you are in need of something like this for your Gungan Sacred Place dioramas….



Cheap POTJ figures @ Wal-Mart
January 25, 2001 | 2:17 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Jim wrote in to say that he found POTJ figures (he didn’t specify which) for $3 each at a Wal-Mart in Plainwell, MI.



The Hunt Is On!
January 25, 2001 | 2:13 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

From the Hunt production staff:
“Just dropping you a line to let you know about “The Hunt”, the first
in a series of independent short films produced by Zahn Entertainment Media. “The Hunt” follows the adventures of a group of toy collectors hot on the trail of, what else, Star Wars Action Figures. While finding figures is a key element of the plot, “The Hunt” also delves into what makes us all collectors in the first place. “The Hunt” is in the final stages of Pre-Production and will be filming soon, with a targeted release date in the summer of 2001. In
additon to the film itself, a companion CD, “Music From The Short Film The Hunt” will be released as well. A web site is up and running for this project, and will be updated frequently. The URL is



12″ Kaadu Pics
January 25, 2001 | 2:11 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

If you’re looking for photos of the 12″ Kaadu, SSG have some great ones up right now. Hopefully Sidster will manage to post some pics of his version with the dark Tarpals soon, but in the meantime, check these ones out!



E2 Preview toy info
January 25, 2001 | 2:09 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

The Private Universe have posted some information from an informant which gives some information on the Episode Two ‘Sneak Preview’ toy….(s). I can’t confirm it myself but Pete, owner of the website, assures me it is from a reliable source, so stop by and take a look!



Yakface.com for the Star Warrior Road Warriors
January 25, 2001 | 12:59 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

We’ve added a new feature to yakface.com, it’s called Yak2GO. Now you can take the latest in Star Wars collecting news with you almost anywhere. Turn your Palm or Microsoft based handheld device into a mobile yakface terminal. For more details click on the Yak2GO link on the FEATURES menu.



Kaadu beware— If you are able to find one please send in a scan of the receipt 
January 24, 2001 | 9:16 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

Please send in confirmation if you find a Kaadu, I called both my local Target stores this afternoon and the national Target Customer Service number. Both the local stores AND national Customer Service said that yes, the number is in the computer and shows Kaadu with Tarples for $59.99, but it does not show in stock anywhere. National Customer Service said that their computer does not show any having been sent to any stores or having been sold by any stores.

UPDATE: I also went a little further to look into this with Bill and hopped on eBay and looked for a 12″ Tarpals set, none at all…. I did just an area check of Mn and still nothing. I find it strange that these are hitting that area and not one scalper has got his hands on one. Hopefully this means they were beat to the punch this time…. Though I was surprised to hear this piece was out considering last release I received was Mar/April. Good luck guys and PLEASE send in any receipts on these.

Update: To clear up any confusion….this set is genuinely out and on the shelves right now. As a little proof aside from all the reports and DPC number e-mails that have been coming in, Eric Whetstone sent in this pic of the Kaadu and Tarpals holding the receipt from the Target store he bought it at. These things are out there.



New fig prices at Walmart
January 24, 2001 | 8:48 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well since my post earlier many people wrote in saying they have found POTJ figs for $5.86 at their local stores. Yak-er solo89 also a Walmart employee confimed this too. He said that all Walmart stores should be switching over to that new price soon. Sounds great… Finally we get to see that dollar reduction we have deserved since CT chips were done away with. Thanks to all who wrote in and solo89 for the info.



300th Fett at KBKids.com
January 24, 2001 | 5:40 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

KBKids.com has the 300th Fett in stock now. Here’s the direct link. I don’t see these lasting too long, get there quick.



Where are the 12″ Kaadu pics???
January 24, 2001 | 5:21 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Many people have wrote me and asked where the 12″ Kaadu pics are that I promised. Well…. Sorry guys life here in the Sidster house has been hectic and things look to be getting back to normal soon (is there such a thing?). I plan on putting up some nice boxed pics of the unreleased dk purple Tarpals set and also some loose pics of the revised (much less purple) set. I am aiming for this weekend so check back then. If anyone comes across the dk Tarpals at retail please mail me here. You will be able to tell right away if it’s not the revised version. Thanks guys check back soon…



New figs soon…very soon
January 24, 2001 | 5:13 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well guys just want to let you know to start keeping your eyes peeled for the new Chewie Mechanic wave. This should start showing up soon at retail, a good source let me know Hasbro has recieved them at their warehouse. Only a matter of time now… Good luck guys and report ANY finds here.

UPDATE: Many of the other sites are reporting that an online retailer got the same word on these figs. So with two different sources saying the same, it looks like it’s a matter of time before we see them.



January 24, 2001 | 5:10 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well my little Jawa friends rounded themselves up a Battle Damaged Destroyer Droid, and are giving him away. Not sure how these little scavengers do it, but hey who’s complaining…. Go enter yourself at Jawa.com now…



Cheaper figs?
January 24, 2001 | 5:07 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er BMKING16 wrote in that his local Walmart reduced POTJ figs from $6.74 to $5.86. This was in NE Pennsylvannia (Dickson
City). If others are finding these deals let me know.



No new figs in your area ???
January 24, 2001 | 5:03 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well these two places can help fill those holes on the wall…
Both John’s Toys and Yestertoys.com have the Han Bespin and also the Plo Koon waves in stock now. I have dealt with both and both are great places. Hit either link above or call John’s at
1-800-505-TOYS or Yestertoys at 1-800-653-4155.



12″ Kaadu DPC?
January 24, 2001 | 4:05 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

If anyone has the DPC# for Target’s 12″ Kaadu, please send it in to help other collectors find this item. Thanks!

Update: The DPC# is 087-06-0543 and the SKU# is 076930262016. Thanks to everyone who sent in the DPC, and extra thanks to Miguel for the SKU.



12″ Kaadu
January 24, 2001 | 3:17 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Eric Whetstone writes:
“Just walked out of Target (Northtown Minneapolis) with my 12″ Captain Tarpals and Kaadu.
Excellent paint job IMHO, but $59.99 was a little steep.
Anyway I left 4 on the shelf.”
If you live in the area…run! 🙂



A Few Etoys Deals
January 24, 2001 | 9:18 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Monopoly: Episode I $8.99
Episode I: Electronic Naboo Fighter $6.99
Star Wars: Behind the Magic $7.99



Episode One DVD this Year?
January 24, 2001 | 9:11 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

That’s the way it will be, according to The Digital Bits – thanks to carmody for pointing it out!



A Quick Warning
January 24, 2001 | 9:06 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

For anyone who purchases Star Wars items on eBay, this is worth nothing. The individual mentioned in Yavin4.com’s news post yesterday (I posted a link, it’ll be a few posts down now) has been ripping off a lot of people, apparently under a lot of different usernames such as jawasjunk, protowomen and sunshinefred. I’ve received a few more complains about this man since yesterday. Beware.



Still Need Ornaments?
January 23, 2001 | 9:16 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Hallmark.com still has last years Star Wars ornaments in stock at 50% off.
Here is the list and prices.
Darth Maul $7.47
Gungan Submarine $12.00
Jedi Council Members™ Miniature Saesee TiinTM, YodaTM & Ki-Adi-Mundi $9.97
Qui-Gon Jinn $7.47



A New Name for the Realm?
January 23, 2001 | 7:55 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Well, we have gone out and secured a new URL. The name of the site is still the same and the content remains, however if you want another way easy to remember other than collectibles.echostation.com, try out….www.starwarscollecting.com!



Amanaman WINS!
January 23, 2001 | 6:15 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The New Fan Choice figure poll at Hasbro is now over and Amanaman won with over 38% of the vote. For more information head over to Hasbro.



12″ Kaadu and Captain Tarpals Out
January 23, 2001 | 11:37 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

I received a report from Seth Bradford saying that a Target store in the Minneapolis, MN area had 3 Captain Tarpals & Kaadu 12″ sets sitting on the shelves. The set was priced at a rather high $59.99. This is the first report I’ve got so if anyone else finds one, please write to confirm that they’re available.

Update: Confirmed – Eric Roth reports finding one in the same area last night.



January 23, 2001 | 11:34 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Yavin4.com have some information about forgeries direct from Anthony Daniels (aka C-3PO). Head over for the info!



Carbon Chamber not available yet
January 23, 2001 | 11:31 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Mike McCabe writes: “I am confirming that Insider 51 was received today including preorder information for the Carbon Freezing Chamber, However, the Carbon Freezing Chamber is not on the Wizards website. I then called The Fan Club and was greeted with a message “If your calling for the Carbon Freezing Chamber it is not available for preorder. This item will be available for preorder in mid-March.” Hope this saves everyone some time.”



OOM – 9 Trophy Assortment picture!
January 22, 2001 | 9:56 PM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

I have just updated several sections in the prototypes section of the website. Included in this update is a picture of the unreleased OOM – 9 (Trophy Assortment) figure. Check it out! Look for updates to the Paint Samples section, the Mock Up section, as well as the First Shots section. More will be added shortly, including a prototype unproduced light up Ben (Obi – Wan) Kenobi!
Special thanks goes out to Nick Larson and Bill Cox for the submissions. If you have any modern era prototypes and would like them featured on the site please send them to me at SemsFir@aol.com. I will give you full credit of ownership unless you would like to remain anonymous.



Insider 51 Out
January 22, 2001 | 5:19 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

YodaJeff writes: “I just thought I’d let you know that I received the newest Star Wars Insider in the mail today. A lot of the information is old (it lists which figures are supposed to come out in September 2000), but it’s nice to see it finally arrived.”



January 22, 2001 | 2:13 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Just an update to yesterday’s post about higher prices in Europe….Sompeetalay wrote in again to confirm that this information is valid for Germany as well as Belgium. And those are just two confirmed countries, could be the same everywhere.



More 12″ List Ideas
January 22, 2001 | 2:12 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Some interesting thoughts on the 12″ figure list mentioned yesterday:

Deron Price wrote in suggesting that, apart from the AT-AT Driver, perhaps they’ve excluded the exclusives. Of course this would still make the list inaccurate….they’d have one exclusive in there, and still no Portrait Edition figures. Unless the Portrait figs are not considered Action Collection figures?

Grayhank points out that it’s not just the 12″ electronic C-3PO figure missing….it’s all the 12″ electronic figures. Probably Hasbro doesn’t consider these part of the 12″ line either. And maybe that accounts for the missing Defense of Naboo set, because it is part of the Portrait Edition set.

All in all, no matter what angle you look at it from, there are a lot of problems with this list….



Star Wars Forgeries???
January 21, 2001 | 10:23 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

My bud Lou over at Yavin4.com sent over an email today about some info on SW forgeries. Here’s what he wrote…

Lou Arrico from Yavin4.com. We recieved an e-mail today about Jeremy Bulloch and his fan club stopping forgeries.
Please visit us for the complete story.
Thank You,
Lou Arrico

Thanks Lou. This is some interesting stuff check it out.



Free R2 with Holo Leia
January 21, 2001 | 10:18 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Nope your eyes don’t need a check up just yet…
The guys over at Sandtroopers.com are giving away a free R2 with Holo Leia. I did say free… You can enter now and hope that on Feb 1st you get lucky, and they pick you. The guys informed me that Trooper John Ryan (a.k.a. Dark Knight 1999) is sponsoring this giveaway. John is just another collector looking out for those that still need this little droid and his gal. We need more people like John that are looking to help and not take advantage of other collectors. Great job guys… Ok what are ya waiting for to get over there and enter???



Jawa wear
January 21, 2001 | 10:11 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yes it’s true you can now own your very own Jawa wear….
No I don’t mean those dusty little brown cloaks, c’mon now guys….
Jawa.com is now offering official Jawa.com t-shirts to all readers at their cost. I checked it out myself and gotta say I think it’s a cool looking shirt. Check it out by clicking the link above.



Tennessee SW collectors club
January 21, 2001 | 9:42 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Tennessee Star Wars Collectors Club is forming this month to get ready for episode 2. If anyone is interested in joining and discussing star wars in all its forms to please contact Brett Black at black@lock-net.com.



Some GOOD UK News
January 21, 2001 | 12:11 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Despite my rant about the UK scene in the post below, here’s something good sent in by Simon:

“A discount store in the UK named ‘Poundland’ (if you live in the UK you’ll know what this is) had some great stuff in yesterday….
Loads of E1 figs with commtechs, PLUS some of the european Two Packs (the ones that come with the bonus battle droid) – Obi-Wan (Jedi Duel), Qui-Gon (Jedi Duel), Anakin (Naboo), Obi-Wan (Naboo), Qui-Gon (Naboo), Padmé, Amidala (Coruscant), and Amidala (Naboo). They also had the Sneak Preview Mace Windu . These items (the two packs and the Mace Windus) have never been available on the shelves in the UK, and here they are at £1 each!!!!”



Hasbro European Price RISE?
January 21, 2001 | 12:08 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

This from Sompeetalay from TeeKey-421:

“This news was brought to us by Marco Russe from www.toy-palace.com and Yves De Meyer from Gadget, an excellent toy store in Gent (Belgium). The prices of the figures will go up, due to production and transportation costs at Hasbro. A figure can easily cost at least 1.25 $ more than before. A good price in Belgium for a new figure is appr. 11.5 – 12 $. Now that the prices had been sharp for awhile … Thanks a lot Hasbro :((”

I’m not sure if this is the same for other countries such as the UK, France and Germany, but what I do know is that – at least in the UK – a price rise will make little difference anyway, because all we’re getting is some exciting promises. At the moment, in the UK, you don’t get excited by reading on the Internet of people finding new stuff on the shelves….the most exciting things you read are more promises from Hasbro UK which are rarely true…



100 12″ Checklist
January 21, 2001 | 12:03 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Mako sent in this rather lenghthy list of mess-ups on Hasbro’s 100 12″ figures list that comes packed in with the 12″ 100th Luke. I posted scans of the actual list a few days ago. Here’s what’s missing from it:

Bartender R2 (came in the FAO 2 pack with Slave Leia)

Chancelor Valorum & Blue Senate Guard (Came out back in August)

Qui-Gon & Amidala “Defense of Naboo” 2 pack.

Looks like they aren’t counting the Amidala collection (3) or the Ceremonial Leia.

Ep 1 C-3PO is missing from the list.

Strange, they counted the AT-AT driver twice, #23 & #71. I would have to guess that’s because of the exclusive and the regular release. However they didn’t do that with Greedo. Greedo was a JC Penny Exclusive & also came in wave with Grand Moff Tarkin. Speaking of Grand Moff Tarkin (#19) he was also release as an Exclusive and
as a regular wave. So was Slave Leia (#37) (although the sculpt was a bit different if I remember right)

One they decided to add for the hell of it. They added Captain Tarpals & the Kaadu. It won’t be out until Spring.

Good ol’ Hasbro!



Battle Droid diorama
January 21, 2001 | 12:00 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin has finished off his huge Battle Droid diorama and you can check it out athttp://acpin.homestead.com/Home.html



Squid Case
January 21, 2001 | 11:55 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Tom from Yestertoys confirmed that Squid Head case mentioned yesterday, and notes that its scheduled release date is 3/26. Not far away!



UK Toy Show
January 20, 2001 | 9:22 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Stephen wrote in to let all readers in the Glasgow area in the UK know that tomorrow, Sun 21st, there’s a toy fair on at the Mitchell Theatre. 12-4, £1 for adults, kids free.



New Case Assortment
January 20, 2001 | 7:35 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Dave from Startoys & Collectables in the UK sent in this upcoming case breakdown:

New Basic Figs Asst Coll #2 – Case of 12
– Squid Face x 3
– Lando Calrissian x 3
– Jar Jar Tatooine x 3
– R2-D2 Black x 3

Of course, Hasbro are capabale of changing these assortments, but this gives a pretty good idea of what’s coming.



Tanks @ TRU
January 19, 2001 | 1:59 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

QProd wrote in to let us know that he his local TRU in So. California put out about 60 Trade Federation Tanks today, along with a bunch of soft goods figures (Obi-Wan/Anakin/Maul wave) and Commtech Vader/Stormtrooper wave (no R2s in sight). Figures were $1.97 each.



KBKids.com has the 300th Figure – Boba Fett
January 19, 2001 | 10:35 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

I still haven’t seen this in my area so if your the impatient type, KBKids.com has Boba Fett 300 in stock for $14.99.



Marmit Info
January 19, 2001 | 8:34 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

After speaking with a friend he has told me that his supplier has informed him that we may see up to 10 designs this year. Of these that are on the list are IG-88, a repaint Fett, Colored pad Sandtrooper (those that have followed the line know that there was intial talk of them having these originally), Vader (end of the year). We will keep you posted as we get more news.



12″ Hunters at Target…$24.99 or $19.99???
January 18, 2001 | 11:16 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er DarthMickeyMoose wrote in with a very odd story on Target’s pricing for the 12″ Hunters. Read what happened to him…

“The Bounty Hunter dolls are now priced at $19.99 at Target. There is a problem though if you try and return your dolls for the price difference. There is a new number for these dolls, so your receipt which says you paid $24.99 does not match the Bounty Hunters UPC on the back of the box when scanned. I couldn’t even just return them because the receipt does not match the UPC now. I almost got into a lightsaber duel with the manager over this (HE SAID THEY NEVER CHANGE NUMBERS FOR AN ITEM-WRONG!). When they looked up the item in the computer from my receipt it says Star Wars 12″ Bounty Hunter dolls, but when you scan the box it now comes up star wars 12 ” doll
assortment. The $24.99 number for the Bounty Hunter now comes up
discontinued (UGHH!!!!!).”

Strange story but I would definetly demand my refund. They should not give you a problem but if they do just ask for the Dist Mgr’s phone # that usually works well. I had noticed when I found my set of Hunters at Target they were labeled $19.99 on shelf but rang $24.99, the cashier did give them for the $19.99 price. Just be nice guys don’t lose control or that’ll get you no where quick. If nice doesn’t work just do as I said.



Major Lego sales at Target
January 18, 2001 | 11:08 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er DarthEd wrote in with some insane prices he found for SW Lego sets at Target. These prices reflect Target’s lowest clearance price due to the fact the all end in the number “4”. Guys get out there quick, I know I got some hunting to do. Check out what Ed wrote in with…
“Hello Yaksters!Found ‘Ultimate Collectors Series’ X Wing @ $37.44 &
UCS Interceptor & Millenium Falcon for $ 24.94!!!(Originaly 149.99, and $99.99) As well as Pit droid & Battle droid for $7.44!!!Not bad huh? Well that’all.

These are some great steals guys. Let me know what you find still lingering on shelves, give me a holler here.



More on the Ep2 poster
January 18, 2001 | 11:02 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

The poster I posted on last night was reported by Dark Horizons.com as one of a possible three designs for the Ep2 poster. Many people worte in saying it wasn’t real, that much I knew, but wondered how many believe this could be a possible design. I am not sure it could be or not, though I feel it is very similar to the Ep1 poster style and therefore think that it won’t look much like that. Most movie sequels have different styled posters. I still think it’s a great looking piece regardless. It was great to hear what people thought though. Thanks to all who wrote in with their ideas.



Deluxe Figures Return
January 18, 2001 | 9:50 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Artoonews.com and Rebelscum posted today that Deluxe figures have now shown up on Hasbro product lists. This seems to confirm a newspost of ours from back in mid-Nov.

“Could the deluxe figures be on their way back? I have spoken with Hasbro and it appears they are working on a new line (obviously for sometime in the future, probably 2002). One of the figures in the line that is being worked on is Luke in the Bacta tank.”



Paint Samples Link Fixed &Trophy Assortment OB1!
January 18, 2001 | 7:11 PM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

The paint samples section has been fixed in the prototypes section. Thanks to Nick Larson for the heads up, and to Greg for the fix. Please stop by and check it out! Included is a picture of Greg’s paint sample of the yet unreleased Ben (Obi – Wan) Kenobi Trophy Assortment figure complete with the mini Gungan sub! I hope to finish adding pictures of Nick Larson’s prototype collection by the end of the weekend, so please keep checking back. Have a good weekend.



Technics at KBKids
January 18, 2001 | 7:59 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

LEGO Technic Stormtrooper $29.99
Also on sale for the low low price of $9.99 is the Star Wars Electronic Power F/X X-wing with Figure



Ep2 teaser poster or not?
January 17, 2001 | 10:06 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I got this link off another collector on The Trade Federation. It’s for a look at an Ep2 teaser poster, or is it….? You decide. A cool piece nonetheless, give it a look here. Thanks to Brian Moore for this one.



Check out those dirty little scavengers
January 17, 2001 | 10:02 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

My little brown cloaked desert nomads over at The Jawa.com have some interesting things going on…
Capt_Tarpals that Gungan in disguise has put up a cool Lego measurement section. Great if you are looking to know if that Lego Imperial Shuttle is worth it.
Also they are doimanother free (yes free) giveaway. This time you win a Trilogy Widescreen Edition VHS set. These guys come up with some great free stuff. Check them out at the link above….



Pre-Order Power of the Jedi Wave 9
January 17, 2001 | 10:01 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

SW POTJ Collection 1 (Wave 9) (Item #84445D, $89.99) is scheduled to contain these new Star Wars action figures: 2x Darth Maul Sith Apprentice, 3x Chewbacca Mechanic, 2x Pod Fig, 2x Leia Bespin Escape, 1x Han Solo Bespin Capture, 1x Battle Droid Boomer Damage, 1x Scout Trooper – Imperial Patrol (Biker Scout)(Subject to change.). Only atEntertainment Earth.



Ultarama Stand Winner of the week
January 17, 2001 | 9:35 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Congrats to this weeks winner of the Ultarama Stand, James McAllaster, provided by Mort Simpson. If you have not entered the drawing please click on the link to the left and send in your name. YOU CAN ONLY ENTER ONCE.



12″ at Etoys
January 17, 2001 | 7:58 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

12″ Legacy Figure- Bossk @ Etoys.com $19.99 SOLD OUT
12″ Legacy Figure- 4-Lom @ Etoys.com $19.99
12″ Legacy Figure- IG-88 @ Etoys.com $19.99 SOLD OUT
Thanks to all that wrote in with the news.



Sidster’s still here
January 17, 2001 | 6:49 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Hey guys it’s been a few days since I have posted and some people are wondering if I left. No, still here and alive and kicking guys. Just some personal things in my life lately that I have needed to take care of, and some are coming to a close. Thanks to all that wrote me concerned if I left or not… There’s some great people out there with some great things to say, thanks to you all.



LEGO’s at KBKids
January 17, 2001 | 2:08 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

LEGO Star Wars Droid Escape $7.49
LEGO Star Wars Imperial AT-ST $9.74
LEGO Star Wars Imperial Shuttle $29.99
LEGO Star Wars TIE Fighter $16.49
LEGO Star Wars Watto’s Junkyard $44.99



Hasbro Poll
January 17, 2001 | 4:07 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

JD Dolan points out that Amanaman’s lead in the Hasbro poll has been cut down to 3%. There can’t be long left. Don’t forget that Hasbro have put Amanaman out for a second time here, giving him another chance. This could be our last chance. If he doesn’t win this poll, he might not be made in the new line. If you are remotely interested in a new Amanaman figure, and you’ve not yet voted, please go and vote. Starwars.Hasbro.com.



Fan Poll
January 17, 2001 | 4:05 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Want to vote on your favorite Star Wars figure of 2000? Rebelscum are running a poll right now. Click here to vote!



Star Wars Browser
January 17, 2001 | 4:02 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

In case you haven’t read this else or found out yourselves, starwars.com has made 2 Star Wars themed Internet browsers available for download. The two designs, TPM and the classic trilogy, work with Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT. I tried it out and it’s nice, but takes up a lot of the webpage viewing space… Still, a nice idea. Click here to download ’em. Thanks to Red11 for the news.



Loose 100th Luke figure
January 16, 2001 | 6:29 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Here’s some photos of the 100th edition 12″ Luke Skywalker that a friend sent over:
Comparison shot – new Luke on the left
Nude Luke – over 18s only
Tatooine outfit
X-Wing Pilot outfit – note the special NASA design flight helmet with enough padding to protect you from a 10,000 foot drop.

My friend also notes that the 12″ Dewback is strong enough to hold a 3 year old on its back, which is pretty cool. And as he says, if Hasbro put wheels on the feet it’d be a great preschool toy!



Plo Koon has Arrived
January 16, 2001 | 3:58 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Start the New Year right with the newest series of Star Wars Action Figures! SW POTJ Collection 2 (Wave 6) (Item #84455D, $89.99) contains 3x Plo Koon, 3x K-3P0 – Echo Base Protocol Droid, 3x Mon Calamari Officer, and 3x IG-88. All backorders will be filled immediately. Only at Entertainment Earth.



KBKids.com Army Builders
January 15, 2001 | 10:26 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Sneak Preview: STAP and Battle Droid $2.50



Hologram Nute Gunray Prototype pic plus…..
January 15, 2001 | 7:36 PM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

The prototypes section has had a small update. A couple of additions to the first shots section, as well as an addition to the Mock Up / Samples section. Included in the first shot section is a picture of the yet to be released Nute Gunray (Hologram). I hope to have the next wave of submissions up a running by the end of the weekend. Thanks goes out to Nick Larson and Stepen M. Gardiner for the submissions. Nick has sent pictures of some great prototypes and I’m hoping to include them all with this next update. If you have any prototypes of modern era prototypes and would like to have them featured here at the realm in the prototypes section please feel free to send them my way at SemsFir@aol.com. I will give you full credit of ownership unless you want to remain anonymous.



More Dioramas
January 15, 2001 | 7:15 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Markus has updated his great dioramas site, StarconstruX.de, with some new custom figures, a larger Sarlacc that will fit two Skiffs, and a new section called “Snapshot” which features a new photo from one of his dioramas every week. This site is definitely one to check out.



Battle Droid army
January 15, 2001 | 7:11 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin seems to have spent absolutely ages setting up a diorama with more Battle Droids than I’ve ever seen before! Check it out @ http://acpin.homestead.com/Home.html!



100th Luke Checklist
January 15, 2001 | 7:05 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

A friend of mine sent in a couple of nice scans of the photo list of all 100 12″ figures that comes with the 100th figure, the new Luke Skywalker. Check them out:
Scan 1
Scan 2



Qui Gon vs Battle Droid 2 pack proto
January 15, 2001 | 3:37 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

On ebay there is a prototype of the Qui Gon/Battle Droid 2 pack that was never produced. There are also some pictures of the prototype on this auction (Item #542903998). Thanks to everyone who wrote in.



KBKids Deals
January 14, 2001 | 11:06 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Jar Jar Binks Wake-Up System $14.99
Anakin’s Pod Racer with Anakin $6.25



More @ eToys
January 14, 2001 | 2:21 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

eToys currently have Star Wars PC games cheap as well as all the other things we’ve mentioned recently. Search for games like TIE Fighter, X-Wing, Shadows of the Empire and Dark Forces. Thanks to Steve for the info!



Claim some money back
January 14, 2001 | 2:16 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Mark sent this in for anyone who bought the 12″ Valorum/Guard from kbkids.com and has since seen it cheaper in a local KB:

“I ordered the Valorum 2-pack on kbkids.com just in case I never saw it in the stores. Well, I got lucky one day and found 2 at a new KB in Shrewsbury, MA. So, when I got the 2-pack in the mail, I went to return it to the store, and it rang up $14.99, and kbkids.com gives gift receipts so the price isn’t listed. I told the manager what I paid, she called kbkids.com to verify, and then gave me 2 options:

1) put the $39.99 back onto my credit card

I didn’t keep it, cos I know how hard these are to find and I wanted someone else to have it. BUT, if you bought is on kbkids.com, you can bring it to the stores with your receipt and get reimbursed!

Happy hunting!”



Etoys Hasbro Sales
January 13, 2001 | 10:51 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Etoys.com is now slashing like crazy, here are the Hasbro deals….

Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) with Lightsaber – 3.75″ $.99
Mace Windu with Lightsaber and Jedi Cloak – 3.75″ $.99
Anakin Skywalker – 12″ $2.99
Trade Federation Droid Fighters $3.99
Epic Force Figure – Darth Maul $2.99
Epic Force Figure – Obi-Wan Kenobi $2.99
Electronic Talking Darth Maul – 12″ $6.99
Battle Droid with Blaster Rifle – 12″ $5.99
Watto with Datapad – 12″ $5.99
Power of the Force – Chewbacca – 12″ $5.99
Theed Generator Complex with Battle Droid $8.99
Princess Leia – Ceremonial Gown (1999) – 11.5″ $7.99
Episode I: Flash Speeder $2.99
Motorized Theed Hangar Playset with Qui-Gon Jinn and Battle Droid – 3.75″ $6.99
Action Fleet Deluxe Set – Naboo Hangar-Final Combat $5.99
Mega Platform Set – Trade Federation MTT/Naboo Battlefield $8.99
Star Wars: Behind the Magic $7.99
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace Widescreen Collector’s Edition $8.00
Trivial Pursuit: Star Wars Classic Trilogy $7.99
Monopoly: Episode I $8.99
Episode I: Electronic Naboo Fighter $6.99
Episode I: Destroyer Droid Room Alarm $3.99
Episode I: Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber (NEW) $3.99



Etoys.com LEGO Sale
January 13, 2001 | 12:50 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

Etoys.com continues to have several sets on sale, and some of them have now been marked down drastically – FBTBhas the complete 20 set listing of what they have to offer.



Ammo Wagon at Wal-mart??
January 12, 2001 | 11:04 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

The Ammo Wagon w Gungan was found at two different Wal-marts today in NV for $14.95. Has anyone else found the Ammo Wagon Wal-mart recently? If so please e-mail me.

UPDATE:The Ammo Wagon is not showing up at Wal-mart but KB and people have been returning them to Wal-mart in order to make money since they are listed in their computer.



KB , Target, TRU…kicking in the South
January 12, 2001 | 9:51 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Britt Johnson from Myrtle Beach, SC, sent in a bunch of reports in that area…

“KB toys had many Watto’s Box with the Holo Commtech for 7.99,
as well as Mos Espa Enc., Skiff Guard’s and Rebel Pilots for the same
price…. They also had a few soft good figs. for 1.97..

Target had the Bounty Hunter series for 24.99 2 of Bossk and 4-Lom,but only 1 I-G88…and the best figure released in the past few years, 300th Boba Fett for 9.99…UNREAL figure. I would pay the extra to have ALL figures made like this…this is how it should be done. No Biker Scouts or other 12″……..

TRU had the some great figures…… I walk and a nice row of Commtech Vaders, Stormtroopers, and yes 3 Holo R2 -D2…..I couldn’t believe it….FINALLY….I keep reading how all these people keep finding them and there it was….1.99 for all figures in sight. They had some Motti Commtechs and Leias….nice supply and 1.99 price..sweet.

On a side not, a small town K-Mart had a Sio Bibble, Swamp Jar-Jar, Pit droids, and the Amidala Battle….I was very surprised to see these waves in K-Mart…Maybe this is a sign that K-Mart might be joining the clearance trend…that would be nice….

Everyone in the South, keep an eye out and go now while they are still around…I left ya an R2-D2 holo…….

Britt Johnson”

Thanks Britt great report man.



SW S East Ma/RI Collectors Club
January 12, 2001 | 9:46 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Guys I am looking to get a local Ma/RI collectors club going soon…
This will actually be part of the online club, The Trade Federation. I will be running the Ma/RI chapter. I feel this can help many in the area not fortunate enough to get some things they are looking for, but also to just have some fun amongst other locals. There are going to be some strict guidelines that go along with all the Trade fed guidelines, so please expect that. If you are in this area and are interested just gimmie a holler here.



300th Fett in S East Ma
January 12, 2001 | 9:40 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Some good news for all my local Yak-ers here in S East Ma…
Mr Fett has hit N Dartmouth, Ma, Walmart store. I saw 10 there tonight. This was about 9 pm so I can guess these will be around for opening time. Good luck guys get there early, these won’t hang around long.



Issue #51 and Carbon Freeze Chamber Update
January 12, 2001 | 9:36 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Fan Club, now operated by Wizards of the Coast, is reporting that Issue #51 will be shipped by January 18 at the latest. Apparently at least part of the delay was due to trying to schedule printing time. Issue #52 will be on the newstands in mid February.

The Carbon Freeze Playset will be at the Fan Club. The marketing section is trying to find out from Hasbro exactly how many of the Carbon Freeze Playsets they will be allocated. The lastest word is they will be taking pre-orders, but no date has been set at this time.



Biker Scout +
January 12, 2001 | 1:40 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Lee wrote in to say that AnotherUniverse.com have a set of Han Bespin Capture, Biker Scout and Battle Droid (Boomer Damage) figures right here for $9.99 plus shipping. Doesn’t seem too good, but if you use the coupon ‘Sale4’ you’ll get 25% off the order. In the end, if you buy just the set of 3 figures and use the coupon, the total is around $30 (basically it’s like getting free shipping). Worth a look if you can’t find these figures.



Sale Extended
January 12, 2001 | 12:21 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

M & M Collectibles have extended their 25% off sale:

“Due to the overwhelming response to our 25% off everything sale, we are extending it through this weekend (now ends at midnight Sunday Jan 14).
Remember, you MUST put “SALE” in the ship to name to get the discount!”



Design Contest
January 12, 2001 | 12:18 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Keith is running a contest to win some figures. All you have to do is design a banner and a button for his website. Head over to his site for more details.



100th 12″ Luke Skywalker
January 12, 2001 | 12:15 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Andy wrote in to let us know that the 100th 12″ figure, the new Luke Skywalker, has been showing up on Japanese shelves priced @ 8000Yen, which translates to a pretty huge $72. When they appear on US shelves however, the price should be significantly less. Typically, things turn up in Japan before the USA, so in theory they should arrive in the States before long.



Hallmark.com Star Wars update
January 12, 2001 | 10:28 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Hallmark.com has posted pictures of the 2001 Star Wars ornaments. Check them out!!



Army Builders
January 12, 2001 | 8:23 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Amazon.com has the following items….
Kaadu with Jar Jar $1.97
Opee with Qui-Gon $1.97



EE Taken Out By Mother Nature
January 12, 2001 | 8:12 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

The first major weather system of 2001 literally took Entertainment Earth (www.entertainmentearth.com) by storm on Wednesday and Thursday. All telephone lines, fax lines, email and Internet connections were destroyed by Mother Nature. Pacific Bell notes that portions of this entire area (North Hollywood, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles) is effected. Flooding in critical areas disabled Pacif Bell’s systems.

…And we thought it was just a little rain.

Pacific Bell could not give an estimate as to when systems will be repaired. We appreciate your patience and look forward to more of your business when we return.

Jason Labowitz

UPDATE:EE is now back up and running.



NJ Star Wars Collector Club
January 11, 2001 | 9:38 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er and NJ resident Chris DelVecchio sent in some info for any SW collectors in the state of NJ. Here’s what Chris had to say….

“Hello, just wanted to let you know that the NJSWCC will be celebrating its first full year as the premier Star Wars Club for NJ!
Please help us by inviting all “True Collectors” from NJ (and surrounding areas) to join us by stopping by our site atNJSWCC.
Chris DelVecchio

Sounds great, guys give Chris a visit. These days any help beating the scalpers to the punch is worthwhile.



SW Hallmark 2001
January 11, 2001 | 9:37 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Rebelscum is reporting that the Hallmark Star Wars ornaments for 2001 will include Jar Jar Binks, Anakin Skywalker, and most likely Queen Amidala’s Royal Starship. Also, there will be a miniature set but that contents are not known at this time.



Lee’s AFN #99 on stands
January 11, 2001 | 9:32 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

The new issue of Lee’s AFN is on stands now. It has a nice two page spread of the new 12″ Bounty Hunters and also a page of newly released POTJ things we have all seen lately. I did notice a great new add for the Ultarama system. Lee’s also gave a whole page article to them and added some great pics. If you haven’t got one of these yet, DO IT NOW….
This is a great sytem for the loose and diorama collectors out there. I think by far it’s the best display unit made thus far. Great Usage, great construction, and great price. If you need some more info hit the Ultarama link above. Here’s a pic of the article from Lee’s.



Plenty of 12″ Sith Lords to go round in NY
January 11, 2001 | 6:44 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I got a few reports from NY Yak-ers going into the Manhattan store looking for $40 Dewbacks only to find many 12″ Sith Lords sets. A few Yak-ers reported 40-50 of these sets at that store. So if you need one and live close by hop on the train and get there. Thanks go out to Yak-ers AustinDPowers2, Scott Morris, and DarkLordBrother.



Queens Ship at KBKids.com
January 11, 2001 | 2:28 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post



Electronic Royal Flagship Escape from Naboo Playset $29.99
Add anything else from the site and you can use this code. Coupon code OFFERZONE, which is $10 off a $35 purchase. Thanks to William and Dave for the news.



Invasion Force Figure with Vehicle
January 11, 2001 | 8:19 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


Episode I Invasion Force Figure with Vehicle: Sith Probe $4.97. IN STOCK @ Amazon.com SOLD OUT



KBkids.com In Stock Items
January 11, 2001 | 8:03 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

KBkids.com has the following items in stock.
12″ Sandtrooper Action Figure $12.99 #108159C
Sith Speeder and Darth Maul Figure $2.99 #101266C
12″ Greedo Action Figure $12.99 #108159B
12″ Grand Moff Tarkin w/ Interrogator Droid $12.99 #108159E
12″ Luke Skywalker in Hoth Gear $12.99 #105797B
12″ Luke Skywalker in Jedi Gear $12.99 #108161



12″ Sith Lords in the N East
January 10, 2001 | 11:54 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

This is for all my N East compadres looking for the new 12″ Sith Lords set, TRU in my area has received a shipment. A good friend and Yak-er Mark found the set in both the Swansea, MA and the
N Dartmouth, MA stores. So Guys this set seems to be hitting TRU across the country. Good luck in the hunt.



January 10, 2001 | 11:47 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Alpha-Con will be at the Omaha Civic Auditorium on May 4-6. Many celebs will take part. Check out all the details over at SSG’s.



How did he do that?
January 10, 2001 | 10:49 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

My man George over at Sandtroopers.com posted up the new “how to” for his custom Porkins FX X-Wing. Definetly worth a look. I love how the Porkins head didn’t lose any articulation. Check the “how to” in the Collazo Universe section.



New Hallmark 2001 mini Empire lunchbox
January 10, 2001 | 10:43 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Ken Robinson sent in a pic he found of the new mini Empire lunchbox ornament from the 2001 Hallmark Spring collection. They did the Star Wars version a couple of years back and it is a really cool piece. Ken noted to check outHallmark.com tomorrow as they will be putting up the 2001 Dreambook. He also noted not all the ornaments would be viewable just yet. Check this link for the pics of the mini lunchbox now though.



A HUGE thanks to…
January 10, 2001 | 8:51 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Tim Enloe….
Tim is a regular Yak reader, contributor, and friend. Some may recall Tim had a brother that passed away in Sept of last year, we here at Yak asked for all your prayers for him. Well since that tragedy Tim has still remained a regular and a great guy. Tim had a hard second half of 2000 but remained strong. Tim recently helped me acquire one of the $2 R2 Holo figs from TRU. I only need this fig for a loose diorama and Tim came thru BIG. He not only offered help but sent in a star case for the $2 he paid. He is an asset to the community and beyond, it’s people like Tim that overshadow all the other greedy one’s out there. Tim, you are an unreal guy and I thank you for that.



Lott Dodd Prototype Pic
January 10, 2001 | 8:32 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

On ebay there is an auction for a prototype of the unproduced Lott Dodd figure (Item #540021178). Thanks to DarthScooby for the news.



Magic of the Myth virtual tour
January 10, 2001 | 8:29 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er JessO has a great page with an awesome virtual tour of the Magic of the Myth exhibit. I have yet to see this in person, but plan on going the minute it hits Boston. If you are like me and want to see what lies ahead, take a lookhere.



Wondering why there are no new figs around….
January 10, 2001 | 8:18 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er and Walmart employee John wrote in with some very interesting and informative news. John has some info why we aren’t seeing new figs at some Walmarts at all, read below…

“During my first inventory control meeting ( which supposedly was to
occur at all stores over the country at the same time), stores are
to begin cracking down on merchandise that does not sell well or not
sell at all. This is to happen in all departments. Star Wars peg
warmers will be the cause of no new orders of basic
figure assortments. Unless the associate in toys is a dedicated
collector, they will view star wars as just “toys that do not sell”
and will no longer place orders for new figures. The store that
reduced the figures to $1.00 will not purchase additional figures only
to sell at a loss.

Star Wars in general is not selling well in my area. Figures like
Sebulba, Dagobah Darth Vader, General Leia, Porkins, Fode and Beed
Gungan Warrior and Obi Wan ( Alec Guiness) are saturated and just
clutter up the aisle. Fode and Beed and Gungan Warriors sell out first
but not as fast as you would expect. This is the reason no new figures
will be ordered, or not in large quanities.

I blame this on Hasbro, who do not have vendors take the time to
remove older figures and replenish them with the current batch that
people are looking for. Also when a case eventually sells and more are
reordered, the store usually sends the identical assortment that
recently sold, rather than waiting for an updated assortment with
entirely new figures never before seen. This leads to low turnover
and collector frustration. The only way I can find new figures is to
travel to different states that order assortments that are not
available in my area. Peg warmers are not the same in different
states but they are in stores that are in the same area. Because of
this I have been able to find as many Bespin Capture Han, Boomer
Damage Battle Droid and Biker Scouts as I need.

Some very good info. I know many that haven’t seen news waves since the initial POTJ stuff hit. This may explain a lot now for those people. It’s very sad and unfortunate news though and hopefully things will change. I am going to look further into this and maybe we can do something here at Yak to help this situation.



Dewback markdown
January 10, 2001 | 6:03 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin reports: “Just got back from lunch and I passed by the TRU on 34th St at New York city where I found the 12″ Dewback w/Sandtrooper marked down to $39.90 each. There were at least 20 that I counted which were still there.”



Fett troubles from kbkids.com?
January 10, 2001 | 4:25 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post

Chris writes in w the following news:
“I recieved the 300th fett from KBkids.com just today and to my surprise it was in horrible condition. I know you can’t expect a mint package when ordering from a big company, but this was far from even decent. Every side of the package was crushed in so far that even the figure was damaged. The staff was bent, his helmet antenna was bent, his gun was bent.”
Has anyone else gotten their Fett in this kind of condition?



This week’s Ultarama Winner
January 10, 2001 | 7:52 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Yakface.com would like to say CONGRATS!! to Dan Bagrow, this week’s winner of the excellent Ultarama Standsprovided by Mort Simpson. Mort has agreed to let us keep giving away these great display systems. We will continue to give one away a week.



Didn’t find CT Vader and Trooper yet?
January 9, 2001 | 10:56 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well for the unlucky people that haven’t been able to get a CT Vader and Stormtrooper at TRU, the Jawa clan is giving you some help. The brown cloaked desert scavengers over at Jawa.com are giving away a set of CT Vader and Trooper for zilch, nada, nothing, zero. Yup just head over and enter and hey they could be at your door quicker than you can say……



Trade Fed tanks at TRU
January 9, 2001 | 10:51 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Charles Q. Nguyen from Southern Cali sent in a report on a very plentiful find of Trade Fed tanks at TRU. Charles said he saw 50 at his local store. These are still going for the regular price of $17.99. I had reported spotting some at TRU in Warwick, RI, just before Xmas, so keep your eyes peeled.



25% off
January 9, 2001 | 3:07 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Head over to M & M to take advantage of this clear-out offer:

“This is starting a couple days early because we need to make room for new inventory. This offer is good only through Friday Jan. 12, 2001.

25% off EVERYTHING. That simple. Regular Price, sale price, new, old it doesn’t matter.

YOU MUST put in the code “sale” after your ship to name on the order form to get discount.

Please note, our shopping cart will not calculate this discount. It will be done manually when we process your order. The confirmation email that you get will have the regular price. If you put in the discount code, we will process your order at 25% off. We will NOT do refunds of the 25% if you do not put the “sale” code in.”



Can’t live with’em…Can’t live without’em
January 8, 2001 | 4:49 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I have heard much complaining lately about some of the new figs that have come out and some that are coming soon. Many people aren’t happy with the K3-PO and I can’t figure out why. I mean most loved the red R2 unit from the Royal Starship, right? What’s the difference just a reused mold just like K3-P0 is… I think many forget that all the protocol and astromech droids all look the same. I am happy to have K3-P0 and I look forward to any other droids they plan on doing. This brings new life to the line and adds some great figs for those that build scenes (myself included). I mean would you rather have another Luke Tatooine? Also many are complaining about the recent resculpts… I love them and say bring them on. If they can do a resculpt and make it look far better than the orignal, I’m all for it. Look at the Han Bespin, no comparison to the original. Can we say Fett anyone? That is one of the best figure sculpts Hasbro has EVER done. Guys my rule of thumb is, if you don’t like them leave them hanging on the pegs. Hasbro give me more droids and awesome resculpts and I will be a happy guy….



Some new Target news
January 8, 2001 | 4:36 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

A “secret” Target employee and fellow Yak-er wrote in some interesting info, read below….
“Hi, I did some checking up on Star Wars at work today, turns out that the Star Wars “Inside Action”(087-06-1549), and “2 pack Figures”(087-06-1715) do appear on the new 1/7/01 planogram, however, they are NOT supposed to be set. Instead they are supposed to be taken off as of 1/25/01(Labels removed). The E mail sent out yesterday clearly states that NO PRODUCT WILL SHIP TO STORES. So for those looking to pick up that Masters of the Darkside Two pack…..looks like your out of luck. As for the inside action, that’s not going to happen either. Also, the latest wave of POTJ collection 2(IG-88 wave) as NOT YET hit the Target I work at (which is in New York). However the new Boba Fett has arrived in my store (as well as other New York stores), this item is supposed to be held for the new Planogram(setting on ! the week of 1/7/01), keep in mind that all stores do their sets at different times during this week, so for example one store may set the boys action aisle on Sunday night into Monday morning, making it possible to walk in and find Boba Fett and the new 12 inch guys sitting on the shelf, Monday morning at 8 am. Some stores may do boys action on Friday of that week, you never know.”

Thanks for the info. Guys remember always be nice to employees it’s the only way to get anything you want.



Ep1 on FOX
January 8, 2001 | 4:31 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

FOX has announced taht it will air Episode One The Phantom Menace on Sun, April 29th from 7-10 pm ET/PT. Jus seems like we were all still dying for this to hit theaters. Time flies don’t we all know that….



George Lucas in Love DVD at amazon
January 8, 2001 | 4:28 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Wayne noticed amazon.com has the cool short flick, George Lucas in Love on DVD for $11.99. Wayne mentioned to go the $15 section of the DVD page. Thanks for the heads up man.



Don Post Masks and Helmets
January 8, 2001 | 2:27 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Don Post Masks and Helmets

We continue to stock the full line of Star Wars Classic and Episode I masks and helmets from Don Post Studios. Check out our entire selection today by following this link:




12″ Jedi Assort at the Wishbook
January 8, 2001 | 12:39 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


Return Of The Jedi 12″ Set for only $24.88



January 8, 2001 | 12:07 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Have you ever wondered how these toys that we spend all our time looking for compared to the actual characters in the movie. Well stop over to the YakVision Section and take a look around. Here you see a sample (click onthe image to see it full size) of what I have done. After you stop in take a second and vote on our poll. I hope you enjoy them.



12″ Ep1 Obi-Wan
January 8, 2001 | 11:58 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Ep1 12″ Obi-Wan Kenobi Action Figure @ KBKids.com for only $2.50



Plo wave at Yestertoys
January 7, 2001 | 7:54 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yestertoys has a good amount of the new Plo Koon wave in stock for $8.00 a piece. They also have some other deals going on. Check the link above or give them a call at 1-800-653-4155.

UPDATE: I got a few emails saying that the Plo wave wasn’t listed on the site, I also checked and saw it that wasn’t. I would give them a call tomorrow sometime at the 800 #. I do know they have these in stock now.



All fun and games
January 7, 2001 | 7:49 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Raymond sent in a report of some cheap Star Wars games he recently scored at TRU. Raymond got himself an E1 Monopoly and Star Wars Trivial Pursuit for $15 and $10 respectively. These are great prices considering these went for $35-40 each. I thought I add that they also have the Sith Probe Attack game for $10. This is a cool game and if you got little ones they will enjoy. It also makes a really cool display piece, cheap. Just to add one more steal…
Those living in the S East, Ma area, make a stop at Ocean State Job Lot. They have the Clash Of The Lightsaber card game for a mere $1.50. The deals just seem to continue, so get out there guys and enjoy while the getting’s good…



Do you know CGI?
January 7, 2001 | 2:57 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

I am in need of a CGI expert. Please email me at hfsolo@yakface.com



300th Back In Stock
January 7, 2001 | 2:21 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

You can get him at KBKids.com for $9.99, Click on the Picture. Out of Stock


Also Back in stock are…
Star Wars: 12″ Grand Moff Tarkin Action Figure $12.99 Out of Stock
Episode 1 Darth Maul Trophy Assortment $1.99



Show in the UK
January 6, 2001 | 6:48 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Tomorrow (Jan 7th) is the Collectors’ World sci-fi fair in Basildon, Essex. Well worth a visit if you live close or can get there! For more info, go to the event website @ http://www.scifishows.com/basildon.htm.



South Attleboro Collectable show
January 6, 2001 | 5:30 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Sun Jan 7th at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Knights of Columbus, 304 Highland Ave, S Attleboro, Ma. 59 tables, Admission is $3.00. This is a small show guys but you can find that jewel just waiting to be found. I will be there so feel free to come up and chat some “Wars” stories. For those looking to talk I will be wearing a striped v neck sweater and off white bubble jacket. Hope to see some Yak-er’s there.



MOTDS two pack at Target?
January 6, 2001 | 5:17 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well looks like the mystery of the shelf tags at Target are solved…
I got an email from Yak-er 1-Smuggler in Ohio and he reports finding a MOTDS two pack at Target. Jay over atAmerican Dream Comics also reports people mailing in reporting finds. I have heard that Target was late on getting some stuff, so this maybe good for those needing this set still. Good luck guys send in any finds.



Preorder Marmit Vader at EE
January 6, 2001 | 5:05 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Entertainment Earth is taking preorders for the much awaited and speculated Marmit Vader. This should be an awesome piece considering how great all the Marmit releases have been thus far. Get in on it now while you can.



Need Plo Koon and friends
January 5, 2001 | 10:02 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Both TNC Universe and Toymaniacs.com have the Plo Koon wave in stock. I don’t see these lasting long though.



$1 POTJ figs?
January 5, 2001 | 9:52 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Mike Bivins sent in some info on some insane steals he found at his local Walmart in Knighdale, NC. Here’s what Mike reported getting some new POTJ figs for a dollar… Yes one dollar. He found Fode/Beed, Sebulba, Gungan Warrior, Boss Nass for that and also got himself a Porkins for two dollars. Not sure if this was an isolated incident but if any others out there are finding these kinds of steals let us know. Mike did attach a scan of his receipt for proof, so it is legit guys.



12″ Sith Lords found at more Tru
January 5, 2001 | 9:45 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I have some more reports of this set popping at TRU lately. Reports of finds from Madison, Wi and also in the Houston, Tx area have come in. Thanks to Yak-ers DarthMenace, and Valentin, both for these reports.



300th Fett for $8.00
January 5, 2001 | 11:34 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Loose Toon found 6 Mr Fett’s at Walmart in Lawrenceville, Ga. Great score, but wait, they were priced $9.96 but rang up $7.36 each. Sounds like an awesome score there. This is the first report of these being ound any cheaper than the noraml $9.96 tag, but if anyone else finds these cheap let us know here at Yak.



eToys UK site closing
January 5, 2001 | 11:27 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Looks like another one bites the dust…
The UK eToys division will be shutting down soon, all orders will be taken up to Jan 19th, then they will stop. I understand they are closing due to $ problems, like a lot of e-tailers lately. They will be offering 50% off on all in stock merchandise, so maybe you can snag a few items you need. Here’s a link for any people interested in checking them out.



New Items at KBKids.com
January 5, 2001 | 9:42 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some new items online….
Star Wars: 12″ Sandtrooper Action Figure $12.99 #108159C
Star Wars: 12″ Greedo Action Figure $12.99 #108159B
Star Wars: 12″ Grand Moff Tarkin Action Figure $12.99 #108159E SOLD OUT
Star Wars 12″ Tusken Raider Action Figure $12.99 #105801D
Star Wars 8″ Anakin Skywalker Action Figure $1.75 #101238B SOLD OUT
Star Wars: 12″ Luke Skywalker Action Figure in Ceremonial Gear $12.99 #108159D
Jabba’s Palace with Han Solo in Carbonite – 3-D Diorama $3.75 #400687D SOLD OUT
If the links do not bring you directly to the page search on the numbers that follow the price of each.



Target clearance
January 4, 2001 | 9:41 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Well Target is doing their after Xmas clearance sale again and some good things to be found cheap. I saw a few great deals for 50% off, check what my local Target had still in stock….

Lego Slave 1 $9.90
Lego Trade Fed MTT $24.90
Lego UCS X Wing $74.90
Lego USC Tie Fighter $49.90
Mega Obi Wan $4.90

Yak-er Bill Ray also reported finding all three Mega Action figs for $4.90. So more deals to be had out there. The Lego sets are a steal at 50% off, but remember Traget still has another round to go. Target’s final clearance prices always end in a “4” so maybe if we hold out on some things we can practically walk out the door with them.



12″ Sith Lords at TRU and some TRU info
January 4, 2001 | 9:32 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I know a few people have been looking for this set and have been coming up empty handed, but hopefully that will end soon. I have heard of this set being found at some TRU stores in the west half of the country as of late. So those living on the left side pop in and you might be a happy camper.
Now as I stated earlier in the week some TRU stores have yet to receive any of the Classic CT figs yet, my local TRU included. Fear not people as I stated these will show up. Here’s some more good news from another TRU employee…

“I work at TRU and I just wanted to confirm that report about commtech R2. There are over 16,000 commtech POTF figures sitting in a NorthEast warehouse that haven’t shipped. Inventory for many stores ends this weekend and new trucks will be arriving starting Saturday at most stores doing inventory. There will be plenty of Commtech figures for everyone. Also, there are tons of Episode 1 figures sitting in the warehouses(can’t remember exact numbers), but there are no more freeze frames…so I doubt we’ll see Weequay FFs anytime soon. Anyway, good luck to everyone and the figures are out there…they’re just waiting to be shipped to stores. I’ll let you know when my store starts receiving them(we haven’t gotten any yet).
A TRU Employee”

Good news again… So we should see these and from what Lee says in good numbers. I just want Stormtroopers galore. Good luck people and anyone finding these soon please give me a holler here.



12″ assortments for 2001 Change
January 4, 2001 | 9:15 PM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

It appears that the 12″ Oola, Gamorrean Guard, and Lando Skiff have been delayed at least. The new overseas listing for 2001 from Hasbro for 12″ shows Death Star Trooper, Death Star Droid, and Han Solo (no description of which outfit). We are supposed to see these new 12″ figs in July 2001. Rick at New Force is taking preorders for them, including sets of the three, and case packs of six figures.



Around the net…..
January 4, 2001 | 4:54 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are some nice things going on around the net….
Philip at Rebelscum has a couple of things. You can check out a VERY COOL display idea for the Battle of Endor using the 12″ Speeder Bike Box, and if you are into displays, Philip has the official site for fan made stands using the Ultarama stands. If you have one and want people to see what you have done with it. Mail it into Philip.

Are you into collecting Star Wars Topps Trading Cards? Well SSG has opened a new section with a price guide for the cards. Check it out here.

Over at The Force.net you can check out the latest Episode II images from a French Magazine.



Cheap Exclusives
January 4, 2001 | 4:26 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Steve sent this info in:
“Went to two TRU’s today in NEW JERSEY and found the TRU exclusive “R2-D2/C-3PO” two pack for a whopping low price of $7.90, not a bad deal, the boxes were a little beat up, but I guess I will open them.”



News on Figures w/ Cd’s
January 4, 2001 | 11:51 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Spoke with Andy and he has confirmed that they are coming, although there are NO cd’s. The CD’s have been cancelled. However they are still making the figures. The Luke Bespin will be out most likely in 2002, however we will see a new Luke X-Wing that he promises will be very cool sometime this year. Also we will see a bare chested Darth Maul with all the deco on his body with an add in of some sort as a deluxe figure. Possibly a vader as well, not positive on that one yet. More news to come as we get it.



Star Wars Diorama Page Updated
January 4, 2001 | 1:19 AM EST | Bill | Talk About This Post

The Star Wars Diorama page has been updated. There are lots of new photos in a number of sections, including a new section for dioramas based on ships. Check back tomorrow night for even more updates.



Welcome to a new member
January 3, 2001 | 11:37 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I just want to take a second to wish a warm welcome to a good friend of mine and new Yak family member, Bill Cox. Some of you may remember a post from a few weeks back about some of Bill’s awesome dioramas, well since then Bill has moved his stuff here to Yak now. You can check some of his incredible work out by clicking on the
Star Wars diorama link right above in the Toy Guide section. Bill deserves the recognition for his time and work. It is being updated now so some links might not be fully functional just yet. Keep checking back though as there will be pics updated on the regular. Welcome aboard Bill…



Bothan Collectables strikes back
January 3, 2001 | 11:26 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

This might be some very useful info for our UK readers…

Bothan Collectables will soon be getting in a limited number of the new Plo Koon wave priced the same as all their other POTJ figs. I have never dealt with Bothan first hand, but have heard some very good things about them. Looks like some help to UK is on the way. Get in touch with them thru the link above.



SW Inside Action speculation
January 3, 2001 | 11:19 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Since my post earlier this evening on the two new Target shelf tags, many people have wrote in in with their thoughts on what could be. One person thought it could be the defunct CD Rom figs, we could only hope though. A few wrote in with a more realistic guess, Galoob’s transforming head playsets. Yak-er Jedi Jones wrote in with this…

“Hi, this is JediJones.
I am a big SW Micro Machines collector and know what the Inside Action sets are. These are the official name for the transforming “head” playsets by Galoob. When Ep1 came out we got Jar Jar and Battle Droid. Also released but rarely shipped to stores were Darth Maul and the Gungan Sub. Shown at Toy Fair but never shipped were Anakin and Qui-Gon. I do not know which ones Target is getting, but Micro Machines collectors would be very intrigued if it were the last two. More likely it is the scarce 2nd wave finally showing up in bigger quantities.”

I think Jedijones could definetly be right here on this one. I know that at very least Maul and Gungan Sub exsist because I have seen both at the Hasbro employee store and also on eBay. As for them being the Cd line I doubt it very much seeing the line got cancelled, though I have heard some talk this line may see a UK only release. As I hear more on this all will also know.



2nd Annual FBTB Star Wars LEGO Survey
January 3, 2001 | 11:15 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

If you collect the Star Wars LEGO line, then please take a moment to fill out my latest survey at FBTB Thanks!



Plo Koon wave at John’s Toys
January 3, 2001 | 5:41 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Just want to give all a heads up that John’s Toys has the brand new Plo Koon wave in stock now. These are a little higher than retail at $9.99, but not many retail outlets have got this wave in just yet. Still much cheaper than most online retailers that get waves in early. You can hit link above or call 1-800-505-TOYS. Good luck they won’t last long.



Who can solve this mystery?
January 3, 2001 | 5:36 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

In the past two days I have received a few emails from Yak readers finding their local Target stores reset for Star Wars. I know you are thinking BIG deal, but these people are finding two shelf tags that seem a mystery to us all. One tag people are finding is labeled “SW Inside Action” and lists for $14.99, the other “SW 2-Packs” also listed for $14.99. I can’t see the two packs being the MOTDS set, unless Target is far behind other stores on getting those. As for the SW Inside Action, I myself have no idea what these could be. If anyone at all can help please give me a shout here. I and a few people are curious what these are.



News from the people
January 3, 2001 | 5:26 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

I have got quite a bit of help from many Yak-ers across the country, and thought I’d post in one big post. Here’s what some of our faithful readers are finding….

Yak-er DELVEC reports more finds at Family Toy Warehouse in NJ…

“Hello I just wanted to add some recent cheap findings in New Jersey.
That would be not only Soft Goods Qui Gon and Battle Damaged Destroyers but also swimming JarJar for $2 at Family Toy Warehouse in Voorhees, NJ”

Onto Yak-er William…
Found 2 Mynock Hunt Cinema Scenes at TRU in Pineville, NC. For $1.97 each!! Also Sears.com under wishbook section has Luke/Ewok
complete Galaxy sets for $9.99 I’ve already got mine in mint condition.”

Yak-er David Snedigar from Indianapolis, IN wrote…

“Just wanted to chime in that I picked up the 300th edition Fett today at Wal-Mart on the NW side of Indy. Chances are good that they are at other WM’s in town too.”

Yak-er Jedi2 also nabbed a 300th Fett…

“Hello Sidster,
Today I found at Target in Evanston, IL , all of the three 12″
Bounty Hunter assortment, but the biggest find- while searching the messy toy clearance aisles- a 300th Edition Boba Fett(reg.price $9.99), and a Dagobah Vader for $4.09!! Over at KB in Niles, by the back aisles, a total of 8 Trophy Mauls sitting on the shelf each for the clearance price of$4.99!!!! Thought I’d let you know!! So readers keep hunting, you might be surprised by what you can find!!! MTFBWY

Thanks to all who wrote in, just keep on writing. You guys are just as much a help as we are. Good luck to all in the search for the deals and finds being reported. Gas is not cheap these days so while wasting it, it’s always good to not come up empty handed.



Insane Discounts Continue!
January 3, 2001 | 3:25 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post

Amazon.com has the Interactive Yoda available for $9.98. Check it out!



More Online Deals
January 3, 2001 | 2:45 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Brian L sends this in. Wishbook.com – Complete Galaxy 2-Pack (Luke/Tatooine and Ewok/Endor) for 9.95



JCPenney 12″ 4 Pack at KBKids
January 3, 2001 | 1:28 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post


Now available at KBKids.com you can get this 4-Pack of 12″ figures for the low price of $29.99. Normal Price was $69.99
Also in stock is the Deluxe Rancor with Luke Jedi for $19.99
So far we have seen FAO, JCPenney and fan Club Exclusives here. I am hoping we get more, whos for the TRU and Target 12″ exclusives to show up??



January 3, 2001 | 12:16 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

AmericanDreamComics are running three contests this month. The first is their monthly forum giveaway, and the prize is a set of POTJ figures which includes IG-88, Bespin Capture Han Solo and 300th Boba Fett! The second contest is a make your own custom made cinema scene contest for a new POTJ Bespin Carbon freeze playset, and the third is a contest to make your own Mego-style figure! For more info on all of these giveaways, check out ADC’s website.



Current Vote Numbers
January 3, 2001 | 11:54 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Here are the current numbers for the Official Hasbro Poll.
A. Admiral Ozzel : 16%
B. Amanaman : 37%
C. Ben Quadinaros : 5%
D. Major Bren Derlin: 10%
E. Yarael Poof : 32%



More on TRU goodies…
January 2, 2001 | 10:41 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Marcus wrote in backing up my previous post on TRU, read below…

I have great news regarding the R2 Holo Leia wave. My TRU received some and sold out instantly. However a good source has told me after inventory they are slated to get more of those cases. They said if you look after the 12th or 13th you’ll have a chance to find more.
They also said things like the 300th figure Boba Fett should also show up after inventory. I haven’t gotten either of these yet but I am hopeful.

Sounds like those of us that haven’t seen some of the goodies will soon. I would say with both mine and Marcus’ sources, the goods shall arrive soon. Thanks go out to Marcus for writing in.



Bounty Hunters at Target in upstate NY
January 2, 2001 | 10:36 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er Eric G wrote to let all know he found lots of the new 12″ POTJ Bounty Hunters. Eric spotted these at the Niagra Falls Target, he was there around 5 pm. Good luck guys. Target seems to be the place for the new goodies lately.



Just when you thought you heard it all…
January 2, 2001 | 10:32 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Just got some more mail here from some Yak-ers that have found more steals lingering out there, just waiting to be found. This came in from Yak-er Robert Quinlivan…

Today found Swimming Jar-Jar ($1.99) and Darth Maul Sith Attack Speeder ($2.99) at KB Toyworks in St. Louis, MO!!!
What a deal!”

Swimming JJ himself for just two bux… WOW…

DVLordsith wrote in with this…

Got myself Sio Bibble, Queen Ascension, and four Naboo (goatee) Guards, at Big K in NJ. Here’s the kicker, they rang at $2.00 a piece. Great thanks for all the info”

I just keep getting amazed at what is being found and for the prices. Good luck to all out hunting. This seems to be a good time for it, with stores finding stuff in the back due to inventory to people returning unwanted gifts from Xmas. See ya in the Star Wars isle people.



POTJ Leia variation
January 2, 2001 | 10:21 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

My man and variation partner in crime Innis over at Jawa.com has a cool POTJ General Leia variation up. It shows a different font used on the Force File, but the mystery is both files are .0000…. Weird… Go check the pics on this one. Seems like the variations are just piling up on the POTJ line, which we thought we’d see less of. Hasbro loves us, NO?



The Return of ‘Ask LEGO’
January 2, 2001 | 9:11 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post

I’ve been invited to attend Toy Fair this year in February, and LEGO has graciously agreed to a Q&A for FBTB. So if you have anything you’d like to ask about the Star Wars LEGO line, check out FBTB for more info.



Some insane steals…
January 2, 2001 | 4:20 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Yak-er ChewieGK1 wrote in with some incredible finds and steals he made recently at a Family Toy warehouse. Here’s what Chewie wrote in with…

“Hey guys love the site. This news may not be much, but it is still a great deal. Family Toy warehouse in Columbus Ohio have the soft goods wave (Maul, Qui-Gon, Anakin Pilot, Battle Damaged Destroyer) for $1.00!!!
Keep up the Great work!

Sounds like Chewie got some great deals. I definetly recommend stopping in some of those out of the way stores. Seems these days the clearance sales aren’t limited to just TRU or KB. Thanks for the info Chewie and the great words. We are here to help all and appreciate all that visit us daily, you guys are the reason we do this day in, day out.



Still no CT R2 at TRU?
January 2, 2001 | 4:11 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Many (myself included) have yet to see any Classic CT waves with Vaders, Troopers, or R2’s at their local TRU, and are wondering… Why not? Well I talked with an associate at a my local TRU today and he said some stores are still subject to get them, this store included. He said that some stores may not get them in until after inventory which a lot of stores and warehouses are going thru now. So point is don’t give up hope just yet. We may still snag that elusive R2 for $2… Here’s to wishing…



Carbon Freeze Diorama
January 2, 2001 | 8:39 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

ACPin has finished off his Carbon Freeze Diorama – click here to take a look – it looks great!



Noomivarr Prototype Website Relaunch!
January 1, 2001 | 10:49 PM EST | Robert | Talk About This Post

Just a quick FYI that the prototypes section is now up and operational here at the realm. Please stop in and check it out. Right now there are submissions located in the First Shots, Sample Mock Ups, and Reference Materials sections. I have big plans in the new year for the website. A very big and special thanks go out to Greg and Mark here for all their help and patience while the transition took place. Also, a thanks goes out to Philip at Rebelscum.com for the image usage. Up next will be the addition of Allen “Toyomahn” Hayden’s prototype website into the prototypes section.
There are some minor details that still need fixing such as non working hyperlinks but those should be fixed within the next few days, so please excuse the construction. Enjoy.



Star Wars: Demolition
January 1, 2001 | 7:32 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Walrusman sent this in:
“I thought I would write to let all of your readers know that Target has put the brand new Playstation game “Star Wars Demolition” on sale this week for only $19.99 in the ad!! Regular price in other stores is $40!!
This game is for both the Playstation 1 & 2. It is a dogfight style
driver/shooter, kind of like Twisted Metal. You pilot vehicles with Star Wars movie characters ranging from Episode 1 to Episode 6!!
Some of the many characters are Lando Skiff Guard on the Tatooine Skiff, Sebulba on the Podracer, Aurra Sing on the Swoop Bike, Battle Droid on the STAP, Darth Maul on the Sith Speeder, Lobot on the Cloud Car & tons more!!
It’s a great game, especially for being 50% off this week, so check it out! Also, my pal found the new K-3PO wave at a Columbus Ohio Target store Friday morning, so keep your eyes open readers!!”



New Years luck
January 1, 2001 | 4:29 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post

Every New Years day I head out for a little hunting and usually get lucky, this year was no exception. I hit the local KB Toyworks here in Fall River, Ma and here’s what I found…

Tons of Ani Naboo and Adi Gallia waves- including many Battle Droids
Ammo Wagon and Falumpaset
R2 carry cases
Jabba’s Palace pop-up dioramas
Straight cases of 12″ Barquin Dan and Jedi Luke’s
12″ New hope asst
12″ FC Valorum and Guard sets
Invasion Force AST w/ Droid, Cannon w/ Jar Jar, and Obi w/ sub
Tons of Tatooine Showdowns- no Watto’s Box though

So finally the people here in S East Ma are can start finding some stuff.



Snow Characters!
January 1, 2001 | 2:55 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Matt / Par Ousia sent in these pics of a couple of cool Star Wars snow characters – check ’em out, these rock!

Update: Graeme Ring sent in a pic of his snow Jabba, Salacious Crumb and Bib Fortuna – looks great!



Bradlees sale
January 1, 2001 | 2:53 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post

Don reports:
“Bradless, a local department store in Connecticut and I believe Rhode Island and Massachuetts, is going out of business. They have all toys at 30% off, which includes clearance items. They will probably(well, definitly) go to 40%, 50% and so on in the coming days/weeks. Thought you might want to let your readers in on this….I was able to get a Slave I lego for $9.10, I do not collect
legos, but I could not pass this one up!”



Ultarama Winner of the Week
January 1, 2001 | 11:35 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Congrats to John Beal as he is this weeks winner of the Ultarama Stand. Many thanks to Mort for the free stands.

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