Tag Archives: Vintage Collection

TVC Deluxe IG-12, Grogu & Anzellan Arriving from Entertainment Earth

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Despite the solicited May 2025 release date, affiliate Entertainment Earth has started to process and ship preorders for the TVC Deluxe IG-12, Grogu & Anzellan set from The Mandalorian. Image courtesy of Donny E.

New TVC Case Assortment Preorders Processing from Entertainment Earth

Affiliate Entertainment Earth is now processing the preorder for Snowtrooper Case Assortment of Vintage Colllection figures. The wave includes Snowtrooper, Dr. Evazan, Aurra Sing, Lt. Callahan. and Chopper (Imperial Disguise).

Affiliate News: TVC Dr Evazan In Stock at Entertainment Earth

Yakface.com receives commissions from purchases made through our sponsor/affiliate links.

Affiliate Entertainment Earth now has Dr. Evazan from the Vintage Collection in stock and remember to use code “YAKFACE” at checkout for 10% off all in stock products.

Yakfinities Continues

Members of the Star Wars Vintage Collection Facebook group may recognize someone above.

The current Yakfinities Customizing Challenge is almost one month in, and we’ve already had some amazing entries.

Check out all of the custom Space Pirates submitted so far, or get your own entry in after the jump!

Entries will be accepted through March 31.

2025 “Power the Force” Campaign Announcement

Imagination. Creativity. Adventure. These words not only capture some of the magic of Star Wars and its multigenerational fans, it also describes this year’s Power the Force consumer products campaign.

It’s a big year for Star Wars, with highlights including Star Wars Celebration Japan, the release of Andor A Star Wars Story Season 2, the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, and the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. To celebrate, Power the Force is a yearlong campaign showcasing some of the saga’s iconic ships, favorite characters, memorable droids and, of course, lightsabers.

More details at StarWars.com

Affiliate News: New TVC and TBS Preorders Available Today

Preorders are now open for the latest Vintage Collection and Black Series figures revealed at yesterday’s Hasbro Pulse Star Wars Fanstream.

VC353 Mauldalorian Commando — Amazon Entertainment Earth
VC355 Baylan Skoll — Amazon Entertainment Earth
VC356 Shin Hati — Amazon Entertainment Earth
VC240 501st Legion Clone Trooper — Amazon Entertainment Earth

TVC Wave 22 Case Assortment — Entertainment Earth
Includes Baylan Skoll, Shin Hati, Mandalorian Super Commando, 501st Clone Trooper, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend), and Yord Fandar

TVC Battle Droid Trooper Builder 4pk — Hasbro Pulse

TBS Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka) — Amazon Entertainment Earth
TBS Phase I Captain Rex (Ahsoka)— Amazon Entertainment Earth

TBS 2025 Wave 2 Case Assortment — Entertainment Earth
Includes Anakin, Captain Rex and other figures to be announced.

Thank you in advance for supporting our site through the use of own affiliate links.

Editorial: Righting the Ship(ments) for Future Haslabs

I think Hasbro needs to get a better handle on year end order fulfilling of future Haslab campaigns. There are still people who have yet to receive theirs and I think we can all share in the sentiment that it is unacceptable. Here is an open plea for Hasbro to “right the ship”.

Continue reading Editorial: Righting the Ship(ments) for Future Haslabs