Special Ops Clone Trooper and Geonosian Drone

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the addition of the Target Exclusive Special Ops Clone Trooper and Geonosian Drone from the The Clone Wars Collection.

PROS: Another great set of characters from the popular “Landing at Point Rain” episode from Season 2. With the rising cost of individual basic figures, these 2 packs are far more attractive than before. The Special Ops Clone Trooper has a great overall design with signature “Leia Buns” helmet. The Geonosian Drone too, has a great sculpt highlighted by a very nice paint job that almost passes for a realistic (non-animated) figure.

CONS: The only thing that could have made this set better is if Hasbro would have included a backpack for the Clone Trooper as most of the Special Ops Troopers wore them in this particular episode.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this set is worth adding to your collection.

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