Episode 323: Rip-ping into Paul S. Kemp

With Crosscurrent, Paul S Kemp made his mark on Star Wars fiction by telling an exciting and violent tale of Jedi locked in battle with Sith, but when that story ended fans were left wondering what the future held for Jaden Korr and the mysterious Jedi clones he encountered. Now Kemp is back with the sequel novel Riptide, and back on Star Wars Action News to talk about the development of the novel, it’s themes of identity and nature versus nurture, and where the story of Jaden Korr might lead.

Also on this week’s Star Wars Action News podcast, Marjorie and Arnie provide an update on the packing of the Sithsonian, we have a store report about new Wal-Mart exclusives, and a Hasbro Q&A. All this and more on this week’s Star Wars Action News!

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