VC15 Clone Trooper

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with addition of the Clone Trooper from the Vintage Collection.

PROS: A nice super super-articulated plain clone trooper for our collections. Keep an eye out for the versions that have the belt flipped in the correct orientation.

CONS: Missing paint apps on the helmet make him look plainer than he already is. Helmet is also prone to yellowing/discoloration. Light in the accessory department – a spare DC-15A blaster rifle would have been a nice extra. Wonky hip articulation doesn’t add a whole lot in terms of “fun factor”. Some versions have the belt assembled upside down. You can get a better ROTS clone trooper in the Saga Legends line cheaper and you get extra weapons and a stand.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.