Case Breakdown for TVC Wave 5

Various e-tailers have posted the case breakout for the upcoming wave 5 for the Vintage Collection:

1x Anakin Skywalker
1x General Grievous with Cape
1x Sandtrooper
1x Yoda
1x Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
1x Clone Trooper
1x Luke Skywalker (Ep IV)
1x R5-D4 (Ep IV)
1x Stormtrooper
1x Han Solo (EP IV)
1x Clone Commander Gree
1x Darth Vader

As you can see, this wave doubles-up on a lot of character/figures (2 different Lukes, 2 different clones, 2 different stormtroopers, etc.) but most interesting is that Yoda as found a new home with this wave. Wedge on the other hand is still M.I.A.