Toyguide Update: Mission Series – Mandalore


The Yakface Toyguide updates resume with our next entry in the Mission Series line as we take a look at the Mandalore set featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul.

PROS:  If you like toys, retro-styled toys specifically, that may be all the justification you need purchase this set. Both Obi-Wan and Maul are designed with 5 POA, which for some warrants an obligatory “junk” or “these are crap” comment. But for me, they serve their purpose well as being a kid targeted, budget conscientious alternative to higher priced figures that require a lot of “futzing”. The sculpts for each figure are decent with Maul taking the spotlight being another all new figure and for representing his “final” look in the Clone Wars series. Obi-Wan is pretty much a retread of the Saga Legends figure but with new arms and a totally different deco overall. Each figure includes only a lightsaber – perfect for dueling one another –  just like we did with our figures as kids back in the day, remember?

CONS: Fans of the Clone Wars figures were disappointed that they didn’t receive a super-articulated Maul in the line and have to settle (at least for now) in having this be the representation for that particular character design.  The paint apps for Maul’s face is shoddy at best with not a lot of care being given to keeping lines tight and the “horns” on his head resemble a crown of misshapen marshmallows. Yeah, yeah. 5 POA sucks. Hasbro’s ruining Star Wars toys.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this set is worth adding to your collection.

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