Toyguide Update: TBS #20 Bastila Shan


The Yakface Toyguide updates resume with our next entry in the The Black Series 3-3/4″ line. Today, we take a look at Bastila Shan (#20).

PROS: The real benefit for this figure is that it (theoretically) gets a previously hard-to-find figure back on the retail market.

CONS: Like many of the more recent 3-3/4″ figures, this one suffers from an inferior paint job, especially when compared to the previous release. Paint is applied sloppily (face) and thin (torso, gauntlets, boots) in areas and downright missing in others (boots). I recommend skipping this one altogether and picking up the TVC version. It may cost more but I think the quality is far, far better. With the persistent retail distribution issues, I don’t expect this figure will be any easier to find at retail than the previous release. Your best bet is to pre-order but then you are at the mercy of what you are sent versus being able to pick out a figure with a somewhat decent deco at retail.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

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