August 1999 Archive

Hasbro’s Jedi Quest Contest
posted by Gonk @ 8:50 pm (8/31)

Here is some news on the new Hasbro contest. Thanks to everyone who sent in news about it.
On the back of the figures (now appearing in stores across the country) you find a blue post card that is stuck on. You can enter the contest by filling out the postcard and sending it in to Hasbro. But there is an age limit, you have to be between 4-12. There are to be 4 grand prize winners with 600 additional winners. When you send in the postcard you can become a member of the JediQuest, and you get a subscription to Commlink, which is possbily a newsletter Hasbro is putting out.

Jawa w/ one foot hole
posted by dlr @ 7:20 pm (8/30)

Crazy stuff here…. go to to read more about this find and see the pic.

New 12″ at Target
posted by Gonk @ 9:55 pm (8/29)

The new 12″ Obi-Wan, Watto and Battle Droid figs are now starting to show up at Target. Thanks to Matt for the news.

Mini Hasbro Figures
posted by hfsolo @ 2:10 pm (8/29)

Scott has more of these to sell, You can get the Naboo fighter $10.00 or a set of figures and the Fighter for $80 plus shipping. If you have ordered a set already email me and we will include the naboo fighter.

posted by dlr @ 9:10 pm (8/28)

The Insider Magazine and Star Wars Kids Magazine trivia giveaway starts on Sept. 1st, 1999 here at!

Tatooine Showdown 3 packs
posted by dlr @ 10:10 am (8/28)

This in from Soch-
I just wanted to let everyone know that EB is starting to get these for $21.99. I have seen them in three EB’s in my area (Southern NH & Northeastern MA). They have also have the new Han wave, although, I haven’t seen an R2D2 with holographic Leia.

Think About It Part II
posted by dlr @ 9:40 am (8/28)

A lot of you all wrote in to remind me that there are three additional figures still missing from the list of vintage figures Hasbro has yet to release. They are Tessek [squidhead], Imperial Commander, and Klaatu from Jabba’s Palace [the klaatu with robe around his waist]. Thanks to all who “reminded” me 🙂

Anakin Naboo Flooding Country
posted by starforce @ 3:45 pm (8/27)

Several reports of the newly released Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) have been sent in. They are showing up all over the country along with the Han/Gonk POTF2 figures en mass. Most sightings are of multiple cases of these figures being found.

Hasbro CFO To Retire
posted by starforce @ 3:45 pm (8/27)

Hasbro’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer John T O’Neill will retire at the end of the year. The resignation comes as Hasbro tries to allay concerns that sales of its newest line of SW action figures and vehicles haven’t been as robust as expected. To fill John O’Neill’s shoes, Hasbro has announced that David Hargreaves, Sr. VP of Finance has been promoted to Deputy Chief Financial Officer. Hasbro’s stock is down 27 percent since May 3, the date that the SW products were introduced. This info from Bloomberg News &

Multiple Updates at
posted by starforce @ 3:45 pm (8/27)

The official Star Wars site has updated with a few new things. First a new snapshot of a Naboo Pilot during a space battle. Second, an interactive feature about Podracers and what makes them tick. Third is an article about “The Magic of Myth” returning to the U.S. Here is an excerpt: “Beginning this fall, people across the nation will have the opportunity to view one of the most visited Smithsonian exhibitions of all time. “Star Wars: The Magic of Myth” begins an American tour at the San Diego Museum of Art on September 25, 1999, and will be on view in San Diego through January 2, 2000. ” Check out the official site to check out all these new features!

Attention Custom Figure Builders!
posted by starforce @ 3:45 pm (8/27)

If you are interested in making custom Star Wars figures, then head on over to the Sarlacc Pit. The site now has very detailed articles on customizing Star Wars figures. From sculpting to molding, his articles cover the bases in detail and with tons of photographs! While you are there, check out his awesome customs!

Bradlees Sale! 
posted by hfsolo @ 11:40 pm (8/26)

“I was at my local bradlees today and they had a bunch of ep1 stuff on sale for 50% off some things were pod racers for 14.99 commtech reader 11.49 beast packs for 9.99 ceremonial leia 12″ for 17.49 and some other asst things not everything like figs but at those prices pick’em up if you need’em but this may only be a 2 or 3 day sale check your local bradlees out jimmy aka mr sidious”

EE Feed
posted by hfsolo @ 11:40 pm (8/26)

posted by hfsolo @ 11:40 pm (8/26)

From comes this bit of info. It seems that Lucas Arts will be including something special for PSX owners for having to wait. “TPM will include a special bonus for the long-suffering and endlessly patient fans-the Duel of the Fates video, in its entirety”

Target Clearance 
posted by hfsolo @ 11:40 pm (8/26)

Thanks to Dave for the news. “I went to my local Target in Lakewood, CO today and found the classic assortment with flashback photo on clearance for $.74!!! They had Farmboy Luke, Ceremonial Leia, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader and Hooded Obi-Wan and Hoth Chewbacca.”

Think about it
posted by dlr @ 10:40 pm (8/26)

I made a list today of the original figures Hasbro has yet to re-release in new form for the POTF2 collection-

General Nadine
Hoth rebel Commander
Imperial Dignitary
Snaggletooth [blue?]
Bespin Guard [white]
Bespin Guard [black]
Cloud Car pilot
Chief Chirpa

Sure would be nice to have these in some three packs eh? [hint hint hasbro ears….] Also wouldn’t it be cool to have IG-88 carded? just a thought…..

Jawa Variant
posted by dlr @ 10:40 pm (8/26) has pics of two versions of the new Jawa that comes with the Gonk droid. One has holes in the bottom of his feet ones does not- stop on over to see for yourself.

AA 2-Packs
posted by pItDrOiD @ 11:03 pm (8/25)

Chad writes in with this news:

“Action has several 2-pack figures available. Characters include Darth Sidious, Yoda, Droideka, Rune Haako, Nute Gunray, etc. The 2 pack title comes from the fact that each comes with a Battle Droid, “to build your own personal Battle Droid army.” No Commtechs are included, though.”

Upcoming Lucasarts Games
posted by starforce @ 2:45 pm (8/25)

Here is a quick rundown of a bunch of Lucasarts games coming out in 1999:
– Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (PSX) – 9/14/99
– Pit Droids (PC) – 9/15/99
– Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (PSX) – 9/14/99
– Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (PC) – 11/16/99
– Episode 1: Racer – (Color Gameboy) – 12/8/99

Episode 1 in Europe
posted by starforce @ 2:45 pm (8/25)

The official site has updated once again with an article on the record breaking openings of Episode 1 in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Norway and Spain. Episode 1’s next international opening takes place today in Switzerland. Also a new snapshot has been posted, Queen Amidala’s ship docks on Coruscant.

Star Wars On…HD-DVD!?
posted by starforce @ 2:45 pm (8/25)

According to a recent interview with Episode 1 producer Rick McCallum, The Star Wars trilogy may not be released on DVD at all! It appears Lucas is waiting for a new format to come out in a year or two called HD-DVD (High Definition DVD). This means a lot more storage compacity and higher resolutions. McCallum also talks about how the Indiana Jones trilogy will be re-released on VHS and Laserdisc this year in Widescreen formats but not on DVD (Talk about backwards). Check out the DVDFilefor the full rundown and a great editorial on the issue.

Anakin Naboo in PA
posted by dlr @ 5:45 am (8/25)

Anakin Naboo is showing up here in Central PA at Wal-Marts. So are the Epic Force Obi Wan and Darth Maul figures. Thanks to Darth Celt for sending in the news!

New Die Cast toys in Jersey
posted by dlr @ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Where I live in N.J. there’s a bunch of new die-cast and micro machine toys by galoob at the local walmart in Roxbury N.J..

I picked up the Sith Infiltrator (AWESOME!) and I saw a Trade Federation battle tank (I think that’s what it’s called) and Sebulba’s pod racer for sale for about $6. There could be more available, but those were the one’s I saw. All of them were die-cast metal and very detailed.

Also I saw some new micromachine two-packs. I can’t quite remember exact combintations, but there was a mini- Darth Maul figure with another Maul on a Speeder; Rune Haako with a land speeder; naboo starfighter with a pilot. There’s more obviously, but I just wanted to let you know. Again, I don’t know if this is new info, but the infiltrator is GREAT!!!! They just need to make a big one for the Hasbro line.

Thanks to Matt for the news!

Star Tours
posted by dlr @ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Disney is curently remodeling the store, and it is currently closed. An employee told me they’re shooting for a mid-September reopening. Thanks to Tom for the news!

The numbers
posted by dlr @ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Episode one has made 418 mil in the U.S. and 689 mil worldwide!
posted by dlr @ 9:15 pm (8/24) is the place to download the south park styled Episode 1 trailers. Very funny stuff!

Happy Birthday to Kenny Baker!
posted by dlr @ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Kenny Baker, the man who has brought R2-D2 to life for all of us turns 65 today! Happy Birthday Kenny!

Theed Generator with Battle Droid Info
posted by starforce @ 3:15 pm (8/24)

Looking at the scan of the box (see story below), you may be wondering why a Battle Droid figure is packaged with the playset when there were no Battle Droids at all during the lightsaber duel. This comment from Kurt may clear everything up: “I just purchased the Episode I Insider’s Guide CD-ROM (great piece) and when you read the commentary for the saber duel between Maul and Obi-Wan, it says that in the original script Obi-Wan fought off BattleDroids before slicing Maul in half (rather than jumping up from the melting pit the way he did in the final draft and film). I wonder if this is another case of getting the toy done before the movie?” Probably is, or Hasbro decided to throw in a cheap Battle Droid to give more play value to the playset.

Missing R2-D2 w/ Hologram Update
posted by starforce @ 3:15 pm (8/24)

New developments in the Missing R2-D2 w/ hologram Leia story have come in (see story below). I recieved a couple reports from people who ordered a couple cases from online stores and they contained the R2 figure. In contrast, a few more reports of people opening the cases in stores and finding no R2 figure have come in. My only guess is that there are currently two different assortments shipping. One without R2 and one with R2.

On another sidenote, apparantly the Jawa w/ Gonk figure is not pictured on the backs of the new figures, but the R2-D2 with hologram Leia is.

Episode 1 for PSX Goes Gold! 
posted by starforce @ 9:50 am (8/24)

Lucasarts has announced that “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace” for the playstation game console has gone gold, which means the game is finished and is now being manufactured for a September release date. The game will be just like the PC version with the same name.

Theed Generator Battle Droid 
posted by starforce @ 9:50 am (8/24)

Philip over at reports that the Battle Droid included with the Theed Generator playset is the same that is included in the overseas two-packs. Which means less articulation, paint and a molded gun onto the hands.

KFC Name Badges 
posted by starforce @ 9:50 am (8/24)

I meant to post these a long time ago but never got around to it. Anyway, check out the links below to see images of the name badges worn by cashiers and managers. These are probably some of my favorate pieces in my collection.

click on thumbnails to make larger
 | |

NEW Hasbro site
posted by hfsolo @ 11:40 pm (8/23)

This info we posted is incorrect. I have heard from Jen that the site will be up soon. Please be patient! “(incorrect info)Thanks to Carlos for lettin us know what a Hasbro Comsumer Rep e-mailed him back when he asked them a few questions.
“Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate your interest and feedback. The Star Wars web site ( )will be updated by August 23rd to reflect all the Episode 1 information with tentative release dates.”

R2-D2 Missing? 
posted by starforce @ 10:30 pm (8/23)

Mark sent in an interesting report where he opened a sealed case of POTF2 figures at Wal*Mart. “I opened the sealed case, there were no R2D2 w/ Holographic Leia! The case had 3 Hans, 3 Luke w/skyhopper, 3 Greedo and 3 Jawa w/Gonk, but no R2D2 w/Leia.” I don’t think he is missing, I am pretty sure he is scheduled to come out with Darth Vader w/ Interrogator droid, New Stormtrooper, etc. in September. Correct me if I am wrong.

Theed Generator Boxed
posted by starforce @ 10:30 pm (8/23)

Jedeyeben has sent in a scan of the box for the newly released Theed Generator Complex with exclusive Battle Droid figure. Thanks for the image!

Official Site Updates
posted by starforce @ 10:30 pm (8/23)

The Official Star Wars site has updated with news on the release of the new Star Wars Insider magazine. Highlights from the magazine include an interview with Ahmed Best (Jar Jar), Rick McCallum’s Prequel Update, A look back at the summer of Star Wars, and two different covers. Click here to read the article.

Also a new snapshot of a model from the Theed Palace miniature has been posted. Summer Sale!
posted by dlr @ 8:25 pm (8/23) is having a summer sale! 100 items are now up to 70% off! Visit the site for more details!

New toys out!
posted by hfsolo @ 6:45 pm (8/23)

Thanks to Padawan for the news. “The Die-Cast Sith Infiltrator and Republic Cruiser are at Wal-Marts now, as are the new Podracers and the “Make Your Own Pod” kit. Also, several local Taco Bells are selling all four of their Ep. 1 posters for around $2, don’t know if that’s nationwide or what.”

Han Wave hits Canada
posted by hfsolo @ 6:45 pm (8/23)

PB200 wrote in to us that they have started showing up in Wal-Marts.

Darth Maul at TRU on-line
posted by hfsolo @ 10:30 pm (8/22)

TRU Online has the Darth Maul Tatooine and Electronic Maul for sale.

New 3″ Droideka [PRT III] 
posted by dlr @ 8:55 am (8/22)

More info in from DubDub:
“I’ve noticed that neither of the Destroyer Droids pictured in your comparison picture have yet to be released. If you compare the Droideka pictured on the left, described as “currently shipping,” with your own Droidaka you’ll notice some differences: 1) There is a noticeable line on the bottom ball shape (perhaps to help make the droid transform); 2) There is detail on the top ball joints of the legs on the current droid that is obviously absent on this one; 3) The head on the current one looks a bit smaller; and 4) The “notches” on the head of the current droid go out straight while this one’s seem to be slanted and shaped down towards the rest of the droid’s head. This could be a prototype of the already released one, but I think it is most likely a transforming Droideka of some kind.”

I guess we will all have to wait and see 🙂 Click here to compare.

New Release Rundown (part 2)
posted by Gonk @ 8:25 pm (8/21)

Here are some more new items that have recently been released. Thanks to everyone who sent in the news.
Anakin (Naboo) (Wal-Mart)
Galoob Deluxe Theed Hangar Action Fleet Playset ($24.99) and the Royal Starship Repair Playset (19.99) (Meijer)
Galoob Build your own Podracer Set (Wal-Mart)

New Release Rundown
posted by Gonk @ 2:35 pm (8/21)

Since there has been a lot of new products showing up this past week I thought i’d post a short rundown of what is out and where so far they have been found.
Tatooine Showdown Cinema Scene (Wal-Mart)
Han Wave (TRU, Wal-Mart)
Adi Gallia (TRU, Wal-Mart)
Theed Generator Complex Playset (TRU)

New 3″ Droideka [PRT II]
posted by dlr @ 10:55 am (8/21)

Thanks to all who wrote in to “remind” me that the R2-D2 carry case droideka does not transform, meaning this new battle damaged droideka will most likely be carded! Here is more news on this from Jim Abell:
“Don’t know if you were the one that posted the update to the story or one of the other guys, but I firmly believe that the new destroyer figure is too arrive carded. My reasoning: 1) the photos were all cataloged by product numbers followed by a letter (a=thumbnail image, b=catalog shot, one letter was for prototype shots, one for packaged shot and there was even one for commtech sounds); 2) the number on the R2 case photo from the site is 26226 (image enclosed…) which matches the numbering convention for Hasbro Direct product, while the battle damaged destroyer’s photo is number 84216 which matches numbering for Kenner Star Wars product; 3) the figure is photographed standing over a commtech chip and, to date, the chips have only been included with single carded figures and boxed 3 packs; and 4) I read somewhere that the destroyer included with the case does not unfold out of the wheel shape and only has 2 moving parts (didn’t say which ones…). Again, these are just my observations, but I’ll stand by them anyday!”
Click here! if you missed yesterday’s post.

Jar Jar Fan Club
posted by dlr @ 11:20 pm (8/20)

Wow! Someone likes JarJar! Check it out here!

New 3″ Droideka coming!
posted by dlr @ 8:20 pm (8/20)

Thanks to Jim Abell from “The Inner Circle” for pointing this out! Apparently when Hasbro had their site up many people went a snoopin’ for new pics… well these two were both up there… the difference in the new Droideka seems to be battle damage! Check the comparison here!

12″ Electronic Maul
posted by hfsolo @ 6:30 pm (8/20)

TRU now has this in stock. Check out the email that was sent to James.

Dear Darth Maul Fan: The Electronic Darth Maul 12 inch Action Figure has just arrived in our warehouse. We are notifying you about this product first, as you expressed interest in a similar item.
Very soon, we will send out an e-mail to other Star Wars fans. So act now! With the Electronic Darth Maul 12 inch Action Figure, there’s a lot to get excited about:
– Top design and realistic detail. Figure comes with Darth Maul Cloak and Lightsaber
– Your favorite authentic battle sounds and voices from the movie
– Lightsaber combat action

Han Solo Wave
posted by hfsolo @ 6:30 pm (8/20)

Thanks to Jake for the news. It appears the Han Wave has hit in Iowa at Walmart.

12″ Anakin and Watto
posted by starforce @ 2:30 pm (8/20)

Jon sent in some nice detailed scans of the recently released 12″ Anakin Skywalker and Watto dolls. Click on the links below to check out the scans.

Watto & Anakin Front / Watto & Anakin Back

eBay Bidding Tip
posted by starforce @ 2:30 pm (8/20)

Just a quick tip for all you eBay bidders, before bidding on a item be sure to check the sellers eBay Feedback rating! This could be done by clicking on the number that is next to the sellers username. There have already been a few people ripped off because the seller was a crook!

DVD News 
posted by starforce @ 2:30 pm (8/20)

Some new info was released during the recent San Diego Comic Con. Looks like you will have to wait awhile to get Star Wars on DVD, Lucas still plans on releasing all 6 movies as a DVD box set after Episode III comes out in 2005. The DVDs are supposed to be the best Lucasfilm can do and look for them to be chock full of extras such as the cut scenes from “A New Hope”. On the brighter side, the Episode 1 VHS release will probably be Spring 2000.

Adi Gallia Case Assortment
posted by Gonk @ 10:50 pm (8/18)

Here is the Case assortment for Adi Gallia.
4x Adi Gallia
3x Ody Mandrell
3x Captain Tarpals
2x OOM-9
2x Gasgano / Pit Droid
2x Ki Adi Mundi
1x Boss Nass
1x Chancellor Valorum

Adi Gallia in Stores NOW!
posted by Gonk @ 2:15 pm (8/17)

Adi Gallia has started to show up in stores across the country. So far it has only been reportd found at Wal-Mart and TRU.

Adi Gallia PICS 
posted by Gonk @ 6:40 pm (8/16)

Here are some nice detailed scans of the new Adi Gallia figure.
Adi Gallia (Front)
Adi Gallia (Back)
Adi Gallia (Cloaked)

Epic Force Darth Maul PICS
posted by Gonk @ 6:40 pm (8/16)

Here are some nice detailed scans of the new Epic Force Darth Maul.
Boxed (Front)
Boxed (Back)

AAT and Faamba OUT NOW!
posted by Gonk @ 11:25 am (8/15)

The remote controlled AAT and Faamba from Galoob are both now showing up in stores. Both are selling for about $17.99. Thanks to Mr. Quint for the news.

Ep I Epic Force OUT NOW!
posted by Gonk @ 12:10 pm (8/13)

We’ve recieved reports of the Epic Force Darth Maul and Obi Wan showing up in stores in the US. Also, Rebelscum is reporting the case breakdown is 3 Maul’s and 3 OB-1’s.

Topps Hobby Edition Series Two out now!
posted by dlr @ 7:05 pm (8/12)

Well here come 80 more cards! That’s right Topps has released an additional 80 core cards under the hobby edition line. There are also 6 embossed foil & 4 chrome insert cards randomly packaged at the ratio of 1:12 for the embossed and 1:18 for the chromes! I bought all 80 for 18$ at my local comic shop today. Here is a scan of the new packaging to be on the lookout for. Remember you can only get these at hobby shops [comic stores basically]

6″ Ep I Figs OUT! 
posted by Gonk @ 6:15 pm (8/12)

The 6″ Ep I figs are OUT NOW! They are Anakin, R2-A6 and Pitdroids. The case assortment is
3 Anakins
2 Pit Droids
1 R2-A6
Here is a pic of Anakin & R2-A6; thanks to Dan for the pic and news.

Lego Mindstorms Droid Developer Kit
posted by pitdroid @ 2:15 pm (8/12)

Wow! Thanks a million to Knight for this massive package of pictures he obtained of the nifty new little Lego Mindstorms Droid Developer Kit. There is a total of 16 pictures containing everything from parts to screen captures. Check it out:

Box FrontBox Back
Booklet FrontBooklet Front and Back
Parts TrayParts
The Micro Scout
R2-D2 FrontR2-D2 Side
Robot FrontRobot Side
Screen Capture 1/Screen Capture 2/Screen Capture 3/
Screen Capture 4/Screen Capture 5

Electronic Jar Jar Variation!
posted by pitdroid @ 1:15 pm (8/12)

Thanks to Earnest who sent this in. It is a comparison scan of the .0000 and .0100 Electronic Jar Jar Binks. He has both variations circled in neon green. You can see that on the .0100 version they change all but the first sentence of the paragraph and make the advertisement not mention anything about “becoming a Master.”

Replacement Gold Yoda Can Scans
posted by starforce @ 3:00 pm (8/11)

Dean has sent in some pics of the replacement gold Yoda can being sent to people who sent in the can in exchange for a replacement can and a $20 check. There are some differences between the store version can and the mail-away can. Check out the scans below.

click on images to enlarge

Pepsi Check
posted by Gonk @ 6:45 pm (8/10)

Thanks to Dean for the news and pic.
“I received my replacement gold Yoda can today from Pepsi and it is different than the ones that you find in the store and send in. It has a large starburst that says “Limited Edition Gold Yoda Can” and the phrase “This commemorative replacement can is not eligible for a prize. Not for retail sale.” It also has the standard Pepsi can logo with smaller Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Pepsi One logos next to it. The good news is that it is a sealed empty can ideal for display…although mine sounded like it had a few drops of some liquid inside of it.”
Here is a pic of the check you get for the Gold Yoda can.

Pepsi Can Phrase
posted by Gonk @ 6:45 pm (8/10)

Here is the phrase the Pepsi cans make in case you haven’t figured it out.
“Anakin breaks free but may face new enslavement, the Jedi triumph but their future is clouded, one menace is destroyed but another lurks nearby.” Thanks to Tony for the news.

Ki-Adi Mundi 
posted by hfsolo @ 10:00 pm (8/9)

Just trying to head off the rumors. There is a rumor that the Ki-Adi has an error on the card. The rumor is that there is a misprint that it reads that Ki-Adi is a Jedi Knight, not a Jedi Master. This is not an error, he is the only Jedi Knight that serves on the council. Do not be taken in on this, do not pay more money for it.

Pepsi Words 
posted by hfsolo @ 10:00 pm (8/9)

Here are the words to the Pepsi cans, see if you can figur out what the sentence is.
“new, lurks, breaks, but, their, face, but, enslavement, destroyed, future, may, another, anakin, is, free, jedi, but, nearby, is, triumph, menace, the, clouded, one” They are in order from can 1 to 24. Thanks to Ryo for the news.

Box Office
posted by hfsolo @ 10:00 pm (8/9)

Well it had to happen sooner or later. TPM is now at #11 out of the top ten for the first time since its release.

1 – The Sixth Sense $26,681,262
2 – The Blair Witch Project $24,347,345
3 – Runaway Bride $20,772,654
4 – The Thomas Crown Affair $14,600,719
5 – Deep Blue Sea $11,204,559
6 – Mystery Men $10,017,865
7 – Inspector Gadget $9,173,995
8 – The Haunting $6,439,877
9 – The Iron Giant $5,732,614
10 – American Pie $4,146,445
11 – Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace $2,223,198 bringing the total to $412,775,151

Rebel Pilots Pics
posted by Gonk @ 4:30 pm (8/9)

Here are some detail pics of the new Rebel Pilots 3 pack.
Boxed (Front)
Boxed (Back)

Wedge (no helmet)
Wedge (helmet)

Arvel (no helmet)
Arvel (helmet)

Ten Numb (no helmet)
Ten Numb (helmet)

Star Wars Kids Magazine
posted by hfsolo @ 10:30 pm (8/8)

Issue #5 on sale now at This magazine is aimed at kids 7-12 years of age. You can get the most recent now. Remember that we will be having a trivia contest starting Sept. 1, 1999 to win 1 of 20 subscriptions right here at YakFace’s Realm.

TRU Cracker Jacks Canister
posted by hfsolo @ 10:30 pm (8/8)

They look just like the Anakin #1 Pepsi can, except they don’t have the nutritional info. The deal is you buy a Pepsi 12-pack and you get the canister for $4.99. The canister is 8 inches high and 5 across. On the lid it has TRU and Cracker Jack logos. Inside it has a small bag of Cracker Jacks, an Anakin mouse pad (he has on his podrace helmet and the podracer is in the background), and 2 coupons. One is for 20% off any one Kids R Us item, and the other is for $5 off any $25 TRU purchase (it pays for itself).

Defeated Darth Maul
posted by Gonk @ 6:00 pm (8/8)

There seems to be a problem with people getting tricked into believing the “Defeated Darth Maul” is a real figure. It is NOT A REAL FIGURE, it is a custom figure. There was an article in a magzine called Toyfare last month on how to make this figure and how to place it into stores to trick people. Do not be fooled into buying this figure, unless you want a custom figure.

Fan Club Denver Passes
posted by dlr @ 10:55 am (8/7)

Hey all, I got my Fan Club Denver passes in the mail yesterday and was wondering if anyone else got this extra cool pass in their set?
*ok, after several what the *%#&? emails I must confess it is just a custom 🙂

E1 AF W2
posted by pitdroid @ 7:14 pm (8/6)

Hunter ESB found the Episode 1 Action Fleet Wave 2 at a local Target in Southern California. The wave consists of Anakin’s Pod, Droid Starfighter, Trade Federation Landing Ship, Gungan Sub, Mars Guo’s Pod, and Flash Speeder. Check out his picture of all of them.

Another Preorder
posted by pitdroid @ 7:14 pm (8/6)

Toys of America is now taking credit-card preorders for the Interactive Yoda toy (Furby Yoda). You can visit the website or call (416) 746-7825.

Jabba the Hutt Boxed
posted by Gonk @ 7:10 pm (8/6)

Here are some nice scans of the new Jabba the Hutt Ep I beast. Thanks to Darksith for the pics.
Jabba Box Front
Jabba Box back

Jabba the Hutt OUT NOW!
posted by Gonk @ 11:40 pm (8/5)

The Ep I Jabba the Hutt beast pack is now showing up at Wal-marts across the country. Thanks to everyone who wrote in about it.

Nifty Japanese Pepsi Stuff
posted by pitdroid @ 3:02 pm (8/4)

Marilyn sent in these links of some awesome Japanese Star Wars Pepsi websites that feature some really cool products. Check them out:

Cheap K-Mart!
posted by pitdroid @ 2:20 pm (8/4)

bigv wrote in to say that he found the 12″ Electronic Darth Maul figure at his local K-Mart for a low $12.99! Check your local stores to see if this is a widespread incodent!

ActionAce Update
posted by pitdroid @ 2:08 pm (8/4)

ActionAce now has some old orange and green POTF2 carded figures, plus Qui-Gon (Naboo), Obi-Wan (Naboo), and Amidala (Coruscant). Thanks to Gasgano for the news.

MosEspa Update
posted by pitdroid @ 2:06 pm (8/4) now has the Rebel Pilots Cinema Scene available for $23.95 + S&H.

Sick of Soft Figures?
posted by pitdroid @ 2:03 pm (8/4)

Here is a little story and some advice on the quality of new Star Wars figures:

“I was just reading several of the action figure reviews, and I think that there is something which needs to be said to the general public…Many people complain about the “soft plastic” used in many E1 figures such as OOM-9. They complain that they cannot make him stand up, etc. First of all, the reason that softer vinyl is used is because of the joints. You’ll notice that OOM-9, for example has skinny arms and skinny joints. If he were made of “hard” plastic, one twist and SNAP! broken figure. The addition of articulation requires softer, more pliable plastic. Don’t believe me? Compare the Destroyer Droid’s tiny “elbow” joint to the shoulder joint of a normal figure. See the construction difference? Second of all, for those of you who can’t get your “soft plastic” figures to stand: 1) Heat with hair dryer for 5 seconds 2) Enjoy standable figure. Vinyl does bend easily making standing difficult, but it is a “memory plastic” and a slight heating will cause it to revert to its original mold.”

Han Wave Case Assortment 
posted by Gonk @ 6:10 pm (8/3)

Case No 84185
3 Luke with T-16
2 Jawa with Power droid
2 R2-D2 with Holo leia
2 Greedo – Cantina
3 Han Solo – Cantina

Tatooine Showdown pics
posted by Gonk @ 5:55 pm (8/2)

Here are some detail pics of the upcoming Tatooine Showdown 3 pack. Thanks to Darth Bob for the pics.
Darth Maul
Qui Gon Jinn

Want Some Multimedia?
posted by pitdroid @ 12:42 pm (8/2)

Steve wrote in with his internet find:

“I found this link surfing this site: It’s a Star Wars CD filled with audio and video clips from the movies. It’s $19.99 with a $19.99 rebate, so you pay S/H.”

eToys Savings Correction
posted by pitdroid @ 12:30 pm (8/2)

Looks like I’ve been out of the updating pool for a little too long. I posted something before I researched it, and of course, I screwed it up. Thanks to all who wrote in to set me right on this. The refund works like this:

“If you buy something at etoys for 10.00 and find it cheaper for say 9.00 – Etoys would refund you 1.10 (1.00 difference plus 10 % = 1.10)” Thanks to massaua for wording it properly this time.

Classic Han Wave Pics
posted by Gonk @ 10:28 pm (8/1)

Here ya go folks. Tons of pics (carded and loose) of the upcoming “classic” Han Solo wave. Thanks to Darth Bob for the pics.
Han Carded (Front)
Han Carded (Back)
Han Loose (Front)
Han Loose (Back)
Han Card (no bubble)

Greedo Carded (Front)
Greedo Carded (Back)
Greedo Loose (Front)
Greedo Loose (Back)
Greedo Card (no bubble)

Jawa Carded (Front)
Jawa Carded (Back)
Jawa Loose (Front)
Jawa Loose (Back)
Jawa Card (no bubble)

Luke Carded (Front)
Luke Carded (Back)
Luke Loose (Front)
Luke Loose (Back)
Luke Card (no bubble)

R2 Carded (Front)
R2 Carded (Back)
R2 Loose (Front)
R2 Loose (Back)
R2 Card (no bubble)

More Savings Tips!
posted by pitdroid @ 4:38 pm (8/1)

Catherine wrote in to say that has a refund policy that goes a little something like this: “if you find the same product in a retail store for a lower price, they’ll refund you 110% of your money.” Now this sounds a little too good to be true, so be sure to check the site before taking advantage of this offer.

Wanna Amanaman?
posted by pitdroid @ 4:05 pm (8/1)

The Galaxy’s Most Wanted now has a poll for an Amanaman figure. Check it out and vote!

Get your thinking caps on!!
posted by hfsolo @ 1:20 am (8/1)

The Realm is VERY pleased to announce that we have been able to make this happen. The Star Wars Insider and have teamed up. We are going to hold a trivia contest to give away memberships here at the Realm. We are going to run 2 contests, the first is for everyone from the age of 13 and up. There will be a 10 question quiz, and a random drawing from all the correct responses, we will choose 20 names to give away a subscription to the Insider. The other contest will be for Children 12 and under, again, there will be a trivia contest with the same results, although they will get a subcription to Star Wars kids. These memberships are courtesy of Dan Madsen and the Insider. More news to follow, so spread the word. The contest will begin on September 1, 1999.

Toy Guide
posted by hfsolo @ 1:20 am (8/1)

We have opened the Toy Guide up, Episode 1 Action figures have been posted. Please feel free to look around. If there is something you would like to see in the figure section that we missed, please feel free to email me.

July 1999 Archive

TRU Reserve Ticket Problems
posted by Gonk @ 11:20 pm (7/31)

Thanks to George for the news.
“For all the people that reserved their 12″ F/X Figures from TRU don’t expect a call from them I just walked in today to see the figures on the shelf like any regular figure, I asked the manager and she told they screwed up with that because they did not take any names or phone #’s to call anybody, so I suggest to start calling your local store to verify if they already have them in, otherwise sit back and let everybody else pick them up before you do it.”

EE news Feed
posted by Gonk @ 11:20 pm (7/31)

Entertainment Earth has Wave 20 (69570J, SW Fig. Asst. Coll. 1 Wave 20, $114.99) IN STOCK.
This assortment contains 2x Mon Mothma, 2x Chewbacca as Boushh’s Bounty, 2x Lobot, 2x Orrimaarko (Prune Face), 1x Princess Leia (all new likeness), 1x Blastshield Luke, 1x R2-D2 with datalink tools, 1x pull-apart C-3P0, 1x Leia Ewok Celebration, 1x Bespin Luke, 1x Bespin Han Solo, 1x Luke Ceremonial Outfit all on Freeze Frame Action Slide cards.

Super Deformed Ep I figs
posted by Gonk @ 11:20 pm (7/31)

The Outer Rim has pics of Super Deformed Ep I figs (non-windup).

New Episode 1 Toys Released!
posted by starforce @ 3:00 pm (7/31)

Electronic 12″ Qui-Gon Jinn and Jar Jar Binks have been spotted at a Toys ‘R’ Us in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All three Episode 1 12″ electronic dolls are now out! Thanks to “jbeardsley” for the info.

Scans of Insider Celebration Passes
posted by starforce @ 3:00 pm (7/31)

Brian has posted a couple scans of the Denver Celebration Passes being sold at Click below to check them out!

– Back of pass signed by Ahmed Best
– Front of case the passes come in

Target Lego Yoda
posted by dlr @ 9:10 pm (7/30)

Dack the Lego maniac contacted us saying he was able to handle the Target Lego Yoda and let’s us know this info- “..It’s too light to be solid so It must be hollow, and I was informed it takes 840 pieces to build…”

Rebel Pilots OUT! 
posted by Gonk @ 8:10 pm (7/30)

Reports of the Rebel Pilots 3 pack showing up in the US are now startng to come in. So far it has only been found at Shopko, just like the Skiff Guards when they first came out.

Celebration Passes
posted by Gonk @ 8:10 pm (7/30)

There are no differences in the passes being sold at Mos Espa then the ones given out at the event. This is confirmed by a fan club representative. Thanks to Grant for the news.
**note from dlr- yes there is a difference. On the back there is a small line of text that says somthing about a reproduction, The originals at the denver show had nothing on the back.

Yoda Give-A-Way in Canada
posted by pitdroid @ 3:15 pm (7/30)

Ed sent in this news:

“Just wanted to tell you that Save-on-Foods in Canada has 76 (1 per store) life-size Yoda figures (Approximate value $500). Contest closes August 7, 1999. You have to have a Save-on-more card (free) and purchase a “participating sweepstakes product.” (case of pepsi, lay’s chips, etc…)”

Panaka and Naboo Soldier pics
posted by Gonk @ 1:15 pm (7/30)

Rebelscum has posted pics of Panaka and the Naboo Trooper carded. check it out.

12″ Elec Maul Variation 
posted by Gonk @ 11:00 pm (7/29)

There is a variation on the packaging for the Electronic Darth Maul. Some have a sticker warning label and some have it printed on. Thanks to Brandon for the news.

New Pictures!
posted by pitdroid @ 8:35 pm (7/29)

Alright! posted card scans of Gonk with Jawa, Super-Articulated Stormtrooper, and Darth Vader with Interrogation Droid.

Electronic Darth Maul
posted by Gonk @ 3:00 pm (7/28)

The 12″ Electronic Darth Maul is now showing up at K-mart in large quantities but is $29.99

Figures in Action
posted by dlr @ 7:15 pm (7/28)

Figures in Action has opened their doors officially and want you to stop on by to check ’em out.

2.5″ Ep I fig News
posted by Gonk @ 11:30 pm (7/27)

Mr. Anonymous stopped by again and let us know that the “foreign release mini figs will be available through the Hasbro internet eventually as a set. Included will be the mini naboo fighter with anakin.” No word on when though.

“Destiny” Can Picture
posted by pitdroid @ 2:45 pm (7/26)

And after a week of suspense, someone finally posted a picture of the 25th Star Wars Can – Destiny. Check out this site to see a scan of the store display that shows what the can looks like.

Ep I Pinball Game pics
posted by Gonk @ 2:55 pm (7/25)

Here are some pics of the upcoming Ep I pinball game. Thanks to Dan for the pics.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4

Dave’s Collector’s Companion
posted by starforce @ 9:20 am (7/24)

A while back we posted info about software called Dave’s Collector’s Companion. It is great software that keeps track of your Star Wars collection and it has a lot of great features. He has now completed the final version and you can download a free demo at If you buy it, tell ’em sent you!

12″ Elec. Maul
posted by hfsolo @ 8:00 am (7/24)

He has now been spotted at KB Toys for the hefty price of $37 plus tax.

R2D2 Snapshot
posted by hfsolo @ 8:00 am (7/24)

The scene where R2 falls off the landing platform and uses his jets to save himself is the latest snapshot at so stop by and check it out. Thanks to Mike for the tip.

Young Jedi CCG
posted by hfsolo @ 11:30 pm (7/23)

If you collect these, you can check out Decipher for the latest release dates for the remaining 2 expansion sets. Thanks to Chris for the tip.

12″ out?
posted by hfsolo @ 11:30 pm (7/23)

The new 12″ wave (ob-1, battle droid and watto) is out. And showing up so far only at FAO around the country.

The Falcon 
posted by hfsolo @ 11:30 pm (7/23)

On sale at Service Merchandise. Only $35. This may not be at all stores.

Mos Espa Encounter
posted by Gonk @ 11:20 pm (7/22)

According to Rebelscum the Mos Espa Encounter is now available to order at Entertainment Earth.

Box OFfice Record in Japan
posted by hfsolo @ 8:00 pm (7/22)

The Phantom Menace earned 21.6 Million (2.55 billion yen) in its first week. Here are the US totals.
1 Titanic (Para) 12/19/97 $600,743,440
2 Star Wars (Fox) 5/25/77 $460,987,469*
3 E.T. (Univ) 6/11/82 $399,804,539*
4 The Phantom Menace (Fox) 5/19/99 $395,201,250

Mos Espa Encounter OUT!
posted by Gonk @ 6:50 pm (7/22)

The Mos Espa Encounter 3 pack (Jar-Jar, Sebubla and Anakin) has been found at Wal-mart in FL, CA and PA.

12″ Elec Darth Maul OUT!
posted by Gonk @ 11:20 pm (7/21)

The 12″ Electronic Darth Maul has started to show up at Wal-mart for $29.96 a piece. So far it has been found in Indiana, Iowa and Illinois.

Pepsi’s Destiny Pt. 2
posted by pitdroid @ 10:35 pm (7/21)

Canadian Pepsi Check!
posted by starforce @ 10:15 pm (7/21) has posted a scan of the check being mailed out to people in Canada who found the gold Yoda can and sent it in.

Pepsi’s Destiny?
posted by pitdroid @ 3:26 am (7/21)

Okay, sorry about being out of the updating loop latley, but today I saw a display at my local Wal-Mart. It had that Pepsi Star Wars Alien (forgot how to spell his name) and it pictured a new, never-before-seen Star Wars can. It’s full color, not the usual black, white, and gray cans, and it has Anakin in the foreground with Darth Vader in the backround. There was a paragraph that talked about Anakin’s destiny, but I didn’t have time to read it, and the gray plate where the characters names go it said something like “Limited Edition: Destiny.” I can’t find anyone who knows about this can, and I’m wondering if it’s like the randomly inserted Yoda can, or will it be sold in mass as basically a final can? Does anyone know? E-mail me if you do. Thanks.

Recalled Ep I figs
posted by Gonk @ 10:55 pm (7/18)

It turns out the only Ep I figures being recalled by Hasbro are Padme, Ric Olie, Chancellor Valorum, and Senator Palpatine. Thanks to Chris the KB manager for the info.

Ebay and email
posted by dlr @ 7:00pm (7/18)

If you have an email account set up with our free email system here you must realize that your email address is “yourname” not YAKFACE.COM. We have been recieving emails from ebay from people trying to register accounts with them. If you type in “yourname” it just forwards to the webmaster here at the realm. Please make note of this.

Mos Espa Encounter Boxed
posted by Gonk @ 3:05 pm (7/17)

Outer Rim has pics of the Mos Espa Encounter 3 pack boxed.

NEW 12″ figs for 2000
posted by Gonk @ 11:05 pm (7/16)

Mr Anonymous stopped by again and gaves us a partial list of NEW 12″ figs for 2000 and they are:
– 12″ Biker scout with Speeder Bike
– 12″ Lando Skiff
– 12″ 2-1B
– 12″ Gammorean Guard
– 12″ two-pack of the Queen and Qui-gon in the portrait collection boxes

Hallmark Ornaments
posted by hfsolo @ 10:50 pm (7/16)

Don’t forget that Hallmark will be unveiling thier ornaments tomorrow on the 17th. If you are getting this years ornaments and have not preordered, you may want to stop in your local store in the morning.

KB Pulling Figs
posted by hfsolo @ 10:50 pm (7/16)

Thanks to Vinny for the news. It seems KB Toys are doing the same as TRU. The figures being pulled there are Ric Ollie, Senator Palpatine, Padme Naberrie, Darth Sidious and Watto.

Awesome Customs!
posted by pitdroid @ 2:03 pm (7/16)

If you liked the R2-MaulToo Custom I posted about a couple of weeks back, then you’ll love these! From the same guy, Harry Toor, comesWicket FettEwok Trooper3P-Maul, and the return of R2-MaulToo. If you are interested in these, I’m pretty sure Harry has them on eBay from time-to-time, but you can e-mail him at

Naboo Fighter patch
posted by Gonk @ 11:45 am (7/16)

Don’t forget that today Nintendo and LucasArts will be announcing how to be the Naboo Fighter in Rogue Squadron (PC and Nin 64).

Mini Ep I figs News
posted by Gonk @ 11:20 pm (7/15)

Here is the lowdown on what the deal is with the mini Ep I figs. Thanks to mr. anonymous for the news.
“The mini-figs have been made for foreign release only. They have been produced at a lower cost as a lot of nations have people that cannot afford the high prices because of the commtech, etc. There are also mini vehicles, a naboo fighter for instance.”

Maul Sabers
posted by hfsolo @ 10:30 pm (7/15)

Toys R Us in Springfield has the Maul sabers and they have a little bubble that said “With battery protector.” That means that the safe ones are out in Ohio. Thanks to Joe for the update.

Ree Yees and DST Complaints
posted by pitdroid @ 7:42 pm (7/15)

R’kik D’nec sent this story in:

“On July 26th I ordered the Ree-Yees and Death Star Trooper from for 19.96 + shipping. The service and speed of the package arrivin at my house was second to none. The unfortunate thing was that the Ree-yees card must have been stepped on, creased, and then played football with as bad as it’s card was! The Death Star Trooper wasn’t as bad but it was bent and the bubble was smashed a bit. For the last few weeks I have complained and complained and bargained and bargained but to no avail they keep saying that what happens during shipping is not their fault. I can see where they are coming from butI doubt these figures had this happen to them durring shipping. The package looked fine and it was stuffed full of styrofoam but this really sux!”

No need to worry if this happens to you! Simply call 1-800-TRUE-FAN and tell them what happened to you. You should be directed onto customer service where they ask you to send it back via UPS, and then they’ll repay you for the shipping costs and send you a replacement set. This happened to me with the Episode 1 Poster B and I got a mint one a few weeks later!

No Ep I playsets until August
posted by Gonk @ 2:33 pm (7/15)

Thanks to Eric.
“I spoke with a Hasbro Employee at my local TRU and asked about the new playset due in tomorrow (July 15) and she informed me that TRU will NOT be getting them in. In fact they will probably not see them until the beginning of Aug. This is Hasbro’s delay, not the fault of TRU.”

Skiff Guards OUT!
posted by Gonk @ 11:10 pm (7/14)

The first reports of the Skiff Guards being found in the US have come in. We’ve recieved reports of the Skiff Guards being found at Shopko in WI and Idaho. Thanks to Richard and Aaron for the news.

KB Satisfaction!
posted by pitdroid @ 4:00 pm (7/14)

Thanks to Jason for sending in this VERY helpful news. If you had a problem with a KB Online Order, simply go to their Customer Satisfaction page and follow the directions. Hopefully you’ll be able to get what you truely want.

Hasbro fig pulling
posted by Gonk @ 3:45 pm (7/14)

Thanks to Chuck for the following info.
“My wife, Misty, used to work for HASBRO as a rep. She frequently would receive boxes from HASBRO, along with a list of certain figures, and would pull them off the shelves. This only happened at TRU and WALMART. She did it with the SHADOWS figures, Weequay, Ponda Baba, and too many others to remember off hand. They would do this once every quarter in order to clear out low selling figures in order to make room for new assortments. She would pull a certain number of each figure from each store, and whatever was left was left, be it 3 of each or 30. The figures were then left with the store manager, who would apply a UPS shipping label, and send them back to HASBRO. I think the store would receive credit for returned figures. She never found out what HASBRO does with them once they were returned.”

More About Taco Bell
posted by pitdroid @ 1:15 pm (7/14)

Billy wrote in to say his local Taco Bell is now giving away Cup Toppers instead of toys in their kid meals since they are now out of toys.

Fan Club 2-Packs Showing Up
posted by pitdroid @ 1:09 pm (7/14)

Thanks to all who sent this news in. The Ree Yees/Death Star Trooper 2-Packs from the Fan Club are showing up now, and to the dissapointment of anyone still trying to cash in on these “rare” figures, they are .00 invidually carded with slide, just like the ones that were in stores. They come with two action stands, and some other suprises like a Young Jedi Sample Deck and a Mace Windu action figure, depending on your order.

Card Site
posted by pitdroid @ 1:34 pm (7/13)

If you’re out browsing the web today and are wondering about Star Wars Trading Cards, be sure to stop by It’s a nice site with a price guide, store, and much more!

Amazon Toys
posted by pitdroid @ 1:14 pm (7/13) has now opened a Toy and Game section that is carrying such items for Tarpals, OOM-9, Ody Mandrell, Mace Windu, and some other hard-to find figures for $7.99 each. I’ve also recieved news from Jason saying that the Darth Maul with Sith Speeder is available there for a nice $6.99 plus shipping, and the Beru wave for only $5.99 each plus shipping!

Only at TRU
posted by Gonk @ 1:10 pm (7/13)

It appears the removing of low selling figs off the pegs is only happening at TRU. I went to my local TRU today and the bins and pegs went from overflowing to half full in 2 days. But, at Target and other stores there were still plenty of Ric Olies, Palpatine, and others. So don’t go paying insane prices for these figures there are still lots out there.

Hasbro recalling figs?
posted by Gonk @ 10:31 am (7/13)

Thanks to Patrick for the follwing news.
“Hasbro is in the process of “recalling” three current figures becasue of low sells and high inventory. The three figures are Ric Olie, Senator Palpatine, Padme Naberrie. The TRU I work at only kept thirty of each figure.
Could this be happening all over the country? Only time will tell.

Carded Gallia
posted by pitdroid @ 12:10 am (7/13)

Here is your first look at the carded Adi Gallia! Click a following link to see each side of her. Front/Back.

12″ Leia Service
posted by pitdroid @ 4:33 pm (7/12) has the 12″ Hoth Leia for a nice $7.92 each. Item # 57110KE. Thanks to Mark for the news.
*Update 6:16 PM*: Seems that they increased the price to around $9.90 plus around $7-8 for shipping. In the end, it’s only about $2-3 cheaper than it is in stores.

Mini Hasbro Figs
posted by Gonk @ 12:15 am (7/12)

It looks like Hasbro is making some sort of mini Ep I line. Take a look at this pic of 2.5 inch Ep I figs from Hasbro.

Cheap KB Toys
posted by pitdroid @ 11:02 am (7/12)

Thanks to everyone who sent this news in. (Now has these Episode 1 figures for sale for only $2.95 plus free shipping! C-3PO, Darth Sidious, Jar Jar Binks, Queen Amidala (Naboo), Ric Olie, Senator Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel), Chancellor Valorum, Watto, Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel), Padme Naberrie.

KMart Lay’s Posters
posted by pitdroid @ 10:54 am (7/12)

Thanks to Marilyn for sending in a scan of the KMart Circular and this information:

“They are offering 4 SW Limited Edition character posters when you buy two 12 packs or one 24 pack of Pepsi, DP, P1 or MD AND 5 oz. or larger bag of Lay’s Brand Potato Chips or Doritos brand Tortilla Chips.

Poster #1 (Queen Amidala) will be available on July 11
Poster #2 (Anakin) July 25
Poster #3 (Maul) August 8
Poster #4 (Jar Jar) August 22.”

More on Lego Yoda
posted by pitdroid @ 5:35 pm (7/11)

Thanks to Joe for sending in a scan of the Lego Yoda you can win from Target. Check the scan for details on the contest.

Interactive Yoda
posted by pitdroid @ 5:30 pm (7/11)

Jon sent in some information on his discovery of the new Interactive Yoda Furby toy, and about making reservations for one at certain stores. He told us to pass along that you shouldn’t ask for a “Yoda Furby” but an “Interactive Yoda.” They’re made by the same company that makes Furby’s, but that’s not what they’re called.

YakVision LIVES!!
posted by hfsolo @ 5:00 pm (7/11)

After a long delay, I have started working on YakVision once again. I have posted 7 new cards from The Phantom Menace. Please click on the link on the menu and check them out. Send me some feedback if you wish.

Whosa are Yousa?
posted by pitdroid @ 12:50 pm (7/11)

Tommy sent in this information about a life-size Jar Jar:

“I live in Orlando Fl. I was at Albertsons(grocery store) last night to pick up some soda when I saw a life size Jar Jar on top of a shelf. It’s the same one that was at the celebration in Denver. There are ballots to enter as often as you like to win it. I think you can win one at each store.”

Now I ask, would you really seeing this guy in your house all day?

Vintage E-mails!
posted by pitdroid @ 1:26 am (7/11)

Please resend any email to vintageman, his email has been corrupted, if you have emailed him in the past month, please resend.

Guess Who? Yoda!
posted by pitdroid @ 11:58 pm (7/10)

Jeff sent in this nifty information:

“I wanted to let you know that I work at Target and we just got our little Focus card for July. Here is ex excerpt from it:
Star Wars Sweepstakes: A guest may ask you about the Star Wars Sweepstakes, so why not tell you about it! From July 11th through the 25th, Target will be the Star Wars headquarters with our exciting Yoda sweepstakes. Your store recieved a 14 inch Yoda constructed of Legos. To win Yoda, guests must guess the correct number of Legos used to create him. A random drawing will be held at each store. The winning guest gets to keep Yoda!”

I should be working at Target soon, so I’ll see if there is any more information available.

Boxed Epic Force Maul
posted by Gonk @ 12:59 pm (7/10)

Go here to see pics of the Epic Force Maul and OB-1 boxed.

New Images
posted by pitdroid @ 4:37 pm (7/9)

Here is a list of things you can find on the new Hasbro site which will be fully operational soon:
Admiral Motti, Princess Leia with Hood Up, New Super-Articulated Stormtrooper (Only Small Picture Available Currently), Watto’s Box Cinema Scene 3-Pack, Rappel Line Attack, Pod Refuel Station, Hyper-Drive Repare Kit, Tatooine Disguise Kit, Naboo Starfighter shooting game, Chewbacca with Millenium Falcon gameboard and holographic game pieces, Wuher, Qui-Gon Jinn with Lightsaber on an Eopie, plus more we’ll add later!

posted by Gonk @ 2:40 pm (7/9)

In case you missed it at New Hasbro site on the product list the last two items are: Skiff w Luke Skywalker (1/2000) and Y-Wing w pilot (6/2000) WOOHOO!

posted by Gonk @ 2:40 pm (7/9)

Click here to go to the brand new Hasbro site to see TONS of new pics. Including the new Stormtrooper (available Sept 99), Admiral Motti (Jan 2000), and tons and tons more. GO NOW!!!

Hallmark Ornaments
posted by hfsolo @ 10:00 pm (7/8)

Thanks to Philip at Rebelscum for the news. Saturday, July 17, will be the 1999 Hallmark Ornament Premiere day, which is the first day many of their 1999 ornaments will be available for sale. This should include the Naboo Fighter and Queen Amidala, and more. For the best selection, you should find your closest Gold Crown Hallmark store. The list of 1999 ornaments, some of which might come out later should include: Chewbacca – $14.95 Han Solo – $13.95 Max Rebo Band – $19.95 Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter – $24.00 Episode 1 figural (Amidala)- $14.95 Episode 1 ship (Naboo Fighter) – $18.95

Server explanation
posted by dlr @ 9:15 pm (7/8)

Servers servers servers……. Servers make the net go round I tell ya. As many have seen, and have asked about, we have moved servers. All of our URL’s [,, and our new one] point to one single IP address. So no matter which one you use you will eventually end up at This will always remain Yakface’s Realm and we have not been bought out or whatever the latest rumor is. We have formed an alliance with, becoming their representation in the Star Wars community for collecting. EchoStation will be launching a new look soon and we will be listed in their menu as the option for collecting. We hope this new alliance will better serve more collectors, and fans worldwide plus benefit both websites. If you are currently looking for a webhosting service, might I suggest NovaTech Web Services, which hosts our website as well as

Lego Catalog Items
posted by starforce @ 8:00 pm (7/7)

Sean Hambly got the new Lego catalog in the mail today and it contains some interesting Episode 1 items. First are Lego keychains which are $4 each. Click here to see an image of them. Second is the Droid Developer Kit, which contains all 3 Mindstorms Droid kits. The due date is August 27 and the price is $109 (item #9748). Click here to see the Kit.

Adi Gallia Comm Tech lines 
posted by Gonk @ 8:05 am (7/6)

Thanks to Darth Bane for the info. Adi Gallia’s comm tech lines are:

– The Sith should not be ignored.

– The power of the dark side is growing, I fear.

– There is more to this conflict than meets the eye.

Jar Jar Pez 
posted by Gonk @ 10:30 pm (7/5)

Pez Central has pics of the new Jar-Jar pez that is coming out. Thanks to JawaPez for the news.

Various Info 
posted by Gonk @ 10:30 pm (7/5)

– The Darth Maul from the Tatooine Showdown does NOT have a pink chin
– Adi Gallia comes w three sayings on her Comm Tech chip, none were in the movie.

Various Info 
posted by Gonk @ 10:30 pm (7/5) is taking pre-orders for the new Masterpiece C-3P0 set. It comes with a book and 12″ figure. The figure is C-3P0 w/cargo net. He has removable limbs very similar to the 3 3/4 fig. It is due out in September. Thanks to Marcus for the news.

Davids Collectors Companion 
posted by dlr @ 8:50 pm (7/5)

Need to get your collection organized? Well then you need to try Davids Collectors Companion! This program looks pretty sweet I must say! Check it out today! Davids Collectors Companion demo is available at

More KB Advice 
posted by pitdroid @ 4:02 pm (7/5)

Neil sent in this follow-up to the “KB Online Scam” post:

“KB operators said I could refuse the UPS box at the door and they would give me a full refund.”

Wave 5 at Mos Espa 
posted by Gonk @ 10:30 am (7/4)

Mos Espa has Wave 5, minus the Destroyer Droid, in stock. Better hurry.

New Wind-up figs 
posted by Gonk @ 12:58 am (7/4)

Go here if you want to see pics of the new Ep I wind up toys. The new ones include, Queen Amidala, Battle droids and a gold Darth Maul.

Anakin (Naboo) OUT? 
posted by Gonk @ 12:58 am (7/4)

There have been several reports of Anakin (Naboo) showing up but still no pictures of the figure to back it up. So it appears it may be out but it is still not confirmed.

Anakin w Cockpit PIC 
posted by Gonk @ 2:52 pm (7/3)

Go here to see the new Anakin w cockpit figure. The picture is from the new issue of Tomart’s.

Wave 5 at Wal-mart 
posted by Gonk @ 2:52 pm (7/3)

Wal-Marts are now getting shippments of Wave 5 (Yoda wave). Thanks to Ed for the news.

3PO on AC 
posted by pitdroid @ 12:35 pm (7/3)

Charlie wrote in with this news:

“This weeks Diamond Preview has for order in it a Book on C3PO that comes with a 12″ figure of him. It says that He’s apart and in a fishnet like on Empire!!”

This is the Action Collection C-3PO that is the continuation of the Action Collection Anakin Skywalker with the book “The Story of Darth Vader” by Steve Sansweet. Glad to see it’s finally coming out.

Lego Vader 2 
posted by pitdroid @ 12:33 pm (7/3)

As a follow-up to my Lego Vader/Maul Wal-Mart post, Milan writes in with this:

“The ‘Zellers’ here in Toronto Canada had a Life size lego Vader in the Toy section with the new star wars figures.”

Maniac Figures 
posted by pitdroid @ 12:28 pm (7/3)

Toy (The URL is right this time) has these figures in stock right now: Ree Yees ($29.99), Yoda ($11.99), Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, R2 D2, Destroyer Droid, Qui Gon Jinn (Naboo), Obi Wan Kenobi (Naboo), Jabba’s Dancers ($24.99). Thanks to Gasgano for the news.

Pizza Toppers 
posted by pitdroid @ 12:23 pm (7/3)

I recieved an e-mail about this, and then I saw it on TV myself. There is a Pizza Hut commercial promoting the cup toppers for a lower price of $2.99. So it’s a chain-wide discount, not just a local thing. The Taco Bell topper deal still seems to be a local sale.

posted by hfsolo @ 11:00 am (7/3)

Yakface is pleased to announce that we have moved servers and are now on the webserver. We are now part of Echostation as their collectibles site. We will continue to provide daily updates with ALL the latest news.

Rawcliffe figures 
posted by hfsolo @ 11:00 am (7/3)

I have a set of 6 of these, they include Nute, Watto, Jar Jar, Ben, Qui and Darth Maul. You can see the image here. The set shipped is $120. Let me know if you are interested. These normally sell for $27 or more for each. I only have one set.

Looking for Beru?
posted by hfsolo @ 11:00 am (7/3)

Check out for her. She is in stock.

TPM pounds the Dinos
posted by Gonk @ 5:45 pm (7/1)

Just in case you missed it, TPM became the 4th highest grossing film of all time this week by overtaking Jurrasic Park. Next in line for TPM is that Reese’s Pieces eatin freak E.T. GO TPM!

Mac Insider
posted by pitdroid @ 9:52 pm (7/1)

Direct from the Lucasarts e-mail newsletter:

“(Episode 1: Insiders Guide for MAC) is expected in stores the week of July 12, 1999 in the U.S. and Canada.”

There is also a demo video of the software at

Han Solo wave Carded PICS 
posted by Gonk @ 11:50 am (7/1)

Here ya go folks the first ever pics of the Classic Han Solo and Classic Greedo carded. If you want to see Luke, Power Droid or R2 head on over to Outer Rim.

ESB Back
posted by pitdroid @ 12:46 am (7/1)

Our hosted site, “The Emulator Strikes Back” has been experiencing some minor problems and bugs, but they have all been fixed and welcome your visits.

March 1999 Archive

Only One? 
03.31.99 | posted by Gonk

Phillip is reporting that the Ep I sounctrack will cost $11.99 and most likely be only one CD. I was hoping for 2 but as long as everything is on that CD I guess it’s better.

Counterfit Celebration tickets 
03.30.99 | posted by Gonk

Thanks to Sean for this news-
“For some it’s good news, for some it’s bad news. Due to counterfeiting problems, if you ordered the 3-Day Event Pass from the Star Wars Fan Club/ for the Star Wars Celebration (April 30th-May 2nd, Denver, CO) you will NOT recieve them! Some were shipped out but the rest are being held back due to counterfeiting. You will, however, be able to pick them up at the show when you arrive. I’m sure the official site/MosEspa/The Fan Club will release full details on this soon.”

TRU numbers 
03.30.99 | posted by Gonk

Thanks to Kevin for the news.
“I checked the computer for episode 1 figs. It turns out that the Jersey warehouse hasn’t even gotten them yet, but there were some pending. It’s getting 1145 cases of assortment 1, 2144 of assortment 2 and only 583 for assortment 3. This warehouse services between 100 to 200 stores in the greater NY and NJ area. Divide those numbers and that’s how much TRU’s will have on thier shelves, and this is only the first shipment.”

Trailer C 
03.30.99 | posted by Gonk

In case you missed the 60 Minutes segment has combined all the clips from the movie into one quicktime file and called it Trailer C.

Wal-mart begins 
03.29.99 | posted by Gonk

Some Wal-Marts have begun to mark their shelves for Ep I legos. Some of the legos already being listed were: The Jedi Duel, Anakin’s pod, Naboo swamp and the Naboo fighter. Prices ranged from $5.99 to $19.99 Thanks to Jeff for the news.

60 Minutes 
03.28.99 | posted by dlr

Well tonight we did get some peeks at new footage on 60 Minutes, which had a George Lucas interview that ran for about half of the show. New scenes from the pod race, hanger battle, and a certain Jedi duel had me getting goose bumps. The interview also went behind the scenes into George’s personal life and his philosophy on hollywood which was best wrapped up with this quote…

” It’s not a business, it’s an artform.” -George Lucas

Lucas Arts returns to Mac 
03.26.99 | posted by dlr

Night Phantom reports:
LucasArts’ Episode I pod racer computer/video game is coming for Mac OS, in addition to the computing/gaming platforms reported previously. (Source: This will be the first LucasArts game for the Macintosh in quite some time (the recent hybrid DroidWorks being a Lucas Learning product).

New Ep I poster arriving!! 
03.26.99 | posted by Gonk

It seems the new EP I posters are now shipping and arriving at people’s homes. The follwoing report is thanks to Jess. “Just wanted to report that I recieved my Phantom Menace one sheet poster today from the fan club. I ordered it the day they were put on mosespa. This isn’t the teaser poster, this is the real deal one sheet by Drew. I’m located in Northampton Pa. It was shipped two days ago and I got it from Fedex 2 day.”

SW Celebration tickets shipping soon? 
03.26.99 | posted by Gonk

Thanks to John for the info. “Hey. I just got a letter in the mail today, saying that my “Star Wars Celebration” tickets will ship in late March (it’s already the 25!?). I also received a large purple sticker saying:

April 29, & May 1 and 2
It also said that, along with my ticket’s, I would get a “program guide”. I assume this means a guide stating the time’s of the events.”

Gamers Magazines w/ Ep 1 Stuff
03.25.99 | posted by hfsolo

Here are some links to magazine sites that contain Ep 1 Info.

Thanks to mr Fett for the news. These have all posted news, pictures, and insights to the video games based on The Phantom Menace For the P.C., PlayStation and Nintendo64 All look very promising !!!!

Ep1 Toys
posted by hfsolo @ 8:00 am (3/25)

Here is something that has been on my mind about all the hoopla going on around the toys. There seems to be a lot of people that say these toys are going to be hard to find. This is what I have found out from talking to various Retail Stores around my area in Michigan. These would include TRU, Meijer, KB, Target and Kmart. All of these store managers have told me that they will have full isles on May 3rd, with more in the back room. Collectors everywhere, THERE is no rush to pre-order. You will be able to get what you want. If any of you remember what Godzilla day was like, it will be that times 10. You will be able to go into any store that sells toys and find something. just my thought on that.

No Advanced Tickets for Episode 1!
03.24.99 | posted by starforce

The official site has updated with info concerning advanced ticket sales: “Although this issue is still being discussed, we believe the best way to make tickets available, to be fair to all of you, is on a same day – first come, first serve basis for the first two weeks. Our biggest fear is that if we sell tickets in advance, scalping will take place and you and your families would either not be able to get tickets or would have to pay above face value. We feel this is totally out of line with our concept of the Star Wars experience. Tickets would go on sale each morning for that day’s performance. After the first two weeks we would allow advance sales. We understand and regret that waiting in line may cause some inconvenience, but we feel scalping or auctioning off of tickets would create a greater disservice to families and fans.” Click here to view the entire article, which also discusses digital sound in theatres.

Figure / ship news 
03.24.99 | posted by dlr

Shabby Reports:
The $100 mothership coming out is definitely the Queen’s silver chrome J-327 starfighter, not the Federation battleship and it DOES come with a red astromech droid there’s a pic of him on TFN from the new Insider the Red droid is Ric Olie’s personal droid I believe his name is R2-A6 I think…..

Chip Reports:
confirmation on the Col.1 figs due in August:
Obi-Wan #2 and Qui-Gon #2 are both in brown robes, Queen #2 is in her Naboo red dress, Anakin #2 is wearing Obi’s hair braid (from the end ceremony), and Maul #2 has a plastic cloak with the hood down.

Ep I at TRU warehouses 
03.24.99 | posted by Gonk

Thanks to Ed for the news.
“I called the toys r us warehouses inventory control in my area. And the lady told me that they have all three basic e1 figure assortments plus the small vehicle assortment is in their warehouse now. And they are expecting alot more. The 12 inch and the commtech arent their yet. But she said they are expected real soon. They will have a ton of stuff that day and they know this will go over real big! and nothing will be in stores before the street date may 3. They will not ship anything to the stores until they are close to the date so nothing sneaks out early. And iam from Indiana and the dc services all indiana stores plus the illinois toys r us stores.”

More K-B news 
03.24.99 | posted by Gonk

Thanks to Dave for more great K-B news.
“Episode I stuff we’ll be receiving at my K-B a week and a half from now. I’ve gotten a couple more interesting tidbits that excited me a bit and show just how big this thing’s gonna be.
-Those 200 cases are almost all peg items. So that’s mostly just figures and carded accessories! Imagine all the other things we’ll get! -Our Kay-Bee, and I assume most others are going to have to move all our action figures(one side of an entire aisle) and replace the whole area with Episode I stuff!
-Lastly, our store and others are going to set up one of those stands, I think they’re called kiosks(sp?) out in the middle of the mall. This stand will be devoted entirely to Star Wars toys!”

Target Ep I news 
03.24.99 | posted by Gonk

Thanks to Aaron for the Target news.
“Episode 1 toys will take up 40 feet of aisle space (both sides). The other toys in the 876 aisle will be moved to their own section. The plano will be set overnight on May 2nd for a street date of May 3rd. No word on how many cases of product we’ll get, but considering that SW toys only get 4 feet of shelf space now.”

Wal-mart prices 
03.24.99 | posted by Gonk

This news comes from Jon.
“I was on my daily trip to Wal Mart, and fell into discussion with the toy dept. manager, who I see most every morning. She showed me the new 12″ AC that showed up (in Memphis TN) and told me that the new figs are going to be selling for only $5.96 (up from $5.76). She didn’t know if this was an interim price (until Ep. 1), or the price for the year.”

Beru Assortment 
03.23.99 | posted by Gonk

Here is the assortment info concerning the Beru wave.
Assortment #69680.002
* 2 Aunt Beru (.0000)
* 2 Anakin Skywalker w/Lightsaber (.0000)
* 2 C-3PO with Removable Arm (.000)
* 2 Luke Skywalker w/Hunting Rifle + Electrobinoculars (.00) (.00)
* 1 Princess Leia (.01) Padme Flashback
* 2 Darth Vader w/Lightsaber (.00)
* 1 Hoth Chewbacca w/bowcaster (.00)

Jimmie’s on the move 
03.23.99 | posted by Gonk

JediJimmie’s has moved to a new host site, Jedinet. His new site can be found by clicking the link above.

Welcome Tusken Trader! 
03.23.99 | posted by dlr

Yakface’s Realm is proud to be hosting The Tusken Trader!

SW in Vogue 
03.22.99 | posted by Gonk

Here is an overview of what is in the Vogue article. Thanks to Shawn for the info.
“My wife has a subscription so this issue may not be at the newstands yet. The cover isn’t Star Wars but is mentions “Star Wars style”. There is a six page spread w/ four full pages on the costumes worn by the Queen of Naboo. It is a feature mainly detailing the designer Trisha Biggar and how she created these very very elaborate dresses. The throne room costume has large lights on the hem! On the second page we read that the dress shown is from “Amidala’s Palpatine Costume #1” that is a direct quote. We also see the “Travel Dress #1” as well as the “Final Parade Costume.” All the dresses are worn by unknown models. All pics are in full color. It shows the amazing detail that Lucas has given to his universe. The article mentions that an alphabet was created for Naboo and the crew members had their names written in Naboo on their uniforms….it is an interesting article.”

EP I by the truckload 
03.21.99 | posted by Gonk

According to a KB employee they have just been informed that they will be recieving 200 CASES of EP I merchandise for May 3rd for just this one store. Given KB usually small SW section compared to other stores finding any EP I product should be a piece of cake.

X-Wing Alliance Demo Now Available!
03.20.99 | posted by starforce

Below is some new info taken from the Lucasarts newsletter:

“LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC is pleased to announce that the Demo version for STAR WARS: X-WING ALLIANCE, the exciting new space combat simulator, is now available.Go to the URL below to find the download path:

The single and multi-player game, developed for the Window 95/98 CD-ROM platform, is expected to appear on store shelves next week (week of March 22, 1999.)

Porkins Fans Rejoice
03.20.99 | posted by starforce reports William “Porkins” Hootkins will make his first convention appearance ever at the Sci-Fi Expo in Plano, Texas! This is a definate must see for Porkins fans! Click here to visit the official SciFi Expo website.

Entertainment Weekly Pics
03.20.99 | posted by starforce

Entertainment Weekly’s website has posted some of the pics from their new Star Wars cover story in the new issue. On the cover of the new issue is a new pic of Obi Wan Kenobi in action. I would still advise picking up the issue since the website has not posted all the pics in the new issue. Click here to see the pics.

“Weapons of Episode 1” Part 2
03.20.99 | posted by starforce

The Official Star Wars site has updated with part 2 of their 5 part series, “The Weapons of Episode 1.” The weapon featured in part 2: The Queen’s Blaster Pistol.

New Vader & Stormtrooper info 
03.20.99 | posted by Gonk

This info is from Jen at hasbro.
Stormtrooper – massive articulation
Vader – new sculpt witha cool accessory

And, according to Big Red “The Stormtrooper resculpt will be one of the most articulated figures to date, with 12 points of articulation. He also stated that the Vader resculpt would include the Interrigator Droid.”

Popular Mechanics Star Wars Issue
c posted by starforce

Popular Mechanics has announced a special Star Wars: Episode 1 issue called “The Machines of Episode 1.” It is expected to go on sale on May 11th.

Applause Site Update
03.19.99 | posted by starforce

Applause has updated their site with a list of general Star Wars merchandise from Episode 1. All Episode 1 merchandise from Applause will go on sale May 3rd. Click here to check it out.

Beru Wave?
03.18.99 | posted by Gonk

We recieved a report that the Beru wave has been found in Chicago and there are reports of the Beru wave also showing up in an Electronic Boutique in Portland.

More Game Info
03.17.99 | posted by hfsolo

Thanks to Adam for this news. This info comes from the Best Buy PC.

sku# 3611345 SW: Ep 1 Adventure 44.99 expected in stock 5-29 PC
sku# 3611336 SW: Ep 1 Gungan Frontier 29.99 expected in stock 5-29 PC
sku# 3611354 SW: Ep 1 Racer 44.99 expected in stock 5-29 PC
All of these items have prices subject to change and the release dates are only tentative. i imagine the episode one racer will be the same for n64 too. also the game “Gungan Frontier” was classified under “stategy” while the other were under “adventure” and “racing.”

C3PO Take Apart
03.16.99 | posted by hfsolo

Thanks to Inkabel for this news. He emailed this to me. “I was at the 3rd International Toy Expo where the C-3PO pic was taken. I talked to on of the Hasbro Direct Reps there and THEY stated that this was indeed part of a book/figure deal like the Anakin Masterpiece set.”.

New Pics
03.15.99 | posted by Gonk has added some great new pics of the Beru wave has posted tons of REAL pics of EP I figs loose.

More TRU Computer info
03.14.99 | posted by Gonk

Here are some more prices and infor from the TRU computers. Thanks to Fett5 for the info. Comtech-skn#685771- $19.99
12″ Figures-skn#685062- $19.99
Mid Sized Vehicle(???)-skn#685372- $19.99
Episode 1 Epic Force-skn#685372- $14.99
Figures Assortments:
1-skn#685585- $6.99
2-skn#685623- $6.99
3-skn#685666- $6.99
Mothership-skn#685763- $99.99
Figures Accessories-skn#686549- $4.99
Small Vehicles-skn#685755- $12.99
Playscene-skn#685488- $29.99
Transport(????)-skn#685798- $14.99
What Appears to be the Episode 1 Video Game, no system listed-skn#876445- $49.99

Ep1 Digital Release
03.14.99 | posted by dlr

George Lucas announced at the ShoWest convention in Las Vegas on March 10 that digital projection of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace will take place on four screens beginning June 18, 1999. This will be the first public demonstration of a full-length motion picture from a major studio using digital electronic projectors in movie theatres to replace the normal film projectors.

More on this story at :

New Pez Dispensers
03.13.99 | posted by dlr

There are 4 new pez dispensers posted over at

Trailer News
03.13.99 | posted by dlr

Apple announced today that over one million copies of the “Star Wars: Episode l – The Phantom Menace” trailer have been downloaded during the first 24 hours from the joint Lucasfilm/Apple Website hosted by Apple ( or

The trailer premiered on the Internet yesterday morning, and is available on the Internet exclusively in QuickTime. In the same 24 hours, over 600,000 copies of Apple’s QuickTime, Apple’s industry-leading digital multimedia platform, were downloaded.

“This is the biggest download event in history, and traffic to the Web site has not slowed down,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s iCEO, in a company press release. “Lucasfilms’ exclusive choice of Quicktime over its rivals — RealNetworks RealPlayer and Microsoft’s Media Player — is a real coup for Quicktime.”

Editors Note: As of 2:30pm Sat. Mar. 13th Yakface’s Realm has had 1,199 downloads of the 13MB version and 635 of the 25MB version of trailer “B”….. glad we could help 🙂

New Web Site
03.13.99 | posted by dlr

For cool toy inserts, blueprints, instructions & sticker sheets from both vintage and the new POTF2 lineup please visit the Star Wars Insert Guide.

TRU List
03.13.99 | posted by dlr

This in from Kevin:
I am currently an employee of Toys ‘R’ Us. I had some free time today on my shift and went through the computer system and found some Episode 1 stuff. Included is a list of some items of interests to collectors and other stuff to show the deluge of products we will all see in the next few months.

Jabba Glob-skn#761796- $11.99
Darth Maul 16″ Bike-skn#753459- $79.99
Darth Maul Flip Phone-skn#600059- $24.99
Darth Maul’s Saber-skn#761591- $29.99
Yoda’s Story for Gameboy Color-skn#883352- $29.99
Sith Droid (????)-skn#760455- $39.99
Jar Jar 12″ Bike-skn#752975- $64.99
Dancing Jar Jar (????)-skn#914215- $29.99
Jar Jar Ride On-skn#552100- $9.99
Fed Droid Ride On-skn#552178- $9.99
Droid Ship-skn#551201- $19.99
Anakin’s Pod from Ertl-skn#591619- $14.99
Action Fleet Pod Racer-skn#914347- $19.99
Pod Racer-skn#468126- $5.99
Pod Races for N64-skn#873543- $49.99
Super Soaker Naboo Pistol-skn#561614- $12.99
Naboo Fighter from Ertl-skn#591335- $8.99
Naboo Fighter-skn#685569- $29.99
Gungan Frontier (????)-skn#876399- $29.99
Lightsaber- $5.99
Droid Fighter- $5.99
Naboo Swampskn#235784- $9.99
Anakin’s Pod-skn#235946- $14.99
Naboo Fighter-skn#236233- $19.99
Gungan Sub-skn#236918- $49.99
Mos Espa Pod Race-skn#239631- $89.99
There’s a bunch of stuff I left out, including numerous Tiger Elec. games.

I also looked up the new Classic 12″ figures that are coming out (skn# 464511) and found something else. Underneath was 12″ Classic 2 (skn#756156) I guess the Ceremonial Leia is in that but as far as that I don’t know.

New Book
03.13.99 | posted by dlr

This in from Jeff:
I just thought I’d let you guys at the realm know I just purchased an amazing book called “Star Wars – The Action Figure Archive”. It’s mainly written by sw toy guru steven sansweet.I didn’t see any mention of this on your site. All I have to say,is that when you look thru this book your jaw will hit the floor. It’s a sw figure collectors dream. I bought mine for just under $24.00 at barnes& It’s the best $24.00 dollars any sw figure collector of the vintage line or the new line (1995 – 98) will ever spend. It’s the true sw toy bible.

N64 Pod Racer
03.12.99 | posted by hfsolo

OK Game fans, head over to your local Toys R us, Some stores are starting to pre-order the new Pod Racer game for a $10 deposit. Expected date is 7/28/99 and the final price is $49.99. Thanks to Chris for the info.

Star Wars Release Date MOVED UP!!
03.11.99 | posted by hfsolo

The Star Wars Release date has been OFFICIALLY moved to the 19th of May. This is also shown on the end of the new trailer.
03.11.99 | posted by hfsolo

They have updated with the new poster, and the trailers.

Mynock Hunt and Legos
03.11.99 | posted by hfsolo

These are items are available at Order early…

Star Wars Furby’s
03.11.99 | posted by hfsolo

Tiger Electronics is making a Yoda Furby. This is to ship sometime in July.

Trailer B Info
03.10.99 | posted by dlr

Well…. does not have the trailer and will not post anything until after does this friday. However it is supposed to be on ET this wed. However ASWN is reporting that it possibly has been pushed back to thurs. nite or fri nite as well. We will have to wait and see…..

Also, has posted this little tid-bit on the new trailer.

The New Episode I Trailer! March 8, 1999 — is pleased to announce that the new trailer for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace will begin showing in theaters across the U.S. and Canada this Friday, March 12th. With all new footage the trailer introduces the characters and conflict of Episode I, and features glimpses of some of the fabulous environments in which the action takes place. The new trailer will be placed into general release, running on a wide variety of films over the coming weeks. Contrary to speculation, it will not be attached to any particular film, including Wing Commander, and in fact may not even play with Wing Commander. There is no assurance the trailer will play with any particular movie and you will need to contact your local theater for information on where the trailer will run in your area.

Ree Yees and Death Star Trooper
03.09.99 | posted by hfsolo

Jason S spoke with a Customer Service Rep at the Fan Club and he was informed that the EXPECTED date for the figures to be in will be in June. Thanks for the news.

Star Wars Lego’s
03.09.99 | posted by hfsolo

Meijer’s Has begun to sell the Star Wars Lego’s. I found them last night at a local store here in the Detroit area.

ESB Manga #2 Now Out
03.08.99 | posted by hfsolo

The second series of Manga Star Wars:Empire Strike Back is now out at your local comic book store. This issue will have Luke when he meets Jedi Master Yoda and begins his training in the ways of the force. Check your local comic shop.

That 70’s show
03.07.99 | posted by dlr

In an upcoming episode of That 70’s show the plot will deal with the cast of teens viewing Star Wars for the first time.

03.07.99 | posted by dlr

The Yakvision page is back up. If you have never seen the Yakvision cards before please take a look. They are really neat 🙂

Trailer B Release Info
03.07.99 | posted by dlr

We all know now that the new trailer for Episode 1 will be released to theatres March 12th along with Wing Commander: The Movie, but the trailer will be shown before that date on TV. Entertainment Tonight and a couple other news programs are expected to premiere the trailer on Wednesday that same week. Look for the official site to post the trailer on the site a couple days after its theatrical release.

New Action Collection Released
03.07.99 | posted by dlr

The latest wave of Action Collection 12″ dolls have been found at a Toys ‘R’ Us in Indiana. The new wave includes Ponda Baba, Ben Kenobi with training ball, and Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper disguise with dianoga tail. There are 2 of each doll per case and the Toys R Us SKU # is 464-511. Thanks to ed for the info.

Fan Club 4 No More
03.07.99 | posted by dlr

The fan club has stopped taking orders for the Fan Club exclusive figures as of Monday, March 4. If you haven’t ordered them yet, dont worry, the figures WILL be available again sometime in April after all the previously ordered figures have been shipped out. Thanks to Mike and “Oola5” for the info.

Pepsi Info
03.06.99 | posted by dlr

This is the text on the back of the boxes…

Star Wars
Episode I
The Phantom Menance (YES, it says this!)
Every 2-3 weeks a new can design will be available Look for these Chronicle Cans in 12 and 24 Packs of PEPSI.
1) Ankin Skywalker
2) Sebulba
3) Qui-Gon Jinn
4) Watto
5) Jabba the Hutt
6) Senator Palpatine
7) R2-D2
8) Dath Sidious

Look for these Chronicle Cans in 12 and 24 Packs of Montain Dew
9) Darth Maul
10) Jar Jar
11) Mace Windu
12) Obi-Wan Kenobi
13) Canptain Panaka
14) Rune Haako
15) Ric Ollie
16) Destroyer Droid

Look for these Chronicle Cans in 12 and 24 Packs of DIET PEPSI
17) Queen Amidala
18) Padme
19) Shmi Skywalker
20) Battle Droid

Look for these Chronicle Cans in 12 and 24 Packs of PEPSI ONE
21) Chancellor Valorum
22) C-3P0
23) Nute Gunray
24) Boss Nass

FIND A GOLD YODA CAN AND WIN CASH! Over 250,000 Gold Cans Available Look inside this carton. If you find a special edition GOLD can with YODA’s picture on it, then you win a cash prize of $20… (etc. etc. other legal stuff)

(This text is next to a picture of a can with Chancellor Valorum) COLLECT ALL 24 CANS throughout the summer Please empty Collector Cans before saving. This can is one of the four can designs available on Pepsi One and may not be the one inside this carton. One can design per carton.

The sheets I am getting are uncut printers proofs, and I am getting several of each if you know someone who is interested in trade or purchase let me know as I will be posting these to EBAY in a week or so…)

New Star Wars Hallmark Items
03.06.99 | posted by dlr

The new Hallmark catalogue is out and it has some new Star Wars items listed in it. Featured in it are ornaments of Han Solo, Chewbacca, TIE Fighter, Max Rebo Band, and an Episode 1 character and ship. There are no pictures or names listed for the Episode 1 stuff. I am assuming these are all ornaments to be released this Winter.

Episode 1 Don Post Masks
03.06.99 | posted by dlr

Confirmed Don Post masks include Darth Maul, Watto and Queen Amidala. Look for tons of masks to be released from Episode 1 this Summer. More info to be revealed in a couple weeks. Thanks to “buymetoys” for the tip.

FAO Epic Force Exclusives
03.05.99 | posted by dlr has posted an image of the exclusive Epic Force 3 pack (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi) from FAO Schwarz. Surprisingly, all three come in a single window box. Check out the site for the scan. On a side note, more of these in their normal packaging have been spotted at Shopko stores at retail prices.

Fan Club Promotions
03.05.99 | posted by dlr

The Darth Vader chrome cards are not only coming with shipments of the fan club 4 figures, they are also being included with Mynock Hunts ordered from the fan club. Thanks for “Kimundi” for the tip.

Fan Club 4 Info 
03.04.99 | posted by Gonk

Here is some info sent to us from Kevin regarding the shipping of the Fan Club figures.
“I just got done talking to a customer service supervisor, not rep, of the Fan Club. They are shipping the figures in the order they were placed. Currently, they are shipping the Hoth Leia/DSD to people who already received their Pote/AT-AT driver figures. From what they told me, this should include almost everyone who ordered in the month of November. Once they are caught up with these people and their order has been completely filled, they will start with the rest of us. An interesting note is that they will ship both pieces together for the rest of us, not separately as they have been doing. So the rest of us with get all 4 figures in one shipment, not two.”

No Ep I in Stores 
03.03.99 | posted by Gonk

The rumors that Ep I toys have started to ship to stores is false. Mark Borkowski of M&M Collectibles sent us this news today:
“I just spoke to my Hasbro rep and he said that NO Episode I toys will ship from Hasbro UNTIL APRIL 1 (at least).”

Mos Espa part 3 
03.03.99 | posted by Gonk

Here is some more news, in the never ending Mos Espa saga:
“Was cancelled on the Lobot, Mon Mothma, Luke/Wampa, Orrimaarko, 3PO/limbs figures from earlier in the week. Saw the post on about a computer error. I called them this morning, and this is what a woman told me. On some items, they are flagged as “if item is not available, cancel the item, don’t put it on backorder”… these were flagged in this manner. They ran out of the items, cancelled my order, but they got more in. All you have to do is call up, give them the cancelled order #, and they will do another one for you. But hurry, while supplies last!”
Thanks to Bryan for the news.

Fan Club 4 news 
03.03.99 | posted by Gonk

Thanks to Matt for the news on the Fan Club 4 figs.
“I ordered my Fan Club Four in late Jan, and I went to check the progress today, and instead of saying “backordered,” it said, “partial backordered,” which might mean that the are starting to ship some of them….this might be some useful info for those of us who ordered them late.”

Mos Espa Part 2 
03.02.99 | posted by Gonk

We have been getting many reports of orders for Blastwave and Mothma figures ordrs being cancelled. There is a good chance that this is due to a computer error. is reporting that some orders were lost due to a computer error so there is a good chance that the ordrs were cancelled due to a computer error. I advise if you ordered them to check on your order and if your order was cancelled to try and reorder it.

Ep I in states? 
03.03.99 | posted by Gonk

Rumors have been flying around the web that stores like TRU have recieved their shipments of Ep I figures and have now put them into storage until May. Also, rumors of Ep I figs being sold or leaking out of TRU’s are being reported. Which I find very hard to believe since TRU is such an uncorrupt store. These are all rumors and have not been confirmed. Thanks to various sources for the info.

Mos Espa overordering? 
03.02.99 | posted by Gonk

We have recieved a report that Mos Espa has cancelled someone’s order for some of the BS and Mothma wave figs. Could it be that they let people order more figures than available? Thanks to Leif for the news.

Ep I figure info 
03.01.99 | posted by Gonk

here is some new info about EP I figures:

– two destroyer droids, one is coming carded, and the other is the figure pack-in with the R2 carry case
– Theed Hangar FX playset comes with Qui-Gon Jinn and another Battle Droid
– Third cinema scene is Watto’s Pod Race Boxed Seats
– the “Mothership” comes with a red astromech droid

Mindstorm Video 
03.01.99 | posted by Gonk

There is now a Mindstorm r2-d2 video. You need Real Player to watch it. Thanks to Stone for the info.

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Updated: November 2023

Serving Star Wars Collectors Worldwide