Tag Archives: hasbro

VC04 Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues)

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the addition of Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues) from the Vintage Collection

PROS: Despite having received a new, super-articulated Bespin Luke a couple years ago, Hasbro managed to fine a way to make it obsolete. This is by far the best interpretation of this figure to date. The deco, likeness, sculpt and articulation are in a word perfect. This figure should easily serve as a base for a future “Dagobah Training” version with a simple torso and arm upgrade.

CONS: A minor quibble – the hole that received the post on the lightsaber hilt is a tad too small and brittle as after a few repeated interactions with the hilt, the tiny loop split. : (

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

VC03 Han Solo (Echo Base Outfit)

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the addition of Han Solo (Echo Base Outfit) from the Vintage Collection

PROS: This is the first time we’ve received this particular treatment of the Han in Hoth Gear. A great attention to detail has been given to the parka in particular (although it hangs a tad long) and the contrasting color inner “liner” is a nice touch as well. Facial sculpt is a great likeness to Mr. Ford. The welding tools are nice extras for working on the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy.

CONS: The kitbash body used here is still very gangly and the leg articulation tends to go all “ostrichy” in when in comes to the knee joints. Holster is a kind of sloppily attached esthetically. The hair-do seems a bit “off” at some angles.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

Thanks to Hasbro and the team at HunterPR for providing us with this product.

VC02 Leia (Hoth Outfit)

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the addition of Leia (Hoth Outfit) from the Vintage Collection

PROS: A major improvement over prior attempts. Hasbro has addressed the wonky arm poses and overall figure scale and stability with a great, super articulated body. She’ll undoubtedly make for an excellent base for a future Bespin Escape figure.

CONS: A tad light in the accessories department, an oxygen mask or welding goggles and/or tool would have added to the value. The lipstick treatment is a bit heavy for my tastes. No ankle articulation = : (

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

Thanks to Hasbro and the team at HunterPR for providing us with this product.

UPDATE: Clone Wars (CW36) Quinlan Vos Carded & Loose Images

Today we update with a closer look at the upcoming Quinlan Vos figure from the Clone Wars line. Not much is known yet about Master Vos’ role in Season 3, but judging by his pack-in “speederboard” it looks like this Jedi will be in for some gnarly adventures! Cowabunga!

UPDATE: A few eagle-eyed readers have observed that the lightsaber looks to have the ability to attach to the included speederboard for extra play value. It is unknown if this is an actual toy feature or if we’ll see this functionality play out in the series itself. Click the mock up image above for a down and dirty interpretation of what this combo might look like.

Vintage Sales – Early Impressions

Hasbro has indicated time and again that the vintage push is going to pull collectors back into the mix that they feel abandoned them recently.

Now that many of us have had a few weeks to take in the new product and gather our own impressions, how is the line doing so far at retail? Does it look like it’s going to be a success? Or has Hasbro missed the boat?

Share your thoughts after the jump!

Jodo Kast (Bounty Hunter) (K-Mart Exclusive)

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the addition of the K-Mart Exclusive Jodo Kast (Bounty Hunter)

PROS: A major improvement over the first attempt back in 2008. Great detailing on the armor/jumpsuit and the sculpt selection couldn’t have been better.

CONS: None really unless you live in an area without a K-Mart. A bloodied face paint job would have really put this figure over the top. Helmet is a little snug which lends itself to deforming over the head (especially over the nose). Ships with the belt assembled backward but easily correctable if you are an opener.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.