Tag Archives: exclusives

2025 “Power the Force” Campaign Announcement

Imagination. Creativity. Adventure. These words not only capture some of the magic of Star Wars and its multigenerational fans, it also describes this year’s Power the Force consumer products campaign.

It’s a big year for Star Wars, with highlights including Star Wars Celebration Japan, the release of Andor A Star Wars Story Season 2, the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, and the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. To celebrate, Power the Force is a yearlong campaign showcasing some of the saga’s iconic ships, favorite characters, memorable droids and, of course, lightsabers.

More details at StarWars.com

Affiliate News: New TVC and TBS Preorders Available Today

Preorders are now open for the latest Vintage Collection and Black Series figures revealed at yesterday’s Hasbro Pulse Star Wars Fanstream.

VC353 Mauldalorian Commando — Amazon Entertainment Earth
VC355 Baylan Skoll — Amazon Entertainment Earth
VC356 Shin Hati — Amazon Entertainment Earth
VC240 501st Legion Clone Trooper — Amazon Entertainment Earth

TVC Wave 22 Case Assortment — Entertainment Earth
Includes Baylan Skoll, Shin Hati, Mandalorian Super Commando, 501st Clone Trooper, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend), and Yord Fandar

TVC Battle Droid Trooper Builder 4pk — Hasbro Pulse

TBS Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka) — Amazon Entertainment Earth
TBS Phase I Captain Rex (Ahsoka)— Amazon Entertainment Earth

TBS 2025 Wave 2 Case Assortment — Entertainment Earth
Includes Anakin, Captain Rex and other figures to be announced.

Thank you in advance for supporting our site through the use of own affiliate links.

Gift the Galaxy Week 6: TVC and TBS Reveals

Hasbro has announced the final reveals for “Gift the Galaxy”. First up, the Vintage Collection Journey of Anakin Skywalker Action Figure Set ($49.99)

Lastly, the (previously leaked) Black Series Phase I Clone Trooper and Super Battle Droid 2pk. ($39.99)

Both sets will be available for preorder tomorrow at 1pm ET for Pulse Premium Members, 2pm ET for general public.

Details at Comicbook.com.

Gift the Galaxy: Final Week

Tomorrow is the last reveal for Gift the Galaxy and it looks like it/they will be retailer and/or Hasbro Pulse/Disney Store exclusive. What are you hoping to see for this last drop before the holidays?

Week 1: TBS Gaming Greats 2pks
Week 2: TVC IG-12 / TBS Baylan Skoll Lightsaber
Week 3: TBS Obi-Wan & 212th Clone 2pk
Week 4: TBS Kelnacca
Week 5: TVC HTTE 3pk / TBS SOTE 2pk
Week 6: TBD