HasbroToyShop has updated this morning (10am ET) and is now offering the 6″ Black Series Clone Captain Rex. Get yours here.
Out of stock: 10:44am ET
Update: Rex was available again at about 5am ET on Friday morning for about 40 mintues. Sold out now.

HasbroToyShop has opened orders for their SDCC exclusive Thrawn, Rey and Luke, and Luke with Landspeeder.
UPDATE: Thrawn – out of stock

As of 11:00am ET, Hasbro Toy Shop has opened orders for their convention exclusive 6″ Black Series figures.
UPDATE 1: Jyn Erso – Sold Out (11:11am ET)
UPDATE 2: Ben Kenobi – Sold Out (11:22am ET)
UPDATE 3: Kylo Ren (Unmasked) – Sold Out (approx. 11:45am ET)

HasbroToyShop (currently) has new Black Series figures in stock including, Darth Malgus, Starkiller, and R5-G19
UPDATE: Malgus and Starkiller out of stock
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