Toyguide Update: C1-10P “Chopper” (SL06)


The Yakface Toyguide updates resume with the next entry in the Star Wars Rebels 3-3/4″ line. Next, we take a look at C1-10P aka “Chopper” (SL06) from the Saga Legends line.

PROS: Great Ralph McQuarrie-esque design, solid sculpt and decent deco – looks fantastic with the other Star Wars Rebels figures.  Fits in the Phantom’s cargo area which looks to have been sculpted with him in mind. Surprisingly, he even fits in the Phantom’s cockpit with minimal effort.

CONS: Sure to be a popular figure, Chopper may prove to be a difficult find at first at one per case. Doesn’t have the arm attachments for the head (which I think is part of his signature look), nor the middle leg or rocket booster — probably to double-dip for a future retool. A few minor paint issues but nothing too detrimental overall.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

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