Toyguide Update: Obi-Wan Kenobi (SL11)


The Yakface Toyguide updates resume with the next entry in the Star Wars Rebels/Saga Legends 3-3/4″ line. Next, we take a look at Obi-Wan Kenobi (SL11).

PROS: Again, this was one of the figures I missed in early 2014 due to the last wave of the previous line look not being released in the US. Here Hasbro offers another Obi-Wan, this time in his armor as seen from the early seasons of The Clone Wars. A solid looking figure overall with a crisp sculpt. Again, I’m glad Hasbro found a way to get this back out to collectors, but I think it’s high time we received an old Ben Kenobi in the 5POA line to round out the A New Hope character line up.

CONS: Where this figure falls short is the paint. This sample suffers from paint apps that are very sloppily applied, especially the legs. My guess is that this is the last “new” Obi-Wan figure, in this particular outfit, that we’ll ever receive and that’s a bit sad.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

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