Desert Alcove Sets Available for Preorder


After a boring Toy Fair, and really a down time for 3.75″ collecting in general, there’s finally something to get excited about!  Thanks to Twelfth Parsec, who is now offering preorders for some spectacular looking Desert Alcove playsets, collectors can FINALLY have something to proudly display their various action figures in.

Collectors who got in on their amazing “Space Trees” playsets last year were able to finally have a place for their furball warriors to call home, and can attest to the quality and value of the items made available by the folks at Twelfth Parsec.  Check out the conversations by those who have received previous products from them here in our forums.

So, if you are a collector and want to spice up your action figure scenes, these Desert Alcove sets may be just what you’ve been waiting for.  Support this team as they listen to what fans are asking for as they are themselves collectors too, and we can hope that with success on this latest playset items that we’ll see more great products in the future.

On any note, isn’t it frustrating that the big companies with all the resources in the world overlook amazing products like these mini playsets and instead focus resources on stuff like this?  It’s all the reason why so many collectors and fans of the hobby in general have been voicing strong opinions in the forums about the state of the hobby for quite some time.