How Big is Your Rogue One TVC Stormtrooper Army?

Image courtesy of Yakface Forum moderator, Jodo – an army building legend!

Online stores (including at least one of our sponsors) are shipping out a new cycle of Stormtrooper goodness from Hasbro right now.

While we are nowhere close to the glory days of army building from 10-15 years ago, there is still demand out there in the market. This Stormtrooper, for example, should be constantly refreshed on the pegs at retail; yet it’s not. People have to resort to online buying to find these, which doesn’t even expose children to this greatness when they walk into the toy aisle. Hasbro is missing a huge opportunity here (and with so many other areas, but that’s a different conversation).

That being said, we’re curious as to how many of this Stormtrooper our readers have added to their ranks now. And how many more do you plan to acquire? Let us know, and we’d love to see more pics after the jump!