Tag Archives: DisneyWorld

New 3PO Vinylmations Released Tomorrow


Our friends at Vinylmation World remind us that the next series of Star Wars themed Vinylmation Eachez is being release tomorrow at Disneyworld’s D-Street, Disneyland and DisneyStore.com. Unlike previous releases, this launch features 3 possible variants to collect: C-3PO is packed 7:10 (1750), K-3PO is 2:10 (500) and the rare R-3PO is packed 1:10 (250).

Star Wars Vinylmation Series 4


VinylmationWorld.com has posted image of the complete set (minus the chaser) of blind boxed Vinylmation Series 4 figures coming to DisneyWorld, Disneyland and DisneyStore.com later this month. The Empire Strikes Back-themed series includes: Luke Skywalker (Hoth), Han Solo (Hoth), R2-D2 (Dagobah), Princess Leia (Bespin Gown), Ugnaught, Bossk, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, Snowtrooper, Dengar and Tauntaun. Speculation is that IG-88 will be the rare “chaser” character.

Thanks to our friend Kevin Gawthrope for the heads up.