CV Exclusive Camie & Fixer Comic Pack

TheĀ Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the addition of theĀ Celebration V Exclusive Camie & Fixer Comic Pack

PROS: “Wormie” finally gets his friends! Well articulated – perfect for Tatooine diorama filler or for fans of cutscene and/or concept figures in general. Plus, they make a great accompaniment to the Academy Biggs Darklighter and Floppy Hat Luke from the TAC line.

CONS: For myself, none but some might consider them a little obscure and difficult to track down after the convention. Accessories are a little light. I would have liked to see Fixer include a set of macrobinoculars.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this set is worth adding to your collection.

Thanks to Hasbro and Hunter PR for providing us this advance sample.