An interesting auction has popped up on eBay for a “new” Y-Wing Fighter that looks to be a Vintage box exclusive to Toys”R”Us. As you can see, the box art re-creates the 80’s Kenner version but with modern figures instead. The photo is just blurry and angled enough to raise suspicions regarding its authenticity. Have a look for yourself then leave a comment here or in our forums with your thoughts.
UPDATE: While we don’t have official confirmation just yet, this does coincide with comments Hasbro made regarding a revisiting of the Y-Wing to include a more detailed cockpit and functional droid socket. The Toys”R”Us Exclusive “Vintage” Y-Wing joins the K-Mart Exclusive “Vintage” B-Wing revealed a couple weeks ago and there is word of another previously released vehicle that will be receiving the “Vintage” box treatment as well. More as it develops…