Toyguide Update: VC106 Nien Nunb

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the addition of Nien Nunb (VC106) from the Vintage Collection.

PROS: This figure serves the dual purpose of being a fantastic update to the vintage figure as well as a replacement for an obsolete POTF2 release. Although a bit short, Hasbro has captured the detail, likeness (at least in sculpt) and aesthetic of Nien Nunb character.  The color of the jumpsuit is just right and the inclusion of the holster is a nice bonus. As for accessories, he includes a homage to the 80s Vintage blaster pistol and a rifle that is a direct translation of his POTF weapon – minus the sling.

CONS: To me, the new Nien Nunb seems a bit on the diminutive side coming in as the shortest version of him yet. The face paint treatment could have used one more application as the lower “lip” flap and mouth should be a darker color compared to the rest of the face. Luckily, this is easily corrected with some basic painting skills. You can see my enhanced version in the toyguide gallery.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

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