Toyguide Update: VC102 Ahsoka

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the addition of Ahsoka from the Vintage Collection.

PROS: Hasbro has worked up a nice, realistic interpretation of Ahsoka’s “maturing” sculpt that debuted in the middle of Season 3. The paint work is really well done as are the details of her outfit and head sculpt. Her accessories are standard fare – lightsabers and hilts – and are faithful to their signature designs.

CONS: With a character that is as dynamic as “Snips” (yes, I went there) in terms of fighting style, I feel that the addition of ball-jointed hips would have really served this figure better than the standard swivel hips. I also think that she is a bit too tall in respect to her Anakin and Obi-Wan figure counterparts. Finally, to pick the smallest of nits, I think that her shoto (the short bladed lightsaber) wasn’t sculpted in the right color and should be a bit more yellowish-green in hue. These oversights keep this figure from being a definitive version in my book, but don’t negate it from being good overall.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

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