Episode 47: Sticker Shock


The holidays are over but that hasn’t stopped the fireworks this week as a lot of news and confirmations surrounding Hasbro’s plans for 2015 have come to light. The big news this week was several lists of proposed product for The Force Awakens made their way online. Although nothing incredibly revelatory, there does seem to be no holding back in terms of merchandise. Target also gets a large spotlight this week as they’ve started implementing a new price for The Black Series that has caused quite a response from collectors. Is this an isolated event or will other retailers follow suit? Sideshow news this week is light but there is something they have in common with Hasbro – a delay of product. Celebration Anaheim announcements are starting to gear up with the reveal of an new set of pins and the debut of Smuggler’s Bounty audio drama from Kyle Newman. Plus, Flyguy and I run down our latest reviews and acquisitions from the past week! All this and much more on Episode 47 of The Realm Recap!

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