If you have a Dollar Tree store in your area, if might be worth your while to swing by and see if they are getting in Rogue One figures. Their store locator is here.
Personal Note: At two different Dollar Tree stores in the St. Louis area today, I found remnants of the following: Darth Vader, Rey (Jakku), Director Krennic, Chirrut, Jyn (scarf), Cassian (blue coat), Princess Leia (animated Rebels). For $1.00 each!
Maybe these are remnants from Toys”R”us warehouses, but they couldn’t find someone who would sell these for more than a buck each? The Cassian and Jyn figures are already starting to pile up… so maybe this was a good call… on any note, no more 5POA, Hasbro and Disney… please. The product is just too boring. Modern Star Wars figures need enhanced articulation and more variety of aliens and droids in the mix.