We’ve seen and received various reports that the newest wave of Black Series figures has starting to hit Target store around the U.S.. Might be worth a look now that the holiday season has settled and stores are resetting aisles for Spring.
Expecting to find nothing interesting at a local Gamestop tonight, I walked out pleasantly surprised by the amount of new TVC and TBS items this particular store had available. For a closer look, click here.
The above were found at a Walmart in the St. Louis area.
If you’re on the hunt for Hasbro’s new Epic Hero figures for your kids this Easter (or as an adult collector of course), hop on over to the Easter gift basket toy bin section at your local Walmart if you’re not seeing the figures having much of a presence in the standard toy aisle.
The latest wave of TVC figures (VC 106, VC 283, VC 284, VC 285) are starting to show up at various Target stores in the U.S. Your mileage may vary, as some stores have been getting in stock of older waves instead.
Good luck, and May the Force be with you on those toy runs!
The above pic was taken in Arnold, MO. But chances are your Target has these too.
Target is running a hefty sale through March 4 on most Black Series figures. If you’ve been waiting for markdowns on the items included in the sale, now might be the time to grab them before they get gobbled up by clearance buyers later.
Multiples of the above figures have been sitting on clearance at the Gamestop in Arnold, MO during the past few trips I’ve made there.
If you have a Gamestop in your neck of the woods, it might be worth your while to swing by and check out their clearance section – all clearance items are currently marked off 50% off the clearance sticker price.
Personal Note: In my finds, very new TBS are not included, nor are most TVC. But there were decent selections of various 6 inch figures and lots of oddball gift type items, stacks of Funko POPs, etc. An employee grumbled when talking to me tonight, and said they had just received 6 more huge boxes of clearance items from their warehouse that he had nowhere to display, and they needed to move a lot more by Christmas. It might be bit concerning by just how much unsold collectibles product Gamestop could be sitting on right now.
Lot of store reports coming in for collectors finding the Target exclusive Black Series Ben Kenobi (Tibidon Station) figure. Maybe check those toy aisle when picking up your last minute Thanksgiving supplies.
Left: Screenshot from StarWars.com published Oct. 3 / Right: Screenshots from Walmart
Hasbro’s U.S. Star Wars product release messaging and transparency continue to be as confusing as ever when it comes to preorders and release dates. At SDCC, they stated during their panel that the Halloween Black Series figures wouldn’t be available for preorder and would be “on-shelf” for Halloween season. Preorders did in-fact happen as the Walmart Wookiee went live today, but the kick in the pants of it is it’s expected to arrive a month and a half AFTER Halloween (est. Dec. 10, 2022) and the Target exclusive Clone Trooper is now live (unannounced) for preorder but the release date is open ended. Sure, release dates are continually up in the air still because of Hasbro’s distribution problems (which were prevalent well before the complications of COVID) so orders may arrive sooner (or later) than that, but holiday dates are still a fixed point on the calendar. Fix your production and distribution schedules so retailers can sell your merch in stores and have them for your customers BEFORE the holidays. Last year’s Christmas figures are being recycled for this year because the delivery window was missed and instead of blowing them all out at clearance and discount chains, they pushed them to the 2022 season. Smart, if not ultimately clumsy because they didn’t even acknowledge those holiday figures when they started to surface last year. High prices and piecemeal preorders are tough to navigate as it is, please don’t continue to muddy the waters with unnecessary online release/in-store date confusion.