New In-Hand Shots of VC187 Princess Leia Bespin Escape

Yesterday I managed to score most of the new wave of Vintage Collection figures at aTarget here in Minnesota. I took some new images of the Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) figure to show that not all is lost with this figure. Straight out of the package, her braids are malformed and pressed against her head. After submerging her head in hot water for a few seconds, the plastic returns to its intended shape and looks much better. Click on through to check out a few more images.

In terms of articulation, Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) features a ball socket head, hinge/swivel shoulders, elbows, knees and ankles, swivel waist, wrists and hips. It may be hard to tell in the images but in person the face deco is impeccable. The peg holes in her new boots are very shallow – about 1mm deep.