Tag Archives: Indiana Jones

Hasbro Pulse Con: Indiana Jones 6″ Adventure Series

Hasbro Pulse Con officially revealed their new collection of 6″ Adventure Series figures for the Indiana Jones franchise starting with Raiders of the Lost Ark. Wave 1 consists of Indiana Jones, Arnold Toht, Marion Ravenwood, Sallah, and Rene Belloq (Ceremony). Each figure in the wave includes multiple accessories and a piece to assemble an artifact from the film — the Ark of the Covenant. Only Indy and Toht are available for preorder now with the others available at a later date.

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Old Republic Collectibles

Indiana Jones Product Code Names Uncovered

In our hunt for fortune and glory, we have discovered a few code names tied to Hasbro products for the Indiana Jones franchise. These codes are not from one particular assortment/scale as the prices range from $22.99-$50.99. If I were the adventurous type, I’d guess that these are mostly of the 6″ variety with a couple role play items as well.

Let us know if Indiana Jones product are something you’d like for us to continue to cover as some should be making their debut next week at Hasbro Pulse Con.

Toyguide Update: Figma 6″ Indiana Jones


The Yakface Toyguide updates resume with a special entry today (in lieu of a lame April Fool’s Day joke). Here we take a detailed look at the Figma 6″ Indiana Jones figure from Max Factory.

PROS: The Max Factory Figma line is well known for their craftsmanship and attention to detail and that carries through with this figure. Overall, Indy has a great look about him serving as a representation of the character from Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade. (Mercifully, you’ll find no Crystal Skull reference in this figure.) Dr. Jones comes with a nice assortment of accessories, namely all the extra hands, his signature whip, pistol, and a couple film specific treasures like the Golden Idol, Sankara stone, and Holy Grail. What is also great is that you can easily incorporate a few of the mystery relics and accessories that were packed with Hasbro 3-3/4″ Indy line to expand the display options. That brings us to the eyes: Max Factory has incorporated a separate “eye piece” that is accessed behind the face. This allows for a far more accurate paint application of the eye details. For good measure, they include an extra – just in case.

CONS: At $60 (US), this figure doesn’t come cheap when compared to Hasbro’s line, but it makes up for it in quality in articulation, deco and likeness.  Lack of a working holster to stow the pistol was a let down, but a minor quibble. Wrist sockets that receive the pegs for the interchangeable hands seems as though they will “loosen” over time – the result being that the hands may fall off.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether you’ll find the time to love Dr. Jones and add him to your collection.

You can also weigh in with your impressions on the figures we add to our toyguide on facebook and in our forums.

The Indy Adventures Continue…


Recently, forum member Lance Quazar began an all new Indiana Jones photonovel series that takes place in the final days of World War II… this storyline really captures the grit and enjoyment of the 1980s films we all know and love.

Lance has recently wrapped up a new chapter in this ambitious project, and even if photonovels aren’t your thing, this is a read definitely worth checking out.  So kick back and take a few minutes to enjoy this latest endeavor he has put together for the viewing pleasure of Star Wars and Indiana Jones fans after the jump!

The Adventure Continues…


Forum member and photonovel genius Lance Quazar returns to the scene with the beginning of an adventure for all you Indiana Jones fanatics… Indiana Jones and the Mayan Secret!

This storyline is all part of a contest he has entered at The Indy Cast, and regardless of how this places, it’s a fantastic start to a new ongoing series that looks very promising.  So kick back for a few minutes and appreciate the hard work he’s put into this – because I’m guessing if you do, you’re going to enjoy the ride.