Tag Archives: lucasfilm

The Mandalorian Season 1: Spoiler Thread

Season 1 of The Mandalorian has come to a close with the dramatic final episode: Redemption. Overall the first season was a rousing success and as become a favorite of new and old fans alike. Feel free to discuss all episodes of this season and where you think season 2 will be headed in Fall 2020.

Until then, I suggest re-familiarizing yourself with events of The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels which have story lines tied directly to the final episode.

The Rise of Skywalker: Spoiler Thread

The Rise of Skywalker officially hits theaters today and now is your opportunity to weigh in on the final chapter in the Skywalker Saga. Full spoiler discussions are allowed in this thread so be warned if you haven’t seen it – avert your eyes. The comment moderation has been removed from the site so please keep your spoiler talk limited to this article for the time being.

The Rise of Skywalker PremierEs Tonight – spoilerphobes beware

Tread lightly my friends as tonight, The Rise of Skywalker premieres in Los Angeles and with that there is bound to be a flood of spoilers and hot takes of the final chapter in the Skywalker saga. To combat intentional or unintentional reveals, all comments (starting now) for the site have to be approved prior to posting. Those who abuse the system will be banned.

TBS and TVC Products Featuring “THe Child” Coming in 2020

Disney/Lucasfilm issue a press release this afternoon officially announcing several products featuring “The Child” from The Mandalorian. Not surprising, nothing was shown for Hasbro’s The Black Series or Vintage Collection but they did mention both lines by name stating that products will indeed be coming “later next year”.

The Mandalorian: S1 E3 (Spoiler Thread)

Episode 3 of The Mandalorian is now available for streaming and download from Disney+. The description for this episode reads:

The battered Mandalorian returns to his client for reward.

Directed by Deborah Chow, “The Sin” maybe the most solid episode yet as the Mandalorian struggles with the Guild Code and its members but not without help from several other Mandalorians!

Click on through to weigh in with your thoughts on the latest installment of the series.