Boldly going where no diorama has gone before…

yakwallFor those that supported the indiegogo campaign for Galactic Merchants, it appears your investment is about to pay off as the creators have begun shipping their Space Station walls sets!  Be on the lookout for email  notifications of your order shipping, and until that time, you can check out a full gallery of the sets I received in the mail today.

Personal Note:  Without a doubt, these are the highlight of the year for me in collecting.  In fact, these might be the best thing I’ve been able to acquire in this hobby for the last several years.   With these, we the fans who have supported this hobby for nearly 20 years in the modern era, can finally have adequate displays to show off our figures without having to spend frustrating hours on end making our own sets.  It’s just a shame that the company who makes the figures has ignored such a concept for so long.  The Galactic Merchants team has done the fan community a great service with these sets and they should be applauded for their efforts.