The Yakface Toyguide updates resume with the latest entry in the Star Wars Rebels 3-3/4″ line. Next, we take a look at the Hera Syndulla and Stormtrooper Commander Mission Series set (MS19).
PROS: Hera fans rejoice! We finally have received the figure we’ve been waiting for and it doesn’t disappoint. Original solicitation images caused a bit of worry initially because Hera’s green skin tone was very washed out. Thankfully, the production release is a far more vibrant hue. As standard fare for the Saga Legends/Star Wars Rebels line, she has only 5 POA, but it is a well executed figure from paint, proportions and sculpt. Despite having the lekku (aka head-tails), the head is unencumbered by them allowing for a full range of swivel movement. The Stormtrooper Commander is a simple re-accessorized version of the SL01 figure with a non-removable command pauldron, although it does move freely so I’d expect maybe a white or black version in the line’s future.
CONS: The biggest con of this set is that it took so long (six months) after the debut of the series to get the main cast/crew of The Ghost. Hera’s blaster is very tiny and she has nowhere to stow it due to a non-functional boot holster so be sure to keep a close eye on it. This set is surely to be a desired one on the secondary market (i.e. eBay or unscrupulous merchants at cons) – but don’t overpay as this set is 2 per case in this assortment and 3x in a revision case.
Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this set is worth adding to your collection.