Today at 5pm ET, we will be taking part in a livestream discussion for the launch of the Vintage Collection Last Figure Standing Fan Event. We will be joining Tim from Bossk’s Bounty, Chris from Bantha Skull, John Miko from the SW The Vintage Collection Facebook Group to discuss our personal top 10 submissions for the poll. I will update this post with the livestream link when available.
Tag Archives: fans’ choice
Last Figure Standing: A Vintage Collection Fan Event
Today marks the launch of a new fan site generated figure poll for the Vintage Collection. Read on for the full details.
Continue reading Last Figure Standing: A Vintage Collection Fan EventHasbro Pulse Black Series Archive Poll Now Open
Hasbro has opened up voting for the 6″ Black Series Archive Fans’ Choice poll on Choose (wisely) from 10 characters including, Commander Cody, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS), Jango Fett, 501st Clone Trooper, Princess Leia (Jabba’s Prisoner), Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars Rebels), Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise), Greedo and Jyn Erso.
Empire 40th Anniversary 6” Black Series Fansite Vote
Doctor Aphra Wins Fans’ Choice Poll has updated today officially announcing Doctor Aphra as the winner of the Hasbro Fans’ Choice poll. Coming in second was Ahsoka (Star Wars Rebels). Congrats to those that voted for Aphra and thank you to all that participated in the survey.
Look for Doctor Aphra to join the 3.75″ Vintage Collection line in 2018.
Official 3.75″ Fans’ Choice Poll Now Open has updated today, activating the official Hasbro 3.75″ Fans’ Choice Poll! After asking the fans and culling the lists submitted by nearly two dozen participating fan organizations, the following characters have been selected:
Dr. Aphra, Yak Face (Saelt-Marae), Emperor Palpatine, Sim Aloo, Clone Trooper “Fives” and Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars Rebels)
The winner of this poll will be realized in super-articulated form and released on the Vintage Collection card back in 2018. Vote early, vote often.
Hasbro Fans’ Choice Poll MIA?
We’ve been getting a lot of questions via email and social media regarding the status of the official Hasbro’s Fans’ Choice poll for the 3.75″ Vintage Collection. Per Hasbro press release and’s post, the poll was to have started yesterday (April 26) and run until April 30. As of this post, the poll has yet to go live but we’ll announce it as soon as it does.
2017 Fans’ Choice Results Are In
The votes have been tabulated and we now have your top 6 characters to submit to Hasbro for the 2017 Vintage Fans’ Choice poll! Click on through to check out the list.
Thank you to all who participated (and followed the rules)!
UPDATE: Fans’ Choice Voting Is Now Closed
Voting is now closed and the counting has begun! We will reveal your “Top 6” on Friday after we submit the selections to Hasbro. May the odds be ever in your favor and thanks to all that participated!
UPDATE: Just a bit of info on the tabulation, if you submitted more than one vote from the same email address or social handle, ALL of your votes are eliminated as you are clearly trying to cheat or skew the results. If you posted anything in subject line of your email other than what was instructed, your vote was not counted because “rules”.
Return of the 3.75″ Fans’ Choice Poll
Back by popular demand! Hasbro is once again asking you, the fans and collectors, to help determine the next figure(s) released in the 3.75″ Vintage Collection line. Click on through for details on how to cast your vote for the 2017 Fans’ Choice Poll!