We have received additional details, confirmations and some new reveals for a list of Target DPCIs that we shared back on July 2 (you can see the original article here). Click on through for the new info.
087-06-8395 – $49.99 – Available September 1
This is DPCI is for the exclusive 12″ Hero Series 6pk
It includes figures of BB-8, Poe Dameron (Resistance Outfit), Rey (Jedi Training), Force Order Executioner, Kylo Ren (Masked), First Order Stormtrooper (Officer – Red Pauldron)
087-06-8397 – $19.99 – Available September 1
Briefly leaked on JTA was the first confirmation of our theory that this is the exclusive 6″ Black Series First Order Executioner. For the best look at this character and electrified axe/weapon you can check out the official behind the scenes video from YouTube.
087-06-8399 – $99.99 – Available October 1
This final one is a Nerf item that looks very cool and I’d love to try. It is the large FWMB-10 repeating blaster “Megablaster” that we first saw in The Force Awakens used by the First Order Heavy Assault Troopers. Again, this should be exclusive to Target.”
087-06-8396 – $29.99 – Available November 1
You saw an image briefly leaked on Tuesday at Jedi Temple Archives but we can confirm that this is an Exclusive 6″ Black Series Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master) figure. It include a environmental base, like the past exclusive Kylo, Rey and Jyn Erso figures from Kmart.
087-06-8394 – $24.99 – Available November 1
We can exclusively reveal that this item is a Return of the Jedi based 3 pack (or a possible assortment of 3 packs) that will contain three 3.75″ basic figures.
Emperor Palpatine (the one recently revealed at SDCC)
Royal Guard
Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
No word whether it is an exclusive but all signs point to “yes”
Thanks to TargetGod once again for the assistance.
Coming up later: 3.75″ Black Series figures