Happy Holidays from FBTB
November 30, 2000 | 11:58 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
Remember when you were a kid, and you’d get a calendar that opened up to something new every day as you counted down to Christmas Day? Well, we’re going to do the same thing at FBTB. Robert Martin is known for his incredible minifig work – and he’s going to open up and give you some of the labels he uses for the figs, as well as give you some insight on how you can use them to make some quick and easy custom minifigs. But while we’re at it, he’s also going to dabble in a few items he’s built. We hope you enjoy – we’ll be adding a new one every day until Christmas! Now where did I put his instructions on how to build those Sandcrawler droids? . . .
Complete Galaxy Tatooine and Endor
November 30, 2000 | 8:31 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post
wishbook.com has the Star Wars Complete Galaxy 2-pack of Luke w/ Tatooine & Flying Ewok w/ Endor on clearance for $9.99
Thanks to Dave for the tip
Sportman’s Guide complaints
November 30, 2000 | 6:28 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
I just talked with George over at Sandtroopers.com and he personally lives 15 minutes away from the Sportsman’s Guide offices. George mentioned that he would be stopping in there tomorrow and talk with them about the mini helmet fiasco. George asked that anyone with complaints send over to him at Sandtroopers and he would print everyone up and bring them over. Sounds like maybe someone might finally pay attention to some of our gripes. Just hit the link above and send George your mail there. Thanks to George for doing this for us all.
Tie Interceptor
November 30, 2000 | 5:49 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Well rumors abound to this illusive item. Will it be? Is it false? Well after speaking to TWO different people, one at Hasbro Cincinnati and one at Pawtucket (which is where it WILL be made). Notice I put WILL, I can confirm what the fellas at CollectStarWars and Sandtroopers.com have been saying. This will DEFINATELY be coming out and will include a figure, not sure which. As to when, don’t believe everything you read. There is NO time table set for this. It is in development. Knowing that it takes a year from development to shelf, plus tack on the consolidation that Hasbro is going through right now. I would say, end of next year, maybe. Probably 2002.
November 30, 2000 | 4:48 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
StarconstruX have updated with some more great dioramas – Watto’s Box, Docking Bay 94 and the marketplace – plus new custom figures and a feature called “Snapshot” – check it out!!!
Biker Scout wave OUT NOW!
November 30, 2000 | 4:44 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Dave for the following news.
“Just letting everyone know that I found the new wave of POTJ figs that include Han Bespin escape, Fode and beed, Sebulba, Boomer Damaged Droid and Biker Scout at my local upstate NY walmart.”
POTJ in Australia
November 30, 2000 | 4:43 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Collars for the following news.
I was in TRU today and much to my amazment I found the new POTJ range of figures. The figures available were:
-Chewbacca – Dejarik Challenge
-Coruscant Guard
-Mas Amedda
-Security Battle Droid
-Tusken Raider – Desert Sniper
They were priced at AU$12.93.
Also available for the first time at TRU are:
-12″ Darth Maul with Sith Speeder
-Trade Federation Armored Attack Tank
-Ammo Wagon and Falumpaset
-Invasion Force: Armored Scout Tank
-Invasion Force: Gungan Assault Cannon
100th Luke and Legacy 12″ figs
November 30, 2000 | 3:36 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Hasbro confirmed shipment of the SW 100th 12in Figure – Luke (Item #32437A, $49.99) and highly anticipated Star Wars 12inch Legacy Asst.1 (Item #26470A, $139.99) (IG-88, Bossk, 4-LOM). Both items will arrive during the second week of December and if all goes well, they should arrive to you before Christmas! (subject to change, of course). Only at Entertainment Earth.
Another election contest?
November 30, 2000 | 11:44 AM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post
I recently ran into an interesting tidbit, which relates to Hasbro’s upcoming fan’s choice figure, the Duros. TFN reports that Lucasfilm has officially stated, both in Dark Horse’s Dark Empire Handbook and soon to be confirmed in Del Rey’s upcoming Essential Guide to Alien Species, by Ann Lewis, that Neimoidians and Duros are from the same species. So it would appear that there are Duros figures rotting on pegs already, if looked at from a certain point of view. In light of this, maybe Amanaman should be certified the true winner of the election… not that any of us needs another election contest.
Tie Interceptor?????
November 30, 2000 | 11:29 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
YES as reported by the guys at both CollectStarWars and Sandtroopers.com could this be a reality soon? Reader Moby-wan also sent in the same info, that it was being shown in TRU computers. Hopefully it is true and will be confirmed soon. If anyone CAN confirm send it to any one of the sites… I, myself have already been trying to get a confirmation and if I get one I will let all know. I’m sure Mike at CollectStarWars and George and crew over at Sandtroopers are working just as hard to get a confirmation so hopefully one of us can confirm soon… I do hope this is true, I’m already excited…
UPDATE:Mike over at CollectStarWars reported Andy said no vehicles for 2001… Does that mean no mass release or none at all is the question? Remember the B Wing?… I’m sure more info will follow…
UPDATE2:OPPS-I goofed guys actually Mark from Rebelscum talked with Andy on the Tie and he mentioned he didn’t know what Hasbro Direct had in line… So we could still see both the Tie and B wing, let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Sportsman’s Guide update
November 30, 2000 | 11:07 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well seems feelings for the Guide are from one extreme to another. Some people report being very satisfied while many others (myself included) are not. I did get an email stating my lone, C3-P0 helmet would be in soon. But my wife did send two emails to them stating how we thought their business practices were not up to par, with no response… Oh well live and learn. Thanks guys for all the mail letting me know how you faired and good luck to anyone still waiting on word from them.
Toy Drop Off Volunteers
November 30, 2000 | 10:57 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
If anyone can help these people please e-mail them.
“We have arranged an event with the Ronald McDonald House on the 9th of December for 150+ children suffering from numerous types of Cancer and bloodborn diseases so we will still be able to bring smiles to children who definitely need happiness this time of year. We still need more volunteers for this event. They will allow volunteers in Stormtrooper costumes and we need these volunteers. We will be distributing over 1000 toys to these children and it would make it a lot better with costumed helpers. We do not want any toy donations what so ever we have that part more then covered what we need are volunteers for this special event. The event will take place in New Jersey about 15 minutes from Philadelphia. If you have access to any star wars costume and have the time on December 9th please contact me
at star-wars-collectibles@erols.com or customerservice@action-figures.net”.
New POTJ Cases including Biker Scout
November 29, 2000 | 7:29 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Tons of New POTJ Figures In Stock at Entertainment Earth!
SW POTJ Collection 1 (Wv 1.5) (Item #84445AA, $89.99) (Leia Organa General,R2-D2 Naboo Escape)
SW POTJ Collection 2 (Wave 3) (Item #84455B, $89.99) (Jek Porkins X-Wing Pilot, Boss Nass Gungan Sacred Place, Gungan Warrior)
SW POTJ Collection 1 (Wave 4) (Item #84445B, $89.99) (Dagobah Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi).
They are also starting to fill backorders for SW POTJ Collection 1 (Wave 7) (Item #84445C, $89.99) (Han Solo, Battle Droid with Boomer Droid, Biker Scout). They are expecting more cases in soon.
Sportsman’s Guide update
November 29, 2000 | 5:12 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well I have got a few emails recently from people saying that the helmets they ordered were coming in. I have yet to see my lone one that they said was in stock. Some people are reporting all three or four they ordered came in while others say different-on their orders. If you ordered from them let me know the results give me a holler here.
New Ultarama Offer
November 29, 2000 | 3:23 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
A new Ultarama promotion is running now – Buy 3 get a 4th free! You can read more about it in this press release.
POTJ coming to Canada?
November 29, 2000 | 1:04 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Eric for the following news.
“The official scoop on POTJ in Canada; they will not be available until Spring 2001. This was an official letter sent by Hasbro Canada to one of my fellow collectors here up north. The main reason behind this decision is the fact that the retailers were stuck with too much E1 products. Right now there are liquidations happening in most of the Wal-Mart’s across the country.”
Boba Fett 300 In Stock
November 29, 2000 | 8:38 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
R2dtoys sent in this bit for you overseas collectors. “We have 200 pieces of 300th Fett arriving, I am told the US market has it cancelled ’til next year? Anyway we are leaving the price the same at £19.99. This week we expect calamari general, biker scout, saesae tin, plokoon, ig88.” If you are interested, send him an email.
Update: For US readers, the price for the Fett is $34.99 which includes Priority shipping by worldwide courier. The number 200 is now down to 96 – their first delivery contains 96 figures, but they have been charged a premium on the next 104 and they will let us know when a price has been set – they’re trying to keep it down. Thanks to R2Dtoys for the update.
Top Six Figure Vote
November 28, 2000 | 10:54 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
We will be closing the voting this weekend. Here are the top vote getters to this point.
1) Dagobah Vader
2) Stormtrooper(POTF2 commtech
3) Darth Vader rem hel
4) Boba Fett(300th Edition)
5) 12″ Han with Tantaun’
6) 12″ Speeder Biker Scout
7) Slave Leia
8) Amanaman
9) Bespin Luke potf
10) Coruscant Guard
There is still time to vote for your favorite six action figures, mail your entries to Top Six. Sorry, no recounts when the balloting has completed. The votes have already been hand counted and the final numbers will be certified this weekend.
Ep2 stuff on TV
November 28, 2000 | 5:44 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Enrico Leano sent this in for those who don’t mind some spoilers on E2: “I was watching Entertainment Tonight yesterday and they mentioned about an Episode II segment (something in Tunisia) on tonight’s show (11/28/2000). Tune in everyone!”
Marmit Boba Fett
November 28, 2000 | 4:05 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
It’s finally here. The incredible new Marmit 12in. Boba Fett (Item #MTS4,$149.99) is now in stock and shipping. We brought in a very large quantity of this awesome action figure kit from Japan. Order now at Entertainment Earth.
New LEGO pics
November 28, 2000 | 1:42 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
FBTB now has your first good look at the upcoming Imperial Guard, TIE Pilot and . . . Stormtrooper minifigs!
More new POTJ pics
November 28, 2000 | 12:00 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Here’s some great new loose photos of the carded figures posted yesterday:
Mon Calamari Officer, IG-88 and Battle Droid (Boomer Damage)
Han Solo (Bespin Capture) and Biker Scout
Plo Koon
Mon Calamari Officer
Canadian POTJ Petition
November 28, 2000 | 11:27 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Shane wrote in to tell us about a petition going on to try and convince Hasbro to bring POTJ figures to Canada. Click here to read about it.
Custom card contest
November 27, 2000 | 11:26 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Guys Jay from American Dream Comics mailed to say they are doing another giveaway for some cool POTJ figs. The prize is a set of Porkins wave figs including the hard to find Gungan Warrior. Jay wrote in with this…
“Between now and December 30th 2000 people can send us up to 3 entries of their own custom made blister cards of Star Wars, Star Trek, G.I.Joe A Real American Hero, Transformers, DC Super Heros, or Marvel Super Heros. People can see out site for all the details.”
Check them out at the link above.
New POTJ figs at eToys
November 27, 2000 | 10:54 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Great heads up for those needing these and looks like eToys has come thru with a great price. Yak reader Jake sent this in…
“Hey Sidster – just wanted to let everyone know that eToys has most of the new POTJ figures for just $5.99 each. They have Dagobah Vader, Obi Wan(Jedi), Sebulba, Fode and Beed, and Gungan Warrior just to name a few. The only one they didn’t have was Jek Porkins.”
Thanks for the heads up Jake. Guys get there quick at that price I don’t see them lasting long. Visit them here.
UPDATE: Out of Stock except for Ben and Qui Gon
Ultarama Stand Winner of the Week
November 27, 2000 | 9:43 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Congrats to Bill Grogan, this weeks winner of the Ultarama Stand. We have four more stands to give away. If you have already entered, please do not enter again. If you have not, click on the stand to the left and send in your name. Good Luck!
EE’s New Look
November 27, 2000 | 9:28 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
For those of you that are unaware, check out the new site design at Entertainment Earth. The new design is much friendlier to use and designed to help anyone find the new items, plus you can now search on all of the Star Wars items they have at one time. If you want to know what just came in, just take a look at the handy “Just off the truck” section on the main page. Overall I would rate the site a 9 out of 10. Stop by and take a look.
300th Boba Fett Delayed?
November 27, 2000 | 8:09 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The 300th Star Wars Figure – Boba Fett (Item #84566, $11.99) has been delayed until Spring 2001, sources report. No official explanation or reason has been given at this time. Apparently a very small quantity of these items shipped in error to some other retailers a few weeks ago, but the majority has been held back by Hasbro management. Again, no explanation has been given. Entertainment Earth is once again accepting pre-orders for this item, but can not guarantee that orders will be filled until they officially hear from Hasbro.
Rebelscum spoke to Hasbro and confirmed this news. After the holidays Fett should go into higher production and be out in full force.
Jedi Quest
November 27, 2000 | 5:44 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Joseph’s Toys, who host the Spanish version of Sandtroopers.com, have posted scans of the third issue of Jedi Quest. Head over there to check it out! It’ll be posted with English text on Sandtroopers.com later today.
Jawa.com giveaway
November 27, 2000 | 5:17 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
My little Jawa friends let me know they were able to scavenge up 1 of the new Star Wars Trilogy Wide Screen Edition VHS sets, and are giving it away… Boy these little Jawas work hard for free, no? So get over and register could be 1 less gift to get for the holidays… or maybe not. Good luck guys the contest ends Dec 4th.
UPDATE: Here’s a link to Jawa.com. For some reason I’ve had some trouble with links in my 2 most recent posts, hope this works.
Marmit Fett at John’s Toys
November 27, 2000 | 5:11 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Just got a call from John of John’s Toys and he let me know they just got in a shipment of Marmit Fett’s. Get there quick as these won’t last long, John’s price is $129 but all Yak readers get a 10% discount by entering promotion code “Yak” in the promo box. This is an incredible and long awaited piece and finally he’s here in the US. Good luck guys.
Opps forgot to add a link here’s one for you and also John’s toll free # 1 800 505 8697.
New Carded Figures!
November 27, 2000 | 12:31 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Here are some great photos of a whole slew of new POTJ figures that have been found in Hong Kong. This usually means that these toys are getting ready to ship and there’s a very good chance they could hit US shores for Christmas.
IG-88 card front
K-3PO card front
Han Solo (Bespin Capture) card front
Biker Scout card front
Mon Calamari Officer card front
Battle Droid (Boomer Damage) card front
Plo Koon card front
New England show
November 27, 2000 | 12:30 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
For anyone living in New England or near, there is a big toy show on December 9th at the Royal Plaza Trade Center in Marlboro, Mass. You can get more info @ AllCollectors.com. Thanks to Steve for the news!
Notes on Marmit Fett
November 27, 2000 | 12:12 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Justin sent in this info which is very useful for anyone who will be building the Marmit Boba Fett in the future. I can totally agree with him here after slaving away over the Sandtrooper:
“Just a note about the coming Marmit Boba Fett. Or rather a useful tip you will not live to regret.
First of all, this guy is a magnificent work of art. The parts are easy and the instructions included are rather self explanatory. The big tip is this:
PLEASE browse the instructions first!!! In the heat of excitement you might be not too bothered and start fixing everything up. I did this and i am now regretting…his belt broke at two points!!! But nevermind, i have since patched him up with super glue.
With regards to the tight belt and wonderful child bearing hips…the problem lies therein. Before you do anything, remove his overalls and pull the leggings down to his ankles. NOTE: his thigh pouches must be past his ankles. Then with a hairdryer blow hot air on the belt to make it expand. Do it for at least 30 seconds, depending on the heat. Then quickly pull the leggings thru the belt and the respective leg holes. Make sure the thigh pouches are pulled below the belt. Then slowly push the whole belt and at the same time pull up his overalls. If required, continue to use the hairdryer when necessary. Be gentle. Whenver it feels too tight please please heat up the belt. And a very important thing to notice is the little strap that goes between the legs from the groin guard to the back of his belt. This strap that will straddle Fett “Junior” snug and nice should be given due attention cos it breaks easily. Don’t tug on his belt too much. And if the going gets though, remember, the hairdryer is there for a purpose.
Other than the fragile belt, everything else is rather easy to put on. You might need a couple of dabs of super glue for the elastic bands that will hold the knee pads. This guy is easy to assemble. The only difficult thing is the belt. Last but not least, do remember that heat will of course expand the belt to make it go past his hips, but at the same time will make the pastic brittle. So use your own discretion and don’t force it onto Fett.
The fiercest bounty hunter does have a quality chastity belt!”
Carded Wookie
November 26, 2000 | 6:20 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Obi-Wan BRENTobi sent in a couple of nice scans of the carded Roworr figure from the Wizards RPG game:
Card Front
Card Back
Figures In Action
November 26, 2000 | 1:41 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
It is with great pleasure that I welcome back an original member of Yakface.com. Rich, whose main section here was Figures In Action, has moved back in to his home here at Yakface’s Realm. You can find his section on the side menu bar labeled Figures In Action. I have placed the first section “A New Hope” up with the rest to follow in the coming week. Please take a look around. I believe you will like what you find. If you have any comments about his work, send me an email until we get his hooked up and I will forward it on.
Just some info on the Sportsman’s Guide
November 25, 2000 | 11:16 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well guys my wife ordered 3 of the “available” Riddell mini helmets they were blowing out earlier this week, for Xmas for the Sidster. Well today she got a notice 2 were discontinued, 4 days after the order was placed and confirmed. Very disappointing to hear for us both. Our big thing is they were not shown discontinued when she placed the order, nor did they show up that way even after the order was finalized. Not the greatest way to handle “sold out” or “discontinued” items. Also to get a response 4 days after the fact is also not good business. So in essence I can say I (we) won’t order there again in the future. If any reader did order you just maybe getting a response similar to ours. Good luck guys and hope most others get what they wanted.
UPDATE: Well looks like I wasn’t the only dissatisfied customer, many people wrote in with the same story. Guys best thing to do is complain and maybe enough complaints will get some sort of action taken. What could be done who knows, but it’s worth a shot.
Star Wars Attakus statues
November 25, 2000 | 7:04 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well just spoke with a friend across the water in the good ol’ UK and he mentioned these great statues will be out very soon. I had posted a month or so back on these, and now hear they will be ready for shipping soon. They are truly great pieces for any collection. Made of resin and very limited in #, I believe 1,200 pieces each character. Great for the coming holidays and the “have it all” collector. I understand they will be ready in the next few weeks, you can check them out here.
Rorworr at Borders
November 25, 2000 | 6:14 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Just a quick fyi for those looking for the new Invasion of Theed RPG, I got it today at Borders in Warwick, RI. I know reports of it being found at Borders have surfaced on the web, but none with it being found discounted. I got mine for 30% off the listed price, so maybe worth popping in and checking on. Not sure if this was this store only or maybe a weekend type sale, but it came to 11 dollars and change. Not a bad deal especially if you are only interested in the fig itself.
Custom Homer as Rebel Pilot
November 25, 2000 | 12:30 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Alan wrote in to tell us about his custom Homer as a Rebel Pilot figure on ebay. It is Item #508088805 and in my opinion is one of the best custom figures I’ve seen.
Marmit Fett Pre-Order
November 25, 2000 | 8:34 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Need to pre-order the Marmit Boba Fett? Brian Levine from Anime Collectibles let us know that you can pre-order the item from them for $99 plus a $4.95 shipping charge. You will be asked for a $50 deposit. For more info or to order, contact Brian at blevine@cfl.rr.com.
TRU Update
November 25, 2000 | 8:20 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Brad from Indy sent in this useful info:
“This is a message to solve the mystery as to why only certain TRU’s received great figures for yesterday’s sale. First of all, all TRU’s will get in more figures from EP1 collections 1,2, and 3 as well as classic commtech figures. As for who will come in these cases, please don’t ask an associate at TRU because we simply will not know until they come off the truck. If my memory serves me well, I believe there were about four different case mixes for the classic Commtech figs. I looked up these orders yesterday, and for my area they are now pending to come in to the wharehouse. This means we could see these in the stores as early as next week since most stores are receiving trucks on a daily basis. As for the black Friday sale, this was used to clear out old inventroy sitting in TRU wharehouses. Some markets had great stuff sitting in thier wharehouse. Others did not. As for my area (Indiana, Southern Illinois, Ohio, and Northern Kentucky) we were not so lucky for the big sale. But I am looking forward to next week. $1.97 is still not that bad.”
R2-D2 with Holo Leia & TRU
November 25, 2000 | 7:52 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
A note to everyone – our mailboxes are being filled up with TRU store reports right now. Waaay too many to post here. If you want to report a finding, please post it in the Store Reports section of our forums. A lot of people are finding these, and many stores aren’t putting them out straight away, so you might want to watch the forums to see if anything comes up in your area.
Variation Hunters!
November 25, 2000 | 7:48 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
This is for all the variation hunters out there. Here’s a pretty big list of the cardback changes (ie first cardback to new cardback) appearing in the latest assortments of POTJ figures:
These figures are now .0100 as of the Sebulba coll 2 case and the Vader coll 1 case:
Anakin Skywalker with Pit Droid
Darth Maul (Final Duel) [with bubble sticker]
Princess Leia Organa: General
Qui-Gon Moisture Farmer (there is also a variation with a black sticker over an incorrect date stamp on the .0000 cardback)
Tusken Raider
Battle Droid: Security
Jek Porkins
Gungan Warrior
Boss Nass: Sacred Place
The following figures are ONLY available on .0100 cardbacks:
Dagobah Vader
Obi-Wan Kenobi (ANH version)
Fode & Beed
Marmit Fett
November 25, 2000 | 7:43 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Click here for a photo of the Marmit Boba Fett box. Thanks go to Franky Chan of Hit Toys in Hong Kong for the use of his photo!
Speak Up!
November 25, 2000 | 7:41 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
I’ve posted my Speak Up! article about scalping. Please take a look and send any comments/nasty e-mails 🙂
Looong story -short
November 25, 2000 | 12:16 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well guys I’ll sum up the “Black Fri” TRU sale now… Honestly most reports I personally got were of people finding nothing worth the early get up time or crowd fighting. Did get reports of R2 being found, but seems more not as lucky stories. Reports ranged from 1-20 R2’s at 1 particular store… But maybe (and most likely) this means we will see R2’s in he stores that didn’t get any today, I might stop in over the next few days. I hit my TRU again later in the afteroon and I can say they will definetly need to restock some shelves, Star Wars upon a few others were empty… So maybe soon us unlucky folk will have something to talk about and just think alot less competition to deal with at the same time. Good luck guys and congrats to the lucky take 1’s. Guys please lets remember 1 thing though let’s not treat these like gold now considering they were found for a buck and the whole”rare” factor has been knocked down a few notches…
LEGO Watto minifig and New Pics
November 24, 2000 | 7:49 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
FBTB now has a larger pic of the upcoming Watto minifig, as well as box back art for 7106 Droid Escape, 7126 Battle Droid Carrier and 7127 Imperial AT-ST.
Back in stock
November 24, 2000 | 3:59 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Starshow have General Leia and Qui-Gon back in stock now.
November 24, 2000 | 8:05 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Yup guys I’m back and my TRU tanked and had nothing, zero, zilch, nada… Only “new” figs were coll#1 F/F so big waste. Now I’m tired and cranky and nothing to be excited about. Did get some reports of coll#3 F/F reports but nothing that said Sandtroopers, Fett, Weequay,
or any of the “rarer” (is that even a usable term anymore). Also no real confirmations such as scans. So please let me know what you guys are finding. Hope most had better luck than I.
UPDATE:Well mixed across the board on how things faired for people, some did good others were in Sidster’s boat. I am hearing from the obvious no R2’s to 1-2-20 at 1 store. I haven’t given up and hope to see some at my TRU soon. I and a few Yak-ers noticed alot of mom’s and dads’ getting figs for the lil 1’s, so that’s good they are the future-us. Also met up with a great kid today looking for figs for himself my bud Sid (coinky dink or what) was a teen collector, customizer, you name it. Love seeing that. I’ll try to keep some updates up as I hear more stories. Thanks to ALL you great people for reporting in.
Vote For the Header
November 24, 2000 | 12:56 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
As the vote is nearing its end and with over 560 votes, here are the top 10 so far:
1) Dagobah Vader
2) Commtech Stormtrooper
3) Vader w/ Rem Helmet
4) Boba Fett 300
5) Amanaman
6) 12″ Biker Scout
7) Bespin Luke POTF2
8) R2 w/ Holo Leia
9) Coruscant Guard
10) Slave Leia
If you still want to vote, you have just a little time left. You do not have to vote for any of the above names, just click on the link to the left to send in your vote.
Happy Life Day??
November 23, 2000 | 11:46 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The Official SW site updated today wishing everyone a Happy Life Day. Go here to see LucasFilm’s Happy Life Day message which even comes with a singing Ewok. No, I’m not making this up.
Need some HELP
November 23, 2000 | 8:25 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
I am looking for some major help and hopefully a burning question answered. I had a report of Coll#3 F/F figs showing up at a TRU for the sale, no definite proof was given but came from a person on a list I’m part of. IF anyone can help me find out if this is happening or not PLEASE mail me here. Also a friend says 2 very good sources told him we’d see these show up. I would love any help finding out the truth here. I find it almost hard to believe as we never saw these the 1st big dump, so if you have any info please let me know. Any TRU employees or customers that can help I would greatly appreciate.
Sebulba Wave at KB
November 23, 2000 | 7:39 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The new Sebulba wave is now showing up at KB Toys. Thanks to Ray for the news.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and some R2 confirms
November 23, 2000 | 12:19 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well guys before I head off stuff myself silly and…sleep. I wanted to share some comments on the prized holy grail we will be out looking for tommorrow, R2 with holo Leia.
Since my post last night I have had some more comments AND some scans to confirm. I won’t post scans cause there are a few but some people ARE finding the lil guy for sure, but not 20 at time has been confirmed YET. Here are some comments 1 from a TRU mgr.
John in Houston, Texas said this
“Hey Sidster,
Figured I’d drop you a line in response to your post. I went by my local TRU today to find a (and I mean A) R2 with holo Leia. They did have at least 50 or so commtech Vaders and Stormtroopers. ”
John from Indaiana had this to say
“I was able to stop in at two Toys R Us stores before work on Wednedsay afternoon. The first stop was in Merrillville Indiana
( Southlake Mall). There were at least 20-30 commtech Vaders and
Stormtroopers at this store. Only a few were on the pegs but as I went
to the back wall ( on the way to the storeroom 🙂 there was a large
bin about 2 feet deep and they were full of vaders and troopers not ONE R2.The second stop was at the Toys R Us in Lansing Illionis. No new markdown figures were on the pegs so I asked a clerk and he found a case of markdown POTF commtech figures. As he opened the case I saw
the R2 and gently reached into the box and held on to it.
For CERTAIN there will be a few more R2’s at the Lansing store and
Definetely NONE at the Merriville store.”
and 1 last from a TRU mgr
“I believe I can shed some light as I am a manager for a TRU.
40 Commtech R2’s are possible. A good chunk of the TRUs are recieving anywhere from 10 to 50+ cases of this wave…not EVERY TRU is getting these HTF figures, my store is one of them although my friend at another store hooked me up and got me 3 R2’s and a buttload of
So there ya have it again good luck and regardless try to enjoy guys.
Remember that alot of other stores will have stocked shelves too, so you may find many other goodies lurking you need/want.
LEGO 2001 a TRU Exclusive?!?
November 23, 2000 | 9:59 AM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
FBTB has all the latest on this development . . .
More on R2 and TRU
November 22, 2000 | 11:41 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well since I posted I have got a few bits of mail with some reports of people finding the lil guy. Thing is some people are reporting exuberant amounts that just don’t seem real for 1 store alone to get in, while others seem more realistic. Then there are those that don’t add up 1 way or another. Some reports from 10-12 being found then some 40+ at 1 store which is kinda hard to fathom. I would love to say where the reports are coming from but with so much inconsistency across the board I will wait. I ask that from now on anyone reporting a find if you could scan a receipt or even a pic of how many you landed, otherwise it’s tough to honestly report what’s out there. In some instances I believe it to be a hype issue and for that, until further proof is shown I will leave it alone. IF in fact R2 is showing up as some claim then Hasbro pulled a quick 1 on us AGAIN…
A Special Request
November 22, 2000 | 6:12 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
I am seeking fellow collectors that live in Japan. PLEASE, if you are living there and are at this page, email me athfsolo@yakface.com as I have a special favor to ask of you. Thanks.
Marmit Fett coming real soon
November 22, 2000 | 4:41 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
A friend in Japan let me know that Marmit now intend to release their 12″ Boba Fett doll/kit next Wednesday, 29th November. At last…
To get R2 or not to….
November 22, 2000 | 4:32 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well guys lots of reports of R2’s being found lots of it not…. I myself popped in at 2 TRU today and nada yet, I will head back to 1 tonight cause they expected 1 truck today. So it’s really a 50/50 chance and here’s some proof…
“Hey Sidster!
I work at the TRU in Beavercreek, Oh. and am sad to say that last night, I unloaded the last truck before Fridays sale and no R2/Holo Leia’s were on it. Rumor has it that we will be getting it, sometime.
When I pull it off the truck, I will certainly let everyone know.
Interactive Yoda has been reduced to $19.95”
So there ya go though some of us may get up early for nada (I hope not me), others will score. But there still maybe hope for us early birds that don’t get anything. Thanx Assailant for the info man.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all and good luck on Fri.
UPDATE:I have been recieving more reports of people finding out their TRU won’t have some of the elusive stuff expected. I, myself can attest as my local looks like it may have only some but not quite what was thought. But I also understand that if some TRU don’t have the product for Fri it still may come in. So still hope there and heck I ‘m not complaining to get some CT Troopers or R2’s for even 2 bux. So again good luck and congrats to those that have scored already.
99c finds
November 22, 2000 | 4:09 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
ACPin was at Jack’s 99c Store in Manhattan, NYC and found the following figures and other items:
Captain Panaka
Naboo Royal Security
Battle Bags
Accessory sets (series 1)
Nute Gunray cup toppers
E1 gift wrap
All, shockingly enough, 99c!
ACPin also mentions that he has updated his cool dioramas site with a bunch of new toys in action! Stop by and take a look!
Star Wars and Sci-Fi 2nd Annual Collectors Show
November 22, 2000 | 3:01 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
November 26th, 2000
9am – 4pm
Location: Howard Johnson Hotel
Wright Brothers Blvd
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Just off I-380 at the Eastern Iowa Airport Exit
For all inguiries call (319) 373-1386: Ask for Mike
12″ Qui-Gon and Amidala sets
November 22, 2000 | 12:54 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
More on these sets showing up at Value City, this time from AustinDPowers:
“Found a “ton” of “escape From Naboo 12inch” sets at Value City in Paramus, New Jersey, as far as I know, this is the only store in the NY/NJ area, but yet I may be wrong.”
HUGE Etoys.com Sale!
November 22, 2000 | 8:48 AM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
FBTB has the complete 22 set listing of Star Wars LEGO sets currently discounted at Etoys.com!
TRU report from Florida
November 21, 2000 | 11:04 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Yak-er Marc “Draven” wrote in with some info on some figs in the still yet undecided electoral win state. Marc said a TRU by him recieved several cases of Holo Sid wave and some Soft goods wave also. He also stressed no classic waves yet, but we know there’s still time. So now most of us just have to wait and see what Fri brings. Marc wished all good luck as do I. Now getting up will be the hard part…
New Hasbro Site Open
November 21, 2000 | 10:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Hasbro has redone their site and it has opened today. There are a few pics of the upcoming Aurra Sing 3 3/4 figure that you can see after you register. There is another poll for a fan choice figure. This time the choices are:
Admiral Ozzel, Amanaman, Ben Quadinaros, Major Bren Derlin and Yarael Poof. Finally, there is an update on the Duros figure, which looks excellent and even has a blaster holder on his ankle. Thanks to everyone who wrote in about it and Rebelscum.
Update: (Greg) – Vote Amanaman! This guy deserves a figure. Major Derlin and Admiral Ozzel would end up really similar to existing figures such as Hoth Rebel Soldier and Captain Piett respectively. Ben Quadinaros? C’mon people! Yarael Poof? Ok, he’s not bad…but to make him fit in the box he’d probably end up badly out of proportion. Amanaman is the way to go! And besides…fruit is good for you.
Forget Black Friday
November 21, 2000 | 9:04 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Start Shopping NOW!!!!!! Amazon.com now has many figures in stock, all just .97 a piece. Use the search box and search on the figure that you want.
Wookie Scout Images
November 21, 2000 | 8:53 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
I received my Invasion Of Theed game today in the mail. These are images of the Wookie Scout that comes with the game. Overall the figure is a decent figure. The game is very nice, with many items inside. If you are into roleplaying this looks like it could be a very fun game.
Wookie Scout Loose
Carded Front Shot
Carded Back Shot
U.S. Retail for LEGO Star Wars 2001
November 21, 2000 | 8:38 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
FBTB has the pricing for the upcoming sets onsite now . . .
Let’s help each other out
November 21, 2000 | 6:02 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Guys with all the reports of people finding R2’s with Holo Leia at TRU already looks like my confirmation was on it… I just want to stress to all that we know without the stuff expected, TRU will be a zoo on Fri anyway, but with it OH BOY… Let’s just all try to be fair and help the next man out if you get in the door 1st and get to the isle to find 30 R2’s don’t hoard them guys. Remember your fellow collector if you can grab some and give some to those looking that made it in after you. I mean things could work out cool or very bad… Lets’ try to make as many people we can happy. We know the insanity that can happen (e.g. Cabbage Patch dolls, Nintendo, PS2) so let’s TRY to avoid all that. I wish all luck I’ll be there and I’ll leave either happy or frustrated hopefully it’ll be…
Oh and 1 more thing grab 1 toy at least for the Toys for Tots, some kids get nothing and man that hurts to know…
Free Roworr….?
November 21, 2000 | 5:54 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Yup that’s right guys you can try and nab yourself a brand new Invasion Of Theed Boxed Set With Exclusive Roworr Fig this week at Jawa.com. These guys have been coming thru with some cool giveaways lately, dirty scavengers I tell ya…. So head over and try your luck out.
Great news from Ultarama
November 21, 2000 | 5:49 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Guys got some great info from my buddy Mort at Ultarama on a great free shipping offer. Guys definetly take advantage and get that “has it all” Star Wars collector some cool display pieces for the holidays. You can read the press releasehere.
Watto’s Box
November 21, 2000 | 4:59 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Shabby Blue found Watto’s Box @ a KB in Tulsa, OK for $7.99! As I remember, someone else reported a similar find not too long ago. Sounds like this set, along with R2-D2 with holo Leia, is starting to surface again. Sadly, no similar news on the Eopie yet.
R2-D2 with holo Leia
November 21, 2000 | 4:45 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Lots of e-mail about this figure and TRU. And there are two different stories appearing – either people are walking into the stores and finding this figure by the dozen for $1.97, or they are being told that it’s not available, they don’t have any and won’t get any. One TRU in Killeen, TX, seems to have taken the R2-D2s out and then put the rest on the floor….sounds like some nasty employees at work there rather than the toys not being available. Basically, if you have been told these toys aren’t coming in at all, that doesn’t sound right at all – keep checking back. The chances are that the employees saying things like that are getting fed up with collectors asking about them and just want peace. These are positively definitely out there…keep looking! And be glad if you didn’t pay extra money on eBay.
12″ Aurra Sing
November 21, 2000 | 4:41 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
eToys have the 12″ Aurra Sing with book for the lower price of $45. Thanks to Jonathan Pagaduan for the news!
R2 with Holo Leia
November 20, 2000 | 10:55 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post
Toys R Us stores have been the place to find the elusive R2-D2 with Holo Leia and they should be even more plentiful the day after Thanksgiving. Stores are being told to keep the stock in the backroom until Friday November 24th. Reports of it being clearance priced at $1.97 also add to the drama. If you’re brave enough to tackle a toy store on “Black Friday,” good luck. I’d check in earlier also since most retailers don’t tend to obey street dates on “that” Friday.
Ultarama Stand Winner of the Week
November 20, 2000 | 10:29 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Congrats to Dave Weisberg, this weeks winner of the Ultarama stand. If you have not entered click on the link to the left. Send in your name.
Top Ten Survey
November 20, 2000 | 10:09 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
This in from the fine collectors at Rebelscum.com. “Our goal is quite simple, getting more of the figures collectors want made. In talking with Andy, taking into account the increase in “classic” figures and Episode II on the horizon, I asked what other Episode I figures we might see made. Andy expressed a real interest in finding out what figures collectors wanted and we developed the idea of a very simple survey that would allow fans to pick ten they wanted most.”
So I am not sure what you are waiting for, click on the link and cast your vote.
R2-D2 with Holo Leia is BACK!
November 20, 2000 | 5:25 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Coruscant Toys are reporting a find of a supply of R2-D2 with Holo Leia @ a TRU store – head over there for more! Thanks to t-bone28 for the info!
Cheap Maul Mask
November 20, 2000 | 2:17 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Tony sent in this info on a recent find: “I was at K-Mart shopping, and I noticed a Darth Maul mask Not a plastic one but a full head latex. There was a sign saying 90% off, but no price on the mask. I asked a guy and he said they were (originally) $8.99. When I got to the counter, the same guy, couldn’t figure how to ring it up, so he sent a coworker to find an Item for 8.99. He came back say this cost 6.99. Well to finish this, I paid .69 for a real nice Darth Maul mask”
Rorworr in the UK
November 20, 2000 | 2:13 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Unbelievable as it sounds, there is a way to get the Theed RPG game set with Rorworr in the UK right now.Amazon.co.uk have the toy in stock. For more details, and info on how to get a further £5 off the price, check out The Public Universe. Thanks to Walrus Man for pointing it out!
Sales, Sales, Sales
November 19, 2000 | 6:38 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
During this holiday season, FBTB continues to keep a daily eye on all of the Star Wars LEGO sales. I’ve added information for Best Buy, Media Play and WalMart.com today. If you’re looking for deals, then look no further!
New Star Wars LEGO Sets Arrive
November 19, 2000 | 6:36 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
I’ve received multiple reports of them showing up at Zellers and Toys’RUs stores . . . in Canada!
Invasion of Theed/Roworr pics
November 19, 2000 | 3:18 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Here are some nice pics of the Invasion of Theed box and Roworr figure. Thanks to Womprat for the pics.
Invasion of Theed Box
Free Figure Sticker
Canadian Store Reports
November 19, 2000 | 11:48 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
While we do, of course, invite collectors from all over the world to add their store reports to the section in our forums, the new forums over at TheCollectorConnector have a section for just Canadian reports, alongside other things. Here’s the news I received from webmaster Bill Roth:
“I have finally got around to generating Forums for THE Collector Connector.COM’s SMUGGLER’S RUN (www.thecollectorconnector.com). The first forum I have setup up is the Canadian Store Report. I will be generating many new forums in the very near future. In fact, I hope to have a Trading Post Forum setup before the end of the day today. I am also taking suggestions for Forums from my visitors Just email me your suggestions (billr@thecollectorconnector.com)”
New Videos
November 19, 2000 | 9:34 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Steve was kind enough to send over some pics and info of the new set of videos. Firstly, here are scans of the Widescreen cases:
ANH & ROTJ boxes
ESB box
Steve also sent in some info about the Episode Two content of the set. Since there is some factual information on Episode Two contained here, I’ve put it in a separate text file. Click here for the E2 information.
November 19, 2000 | 9:21 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Coruscant Toys are giving away the first wave of POTJ Collection 1 figures – head over to enter your name.
Defense of Naboo
November 19, 2000 | 9:18 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Yet more reports about this “exclusive” set showing up. Romeo Jun reports that he saw about 30 Defense of Naboo sets at a Value City in Streamwood, IL. $21.64 after tax. They also gave him a 20% off coupon (only valid until tomorrow though) and they had some of the items that have been found on clearance at TRU (Epic Force figures and Beast packs).
Epic Force cheap @ TRU
November 19, 2000 | 9:15 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Toys R Us in Beavercreek OH had 3 full cases of Epic Force Boba Fett, Darth Vader, C-3PO and Bespin Luke wave. They were just $1.97 each. Thanks to Rich for the news.
Invasion of Theed
November 19, 2000 | 2:09 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Now online at Amazon.com CLICK HERE to order it for $11.96. This is the one that has the action figure. Normally $14.99
New Star Wars LEGO Now Shipping
November 18, 2000 | 7:43 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
FBTB is reporting tonight that the new sets are beginning to show, along with the new Life on Mars line.
Still looking for…
November 18, 2000 | 4:42 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Porkins and crew well I spotted some at a KB today 1st I have seen or heard them being available at KB. So just another place to drop into if you still can’t nab them yet. Also a quick fyi but they were on .0000 cards of course no Gungan chilling with Nass And Porkins but we knew that right…?
Clarification on Rorworr
November 18, 2000 | 12:25 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Vic for the following news.
The Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game. This is an
introductory version of the Star Wars RPG aimed primarily at people who don’t typically play RPGs. It contains everything you need to start playing, and also includes the Rorworr action figure.
It will appear in two different packages, depending on where you buy it. Hobby stores wanted a box that will fit in with their other RPG product, so they’ll be carrying a windowless box that’s roughly 9×12. Chain stores like Wal-Mart and Toys-R-Us, prefer boxes that are sized more like board games, so they’re getting a box that’s about
11×16, with Rorworr visible through a window. (I’d expect that TRU will stock it not in the Star Wars section, but in the Wizards of the Coast specialty section, alongside the Dungeons and Dragons Adventure Game.)
To be clear, the contents of each box are identical – only the box itself is different.
Pick the New Yak Header
November 18, 2000 | 12:20 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
All you need to do is send an email with your favorite SIX figures (only Six), 3 3/4″ or 12″ to us. The top Six vote getters will be added to the new header. When voting for your figure, please specify
which line you are talking about (ie: vintage, POTF2, etc..).
November 17, 2000 | 8:12 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
My post from earlier on today about TNC Universe prompted a couple of e-mails about scalping. This topic seems to come up time and time again, so next week I will post a new Speak Up article, which I will write myself, about scalping in general. I think there are a lot of points which need to be spoken about. So, if you were thinking of writing, please hold off until you see that and then feel free to send in feedback. Thanks.
Mega Figs Cancelled
November 17, 2000 | 6:40 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
New Force Comics and CollectStarWars are reporting that Hasbro has cancelled the Mega Action line and that the Destroyer Droid will be the last one made for this assortment. No more quantities are available for order at the Hasbro warehouse.
Personally, I’m not suprised since Maul and Obi-Wan have barely sold around here and are collecting dust.
POTJ Cases
November 17, 2000 | 6:37 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Just in time for the holidays, Hasbro has promised to ship us more quantity of new Power of the Jedi action figures. Choose from these new case assortments scheduled to arrive within 10 days:
SW 2000 Collection 1 (Wv 1.5) (Item #84445AA, $89.99 with Qui-Gon Ginn Mos Espa Disguise and Leia Organa General)
SW 2000 Collection 1 (Wave 4) (Item #84445B, $89.99 with Dagobah Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi)
SW 2000 Collection 2 (Wave 5) (Item #84455C, $89.99 with Fode & Bede – Podrace Announcers and Sebulba – Boonta Eve Challenge)
Also, at Entertainment Earth they have this new case assortment.
SW POTJ Collection 2 (Wave 8) (Item #84455E, $89.99)
3x Queen Amidala Red Throne Room Gown (Theed Invasion)
3x Saesee Tin (Jedi Council)
2x Plo Koon
2x IG-88
1x K-3P0
1x Colonel Calamari
Need the latest figures?
November 17, 2000 | 12:40 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Received this from TNC Universe:
“Just wanted to let you know really quick that I have all the newest Star Wars releases in stock such as:
Leia Qui Gon Boss Nass Gungan Warrior Jek Porkins Darth Vader Ben Kenobi 6″ Destroyer Droid etc…
I also have the new waves of figures on the way as we speak.”
If you need any of these things, head over to their site!
Rorworr OUT NOW!
November 17, 2000 | 11:54 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Christopher for the following news.
“Just to let you know, I picked up the new SW Role Playing Game boxed set which includes the new Rorworr figure. The figure is very cool, and the set cost only $15. Unfortunately, there is no window to see the fig, so you’ll have to open it. I should probably mention that I scored this piece at Borders near Chicago.”
Updates updates updates
November 17, 2000 | 11:22 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Check out these cool photos courtesy of Dave Ross of Startoys and Collectables in the UK:
Boss Nass (Sacred Place) comparison – this pic shows a .0000 and a .0100 carded Nass. Dave says that there is an obvious paint change between the pair. It’s not highly visible in the photo, but it is clear when you see the figures.
.0000 and .0100 Boss Nass cardbacks – this pic shows the two card backs that Boss Nass is available on.
Darth Maul (Final Duel) with bubble sticker.
In other updates – a new Speak Up! article has been added, written by Sidster. Check it out! And also, a new newsfeed has been added from M&M Collectibles. The newsfeeds box is updated regularly so keep checking it!
Update: Just to clarify – the Boss Nass paint variant – which a couple of other people have confirmed by the way – is not a case of ‘one verion comes on a .0000 card, one on a .0100 card’. Uh uh. Deco changes have no effect on the numbers of the card – especially not in POTJ where all figures share a cardback. The two varying decos can be found on each card. Thanks to Bob for pointing out the possible misunderstanding there.
Harrison Ford Flies Solo
November 17, 2000 | 5:07 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Here is an interesting article in the new People. It seems that the once most envied marriage in Hollywood is now on a down side.
New Sebulba Images
November 16, 2000 | 11:24 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
here are some nice images of the new POTJ Sebulba compared to the figure that came with the Pod Racer. Thanks to Ian for the pics.
Sebulba Front
Sebulba Helmet On
Sebulba Helmet Off
Sebulba Side
$0.70 Applause 10″ figurines
November 16, 2000 | 11:18 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Talk City has quite a few 10″ Applause figurines for $.70 a piece.
Thanks to Mike for the news.
Vader Dagobah Case Assortment
November 16, 2000 | 11:15 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
4 Dagobah Vader
4 Ben Kenobi
1 General Leia
1 Qui-Gon Disguise
1 Anakin Mechanic
1 Darth Maul w/Break-Apart Sticker
Thanks to Brian Levine for the news.
POTF2 Rancor
November 16, 2000 | 9:45 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
KBkids.com has the Star Wars Deluxe Rancor Creature with Luke for $19.99 in stock.
Almost forgot
November 16, 2000 | 4:37 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
John of John’s Toys also wanted to mention a special for Yak readers only. John is offering 10% off any order whether in stock or on back order, so once again John comes thru with a great deal. Check them out now with an extra 10% off some steals are to be made… Just type in “Yak” for promotion code. If you happen to run into any trouble you can also give John a call at 1 800 505 8697.
Some info from John’s Toys
November 16, 2000 | 4:28 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Just talked with John at John’s Toys and he sent me over a list just recieved from Hasbro on coming figs. Most we have heard of others were put on hold (or were they?). Does this list confirm? Who knows anymore with them but here’s what was on it…
Han Solo Bespin
B/Droid Boomer Damage
Biker Scout
Darth Maul Sith Apprentice
Chewbacca Mechanic
Leia Bespin Escape
Colonel Calamri
Squid Face
Holo Nute Gunray
Lando Calrissian
Plo Koon
Amidala Red Throne
Sae Sae Tin Jedi Council
Jar Jar Tatooine
R2-D2 Black
I thought I’d put it up to see if Hasbro will respond with the same ol’, “we have no plans to release at this time”, answer. If that is the case then they need to not send these lists to the buyers, right? Also the poor ol’ Gungan Warrior looks to be a 1 per for quite sometime… A new case ratio was given on 1 future asst and here’s what it says…
Colonel Calamari x3
K3-P0 x3
Plo Koon x3
IG-88 x3
Sounds like a totally new fig case there, we’ll see…
Trilogy on shelves?
November 16, 2000 | 4:10 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Could it be… Well guys came back from a hunting trip (Star Wars that is) and saw a ton of trilogy vidoes sets at Walmart. This is in the N Darthmouth, Ma store so you might want to see if any round your way are doing the same, I also heard that some Sam’s club stores, part of Walmart, have done the same. Not sure on price I didn’t ask or buy, figure I’ll wait for sales. Good luck all.
Opps this is a surprise cause release date is supposed to be NOV 21st.
Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion)
November 16, 2000 | 12:17 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The new issue of Tomart’s has a pic of the upcoming Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion) figure. It looks like a nice figure but is kinda dull. So if you are curious you might want to pick up the new issue. Thanks to Paul for the news.
What the people think…(and know)
November 16, 2000 | 11:35 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Here’s some finds and reviews from a couple of our friendly Yak-ers (Yak readers). Thanks guys much appreciated.
“Hey, Sidster. Tim Enloe here from GA. Just figured I would drop you guys a note and relay what I found at a local walmart yesterday:
1. POTJ Obi-Wan ( Jedi-knight) – This figure rocks. Looks exactly like Alec Guiness. His posture is appropriate as well.
2. POTJ Leia / General: One word: Boring. Her hips look like she could bear triplets with ease.
3. POTJ Qui-Gonn / Mos Espa Disguise: Ho hum. Another Qui-Gon from Tatooine. He appears to be made from various past Qui-Gonn figures. Nice sculpt, but just too similar from figures past.
4. POTJ Dagobah Vader: Ok, every figure has to relinguish the #1 spot, so Removeable helmet vader, step down. This figure shows what can happen when Hasbro puts their minds together and listens to the fans. The face plat fits perfectly, and the emotionless face of Luke looks EXACTLY like that in the movie. The entire figure is clear with a black dusting with some areas darker than others. The eyes are a dark cranberry red and are transparent. In my twenty someodd years of collecting, this figure is #1.
Best regards,
Tim Enloe”
I agree with Tim on the Leia and Qui, nothing to drive and waste gas on… Can’t comment on Vader wave yet cause don’t own them unfortunately *sigh*… On another note Yak-er Marsboy
wrote to say he found a case of Vader wave also and noted Vader and Old Ben has both 4 per case with all others at 1. Thanks guys.
Han Bespin Capture and Battle Droid Boomer Carded
November 15, 2000 | 7:47 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Here are pics of the new Han Bespin Capture and Battle Droid Boomer damaged carded. Thanks to Clive for the pics.
Battle Droid Front
Han (Bespin Capture) Front & Back
November 15, 2000 | 11:45 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Rebelscum says that if you do a running a search for “Star Wars: Fighter with Pilot” at EToys you will find an item for the price is $26.99, and with a description of “x”. However, the title of the product is “Star Wars: Fighter with Pilot Assortment”. Could this be the Y-Wing? We heard that Etoys was going to get the Y-Wing eventually however there is no way to tell if this is it. So if you feel lucky and need a Y-Wing you might want to go over to Etoys.
UPDATE: The search doesn’t work anymore and I cannot find the item under anything else. If anyone is able to find it again please let me know. Thanks.
5.99 POTJ
November 15, 2000 | 11:40 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Eric for the following news.
“Stopped in family toy warehouse yesterday and they had POTJ figures for $5.99.”
They are located in Ohio ,as well as PA . There are about 25 stores
More Wizards!
November 15, 2000 | 7:24 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Matt was kind enough to send in this bit of news about Wizards of the Coast.
Wizards of the Coast now has retail store locations! They are called
Wizards of the Coast, are located in malls, and stock Wizards RPG,
Wizards CCG, computer games, board games, and much more.
Thanks Matt, also the URL to order it online is store.wizards.com, hope this helps.
.00 and .01 Porkins wave
November 14, 2000 | 10:59 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Just got a mail from a Yak reader and guess the search is on now… Like we have previously heard new figure waves with Porkins and Qui and crew are shipping on .0000 backs as well as new .0100. So the vari collectors better get the hunt on especially with the Gungan Soldier being 1 per case. Here’s what our Yak reader had to say…
I picked up the new Porkins wave/coll 2 tonight at Wal-mart in central Cali, all figures have a new card back w/ K-3P0 and are .0100.
This is a first in our area as all the others where .0000 including General Leia”
Sorry no credit given but no name was given. Thanks for info though and guys get your hunt on…
Still need an Admiral in your army?
November 14, 2000 | 10:49 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
The little scavengers at Jawa.com are giving away that *cka cka* Admiral *cka* Motti you need… So head over and rescue him from Vaders grip or is it the Jawas grip? Hmmmm…
Mega Destroyer Droid Case Assortment
November 14, 2000 | 9:24 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
There are four figures in the new Mega case assortment. 2 Obi-Wan’s
and 2 Destroyer Droids.
Thanks to Eric for the news.
New figs at Toymaniacs
November 14, 2000 | 5:01 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Jay from AmericanDreamComics mailed to say he noticed that Toymaniacs have the Porkins and Qui Gon waves in stock. I’m sure they won’t last get there quick.
UPDATE: All but Qui Gon are sold out.
POTJ for $5 at EB
November 14, 2000 | 11:10 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Warren for the following news.
“I went to my local Electronics Boutique last night and found the new
Darth Maul and Anakin Mechanic for $4.99. They also had R2 and hooded
Obi-Wan, but they were still regular price of $7.99. I asked the clerk and he said that they had “had the others for a while, and that’s why they were on sale.” I was under the impression they were from the exact same case assortment, but hey, whatever.”
Might be a good time to check EB and see if you can get some of the earlier POTJ figs for the correct $5 price.
Star Wars Galaxy Collector Magazine RIP
November 14, 2000 | 11:08 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Gary for the following news. He received this in the mail just yesterday.
Dear Star War Fan:
We regret to inform you that Topps has ceased publishing Star Wars Galaxy Collector Magazine, with issue #8 being the final issue. Attached is your refund check for the unused portion of your subscription. Topps regrets any inconveniences this may have caused and thanks for your patience and support.
May the Force be with you.
Topps Publishing
News on Star Wars RPG
November 14, 2000 | 7:50 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Wanna get the new RPG Game with the exclusive wookie figure? release date is Nov 22nd, if you are having trouble finding it in a local store, you can always order online. The price will be $14.95. Here are some things that you will want to know. The Star Wars RPG will retail at $34.95, that is the full scale game and does not come with the figure. The game that you want to get is the Star Wars Roleplaying Game :Invasion of Theed, this game comes with the figure, source book, maps, Rules, and dice. This is a basic introductory game set so that you can see if you will like the game and then you can get the full scale game if you like it. I hope this helps.
KBKids.com Deals
November 14, 2000 | 7:08 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Here are some more good deals for the holiday season.
Star Wars Episode I: 12″ Electronic TC-14 Action Figure $7.50, normally $29.99
Star Wars Electronic Power F/X X-wing with Figure $19.99
Darth Maul’s Double Bladed Lightsaber (Hasbro) $6.25 normally $24.99
Use the code FIRSTTIMEBUYER to get $10 off a $40 min. purchase (expires 12/31, new customers only)
Skiff and Y-Wing no more?
November 13, 2000 | 8:19 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Trevor wrote to Target about the Skiff and Y-Wing and this is what he got back.
“At Target, our mix of merchandise constantly changes to reflect the
ever-changing trends and needs of the communities surrounding our stores. I am sorry but the item you are seeking has been discontinued and our manufacturers are no longer producing it. Once an item has been discontinued it is marked down for clearance to make room for new merchandise. Because these items were manufactured exclusively for Target, they are no longer available through our manufacturer or any other outlet. We are unable to search for clearanced merchandise or transfer between stores. I am sorry for any disappointment.”
Star Wars LEGO Sales
November 13, 2000 | 7:39 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
De, Ace and myself are committed to bringing you all the latest sales information for the Star Wars LEGO line this holiday season – so stop by FBTB if you have any sets on your Christmas list!
This weeks Ultarama Winner
November 13, 2000 | 5:51 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Congrats to Bill Wallin, he is the lucky winner of the Ultarama Stand. If you have not entered already, click on the picture to the left and send an email to us. It is that easy to enter.
Info on Star Wars RPG premiere
November 13, 2000 | 5:20 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Got this from a bud and fellow Unioner, on the Star Wars RPG game premiere on Sat in Seattle. Read more below…
“Hi Sidi,
Stuck at home with a cold, but I did make the Star Wars RPG premiere on Saturday. I saw Jake Lloyd and Peter Mayhew , along with Drew Stuzan(artist). All were signing autographs but were limiting items to one per person. Only Jake L was signing items other than posters.
I did see Rorrworr in person (4″), to be honest I think all wookiees look the same. (i.e. he looks too much like Chewie with lighter fur.).
The game wasn’t on sale although the packaging with contents could be held in ones hand. I think I saw two versions of the packaging – one with a window, and one without — I am not sure which will actually show up. (I hope the window version).”
Thanks to Pete for the info (get better man), sounded kinda fun. Sounds like they brought along both the proto packaging and the 1 that’ll be released. Thanks again man. Anyone else go and have any more to share let me knowhere.
News in Spanish!
November 13, 2000 | 3:50 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Joseph’s Toys will, from now on, translate popular news site Sandtroopers.com into Spanish and repost it there. So for all you Spanish-speaking collectors…check out Joseph’s Toys for news in your own language! They are also giving away a Sebulba & a Fode & Bede figure, see the site for more info.
TRU prepares for $0.97 sale
November 13, 2000 | 2:39 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
“I went to a TRU in Paramus , NJ, they already had the sticker for the $.97 figures on the pegs, I questioned the manager, he said it was pre-mature, but gave me the figs anyway for the price….got a “Sandtrooper” and “Luke As Stormtrooper”…not a bad deal…..”
Thanks to Austin for the news.
Sith Lords shipping soon from EE
November 13, 2000 | 2:38 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Chad Ryan called Entertainment Earth today about his 12″ Sith Lords 2-pack, and was told it would ship in the next 2 days. I would assume that this is the same for anyone else who has ordered the set from EE.
Are you still looking for that…
November 13, 2000 | 1:17 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
I know a bunch of you guys are still looking for that vintage Star Wars watch from ’77… Give it up guys it isn’t in mom’s attic or 1 of your 30 boxes in the garage. But it is at John’s Toys for a mere $49.99. Yup John and I were chatting today and mentioned he had an old stock of these, case fresh I might add, vintage Texas Instrument Star Wars watches. C’mon guys this is when the digital watch days ruled, start an ol’ school comeback. I remember myself owning 1 and thinking I was the man, HA.
John also mentioned getting some cases of new figs again this week and would let me know what and when. So keep checking here.
Also I figured I’d mention he has the elusive R2 with Holo Leia still and some other goodies. Check them out at the link above.
Deluxe Figure Line?
November 13, 2000 | 7:49 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Could the deluxe figures be on their way back? I have spoken with Hasbro and it appears they are working on a new line (obviously for sometime in the future, probably 2002). One of the figures in the line that is being worked on is Luke in the Bacta tank. Let’s see how far this progresses to becoming reality. On another note, it appears the Luke with CD will not be coming out. Latest word is we can chalk that one up to the prototypes that may never be released.
Target LEGO Ad
November 12, 2000 | 4:42 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post

Check out the ad, very good combo deal for these LEGO sets. This equals close to 70% off. CLick on the image for a full size scan of the ad.
November 11, 2000 | 7:33 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
ACPin has updated his customs website with some cool new “in-flight” dioramas. If you’ve not checked out this site yet, take a look – these are nicely done and they’re something different to the standard diorama.http://acpin.homestead.com/Home.html.
You will be rewarded nicely…
November 11, 2000 | 5:54 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Hey guys got a mail from Jay over at AmericanDreamComics he wrote me and mentioned their custom contest and very cool winning prize. Read below…
“Hello Sidster,
I was wondering if you could let your readers know about our custom contest we are having at www.AmericanDreamComics.com for a free R2-D2 w/Holo Leia. People can see our site for all the details.
More TRU News
November 11, 2000 | 9:00 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Brad sent this in:
“Info from the INDY market! While the rumors of large amounts of figures on the way IS TRUE, the exact details of exactly who will be in the cases will not be known until they arrive in the stores. Any rumors at this point will be pure speculation, unless anyone out there knows one of our buyers at the national office. They tend to not respond to e-mails about action figures- I know from experience. We will however, be seeing EP1 collections 1,2, and3, POTF classic commtech, EP1 beast packs, EP1 cinema scenes, Naboo fighters, Droid Fighters, Queen Starships, and a few Trade federation tanks. In my market (Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and some of Illinois) there are no current orders out for Invasion force or the 3 3/4″ Sith 2pk. The orders for the figures are due to hit the DC around the 11th of the month with them showing up at the stores within about a week of that date. The day I pull the cases off of the truck, I will e-mail you and let you know what the bounty will be.”
So, all being well Brad will write again when some solid info is available.
Speak up!!
November 10, 2000 | 8:08 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
I have added a new story to the Speakup section. Check it out, click on the link on the right side menu in the features section. You can email me if you have any comments on it. I will be glad to add items from the fans.
POTJ Wave 8 Assortment
November 10, 2000 | 6:58 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Entertainment Earth and Rebelscum are saying that POTJ Collection 2 (Wave 8) will include:
3x Queen Amidala Red Throne Room Gown (Theed Invasion)
3x Saesee Tin (Jedi Council)
2x Plo Koon
1x K-3P0
1x Colonel Calamari
2x IG-88
With a possible release in Jan 2001. Of course everything is subject to change.
12″ Sith Lords OUT!
November 10, 2000 | 6:51 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The all new Power of the Jedi Action Collection SW 12inch Sith Lords 2-Pack (Item #32438, $49.99) is now in stock and shipping.
Limited quantity available. Once this small shipment is gone, no more units will be available. Due to the manufacturing process, the clear window boxes on all units are slightly creased or scratched and are estimated to be in C-8 or better condition. Only at Entertainment Earth.
Figure List
November 10, 2000 | 6:36 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
A friend of mine found this list of figures in the Wal*Mart computers. Some of the stuff is out already, but there is some interesting stuff on these that has been rumored before, plus some newer things. Luke (Bacta) is there, along with Ketwol and Darth Vader (Battle). Also interesting is that Holo Amidala and Obi-Wan are in there. These were, supposedly, cancelled, although Hasbro never officially said that. Actually come to think of it, Hasbro never officially announced those figures in the first place (as far as I remember)…but samples or prototypes of both did show up. In any case, it’s not a Hasbro list so it’s not confirmed information, but interesting nonetheless.
Mr X stops by…
November 10, 2000 | 5:22 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
My friend and 1 of my inside guys, Mr X just stopped by and confirmed some info on TRU stuff….He said these are confirmed buys that TRU made from good ol’ Hasbro.
POTF cases with Holo R2’s
Ep1 cases of both Coll#1 and 2-Coll#2 cases look to be the Holo Sid wave and not Sio
Wattos Box cases
Invasion Force cases with both Obi/sub and Maul/probe
and Ep1 beast cases BUT not with the Eopies as these were only made for overseas-but most likely with Jabba and announcers
Queen Starship looks like it will make a return too but still at the $50 price tag, but still early and maybe that price might lower
So there ya go guys, whether this stuff will hit on Black Fri is another issue. This could just be stuff ordered for the holiday shopping season, and shipped sporadically. I will try to find out more soon.
Cheap figs – again!
November 10, 2000 | 11:50 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
M&M Collectibles are offering some special deals with select figures for $0.99! Check out their latest newsfeed – in the newsfeeds section on the Quick Links bar – for more info!
Update: Please note that this offer is limited to 2 of each figure per person.
Some more TRU sale speculation
November 10, 2000 | 11:15 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well as Mark posted earlier and we all have heard TRU will have some sales on SW merchandise on Black Friday. Now what it will be everyone is wondering…
These are some things that have been told we could see.
Vader/Trooper/R2 Holo waves
Coll# 2-3 Ep1 wave figs-Holo Sid-Sio Bibble-TC-14 waves
Final Duel 2 packs
Wattos Box cs
2nd Invasion Force Obi/Maul wave
Jabba w/ announcer/Eopie beast wave
Please guys keep in mind that this TOTAL speculation and hearsay.
Me I am in the school of “I’ll believe it when I see it”. If even some was there it’d be cool for sure, but Eopies? I can’t see that. Also many people are screaming R2 HOLO but guys remember even IF they are there, they still will only be 1 per case so don’t expect tons at all. I’m working on finding out more and if I can confirm ANY of this I will let all know.
UPDATE:If any TRU employees can confirm please gimmie a holler here.
Christmas Helpers
November 10, 2000 | 10:46 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
I’m posting this again because I messed up and there was a typo in the original link. So here goes again. If this is of interest to you, please head over to action-figures.net:
“In December we are doing our hospital run to Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia and need costumed helpers. Stormtroopers, a Vader, Sandtroopers, a Boba Fett, etc…. There will be no pay in this for anyone participating except the ability to make a child’s Christmas holiday season (possibly in some of their cases their last) a better one. We will be giving these children wrapped action figures and vehicles from star wars (both boys and girls) and desperately need help. It will be a great event and would really appreciate anyone’s assistance with this. We have done this in the past and it gives you the greatest feeling inside seeing these kids faces especially with the costumed characters helping. Anyone in the Philadelphia area who has access to these costumes and is willing to help we would like you to contact us.”
Once again, head over to action-figures.net if you can help!
Toys R Us Thanksgiving day sale.
November 10, 2000 | 9:07 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Tom writes in with this info. “Looks like the day after Thanksgiving we will see all kinds of great deals. Including figures for a measly .97 cents. These will include POTF2 and Ep1 figures. He has received word that there are figure cases on order from Hasbro that will be shipping to the stores, these cases could even include the rumored r2 Holo cases that Hasbro has been sitting on. This is not fact but just a specultaion.”
Thanks for the info Tom. Looks like this could be an interesting Friday after Thanksgiving.
Hasbro Website?
November 10, 2000 | 8:24 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
ave you been wondering about the lack of updates? Well I spoke with Andy yesterday and he asked me to pass this on to you. They are getting ready to launch a new Star Wars website. Completely overhauled. This new site will eventually contain the most complete inventory of images including all of the toys Hasbro/ Kenner has made for Star Wars. This include the vintage toys dating back to 1977. As the date nears we will post more information.
November 10, 2000 | 8:20 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Don’t forget that tomorrow the 11th, if you live anywhere near Seattle or are going there, the Wizard Star Wars Roleplaying game will be premiered at Planet Hollywood. Peter Mayhew and Jake Lloyd are featured guests. You can read about it RIGHT HERE!
Amazon.com Lego Sale
November 10, 2000 | 8:03 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Trade Federation AAT (7155) $14.99
Millennium Falcon (7190) $79.99
TECHNIC Battle Droid (8001) $19.99
B-Wing at Rebel Control Center (7180) $19.99
TIE Interceptor (7181) $79.99
Slave I (7144) $14.99
Also they seem to be getting many of the MicrMachines that Toys R Us online had. Here is a list of coupons that you can use….
Use the code MMTYS3674539 to get $15 off ($60 min. purchase, Toy department only, expires ??/??)
Use the code AMAZ-SPEC-NNVV to get $10 off ($30 min. purchase, Toy department only, expires 11/20)
On a side note, this was posted on Amazon yesterday…. Breaking News: Another shipment of PlayStation2 game packs is expected to arrive next week. They will be available for sale as soon as we receive them in our warehouse. Unfortunately, we are unable to give exact arrival times, so your best bet is to check back here early and often. We expect that these will sell out very quickly. Don’t worry if you miss out–another larger shipment will be arriving next week.
(Editors note – The game pack comes with the system, three games, a DVD movie and an extra controller, there are three different games packs to choose from)
OK now them Jawas have done it….
November 9, 2000 | 7:40 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
I talked earlier with my brown cloaked Battledroid buddy 00m-9 from Jawa.com and he warned me to check them out later…..Well I did and what I see I could sell a body part for (well maybe a pinky lol). My man Innis scored pics of the most incredible unreleased carded figs in a LONG time….Headover and check out carded pics of Chewie Dejarik champ on an unreleased POTF CommTech 2 style card. Innis also has incredible pics of POTJ Tusken Raider, Mas Amedda, and Coruscant Guard on unreleased Ep1 CT2 cards. Guys must say these are well worth your time and what a find. Congrats Innis and crew you guys found some incredible pieces I, and many others would LOVE to own.
Cheap figs now!
November 9, 2000 | 5:44 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
From Pete S in NJ: “Today and tomorrow only, (11-9 & 11-10), all of the leftover Episode 1 Star Wars figures are on clearance for $.97 each at Bradlees stores!!!”
Porkins wave at EB stores
November 9, 2000 | 3:32 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Just some quick info that the Porkins wave of figs are starting to hit EB stores now. I called my local store early in the week and they were able to tell me they expected a case this week. I called or checked in everday and finally scored today. Guys be nice if they say they are coming and it takes a few days don’t get the impatient attitude cause that don’t get ya anywhere. The woman in this store actually put them aside knowing how much I wanted them but also said it was cause I was a nice guy. Guys it works I have been in retail mgt for 9 yrs and I was the same if you were nice you got it if not I could’ve cared less. Also just a wanted to mention these were on .00 backs as I have heard this wave is shipping on .01 now, so not sure how rare the .00 backs could turn out. Anyway good score in 2 ways. Good luck guys.
Watto’s Box at KB
November 9, 2000 | 1:48 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Watto’s Box has begun showing up at KB’s around the US. So far its been spotted on the East Coast and in the South. If anyone else has found it please let me know. It is priced for only $7.99.
Mega Action Destroyer Droid Set
November 9, 2000 | 1:47 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The newest Star Wars Power of the Jedi Mega figures are now in stock and shipping. The Mega Action Figure 2-Pack (Item #84355A, $23.99) includes the new Destroyer Droid and Obi Wan Kenobi (individually boxed). The awesome new Destroyer Droid transforms from offensive attack mode to armored transport mode. Only at Entertainment Earth.
12″ Elec Vader Cheap
November 9, 2000 | 12:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Kbkids.com has the 12″ Electronic Vader for only $20 now. Good deal if you have been waiting for it to become cheaper. Thanks to Grayhank for the news.
New Poll
November 8, 2000 | 11:00 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
We have now added a poll, please check it out. It is on the left menu bar, just scroll down a little. Also don’t forget to click on the ultarama image and send in your name to have a chance to win one for free. We are giving them away once a week until x-mas.
Mega Destroyer Droid OUT!
November 8, 2000 | 2:19 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The Mega Destroyer Droid is now out in stores. It has been found in both Oregon and WA.
Which Fett Will We Get?
November 8, 2000 | 1:09 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
It seems as though we are not sure which box we will get. There are a couple of boxes that have been seen.Collectstarwars.com has some nice pics of the finished 300th Fett figure as Brian Pointed out below. They mention on the site that it is a .01 box. That boxed image is the one that we have had posted right here This was taken at the Plano show, this image comes from Rebelscum.com. SirSteve’s Guide has a nice shot (kinda small but a good shot) of what appears to be a prototype box. You can see it right here. We may soon find out which is the actual box that will ship and which one may be a holy grail for variation hunters. If you have any info send me an email.
300th Fett Pics
November 8, 2000 | 11:32 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Collectstarwars.com has some nice pics of the finished 300th Fett figure. It looks to be one of the best if not the best SW figure ever.
The Official Star Wars Fan Film Network
November 8, 2000 | 7:55 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Lucasfilm and AtomFilms have joined forces! Find out how to submit your own “Star Wars” inspired short film to the Official Star Wars Fan Film Network! Click Here to read all about it.
Info on DPCI# for 12″ Tarpals set
November 7, 2000 | 11:23 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
I decided to remove the 1st post and repost, cause it got kicked down from all our helpful posts ;). I figured most still want to see it and/or those who didn’t would. So here it is again with a BIG thanks once again to Ryan for this info.
Target exclusive 12″ Tarpals and Kaadu
Price: $59.99
DPCI# 087-06-0543
Remember guys BE NICE when calling, yes Target can get on your nerves. But does it matter more if they get on yours or you on theirs? Momma always said…
More finds at EBWorld
November 7, 2000 | 11:12 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Jay from AmericanDreamComics sent this info in on the pudgy Porkins wave over at EBWorld…
“Hey Sid,
Just thought I would let you guys know that
ebworld has this wave in stock.
Thanks Jay so another option for the new stuff, I’m sure they won’t last long. Get over there now.
New Star Wars LEGO Deals at Etoys.com
November 7, 2000 | 10:23 PM EST | Tim | Talk About This Post
If you head over to Etoys.com, you’ll find that they now have the B-Wing and Technic Battle Droid sets for 33% off, as well as Slave I and the AAT for 25% off. This is in addition to the six sets that they still have on sale at 50% off, including the very popular Snowspeeder set.
Eletronic Deals at Etoys
November 7, 2000 | 8:11 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Here are some good deals on some electronic Ep 1 items.
Episode I: Escape from Naboo Lazer Air Battle Game (think of the game Operation) $5.00 normally $24.99
Episode I: Naboo and Droid Fighter Laser Fighters $5.00 normally $22.99
Episode I: Naboo Royal Starship Answering Machine $12.99 normally $49.99
POTJ Cases
November 7, 2000 | 4:43 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
SW 2000 Collection 2 (Wave 3) (Item #84455B, $89.99)
Includes 2x Jek Porkins X-Wing Pilot , 2x Boss Nass Gungan Sacred Place, 1x Gungan Warrior, 1x Tusken Raider, 1x Chewbacca Dejarik Champion, 1x Mas Amedda, 2x Coruscant Guard, and 2x Battle Droid Security.
SW 2000 Collection 1 (Wave 1) (Item #84445A, $89.99)
Includes 4x Darth Maul Final Duel, 4x Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi, 2x R2-D2 Naboo Escape and 2x Anakin Skywalker Mechanic.
SW 2000 Collection 1 (Wv 1.5) (Item #84445AA, $89.99)
Includes 3x Qui-Gon Ginn Mos Espa Disguise, 3x Leia Organa General, 2x Darth Maul Final Duel, 2x R2-D2 Naboo Escape, 1x Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi and 1x Anakin Skywalker Mechanic. Only at Entertainment Earth.
November 7, 2000 | 3:58 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
EBWorld is taking pre-orders on a bunch of new items, and have expected shipping dates too:
300th edition Boba Fett
12″ Legacy asst
12″ Sith Lords 2-pack
Jedi Power fig
100th edition 12″ Luke
The expected shipping date is the same for all of these items: 2nd December 2000.
As you can see, the detail they give on the items is…well, no good. For instance, there is no way to specify what you get if you pre-order the 12″ Legacy asst. But nonetheless, there are the links for anyone who wants to order.
Thanks go to Patrick for the list of links!
John’s strikes back
November 7, 2000 | 3:56 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Just talked with my buddy John at John’s Toys again and figured I’d pass this on to those still in need (like me). John just got a bunch of cases of both the new Porkins and Qui Gon wave so act quick I doubt they’ll last long. He also mentioned he got a bunch of the still hard to find army builders- Coruscant Guard, Tusken Raider, Security Battledroid. Good for us East coast dwellers as I still have yet to see these new figs anywhere. So guys next thing to do is hit the link above or call John at 1-800 505-TOYS.
12″ Aurra Sing
November 7, 2000 | 3:51 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
From Trevor Parkinson:
Buy.com has the Aurra Sing book and 12 incher for $48.75, plus if you go via flamingoworld.com, you can use a coupon for $20 off when you spend $100.
A little off subject, but I originally had a very poor flamingo joke in the title of this post but removed it in the interests of the readers.
A bunch of sightings
November 7, 2000 | 3:42 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Since so many people write and ask where the new stuff is to be found, here’s a few recent reports of findings. Remember to check out the store reports area in our Forums to read about more finds, and please post your own!
Steve found the Porkins wave at a K-Mart in Lodi, New Jersey.
Chris and a bunch of others have found Porkins wave, Qui-Gon and Coruscant Guards (still tough to find) at Target and TRU stores in the Chicagoland area. And Chris adds that Boss Nass and Qui-Gon are already warming the pegs.
Qui-Gon and Leia were found at local Utah Target stores by Mitchel.
Rob found Porkins wave @ Target in Kokomo, Indiana last week and also found the Leia/Qui-Gon figs in Indianapolis.
Qui Gon/Leia at Target
November 7, 2000 | 1:25 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The Qui Gon/Leia Wave has started showing up at Target. It has been found at Targets in CA only so far. Thanks to Jason for the news.
Free POTJ figs?
November 7, 2000 | 11:42 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Yup my favorite lil scavengers have hoarded some POTJ and are giving them away. Visit Jawa.com for your shot at a couple of figs, heck they’re free why wouldn’t ya.
“Hello Sidster,
I just wanted to let you know that we are giving away a POTJ Chewbacca (Dejarik Champion) and a Tusken Raider (Desert Sniper) this week at TheJawa.com.
Steve (Jawa)”
Good luck guys.
Wizards RPG
November 7, 2000 | 10:09 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Coming this Friday the 11th to Seattle’s Planet Hollywood. Read the news article at the Wizards Home Page. Very interesting, seems that Chewy and Anakin will be there also. Head over and check it out.
12″ Dewback and Sandtrooper
November 7, 2000 | 8:04 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Now back in stock at amazon.com. Click this Star Wars Dewback & Sandtrooper link to get yours. Enter this code AMAZSPECNNVV for $10 off a $30 order.
Giraffes also don’t seem to change their spots.
November 6, 2000 | 10:10 PM EST | Ben | Talk About This Post
Even giraffes from the Amazon…
We are sorry to report that we will not be able to obtain the following
item from your order:
“Electronic C-3PO and R2-D2”
Though we had expected to be able to send this item to you, we’ve
since found that it is not available from any of our sources at this
time. We realize this is disappointing news to hear, and we apologize for any inconvenience we have caused you.
Please know that we expend significant effort to keep abreast of
prices and availabilities. However, occasionally our web site will
not reflect all changes in supplier availability. Once again, we are
sorry for any inconvenience such inaccuracies may have caused you.
Your order is now closed.
Thanks for shopping at Amazon.com, and we hope to see you again!
Customer Service Department
300th Fett On the Way
November 6, 2000 | 7:44 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to Jason for the following news.
“The new Boba Fett figure is in the TRU computer systems. The warehouse that services his area (SW VA) does not have them yet but they are ordered.”
Mega Destroyer Droid
November 6, 2000 | 6:34 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Rebelscum have some great pics of the upcoming Mega Action Destroyer Droid figure – stop by and take a look!
Sci-Fi Expo
November 6, 2000 | 4:48 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Check out this newsfeed from the organizer of the Sci-Fi Expo event:
Star Wars Villians appearing at the Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show Nov 11 and 12
What: Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show
When: 10a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m Sunday
Where: Crockett Center, 6301 Highway 290 East, 1/2 mile east of Interstate
As far as movie villains go, bounty hunter Aurra Sing is little more than a blink of the eye in ‘The Phantom Menace’, the latest in George Lucas¹ Star Wars series. Yet the character played by Michonne Bourriague has become a cult favorite among sci-fi fans who will be able to meet the actress Saturday and Sunday. She’s on screen for just a few seconds but everyone is nuts for her. They call her ‘Babe-Fett” said expo organizer Ben Stevens. The name is a take-off on Boba-Fett, the bounty hunter who chased pilot Han Solo and his friends through two Star Wars movies. Ms. Bourriague will be joined at the show by Dave Prowse, who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy. Mr. Prowse, who lives in England, is flying in just for the show. ‘Dave is always popular with the fans, and not just because he’s one of the all-time favorite movie villains’, Mr. Stevens said. ‘but he’s always got a minute to chat with fans and answer questions about Star Wars and his weight-lifiting career. He’s really friendly and down-to-earth, and the fans appreciate that.
The celebrity guests will be available both days, signing autographs,
shaking hands and talking to the fans. To avoid long lines, numbers will be given out at the door, allowing fans to shop for toys and memorabilia while they wait for their turn to meet the actors. And with 150 exhibit tables at this show, there¹s plenty to see, Mr. Stevens said. Of course we have Star Wars’ and Star Trek’ toys and memorabilia, but we go beyond that, he said. Many of the exhibitors will be bringing Pokemon, Gundham, Hot Wheels, comic books, movie posters, vintage toys & Beanie Babies.
Anyone who is into toys or movies is sure to find something they love. The expo will also feature an ongoing demonstration of Decipher Cards newest Star Wars game. The Young Jedi game will be played tournament style throughout the weekend, with children and adults competing for prizes.
Tickets to the Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show are $6 for adults, $3 for ages 6 to 12 and free for ages 5 and under. Celebrity guests have photos available to sign and charge for autographs, usually from $10 to $15 depending on the item.
For more information, call 972-578-0213 or visit the Web site at
TRU Vehicle Markdown?
November 6, 2000 | 4:44 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Have the TRU mid-size vehicles been marked down again? Mattrix sent this in:
“I was just in my local Toys ‘R Us yesterday and I figured I would finally get around to getting an A-Wing. The price was marked at $10 but when I took it up front it rang up as only $5! I couldn’t beleive it. I can only assume that the T-16 was the same price seeing as it was marked in the aisle at $10. I’m not sure if it was just a local thing or if all of the Toys ‘R Us stores are doing this, but it certainly would be worth checking out if you don’t have these toys.”
If you see the same thing near you, let us know!
Update: Chris reports the same – $4.97 for the A-Wing or the T-16 @ TRU in Lynnwood, WA.
Update2: Greg the Vader Tie fighter is also 5 at TRU as i mentioned I think last week. Good deals guys get’em now, I saw 2 cases today at a nearby TRU so they seem to be still shipping.
Another great bargain
November 6, 2000 | 12:19 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Just got off the phone with my buddy John at John’s Toys and wanted to let you guys in on a great deal he has going on. John told me he was just able to buy the remaining stock of the Applause Luke Bacta tank statues and has them-CHEAP. For those not familiar with the piece I personally think it’s 1 of the best they’ve done. The attention to detail here is awesome, 2-1B at his control panel with Luke hanging in the tank, but the clincher-the tank lights up. I personally have this piece and honestly it’s 1 of my favorite pieces in my collection. Great for the Empire lovers, and something from a scene we have never seen much-if anything-produced for. John’s is able to bring this piece at a drastic discount too. These sold originally for $125, John’s price $39. A steal again so grab them while ya can, heck these would make killer presents for the holidays.
John also mentioned he should be recieving cases of the new Porkins wave this week, and he mentioned some cases were still available for order. Good for us East coast people as I have yet to see any in stores. Check John’s out at the link above or call them at
Sith Lords 12″ 2 pack coming soon
November 6, 2000 | 10:40 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Got an email from Yak reader Tom in Colorado, he had this to say about the 2 pack at TRU.
“I noticed in our system yesterday that the 12″ Sith Lord pack was now being allocated to stores. From what was told to me this set could show up in our store(s) this week or next.”
Tom also noted some stores may get things before others, which we know cause I still can’t find new POTJ FIGS… lol
So keep an eye open at your local TRU and let the Sidster know if and where you scored it.
Hasbro clearance everywhere
November 5, 2000 | 11:20 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Seems everyone is getting the Hasbro warehouse cleanup remnants from the big guys to the discount stores. A local discount chain here in the S. East Ma. area called Ocean State Job Lot has got a bunch of Star Wars stuff in, CHEAP. Here’s what I saw…
Complete Galaxies all 4 for 5 bux
Queen Amidala dolls from the hair dolls to Portrait edition 8-10 bux
Older Classic die cast 99 cents
Jabba glob 3 bux
R2 art center 5 bux
Window box Stap with Battledroid 3 bux
A ton of Kfc, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell toys and even some cup toppers
99 cents-3 bux
Saw some older green card figs too not sure what they were priced at.
They had some other stuff too like puzzles, Illuminations for the walls, few other things. Definetly worth a stop.
Cool reviews at Rebelscum
November 5, 2000 | 11:07 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Looks like the hearsay of new figs is true, the guys over at Rebelscum have some good mini reviews on the new figs just hitting now. Also they have a scan of the new added sticker to the Maul, like we don’t have enough of them hanging around on pegs… I still need the Porkins and Qui wave nevermind the Vader and others, sooo many figs sooo little time… Good luck with the hunt guys. Just an fyi I am hearing just the upper West coast is getting the Vader waves so with luck I’ll see them here on the East coast by uhhhh new year. Check out Rebelscum with the link above.
Info for the East
November 5, 2000 | 6:44 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
For those of you on the East coast – I’ve been getting many many reports of the Porkins wave showing up in quantity on the pegs @ K-Mart stores. If you’ve not been checking there, it’s definitely worth a look because lots of people are finding them.
Gold plated Micro Machines strike back..
November 5, 2000 | 4:22 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Yak reader Pete wrote in with these finds at a McFrugals store near him…
“Just wanted to let you know that my local McFrugals (Chico) has those gold plated Micro Machines for $14.99. I’m not sure if this is a good deal, but then again, I haven’t seen them before. I’m pretty sure that I read somewhere that they were an FAO exclusive, so I assume this would be a good deal. Anyways, I picked up the Imperial Shuttle/Galactic Symbol. They also had the Slave I, Millunium Falcon, Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter, Luke’s X-Wing. I can’t remember how they were packaged, but they had all of the ones that I listed.”
Good score Pete those ran around the 100 mark when they 1st popped on the scene and they were an FAO exc. I had picked up an Imperial Shuttle a month or so back at a KB outlet store for 4.99. But never heard many others finding them that cheap. But even at 14.99 they are definetly a good deal. Thanks Pete.
UPDATE: Jim from Cali wrote in to say he saw these same sets at a Pic-nSave so you might wanna check them if nearby.
General Leia and Qui-Gon in stock
November 5, 2000 | 8:39 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Starshow Collectibles have the General Leia and Qui-Gon (Moisture Farmer) figures in stock for $8.99 each. They also have the first 5 Collection 2 figures and the first 4 Collection 1 figures if you’re still after those.
Update: The General Leia and Qui-Gon are sold out but the rest are still there.
PayPal available to the UK
November 5, 2000 | 8:30 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
The popular credit card auction payment system PayPal is now available for UK residents to sign up. Thanks go to Johnny on The Public Universe for the news.
Trivia @ KEBco
November 5, 2000 | 7:53 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
From KEBco Toys:
“We had such a great success with our last trivia contest, we are doing it again. We are having a Star Wars trivia contest running from Sunday, November 5 thru Saturday, November 18th. The prize is a set of 12 inch figures. Boss Nass, Sebulba w/Chubas and Anakin w/Naboo Hanger Droid. Come on over and try your memory on the trivia questions.”
Ultarama Stands
November 5, 2000 | 2:54 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
On the success of the contest and the interest in the stands that was generated. Yakface.com and Ultarama.com have teamed up to keep the giveaways going. We will be giving one away each week from now until Christmas. No contests, just click on the image to the left and send the email. One entry per person please. If you enter once and you do not win we will leave your name in the drawing for the next week. You can use any email address, we do not require you to send one from one specific email. But please be fair. Be sure to include your name in the email. If your name is not in the email it will not be counted as an entry and the email will be deleted from the contest. Good Luck to all.
Porkins wave for under $3 each!!!
November 4, 2000 | 6:07 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Kaisalb sent this in:
“Today at Johnny’s toys in Milford Oh, I found all new collection 2 figures (Boss Nass, Gungan Warrior, and Jek Porkins). The best thing was they were all for $2.99. They also had all the old POTJ figures for $2.99 as well.”
Green Skiff mystery continues…
November 4, 2000 | 10:52 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
I myself have had a few reports of people getting the dk green Skiff from eToys opposed to the tan more authentic looking 1 we’re are used to seeing. I would go out on a limb and say that the dk green is the more rare of the 2 though. Reason I do say this is I obtained a Skiff way back back in Dec of last year long before Target released them, and it was the dk green. The 1 I got way back was from an employee and had a Hasbro standard tag with the different specs and approvals. It said that the Skiff could be molded in the dk green at only 3,200 pieces made then changed. So unless Hasbro decided to make more in that color I myself feel that the dk green would be the more rare. But that is if the 3,200 piece run was kept at that, in toy terms that is not much at all, and with the # of Star Wars collectors-definetly not much. So keep those mails coming in if you get your Skiff from eToys and it’s dk green. I will try to have some pics up of mine and also the tag with the info.
Jedi Braid offer down under
November 4, 2000 | 7:35 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
In Australia, if you pre-order the new Star Wars Trilogy video set @ TRU you get a free Jedi Braid accessory set! Click here for a scan of a TRU ad which mentions the offer. Thanks go to Darth Hasbro and Casey Chan who both wrote in with the info, and extra kudos to Darth Hasbro for the pic.
Bespin Guard figure
November 4, 2000 | 6:48 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
We seem to have been able to nail down Hasbro’s ingredients for the Bespin Guard figure:
Head is new
Torso – Darth Sidious (under the cloak)
Arms – Complete Galaxy Luke
Legs – Han Carbonite
Thanks go to James McAllaster and Shane Heron for picking out the parts!
Plush Ewok
November 4, 2000 | 6:45 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Doh, I made a bit of a mistake yesterday – if you remember, I posted a picture of a plush Ewok a friend had sent and asked if anyone knew what it was. Now, a few people wrote in saying it looked similar to the Disney exclusive Ewok but not identical. The reason for this is my fault….it is a CUSTOM Ewok. A great one too! Nobody wrote in to even suggest it was custom. So I’d definitely say congrats to the creator. You can still see the picture here.
300th Fett is coming
November 4, 2000 | 6:38 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
I received this today from ActionFigureXpress.com which is pretty interesting:
“Hi. We just wanted to pass on to your readers that we have received the following shipment of Star Wars products in our California port and will arrive in our Hawaii warehouse very shortly!
– Boba Fett 300th Figure (It’s here!!)
– 2000 Collection 1 Wave 2 (3 x Qui-Gon Jinn Mos Espa Disguise, 3 x Leia Organa General, 2 x Darth Maul Final Duel, 2 x R2-D2 Naboo Escape, 1 x Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi, 1 x Anakin Skywalker Mechanic)
– Mega Action 3-Pack (Destroyer Droid, Darth Maul, and Obi-Wan Kenobi)
So, it appears that the next new releases for POTJ are shipping out already – 300th Edition Boba Fett & Mega Action Destroyer Droid. If anyone has ordered these from AFX.com or anywhere else and receives them, or if anyone sees them in any stores, let us know!
Leia/Qui Gon in Stock
November 3, 2000 | 10:06 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Toymaniacs has Leia General and Qui Gon (moisture farmer) in stock.
UPDATE: Out of Stock
12″ Custom Anakin’s Pod Racer
November 3, 2000 | 9:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Hans’ Star Wars 12″ Scale Customs has posted pics of a 12″ Anakin’s Pod Racer. You probably remember this site for other incredible 12″ custom vehicles such as a AT-ST and TIE Interceptor. Check it out.
Ebay Finds
November 3, 2000 | 9:20 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
There is a Mega Destroyer Droid up on ebay (Item #487579260). Some nice scans of it as well are with the auction.
Leia/Qui Gon Wave
November 3, 2000 | 6:15 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The newest wave of Power of the Jedi action figures is now in stock and shipping. SW 2000 Collection 1 (Wavev 1.5) (Item #84445AA, $89.99) contains 3x Qui-Gon Ginn Mos Espa Disguise, 3x Leia Organa General, 2x Darth Maul Final Duel, 2x R2-D2 Naboo Escape, 1x Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi and 1x Anakin Skywalker Mechanic.
We are also filling backorders for Wave 3 containing Jek Porkins, Boss Nass and the Gungan Warrior. This item is not currently available for sale due to Hasbro’s supply shortage at a Entertainment Earth.
eToys Skiff
November 3, 2000 | 4:37 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Lots of reports of the -I guess- once Target exc Skiff being shipped from eToys are coming in. So head over and grab 1 before they all go. 1 report over at RebelScum reported the rare 1st dark green variation Skiff showing up at someones doorstep. If you got the Skiff from eToys and it was the dark green version please let me know here, I have a few friends that have been clamoring to get 1 like this with no luck…
Just curious if that was a fluke or not. Thanks guys.
Some steals to be made…
November 3, 2000 | 4:19 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Guys I just stopped in from a Spencer’s store here in my area and scored a Don Post Naboo Pilot helmet for a mere….4.99 Yup that was it can you believe it, originally they were selling it for 69.99 it was marked 19.99 and 75% off that. I scored the same type of deal last year at Spencer’s with the Ani Pod race helmet but if I remember right it wasn’t that cheap. I’d definetly take a peek inside if there’s 1 aound you. They did have some Ani Pod Race helmets this year too, but I got lucky and nabbed the last Naboo Pilot.
Carbon Freeze Chamber
November 3, 2000 | 12:53 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
A friend of mine overseas sent in these detailed photos of the new Carbon Freeze Chamber which he picked up. The fact that he managed to get this suggest to me that the toy is done and that the Fan Club will probably start to take orders very shortly. In the meantime, check out these great pics he sent over:
Carbon Chamber loose with box
Bespin Guard
Top of playset
Carbon Block with Guard inside
Playset instruction sheet
It’s interesting to note that the Bespin Guard pictured here was marked copyright 1996 – the most logical explanation I could give for that without having the figure in front of me would be that parts of it are reused from an older figure.
As a side note, my friend who got these pics also obtained recently this plush Ewok and is looking for information on it. If you can help, let me know! Thanks!
Update: Padawanrulz points out that the legs are the Han Carbonite figure legs (the original one) and were also reused on the Jabba’s Palace Diorama exclusive Han figure.
Update 2: I spoke with Dan Madsen last week and he said that FC should start taking orders towards the end of the year and shipping early next. If I find out different of course I’ll let you know.
Vader and Sebubla wave OUT NOW!
November 3, 2000 | 12:44 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
The new Dagobah Vader, Sebubla, Obi Wan (ANH) and Fode and Beed figures have been spotted at Wal-mart in both Spokane & Lynnwood, WA. Thanks to ORBLES for the news.
Leia/Qui Gon at Ebworld.com
November 3, 2000 | 12:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
General Leia and the new Qui Gon are both in stock at Ebworld.com. However, they are in low supply and shouldn’t last long.
EB 2 pack info
November 3, 2000 | 11:44 AM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Well just want to thank all that mailed with their thoughts on what this could be but I think someone has finally confirmed. Yak reader TheDestroyer2000 got ahold of customer service and they in fact concluded it was the MOTDS 2 pack, so I want to send a big thanks to TheDestroyer for getting this mystery solved… Alot wrote in with thoughts of the other 2 packs we had heard of at 1 time (Qui/Battledroid, etc) but they didn’t crosss my mind at the time cause we haven’t seen or heard of those in a while, so I assume they got cut. Anyway this could be good news for those still in search of the MOTDS pack, just visit EB here and type “Star Wars” in search.
Etoys.com Skiff
November 3, 2000 | 10:03 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Word has come in about the Skiff, it is indeed the Target Skiff. Hope everyone that ordered one is happy. Thanks to Greg for the news.
KBKids Deals
November 3, 2000 | 9:47 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
As I was posting they sold out of the Naboo Royal Ship, so keep checking as these are continually popping up.
TC-14 $7.50
12″ Jar Jar $3.75
3-D Jabba’s Palace w/Han $3.75
Europe’s Star Wars Convention
November 3, 2000 | 8:42 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Jedicon UK Star Wars Convention PART 2
Sunday 19th November 2000 (11am to 4pm)
Basildon Sports Centre
Nethermayne Basildon Essex UK
If you book your ticket in advance you can gain entry 30 minutes early!
Tickets are available on the door
For more information please check out our web site at: www.scifishows.com
or Call: 020 8523 1074
or Email: info@scifishows.com
POTF Toys at KBKids.com
November 2, 2000 | 6:10 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
Rancor w/ Luke Jedi $19.99
12″ Jar Jar (not Electronic) $7.50
Anakin LEGO Pod Racer $3.75
12″ Electronic Jar Jar $7.50
Still Looking for the TRU Dewback?
November 2, 2000 | 5:55 PM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
It is online now at Amazon/Tru.com. The price is $79.99, but this may be the only way for some people to get the 12″ Dewback w/Sandtrooper. So go get it if you want it.
Free R2-D2!
November 2, 2000 | 3:28 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
M&M Collectibles are offering the chance to win a free R2-D2 with Holographic Leia among other offers as part of their launch party of their new combined site. Check out their latest newsfeed, posted in our newsfeeds section on the Quick Clicks menu to the left, for mroe information.
Target Code
November 2, 2000 | 3:16 PM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
This may prove very valuable when Target.com next restocks on Skiffs. Brian Levine sent us this 10% discount code: YCK11222. Keep your eyes open!
NEW POTJ Card Back
November 2, 2000 | 1:37 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Here is a large scan of the upcoming new POTJ back. This should start appearing w the Dagobah Vader wave. New figures pictured on the are Han Bespin, K-3P0, Mon Cal Colonel, Biker Scout and Boomer Damage Battle Droid. They are set for a release in Winter 2000 according to the card.
Free 12″ Mace Windu
November 2, 2000 | 1:31 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Artoonews.comis giving away a free 12″ Mace Windu in their free giveaway.
Ebay Find
November 2, 2000 | 1:15 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Found this on ebay today and figured people might want to check it out. It’s a carded Dagobah Vader (Item #487271702).
Trivia Contest
November 2, 2000 | 9:23 AM EST | Mark | Talk About This Post
The winners have been notified and will be posted when I receive their response. To see the answer to the quiz check out the Trivia Page. We will be giving one stand away every week from now until Christmas. So check back tomorrow for the details.
Something interesting…
November 1, 2000 | 7:36 PM EST | Sidster | Talk About This Post
Here’s something I spotted while cruising around looking for
Star Wars goodies on the net… This 1 I saw at EB World and honestly unless I am getting bad memory loss I can’t remember any figure 2 packs coming out (that aren’t 12″).
Here’s what it said and a link, there are no pics so I am very curious as to what this is…
(Pre-Order, Ships On 12/02/2000)
Price: $17.99
Category: Toys/Collectibles
ESRB Rating: N/
If anyone can help with this or help Sidster regain his memory please let us know.
UPDATE:I removed the link cause when hit nothing came up but it’s still there on the site just search “Star Wars”. Also Yak reader Jared (jedinite) wrote in what he thinks it could be, Jared you may definetly have hit it right on. Jared thinks it could be the Vader/Maul 2 pack and EB is just getting theirs allocated now, sounds like a good possibility. But still if anyone knows for sure mail us here at Yak.
NEW 12″ Sith Lords 2 pack pics
November 1, 2000 | 6:23 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Here are two pics of the what the actual 12″ Sith Lords 2 pack will look like boxed. There have been some changes from previous images of this item.
12″ Sith Lords 2 pack Front
12″ Sith Lords 2 pack Back
Freeze Frames and Green Cards
November 1, 2000 | 6:14 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
It’s been a few years since Hasbro released popular Freeze Frame (FF) and Green Carded (GC) Star Wars action figures. We’ve been selling these figures all along in full cases consisting of 12 or 16 figures.
Over the years we have received hundreds of requests by customers to sell these figures individually. Finally, we are now able to offer you these Star Wars Classic action figures sold individually, in MINT CONDITION!
Our shipping staff will inspect each and every figure you order to insure the highest quality available only atEntertainment Earth.
Smuggler’s Run
November 1, 2000 | 1:20 PM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Due to increased Imperial pressure, Smuggler’s Run has been forced to move to a new location. Our new home is not really that new. Just go to www.thecollectorconnector.com to find all your favourite Star Wars news from north of the border.
Target.com have Skiff again
November 1, 2000 | 10:09 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Jonathan reports that the Skiff is back in – and it never lasts long:
All gone!
Online comic
November 1, 2000 | 9:40 AM EST | Greg | Talk About This Post
Issue 4 of the online comic Dark Evolution is availble now @ Gonkdroid.
New POTJ Maul Packaging
November 1, 2000 | 12:55 AM EST | Brian | Talk About This Post
Thanks to kgirl for the news.
“I recently came back from Wal-Mart where I found what was left of the new collection 1 wave (General Leia, Qui Gon). All that was left were a couple of Darth Maul’s. However, I noticed that the Darth Maul had a triangular yellow sticker in the bottom right hand corner which stated “Break-Apart Battle Damage” in red letters.”
Looks like a new packaging for all the variation hunters to find.