Tag Archives: battle packs

Movie Heroes Bespin Luke Loose Shots

Our friends at JediDefender have alerted us to some new loose shots of the Luke Skywalker from the upcoming Bespin Duel Battle Pack. As reported before, this figure takes a minimalist approach to the articulation which has become a huge subject of debate since its initial revelation at Toy Fair 2012. Click on over to JediDefender to view this image and more and be sure to leave us a comment here on in our forums if your opinion has changed… or not.

Toyguide Update: Royal Starship Droids (Walmart Exc.)

The Yakface Toyguide updates resume today with the next addition for the 2012 “Darth Maul” product line. We continue with the Royal Starship Droids Battle Pack (2 of 2) from Walmart’s exclusive “Discover the Force in 3-D” collection.

PROS: Walmart picks up a great exclusive here. Anything astromech related has a huge following in the collecting community as demonstrated by their steady sell through at retail. The deco on all of the droids is great making these the most accurate versions to date. As a bonus, these figures use the B.A.D. sculpt which promotes a ton of customizing options and additional play value. R2-N3 (the green one) gets a debut here and each droid includes their power harness/docking stations – all of which act as a huge accessory set to the Naboo Royal Starship/Playset from 1999.

CONS: Some may not like the Build-A-Droid/Droid Factory play system. Initially difficult to find but the set is now shipping in greater quantity. Since there is only one new figure (by name) in this set collectors might feel obligated to pick this up by that reason alone.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

You can also weigh in with your impressions on the figures we add to our toyguide on facebook and in our forums.

New Bespin & Naboo Battle Pack Images

New intel gathered by Sandtroopers.com has revealed new images of those controverial battle pack revealed at Toy Fair 2012. Head on over to check out the new packaged and loose shots of the Bespin and Naboo Battle Packs!

I may be in the minority here, but even though these are a step backward in terms of articulation, I still really like these figures. If only the drop in POA would equal a drop in price too. : (

Weigh in with your opinions in the comment section below or in our forums.

Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles

K & C Collectibles has received the new Battle Packs and Vintage vehicles. An additional shipment of Vintage, Clone Wars and Movie Heroes Action Figures arrived. We are taking Pre-Orders for an additional shipment of Vintage Carded “Rocket Firing Boba Fett” action figures. Click on through for the complete list.

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