K & C Collectibles has added the new Black Series Action Figures, 6″ Black Series, Saga Legends and much more. Click on through for the complete listing.
Tag Archives: KandC Collectibles
Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles
K & C Collectibles has added a new Star Wars vehicles and much more. Click on through to check out the latest arrivals.
Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles
Sponsor News: K&C Collectibles
K & C Collectibles has added Star Wars Transformer Crossovers to our inventory. Mandalorian Assault Transport and more Clone Wars vehicles are in-stock. Click here to view all the NEW Product.
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Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles
K&C Collectibles has the Clone Commander Fox action figure, Gentle Giant Studios mini busts, K-Mart 2-packs and more in-stock this week.
New: Clone Wars Action Figures:
CW15 – Ahsoka Scuba Gear
CW16 Super Battle Droid – Training Droid
CW17 Clone Commander Wolffe
CW18 – Clone Commander Fox
In-Stock: Special Action Figure Set:
Ewok Scouts and Endor AT-ST Crew
Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles
K & C Collectibles has received all new Vintage Collection Action Figures (wave 4) this week! Click through for the complete list of new arrivals and in-stock items!
Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles
Spring Break Sale at K & C Collectibles. Take 10% OFF your entire order starting today March 18th through Wednesday March 21st, 2012. The discount code is “spring12“. Click on through to view their latest Discover the Force and Movie Heroes items.
Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles
Vintage Deleted Scene Action Figure set of 5 in-stock at K & C Collectibles. We also have all Discover the Force Action Figures, Dewback and Vulture Droid in-stock.
NEW: Vintage Collection Action Figures
VC87 – Luke Skywalker (Lightsaber Construction)
VC88 – Princess Leia (Sandstorm Outfit)
VC89 – Lando Calrissian (Sandstorm Outfit)
VC90 – Colonel Cracken (Millennium Falcon Crew)
VC91 – Rebel Pilot (Mon Calamari)
Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles
K & C Collectibles has received the Discover the Force Action Figures, Dewback, Vulture Droid and more this week. New Pre-Order items Star Wars Umbrella’s, Jumbo R5-D4 Kenner Figure, Star Wars Dart Board and more. Click through for the complete list.
Sponsor News: K & C Collectibles
K & C Collectibles has received the new Battle Packs and Vintage vehicles. An additional shipment of Vintage, Clone Wars and Movie Heroes Action Figures arrived. We are taking Pre-Orders for an additional shipment of Vintage Carded “Rocket Firing Boba Fett” action figures. Click on through for the complete list.