Tag Archives: bulletproof villain

Sponsor News: 6″ Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jabiim) Now Available for Preorder

Yakface.com receives commissions from purchases made through our sponsor/affiliate links.

Beginning at 1pm ET today, you can preorder the 6″ Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jabiim) figure from Obi-Wan Kenobi. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our sponsors and affiliates.

Entertainment Earth (use code “SUNFREE22“)*
Old Republic Collectibles
Bulletproof Villain (Australia)
eCollectibles (Canada)

*Free shipping on orders over $39

Sponsor News: Deluxe Black Series NED-B Now Available for Preorder

Yakface.com receives commissions from purchases made through our sponsor/affiliate links.

Beginning at 1pm ET today, you can preorder the Deluxe 6″ Black Series NED-B figure from Obi-Wan Kenobi. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our sponsors and affiliates.

Entertainment Earth (use code “SUNFREE22“)*
Old Republic Collectibles
Bulletproof Villain (Australia)
eCollectibles (Canada)

*Free shipping on orders over $39

Sponsor News: TVC Darth Vader and TBS Tala (Imperial Officer) Now Available for Preorder

Preorders are now open for the Vintage Collection Darth Vader (The Dark Times) and 6″ Black Series Tala (Imperial Officer) from Obi-Wan Kenobi. Individual figures or the full case assortment* are available today at select sponsors:

New at Entertainment Earth – free shipping* code SUNFREE22
TVC Darth Vader (The Dark Times) <<< EE direct link
TBS Tala (Imperial Officer) <<< EE direct link

Old Republic Collectibles
Bulletproof Villain (Australia)
eCollectibles.ca (Canada)

*On orders over $39

Sponsor News: New Black Series and Vintage Collection Preorders

Yakface.com receives commissions from purchases made through our sponsor/affiliate links.

Today is a huge day for new Black Series, Black Series Archive and Vintage Collection mainline and fan channel preorders through our various sponsors and affiliates. With nearly 20 products up for preorder, I felt it easier to post the various store links instead of the individual products,

Entertainment Earth (use code “SUNFREE22“)*
Old Republic Collectibles
Bulletproof Villain (Australia)
eCollectibles (Canada)

Thank you in advance for supporting our site by purchasing through our sponsor links.

*Free shipping on orders over $39

Sponsor News: New TBS, TVC and Retro Collection Preorders

Yakface.com receives commissions from purchases made through our sponsor/affiliate links.

New preorders are now available for the Black Series, Vintage Collection and Retro Collection Reva (Third Sister) figures. Preorder can be found below for our sponsor and affiliate links.

Entertainment Earth
TVC single
TVC case assortment
TBS single
TBS case assortment
Retro single
Retro case assortment

eCollectibles.ca (Canada)

BulletproofVillain (Australia)

6″ Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi (Wandering Jedi) Now Available for Preorder

Yakface.com receives commissions from purchases made through our sponsor/affiliate links.

Preorders are now open across the various retailers and fan channel outlets for the new 6″ Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi (Wandering Jedi) figure from Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+. A list of sponsored/non-sponsored links is available below.

Entertainment Earth

Old Republic Collectibles
Bulletproof Villain (Australia)
eCollectibles (Canada)

Hasbro Pulse


Sponsor News: Bulletproof Villain

Yakface.com receives revenue in accordance with the advertising agreement with BulletproofVillain.com.au.

Australia Collectors! We’ve added Bulletproof Villain as an official sponsor for all your Black Series & Vintage Collection needs. Check them out at bulletproofvillain.com.au and follow them on social media for the latest preorder and in-stock notifications.