Tag Archives: saga legends

It Was Love at First Sight…


“Of course I’m not going to be buying much of the new Star Wars line coming out,” Chewie told his wife multiple times over the past several months.  “I don’t collect 6″ scale toys, and most of the new 3.75″ figures don’t interest me at all.”

Then, after seeing new figures in person today at Target, reality set in.   Well done, Hasbro.  Now I’m angry with you for winning me over with product I swore I wouldn’t buy.  I was mad at you through all of 2012 for how bad you managed the brand, and now I’m somewhat upset at you for kicking things off so well with your new lineups.

Are you feeling the same way as I am this evening about Hasbro’s new launch?  Or have I gone completely crazy?  Share your thoughts in the forums!