Tag Archives: the book of boba fett

SDCC Exclusive TVC Black Krrsantan

Hasbro has revealed this year’s SDCC exclusive Vintage Collection item featuring Krrsantan from The Book of Boba Fett. This version feature a different (screaming) head sculpt from the upcoming deluxe retail release as features extra accessories/weapons. Price is $39.99 and will be available through Hasbro Pulse during SDCC with QR code access as well as a limited quantity after Comic-Con.

This supports our report from May and confirms the “Tiny” code name.

Click on through for additional images.

Continue reading SDCC Exclusive TVC Black Krrsantan

Target Exclusive Black Series Cobb Vanth & Cad Bane 2pk Hitting Stores

For those looking for the Target exclusive Black Series Cobb Vanth & Cad Bane set, start checking your local stores as they have started to show up around the U.S.. Many stores are only receiving two sets initially and there is no telling when/if preorders will start filling. Use the image above to scan at your local store for stock availability (I was able to find a set in store this morning).

Sponsor News: TBS Book of Boba Fett Case Now Available

Yakface.com receives commissions from purchases made through our affiliate/sponsor links.

If you’re looking to get a jump on tomorrow’s preorders, you can order two different assortments from sponsor Entertainment Earth for the Black Series that feature 4 figures from The Book of Boba Fett including the new version of The Mandalorian (Glavis Ringworld) revealed today.

Black Series Wave 12 Case Assortment (include 2x of each figure)

Black Series Wave 12 Set (include 1x of each figure)

Sponsor News: New TVC & TBS Preorders

Another week and another round of preorders kick off today at 1pm ET with new Vintage Collection and Black Series items.

TVC Speeder Bike with Scout Trooper & Grogu
Entertainment Earth*
Aussie Syfi Collectables

TBS Mandalorian Fleet Commander
Entertainment Earth*
Aussie Syfi Collectables

TBS Yoda Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Entertainment Earth*
Aussie Syfi Collectables

*Code FREESHIP59 gets you free shipping on orders over $59 and code YAKFACE gets you free shipping and 10% off instock merchandise

Thank you in advance for supporting our sponsors and affiliates.

Sponsor News: New TVC and TBS Preorders

Another week and another round of preorders kick off today at 1pm ET with new Vintage Collection and Black Series figures.

TVC R5-D4 – $16.99
TVC 2023 Wave 3 (Case of 8) – $135.99

TVC Boba Fett (Tusken) – $16.99
TVC 2023 Wave 2 (Set of 4) – $71.99 – includes 1x of each: Cad Bane, Nien Nunb, Moff Jerjerrod, Boba Fett (Tusken)
TVC 2023 Wave 2 (Case of 8) – $135.99 – includes 2x of each: Cad Bane, Nien Nunb, Moff Jerjerrod, Boba Fett (Tusken)

TBS R5-D4 – $24.99

TVC Boba Fett (Tusken)

Aussie Syfi Collectables

*Code FREESHIP59 gets you free shipping on orders over $59
and code YAKFACE gets you free shipping and 10% off in-stock merchandise

Mando Mania: TVC Boba Fett (Tusken) Revealed

Mando Mania returns for week 8 with the reveal/confirmation via ScreenRant of the Vintage Collection Boba Fett (Tusken) from The Book of Boba Fett. This is essentially a repack of the figure included with the recent TVC Slave I. It is part of the wave that includes Cad Bane, Nien Nunb and Moff Jerjerrod and, like his case mates, is packed two per case. Look for preorders to open tomorrow at 1pm ET.

Continue reading Mando Mania: TVC Boba Fett (Tusken) Revealed