There was a lot to take in from yesterday’s SDCC 2024 Hasbro Star Wars panel so here is a list of product that will be available for preorder Saturday, July 27 at 5pm ET:
Ahsoka Tano (Peridea)
Imperial Armored Commando
Deluxe IG-12 & Grogu
Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh
Bazil (Jedi Order Tracker)
Ahsoka Tano (Peridea)
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Jetpack Trooper
Deluxe Cobb Vanth
Blurrg & The Mandalorian
The Armorer’s Forge Playset*
All of these new items can be preordered via our sponsor/affiliate links at Amazon and Entertainment Earth (free shipping on orders over $59)
*Hasbro Pulse exclusive
UPDATE: now live officially at the affiliate links above