Tag Archives: DPCI

Does a New Target DPCI for TVC Signal the Switch to PFP?

A couple weeks ago, I posted 17 new code names corresponding to figures in the Vintage Collection. What I failed to notice at the time was that even though they all share the $14.99 pricepoint, there is a new DPCI (087-26-9848)* at Target for these as well. Normally when there is a DPCI change it correlates to a new product line/assortment but I have a sneaking suspicion these figures may all fall into the rumored plastic-free packaging design (PFP). I guess we’ll all have to wait for the official announcement to know for certain.

*Current DPCI for mainline TVC is 087-16-6045

2021 Master UPC / DPCI / SKU List Update

We’ve updated our running list of upcoming and rumored products slated to hit stores and online throughout 2021. We’ve purged many of the released 2020 items from the list but they can still be found here for your reference. (This old list will not be maintained). 

Denotes released product

Continue reading 2021 Master UPC / DPCI / SKU List Update

Rumor Report Update: 4 New Coded Black Series Listings Discovered – now with DPCIs

Armed with some UPC/EAN info, I ventured into Target today to see I could get a hit on the Black Series figures that we exclusively reported on Monday. Low and behold the info is in Target’s system – and it confirms the code names.

With this info some theories can be proposed:

– The price point is indicative of these being exclusive.

– These are individual DPCIs that are not part of an assortment so could they be another wave of Galaxy’s Edge items??? (These figures are also exclusive to ToysRUs in Canada – the retail partner for GE merch in that country.)

– Walmart received an exclusive wave of figures for The Clone Wars – could this be something similar???

DPCIs have been added to our extensive UPC/DPCI/SKU Master List.

Rumor Report Update: 6″ TBS Mandalorian Build Up Pack Info From Target

Back in June, there was word that a deluxe “build up” pack was headed to the Black Series line for The Mandalorian. Later that month, additional info came to light which was thought to clarify that listing as being for the Vintage Collection. I received a new UPC over the weekend to research and found this morning that it is listed at Target as “STAR WARS MANDO BUILD UP PACK” and confirms the original report of it being for The Black Series. The price on this set is $34.99 and the DPCI is shown above in the image. So, it appears that we are in fact getting TWO Mandalorian build up packs – one for TBS and one for TVC.

Obviously, no official word on availability, but since it’s not showing in various other systems in the U.S., it may be a Target Exclusive.

More Items “Discontinued” at Target

As a follow up to our report from last week, Target has updated more Hasbro product DPCIs to “discontinued” status. Items include Star Wars Resistance (basic figures and two packs), 6″ Black Series Chewbacca (Vandor-1), Solo: A Star Wars Story 6 pack of troopers, and the Galaxy of Adventures (GOA) tube figures.

TVC Wave 6 Case Pack and TVC Wave 7 SKU Info Added

I’ve updated our UPC/DPCI/SKU Master List to include the case breakdown for the next wave (Wave 6) of Vintage Collection figures that includes Lando (Solo), Chewbacca (ANH), Stormtrooper (Rogue One), Captain Phasma (TFA) and Elite Praetorian Guard (TLJ). I’ve also completed the Walmart SKU info for TVC Wave 7 which include Luke Skywalker (Crait), Death Star Gunner (Rogue One), Assault Tank Commander (Rogue One) and R2-D2 (ANH). Click on through for the info.

6″ Black Series Luke Skywalker (Trash Compactor) Info?

Let’s start the new year off with what I think is the UPC/DPCI/TCIN info for the upcoming Target Exclusive 6″ Black Series Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise/Trash Compactor) figure. This info is not 100% confirmed at this point but some searching and cross referencing has pointed me to this conclusion. If anything further develops, we’ll post a confirmation.