Tag Archives: mattel

Solo: An Unofficial Checklist 1.0

Here it is! Our official “unofficial” checklist for this Friday’s merchandise launch for Solo: A Star Wars Story. Within the pages you will find the recent officially announced products as well  unannounced products that we’ve been revealing exclusively here for months. Brands covered are Hasbro, Funko, LEGO, Mattel, and Jakks Pacific. There are several products that are on the list that will come out throughout the year* (i.e. not available on Friday, April 13) but I felt it best to include them anyway so you can plan ahead. They are coded with red boxes for easy identification.

This is version 1.0 so if there are any major announcements prior to Friday, I will add them.


*Subject to change/cancellation

New Hot Wheels Character Cars and More

Fans of Hot Wheels character cars can look forward to several new models tied to the launch of Solo: A Star Wars Story as well as other characters from the saga. I managed to find about 16 new individual UPCs and SKU for Han, Chewbacca, Lando, “Nemesis”, “Hades”, Nien Nunb and others. I also found what looks to be a new line of “Lightsaber Series Vehicles” featuring Rey and Darth Vader. You can find all of the UPCs/SKUs listed toward  the bottom of our 2018 Master List.

Sponsor News: K&C Collectibles

K & C Collectibles has added New Star Wars Hot Wheels, Sideshow, Gentle Giant Bust, Puzzles, Magazine and earlier issues of Star Wars Insider this week.  Click the NEW PRODUCTS link under the Categories Section for a complete list of recently added items.

Continue reading Sponsor News: K&C Collectibles

Off Topic: Mattel’s Jurassic World Line

Entertainment Weekly has revealed a huge set of images of Mattel’s upcoming Jurassic World line.   Check out the reveals by clicking on the above image.

How does this lineup compare to Hasbro’s attempt from 2015 at bringing everyone’s favorite island of prehistoric creatures back to life?   Share your personal take on how these two competing companies approached this toy line after the jump!

New Hot Wheels All-Terrain Character Cars Coming Soon

Mattel’s line of Hot Wheels Diecast All-Terrain Character Cars show no signs of slowing down. Recently, the Kylo Ren and Rey car joined Luke Skywalker, BB-8, Darth Vader and First Order Stormtrooper. The next releases in the line will include Han Solo, Chewbacca , Yoda,  and R2-D2. The pertinent UPC and WM SKU numbers are listed below.

Han Solo  887961534122/224067279
R2-D2 887961534139/803488277

Before She Was the Fastest Hunk of Junk in the Galaxy

“What a piece of junk!”
“She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid”
“This bucket of bolts is never gonna get us past that blockade”
“Then we just float away…” “…with the rest of the garbage”
“She’s the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy”
“The garbage will do”
“Blast that piece of junk out of the sky!”

The Millennium Falcon has always been the subject of mockery in terms of its appearance, but there was a time when the Falcon was all-new. Han said he made some “special modifications” and soon we’ll get to see what it looked before Han took ownership.  With Solo: A Star Wars Story coming out in a few months, be prepared to start seeing a fresh, slightly sleeker depiction (and a slightly different silhouette) for one of the most iconic starships in film. And as you’d expect, we’ll be seeing a wide range of toys and collectibles from Hasbro, Mattel, LEGO and more as well.

Rumor Report: What We Know For Solo

With The Last Jedi in the rear view mirror for many, we can continue our focus to products for Solo: A Star Wars. As a refresher, we revealed through several articles (below in reverse chronological order going back to October) new products from Hasbro and Mattel.

Stay tuned for a more accurate breakdown of the first wave (wave 16?) of 6″ Black Series figures that will include characters from Solo: A Star Wars Story very soon.

Also, a friendly tip: 99% of the products with UPCs that we have shared over the months, can be found directly on Amazon.com and Walmart.com with a little app-fu and the barcode scanner built into their respective apps. You’re welcome :).