Tag Archives: playsets

Space Station Diorama Walls: Update!


The collecting community has stepped up to the plate with a huge outpouring of support for the team at Galactic Merchants as they aspire to make cool diorama display pieces for the fans.  And now, our pals at Imperialshipyards are going to be hosting a podcast with Galactic Merchants, and they want to know what questions you have about these dioramas!  Head on over to their forums and submit your questions!

Customizer Spotlight: Kodiak3d


Customizer Kodiak3d has shared pics of an amazing 3D printed version of the cantina centerpiece in the forums!

After you click through and see the pics of this unpainted all the way through to completion, I am sure you will enjoy the images but if you’re like me, you may also be annoyed that Hasbro has focused on other areas instead of some small iconic environments like this.

Jumbo Kenner Cantina Playset Pre-Order

Gentle Giant is now taking pre-orders for their Jumbo Kenner Cantina Playset! Enjoy a new way to display all of your favorite Star Wars Jumbo Vintage Kenner figures and recapture that sense of wonder you had when you first saw this in the Holiday Wishbook!

Update: For folks that are balking at the price of this piece, the following comes straight from Ashly Powell, Director of Product Development at Gentle Giant on YodasNews Facebook page.

Hey guys! Just an FYI — the Cardboard Cantina set is huge – and is being printed here right in the U.S.A. It’s not cheap setting up a print run for a small qty, plus this comes die-cut and in the collectors packaging.

What If??? Droid Factory Playset

Last night I was thinking about the abandoned concept of a Droid Factory Playset meant to add additional play value to the now expired Build-A-Droid feature from the Legacy Collection and came up with the above mockup.

Is this something you wish Hasbro would have attempted or does the idea of recycling a 30 year old mold smack of desperation? Click the image above for a closer look and if you have an opinion, feel free to comment on this on our Facebook page or in our forums.