Holeinthegroundpro has added several new goodies for all you 3.75″ diorama and playset fans. Check out the latest offerings by clicking the image above, or share your thoughts here or in the forums.
Our friends at Hold in the Ground Pro now have 6″ scale cube crates, ammo crates, and ridged boxes available. Not to mention tons of outstanding 3.75″ scale items. Check out the current selection of offerings after the jump!
Tonight at 9pm EST, the diorama team at Hole in the Ground Pro will be holding a YouTube live stream. They will be discussing their Indiegogo campaign and more regarding diorama bits and accessories.
Hole in the Ground Pro has extended their deadline for injection molded diorama parts! If you like having some cool display pieces to fill in your action figure displays, then now is the time to help make this happen! Click HERE to get in on this collector campaign!
Personal Note: If the collecting community can’t fund this, we might have a very hard time finding future opportunity for such great items down the road from this small company or other entrepreneurs. Eric makes top quality product that is well worth the money. Let’s make this happen folks, it can open the door to even better stuff down the road!
If you’re a fan of awesome accessories for your action figure displays, NOW is the time to contribute to Hole in the Ground Pro’s Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.
Personal Note: Hopefully all of us that are vocal in the forums and social media about wanting nice things like this are able to reach into our pockets and show our support… plus you’re going to get some fantastic items for your collection. So let’s make this happen!
Hole in the Ground Productions has just over 3 weeks left on the crowdfunding project to help make some of their amazing 3.75″ diorama products for you even better. Head on over and add a pledge to the campaign by clicking here!
Personal Note: Anyone who has ordered from Hole in the Ground Pro in the past knows just how much Eric cares about the quality that goes into the product, and how fantastic these pieces are. If you are on the fence, just remember this next phase of product they are exploring will be even higher quality than their already outstanding line of diorama items!
Holeinthegroundpro will soon be launching an Indiegogo campaign to start offering even higher quality production quality diorama products for your 3.75″ collections.
Check out a preview page for the official campaign by clicking here!
What would be even better than Hole in the Ground Pro’s custom resin diorama props? How about actual injection molded plastic accessories and playsets?
With the help of the collecting community, this can someday be a reality – keep an eye out on our main page for an upcoming crowdfunding campaign that you can contribute to, which can help make your custom dioramas dream a reality!
Our friend Raylen continues to add more 3.75″ diorama greatness for collectors to fill in gaps in their collections. After all, emperors need a place to sit – and rebels to guage battle strategy, right?