Debuting in the summer of 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was Lucasfilm’s first-ever CG animated television series which gave fans the opportunity to further explore the characters and storylines introduced in the movie saga.
Created and Executive Produced by George Lucas with Supervising Director Dave Filoni at the helm, the critically-acclaimed series featured epic space battles and dynamic lightsaber duels, but also explored some of the personal triumphs and challenges of the Jedi Knights.
Through cinematic stories with groundbreaking visuals and sound design, The Clone Wars provided a broad expansion of the Star Wars universe over the course of 6 seasons.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Emmy Award-winning series, Executive Producer Dave Filoni and special guests will share a look back on the stories that enriched the Star Wars universe and introduced several fan-favorite characters like Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex to a galaxy far, far away….
San Diego Comic-Con, Thursday, July 19th
11:45am – 12:45pm, Room 6BCF