Customizer Mega Spotlight


This afternoon we highlight some more of the custom figures submitted by readers in our forums.

First up, forum member babylon shares some great Cantina alien customs that we’re still waiting on Hasbro to make.  Check them out here!

The always awesome jedistyle has also updated his customizing thread, this time with some new Mandalorians.

Evilivo emerges onto the scene as well, with some absolutely stunning custom figures like the above pictured C-3PO.

Bringing up the rear are some new customs that will appear in The Enloe Trials photonovel series as well.

Rovio & Hasbro Announce Angry Birds Star Wars TELEPODS


In conjunction with the reveal of Rovio’s follow up to Angry Birds Star Wars, Hasbro has announced Angry Birds Star Wars TELEPODS – a form of interactive game play that allows gamers (and collectors) to upload characters of the toys they purchase right to the game. Visit for the story and check out the YouTube video for a demo of the gameplay. Angry Birds Star Wars II takes flight September 19.

Five Below Strikes Back!


Just as we’re getting geared up for The Black Series figures to start hitting, Five Below now comes through like they did so many times in 2012… this time, with the Darth Malgus wave!

There’s some great figures in this wave, but as we all know, also a ton of TPM figures that Hasbro unfortunately decided they needed to pack into the first three assortments of TVC last year, which crushed distribution for anything past the first few assortments of TVC in 2012.

Anyways – be on the lookout for these if you have a Five Below store in your area and hopefully this means that more waves past this one are on the way!

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