Tag Archives: kenner

Update: Walmart Collector Con Preorder Links Now Live

Tomorrow (Thursday) at 10am ET, Walmart will be kicking off their Collector Con with select Star Wars preorders from the Vintage Collection and Black Series lines. Below is a list (with links) of known items available;

Vintage Collection
LIVE: ARC Commander Havoc

Black Series
Cassian Andor (Aldhani Mission)
Imperial Officer (Dark Times)

Remember, this is Walmart we’re talking about so links may go live before or well after the advertised time slot.

It is possible the exclusive Halloween Wookiee Black Series figure will also be available as the silhouette is shown on their Collector Con page, but StarWars.com lists a Nov. 1 availablility. The link will be added below if it does in fact go live.

LIVE: Wookiee (Halloween Edition)

Hasbro Pulse Con: Indiana Jones Retro Collection

Hasbro Pulse Con also made a return to the Indiana Jones franchise with announcement of the Indiana Jones Retro Collection. Staying true to the original Kenner design in both figure design and packaging, the line kicks off with the man himself, Indiana Jones, complete with his signature string whip and pistol. This first figure in the wave is available for preorder now with more to be announced later.

Entertainment Earth
Old Republic Collectibles

Hasbro Pulse Con: Vintage Collection Pipeline Reveals

Hasbro Pulse Con gave a nice peek into the future of the Vintage Collection with a few Pipeline Reveals specifically targeted toward the 40th Anniversary of Return of the Jedi. They include: Darth Vader (retool), Weequay (reissue), Woof (reissue), Nikto (reissue), Kithaba (reissue), Yak Face! (Saelt Marae) (reissue), and the rumored Endor Bunker Playset (new) as well as the Female Tusken Warrior (new), and Clone Captain Howzer (reissue). Look for all of these in 2023.

Hasbro Pulse Con: Vintage Collection Andor Mainline Figures

Hasbro Pulse Con gave collectors the first (official) look at the 2 mainline Vintage Collection figures from Star Wars: Andor. They consist of 2 all-new figures: Cassian Andor and Vel Sartha. Both are available for preorder now at Hasbro Pulse and through our sponsors/affiliates:

Entertainment Earth
Old Republic Collectibles

Walmart Exclusive TVC Figures Now Shipping

Collectors are reporting receiving various shipping updates for most of the upcoming Walmart exclusive Vintage Collection figures including R2-D2 (Sensorscope), Heldor Spinoza, Stormtrooper, Imperial Gunner and Idsam Edian.

Most of them are currently out of stock or available through 3rd party sellers, except for Idsam Edian which is currently available at MSRP.

Target Updates Release Date for Several Outstanding Preorders

Target has finally updated some of their open ended release dates for various Black Series and Vintage Collection preorders. I look we can expect to see movement on TVC Axe Woves, TVC Boba Fett (Morak), TBS Mandalorian & Grogu (Maldo Kreis), and the TBS Dark Trooper on October 2.

Stock, Sell, Restock, Sell, Restock…

The above retro wave has sold through and restocked several times in some areas.

For the first time in recent memory, I’m seeing a Star Wars Hasbro wave consistently selling and then getting restocked… and selling again. Are you experiencing this in your area? And how far down the Retro Collection rabbit hole do you want to see Hasbro go?

Personal Note: I’m still just lukewarm to the Retro line. It’s a novelty to me, and I pick and choose a few figures here and there. My preference is for the standard TVC line (though I would be interested in a mid-tier line that has modern sculpts, with 10-12 pts of articulation, and a lot more variety than what is offered today). However if the Retro line continues to gain momentum, it’s hard to see Hasbro deviating from this approach anytime soon.