Tag Archives: ROTS

Update: Fan Channel TBS Darth Sidious and Super Battle Droid Images Leak

It appears that images of the upcoming fan channel exclusive TBS Darth Sidious and Super Battle Droid have leaked on Reddit via a Hasbro Pulse YouTube ad. Look for both of these to go on preorder this weekend.

Update: High-res images after the break

Continue reading Update: Fan Channel TBS Darth Sidious and Super Battle Droid Images Leak

TBS Rumor Report Update: No Dooku, Yes Sidious for Fan Channel Wave 3

As a follow up to our Rumor Report back in January regarding the return of Count Dooku to the Black Series line, infomation that I have found indicates that was inaccurate and the figure is actually the pipelined Darth Sidious. Sidious will be packed alongside the single packed Super Battle Droid and both figures are fan channel exclusives (like Padme, Anakin, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Phase I Clone Trooper) as they are part of the Prequel “mini-beat”.

TBS Rumor Report Update

We had hinted at these in various IG posts and comments as well as on our master list but Jedi Aayla Secura, Ki-Adi Mundi and ARC Trooper Jesse will be joining the Black Series next year with Ewok Celebration Leia, Figrin D’an and New Republic Security Droid. (Not sure at this time of the Jedi will be from AOTC or ROTS) 

Thanks to JediInsider for the wave details.