Collectors in Canada are starting to receive the Walmart exclusive Black Series Clone Commander Cody from Revenge of the Sith. U.S collectors can expect these in hand in June.
Image courtesy of Great White North Empire on Instagram
Collectors in Canada are starting to receive the Walmart exclusive Black Series Clone Commander Cody from Revenge of the Sith. U.S collectors can expect these in hand in June.
Image courtesy of Great White North Empire on Instagram
New in hand images have been posted via InDemand Toys Store Con showing the upcoming Vintage Collection Baylan Skoll & Shin Hati as well as Commander Bacara.
Image via Phil The Force on Instagram
Walmart is now taking preorders for the exclusive Black Series Clone Commander Cody from Revenge of the Sith. Look for more figures to join this subline of 20th Anniversary commemorative figures in 2025.
Here is an advanced look at the (rumored) upcoming Walmart Exclusive Black Series Clone Commander Cody – complete with throwback Revenge of the Sith cardback. Look for official release info to come out soon. Thanks to AndrĂ© and Pop Corner for the images.
Preorder opens tonight at 7 PM Eastern
The Retro Collection AOTC/ROTS 6pk is now in-stock on
Recent shipping info shows that the exclusive Vintage Collection E-wing with KE4-N4 and the Retro Collection AOTC/ROTS 6 pk are now ariving in the U.S..
Hasbro’s Black Series Pipeline Reveals at SDCC 2024 were weighted toward new media appearances, but there were a couple gems and confirmations of our previous rumors:
Kelnacca (The Acolyte), Moff Gideon (Dark Trooper Armor from The Mandalorian), Imperial Praetorian Guard (The Mandalorian), Anakin Skywalker (WBW Clone Wars flashback from Ahsoka), Phase I Captain Rex (WBW Clone Wars flashback from Ahsoka), Commander Bacara (Revenge of the Sith), BX Commando Droid (The Clone Wars), Prince Xizor (Shadows of the Empire) as well as a pipeline for Baylan Skoll’s Force FX Elite Lightsaber
It appears that images of the upcoming fan channel exclusive TBS Darth Sidious and Super Battle Droid have leaked on Reddit via a Hasbro Pulse YouTube ad. Look for both of these to go on preorder this weekend.
Update: High-res images after the break
Continue reading Update: Fan Channel TBS Darth Sidious and Super Battle Droid Images LeakAs a follow up to our Rumor Report back in January regarding the return of Count Dooku to the Black Series line, infomation that I have found indicates that was inaccurate and the figure is actually the pipelined Darth Sidious. Sidious will be packed alongside the single packed Super Battle Droid and both figures are fan channel exclusives (like Padme, Anakin, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Phase I Clone Trooper) as they are part of the Prequel “mini-beat”.