Now that we’ve all had time to calm down since SDCC and come to terms with the fact that Hasbro is severely hamstrung by Lucasfilm (which is nothing new in a summer before a film release), we are here to put some lipstick on that puffer pig and remind you of what we can expect* for the rest of the year and beyond by recapping over 30 EXCLUSIVE RUMOR REPORTS that you won’t read anywhere else, and if you do, they were likely reposted/referenced from this site (usually without attribution).
*All rumors are subject to change and/or cancellation by the manufactuer and nothing is confirmed despite evidence of such products in development and/or slated for release. Captain America, nor his ass, endorse this information.
Let’s discuss our rumors in the order in which they happened to get the full experience and try to make sense of how we got to where we are today. Bear with me as this is rather lengthy due to the number of rumors. You can click each article headline to take you to the original article.
More Galaxy of Adventure Products
Date of publication: January 6, 2019
Rumor Summary: New 5″ scale “expression” featuring all new character, vehicle, and beast assortments and replaces the standard 3.75″ basic figure line.
What we know: Hasbro officially confirmed this rumor at SDCC 2019, leaving some scratching their heads at the necessity of this line. The figures themselves are done in the animated style of the source materials but unlike the basic figure line it replaces, these figures are super articulated, employ action features and cost less than the Vintage Collection with at $9.99 MSRP. To be honest, I’m not sure how they managed that as the number of parts required to make up these figures are comparable, and they are a larger figure.
Guess the New Black Series Figures
Date of publication: January 7, 2019
Rumor Summary: A fun post designed to have collectors guess the 3 characters I was hinting at through a series of 12 clues.
Sometimes when I can’t come right out and divulge a bit of info, I like to have the reader/commenters figure things out themselves through speculation or noticing hidden clues within the article itself. This was one such article and it hinted at Yavin Ceremony Luke, Wedge Antilles, and Clone Commander Bly. A later post on May 6 revealed info (UPCs/SKUs) for each figure confirming the tease.
What we know: There is still no official Hasbro announcement of these due to the product embargo mandated by Lucasfilm./Disney until Triple Force Friday on Oct. 4, 2019 or when ever officially coordinated sneak peeks happen prior to that date (example: Sith Trooper Revealed from The Rise of Skywalker).
New Vintage Collection Vehicles
Date of Publication: January 7, 2019
Rumor Summary: 3 Vintage Collection vehicles hinted with 2 being from the Original Trilogy and one from Episode IX.
What we know: This rumor has partially being confirmed as one of these vehicles was the all new Tatooine Skiff arriving to collectors now. At the time of publication, it was unknown if the skiff was all new or a repaint of the existing mold. I think we were all pleasantly surprised with that outcome in both product and price. The other OT vehicles is still rumored/but psuedo-confirmed via Hasbro is said to be Luke’s X-wing. The Episode IX vehicle is still in question.
New 6″ Black Series Figure
Date of Publication: January 9, 2019
Rumor Summary: A figure that is glaringly absent in order to complete the crew of Rebels.
What we know: This is another one of those times where I’ve heard/seen/read specific info for a figure and due to keeping sources safe (domestic and/or foreign vendors, LFL employees etc.) I couldn’t come right out and say what it was. For this rumor, the answer can be found in the text of the article, you just have to read between the lines (or letters). Congrats to those that figured it out.
In the months since this rumor was posted, I’d heard that the figure was cancelled or the method in which it’s being released has changed. I’m still cautiously optimistic as there are a couple vendors that still have a listing for it and now since SDCC when the Hasbro team dance around a potential release, I suspect more of a delay than a full on cancellation. I hope we all hear something definitive before the end of the year as there are a couple of you that hound me after each convention or when a new rumor is posted if there have been any updates on its status.
Move over PhotoReal, Here Comes HyperReal
Date of Publication: February 5, 2019
Rumor Summary: Hasbro preps to introduce a new scale of super articulated Black Series figures, kicking off the line with Darth Vader
What we know: We all know how this rumor panned out as Hyperreal Darth Vader was officially revealed at New York Toy Fair (and unofficially leaked just prior by Amazon) and is set for release this month. Hasbro revealed at SDCC that Luke Skywalker (Bespin) would be joining the line – a rumor which we all broke to the collecting public a few month ago.
MARCH 2019
TVC Luke Skywalker (Yavin Ceremony)
Date of Publication: March 4, 2019
Rumor Summary: Walmart database searching via Brickseek yields the results of an unannounced Yavin Ceremony Luke Skywalker figure for the Vintage Collection.
What we know: This rumor has still yet to be officially confirmed but like the Lando (Skiff Guard) that we exclusively rumored in January 2019, we feel that Yavin Luke is a sure thing as well, the only real thing unclear is its status as a mainline or Walmart exclusive release. We feel confident in the latter.
APRIL 2019
New Black Series Figures Hitting EBGames System?
Date of Publication: April 1, 2019
Rumor Summary: EBGames in Canada had a few E9 launch related Black Series figure pop up in their systems. The coded fggures included Darth Vader, “London White”, “Metallic” and Commander Obi-Wan Kenobi
What we know: Since this article were able to surmise that anything coded with city names translates to products tied directly to Episode IX. “London” is undoubtedly Rey, “Metallic” may be referring to another First Order Trooper that we found info for last month and questions still surround the Darth Vader release but we know for sure that it isn’t the Hyperreal figure, and has that deluxe 6″ price point of $30. Details for Commander/General Obi-Wan Kenobi is known and should be hitting U.S. Walgreens stores in the next month or so.
New TVC Figure Code Names and More
Date of Publication: April 4, 2019
Rumor Summary: Five code names for Vintage Collection figures for Episode IX are revealed as well as listing for 3 additional unannounced characters from the Original Trilogy and Expanded Universe/Legends.
What we know: Since the publication of the original article, we have been able to confirm the UPC info for all 8 figures, and further breakdown who they might be as well. Those figure listings can be found in the Vintage Collection section of our 2019 Master UPC/SKU List.
More “London” is Rey Evidence
Date of Publication: April 9, 2019
Rumor Summary: New roleplay lightsaber listing features the “London” code name further supporting the theory that Rey is the character referenced.
What we know: “London” is still suspected to be Rey and “Oslo” has been uncovered to be “Kylo Ren”. Due to the embargo, everyone is still “officially” in the dark about all product related to Episode IX. We will continue to decipher and much info as we can until the embargo lifts or find other supporting facts to release to the public.
More E9 Black Series Figure Hitting EBGames System
Date of Publication: April 16, 2019
Rumor Summary: 2 new Episode IX Black Series figure names are uncovered via EBGames inventory system.
What we know: Like the previous EBGames reveal, the figures “Dublin N Prov” and “Bruges White” are still shrouded in mystery and officially embargoed, but through research and deductive reasoning we can safely conclude that the latter is a First Order Stormtrooper.
MAY 2019
Date of Publication: May 3, 2019
Rumor Summary: Several listings for a potentially new 5″ scale Galaxy of Adventures products added to our 2019 Master UPC/SKU List. (Products include figures, vehicles and beasts.)
What we know: May was a HUGE month for us in regard to rumors. SDCC 2019 confirmed the our original rumor of the 5″ scale as well as the hiatus of the basic 3.75″ line, leaving the Vintage Collection and Retro Collection lines to represent that traditional action figure scale. SDCC also confirmed some of the products that we listed in our Master List.
UPDATE: New TVC Vehicle
Date of Publication: May 3, 2019
Rumor Summary: A follow up to our original January rumor with new evidence uncovered for a Vintage Collection vehicle for Episode IX discovered via Walmart’s website.
What we know: Still no official or unofficial info on this but we’re closer now with an actual UPC and Walmart SKU to assist in our research.
New E9 and Mandalorian Black Series UPCs/SKUs
Date of Publication: May 3, 2019
Rumor Summary: eight new UPCs and Walmart SKU reveal Black Series product listings for Episode IX, The Mandalorian and Jedi: Fallen Order
What we know: Since the reveal of this info, we’ve been able to ascertain the identities for many of the LFL codes for these figures, including: Kylo Ren, Rey and D-0, Cal Kestis, The Mandalorian. The Sith Trooper was official revealed at SDCC 2019 and we’ve logically attributed the “Bruges Red” code name to that figure.
New Hero Series and Role Play UPCs/SKUS
Date of Publication: May 3, 2019
Rumor Summary: Listings found online for Hasbro 12″ Hero Series line of figures as well as new basic masks
What we know: not much more has developed on these since the publication of the article other that the coded identity for the 12″ figures have been revealed as Sith Trooper and Kylo Ren.
6″ Black Series Yoda (Force Ghost)
Date of Publication: May 3, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPC and Walmart SKU info discovered revealing a new Yoda (Force Ghost) figure from The Last Jedi for Hasbro’s Black Series line.
What we know: Nothing further has developed on this as it’s part of the Lucasfilm’s blanket embargo on new product announcements regardless of whether or not it is directly associated with Episode IX.
6″ Black Series Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi)
Date of Publication: May 3, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPC and Walmart SKU info discovered revealing a new Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight figure from Return of the Jedi for Hasbro’s Black Series line.
What we know: Nothing further has developed on this as it’s part of the Lucasfilm’s blanket embargo on new product announcements. There is a plethora of Luke merchandise this year (and next) due to the Skywalker Saga officially coming to an end in Episode IX. The listing is still active on so we are off the mind that this is still happening.
Interactive D-0
Date of Publication: May 3, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPC and Walmart SKU info discovered revealing a new interactive droid for Episode IX with code name “Limerick”.
What we know: Nothing still, but subsequent discoveries have more directly associated the code name “Limerick” with new Episode IX droid D-O and the code name “Cork” for BB-8.
The Skywalker Saga Two Packs
Date of Publication: May 6, 2019
Rumor Summary: Listings for nine action figure two packs discovered, each pack represents one film in the in the 9 film Skywalker Saga
What we know: Again, no additional development and it has yet to be determined what scale the figures in each pack represent.
HyperReal Luke Skywalker
Date of Publication: May 6, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPC and Walmart SKU info discovered confirming the second figure in the new 8″ scale of action figures.
Rumor Summary: SDCC 2019 confirmed our original rumor with the announcement of the 8″ Hyperreal Bespin Luke Skywalker.
NEW TVC Codes and a Reveal
Date of Publication: May 6, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPC and Walmart SKU info for our previously rumored TVC figure list from April. Report also reveals a new TVC figure rumor – Yavin Ceremony Leia.
What we know: No status update.
New 6″ Black Series Figure Codes and Reveals
Date of Publication: May 6, 2019
Rumor Summary: Five new UPCs and Walmart SKUs for unannounced 6″ Black Series figures.
What we know: No status update here (obviously), but a couple of these figures (Yavin Luke and Wedge) are the answers to hints dropped in original rumor from back in January.
One More Thing….
Date of Publication: May 6, 2019
Rumor Summary: Previously Black Series retailer exclusives getting rereleased through fan channel stores.
What we know: 6″ Commander Gree (formerly a TRU exclusive) was reissued via online sellers like Entertainment Earth, DorkSideToys etc. This week, the Amazon Exclusive First Order Stormtrooper with Gear has been made available through sponsor Entertainment Earth. This practice will continue as we approach the end to the year.
Walmart Exclusive 6″ TROS Figure?
Date of Publication: May 7, 2019
Rumor Summary: An unannounced 6″ Black Series Trooper from The Rise of Skywalker info found via
What we know: Based on previous rumors and speculation, “E9 Bruges Rocket Pearl” is thought to be a Walmart Exclusive First Order Rocket Trooper as seen in the first teaser trailer for Episode IX. No additional info is known at this time.
Star Wars Role Play Scream Saber
Date of Publication: May 7, 2019
Rumor Summary: Info found for a new role plat lightsaber is revealed.
What we know: There are several listings online for this item so I full expect this to be released this year for the launch of Episode IX products. The real question is is it something from the film or just some Hasbro creation to further expand their extensive and popular line of role play items?
More Prequel Black Series Figures
Date of Publication: May 10, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPCs and Walmart SKUs revealed for several new 6″ Black Series figures including Jar Jar Binks, Count Dooku, and Commander Bly
What we know: Sadly, still no further developments on these sought after figures, but hopefully post Triple Force Friday we will get official word on these, if not then, I’d expect something announced at Toy Fair 2020.
6″ Black Series Luke Skywalker (Crait)
Date of Publication: May 15, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPC and Walmart SKU revealed for a 6″ Black Series Luke Skywalker (Crait) figure.
What we know: Hasbro clearly has this version on their radar and thankfully the 3.75″ version is reaching collectors now. Hopefully 6″ collectors will be seeing him around sooner than later.
Two More 6″ Black Series E9 Figures
Date of Publication: May 20, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPC and Walmart SKU info found for 2 new 6″ Black Series characters from The Rise of Skywalker .
What we know: Speculation has run rampant as to whom these figure may reference. The consensus is that “Cairo Grater” is one of the Knights of Ren. The other code-name, “Berlin Leader”, as yet to be deciphered officially but some discussions I’ve had with those in the know seem to indicate that it is for the character Zorri Bliss. Time will tell of course.
JUNE 2019
E9 TVC Wave Update
Date of Publication: June 11, 2019
Rumor Summary: UPCs and Walmart SKU acquired for the first wave of Vintage Collection figure set for launch on Triple Force Friday, plus the discovery of another TVC Luke for 2019.
What we know: Things are starting to fall into place in terms of how waves breakout and who will be available in the line to kick off the marketing juggernaut surrounding The Rise of Skywalker. Like the Black Series wave, figures represented are similar with figures like Rey, a Knight of Ren*, Zorri Bliss* and a Sith Trooper (Rocket Trooper variant). The inclusion of a Luke in the wave is thought be the new X-wing pilot version which was just released as a SDCC Exclusive. This makes a lot of sense (sadly that doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen) based on the rumor of a TVC X-wing coming this year.
6″ Black Series Second Sister Coming Soon?
Date of Publication: June 12, 2019
Rumor Summary: One of the main protagonists from the new Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is rumor to be part of the first wave of Black Series figures set for Triple Force Friday.
What we know: This rumor is slightly different than the rest as the basis for this rumor is built upon someone seeing this figure first hand. Since we already have strong evidence that the hero of the game, Cal Kestis (“FO Cal” in our master list) is in the first wave, logic suggests this character (“FO Trilla” in our master list) will be joining him in October. A third figure, is set to be packed with a special preorder bundle for the game and that figure is thought to be the new Purge Trooper and available exclusively through GameStop in the US.
Another 6″ Black Series Clone Commander?
Date of Publication: June 21, 2019
Rumor Summary: Word through the holonet says there will be another Clone Commander joining the ranks of the Black Series line.
What we know: This is another rumor based on two separate sources that pass a bit of first hand info to us. Those that knew what to look for quickly came up with theories as to which clone I was alluding.
TVC Vehicle Coming for The Mandalorian
Date of Publication: June 24, 2019
Rumor Summary: Info found online for a new TVC vehicle support the new series The Mandalorian.
What we know: As of now, I’ve heard of two potential vehicles slated for release but have only found listings for one with the “Huckleberry” code name thus far. Either vehicle sounds potentially awesome, but until something more definitive crosses my path, I’ll wait before stating my “theory”.
JULY 2019
New Black Series Boba Fett Helmet
Date of Publication: July 10, 2019
Rumor Summary: One day prior to SDCC 2019, we broke the news of a potential Black Series Boba Fett.
What we know: SDCC was kind of a bust in terms of confirming rumors that we’ve had for the year thus far, but this one was right on the money.
A New/Old Imperial Walker In The Mandalorian
Date of Publication: July 24, 2019
Rumor Summary: A new Hot Wheels vehicle listing reveals the return of an old Expanded Universe walker for the new series: The Mandalorian.
What we know: For some time, this Hot Wheels diecast vehicle has been listed simply as “Huckleberry Walker” in certain databases, it is now referred to as the “AT-ST Raider” in Walmart’s system. No word yet if we’ll see this vehicle from Hasbro, but LEGO would probably be a safe bet.
And with that, there is the run down of most of what we know so far for 2019. As you can see there is a lot coming if everything pans out as expected, but there is also plenty more to be revealed. I completely understand the frustration that fans and collectors go through each convention cycle during movie years when the veil of secrecy prevents anything from being shown or even acknowledged. We do our best here to keep collectors informed while protecting sources and reporting on things that are found online with a little time, research and investigation.
All rumors are subject to change and/or cancellation by the manufactuer and nothing is confirmed despite evidence of such products in development and/or slated for release.