Customizer Mega Spotlight


This weekend we spotlight more of the great customizing work being done by Star Wars fans in our forum community.

Leading this off, we have Stocos28, who shines as always with a Twi’lek Jedi, and more which can be seen here.

Next up, we have a great tribute to the vintage bootleg Uzay Headman and several other customs, courtesy of Tonphanan.

After that, try to keep your socks on when you see the Pong Krell custom by Darth Daddy (we are all still wondering why Hasbro hasn’t made this guy yet).

Last by not least, darth naes shows off a killer battle damaged Darth Vader custom from the Dark Horse comics series in his customizing thread.

Toyguide Update: TBS #11 Luminara Unduli


The Yakface Toyguide updates resume with our last entry for wave 2 in the The Black Series 3-3/4″ line. Today, we take a look at Luminara Unduli (#11).

PROS: Surprisingly, this figure is only a slight improvement over previous versions. The articulation is ample and the sculpt and deco are very nice making for decent display piece.,

CONS: On the whole, I find it a terrible “toy”. The headdress limits poseability of the arms so when you raise them, it forces the headdress to lift off of the head. The soft goods cloak is prone to additional fraying and shedding of fibers. The soft goods are too long making free standing the figure a chore at times.

Head to the toyguide for the full image gallery and to judge for yourself whether this figure is worth adding to your collection.

You can also weigh in with your impressions on the figures we add to our toyguide on facebook and in our forums.

Infinite Supply of Movie Heroes Merchandise


Hasbro’s disaster line from 2012 continues to show up at discount stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls – as just today, I saw more of this stuff that wasn’t there just a couple days ago. 

One has to wonder just how much of this stuff Hasbro produced… and it’s hard to not feel that Hasbro’s poor decisions with this line are the prime reason for the change in Hasbro’s business model to switch to cheaper, 5POA figures rather than their official reasoning of “changes in kids’ play habits.”

Battle of Geonosis Battle Packs Coming Soon


As we eagerly await the arrival of the Toys”R”Us Exclusive Battle of Geonosis Battle Packs (revealed in July), here are a couple images showcasing loose shots of each set. Look for these to be available at your local Toys”R”Us store and online soon. Click on through for details on each set. Also, take note that these are currently up for pre-order through for $33.67 each.

Continue reading Battle of Geonosis Battle Packs Coming Soon

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