And Then There Were Two….

The Vintage Kenner line holds a place of reverence for many collectors to this day — especially the first 12 figures. Over the years we’ve received many different iterations of those characters but two have yet to be represented in the “modern scale” of collecting. What better way to usher in the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars than to have a special assortment of figures paying homage to the line that started it all?

Customizer Spotlight: Raylen

Those of you who watch Star Wars Rebels are more than likely  familiar with one of the highlights of Season 2… Captain Rex’s modified AT-TE!

Customizer Raylen has gone to great lengths to customize an AT-TE that would definitely give Hasbro a run for their money if they ever decided to update their Clone Wars version of this awesome vehicle.

Head on over to the forums for a closer look!

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